01120088 Permit CITYDIGDIVISION2 BUILDING PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10050 S DE ANZA BLVD HOWARD WRIGHT CONSTRUCTS N CO. 01120088 OWNER'S NAME: APPLICATION SUB DATE 'CUPERTINO HOTEL ASSOCIATES, L PIER 9, THE EMBARCADERO 12/20/2001 'HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. (206) 447-7672 ca-0 re0 O ARCHF]ECGENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INFO w- BLD ELECT PLUMuB MECH fn<� ELL I_I Z h= LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION Job Description O -o I hereby affirm that 1 am ns liceed under plo mvisns of Chapter 9(commencing p ml_w with Section 7M)ofDivitems 3 or theBusincssand Professions Calc add my license HOTEL & RESTAURANT Y; rs in fulLmrce and el mal L se Cluss- - Lic.x VALUATION BASED ON ACTUAL CONTRACT AMT a�3 u ate Consmaor HITECT'S DECLARATION T I understand my plans shall he used as public records fd w a ce O Licensee Professional ce OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION 1 naso affirm[ns 1 1. eBusin from Ne C Professions o License Law for the h 0 following reason. emiiot lonsu Business and Pmfderoli Code:Any city or county' ante o whim requires n Permit re consumer,alar,iinfar such demranno 1 fit, repair any structure _; -pit s t ' I m9 . the applicant for such permu fl aug ra shandamoo to t'he is licensedwocuum,to the previsions of fic,ContractorL (Chapter 9 r. Sq.Ft. Floor-Area yq- 5. ;r, 'Valuation (c with Se tOoina) fDlvsonor t[ncOusines. dProfessions COJI t 't+ tats,.- sI V• . tC .0 Cn. t• .4 or that b is g with m ren o and thebassi far the alleged is p[i n Any violation - -of Secdon 7036.5 by any applicant for a permit sublets me applicant to a civil Penalty Of not mare than five hundred dollars($51x11. umberf^ 11 '. Occupancy Type ❑Las owner ofthe propers,sir my employees with wages as duirsole compensation, - AUp 2 6 2002 wll d the work.and the wctu e'is rintended' r offeredforI (See,"7044 - - IN - --- .- -. Business and'ProfetonsCod TheContractor's L< L e of apply to 102 Required Inspections PIERS q P L -I Ins '• Owner f progeny Who builds or imP fremon,and who does such work himself - oun far pl y es.provided th, hat t. tintended o 103 UFER -offered far 1 If M1 thebuilding -p ovemem IJ ',h year of - - "' -'_- - "" """' "--' .--.----.. - Completion,the owner sadder w ll have the burden of proving that he did not build or 104 - REBAR - improve for purpose ofsale.). 105 — ANCHOR BOLTS I:asdwner ofthct(SeenY.am Business and mrxtisiona odenxdcommcmrsat 106 — SEWER & WATER _ - � I - construct the does Iappl to a Business and Pmfecsions Coley Thr Contmrcon. r ' and,veLawtractnota to bwleserrimDounmothe 202 — UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING " _ C .-an apply Progeny who),IicemeJ.Dursuam.[o she. -_---.-- eo�aanorsLiemselaw.. - "203 ='-UNDERFLOOR- MECHANICAL" ---- ---"— w o.contracts or such projras with a commcmrts ❑I am csent in undgr;Sd. ;' .IS&P c rogmt reason 204 — UNDERFLOOR l' FRAME A! DaiS "• 205 — UNDERFLOOR INSULATION- WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION nmbY,r ndrrp meyofpr 301 — ROUGH PLUMBING jry onr:dnne rouowing eeelararions: 302 — TUB & OR SHOWER O 1 havd'und will 'maioin a Certifioute of Content to .self-insure for\Vorkcr's 303 — ROUGH MECHANICAL •r Compensation: as provided for by-Section 37W of-she Lab« Calc, for the = performance of the work forwni<nthis penniasissued 304 — ROUGH ELECTRICAL ❑1 have and'will maimain Wmker'f Compemartiun Insumntt,ai r=quimd by Section 305 - FRAME - '3]00 of the Labor C"'de,for dit performance of the work'for which this permit is m carrier naPor<rnumberara .' 