00110049 CITY'OF CUPERTINO sun.onvc otvtstoN PERMIT CONTRACTOR INFORMATION $ - pu BUILDING.k�pICJ b7 .CRAIfI CT .:., - d �. PERMIT N'017Jfi.�l],11]J OWNER'SN h "• •' - ,� APPLICATI NSIJ ATE r elt 169 SANI ALBERT AND_ NAR,IE ' : '" ` 4t)� oL,�A10 PHONE'. - - , SANITARY NO. • CONTROL NO p OO ARCHITECT/ENGINEER:. _ - BUILDING PERMIT INFO w❑❑ _ BLDG ELECT PLUMB SHIED Z U - - '➢ 1 IJ LJ' - U I� or LICENSED D CON rRACTOR S DECLARATION - - z y 'Job Description In nr n mmtl I d p rcI-p 9monne g . �IOZ u� with Set ]n0o)dD ' ?oftheBo dlnfe,o :e l undmyl e ,c - • , " f nAlf cedefrt �OP_Y-ROOF FOAM LiaClass ` CO L c a Data Chabor, ' 3 - ARCHITECTS DECLARATION - 1 and ernand mY plans shall he used its Public records �pr _ _ w F' Lic dP Professional • l OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION hereby affirm that 1 Cf�%.6❑ cxenpEon the Canwa-ts License bridge followngNrcoa secton 91, laand Professions Code A.,ciytir county. which permit l construct,aum,improve,demolish,or y - - - - sarrictury t. rtau3se Prr 1 tclaim I ....... thapplicant ppl tl . hPemitI Id a ten d.wt neer J mato IFl n thep nn C t t r L :eL (Cis 9 Sq. Ft'Floor - vel tl pier $11 ,��f?zf from g Ins t 9man the i f0 R : ddPpf. - Cede) of that s t talleged he exemp hucomm and the basis for the � exem neon.An violation - - • I Y of nor more than five by u u applicant fern permit subjmts the applicam to a civil penalty of not nerd arae r„d nnrmrad dom.(ssom. 'A PN Nu- - .. - Occupancy Typee ` : _9J 9 "l °1 f the larTier�r v employees jib g s theirI ,pexnt on will d thek d dr t t t intended B d I (Set. 1044. Bus d P f. n c d The Contractor's License Law dapply to,rt • Required'Inspections mvin,aTroperl,Who malkNo,raptures ha twbo1 'n work'nmself X09 -- FRAME' . e' or through h' n employees.provided Our shimprovementst mended or - ' offered for sale.If however,the building or improsenentit. ra n i -year of • "fi7 — I MSI Il—A'T I OCtiIcompletion,m .-n m -n n ve the ire rp ovine that h e'a d ear Of improvef purpose or le) E501 - ROnOF TEAR OFF ^+ °I,as rol(he prmlrorty,;mexcladvd,contrmdngwahlicensedannmwomtn . '+ {,,,L71 — 'ROOF RI_`fIdCIOD, MA,II... a d toll p 1 n,ae.9044 Business I D f il 1 )Th C -t cmr's ,3 _ s - ade 1 notion, puck a p )y n build, p 'm eon E,0 r ROOF BATTENS ,and -contracts f h projects wile co nmemr(s7 I 'tont the Grtt t L L F;rt.4. — ROOF IN-11Rl_IGRESS Op ❑I am exemp)utderSe I-B&PCbnh,aanm ' , Owner Data ' - WORKER'S COMPENSA'1'ION;DECLARATION - • ,. )hereby uffirm rude,parall,ofprjury one of the folla,in,d.I ❑ I base and isill mairanCvhdlcmacf Consent t 1f)coon for Worker's Cmunpamerion, asp,.aided for by Set 3700 of the Labor Cole for the e" performance of the work for which ills pe n t is issued. - ❑1 have lotwill harmataillW kc,',Cpc a I: quire.by Section a - 3704 of the Labor Code for the performance of the eras k far which this junit Is • • - t smvd My Worker s Compensation Insurance cornerandPal yy number � are: - . •r:' , a - >�� xollcyNnp • , CER IFICATION OP EM17TON ROM W RKLRS - ' COMPENSATION INSURANC17 - (This section need nm be completed if the p,nod Is ler one hundred dollars no less) I ceri fy that in the perinnmore of the work for belt tbh,permit is ed I shall nm employ aty b.an in say nan to m r so a. became;object to he werkam t - Ccmpensmion Laws of California.Dale Applicant NOTICF;MAPPLICANT If, rt k ,this Cedificale of Everadom,yon should become subject mthe Weaker,C P 1 f nth LaborCd yr trust -fonhw tb...ply with p ooh perm it shut]in I -mW mvok,& - - d” t Z 2 ' •. W CONSTROCB]ON LENDING AGENCY I oddity a0 rar that them is a cutnurinfirm lending agency for the performance ' '- F>a of and venal,f which this permit is issued(Sec.3099 Ce.C) Q Landers Name -� z Lender's Address - ry C..) 0 1 vihflfY thud 1 have read this application and state that the have information is " - ET+ ty correct Idem¢to comply mh'II car and county rInano s inal fare laws relating C V them baking construclon dh by authorizerepresentatives f the cry to other upon tW I g : nJ tde i n t, I keep h t l :to Cly f C P R again,, Cit t j da t t. sod pe finch aY'fvny y ema-ugu lit ''A - - V Airy wsT UNDERSTANDS of d grandma D this p a t. APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT - soukcBR � — Issued � Date ' . St ppd nt or Re-roo ar" . . ' HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE .. Wall the applicant f t b lJ nb p' t a handle harvtlous railer al Type O Roof lir del ned by theC petl t Muateiprl Cede Chapter 412,and the lief Ith and Safety - Cad,See,non 25532(a)2 1. M ye, ` °No - r ' -All roofsshalfbe inspected prior.to•any roofing.material being installed:'- - .Will theappBanl a,future cargo, entrant nor egLipment...m iceiwhich If a roof is installed without first obtaining an inspection, I•agree to remove omit hazardous air cnnwmiumb as defined by the Hay ArmAir Quality Management Dlstrl,P a all new materials;for inspection. Applicant understands°and will comply.with °Y" - • s °No - all'non-point source regulations. r - f here read and hurvrdous mwcriale dparament,mtder Charm,695'of the - v California a H Ito &Sumay Code,Serious 25505 25533 and 25534 1 mllnland that a fthe building d t mad,have ate tmatifi yttp 'hlpt ready the ^ dap t Of,the equ'rc nts which must b t Pf.r to'sn a of a Cmll¢we of - V oa`up°'°r a Signature o Applicant ''' Date - owow. o � urn o te All roof coverings to be Class a,B„ or better OFFICE