00010094 APPLICANTNT0 FILL,IN INFORMATION WITHIN RED LINES•USE BALL POINT PEN ONLY CITY OF CUPERTIN I BUILDING-ELECTRICAL DUILDJNG DIVISION APPLICATION/PERMIT PLUMBING-MECHANICAL. B1111.DLNG PROJECT u)_F.K1'IFLCA'PLON .BUILDING ADORFSS: SANITARY EA�Pvuc,,ArION SUBMITTAL UATF 2?_IBv GALL you OAK WAY CflAK VA-J_LuY LOT 2-" �. 2oopOWNERS N�AM/E: �+ PHONE: CON UUMTNIS NAME: LICNO',1 [L✓ V� ,IZW13254S�& / ,.y��eNICOLM CI I I'I'I C'Ill NGINEER: LLCHO ADDRESS: C�'W1 ❑wyndrAEIce 31 1% _. 0-19964 IS OA.K !oRo�Q et, POt4L CONTACP PHONE: BUILDING PERMIT INFO �.CJL ' IC Zu�J {_da 2+L2 '7qO ❑ Conanllant Pees Paid by APPlicanl(Initial) Bid)j,' EL�E/c7y• PLUME MECH CLU O 7 rr CJ LI Uf _ IICINSED CONTRACTORS DECI ARATION QTY�,- IiLF.CTRIC PF.RMI'P' Fr.I" I hereby uffrmthll 1 used lu Pn - sof CM1npter')(annm ing _ _ JOB DESCRIPTION ecaZwith Section ANN))of D' 3 (lire Bas .. dl (iiia lsCMe unJ mylm R WO PERMIT ISSUANCI LMDUDIIIAL Fy 1� in full cone and dl'en. SFDwI. [3 KITCHEN REMODELQUU License Class Lic.» APPLIANCES-BESIDES TIAL ❑ADDMON El PLUMBING RIi-PIPE F Z W Dam Commcan rn6L ❑MULTI-UN1'C ❑STRUCTURAL ARCHI I ECTS DECLARATION [' Z L understand my)gal,bill M use daspoblicnerinds PANELS MODIFICATION OZ4O UP 10 200 AMPS ❑INTERIOR ❑CHIMNEY It EPA IR h�F,LLI Licensed l'mfoxicnal 2nl-1000ANIPS IMPROVEMENT CjSWIMMINGPOOLS •.1 OWNERBUILDERDECLARAPON — OVERIINNIAMPS ❑BATH REMODRURCPAIR ❑DEMOLITION y I hereby affirm that 1 am exempt(rain the Comroctm's License Law for the x 3 aU following reason.(Section]1111.5.Business nnJ Professions CWe:Any city mamntY SIGNS ELECTRICAL OTHER O y which requires a pmnit In const ucl,aIle"arprove,dcmdish,nr repair any sounnre •R+y� prion,,its i....cre,aile requires lire upplicum for such penni,m fleasigned,om,mrm SPECIAL CIRCIJr'MISC. Wim{y} dint he is lice.scdpumuer,ill oprovlslons of the Contractors License Use(Chapter 9 p�y.a9 (eormencin,with Section 70flihmiGividan 3,,fthe TAninessand Professions Cade)., TEMP.MI?TER OR POLO IN' COMMERCIAL: 6^q o C tbm ha is exunpt theml'rom and me naris 6r 0e alleged ese:nptlon.Any viohvion of ❑NEW BLDGIADDII'ION ❑DEMOLITION Sermon 70315 h,my,.,he'ntfor.pench,uhjems rheapplicanuaa civil twoolty of POWER DF.VICIIS ❑T17NANT ❑FOOD SERVICE nit more than five hundred Jolla.($500). F Z Y IMPROVEMENT �SO ❑I.as ownernOhc pmPcny,ormymnpinyceswithwagcsathcirsnlecumpen.vatinn, SWIMMING I'OO f.ECf F wdldo thework,und rhestructure isnot inlendeloroffered fortric(Sec.AW4,nosiness ❑OCfiIB Taj^m and Profusions Crate:The Cnnmalm's License Low does not apply ml an owner of OUTI.F ES-SWITCHES-FIXI' property who builds or improves thereon,and who does,suds work himself or through his no employees,provided that such imleconc ems arc not imended or offered tar NEW RESLDENGAI.CI I' 4. sale.IL however,the building or improvement i,,md �� wlminoncyuar nfcampletiunJhc 11SQ.Fr.19POR ARE. $/SQ tT. ser-builder wve the burden of proving than he did not Wild or improve for pur- f 4s I� LIVB,3&cal.mle,. Beill _ 34 600 O' L: E]I. owner of d,u pr 1penY•art exclusively conwcfng with l'censnl coronet 1 5&1 cost ITh p jCCI(Sec 7033.BusinessatJ Prf .ons Cwlc)Tha C,,naamL - 'v - - 1 - whc L J l npplytn an twncrof pmpety h bolds ormprove&there,, J QTY:;;' UN G IT FEL,", �+� f matt ( such pry«ts with a urn IrOl sed parstan radio Contractors