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_4 CITY OF CUPERTINO. - .'PE NO. - BUILDING DIVISION ' PERMIT 9 0 t IO / ,U_ Q 1+�� BUILDING ADDREF.g ., f� /JJ _ L I : - - /\r\fNQ�Y' ew±n?�, I. /7GI�; SANITARYNO. APPLICATION SUBMITTAL DATE /3C0 1JishArrLhetM i OWNERSNAME: N � /s CONTROLX /� [A/�[�1� x FJXf141 N'1 l.�-3 O(J: '� ❑ { . IONC ' ARCHICT/ GINEERkq(trrU_ 0A B I •RAdI`$TNF. 1 _ t H y LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION • - OD IhertbYaHirmthallemlmcnsW ndapronuonaafChepler9(corlme g „ - Job Description _ L: with Smdon9000)of Divrsion3ofl BusinissaM feuions Cade,"Mylicen i 55 0 fu C, License CI ' X cut A'v 3 a N 'Daicl Contracmr LL O a ARCHTTEC7S DECLARATION y Q 1 admanal eny plans shall be used u public recalls p�o Licensed Pmfeasimul •• / t" .r y 1 - , OWNER-HUR.DER DECLARATION ' / C. I hereby effrm that l em eaempr from the Con[rutor'v License Lew=,11 . rhe (� f D failowin8 realm.(Section 7031.5.business and professions Cade:AnY ci county w m whichYeyuM1es a permit to construct firer,improve.demolish,or repo Y vmlcnue - ei 3_ prim to ifs issuance,also reyuims Om epplicen[fonucM1 pemdua EI. gmdalns. Sq. PL FIOOC�AreH ValUatlOn Q�f that he is licensed punwmmthe pmvisians of The Coneadar'sV an Law •Q '—"�� n(comma ingwidnSection7")dfUivision3oftheBminess dProfesslomcax)m APN Number Occupancy e Out he is eumpf therefrom end The buss for Ne elkged in ...Any violation of / P Y TYP Section 703M by any applicmf for a pemdt subjects ppliunl to a civil penalty afx ,Em more them five hundred dollars(5500). r lLasownerof Nepmpmwarnijamplaymp wages a their vole comamuiam _ Require n ections will da the work.and Neswclure is nm inm moReredfonele(SeiJ044.Hunimvs W Profusions Cade:The Contractor's use law does not apply m m owner M ' A properly who badds re improve thaie ,end who dens such work nrmsalf err IM1mugh a / , his awn employers pravhbal th.I a impro ements.ere not intended m oRertd for • 6 sale If,however.the building or vermntls said within one yell of completion,Om n air builds wOl have the to inof par'"" ro BN fheddnot build impmvefa Pur pose of sale) « x I . Les owner of Ne Pr nY•air eadus IY cmtr ung w W liana mnlnc[M m 1 onspuct Ne Drojem ]Od<,Busineu end Professions Code)The Conuicrors Li- y V - eeme Isw dens no pply tr en owner of property who build.or improves thereon,end' e - whamntnefsf uch projects with m N a contractors)licensed pursumt e ConVKlot. - • ❑lame mp[undu Sa.. ,B&PCfor this roes ��� Ow r DeKER'S a Bust? . l; d WORCOMPENSATION DECLARATION t Y e 1n and wantrounderpenelryeaperjorymmofthefollowing arker Co f" El IM1av< dwell mei m acro fate of Continuo aelbimurcf Workers Compen-work o n .pro dad for by is board, 3]00 of Ne Lahrr Code,f Ou pert mora of the - _ •. ' kfwhichNls pe I