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CITY t of GDIVIISION CONTRACTOR INFORMATION: PERMIT No. PERMIT 0002 .�'4oq BUILDING ADDRESS: _ ' e- ItSAN!JARY NO. s' APPLICATION SUB �1DATE 3 O HER':NAM1fE: . r NIC COMROL# •. PION .. f ARCH..EC .ENGINI?ER BULDING PERMIT INFO ❑ s m _ c, LICENSED CONTRACLOR'S DECLARATION OZ= I hereby affirm mat 1 am licensed ander pmvitiont of Chapter 9 roammencin8 •' Job DOSCCIptIOn , .. F,,pp � wire Section7")orDivition3nfthe Busimss and Prefessions Cade.amdmy license is , cx z s< in fall force and eRect. yO y D Licence class C g New - 3 LL N Detc CaahacCL ku O ARCHITECTS DECLARATION y j• I understand my Plans dull be used as Public rccada >isC a Licensed P ofessimud R N OWNER BUILDER DECLARATION r an I_ C 1 hereby.(Seco Nat 1 un exempt from Ne Ceid...Cod!a Licence Lew for the - - { O following reason.(Section 7031.3,Baeitmss aM Profeviona CWe:Any cit,a county ' n 4 3 ore which mgonme a permit to comwm,alter,improve,demolish,or repair any awctureS Ft. Floor Area Valuation EEEE primmib i....nce,Mso sequims Ow applicant forsuch mit perser El.added. ni anent O q' that he is licensed piu.0 um to the previsions of me Contractors License law fChapar 9 aammanemEwimSectinnTr3oornrmwaion3arthega.imeaanaProfe.amnseauma A N Nu that he is exempt therefrom W the basis for the alleged auo exemption.Any violn of 3 ' - ecypancy Type Section 1031.5 by any applicant for a a penton subjects the applicant to a civil penalty of mber I - not mand,Nan five hundred ch llw(WHKIL 1.at owncrar me prapeny,or my employees with wages as tneir.m.e0mpamomm, ". •' RequiredInspections willd.thcwmk'soul me sanctum is trot imcrtdilmnfemd for 'do(Sea 1040.Bud.,,, add Professions Code:The Conus.,License law does not apply tb an owner of - i pmpeny who builds or impims.down,grid who ones such wank himself or uvough his own employees,provided that such improvements am'not intem ed'or offered for - 'la If,hnweme the bomb,, r improvement is sold wimmoa yexr.fx mplxmx,the -+ ' nap—Wilda,will have me burden orprovmg that he did not build in improve for pun' .• h(u of owner r of the S 704,am exclusivelyus cref"al g wish:)TW Ccnnaam to c/enswci Ne project(S 1M0 Busineu aM Profemons Cak.)The Canmctor Lt c law docs of a y jo an ith.of pmPars who sed p p he coma d t ���0 _ who comnc rolauwimecontnanort0licensed puna nun the contractors G(yyk\'/- ❑'l ante empl BhP ' Owner r Date_J_( „ WORKER'S COMPENSATION DECLARATION r - 1 hereby affirm under penalty of pst ul,one of the following declinations: ❑I have and will maintain a Cerificare of Continuo self-insure for Worker's Compco. sation,as provided for by Labor Code,of the LabCode R for the rformkna of the work far which Nie pemdt is oared. _ - ❑1 have ast _ will maintain Worker Compo Insurance, expired! uir ed by Section oNeLaon Code,Ter theP arie ofthowoirk fin which Permit is issued. My rCompensation Insurance,caniaandonumbrae: Carrier: PalicyN . - - , . . i CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' - COMPENSATION INSURANCE (ThissationnadnabemmPlet :finepm iisforonehuMd dollam(SI00) t _ or leas.) I codify that in the perform.eofce work for which this peanut is issued I"I _ rwtcroplo,any perms in any menar m a to bmime mhjxr'to me Worked,Compcn- - sari n Laws f Cel'Iom a Date A W he., ng NOTICE TO APP the Worlon's omsentationp provisions so of Laburiode,you become subject y it Worh re Comp or this prowrti sof the Lobar Code,you must foMwiN comply with such provisions or this permit shall be decided cooked. CONSer,is. ONLENDING AGENCY - • 0 l for which cot Pe Nem is sued(roctlon lending agency for the perfomunce of r Ne woe for which this Permit is issued(Sec.30 1,Civ CJ E-' Larder.Name > Ieticra Addrtu kl A 1 cenifY that 1 have rid app cuia to Net the above infonnsuon it ' z cormct.l.gra to comPlY with ell c co t nencee anti ate laws rclming to , building consWction.mid hereby0 [lett vee of thio city to enter upon the C.1 above-mentioned ProPeisY f n ins an pts s Face F~,a -(We)agree to save,indemnify side P harmless Ne City of Condom against - C.7 nabilides,judgmenis.'cmu and expenses whichmay in any way acemeegeimt said City Lal in conuqueme 4th.granting of this penton, F^,y APPLICANT UNDERSTANDS AND WILL COMPLY WITH ALL NON-POINT f..) zSOURCE REGULATIONS. ,. Signature afApplicandCom DOUS - Done J'Je 4{t Zoe k)u CC. /fly HAZA0.DOUS MATERIALS DISCLOSURE ' av, a—l.r I YcC1 Will ytheCuorfimrfuiuni Municipal Code, Chapter 912, th Health materiel Re-COOI's ' i defined io the 32my)no Municipal Code,Cheptm 9.12,end Ne Health and Safety .type of Roof ' Cods.Section 23532(a)?t � ❑Yes " use equipment or devices which Will the applicant an,fAll roofs shall be inspected prior to any'roofing material beingfuture buildin6 occupant cwtha ansa contamittanuaadefinW bythe Bay Aru AGQiry Mamagcmem •installed. If a roof is Installed without first obtaining-an inspection District? oYcs,. I agree to remove all new materials for inspection. Applicant o d �• un erstands and will comply with all non point source regulations•. 1 hew recd dose tichis is tayoiramcnu antler Chapter 6.95 of sex ifthe , roma Hea Calc.Scetions 505,25513 vd 255]4.I u rand mu if the - building sex ly havaue t, tit is mY mspomibiliryi naifY the oaupant - of the be the t t faCeni t n - ,owaro ndaeaegenn, - . ate Signatureof•Applicant Date - Alla roof coverings to be,Class"B"or better OFFICE ",t t` D&M CONSULTING- ENGINEERS, INC. — a T! G(,otechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing is - ' A URS CQRI'ORATION(:OM1IPANY July 27, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 15 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, ]nc:'(dba D&M/Terratech) is:providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project arc presented on our technician's Daily Field Reports (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of July 13, 2001 through July 26, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of previously completed shear wall diaphragm nailing. • Observation of previously completed floor diaphragm nailing. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of the project engineer. December18, ;2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm'nailmg incomplete. Work-was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. 0001437(50R0257)gr page 1 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. July 27,2001 i 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORA TION COMPANY GGregory f, P. President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (3 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(501L0257)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. July 27,2001 D&M CONSULTINONGINEERS, INC. + �' A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT )( �1 _���t�� 13 DATE: PROJECT NO. Time Arrived: p� Time Left: PROJECT : Job Time: _ 9 n My,rr� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: `IC-�u 1V Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION(f)hear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other O. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF D . NO. NAILING DRWGNCOMMENTS 23 On rr #--m Zoo&6 A 2O'D 73 A- t NOTES: 'o the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: �P 3l1;L/pS 1.365 landerlQn�•San lose. CA 95113 /? %7runucs Ouens Mai--MomereY. C>1 9_f l-l0 rin.vi 707 A040 r,.r. ranvi 107 771A 1-,.,. rovI "I D&M CONSULTINONGINEERS, INC CEJ A URS CORPORATION COMPANY —7 PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: G ( �C� PROJECT NO. Time Arrived: � Time Left: PROJECT : � -�F l l/y'1 C.1 -L �.� Job Time: _ Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: <-d',- ��`� I Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear-Wal (B) loor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATIONDESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS 23 P6w I ovoZoc ,o i ? � PCx 5 c NOTES: the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 6V /03 7 �TN1L �(S ((44 c tz 1&- 1365 I'nnd<v Itin'•&I,Ju,ec. CA 9-5/12 12 Thomas Ovens Mat •A1nnr,,% Crl 9.i940 (408)297 6969 lel•(4087 297 7716 Fa.r (83/) 772 7776 7;,/.tHt l 1 771 71.0 I r,,, D&M CONSULTINONGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING/ INSPECTION REPORT DATE: C��Z.3/0/ 41 �1 PROJECT NO. ` ` J Z_ Time Arrived: PROJECT : L t 4161 LI iV F�s Time Left: _ 1 - , Job Time: /� /'� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR:^n ��01`�" r ,p Total Time: PERMIT NO.: D1 L s�" ��� ZUC7�o3 Mileage: Expenses: Qtr Lz- n00 'Loo �S DESCRIPTIOW-�Ahear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other O. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF OTL. . NO. NAILING DRWGNCOMMENTS 2 A- 2�- A - NOTES: N K)L& A.')YI t,S ni l 'D the best of my knowledge, the above AS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans,specifications,and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: EaP 3lZt�oj 044& C'u uif- 1365 Vander lVay•S'nn Jose. CA 95112 12 Thomas Owens Win-•Maruerei, CA 93940 (408)297 6969 Tel•)408)297 7710 Fax (831)772 3716 Tel•(83l)372 7481 Fo r D&M CONSULTING INC. �- �?" Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials sting r A LAS CORPORATION COMPANY October 8, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 A -MNTtON: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUB.iE'CT: Progress Report No. 18 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As.requested,.D&.M Consulting Engineers,.Inc, (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing''(Special lrispection) services for the'subject project: Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technician's Specific report (attached). .These.observations,and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of September 14, 2001 through October 4, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of previously completed shear wall diaphragm nailing. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The, holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of.the project engineer. December., 18, 2000 —.Shear.wall,•floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by,the city building inspector on or about January 26, 200 L ' 0001437(50R0359)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 8,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax r November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the.quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY C7 ory President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field report (1 page) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0359)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 8,2001 g g ,C D&M CONSULTINCONGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: oC-t[-Zj10—j_'-W PROJECT NO. A Time Arrived: pr Time Left: PROJECT : _LLr LT�' 0 /JY,/T�J Job Time: _ , Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: �JJ Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: _ C OTi ��-�dL(J� Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDINGLOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS cyk- "3 eZa-?,,6 G_ _ z. 1 l7 NOTES: U1_O[ )4-N_eLXIJD, jDINI i�]_f%El DiC1 ILr�'"7bt S�O� Ld�HCI_ fJ eJ �Oi �eA7�irhf < S(�UC C�P� Yb DE� �M� '�y6��ITy o the best of my knowledge, the abovile /WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: G-Xr oY/t-L61— f��ti�llN/� C27 ZCr,- /365 t/anrler War•San Jerre. CA 95/12 12 77runms Owena tiu, •Munlurep, Qt 9.t940 (403)297 6909 7c/•(408)297 7716 Fax (831) 372 3716 T1--IR 11 e77 74R I F-- D&M CONSULTING . 