Ll 15V � I items.Law pLRMIT ISSUANCE lI .J`7, 1 an,exempt order See. .11&P C for this reason ACfER-DEAN&VEN AIH1 GA) VALUA'L'ION Dare WORKCR'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION BACK FLOW PRMECT.DEVICE �y DOO I herehy affirm under Penalty of perjury one of the following declam'ion.e: J Ihaveard will maimuin.C'moeaeofComent mlefina:etor WorkersCourpen- DRAINS-FLOOR,EDGE,ARCA,COND. STORIES T 1117,CONS I RUC10D sation,as provided for by Section 37101 of the Latour Code,for the performanec of lire work for which this permit is issued. Tel PIX'fURCS-1'F.R'ERAP " v�� 1 have and will m'inmin Worker's Co nnotommit Insurance,as required by Section 37(N),,tlhc labor C:de,far the performanceoflhe wank for which this permit is issued, GAS-EA.SYSTEM.I INC.4 DO I'LFI'S OCC.GROUT' wAPN My Worker, morrier and 's Compensation I... ve caPolicy number are: Carrier: PolicyIst GAS-EA.SYSTEM-OVER4(BA) K31 U-I CERTIFICAI'1:OF EXEMPT ION FROM WORKERS' GItGASf%IN[)USTItL WASTE INTERCEPTOR COMPENSATION INSURANCE - BUILDING DIVISION FEES (Thin swlion need nrlhocn,npteled Hilo,permit is for one hundred main.($EYE GREASETRAI' or less.) PLANCIIHCK IIF. L certify that in theperinrmanceefthework forwhiehlhispemtit is issued,I shall SEVER-SAN]'T'ARY-S'POEM EA.210 FT. not employ any person in any inaction so as to become subject to the Workers'Compen- ENERGY FEE ,Z salon Laws of C'lifomia.Dare WATER 1117AT ER WNF.NTIFLECI'R zrnm I GRADING FE 0 A,pliE N NOTICE TO APPLICANT.IC after mukinb'],is Certificate of Exemption,you should WATER SYSTEMRREAI'INC, F " hecmne snbje"m the Worker's Compcnemion provisions of the Tabs Code,you must SOBS ITE W ' forthwith comply with iuch provisions ar this Permit shall he deemed revoked. WATER SERVICE Q a CONSTRUCTION is aco communion Radius adios AGENCY NEW kF_SID17,N9'LAh PIMP. SQ.I?. PAID U ZO Ineneny arfitm predicts i'aa,,nrwedmaendmg'geMy ter the perro.na.a or Dam Realm» lire work for which his peanut is issued(Sec.3197,Civ,C.) O Vlender's Name •I OTAL: D.1 Lender's Addrese TO]At,: a. I ccnify Lha'I have read this npplieaiar and state that the above infmn,mion is BUILDING ITC re, core".I agree to dimply with all city and county oNlrunce,and ,are laws retail.,IonQTy. ,-MECHANICAL PERMIT -F17E (..I rZ building emouracriom and herehy'mhmGe mprcmnlmivesnflhls city In en¢rapon the 11 11 / 1 SEISMIC FEE 'love-mentioned Propeny for inspection purposes. EADD UANCE (We)agree m save,indemnify and keep harmless the City of Cupenino xgaimr ELf:CI'I21C 1931? l inhili'iesJudgmems.cosu and expenses whichmay inanywuy,rccmcigainalsud Ci', FRADD TO MECH.amseyuence of the,rooting of'his permi6PLLIMIIING IEEE APPLICANT UNDERSPANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT ING UNIT('Inn 10,000 CFM) MCCIIANICAL PEE SOURCC RIiGULATIONS. LI NG U NIT(OVER 141X)CFM) CONS'ERUCTION'FAX SigmamnorAppti,mWCommemr Dote HOOD(W/DUC'G HOUSING MITIG HAZARDOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE Willthm,ppllcam or[mine buildingwcupenwloroor handle haz'nlrusma.cnal ZIET(TO 100,0X)B'N) mdefined bThu Cupenino Municipal Com,Chapter 9.12,and the Health and SafelyCale,Rection 2553210)] NI'1'(OVER 100,0 0 BTIl) ❑Yes ❑Nn 7 VEN HLATI ON VAN(St NOLE RE9ID) PAID [)ale Receipt» Will the applicant or future hadding:ceupam use equipment or devices