306 — HOLDOWNS ,ser J MyWorkersC µz,ty Insurance , d are ..,.... - ' oh=yna xnIG 266 100,113 10 307,. .: . INSULATION -, • ; .�-•.._..-_. .__-__. CF. T ICATION01:EXEMPTION FROM WORKLRS f ^ '308 ° -'[SHEETROCK r_- COMPENSATION INSURANCE ' .. :.._.._.. ._ _.-_ � -._ 309: ;::EXTERIOR CPTH ' (Th<tin on need a,,,be ce mplered if the perm t is for one hundred dollars . . - - .T , 10111 )or ir.s,i 310 — INTERIOR LATH ; -.. Ic tir 'bar in th rform i rat krr4 nm - - '311 — —SCRATCH",COAT 'shill not employ any person in any man s at Id betom tubye [a.he warkarsl 313 - ROOF NAIL. - `I . Compensation Laws of Calitemia.Date to �Appl'c�` " 501 - —--FI-NAL--ELECTRICAL ENERGY —........ .... . . . NOTICE TO APPLICANrlt:afar nak gln Ccfifea [Exemplwn.youkhould ,I 'become bI dmtheWorke sC mpeasmonp' 'sionsolm Lalal Caleyo must 502 — FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY zfarm thplywlm rnp .' 4thp tnllheJ a ked 503.. .—. .FINAL.-MECHANICAL-.ENERGY.- CONSTRUCTION.� r LFNurvcncENCY 504 — FINAL BUILDING ENERGY: t `'t• ' g erg np for the performance Ih n'farm �.� onn wmcnth 1"ne leading cv.c, 505- — FINAL ELECTRICAL p nn t' d Q 'Le J N'mc .•� ' "ned IS<c J09T..__. _. ... .. Z) z Lender,Add'ss,• 506 — GAS TEST . •Iccnifythat lhave read this application and irate that the above information is' 507 - FINAL PLUMBING <orren.I agree to comply with all city and coumv ordinances and state laws relating -C V 10 Wildingcons,ruction,andnerebyaushdrizcieprcsenm[ivec of[hiscitymcmcrupo508 — FINAL MECHANICAL he a tinpd property f cpon purposes. 5 0 9 — FINAL GRADE 4 A. IWel agreeto dem fy and keep hatades [tie City of Cupertino aatns[ Vi liab Imes judgments.costs, d expensesh h.may iany y ccmc against said 510 — FINAL I V City re y cei if g r gofm p mu. - 9PPL14 L\C. > S A\D WILL COMPLY WITH ALLSO A ser}' _KEGL � 7 Issued S Date ,gnawre of Appumn✓cammcmr M. :. S • Datff�3 r Re-ro - ROOF BATTENS HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE usd' whin plwmm or tontine building p m,a.m a,handle hiamm srd[r l -Type.c6lk4of,. ROOF ..IN-.PROGRESS ne .., ld bYth Cpesn9M Municipal Chapter 91 dtheH Imnd Smty - < D- "" •• ----•-'--'- '-- 'Cod Section 255311 a' - ' 'I .•_ ti All roofs shall be inspectedprior[o afiy,roofing,material.being,Installed,,_-_ _ W B theapplicant orfurroximilding contereart use equipment or den,icer which' If a roof is installed without first obtaining an mspectfon'q'agree to'remove epon hucirrous air contarpdnam�ali d bythe BayArc.lAirQualily Marapor,am Dillirill0Y ONall new materials for inspection Applicant understands and will comply with all non-point source regulations. 