3194& LA CRUZ BLVD, SUITE 18 ENGINEERS, INC . SANTA CLARA CA 95054 GROUT COMPRESSION TEST REPORT (408 ) 297-6969 PROJECT NO. : 0001437 RPT TO: PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP * PROJECT DETAIL INFORMATION CHRISTINE WEAVER LAKE BILTMORE APTS-24 NEW UNIT 350 BRIDGE PARKWAY 10159 SOUTH BLANEY AVE. REDWOOD CITY CA 94065 CUPERTINO CA PERMIT # : 00020141 / APPL # MIX DATA - Lab Number 7221 Mix number : 82649 Sample date 09/11/01 Size agg : PG Material type GROUT PRISM COMPRESSION TEST Spec Strength: 2000psi @ 28 Days Supplier GRANITE ROCK Cement factor: 6 . 50 sack Admixture DARAVAIR/HYCOL SAMPLE DATA =________------------- ------------- -------------===7=OOin== Set number 0001 Slump, ASTM C143 Cast time 9 : 26am Air temp 78deg F Fld Inspector DAVID PUSKARICH Mix temp 79deF Ticket/Truck 36152294/2244 Air content, ASTM C173 g Test tech Fresh unit wt, ASTM C138 : pcf Dry unit PLACEMENT LOCATION : TRASH ENCLOSURE-BACK OF APARTMENTSwt, ASTM C567 pcf TEST DATA SAMPLE TEST AREA LOAD CORR CURE FRAC COMPRES NO DATE AGE DIMENSIONS (in . ) (sq in) (lbs) FACT TYPE TYPE STR (psi) ------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 082 H 4 . 00 x 8 . 00 x 4 . 00 . 00 L 00083 09/18/01 7 4 . 10 x 8 . 00 x 3 . 90 15 . 99 36780 L A 2300 00084 10/09/01 28 4 . 00 x 8 . 00 x 4 . 00 16 . 00 L A 00085 10/09/01 28 9 . 00 x 8 . 00 x 4 . 00 16 . 00 L A Comments : ---Samples-tested in accordance with UBC 21-18 LEGEND Curing type : L = lab, F = field Fracture types : A=cone, B=cone and split, C=cone and shear, D=shear, E=columnar cc: PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP RMC LONESTAR Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CUPERTTNO BLDG. DEPT . D&MCE SANTA CLARA DIVISION GRANITE ROCK *FILE COPY* Gregory J. Ruf, P. E. 09/20/01 President D&M CONSULTING 3194 DF. A CRUZ BLVD, SUITE 18 ENGINEERS, INC. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CONCROE COMPRESSION TEST REPORT' (408) 297-6969 PROJECT NO. : 0001437 RPT TO: PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP * PROJECT DETAIL INFORMATION CHRISTINE WEAVER LAKE BILTMORE APTS-24 NEW UNIT 350 BRIDGE PARKWAY 10159 SOUTH BLANEY AVE . REDWOOD CITY CA 94065 CUPERTINO CA PERMIT # : 00020141 / APPL # _______________ MIX DATA Lab Number : 03149 Mix number 1458 Sample date : 06/23/01 Size agg 1" Material type : CIP CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST Spec Strength: 2500psi @ 28 Days Supplier : RMC Cement factor: 5 . 00 sack Admixture : WR ___________________ SAMPLE DATA Set number : 0001 Slump, ASTM C143 4 . 50in Cast time : 9 : 15am Air temp 65deg F Fld Inspector : FRANK NISHIURA Mix temp 68deg F Ticket/Truck 1458/ 745 Air content, ASTM C173 Test tech Fresh unit wt, ASTM C138 : pcf Dry unit wt, ASTM C567 pcf PLACEMENT LOCATION : BUILDING Z SLAB ON GRADE TEST DATA SAMPLE TEST AREA LOAD CORR CURE FRAC COMPRES NO DATE AGE DIMENSIONS (in . ) (sq in) (lbs) FACT TYPE TYPE STR (psi) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00078 H 6 . 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 L 00079 06/30/01 7 6 . 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 78130 L A 2760 00080 07/21/01 28 6 . 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 114200 L A 4040 00081 07/21/01 28 6. 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 112790 L A 3990 Samples MEET specified 28 - day strength requirement at 28 days . Avg = 9020 Comments : Samples tested in accordance with ASTM C39 ND- --- Curing type : L = lab, F = field Fracture types : A=cone, B=cone and split, C=cone and shear, D=shear, E=columnar cc : PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP Respectfully submitted, RMC LONESTAR D&MCE SANTA CLARA DIVISION CITY OF CUPERTINO BLDG. DEPT. *FILE COPY* Gregory u,, 07/23/01 Preside a D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPORATION COMPANY September 18, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 17 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation, and materials.testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technicians' daily field reports (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed'as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of August 17, 2001 through September 13, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. • Full-time continuous observation of grout placement at masonry block. • Transportation of compression test specimens to the laboratory for curing and testing. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. , The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above*the slab. This requires the review of the,project engineer. December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. 0001437(50R0329)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. September 18,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd.,Suite 19 Santa Clara,Califomia 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY G gory J. of P.E. ? President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (3 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0329)gr page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting rnginecrs,Inc. September 18,2001 by " Di CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. �kX i rte' <� Geoteclviical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPOI:/,I IG_N Cf MPAN1' DATE: DSA FILEIAPPL.NO. PROJECT NO.—:' 14-3-7 OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAIL Cii C:>[ J�, ���n �( PERrIIT NO. �-O� 7 ` .` t fi �J_ � LOCATION: W P�i��`1`I WEATHER:("9_1&.e TEMP:(a� I� REBAR ❑ MASONRY ❑ MORTAR / GROUT ❑ VENEER QQ Ins ected the placement of reinforcing steel for the following location: � � C6ht P;9e7r3YL. ❑ Observed the placement of BRICK/CMU/VENEER and the reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the construction of masonry prisms. PRE-CONSTRUCTION / DURING CONSTRUCTION ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Cast set(s) of masonry prism test specimens : Vnn= psi @ days. ❑ Cast set(s) of mortar compression test specimens for Type mortar; psi @ days. ❑ Cast set(s) of grout compression test specimens : 7'c= psi @ days. ❑ Mix If/Type Slump Batch Plant Total cu. yds. placed ❑ Observed grout placement for the following location: ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS 1 WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. SuperintendendRepresentative: Inspector: d- .3 194 Dr La Cru.-.Rh d.. Shifa 19.• Sanjr,r Cla,u. CA 95054 12 Thomas On ewv IUur•Alo. n,(, CI 9_1940 (400)=97 0909 7i,1•(40R)297 7716 Fax (831) 372 3716 Te/•(831)372.74,N1 /'a.t' p D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORATION COMPANY DATE: �(\ ��f✓l DSA FILE/APPL. N0. PROJECT NO.: GG��j ? OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME:JJ PERMIT NO. LOCATION: /C,.t S' ' 'S WEATHER:(.LGA:�_ TEMP: 7c ❑ REBAR ❑ MASONRY MORTAR / GROUT ❑ VENEER ❑ Inspected the placement of reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the placement of BRICK/CMU/VENEER and the reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the construction of masonry prisms. PRE-CONSTRUCTION / DURING CONSTRUCTION ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Cast set(s) of masonry prism test specimens : /'m= psi @ days. ❑ Cast—set(s) of mortar compression test specimens for Type mortar; psi @ days. ❑ Cast_�_s�t(s) of grout compression test specimens : /'c= ��%�'�'% psi @ _L `. days. _ ❑ Mix Y /Type f%<'-��! , Slump / , Batch Plant Total cu. yds. placed '�• `� ❑ Observed grout placement for the following location: %<++V- / �Z ;c.0 -tcec. G,� rfPif•c.7 k s, J%YiJ L;v �i ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: _ at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge. the ab ve WAS/WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 1365 Dnn:.'rr lair• Srm.hur. G1 95112 /' %'hrnn¢c li'm • Alowewl. CA 9-?().,JO.-.. -. r40S')2u7,5969 1;1•(408j 297 7716 Fu.r (R lj?72 i7f h T<•f•1831)-,'72 74S/ Fax DAILY PROGRESS REPORT / Project No. / 7 3 17 ° D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page / of r A ues c Oen,a,vu/N cvn,rn"v Report Sequence No. Date/Day 0/—/Z-r✓/ Cl/Cv, Project Name Weather GrG�Y/r CUIi w._� Project Address Purpose of site visit 547Pr9cE QtCu�/u``� Project activity since last visit '— Project activity today U.-f / S �L%" 5 ��tcz�T Si1»r%'c�S i7J14z Comments continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copyto Print Full Name i7 a r 1365 Pander Wan•Sae Jose, CA 95112 12 Thomas Oweas Way•Morttere_V, CA 93940 (408)297 0969 Tcl•(40S)297 7716 Pax (831)372 3716 Tcl•(831)372 7451 Fa.r FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. — a 33ir Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPORATION CONWANV October 16, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 19 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project arc presented on our technician's daily field report (attached). These'observations'and/or tests have been performed as requested, in 'general- ace eneral accordance with the requirements of the project plails,'the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of October 5, 2001 through October 11, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. OPSIN EXCEPTIONS October 10, 2001- 1-ioldown bolts not installed. Placement requires verification at time of concrete placement. March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolt's were drilled slightly-off vertical. ' The holes broke through:tiie side'of'the stem 'wall -above the slab 'Thi's requires thc'review of the project engineer: 0001437(50R0373)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&ht Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 16,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete: Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY Gregory J. f P.E. President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field report (I page) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0373)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001-D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 16,2-001 6 g B •D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPCj RATION COMPANY DATE: IU 1 (o`p t LL) DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: I �3 7 OSHPC NO, PROJECT NArd E:—/I � j (� ) PERtd I- N0. - — L /+ L_ -----.— ....... LOCATION: ( `j t'`�L WEATHER:C, I.FL+ :YF'.'Ir•wmm!m_�—�:��'ai4:�'a�."'v�6:aL1Y4J!1F^'tFY:':.&�..�^1_Y'.a'S.�ik4:!SS�'gl.• 1 REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING ' Inspected the placement REINFORCING STE L/TENDONS/AB'S�/•HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: C�om�- (,' •. 