which BOILER-COMPOHPON 100,(9X1 H I U) n Im aid,,,,,air comaminaas e,drained by the Buy Are.Air Q.xloy Mnnugm eenl 1 DIAL: Laded IfO1LER-COME(OVF.R IW,(NNI 111 LE E]Yes E]No L have renal the he,sadomsnmmdelsr is under Charmer 695 of the Cali- AIR CONDITIONIiIt ISSUANCE,DATE f nnia Huhh&Safety C.le,Sectio,25545,25533 and 25534.1 understand d a if line NEW RESIDENTIAL MECH. SQ.Fr. building does not currently have a tenant,that it Is my respuosibilily to notify the oecupum of me requitement,which mail fee met no, issuance of a Cenlficau of Oceupuncy. Owner or authrneed i gem Date TOTAL: ISSUED BY: OFFICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE INVOICE CITY OF CUPERTINO BUILDING PERMIT INVOICE OPERATOR: chrietya Sec: Twp: Rug: Sub: Blk: Lot: INVOICE DATE...... : 03/27/2000 REFERENCE ID N ... : 00010094 SITE ADDRESS ..... : 2280 CANYON OAK WY SUBDIVISION ....... CITY .............: CUPERTINO IMPACT AREA ......: - OWNER ............: PACIFIC PENINSULA ADDRESS ..........: CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: CUPERTINO, CA 95014 CONTRACTOR .......: ACKLEY, STEPHEN M LIC M 21456 COMPANY .......... : PACIFIC PENINSULA GROUP ADDRESS .......... : 718 OAKGROVE AVE - CITY/STATE/ZIP ...: MENLO PARK, CA 94025 TELEPHONE .. ......: (650)323-7900 FEE DESCRIPTION CHK TOTAL FEE PAID-TO-DATE BALANCE DUE --------------- --- --------- ------------ _-_----_--- BCONSTAX 418.63 0.00 418.63 BELEC1000 P 44.40 0.00 44.40 HENERGY A 610.80 610.80 0.00 BPERMFEE P 2036.00 0.00 2036.00 HPFIXTURE P 149.94 0.00 149.94 H P 4.44 0.00 4.44 P 'HK A 1730.60 1730.60 0.00 B R P 19.98 0.00 19.98 HPWHEATER P 9.99 0.00 9.99 HPWSVCS P 8.33 0.00 8.33 HREMAIRHAN - P 16.66 0.00 16.66 BREMAPPLI P 12.22 0.00 12.22 BREMHEAT P 12.22 0.00 12.22 BREMRECEPT P 218.51 0.00 218.51 HREMREPALT P 97.68 0.00 97.68 BREMVENFAN P 78.29 0.00 78.29 BSEISMICRE P 41.20 0.00 41.20 EPERMITFEE P 35.52 0.00 35.52 MPERMITFEE P 35.52 0.00 35.52 PPERMITFEE P 35.52 0.00 35.52 --------- ------------ ----------- 5616.45 2341.40 3275.05 aril-ue-UV tZ:@�, MM-610 CREEK LMER WATSONVILE, 8817811884 T-818 P.82/V4 F-802 IMPROAMM q-r- APAAWWER Certificate of Confonnance certificate 052662 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the glued laminated timber products identitied with a collective mark of Engineered Wood Systema (rWS) were manufactured in accordance with the applicable standards and associated specifications indicated below: ANSI StandardA190.1-1932, For Wood Products— Structural Glued Laminated Timber NER-486 Glued Laminated Timber Combinations And"CTAP' Computer Program For Determining Design Stresses AITC 117-93— Manufacturing— Standard Specification For Structural GlUad Laminated Timber Of Softwood Species IT IS HEREBY CERTIFIED that the APA EwS trademarxed structural glued laminated timber members were produced in a manufacturing facility subleat to regular audits in accordance with the Enginearad • Wood Systa,as (EWS) Quality Assurance Program. Routine audits,include inspection of the manutacturing process and evaluation of to in-plant QA program with adequate sampling to verity conformance to industry standards for lumber grace and gweline,bond quality. • es4aa�u�e:ra • *•gip W 0 p peoo++ b �. M m' Y p� § ) S Thomas G. Wiffiamt on Exeautrve Vice president ENG1rvEEAEO wooD SY57EM3 a a ialareu eerpwauoM1 a APA TmE 6NGINEEA6D pp�g3ACHTiON. 