27423APPLICANT TO FILL IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES - USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTINOBIIILmNG-eLi'CTRIC APPLICATION/PERMIT ItivaxlNc. MECHANICAL BUILDING DIVISION BUILDING PRf IJKCT' IDEN I IFICATION PIiRMIT No. 27423 BUIL INO ADDRF_SS: -- C J UNIT# — LOIN SANITARY NO. APPLICAGON SUBBsdn`I AL DATE 9's OR'/AME: LI O: / L N� ❑ NTROL#`-/ ARCUUE.CT G.I:ER: WC A S: /- 1. / CONTACT: PHONe - S Q.�, FI FL7RIC PERMIT FEE QTY BUILDING PERMIT INFO BLDG ELECT M U MECU PERIAN ISSUANCE ❑ ❑ ❑ . LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION I herebya arm, mint l sm llttmd under pmvieiouof(Chaper 9(cormoenan#villi Semim7000) of 'vI J the Bwinme and f 'au ode, eM my lis. u u full force and // APPLIANCES. RESIDENTIAL PANELS Llanx n N r UP T03fIB AMPS DDiCmTS 201 - 1000 AMPS ARCHfTECTS I) U I ordclsund my plaru shall be uxJ public OVER IBOOAMPS SQ. FT. FLOORAREA E/SO. fT. SIGNS ELECTRICAL Licard PmfviorW OWNER -BUILD ER DECLARATION SPECIAL, CIRCUIT/MISC. I Meby effmm Nat 131 uemg fmn the Cmbamar's Licaee to TEMP. METER OR PORE BTST. city mo ,hith tngrcuwn.enrilosoIrm21. Bmlrevm,..e. sand Code:MYc11Yucowry doom ehtt, improve, delmut t, fi munwe myuirm a Penni, m cores pror 1 he e ti n oars,ed priohoiboxwood, Ith ,M1ovpiumormsuchpmldtto fik. POWER DEVICES ' humin dw he it boxwood IruSeen. ,he) a Eb ma of of Co,"Iner'sUse orsim. and Pre I�w (Clwpw 9( con he is NgwiNSmim ]said the Didsfor t MNe desioaaMRofcuiana Cob) AnyvbWim of or don heir 1.by iya,,lwn said the buUfm Neter de Sation]011t wunla,d eantfuepcmd, aubj¢ude epptiau bacivil pvmlryM SWIMMMO POOL ELECTRIC VALUATION Gv OUTLETS-SWITCHES-FIX'RIRES Fee mr mxe Nen five hwulmd dollars ($5 00). ❑ I,uwlwrofNcpmlarty.mmyemploymwiNwagcauNensokcar,pautim. STORIES YMCONSTRUMION NEW RESIDENTIALELECTR _SQ. FT. will do EmceeduoRuedfmmlepply ]B14,Busioms wok, ad Ncrs, fe end Profmsiau Calc: TTe Conuamm'a I.icrnx Isw does na epplY to an owry of Coreis oo pmpcny who builds minyaovcs thenan,eM whodomsuchwork hiw ifar Nrwgh hu em if. lairuendcduoxcld fusvotea- OCC. GROUP RFS. ITS hebuddieiddNnlauchlmi,sold within budder s,theset, to burimpmvememixion withina Yearofimpim,Neower- builJer will Mve the bores of Imving,bat he did ux build m improve fur punpme of TOTAL QTY. PLUMBING PERMIT FEE uk.). ❑ I.uowneraftle pvpeny, annea<lu+iwlycm,uaning wlNlicemd cmVKbAIo FLOOD ZONE APN o ,.t the Folecl (Sec 44 ]0, Business and Pran afeadCo4:) The Cmmassit a license,awd nn,eplJy,ounowneroflxo whob "mimlmveN ,.d PERMFT ISSUANCE who cmme,M fawch Mm" with Ccomreeml(s) Ikemd foment to the Cormosemis Us. Lew. ALTER - DRAIN A VENT - WATER (EA) FEE SUMMARY ❑ I em e.emp undm Sec. , R A P C for Nia renwt BACK FLOW MOT ECT. DEVICE, IU SANITARY Y Ow— Doc DRAWS- FLOOR, ROOF, AREA, COND. RECEIPTY WORKMAN COMPENSATION DECIARATION ❑ Thereby affirm Ilio,loveattnifa,a nlrnnxnt,u xlf-imuw,aactttificve of