sued - LICENSE ''QQ``1 have end will roes,n he rkd s Compensation Imumme lee. d by Sett id. Q7NIof Nppeii,,Lebor gC�M�g�f q{the p��ceerppfortnaeel{{lr�c�e��rro,f u��,e��,,wppart far��iywr�n heflehtspermitis i.suM �• ' MymeoAk311 Can-_pp_ _ ylran rerl11"Po11�Noynnl Al :NI '� I��C�ERUTD'I�C OOFEXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' , mma ® _ COMPENSATION INSURANCE s ( UIRL ThissauonneednwhcompleledifNcp itisfo;mchud dollam(SIOD) or lean. ' ' I cetifY that in the performance ofthe work for which this peita is issued,l shall• not employ any perssoman�ni�n�enY mm��lenet w to become him,.the Workers'Compen- - - sell .Laws Applicant /�` a In . . NOTICE TO APPLICANT:4r.fter milting this Cardfiam of Related.,you should become subject rn the warkels Compenutioe provisions of the Leben Code,you must fnthwith comply with such provisions err mil pcmih shall be domed rc6okW. CONSTRUCTION LENDING AGENCY. O Q. I hereby eRrn that them is.constructionlatim',inicy forthepM eat r .Zi Ne went for which this permit is issued(Sm.3097,Civ.C.) ' .y Lender's Name _ Ladies Addrt ' ' , ., ' r• I certify that I>='my s application en e Out the shove Infuriation ie rrst.I agra to comity end y mulmin cu and.um laws mlosing to . . z building conewctim. arcprcsemenvea oflhis city to enmrapon NeabovemenrionW prapctim purposes.(We)a ify and kap harmless to City of Cuatimi against •S O,U liabiliuu,' nu,casts and expenses which may in any a,..e affairs,said City - W in mote of the grantin6 of this permit. FIL.CANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY W ITH ALL NON-MINT - U z SOURCEREGULATI S. igpewre of APPlic onRDO - Dam J �. A.�7�w�r . RAZARDOUB MATERIALS nampo DIBCLOSURE Will the.Cuperfor nofmnrc ip.] ode Chas 9.12,ore handle HeaidoaadSuball Re-roofs - •• ev defined io the Cupemfio Municipal Code Chaptu 9.12,end Ne Health ad Safety - Code.Sectianz553z1a1 ', - -/ ". Type of Roof Will the applicerl o,future building"consul nae equipment or devicns which All foofs shall be inspected'prior to any roofing riiatefial being ' em it haraidous, a it marrinarts,,d W by the Be,Arca An Quality Menigement installed. If a roof-is Installed without first obtaining an inspection °``°"" ve all new materialsfor inspection: Applicant e ❑Yes g (have reed the hazaidme mamriale requircmems under CTaplerb93 of Nc Cali- understands.And will comply with'all non point source regulations.. fmnii,docs a Safmy Coda e.sea 25505 35533 and]5534 I to ouni and Nat if Om It - .. ,. mfth gtine sa,hi Ymoltieenam,ihoul'smy ruponsibil'tymnmifY the occupant nl�fs�A11I O)14--, of th< tine .wht must ,gree m issuance of a Cmi&em M iuy. /1 L+�'s rt'`y�_'!rf`�1I "�AAA/AAk (signature of cant Date Owner or euthariz e 1 - Dem 1. _ Alf,roof coverings to be Class'`B".or better