10 " 2'D ' LB 135 Eby — z-o (&3 " 1T - Lcf2S J J ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded eloncations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cIP ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: LI Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast--set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mir. = TOL==! Cu. yds. placed Slump(sl: _ "% Air Unit WI(s): .__—_--- ^ Sbr,v; up %S!and by time. Jol: Canceled %I7eia�ed dua ac:—_ :— All non-(,ompliance items were )rough! to the attention of _ a; ire fob site NON-/COM/�P/LIApNC/EREPORT ATTACHED 1 NOTES:_t�S_L-l—_9 i` t4 S N CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. r Guolechniad/Environmental/Materials resting A URS CORPORAnON CCJnllb\NV JUly 19, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 14 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technicians' Daily Field Report (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of June 22, 2001 through July 12, 2001 are listed below. No services were requested or provided between May 31 and June 21, 2001. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. • Full-time continuous observation of concrete placement. • Sampling of concrete during placement and preparation of compression test specimens. • Monitoring of mix time and testing of concrete for consistency and temperature. • Transportation of compression test specimens to the laboratory for curing and testing. • Performed pull-out proof load testing on previously installed mechanical anchors. • Observation of previously completed shear wall diaphragm nailing 0001437(50R0246)er Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. July 19,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd.,Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of the project engineer. December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY Gr gory J. f, P. ^�� President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (10 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(501Z0246)gr Page 2 or 2 Copyright 2001 D&M ConsultingEngineers,Inc. July 19,2001 g .Tl `j D&M CONSULTING E ' NEERS, INC. • G Geotechnical/Environment77Materials Testing A ills CORPORA ON CO PANV --_ DATE. � /4 DSA may^ { DSA EILEIAPPL. N0. PROJECT NO.: C+-3 h^ OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME/_�� 4— B(qAL� �ZS PEM.11T NO LOCATION: GJPC�7�,�a WEATHER: __—__---TEMP:_.___ _.____ ❑ REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ RT TENDON STRESSING — ❑ Inspected the placement of REINFORCING STEEL i TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the lollowing location: CONCRETE J'clp ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: Observed dpplacementCONCRETE SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: C14 213t Ll 0-6 2 OD C a�-/ori• _ Cast_(_set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix # Total cu. yds. placed 3 Slump(s): % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: _ ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: he the best of my knowledge, the above(WASI WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications. and regulatory repuiremenls. Superintennent/Representative: �// Inspector: C't7 240; I/NJ Ur Lr: ('ru.-. BAd.. Suit, P)•. mao CLnv. (A ;'.i;;54 71..n1rs U'n'r4> I{;;p. A hn;;"n, Cr1 MO,Cj 297 69G97i•1•(40S'1397 iilG Fc.r (831)371 77167�I-(N3/).i7? 74,,:1 i-1,, roe.,rn:n'. !i __ D&1M CONSULTING EN LEERS, INC. • ' Geotechnical/Environment Materials Testing A uas CO'r ' )u co.�•nNv DATE: Qlp 'L, Q I DSA FILEIAPPL. NO. PROJECI NO.: 1L37 OSHPO NO. PROJECT NAME "'moi L� LS PERMIT NO. _ WEATHER: TEMP: REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING j Inspected the placement o EINFORCING STEE /TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: S' u4yz c _8c-OG `L3 P&R-e�tl7 C�D2c�D6� ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cIP ❑ PC ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast—set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix ti Total cu. yds. placed Slump(s): % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/ Delayed due to: LJ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the above WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: (-nr, Rh'd., $bile /V•Sowo C1...... (.A 119154 C Dump,., (hrrti' Hnc•Numet t'_r, C4 %2u�p (4f),) '7;rdra97hl•(40N) '-'9%77/0 /'ia :7/6 Tr•l• (RJl/.i?. 7;f.l hits `�`�; D&M CONSULTING E NEERS, INC. • T Geotechnical/Environment /Materials Testing _ -------, ----- A LIES CORP ORA9'ION CC)al'A DATE �� / 2 ��� DSA FILE/APPL.NO. PROJECT NO.: 1 -3? OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME: �'��/ C–. d/J�S, PERMIT NO, LOCATION: C!I PC !!�'J WEATHER: -- TEht P: f R�EBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING Ial Inspected the placement o EINFORCI TEEL TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: &--6Se Lill A�_.o IPS (cl 11967L P640 Na Da�Slc—r �1�vnP�L 2&t5 " `ij�p SUPI�fL D 11�j.���rjQ ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: _ CONCRETE l clP ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: Observed placement o ONCRET SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: Cast A—set(s) of compressive strength samples. t\Ais » `[J Total cu, yds. placed �F'L Slump(s): ��� Luh % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: _ at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED /� NOTES:_ -60C) l P&14 l7 it OD O&Xklj� G �/ pLIA – P�YnIT ?F OOO W I(( S- " A* P�nt7 A vaa "v k BLx 23 P�c7 a � Zo0G�6 Gc a -2, —.��m�r 0`, — OUa UV73 To the best of my knowledge, the above AS 1 WAS �NOT perform-add,,iin a�ctorc/fiance with the,t1`�a,[�roved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: r Fbp Inspector* f-k- _��ti�S t-!U�C-M-''ZOlY .i 19.4 Or 1: C'ru.-.hlyd.. .S,i, l9•Soulu Clura. Cit HiU.i� 12 7houra,o......s 11@rc•Alnnrcrrn (71 NCS) 297 bJry:'Fe1•IdOSI 3977716 Fo.0 f83//?72 ,'7167?I•(N31) ,'72 74SI Ficr DAILY PROGRESS REPORT 7 95 Project No. ( +3? r D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page I of Gs�/� �v URS CORPOKNI(1N C0��11'AN1' Report Sequence No. Date/Day 6q(� oe Project Name-`Z(LWeather CLZ'ua/ Project Address C'ejp 7/wo Purpose of site visit PI 'GUP Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments etc� /m tax----A COT continued O Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to Print Full Name 7365 Vander W,,,•San./usc. C1 95//2 12 771unnos Overs Wer•Moura . CA 93940 (40s)297 6969 lid•(40N)297 77/6 Fa.r (S7/) 1721 7/6 7c/•(8:71) f72 7457 Fa.r FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) DAILY PROGRESS REPORT t �7 Project No. l f+3 l r, t D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page ( of r nURS coeroennoNaOmunNv Report Sequence No. // ,�� '' 22 -ff ��y Date/Day 2�Q( Project Name _llmcc- y[�-[/jwzle- r7/ I) Weather Project Address ( N r&77(/1D Purpose of site visit Q-Atrx1 0`(-y VV0 A1-k( Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments L4 4SCk 112 712(( 000200(e,5 CA� Pc �i cclny &AI Ll " &F S e:exAq Ce � atl4r,�5 cuZ-x,� C�X /3 Ajv4zK r16-z-,o arc�r•pry sC�Esnuc,E- continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to Print Full Name ��RN(y /Tfy��(� G27 �ilW 1365 Bander ltlav•San im , CA 95112 12 Thomas 0i,en.r Wav•Mowerc_n CA 9. 940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fax (831) 372 3716 Tel•(831)372 7481 Fax FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. �r D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page _ Of � nURS cnrrnhnnuN cnaunNv Report Sequence No. Date/Day �W� raj Project Name -LA14& 6(LZANA-6A�?ZS Weather Project Address ? �b Purpose of site visit —SAZM,,Lc� Ql GKCu Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to �M Print Full Name r/(ig-k dl(S�((� 1165 I4mder Wur•Sun.lase, CA 95112 12 Thomas Owens Wav•Mowerev. CA 93940 NOS)297 69(,9 Tel•(403)297 7716 Pax (8311172 3716 Tel•(831 J.372 7411 Fa.r FORM 360-(Rev.7i99) LONsrE D&M CONSULTING EN NEERS, INC.nvironment • Geotechnical/Eaterials Testing ------------------- - - - --- A URS CORI'ORALION CO PANY DATE: 0 Z/—C—3x I DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: l -J OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAMELI N[74iar J- tl PE R fA IT N0. 5jS C, LOCATION: GU� �7�/L�Q WEATHER: .. TEMP: ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE ❑ WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: LOCATION OF TEST TYPE I SIZE ° %of LOAD Ip GAGE(PSp TESTED TOTAL orF Lbs ACC. REJ. RETEST Type e ox / rout used: it'II�SO til JE1 �tti BRG1N' YP 9 Method of application cleaning:4 9 Visual inspection was performed on ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: .! Z( All non-compliance items were brought to the attention oC 'J4 �}—`�` �-_at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED NOTES: To the bell of my knowledge. the abovr WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications. and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: .+19-/Ur(.n C-nr, Nh'J-. seir, /9•.Sown Cloru. C!I 45QS" 12 7-6ulnrr., if;,, • ,17nnh rrT �'1 O;yJ/f N(Y+I.'.4�496r/7;1• (4(A)297, 7710 l'n.r (Sa 11?7.'Si;o Tel•(S.ii 1 Jia 7-4;l la,c rno,n am -ro,,,. 7mm DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. 14=s q7 " D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page 2 of 2 a"-r• � A ues(.()RPUKARON(J)N PANV Report Sequence No. Date/Day a 21 aC� Project Name l bl JM C Z!Ei���ij60/' J Weather C y1i q l� Project Address (,efOCsn7�.e�© Purpose of site visit W 17 1-- 0�0� 14-oJf Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments o9, ; 27� 8 _�6 • &r s i� Ski 73 (f.M sD z f/a JLtf �' _/� /3rz,i S .A'LL � `' �'yte•cl �� >,�/Zd SC.6�f S/w rSd LP /G// e5?11eL,0 /MD JC4",� continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to C�/ � / Print Full Name 69&Aye-- A r,!!�b�(�/ 1365 Vander Wav•Son Jade, CA 95112 12 Thomas Owens Wap•Monrenm CA 93940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 hitt (8310 372 3716 Tial•(831)372 7481 Fax FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) D&M CONSULTINdWNGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORArtoN COh1PAN\' -- __ ---_—_-- /' PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: 1ll a PROJECT NO. 3� Time Arrived: -f q�, Time Left- PROJECT : eft: _ PROJECT : L� b(LI f2(L,:%�� yT�-Z� Job Time: �� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: -1 r`'��0 �l-i' Total Time: n Iry , I ,, Mileage: PERMIT NO.: 5� '+_77471 S- CJn Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (t) Edge 1Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING kO6Ai DESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS O—D`1 )I A, ( 2 07 CrL� LC ( � S A f .L . 6DD Z cx NOTES: S the best of my knowledge, the above(WAS1/WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Represemative: ��...11 Inspector: a-� k— ( /y/4 C "I VS 1365 Underr Item'•San.lose, CA 95112 12 Thomuo' 0urns llm •A9nrnrrei. Cil 9.;940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fox /,eel l 972 3716 7;d•/x r l 1 :7i 7JS/ r.n D&M CONSULTING EI)SNEERS, INC. • Geotechnical/Environmen /Materials Testing A URS CORPOR TION/,COMPANY DATE: (� / e Ito DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: l � OSHPD NO. �7 ',,� PROJECT NAME:�[& '�•L �.