mvm .ell amPcnuu wld unaneem• mild copy thereof (Sa.3S00,�bC.)whieh Ihlicy((/� SCIIGOLTAX YN RECEIPTN RX URFS PPA TRAP PARK TEE YN RECEIPT 0 GAS - EA. SYSTEM -1 PVC.4 OUTLETS BUILDING DIVISION FEES CmmIwY ❑ Cmu t OAS -EA. SYS]F.M-OVER4 (EA) PLANCfECK HE ❑ Csnifd mPY is file hde city iluprcum diviaim. GRFASFJINDUSTIU. WASTE INTERCEPTOR GRADING FEE CERTIFICATE OFETIMPIION FROM WORKERS COMPINSATION INSURANCE GREASE TRAP - SOUS FEF. SEW ER. SANITARY - STORM EA. 200FT. ENERGY FEE (This smiml need nut be Cmpild ifthe Panmil is faune bundeed dollan(S I00) or Tru) WATER UEAT W(VFJ/ CTR Iccnify Nat in the pesfomunaofthe wat fur which Nia Penni, is issue, I atoll w, mopley any pmon in any minder w M to become subject to dhe Wutm.' Canpertmtian ,sus of Califomie. Dew Applicant WATER SYSfEM/IREATIl,G PAID Date Receipt# NOTICE, IYI APPLICANT:If, net nuking this Cerifteate of Escmptime, you should becosle subjm to,hc Whets Compunaum pnovi'donsof the Ludy Code, You mtw NEW RESIDENOAL"B. SQ, ET. TOTAL. BUILDING FEE finohwiN comply widt such pmvisimes or Nis permit neat be leenwd revotd. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY SEISMIC FIB I herchy affirm Pot men, u a mnsmraim lending agency fm the pMumuee M TOTAL: _ E.I.ECTR IC FTE Ne wort for which this pemd, is issued (See, 1 7, Civ. C.) Lendcts Nese I<fhr'a Addrev QTY. MECFANICA RMIT FEE PLUMBING FEE I certify tot I have read this applimmut and awe IMI the above infarmetion is PERMIT ISSUANCE MSCI IANICAL FEE area.Lague to mnply wlN all city ad camryadiwee and swelawsrcla,Teem building eons,mnim, and Meby i m uriee refaeco adives of Jds clry meal upon the shave-mdse rnoned pro, fsr impeclion purfmxs. ALTER OR ADD ECU. CONSTRUCTIONTAX (We) nose to uw, ind mnify end keep Mrmlea,he Cry of Cupenino against liabiliucs.fud ;a,.0 ex ' anyway gamn.mt City ��o AIRHANDLI UNIT(rOW, Axt 4/ me a/�(/1/y�� AIX HA LINC UNIT (OVER 10 ) Si w,uwofA unVCm,mnu Dow Sr HOOD /DU PAID UEA G=(TO 1, TU) its De,e Rettig,N BAZARDOIIS MATPAIAIS DISCLOSURE Will Nc apptium or fmuw building occugn, nine or handle Mrardoue ma,viel as defined by de Ce some Municipal Code, Chapter 9.12. and de HaIN and Salary IIEATIN NIT(O ,00(1 BTU) is, TOTAL: ' Cade, Sx6ca 25512(s)T VEA TILATI FAN (SING ' RISID) ❑ Yes ❑ Na Will the npplicantafutuw oilJilp ucvpantuxryuipnen,udcimwhich ami, hmdoui air coma nioenu u defuse by the Bay Ana An Quality Mamgcmcn, Do Vlell BOILER -COM HP O0. IIXI,IpO BLV) ISSUANCE DATE BOILER -COMP (0\-100,000 BTU) ❑ Yes ❑ No /� C V NEW RESIDENTIAL 1, ISQ. FT. 1 Mve lead IM hassrdam m ncriala Mmikemau unto C x pmu 6,95 of Ne Cdiromie I Ica1N & Safe,Y Cade, Secdam 23505, 233J1 and 25514. 1 mein ..n Na, i f,he bedding doa not eunemly Mw. krem. Jw it is my leyumilnlilY to wlifY d¢ acupent of the Ic9uilenema which must theme: prim le isv .f. Ced ifica a of Ixe„par,ey Nf CII L/r `- s -I N NO ISSUED 0,e er a aentionzd aka, Uwe TOTAL: OFFICE