70S'SW�+ Bm ss)5 54MM,F.N,b 25'37 beWl7r r • Tm.#rn�:�4'(253)Sp1660Q SEP-08-00 12:bP, FROM-BIG CREEK LUMBER WATSONVILE 831?8f18S4 T-318 P.04/04 f-802 An AMA A JI J&VUlchmenNumber TQ CEFITIFICATE OF Ct3NFOHMANCE Np DATW s �--- Jam NWM r}� ._.---�----- we uar+lle^ n!ten 5S pawo 7, /� Lx°1 wars p7ae7 N6 •y tNdet Ne "'�� that W*m USed an SKIS jpE'?: The lollowino idem fles the memoe+s 9 basic gp fiCs< Lumber Spoolas' pAp�e®va APpMWI;° MEll�q� Si79 CnmRi+tallon '� 1C6fl4t�iaS�ap Apt=r9- 14. "O 3513rn 13 ar 197 / 3 yip 47 Io All - — n o .�✓ mp per! ziy CT-50 rte• 8fQ d35 • SEP-08-DO 14:8P FROM-BIG CREEK LIl413ER WATSONVILE 8317811634 T-318 P.03/04 F-004 Certunicate ®f Confer ante certificate_ 15 3-7 9 5 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the glued {aminated umber products identitiso wiin a collective MWIC of SFYOWered(NoQd SYGO rrs (9W)were manufactured in accordance vAth the applicable standards and associated Specifications indicated below. ANSI Standard A180.1-1 892, For Wood Pmduets—Structun l Glued L aminatao Timber NER486 Glued Laminated Timber Combinations And"GAP° Computer Program For Determining Design Stresses AITG 117-93—Manufacturing— Standard Specifications:For Structural Glued Laminated Timber Of Softwood Species IT IS NERFl31r CERTIFiEA tow ins AAA EINE ilmdamarkad structural glued laminated ti"Mar members were produced in a manufacturing facility subject to regular audits In accordance with the EngfiearW W*0d BYS10MG (fi WS) Quality Assurance Program. Routine audita include inspection of the • manufacturing pmoess and evaluation of the in-plant OA program with adequate sampling to verity acnformance W industry Mndardu for lumber grade and glueline tmncf quality. • .9�Y'ir9+eN Mss f/! �ir>fE►'� 9-8'+'� a w oao Ica k7y Tnomas d. Williamson F-xWclutive Vice President cola tubo ENGw86A8P MK70D BY W.13" ws seem c C.a"n o1 sin '.'A WA N 't-o IfOgOA2`10GfATiDN 7011 ' A (M n&vm • _ _. ..-,.,...._.,,1.�ap3g �1� zT MBK 06. 80 d� � sraUCrURat BWGrNCERX M 31WI Ian Avenue.Sults t5g.Pete eon,SA 9x706 +XWJ&07. . ,eft iSr7-5932 r STRUCTURAL SITE Visa REPORT DATE: October ti, 2000 PROJECT: PPG-Oak Valley lot 2-03 A. 22180 Canyon Oak Way. Cupertino � H011bach-Lswln Project No.9W9.3 K m AEw�9$ DATE OF VISIT: September 20 and 28: 2?C0 * p? t PRESENT: Joaqulrn RutAvle. Hohbach-Lew n btic_ Fordelere, Hohn Inc. Ken Johnson, swundure Cona4nrction Co. Eric SundbW, Pae to PSnlnsula Groeto PURPOSE OP MIT: Final rough framing review. • OBSERVA.TION$ • The majority of the house is framed. The rnajar slruahaal tstemerns have been instaiked. The gists and rafter and their support beams are in place. The walls, floors and root sheathing are also in piece. The lateral force resisting etaments end hardware were observed. INFORMATWN OR ACTION REWIR90 The followiN are Items requiring additional work: The trues needs to be framed at front entry sin-Mar to 4M.5. �The floor Joist supported by the steel tKmm above the kitchen was not framed par the construction drawings, The framer used face-mounted hangers and a ledger instead of the top flange hangers spe='WC. This method Is acceptable to additional tog screws are Provide baiwaen the ledgers and the top nailer. Use Simpson S087/4X3's at&'o.c. at