1 hale read,h h...ifiia,m'ter a I. rey nems under Chipmr 695 of the _ Cal fom a Health&Safety Code.Sections 25505 25533 and 25534.I undemand that if me Wilding doss,am currently have minim.that is is my msDonsibili,v,o natify the - -- 'occupum of,he requirements xhich mus[W ren pi lar,o ivsuanee of a'Cenificare of ., . Occupancy. ' - Sidr.onature of Applicant u PP Date All roof coverings to be Class "B" or better Ownerorpumonzee Sent Date .. " . . OF CITY DIVIISSIION�OPERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: BUILDING ADDRESS: PERMIT NO. 10050 S DE ANZA BLVD HOWARD WRIGHT CONSTRUCTION CO- 01120088 OWNER'S NAMF,: APPLICATION SUB DATE /'KIMPTON HOTEL/RESTAURANT GRP PIER 9, THE EMBARCADERO 12/20/2001 HONE: SANITARY NO. CONTROL NO. s 009 _ 57 _ (206) 447-7672 GW-Z ARCHI ECI7ENGINEER: BUILDING PERMIT INTO 02 heade'�c'^N BLDG ELECT PLUMB MECH a t v Ls l/, L] LJ LJ L_7 LICENSED CONTRACTOR'S DECLARATION y 1 hereby affirm that I am licensed order - Job Description Oi— yu provisionsofeCoil 9(I license kc,5j with Swtion90oo)ofDivision 3ofthe Business adProfessionsCWe.andmylicens< HOTEL & RESTAURANT a m f< is m liar move and erceet __-roa License n uc.x VALUATION BASED ON ACTUAL CONTRACT AMT O i V Date Commcmr txr+? LL H ARCHITECT'S DECLARA ION I-�ON vc I understand my plans shall be used as public records an O O Licensed Professional x o u OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION u+_v I hereby affirm that I am exempt from the Contractor's license Law for me L:z a following reason.(Section 7031.5.Business and Professions Cade:Any city or crafty Y 2 O which requires a pconot lin construct,alter,improve demolish,or repair any swcmre ek ca ek 3'9 poorb ifs issuance.also requires be applicant for such pemtit m rile a signed statement Na ha is licensed pursuant to the provi ions of the Contractor's License Law(Chapter 9f ,Sq.tFI. Floor•Are , .••( uation m (comencing with Section 70XB of Division 3 of the Business and Professions Code) — f:, ,xg'r_a or Out he is ex6puhemfrom and the basis for the alleged exemption.Any violation of Section 7031.5 by any upphlarl fora permit subject the epplicm t to a civil penalty lir ort room mamnse honamd arnars fasW). 369R�udjblll er Occupancy Type ❑Lrcesnerrnhepmpeny,or my employees with wages as their sole compensation. 1 01 _ —will do the-work.'and the structure is not intended or offered for sale(Secrm.u. _ . •' ;,'. Business and Professions Code:The Comeacmr's License law does not apply to an 102 - PIERS Re qlured Inspections' owner m proper Who builds or imprmes thereon,and who docs such work himself or through his own employees.provided that such improvemcros are not inmodcd or 10 3 - UFER ,offered'for sale If n -' th 'buildingar Improvement W: th 'one Year or -.- -' .. impletion,mow en= builderwillfavemclodenorprovngthathedanotwldlir 104 - REBAR ,' . .' -IN ; . completion, 105 - ANCHOR BOLTS _.., - - conferring licensed�onvac7o�m ..- . .. ._ ... ..... _ - ❑Lasowner°fthep(Sec.7am Business and 106 'SEWER & WATER �3i.- � - '--- -- --- _ conswa the project(Sec. to a Business and Professions Code)The Centered.,thereon. s 1_ License Lawdresnrtupplymanownerrrpropummo),liceoeimpmveaereon. 202 - UNDERFLOOR PLUMBING .,and who Livens Law. ch.pmjms wim.a.commcmgs7 licensed.pursuant.m the, ' . crmmeroPsLi«nselaw. , .. , - 203 _ UNDERFLOOR-,MECHANICAL' - 0 lam exempt order Sec:' `:B&,PCratio,reamn 204 - UNDERFLOOR''FRAME•"' owne, Date205 - UNDERFLOOR INSULATION "WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION --- ' Ineeby arfi,m onaer,xnahy rrp<rjory line lir m�mBrwing a«lamtirns 301 - ROUGH PLUMBING 302 - TUB & OR SHOWER = ' 0 1 have and will maintain a Cemficate of Cr000mt 1. alpinism for Worker. 3 03 - ROUGH MECHANICAL Compensation, as provided for by Section 37W of the labor Cod, for the roo perranee°limeworkforwhichamssermpisissued. 