( L f - d-✓��S _ PERMIT NO. �C�c,vC�Cl LOCATION: /� , (� _ b .__l _U/ �I�D WEATHER: � � _ TEMP: � — REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING Inspected the placement f REINFORCING STEEL TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cIP ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast—set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix t' Total cu. vds. placed Slump(s): % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/ Delayed due to: U All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ' NOTES: / SZ/ ) VSI �y`D P L� t " To the best of my knowledge, the above WAS/WAS NOT performed io acrordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory g 1 requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: C—XO. 3�t_L�v> . I'N I). L.t ( rur/'h'd_ Shirr 1'i• ,gn+u,r r'h rru, i:4 '�`!t`: Ott, _!/�t_696J /hwnua Ln rrrr,- liar •,1/onww'� C-1 it i P/• (JUSI L.-:..-hi Fd.t �n.t. ,G,111'1711n (R_li_7I i�lti 'lel jh_t// % -l.1'i iax o D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. '!4r Ceolechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPORATION COMPANY LAU82001 DAugust 21, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00 _ Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 16 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technician's Daily Field Reports (attached). These 'observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of July 27, 2001 through August 16, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of previously completed roof diaphragm nailing. • Witness installation of epoxy-set anchor bolts. • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of the project engineer. December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. 0001437(50R0293)g, Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. August 21,2001 g g 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY President/ rincipal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (7 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0293)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. August 21,2001 D&M CONSULTINC•NGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORATION COMPANY /�k PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: `"J C����_ PROJECT NO. —14 ;"? Time Arrived: �� /}.,, Time Left: PROJECT : _� �- /)"(�11-(,_/{1'I'`pj//'l,C-- !> Job Time: ,�T �� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: (--{ �'C,7.1 Total Time: Q, M 2 I cl Mileage: PERMIT NO.: _ }-L.11.� 1- ?,o _ Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other TYPE OF DTL. NO. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS C i 3 NOTES: //IKI >/n �2ti Ute, "0 the best of my knowledge, the abov il WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: f2A6,"4 SHIU,oA C 'L�u1� 1.165 Va"de, ltYnr•San Jose. CA 95112 12 Thous.,Ott ens Mat'-Al... e�r, CA 93940 14087 297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fax `831) ?72?716 Ad•rR711:r77 7jR I r„ •D&M CONSULTING EN�EERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environlmental/Materials Testing A URS CORGP.O:�RA ION C NIPANV DATE: G[�— tP DSA FILE/APPL. N0. --_—____--_— PROJECT NO.: )— OSHPD N0. PROJECT NAf.IE: ( PERh111' NO. — IS( Mme`_ffl ----- ---- -- - LOCATION: C_;):)2(, WEATHER: TEMP: [ 9' RESAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING Inspected the placement o REINFORCING STEEL TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: Cak4acu _ SDA) P&PM 17 * `tXV'L-7 t�A�Cr;=s f52S^ &%,xL7 #- 2gmJ2 ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: _ ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cip ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast--set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix — Total cu. yds. placed Slump(s): % Air: _Unit wt(s): _ tf Show up/ Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to:_ ❑ All non-compliance items were brouaht to the attention of: _ at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE �REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the abo,e WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance witl� the approved plans. spedfica:ions. and regulatory requirements. Supeiintendent/Representafive: Inspector: 3/2'Ll�j . , U;' Lo .:)'r h'Aar:, .Suirr /'�•('nntrt C b'm. CA 'I itis! i_' /Rnnreo !w ons ti{rr l)unt<'n'r'. C4 939-!(i ._9 '69h9 7cl-(dU:7?97 Z.'; 1,u . �. (V,;±7d 37r o 7P1• (,�31)372 'd,V/ Pak !' '7;i iD&M CONSULTING EN� PT, " Geotechnical/EnvironmentaT/MJEE=RS, INC. • aterials Testing A URS CORPORATION C ONIPANY DATE: 0, /�)Cf_UI�-{ _--__ DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: ' � OSHPO NO. PROJECT NAf0E:1_APERMIT NO, LOCATION: (2 9C,L ( JCJ� �% WEATHER: TEMP: ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: LOCATION OF TEST TYPE/SIZE p '°t LOAD lb p p p TESTED TOTAL °r Fl Lbs GAGE(PSI) ACC. REJ. RETEST Typea ox /grout used: Method of application/cleaning: tS -6L-AJ "( Visual inspection was performed on D23 ECf 1111 l4 L.UT'- �•(0 1�'r0(i�-� �N1� G �,: �� BZif P n n CO 7 2 AICtW 11 F L S� C��/YE7� ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site, ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED NOTES: l'o the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: - .S11o' l9•SJ/I',, Clam, C.1 ()-)05,fl? 1'hunrtu Uu'rvu rySar•ILL m!rrer. C,{ I:9-1.1 I,10-N)297 6969 IN•J40Sj 297 7710 1,.1 hCi// i7_'37/6 fir!•IS31)_72 74,'l la,r Pte' ID&M CONSULTING ENOJEERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A uR<CORPor A N1 C W'Ai DATE: 0 ti r DSA FiLEJAPPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: OS[IPr i4o. PROJECT NO LC A N,E LOCATION: C) WEATHER: TEMP: e1C, REBAR ❑ PT TENDON El PT TENDON STRESSING Inspected the placement of REINFqRCING STEEL/TENDONS/AB'S/ HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location:- / , /L &4_%c� � Leos i F74, e,() SLj Co ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE Ei cip Ei PC El PT ❑ SHOTCRETE [I NS GROUT 0 Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast__set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix Tolal cu. yes. placed Slump(s): % Air* Unit vat(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/ Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items v,ere brought to the attention of: ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED at the_ick site. NOTES: To the best of my knowledge. the above (WAS WAS NOT performed in accarjam-e wiin the approved plans, specifications. and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: ; J I), I': Cru: Wvr,. Sm". 19-S'wllu Chun. C"I vloi4 77...it"s G1(401'�)297()il()g Vi,/- (10R)3!)77710 (831),>72 1710 7j!j^ n7U273 74,1'l jak ;t— D&M CONSULTING EN EERS, INC • Geotechnical/Environlnenta Materials Testing A UK$C^OKIN N WAFION COY.AN1 `• ' DATE: ci O ( DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: OSHPD NO. PROJECT NNI.IE:L � f"��}�:`( S PERMIT N0. LOCATION: ) WEATHER: GC.�; Z.�. TEMP: ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: LOCATION OF TEST TYPE/SIZE n %of LOAD it, GAGE(PSI) n n n TESTED TOTAL or Fr Lhs ( ACC. REJ. RETEST _FT L.. L I_ Type =epoxy grout used: 5ittiip5o&j ai 22- C vo 7 Method of application /cleaning: Visual inspection was performed on S�'�= �7C i�C-�'�'� �f-[ `L.-or 'L— ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowfodge. the aboveWAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with fire approved plans, specifications, and rogulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: A_llr�liJ�/�c�?_Zoe ilYa 1)r La ('re[.!//rr/.. Cf/i:e 0•.Santo Cloni, (-A ViOi.j i= 71wm/.r Uurns IliaC. •Ahmterct. -1 9.r9-/0 (j0SJ_>9J 00106)Tel•(,Ji)S) 197 777h l iu j DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. ID? VU� D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page Z of.� A URS Q)RPOkA:TK)N(()NIPANVReport Sequence No. / A P Date/Day C')V l oh I F ( YF-� pl L7a c)2-& �7S Weather a Project Name �-L(�-- Project Address CVP6-9-7(AO Purpose of site visit aizn) J' &)L-V �sy� Project activity since last visit Project activity today / Comments � y 41' T 1-10 � Y 4b 66L7- BLD G bL7- BcDG Z '0� 2014- ( Stu- 86z7 &-off A/} �LD67S- ( St6- 901-T & j4 2( Q--'TV(o 3 �t St L` 9,)c S 2 E &)LTs' _2? "t-0'-D & ) (L( Sit✓ 60 t-7l f�Lfl4 I f3 qa G& ( 4b) 80 L--r ti cs � 17,E CxDG 9D IVz 4�- srti 8vL�zs yG 2 2(?b `j'3 �64�1 r� c� H r-�- 7V ftp w/G tsu T continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to Print,Full Name1�= 1365 Vmder War•Sae Jure, CA 95112 12 76amas O(rens Will•Montere_r, CA 93940 (408)297 6969 7i,l•(408)297 7716 Fax (8 i 1)372 3716 T f/•(831) 372 7481 Fox FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) D&M CONSULTINNGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE:= BVI) PROJECT NO. L Time Arrived: / /• Time Left: PROJECT : �n�;L(L- GI(."7N G'C-f— Job Time: Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: �� T Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other TYPE OF DTL. NO. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS ,L 3 i L Nj NOTES: 1 the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans,specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: p �13►L- 111SN1()i� C27 1365 Vander Way•Son.lose. CA 95112 12 Thomas Omens ll'at •Moarertrr. CA 93940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fax (831)372 3716 Tel--(831)372 7481 For , 10/04/01 12:43 FAX 650 423 ? RINVE & PETERSON • IN01/003 Rinne $ Peterson Ima ®E'1 t OMNI 4�• 4 ®®MI ®I Fax Transmittal ®I FILE To: Company Trident Const, Inc. Sinclair Associates Prometheus : . Project Lake Biltmore Aparts.-Holdown connections Attention Steve R Walter H Eriko S., Chris W. Fax Na 408-446 1974 348-5062.596-5374 E� +q�1F . t c • sr ♦ �;�.. ,..r: l.�i L�13�t}y ,'�iIIl San Aov n o A d �'!" ""'��/C'p^.' P + 54 #:�h•-' "si.. �+„ FROM : Name Joey Navarro Pages, 3 lneludnlg cover slicct ' Pala Alm CA a4e03-131L - - - o Hard copy will follow '`YES ❑ NO ® =r ti _ r+y5$ '-'ase/ -a a. ♦k_v n^ ;.'•� __ . . ??e E "",` � -__ ,`-:k`_ .v r . '- a>X...t '�' - i `rt` 2'c�. � , r: ifyouhave ally gtialim ,o'r-do not rcccive all pages,please contact our ofhceas soon as F,%% 650 178-7861 Q yp � ♦� 14, MESSAGE �r{ Steve, r.:. _ jzAl, ? M �. V �..- a rv. "'•Y +< frW'-_'+.a_ ra 'Lk4 i x a t�7 +y 't ri1 Ilya tf' C " Y s ,� Please see attached tiieid'report for the 9 27 01?slte visit` Please verffy a)I�it�ems per r" W r r _ ::.s� Zvi - 'J_. �,: .,�''7� ._.'.,J"'r 1i.5'L° 'S icr•� :r, - � and let me k ow if you're not done with the "fixes"and I will reschedule my"visit ;rwuT'tr. - {'' accordingly. I will issue another Feld report about the exterior post-base issue. Please call me if you have any questions. I 6 r 1 T)n T E: _10/4/01 runic Y Pc- q'n lou .