both sides. Two exte»or hold-down straps at tie back of We rriatstar bedroom were not installed. +f Two of the installed. irrier•tor hold-down straps between the storage and bedroom #4 were not ck �� Additional nailing IS requxed at the hold-down now above the family room! and 0 storage room. W Extend the roof shaeftring under the California framing above Ire mastar bedroom to the shear wall. • nnw.sxoxenm. � - MINION (YWISCM, SF IWdI@A R?IF?A. S? swcwrel site visit Report Page 2 Of 2 Add hip support blocks at afar TS ',sant Vibaw bedrao,rt#4. • ria ✓ Add Wa 9 ►P$ bstvv�n the save blocks at the Wm ge- V"qt WIma Spacing an bearing poet under the ridge ba-.r,1 et bedroom #4, It is our opirtion OW the refit of VIS€ Ming is in gerwM�with dmumWt . if h Is acceptabie to the bulkiMg dWartmerd and ager the rn�eU missing Mr$�ARrav&d above are provided,eist ntea tray be irtetiiiteci. ex Richard Lundgren, pip peYtin®ul¢Group-lob site fax: 650/881-9682 Raul MCLettan,'PBADMC Peninsula ArchItscture-fere OMM23-4825 Matf to: Padtie Re11!i16Uia Are t lecture, 718 Oak Grove. Menlo Pal*, CA g4U25 • • ant By: HOHBACH-LEWIN, INC. ; 650 617 5932; Oct-24-00 12:37PM; Page 1,12 HOHBACH-LEWIN, INC. srRUCTURAIL £NaINE£R9 260 Sharman Avna•,Suite 150,Palo Alto,CA U306!• 18801617-5930 • Fes 1650)817-6832 • STRUCTURAL SITE VISIT�REPORT DATE: October 6, 2000 Revised OctoPer 24, 2000 Qa FES Dy A. 040— PROJECT. 0PROJECT: PPG-Oak Valley lot 2-03 q ca $ co �9 22180 Canyon Oak Way, Cupertino Hohbach-LevAn Project No. 99659.3 K * EKv 3/02 DATE OF VISIT: September 20 end 28, 2000 �vF cn oQ PRESENT: Joaquim Roberts, Hohbach-Lewin Inc. George Fontelera, Hohbach-Lewin Inc, Ken Johnson, 8truxture Construction Co. Eric Sundblad Pacific Peninsula Group PURPOSE OF VISIT: Final rough framing review. • OBSERVATIONS • The majority of the house is framed. ',The major structural elements have been installed, The joists and rafter and their support beams are in Place. The walls, floors and roof sheathing are also In place. The lateral force resisting elements and hardware were observed. • The additional top platea at the 901`99e are acceptable. • The two roof support struts above the entry stairs that are Ratter (30 degrees) than the approved drawings are acceptable at this location. INFORMATION OR ACTION REQUIRED The following are items requiring additional work: • The truss needs to be framed at front entry similar to 41S8.5. • The floor joist supported by the steel beam above the kitchen was not framed per the construction drawings. The tramer used face-mounted hangers and a ledger instead of the top flange hangers.'specified. This method is acceptable is additional lag screws are provide between; the ledgers and the top nailer. Use Simpson SDS114X3's at 8' o.c. at both side8. • Two exterior hold-down straps at the back of the master bedroom were not installed. • nouwseuxx¢N. $!. .. DAN UWN. SA '. Mo1na IWER4a. sr ant By: H04BACH-LEWIN, INC. ; 050 617 5932; Oct-24-00 12:37PM; Page 2/2 10/24/00 Structural Site Visit Repot • Paw 2 of 2 • Two of the Interior hold-down stiaps between the storage and bedroom #4 were not • installed. • Additional nailing is required al the hold-down strap above the family room and storage room. • Extend the roof sheathing under the California framing above the master