304 - ROUGH ELECTRICAL _ - ❑1 have mol will maintain Worker's Compensation Insurance,as restudied by Secrion 305 - FRAME 37W or the labor Code,for the se'romanh or the work for which this permit is issued Mr w kers c ps ... m$r cam and Por y x m: 306 - HOEDOWNS ... ... _.,_ _._.. JkLPrI Ysr.WG �CY14KIbl� - 307.. :INSUliATI,ON.`. .,, CERT (CATION OIr EXEMPT ION FROM WORKERS" - 1 t{ r COMPENSATION INSURANCE 1 308 —• SHEETROCK'• •' - 3.09.,.._ EXTERIOR,..LATH" . -.... - -- - —' - . ... (Ths arIew,reel rot be c... letedf the Permit is for one hundred dollars a1 W)ro=ss.I .- _ 310 - INTERIOR LATH ` , 313 = °ROOF NAIL ' -- 1 cert list[hat i m-p try ni rk tali wmm'thispermit is t:red'i 3'11�' SCRATCH-.COAT'- - •shill met plY -yf o - , a asmbecome bl n,the Workers .'t, Compensation Laws of Cal Toni a.Datil NAIL - Applicant TO APPLICANT:If.ane making this Certificate of E.amptmn,you - - 501- --FINAL-ELECTRICAL--ENERGY--- -- —- ---- --- wd Opbecomeobject 1.beWrkers Cape..honp 'stuns bf me labor Code;you most 502 FINAL PLUMBING ENERGY forthwith ply'with.such 'rnsrm p 'tsnwll,eacemedrevrk`d _-_, 503- -_...FINAL MECHANICAL..-ENERGY. - _ ... r - .'CONSem is a 10N LENDING AGENCY _ \ In by rcirmmtm 'xa'<ona tmnlendmga p< 504 FINAL BUILDING ENERGY. moi is issrm sec.3097.CivyC.iy for the performance _ �. rim k.c—Z-cnm po 505 __ -FINAL ELECTRICAL p.Z Lea Add '-• 506 - GAS TEST .. _... .. ._...... . . -- _.-- '. v � ' `, 1 cenify that 1 have mad this application and$Late that the above information is 507 FINAL PLUMBING Gx1-F. .eorrtet.I agree to comply with all city and county ordinances and state laws relating QV to building cnnstmction.and hereby authoreempresentatifeso(thiscitytoeerupon 508 - FINAL MECHANICAL } W he_anme.mentioned property for Inspection purposes. m509 - FINAL GRADE (We)aged;i save,indemnify and keep hatnilcssthe Cii,of Cup<itibo against .m' Imb r j dF gore a e expense hien ay In any y ,cm against said 510 — FINAL ING V Z. City y <cemrm-g Ygof tM1:pc t' - .. 'APP ANT U\DERSTA 6S AND WILL COMPLY WIT ALI NO 11 14 F A WORKS Dale SOI r�r `o � �� / Issued sigpmure.1A,.s.rammcmr �` �Do Z Re-rok$'�3' - ROOF BATTENS candor future uzHAZARDOe buil Cao1Chistem or andthe Health Safety. \Yllthd applicant r t wildingoccupied.t reran al h:lt 'mSafety Type�'��oflc_ ROOF ..I N=PROGRESS_..... .. ........_ .. 'sdefined by lh ca _ - YP _.. .._._........__. ,Cod S t i55a1 ) t � - .. $ I' ei All roofs shall be mspec[ed,prior to any roofing.material being installed Will'hepcontaminants l t f t b Id' g c pant use equipment rL ces huh If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I agree to remove •em t M1 aird ont m n t.as defined by the Bay Arca A Q I'ty hl nage t o .r. °s` `� Nd, all new materials for inspection. Applicant understands and will comply with . ( ,. all non-point source regulations. _ - �- 1 h lead the hazardous e i pals mgat¢meit under Chapter 695 of the ift f Health&Safety Code Sect ons ant. h b531 a rd 2551$ I understand mat ifihebuilof,hecsnmcurmifth have it mswhihmust he met;ot me,awitoy muance oil aC told,the oirimmof' — ec p� t of th y 'einem which mum be et prior m issuance of a C<niricate of Oce 5,y. r - ... Signature of Applicant Date Uwato or aumrom.agent 1 Dam,_ All roof coverings to be Class "B'+ or better ,,.