OFFICE.., MEt 186 1p / e. /- z6• B0 B B '- 24'-0" I BECKW B% n 981-0" ILLUMINATED 24'/18'CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAYS PL, l NI-T�:RUP NORTH ELEVATION SCALE. DA7T m IN Arm" g„r' ' r'E WITH THE CITY DF � kFUIKV '•PERTINO 'COPES AND ORDINANCES �18 c SIGNED — // ihlS < �� c�--_ - ` �i ry-y;y�• :`gip oe k NI lar;t, tr_ r "1e�and it is un 24..4” sen3e J L;, ;;,,, MAR 17 2000 _...... �I ':a;e 181 � � 981-0" ILLUMINATED 247/%r CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAYS SOUTH ELEVATION •�� MAR 1 6 ZOOO SCALE:3/32"=1'-0' � �I �N © SEA 1998 1-21 —lzz;�PAGE_7.OF 3 °Mrswm rsw„M+� - CUPERTINOf CA' superior ENmenm, Project HOLLYWOOD VIDEO CUSTOMER APPROVAL Mqv pnunl uw n mmet➢m -Ne Nun,afTvaMvtrsaq.v” n Address SARATOGA SUNNYVALE RD. - 9 no °: .gym ae•e or No. PLEASE NOTE'ALL PRINTED COLORS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE INDICATED 562495.3868 .,bn.wnanom nr ww 'a .va°w�'zme Contact ----------- or;; 99-09-0438-03 SPECIFICATIONS.AND MAY NOT BEAN EXACT MATCH TOACTUAL COLORS USED. 552435.1867 FAX 1766 w.+tAn"n.lm Acct.Myr. RANDY POTTS�r9•,y,.�i•"se.rtO10�v' REX BRegN6 LnuEv pRe,awgl-Crur.Na spi emwsm es°n onr ixa sn".e o^�� -° ;' Designer . . n9 eweN,CA 9681}1195 4Ton5nu:fep�n a.mn_w ++s ar mere:wen .nMn o'M: m m scale AS NOTEDI Date 12-20-99 Tvae CD 7 71/ZI I �4-'I 2'0' 8 8 DD L 1 IL" ILLUMNATED 24"48'CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAYS - TWO(t)SETS REQUIRED SCALE., 17`_1 SPECIFICATIONS: LISTED SIGN OR SKIN SECTION(CCNSIST5I OMMNNEL LETTERSATTACHED TO ENCLOSURE ELECTRODE RECEPTACLES,TRANSFORMER,TUBE STANDSAW DISCONNECTSWITCH, LETTER S ARE S'DEEP CUSTOM ALUMIN UM PAN C HANNEL CONSTRUCTION. iFPROWDEo)SUITABLE FDR CUTDOOa LOCATION) LESS MARKED FOR INDOOR Or>LY. FACES ARE ACRYLIC PLASTIC WITH BLACK 3/4"TR IM CAP EDGE CONONUDUSSHEETMETAL RETURNS PAINTED TO MATCH DUPONT IMRON 5000(PRE-COATED BLACK RETURN) RACEWAYVVfTH SHEET METAL CODER INTERIORS PAINTED REFLECTIVE WHITE f 5� DlscaNI ECT SWITCH RACEWAY PAINTED TO MATCH FASCIA I TYPICAL 1 THRU WALL PLASTIC FACE-► / SOLTSWRH2k2Y1e' /1 "HOLLYWOOD"COPY FACES TO BE 3116"732B WHITE ACRYLIC - ' STEELANGLE BRACKET CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATED VIA 99'(DOUBLE TUBE)15m 6500 WHITE NEON TSE STkND _ RACEWAY TO BE 8"x 13'4" TYPICAL 2~imnM'sTEEL FOUR(4)75001.10 TRANSFORMERS @ 2.25 AMPS EACH REQUIRED aAN—GLE—IR,ONcamNues "VIDEO"COPY FACES TO BE 2793 RED ACRYLIC ELECTRODE PRIMARr EiEcrwca. CHANNEL LETTERS ILLUMINATED VIA 46'(DOUBLE TUBE)15mm CLEAR RED NEON RECEPTACLE ° SOURCE Ir CONDUIT RACEWAY TO BE 8"x 6'-0" I i _ �� MINMUM.