bedroom to the shear wail. • .Add hlp suppa7 blocks at the TS bent above bedroom *4, • Add framing clips between the a vs blocks at the garage. Use the same spacing as specified. • Add the bearing post under the rb a beam at bedroom#4. It is our opinion that the rest of the ming Is In general conformance with the approved documents. If It is acceptable to th building department and after the missing items above are provided, finishes may be nstalled. cc: Alan Harunaga, Pacific Penin iula Group -job site fax: 650/691-9682 Paul McLellan, Pacific Penins jIa Architecture -fax: 660/323-0625 Mail to: Pacific Peninsula Arot Itecture, 718 Oak Grove, Menlo Park, CA 94025 I I 11y,Wo Wi ........... MW M WN Division 690 0902,T, SRI, A.� UNOCI TREET"�SAR��Josii,,CA��95126�;1(40'6)'y�2' ...... kss st, of >`We1 d1ngq,� K ny/uounty�of ....... �53 Me-17 ro Ngiffi W, 'LL— pm— rra U11 fjuou6%7 10 Jim V5�-A' �UT'��,,,, f- 65 IInspectjonsQ Ell 11 V V, l !,4�, T QV, �N -A, p f.4,� X I l4, .......... 77, ................ ................ Iz Ic. te.m,s,Rle. qUlrngor.re....c....t..i..o.. ..r..m. LCorr6dtIoo hsc,f;R'r,6 VIj6U6IkIiIteffi6 rOW6661 Y`�­U stediU"n'6A' 6fektb Changes Ad,,Ap,proved,PIansTAuthorized byWchftkt drENgi e' -A fWA .. .......... A 4�g I W.w 4�17 x Ve of yjern ......... ... $specificatiplacable Wor manship provisions of the U B C except as noted flbove k ow SEP-08-O0 I2!88 FROM-BIG CREEK LUER WATSONVILE 0817011834 2a0 U1.!jntrc mw. T-318 P.01/04 F-002 { FAIRFIELD;, CA 94� ..• - " i k i i : : : 4.a:. Do 450422-90 _ D E L I V E A Y T 1 C K E 7_ j.• 'M 65D322-90 WS CREEK LUMBER 83636101 P.O. ?r : 308D91tf £" PAGE. 1410 &EACH RO' PHO:vE u i 8311722-7137 ENTR t OARS G0 BOX 150 SHIP VIA: PRIMESOURCE TRUCk SLMN: i ATSON` ILLE CA 95077 FRT TERMr SLMI't 9001 R(IuTEa: �RDr 08-01-90 IE:C'S EAP DCLIVERYr 08-01-01) MEZISAEiE( T)4A.4K You FOR YCILW%' ORmR -�- --------------------- -------------- U SH.,PID L;JM DE5CF1FTIL]h1 I.TEM NO. 61x1 _OL 44 44 L M 3IBI312'..k 1 44 .4 ) 9 1/6X13 1! LAM BEAN F ii: EL8 It Z, . . . . . . . . . . . . .. . . . . . . . .. . ... fS3 138 L..t= t - SIP912PSL t Ea 83 X9 1/2 PARALLAM ) I r P SOIIRCE . • ��" '°``��"�.,..,'��,,,, oma'� . TOTAL RUANTITY 132 132 13$ lx ) LCADED gr: r TR"r—r NO; DATE DEL; v CHECIKEA BY r VVV OFIVERI RECs'"IS BY • r x 'Ong PRstTen�s�uERPG fr�L locP ATt w ae.aouws "u 60NCEA"O , TAffpyH $ k UPON RZED .0CuB9'C5 OF 2%FEAMO 'HjSqgB ufE GnARGE : AICwT- — - HOHBACH-LEWIN, INC. STRUCTURAL ENGINEERS 260 Sheridan Avenue,Suite 150,Palo Alto,CA 94306 (650)617.5930 Fax(650)617-5932 STRUCTURAL SITE VISIT REPORT DATE: May 5, 2000 QPOFESSIpNA PROJECT: PPG-Oak Valley lot 2-03 �Q��J�M A' ROS Fy 22180 Canyon Oak Way, Cupertino cl� F9 i Hohbach-Lewin Project No. 99659.3 K 0 No 3713 co T DATE OF VISIT: May 5, 2000 * EXP. S/oZ �* �UCTUP�' PRESENT: George Fontelera, Hohbach-Lewin Inc. F F Jan Villanueva, Hohbach-lewin Inc. PURPOSE OF VISIT: Foundation forms and reinforcing. • OBSERVATIONS • 'The majority of the reinforcing steel is in place. It is our opinion that the reinforcing steel is in general conformance with the approved documents. If it is acceptable to the building department, concrete may be placed. INFORMATION OR ACTION REQUIRED 1. Additional dobby blocks supporting the bottom reinforcing should be added to provide better