\res. 98396 I 3Q FM ' 10;04, 01 12: 44 FAX 650 428 2861 RINSE & PETERSON 10 002:001 " 0 Rinne & Peterson ;r�vCr uenLsn CiF63az r ha VP 164 G Z� Job Site Observation Report LToday's Da-c: Sept. 27, 2001 F.zpon Plumber: 003 r N p o: Project Lake Biltmore Aeartments (Phase 2-2nd floor shearwall attachment) Client Sinclair Architects Contact Eriko Stauber A Yhonc (650) 348-6865 Fax (650) 348-5062 y 1121 Sen Aneomo Aoad Contnct6r Trident Const., Inc. cantact -.' Steve R. +� 5} z� 5. 4.K�-•�._,ii-5 - - .- ...`Ii "'iat.,�,.-:cr: r : . . v Y ti} k`T5 k , s Observer -.'Jo Navarro We:Idter_:;Sunny C200 Date oM'ir ` September 27,2001 Time '1'3.00 pm '"''_ 7.51 d;A1[o, CA94303.5311 �i.. 6S0 526 3860. `^' hestt iThe to11'owing IteMs are the issue's�obs rvedduring.t ' e-visit to venfjr that µv L•:' Y`y h 1 :} _.'4'{• floor'shearwalUattachrrierit to tfiedwlielow,mat he's what is showo.bn,ffie fax,senf -_,ta the contracEor dated 8.28 U I ,8A`SC 014SQRVATIONS: - ACTIONS; .. .:. ..._..-. ....... ............. ._.._.._..__..........—_........-........................ _.- .. ........................._......_....... 0927.1 The doublestu _._... ......_._.. ds and post where Steve Ray to verify and provide double i s r 4 F the TS straps occurs at the top i edge nailing to alt-posts and double studs d a _ H do-not,�hyapve double edge tiading wheceiwist§uaps,at the to Decor`s' + 417" h_—.....__..._..a....„,'....._..__—. ;•' ri"e _ 0927.2 Some of the-doublestuds are not I Steve to"verify all double"studs locati6ni"'f1T'`•.`: nailed together. and provide 16d nails at 8" O.C. y: m ----- -........ ._..._—. --...._-............-.............._......_....._ -. . 0927.3 Some of the added bolts between IN told Steve to add 2-1/2" diameter lag_... multiple joists and blocking are bolts where the added new bolts are too too close to the end. close to the Ids of blocking. __............._.............._....._............_.................... ...... 0917.4 In building 24, the exterior wall ' IN told Steve to add A35 clip @ 8" o.c. (2 i plywood ends at the bottom of per bay, minimum) between the existing 2x the sole plate and then continuing blocking and dle,top of the first floor from the midheight of the 2x exterior wall.:IN told Steve to verity that blocking to the bottom of the sill the exterior wall should have plywood edge [ plate. nailing to the sole plate and the 2x blocking. 1 I _ OT:IERS YRESFNT: Copy T o: Yecerson job No. 98324 Q� ;Ol 12: 44 F.9% 650 428 20 . . ANNE &PETERSO'N • 10003/003 t v r , Ainoe &•Pace cs on iTn❑CT U0.e LfixclnJ!II0..^ FILE 1 Some of the twist straps (from JN told Steve to nail the stud to the post the top) are attached to the''stud ` i twith holdown with 16d nails @ a., O.C.full ; and "the holdown is attached to i height. .. Y the post right next to'the itud.'. " S ^r .............. .......... .........................---.... _.....;_- . '— -.......... ? 0927.6 Some of the twist straps need to.-, _ •Steve marked those locations and will # be renailed to the siud/post_ -renail the-straps vertically to the member below, bel Z.. 7 t. ♦ 1 -'1. y . . t ) "�- IIs' } .M f �,... >,.- .c 4��� ,. �.[ ��,.n,"� r-z. ... {Y'Fs'�v ?Y' ,r ,_ •xis �l �� - > '. '+�.'[��P�lks�,C_ ^' � ��,r 1✓� : �S ��^i, '�} F� `h��[ c •{�2 �{•>�1t�`�•�."f 'yi�if'e.'n.^ � r .{� '�1 i j t s.nP'tF'•',�� td' [u'� G"Tk .�y t.yr'.�.. t Y - y1 p. �" t 2J@1 Yr �.L. Y. �0. �.�`�,,, n,�7,^a�� _J..u�t s h- '*2�-ri. t H°> >t^ S�� q.[ � IC'3 � {�Jr ,N.•i..t�'r3� r Lr' i' {w d O�{, 4r, S ^-'1 r'a3+F t S L. ��r i����/ . t�^•r .•'a ?' J^"L Y3 {?'���•*��r� C� ,-9 >{��"t�RY«Y� }I�jry��4 x'P8 yf [ iM (r-_ cT..Q K E j r it & t s. °.✓.4, ti' ; 4>t• r•.., r,'f-�� y, 44 ^r y k' S"iv .!' � ,fu w{-i'� 1s- ,� ^�, -r<� r ` ,`.. Wt,,. "�. k35•ti�'�Ay^.,."yJta• P1T ty- r. r,p �,.''� .Y�.n an•' ' ."t'I" ° + {r �•r�iC 'f• [3.a{ ^�{'> :1., ��Y•. may[. � 1...�4�r" .`{- ,,•�4 J'. h4:+'tx� �l`'F�j-+4.,, it � 4^�s��1�'.1", nX�✓a :�.i '� 4 3L iav 'Ya. �hr. tc�,...� ••-+� 7 r� p,�,y .Y. rte- >c •"al S i ..�''xv':L�:1. ! d'{ ' i � Jyv't..•l"� c.'� ��•rb��y�}4N -FSnr. �y c1* �~`�xy� t �'iT�i`3 �%� �f Inn�;''."•i�^' �"'-� �C.�'�`K�� �^p�Z.`��zl•�'-a� �` Warr•i�,•:m, .�'� ,x Y N4��.e. 4 6 { f ¢i+^T4I t f'a., ,.? ; �Y�'r t�r^�.•.-s.Y' ✓• 'Kv�°Y�.� n-?�� � 4 �� }xyy'' � �,,.R..'t'^�`9,-¢annJ y.;•Sw`Jt+t7_:�^ �'.'ak ..�i'' ��.�,�a`„y�ww+wtrLl. � >� Lr..*�rt�.*yYs 5`. C "i .8`-i.,.�, h-' � '' " a, 'may-r^`- 1'" `D''����, r .a� �,-fin ���^ca,I: aa::s-r�+ �'yw�-*.c _'•+�y r, 1 yt •: Yr YY. C=..'r r [1 't �_.1 M, = , ,2 � ,YKyJ•}�� _y . -_� ` �v}Ja` $",'N�RJ,'kT, .y+ir�'M?{�{,+r�'� - �'' �'.. .moi ��,�.`.'astgSN;��.r•�'•,,},;. v�.'L i. n . a .y.=7n.y_.� •_. 1�, \ r t an.: r N 'Y _ "fi.(.'+.-v.c`+ �kSF't� •^.f f Ia.,��, 'a'g�. "�� ti r Lt w ��.t r� .t.Y 4 ••.'x�T'1• ' ��; Y� It-•i• t V ' Y OTIIERi PH QiENT: - tln r TO: <.`•'i. `, .:.. in &' ('- cnon job No.'-96324 --- D&M CONSULTING INC. �- �?" Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials sting r A LAS CORPORATION COMPANY October 8, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 A -MNTtON: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUB.iE'CT: Progress Report No. 18 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As.requested,.D&.M Consulting Engineers,.Inc, (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing''(Special lrispection) services for the'subject project: Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technician's Specific report (attached). .These.observations,and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of September 14, 2001 through October 4, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of previously completed shear wall diaphragm nailing. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The, holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of.the project engineer. December., 18, 2000 —.Shear.wall,•floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by,the city building inspector on or about January 26, 200 L ' 0001437(50R0359)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 8,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax r November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the.quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY C7 ory President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field report (1 page) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0359)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 8,2001 g g ,C D&M CONSULTINCONGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: oC-t[-Zj10—j_'-W PROJECT NO. A Time Arrived: pr Time Left: PROJECT : _LLr LT�' 0 /JY,/T�J Job Time: _ , Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: �JJ Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: _ C OTi ��-�dL(J� Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDINGLOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS cyk- "3 eZa-?,,6 G_ _ z. 1 l7 NOTES: U1_O[ )4-N_eLXIJD, jDINI i�]_f%El DiC1 ILr�'"7bt S�O� Ld�HCI_ fJ eJ �Oi �eA7�irhf < S(�UC C�P� Yb DE� �M� '�y6��ITy o the best of my knowledge, the abovile /WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: G-Xr oY/t-L61— f��ti�llN/� C27 ZCr,- /365 t/anrler War•San Jerre. CA 95/12 12 77runms Owena tiu, •Munlurep, Qt 9.t940 (403)297 6909 7c/•(408)297 7716 Fax (831) 372 3716 T1--IR 11 e77 74R I F-- D&M CONSULTING . 3194& LA CRUZ BLVD, SUITE 18 ENGINEERS, INC . SANTA CLARA CA 95054 GROUT COMPRESSION TEST REPORT (408 ) 297-6969 PROJECT NO. : 0001437 RPT TO: PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP * PROJECT DETAIL INFORMATION CHRISTINE WEAVER LAKE BILTMORE APTS-24 NEW UNIT 350 BRIDGE PARKWAY 10159 SOUTH BLANEY AVE. REDWOOD CITY CA 94065 CUPERTINO CA PERMIT # : 00020141 / APPL # MIX DATA - Lab Number 7221 Mix number : 82649 Sample date 09/11/01 Size agg : PG Material type GROUT PRISM COMPRESSION TEST Spec Strength: 2000psi @ 28 Days Supplier GRANITE ROCK Cement factor: 6 . 50 sack Admixture DARAVAIR/HYCOL SAMPLE DATA =________------------- ------------- -------------===7=OOin== Set number 0001 Slump, ASTM C143 Cast time 9 : 26am Air temp 78deg F Fld Inspector DAVID PUSKARICH Mix temp 79deF Ticket/Truck 36152294/2244 Air content, ASTM C173 g Test tech Fresh unit wt, ASTM C138 : pcf Dry unit PLACEMENT LOCATION : TRASH ENCLOSURE-BACK OF APARTMENTSwt, ASTM C567 pcf TEST DATA SAMPLE TEST AREA LOAD CORR CURE FRAC COMPRES NO DATE AGE DIMENSIONS (in . ) (sq in) (lbs) FACT TYPE TYPE STR (psi) ------------------- ------------------------------- ------------------------- 082 H 4 . 00 x 8 . 00 x 4 . 00 . 00 L 00083 09/18/01 7 4 . 10 x 8 . 00 x 3 . 90 15 . 99 36780 L A 2300 00084 10/09/01 28 4 . 00 x 8 . 00 x 4 . 00 16 . 00 L A 00085 10/09/01 28 9 . 00 x 8 . 00 x 4 . 00 16 . 00 L A Comments : ---Samples-tested in accordance with UBC 21-18 LEGEND Curing type : L = lab, F = field Fracture types : A=cone, B=cone and split, C=cone and shear, D=shear, E=columnar cc: PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP RMC LONESTAR Respectfully submitted, CITY OF CUPERTTNO BLDG. DEPT . D&MCE SANTA CLARA DIVISION GRANITE ROCK *FILE COPY* Gregory J. Ruf, P. E. 09/20/01 President D&M CONSULTING 3194 DF. A CRUZ BLVD, SUITE 18 ENGINEERS, INC. SANTA CLARA CA 95054 CONCROE COMPRESSION TEST REPORT' (408) 297-6969 PROJECT NO. : 0001437 RPT TO: PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP * PROJECT DETAIL INFORMATION CHRISTINE WEAVER LAKE BILTMORE APTS-24 NEW UNIT 350 BRIDGE PARKWAY 10159 SOUTH BLANEY AVE . REDWOOD CITY CA 94065 CUPERTINO CA PERMIT # : 00020141 / APPL # _______________ MIX DATA Lab Number : 03149 Mix number 1458 Sample date : 06/23/01 Size agg 1" Material type : CIP CONCRETE COMPRESSION TEST Spec Strength: 2500psi @ 28 Days Supplier : RMC Cement factor: 5 . 00 sack Admixture : WR ___________________ SAMPLE DATA Set number : 0001 Slump, ASTM C143 4 . 50in Cast time : 9 : 15am Air temp 65deg F Fld Inspector : FRANK NISHIURA Mix temp 68deg F Ticket/Truck 1458/ 745 Air content, ASTM C173 Test tech Fresh unit wt, ASTM C138 : pcf Dry unit wt, ASTM C567 pcf PLACEMENT LOCATION : BUILDING Z SLAB ON GRADE TEST DATA SAMPLE TEST AREA LOAD CORR CURE FRAC COMPRES NO DATE AGE DIMENSIONS (in . ) (sq in) (lbs) FACT TYPE TYPE STR (psi) ----------------------------------------------------------------- 00078 H 6 . 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 L 00079 06/30/01 7 6 . 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 78130 L A 2760 00080 07/21/01 28 6 . 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 114200 L A 4040 00081 07/21/01 28 6. 00 x 12 . 00 28 . 27 112790 L A 3990 Samples MEET specified 28 - day strength requirement at 28 days . Avg = 9020 Comments : Samples tested in accordance with ASTM C39 ND- --- Curing type : L = lab, F = field Fracture types : A=cone, B=cone and split, C=cone and shear, D=shear, E=columnar cc : PROMETHEUS REAL ESTATE GROUP Respectfully submitted, RMC LONESTAR D&MCE SANTA CLARA DIVISION CITY OF CUPERTINO BLDG. DEPT. *FILE COPY* Gregory u,, 07/23/01 Preside a D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPORATION COMPANY September 18, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 17 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation, and materials.testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technicians' daily field reports (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed'as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of August 17, 2001 through September 13, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. • Full-time continuous observation of grout placement at masonry block. • Transportation of compression test specimens to the laboratory for curing and testing. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. , The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above*the slab. This requires the review of the,project engineer. December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. 0001437(50R0329)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. September 18,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd.,Suite 19 Santa Clara,Califomia 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY G gory J. of P.E. ? President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (3 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0329)gr page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting rnginecrs,Inc. September 18,2001 by " Di CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. �kX i rte' <� Geoteclviical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPOI:/,I IG_N Cf MPAN1' DATE: DSA FILEIAPPL.NO. PROJECT NO.—:' 14-3-7 OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAIL Cii C:>[ J�, ���n �( PERrIIT NO. �-O� 7 ` .` t fi �J_ � LOCATION: W P�i��`1`I WEATHER:("9_1&.e TEMP:(a� I� REBAR ❑ MASONRY ❑ MORTAR / GROUT ❑ VENEER QQ Ins ected the placement of reinforcing steel for the following location: � � C6ht P;9e7r3YL. ❑ Observed the placement of BRICK/CMU/VENEER and the reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the construction of masonry prisms. PRE-CONSTRUCTION / DURING CONSTRUCTION ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Cast set(s) of masonry prism test specimens : Vnn= psi @ days. ❑ Cast set(s) of mortar compression test specimens for Type mortar; psi @ days. ❑ Cast set(s) of grout compression test specimens : 7'c= psi @ days. ❑ Mix If/Type Slump Batch Plant Total cu. yds. placed ❑ Observed grout placement for the following location: ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS 1 WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. SuperintendendRepresentative: Inspector: d- .3 194 Dr La Cru.-.Rh d.. Shifa 19.• Sanjr,r Cla,u. CA 95054 12 Thomas On ewv IUur•Alo. n,(, CI 9_1940 (400)=97 0909 7i,1•(40R)297 7716 Fax (831) 372 3716 Te/•(831)372.74,N1 /'a.t' p D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORATION COMPANY DATE: �(\ ��f✓l DSA FILE/APPL. N0. PROJECT NO.: GG��j ? OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME:JJ PERMIT NO. LOCATION: /C,.t S' ' 'S WEATHER:(.LGA:�_ TEMP: 7c ❑ REBAR ❑ MASONRY MORTAR / GROUT ❑ VENEER ❑ Inspected the placement of reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the placement of BRICK/CMU/VENEER and the reinforcing steel for the following location: ❑ Observed the construction of masonry prisms. PRE-CONSTRUCTION / DURING CONSTRUCTION ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Cast set(s) of masonry prism test specimens : /'m= psi @ days. ❑ Cast—set(s) of mortar compression test specimens for Type mortar; psi @ days. ❑ Cast_�_s�t(s) of grout compression test specimens : /'c= ��%�'�'% psi @ _L `. days. _ ❑ Mix Y /Type f%<'-��! , Slump / , Batch Plant Total cu. yds. placed '�• `� ❑ Observed grout placement for the following location: %<++V- / �Z ;c.0 -tcec. G,� rfPif•c.7 k s, J%YiJ L;v �i ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: _ at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge. the ab ve WAS/WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 1365 Dnn:.'rr lair• Srm.hur. G1 95112 /' %'hrnn¢c li'm • Alowewl. CA 9-?().,JO.-.. -. r40S')2u7,5969 1;1•(408j 297 7716 Fu.r (R lj?72 i7f h T<•f•1831)-,'72 74S/ Fax DAILY PROGRESS REPORT / Project No. / 7 3 17 ° D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page / of r A ues c Oen,a,vu/N cvn,rn"v Report Sequence No. Date/Day 0/—/Z-r✓/ Cl/Cv, Project Name Weather GrG�Y/r CUIi w._� Project Address Purpose of site visit 547Pr9cE QtCu�/u``� Project activity since last visit '— Project activity today U.-f / S �L%" 5 ��tcz�T Si1»r%'c�S i7J14z Comments continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copyto Print Full Name i7 a r 1365 Pander Wan•Sae Jose, CA 95112 12 Thomas Oweas Way•Morttere_V, CA 93940 (408)297 0969 Tcl•(40S)297 7716 Pax (831)372 3716 Tcl•(831)372 7451 Fa.r FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. — a 33ir Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPORATION CONWANV October 16, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 19 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project arc presented on our technician's daily field report (attached). These'observations'and/or tests have been performed as requested, in 'general- ace eneral accordance with the requirements of the project plails,'the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of October 5, 2001 through October 11, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. OPSIN EXCEPTIONS October 10, 2001- 1-ioldown bolts not installed. Placement requires verification at time of concrete placement. March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolt's were drilled slightly-off vertical. ' The holes broke through:tiie side'of'the stem 'wall -above the slab 'Thi's requires thc'review of the project engineer: 0001437(50R0373)gr Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&ht Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 16,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete: Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY Gregory J. f P.E. President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field report (I page) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0373)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001-D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. October 16,2-001 6 g B •D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPCj RATION COMPANY DATE: IU 1 (o`p t LL) DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: I �3 7 OSHPC NO, PROJECT NArd E:—/I � j (� ) PERtd I- N0. - — L /+ L_ -----.— ....... LOCATION: ( `j t'`�L WEATHER:C, I.FL+ :YF'.'Ir•wmm!m_�—�:��'ai4:�'a�."'v�6:aL1Y4J!1F^'tFY:':.&�..�^1_Y'.a'S.�ik4:!SS�'gl.• 1 REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING ' Inspected the placement REINFORCING STE L/TENDONS/AB'S�/•HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: C�om�- (,' •. 10 " 2'D ' LB 135 Eby — z-o (&3 " 1T - Lcf2S J J ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded eloncations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cIP ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: LI Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast--set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mir. = TOL==! Cu. yds. placed Slump(sl: _ "% Air Unit WI(s): .__—_--- ^ Sbr,v; up %S!and by time. Jol: Canceled %I7eia�ed dua ac:—_ :— All non-(,ompliance items were )rough! to the attention of _ a; ire fob site NON-/COM/�P/LIApNC/EREPORT ATTACHED 1 NOTES:_t�S_L-l—_9 i` t4 S N t` D&M CONSULTING- ENGINEERS, INC. — a T! G(,otechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing is - ' A URS CQRI'ORATION(:OM1IPANY July 27, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 15 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, ]nc:'(dba D&M/Terratech) is:providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project arc presented on our technician's Daily Field Reports (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of July 13, 2001 through July 26, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of previously completed shear wall diaphragm nailing. • Observation of previously completed floor diaphragm nailing. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of the project engineer. December18, ;2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm'nailmg incomplete. Work-was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. 0001437(50R0257)gr page 1 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. July 27,2001 i 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORA TION COMPANY GGregory f, P. President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (3 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(501L0257)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. July 27,2001 D&M CONSULTINONGINEERS, INC. + �' A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT )( �1 _���t�� 13 DATE: PROJECT NO. Time Arrived: p� Time Left: PROJECT : Job Time: _ 9 n My,rr� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: `IC-�u 1V Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION(f)hear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other O. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF D . NO. NAILING DRWGNCOMMENTS 23 On rr #--m Zoo&6 A 2O'D 73 A- t NOTES: 'o the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: �P 3l1;L/pS 1.365 landerlQn�•San lose. CA 95113 /? %7runucs Ouens Mai--MomereY. C>1 9_f l-l0 rin.vi 707 A040 r,.r. ranvi 107 771A 1-,.,. rovI "I D&M CONSULTINONGINEERS, INC CEJ A URS CORPORATION COMPANY —7 PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: G ( �C� PROJECT NO. Time Arrived: � Time Left: PROJECT : � -�F l l/y'1 C.1 -L �.� Job Time: _ Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: <-d',- ��`� I Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear-Wal (B) loor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING LOCATIONDESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS 23 P6w I ovoZoc ,o i ? � PCx 5 c NOTES: the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: 6V /03 7 �TN1L �(S ((44 c tz 1&- 1365 I'nnd<v Itin'•&I,Ju,ec. CA 9-5/12 12 Thomas Ovens Mat •A1nnr,,% Crl 9.i940 (408)297 6969 lel•(4087 297 7716 Fa.r (83/) 772 7776 7;,/.tHt l 1 771 71.0 I r,,, D&M CONSULTINONGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING/ INSPECTION REPORT DATE: C��Z.3/0/ 41 �1 PROJECT NO. ` ` J Z_ Time Arrived: PROJECT : L t 4161 LI iV F�s Time Left: _ 1 - , Job Time: /� /'� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR:^n ��01`�" r ,p Total Time: PERMIT NO.: D1 L s�" ��� ZUC7�o3 Mileage: Expenses: Qtr Lz- n00 'Loo �S DESCRIPTIOW-�Ahear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other O. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. TYPE OF OTL. . NO. NAILING DRWGNCOMMENTS 2 A- 2�- A - NOTES: N K)L& A.')YI t,S ni l 'D the best of my knowledge, the above AS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans,specifications,and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: EaP 3lZt�oj 044& C'u uif- 1365 Vander lVay•S'nn Jose. CA 95112 12 Thomas Owens Win-•Maruerei, CA 93940 (408)297 6969 Tel•)408)297 7710 Fax (831)772 3716 Tel•(83l)372 7481 Fo r CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. r Guolechniad/Environmental/Materials resting A URS CORPORAnON CCJnllb\NV JUly 19, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00020066, 00020073 Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 14 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technicians' Daily Field Report (attached). These observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of June 22, 2001 through July 12, 2001 are listed below. No services were requested or provided between May 31 and June 21, 2001. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. • Full-time continuous observation of concrete placement. • Sampling of concrete during placement and preparation of compression test specimens. • Monitoring of mix time and testing of concrete for consistency and temperature. • Transportation of compression test specimens to the laboratory for curing and testing. • Performed pull-out proof load testing on previously installed mechanical anchors. • Observation of previously completed shear wall diaphragm nailing 0001437(50R0246)er Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. July 19,2001 3194 De La Cruz Blvd.,Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of the project engineer. December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY Gr gory J. f, P. ^�� President/Principal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (10 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(501Z0246)gr Page 2 or 2 Copyright 2001 D&M ConsultingEngineers,Inc. July 19,2001 g .Tl `j D&M CONSULTING E ' NEERS, INC. • G Geotechnical/Environment77Materials Testing A ills CORPORA ON CO PANV --_ DATE. � /4 DSA may^ { DSA EILEIAPPL. N0. PROJECT NO.: C+-3 h^ OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME/_�� 4— B(qAL� �ZS PEM.11T NO LOCATION: GJPC�7�,�a WEATHER: __—__---TEMP:_.___ _.____ ❑ REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ RT TENDON STRESSING — ❑ Inspected the placement of REINFORCING STEEL i TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the lollowing location: CONCRETE J'clp ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: Observed dpplacementCONCRETE SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: C14 213t Ll 0-6 2 OD C a�-/ori• _ Cast_(_set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix # Total cu. yds. placed 3 Slump(s): % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: _ ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: he the best of my knowledge, the above(WASI WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications. and regulatory repuiremenls. Superintennent/Representative: �// Inspector: C't7 240; I/NJ Ur Lr: ('ru.-. BAd.. Suit, P)•. mao CLnv. (A ;'.i;;54 71..n1rs U'n'r4> I{;;p. A hn;;"n, Cr1 MO,Cj 297 69G97i•1•(40S'1397 iilG Fc.r (831)371 77167�I-(N3/).i7? 74,,:1 i-1,, roe.,rn:n'. !i __ D&1M CONSULTING EN LEERS, INC. • ' Geotechnical/Environment Materials Testing A uas CO'r ' )u co.�•nNv DATE: Qlp 'L, Q I DSA FILEIAPPL. NO. PROJECI NO.: 1L37 OSHPO NO. PROJECT NAME "'moi L� LS PERMIT NO. _ WEATHER: TEMP: REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING j Inspected the placement o EINFORCING STEE /TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: S' u4yz c _8c-OG `L3 P&R-e�tl7 C�D2c�D6� ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cIP ❑ PC ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast—set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix ti Total cu. yds. placed Slump(s): % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/ Delayed due to: LJ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the above WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: (-nr, Rh'd., $bile /V•Sowo C1...... (.A 119154 C Dump,., (hrrti' Hnc•Numet t'_r, C4 %2u�p (4f),) '7;rdra97hl•(40N) '-'9%77/0 /'ia :7/6 Tr•l• (RJl/.i?. 7;f.l hits `�`�; D&M CONSULTING E NEERS, INC. • T Geotechnical/Environment /Materials Testing _ -------, ----- A LIES CORP ORA9'ION CC)al'A DATE �� / 2 ��� DSA FILE/APPL.NO. PROJECT NO.: 1 -3? OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAME: �'��/ C–. d/J�S, PERMIT NO, LOCATION: C!I PC !!�'J WEATHER: -- TEht P: f R�EBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING Ial Inspected the placement o EINFORCI TEEL TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: &--6Se Lill A�_.o IPS (cl 11967L P640 Na Da�Slc—r �1�vnP�L 2&t5 " `ij�p SUPI�fL D 11�j.���rjQ ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: _ CONCRETE l clP ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: Observed placement o ONCRET SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: Cast A—set(s) of compressive strength samples. t\Ais » `[J Total cu, yds. placed �F'L Slump(s): ��� Luh % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: _ at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED /� NOTES:_ -60C) l P&14 l7 it OD O&Xklj� G �/ pLIA – P�YnIT ?F OOO W I(( S- " A* P�nt7 A vaa "v k BLx 23 P�c7 a � Zo0G�6 Gc a -2, —.��m�r 0`, — OUa UV73 To the best of my knowledge, the above AS 1 WAS �NOT perform-add,,iin a�ctorc/fiance with the,t1`�a,[�roved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: r Fbp Inspector* f-k- _��ti�S t-!U�C-M-''ZOlY .i 19.4 Or 1: C'ru.-.hlyd.. .S,i, l9•Soulu Clura. Cit HiU.i� 12 7houra,o......s 11@rc•Alnnrcrrn (71 NCS) 297 bJry:'Fe1•IdOSI 3977716 Fo.0 f83//?72 ,'7167?I•(N31) ,'72 74SI Ficr DAILY PROGRESS REPORT 7 95 Project No. ( +3? r D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page I of Gs�/� �v URS CORPOKNI(1N C0��11'AN1' Report Sequence No. Date/Day 6q(� oe Project Name-`Z(LWeather CLZ'ua/ Project Address C'ejp 7/wo Purpose of site visit PI 'GUP Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments etc� /m tax----A COT continued O Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to Print Full Name 7365 Vander W,,,•San./usc. C1 95//2 12 771unnos Overs Wer•Moura . CA 93940 (40s)297 6969 lid•(40N)297 77/6 Fa.r (S7/) 1721 7/6 7c/•(8:71) f72 7457 Fa.r FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) DAILY PROGRESS REPORT t �7 Project No. l f+3 l r, t D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page ( of r nURS coeroennoNaOmunNv Report Sequence No. // ,�� '' 22 -ff ��y Date/Day 2�Q( Project Name _llmcc- y[�-[/jwzle- r7/ I) Weather Project Address ( N r&77(/1D Purpose of site visit Q-Atrx1 0`(-y VV0 A1-k( Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments L4 4SCk 112 712(( 000200(e,5 CA� Pc �i cclny &AI Ll " &F S e:exAq Ce � atl4r,�5 cuZ-x,� C�X /3 Ajv4zK r16-z-,o arc�r•pry sC�Esnuc,E- continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to Print Full Name ��RN(y /Tfy��(� G27 �ilW 1365 Bander ltlav•San im , CA 95112 12 Thomas 0i,en.r Wav•Mowerc_n CA 9. 940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fax (831) 372 3716 Tel•(831)372 7481 Fax FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. �r D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page _ Of � nURS cnrrnhnnuN cnaunNv Report Sequence No. Date/Day �W� raj Project Name -LA14& 6(LZANA-6A�?ZS Weather Project Address ? �b Purpose of site visit —SAZM,,Lc� Ql GKCu Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to �M Print Full Name r/(ig-k dl(S�((� 1165 I4mder Wur•Sun.lase, CA 95112 12 Thomas Owens Wav•Mowerev. CA 93940 NOS)297 69(,9 Tel•(403)297 7716 Pax (8311172 3716 Tel•(831 J.372 7411 Fa.r FORM 360-(Rev.7i99) LONsrE D&M CONSULTING EN NEERS, INC.nvironment • Geotechnical/Eaterials Testing ------------------- - - - --- A URS CORI'ORALION CO PANY DATE: 0 Z/—C—3x I DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: l -J OSHPD NO. PROJECT NAMELI N[74iar J- tl PE R fA IT N0. 5jS C, LOCATION: GU� �7�/L�Q WEATHER: .. TEMP: ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE ❑ WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: LOCATION OF TEST TYPE I SIZE ° %of LOAD Ip GAGE(PSp TESTED TOTAL orF Lbs ACC. REJ. RETEST Type e ox / rout used: it'II�SO til JE1 �tti BRG1N' YP 9 Method of application cleaning:4 9 Visual inspection was performed on ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: .! Z( All non-compliance items were brought to the attention oC 'J4 �}—`�` �-_at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED NOTES: To the bell of my knowledge. the abovr WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications. and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: .+19-/Ur(.n C-nr, Nh'J-. seir, /9•.Sown Cloru. C!I 45QS" 12 7-6ulnrr., if;,, • ,17nnh rrT �'1 O;yJ/f N(Y+I.'.4�496r/7;1• (4(A)297, 7710 l'n.r (Sa 11?7.'Si;o Tel•(S.ii 1 Jia 7-4;l la,c rno,n am -ro,,,. 7mm DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. 14=s q7 " D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page 2 of 2 a"-r• � A ues(.()RPUKARON(J)N PANV Report Sequence No. Date/Day a 21 aC� Project Name l bl JM C Z!Ei���ij60/' J Weather C y1i q l� Project Address (,efOCsn7�.e�© Purpose of site visit W 17 1-- 0�0� 14-oJf Project activity since last visit Project activity today Comments o9, ; 27� 8 _�6 • &r s i� Ski 73 (f.M sD z f/a JLtf �' _/� /3rz,i S .A'LL � `' �'yte•cl �� >,�/Zd SC.6�f S/w rSd LP /G// e5?11eL,0 /MD JC4",� continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to C�/ � / Print Full Name 69&Aye-- A r,!!�b�(�/ 1365 Vander Wav•Son Jade, CA 95112 12 Thomas Owens Wap•Monrenm CA 93940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 hitt (8310 372 3716 Tial•(831)372 7481 Fax FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) D&M CONSULTINdWNGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORArtoN COh1PAN\' -- __ ---_—_-- /' PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: 1ll a PROJECT NO. 3� Time Arrived: -f q�, Time Left- PROJECT : eft: _ PROJECT : L� b(LI f2(L,:%�� yT�-Z� Job Time: �� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: -1 r`'��0 �l-i' Total Time: n Iry , I ,, Mileage: PERMIT NO.: 5� '+_77471 S- CJn Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (t) Edge 1Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other BUILDING kO6Ai DESCRIP. TYPE OF DTL. NO. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS O—D`1 )I A, ( 2 07 CrL� LC ( � S A f .L . 6DD Z cx NOTES: S the best of my knowledge, the above(WAS1/WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Represemative: ��...11 Inspector: a-� k— ( /y/4 C "I VS 1365 Underr Item'•San.lose, CA 95112 12 Thomuo' 0urns llm •A9nrnrrei. Cil 9.;940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fox /,eel l 972 3716 7;d•/x r l 1 :7i 7JS/ r.n D&M CONSULTING EI)SNEERS, INC. • Geotechnical/Environmen /Materials Testing A URS CORPOR TION/,COMPANY DATE: (� / e Ito DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: l � OSHPD NO. �7 ',,� PROJECT NAME:�[& '�•L �.( L f - d-✓��S _ PERMIT NO. �C�c,vC�Cl LOCATION: /� , (� _ b .