(METAL SHOWN) REF:NEC 60D6& NEC 600-21 TWO(2)7500130 TRANSFORMERS @ 2.25 AMPS EACH - �"� jLL ONE 120V 20A SIGN CIRCUIT REQUIRED-TOTAL CURRENT13.5AMPS - TRANSFORMER ©LISTED tYt�116'ALUMINUM SQUARE �.r�t O"� TUBE WELDED FRAMING Nx1.c.0=m�A j © SEA 1998 *�•^•^°^�w�A e•-�=•.b PAGE 2 OF 3 super ior :gym:•4==% 1— Pro)ea HOLLYWOOD VIDEO- CUPERTINO,CA CUSTOMER APPROVAL electrical advertlslng a ^"^°"' ° Adtlress SARATOGA SUNNYVALE RD. oes �mee "° n°mwo.a Knee 9 PLEASE NOTE:ALLPRINTED COLORS ARE REPRES ENTATIONS OF THE IN 5c2{953BO8 v:. "•M��c1 e�^'1 e� �A^� COO[BLI --��"--" PhDDE --��-���- SPECIFICATIONS.AND NAY NOT BE EI(gCT MATCH TO ACTUAL COLORS USED. 562435.1857 PAX nava .n.e �,,.,e,.�M„,,,av;, 99-09-0438-03 �ieiu,.1,-��•� ..,.n".,,,." 1700 West Ae.n:.e s., w"'°•^•E�^^"^• "` Acct Mgr. RANDY POTTS DeNg-rREX B. Reg.No. acv aMu�nw� Lane e.ecn,eA s0nsn05 wn.,.,msen.m.a non=e. AS NOTED Date REI 12-20-99 TYPD CD aEvQaOo.os-aoe"n.,.u°.Nn.n.n ----------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- nA I , 8 8 '•• 1Novae ILLUMINATED 24710" CHANNEL LETTERS ON RACEWAYS HOLLYWOOD ; VIDEO i , t MOR7 "--1 --------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------� SITE PLAN SCALE:NTS m SEA 1998 PAGE 3 OF 3 Pro'ect superior m N�wl m` .b HOLLYWOOD VIDEO- CUPERTINO, CA o-,s•ns ew.Da�..".µn�np "'"""" "'"'" " CUSTOMER APPROVAL m -"mom p I,a EIECYfICelOOVErti5i0g{ m °-" °°""e a°` "�mupl"°! Address SARATOGA SUNNYVALE RD. Oe.ig.NO. PLEASE NOTEALLPRINTH COLORS ARE REPRESENTATIONS OF THE INDICATED 50:2195.3808 m•m—M, n-tlungnp p�wwrs Contact ��- ---- PhDrw -- 99-09-0438- 3 SPECIFICATIONS,AND NAY NOT BEAN EXACT MATCH TO ACTUAL COLORS-USED_ 552135.1957 FA}[ m `^ atr oaruu^mauu�»y 1799 waa An.N.lm SS»e '� �^ ^smo 9^ Acrot.Mgr. RANDY POTTS �SgNBr REX B. Reg.No. REV e'm.,sp-cp...a L""p ,G905 }118 � _etr L LVrPaEw pB pil}Op Eunw,ap uunavanp prsaa[ pn µs o El[. Scale AS NOTED CD7 FROM CAL FIIIRNCIAL MGPINT / ItiCILU s Wa• s:. ... 1494 14: 37 F'. 1 Vrrl,l) Y � {WMiw/ 114 ..Ls• NIa 1.4. 644 (2.C',•.0 n J' Vyic1. 0' •(_I�.•yr � .• .f•W►t14M N.NL.. •. M.N. , 49r•1. fn ANN TALL FLt. Ow ,k .r• j V KS1..• ' f fl • 1 741_0' �lr/ 417P z iEl i op Itc� 1 Pt1i� L Y t ` r � (� gp{� '! N l lTil• Ham. M " • ' �" "� 71.'e4 / y '' l' � .._�•1 ..i_..`�� 4d �� ll/ � __ 1�-/r.. -I{ M�`�•ti w t 10 •A �J1�; J3"- QJ e NI,It \�,\�, •u1y 1� S I �• V � n�� k+ � b ' �� � 31 ! fer��..� fit:,. �! ,r I 1��p1�_\ �'1d r • • 3� a N' t•• �. / I1 r9/'. 1 / s/ rri lei ! r F7 HN'01 oV f 1 1 '/-vlJ,ul-It-9'4• 'ftp loft,.','. �:v i� ,\ ;it ' •�F 3 �' ,1�� l• f . rI :e`, , •�� Z � Thy,��:'� iipi 1 1 i� 7 ^� C D u�►t !F r/ f i . �. J•�, a ,I +a•� ��j .3 6 o � fs A,I'voef �r f t� , 1 �• fir•.'., 1•,, r' ' '1 't�•/, '� u, r S q •� .. ( r ,1 d,1 t >It t ,,1t:.,-.. Si^'r .. �i:vutiild. 1 Ir ', 1., . fi +� , •, 1, is Hd 'r(^Cr •st/t''„1' !9 ii;y),I '1'. V I 1 J.,;+ �j►s ;p r ! j N•'' N•9'9/'te"• ' filo.eioPk � Iy lb « e 1' � C l t��<Iln � 11II,�- '[►�•anDl^P. CP.. • *.*E N Dtww