support for the reinforcing during the pour. cc: Lidia Polumbo, Pacific Peninsula Group - fax: 650-322-5475 Paul McLellan, Pacific.Peninsula Architecture, 718 Oak Grove, Menlo Park CA 94025 �t 1g�;il MAY 16 . _Y lDIUSIAS NONBACN. SE OAN LEWIN, SE. JOAOOIM ROBERTS, 5E MAY.10.2000 2:40PM BRIAN KANGAS FOLLK NO.488 P.3i3 W M KOW!00111 engineers Surveyors Planners • • May 10,2000 BIO:No.960069-96 Mr.FAc Sundblad Pucific Peainsula Group 719 Oak Grove Avenue Monlo Perk CA 94025 9ubjecto Oak Valley Foundation Verification Dear Eric: On May 5th of this year we performed afield survey of the location of the foundation form for die building being constructed on Lot 2-03 of the Oak Valley project in Cupertino. • The results of that survey clearly show that the location of the foundation form is consistent and in conformance with the design location of the building,as said location are shown on the plan prepared by our firm. • This Iona is intended to provide you with the verification of this unit per our survey. If there are any other questions concerning this location please do not hesitate to call. Sincerely. BRIAN KANGAS FOULK a���p !ANO sG9 4 F� P f1PtR01Ey A BA80 '; Bradley A.Bilbe P.L.S.6141 EXP!3/31/02 x/ Project Menager rlj No,8141 _R f Survey Department 1j FOF ilim, lY16' 2000 0 • • Slin Prim 6vrnnr 9 Rrrhemnd City.f,6 9069 9 1550)682.5300 9 Fal(18501487.8399 MAY-10-00 16:tb FROM-NARLAN TAIT ASSOCIATES 44152666661 T-510 P 02/02 F-145 Harlan Yi j, Tait Associates' • con"Wns snslnaara a" . • BY FAX(1-650-323-0625)AND MAIL May 8, 2000 Project No. 850.391 Pacific Peninsula Group,Attention: Lydia 718 Oak Grove Avenue Menlo Park, CA 94025 SUBJECT: CONSTRUCTION OBSERVATION—PROGRESS REPORT RESIDENCE—Unit 2, Lot 03, Oak Valley Subdivision 21180 Canyon Way, Cupertino, California REFERENCES: Harlan Tait Associates, Geotechnical Recommendations Report, dated . January 12, 2000, Supplemental Recommendations Letter, dated January 24, 2000, and Plan Review Letter, dated February 28, 2000, Residence, (Lot 2-03, Oak Valley)Cupertino, CA. Dear Sir. This letter presents the results of our observation of foundation excavations for the residence being constructed at the subject site. Geotechnical recommendations for the residence were • provided in the above-referenced letter report. • On May 5, 2000, we observed the footing excavations. for residence. Based on our observations, the footings are founded in competent native soils capable of supporting the recommended allowable bearing capacities and at the recommended depth. We recommend that the bottoms and sides of the footing excavations be watered as necessary until concrete placement to maintain the moisture content in the soils. Slab subgrade preparation and gravel placement for the garage should conform to the recommendations in our report. Please call if you have any questions. i U Very truly yours, . QPOPESSrON�[ cyC a By D Hada fait Associate `a�� �T �1AY 162000 �/ • 0.830 " ray t�$S/ 12/31MI ti Da d H. Connell Geotechnical Engineer 230 Expires 12/31/01 Cc: Pacific Pacific Peninsula Arch., ATTN: Paul McLellan, BY FAX(1-650-323-0625) and Mail Hohbach-Lewin, BY FAX (1-650-817-5932) and Mail F:W roj east800t650.39 t.EO i • 1150 Post SOW Swta 288 • San Fran' .CA 94109 ro1415288.9980 • Fact 415269-9897 amaa nW®a.cn.cdn •