__l _U/ �I�D WEATHER: � � _ TEMP: � — REBAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING Inspected the placement f REINFORCING STEEL TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cIP ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast—set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix t' Total cu. vds. placed Slump(s): % Air: Unit wt(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/ Delayed due to: U All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ' NOTES: / SZ/ ) VSI �y`D P L� t " To the best of my knowledge, the above WAS/WAS NOT performed io acrordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory g 1 requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: C—XO. 3�t_L�v> . I'N I). L.t ( rur/'h'd_ Shirr 1'i• ,gn+u,r r'h rru, i:4 '�`!t`: Ott, _!/�t_696J /hwnua Ln rrrr,- liar •,1/onww'� C-1 it i P/• (JUSI L.-:..-hi Fd.t �n.t. ,G,111'1711n (R_li_7I i�lti 'lel jh_t// % -l.1'i iax o D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. '!4r Ceolechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A URS CORPORATION COMPANY LAU82001 DAugust 21, 2001 Permits: 00020097, 00 _ Project No.: 0001437 00020146, 00020098, 00020145, 00020065, 00020141, 00020143, 00020124 Prometheus Real Estate Group, Inc. 350 Bridge Parkway Redwood City, California 94065 ATTENTION: Ms. Christine A. Weaver SUBJECT: Progress Report No. 16 for Construction Observations and Materials Testing (Special Inspection) Services; Lake Biltmore Apartments, 10159 South Blaney Avenue, Cupertino, California Ladies and Gentlemen: As requested, D&M Consulting Engineers, Inc. (dba D&M/Terratech) is providing construction observation and materials testing (Special Inspection) services for the subject project. Specific items observed and/or tested for the subject project are presented on our technician's Daily Field Reports (attached). These 'observations and/or tests have been performed as requested, in general accordance with the requirements of the project plans, the project structural test and inspections schedule, and the requirements set forth in the Uniform Building Code. Our services performed during the period of July 27, 2001 through August 16, 2001 are listed below. Laboratory test results are reported under separate cover as the tests are completed. The work observed was, to the best of our knowledge, in conformance with approved project plans and applicable standards of workmanship at the time of completion, except as noted below. Our services during the identified time period included: • Observation of previously completed roof diaphragm nailing. • Witness installation of epoxy-set anchor bolts. • Observation of reinforcing steel placement. OPEN EXCEPTIONS March 22, 2001- Due to clearance issues, holes for two epoxy-set holdown bolts were drilled slightly off vertical. The holes broke through the side of the stem wall above the slab. This requires the review of the project engineer. December 18, 2000 — Shear wall, floor and roof diaphragm nailing incomplete. Work was reported to have been reinspected by the city building inspector on or about January 26, 2001. 0001437(50R0293)g, Page I of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. August 21,2001 g g 3194 De La Cruz Blvd., Suite 19 Santa Clara,California 95054 408 297 6969 Tel 408 297 7716 Fax November 26, 2000 — One epoxy-set anchor bolt had embedment limited to 9 inches due to conflict with reinforcing steel. Project plans indicate 16 inch embedment requirement. This requires engineer's review. LIMITATIONS As our client, please recognize that construction monitoring is a technique employed to reduce the risk of deviations from the approved plans from becoming incorporated into the completed project without appropriate engineering review and approval. Provision of construction monitoring by D&M/Terratech's field personnel is not insurance, nor does it guarantee construction of any type. Even with diligent monitoring, some construction defects may be missed. In all cases, the contractor shall retain sole responsibility for the quality of work, for adhering to plans and specifications and for repairing defects, deficiencies or omissions, regardless of when they are found. We have performed our services in a manner consistent with the standard of care and skill ordinarily exercised by firms of our type practicing under similar conditions at this same time and locality. However, we do not undertake the guarantee of construction nor production of a completed project conforming to the project plans and specifications. No warranty is expressed or implied. Our services were limited to those documented in our attached reports. We appreciate the opportunity to work with you on this project. If you have any questions concerning our observations or test results, or require additional information, please do not hesitate to contact us at your earliest convenience. Sincerely, D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. A URS CORPORATION COMPANY President/ rincipal Engineer Attachments: daily field reports (7 pages) cc: Addressee (1) Trident Construction City of Cupertino 0001437(50R0293)gr Page 2 of 2 Copyright 2001 D&M Consulting Engineers,Inc. August 21,2001 D&M CONSULTINC•NGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORATION COMPANY /�k PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE: `"J C����_ PROJECT NO. —14 ;"? Time Arrived: �� /}.,, Time Left: PROJECT : _� �- /)"(�11-(,_/{1'I'`pj//'l,C-- !> Job Time: ,�T �� Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: (--{ �'C,7.1 Total Time: Q, M 2 I cl Mileage: PERMIT NO.: _ }-L.11.� 1- ?,o _ Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other TYPE OF DTL. NO. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS C i 3 NOTES: //IKI >/n �2ti Ute, "0 the best of my knowledge, the abov il WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: f2A6,"4 SHIU,oA C 'L�u1� 1.165 Va"de, ltYnr•San Jose. CA 95112 12 Thous.,Ott ens Mat'-Al... e�r, CA 93940 14087 297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fax `831) ?72?716 Ad•rR711:r77 7jR I r„ •D&M CONSULTING EN�EERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environlmental/Materials Testing A URS CORGP.O:�RA ION C NIPANV DATE: G[�— tP DSA FILE/APPL. N0. --_—____--_— PROJECT NO.: )— OSHPD N0. PROJECT NAf.IE: ( PERh111' NO. — IS( Mme`_ffl ----- ---- -- - LOCATION: C_;):)2(, WEATHER: TEMP: [ 9' RESAR ❑ PT TENDON ❑ PT TENDON STRESSING Inspected the placement o REINFORCING STEEL TENDONS/AB'S/HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location: Cak4acu _ SDA) P&PM 17 * `tXV'L-7 t�A�Cr;=s f52S^ &%,xL7 #- 2gmJ2 ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: _ ❑ CONCRETE ❑ cip ❑ Pc ❑ PT ❑ SHOTCRETE ❑ NS GROUT ❑ Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast--set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix — Total cu. yds. placed Slump(s): % Air: _Unit wt(s): _ tf Show up/ Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to:_ ❑ All non-compliance items were brouaht to the attention of: _ at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE �REPORT ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowledge, the abo,e WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance witl� the approved plans. spedfica:ions. and regulatory requirements. Supeiintendent/Representafive: Inspector: 3/2'Ll�j . , U;' Lo .:)'r h'Aar:, .Suirr /'�•('nntrt C b'm. CA 'I itis! i_' /Rnnreo !w ons ti{rr l)unt<'n'r'. C4 939-!(i ._9 '69h9 7cl-(dU:7?97 Z.'; 1,u . �. (V,;±7d 37r o 7P1• (,�31)372 'd,V/ Pak !' '7;i iD&M CONSULTING EN� PT, " Geotechnical/EnvironmentaT/MJEE=RS, INC. • aterials Testing A URS CORPORATION C ONIPANY DATE: 0, /�)Cf_UI�-{ _--__ DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: ' � OSHPO NO. PROJECT NAf0E:1_APERMIT NO, LOCATION: (2 9C,L ( JCJ� �% WEATHER: TEMP: ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: LOCATION OF TEST TYPE/SIZE p '°t LOAD lb p p p TESTED TOTAL °r Fl Lbs GAGE(PSI) ACC. REJ. RETEST Typea ox /grout used: Method of application/cleaning: tS -6L-AJ "( Visual inspection was performed on D23 ECf 1111 l4 L.UT'- �•(0 1�'r0(i�-� �N1� G �,: �� BZif P n n CO 7 2 AICtW 11 F L S� C��/YE7� ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site, ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED NOTES: l'o the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans, specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: - .S11o' l9•SJ/I',, Clam, C.1 ()-)05,fl? 1'hunrtu Uu'rvu rySar•ILL m!rrer. C,{ I:9-1.1 I,10-N)297 6969 IN•J40Sj 297 7710 1,.1 hCi// i7_'37/6 fir!•IS31)_72 74,'l la,r Pte' ID&M CONSULTING ENOJEERS, INC. Geotechnical/Environmental/Materials Testing A uR<CORPor A N1 C W'Ai DATE: 0 ti r DSA FiLEJAPPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: OS[IPr i4o. PROJECT NO LC A N,E LOCATION: C) WEATHER: TEMP: e1C, REBAR ❑ PT TENDON El PT TENDON STRESSING Inspected the placement of REINFqRCING STEEL/TENDONS/AB'S/ HD'S/TIE DOWNS for the following location:- / , /L &4_%c� � Leos i F74, e,() SLj Co ❑ Observed post-tensioning operations, measured and recorded elongations of tendons for the following location: ❑ CONCRETE Ei cip Ei PC El PT ❑ SHOTCRETE [I NS GROUT 0 Inspected the batch plant operations. Batch Plant/ Location: ❑ Observed placement of CONCRETE/SHOTCRETE/NON-SHRINK GROUT at the following location: ❑ Cast__set(s) of compressive strength samples. Mix Tolal cu. yes. placed Slump(s): % Air* Unit vat(s): ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/ Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items v,ere brought to the attention of: ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED at the_ick site. NOTES: To the best of my knowledge. the above (WAS WAS NOT performed in accarjam-e wiin the approved plans, specifications. and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: ; J I), I': Cru: Wvr,. Sm". 19-S'wllu Chun. C"I vloi4 77...it"s G1(401'�)297()il()g Vi,/- (10R)3!)77710 (831),>72 1710 7j!j^ n7U273 74,1'l jak ;t— D&M CONSULTING EN EERS, INC • Geotechnical/Environlnenta Materials Testing A UK$C^OKIN N WAFION COY.AN1 `• ' DATE: ci O ( DSA FILE/APPL. NO. PROJECT NO.: OSHPD NO. PROJECT NNI.IE:L � f"��}�:`( S PERMIT N0. LOCATION: ) WEATHER: GC.�; Z.�. TEMP: ❑ PROOF LOAD ❑ TORQUE WITNESSING ❑ Testing was performed on the following items. All tests were performed with the following calibrated equipment: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: RAM: GAGE: TORQUE WRENCH: LOCATION OF TEST TYPE/SIZE n %of LOAD it, GAGE(PSI) n n n TESTED TOTAL or Fr Lhs ( ACC. REJ. RETEST _FT L.. L I_ Type =epoxy grout used: 5ittiip5o&j ai 22- C vo 7 Method of application /cleaning: Visual inspection was performed on S�'�= �7C i�C-�'�'� �f-[ `L.-or 'L— ❑ Show up/Stand by time. Job Canceled/Delayed due to: ❑ All non-compliance items were brought to the attention of: at the job site. ❑ NON-COMPLIANCE REPORT ATTACHED ❑ ADDITIONAL TESTS ATTACHED NOTES: To the best of my knowfodge. the aboveWAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with fire approved plans, specifications, and rogulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: A_llr�liJ�/�c�?_Zoe ilYa 1)r La ('re[.!//rr/.. Cf/i:e 0•.Santo Cloni, (-A ViOi.j i= 71wm/.r Uurns IliaC. •Ahmterct. -1 9.r9-/0 (j0SJ_>9J 00106)Tel•(,Ji)S) 197 777h l iu j DAILY PROGRESS REPORT Project No. ID? VU� D&M CONSULTING ENGINEERS, INC. Page Z of.� A URS Q)RPOkA:TK)N(()NIPANVReport Sequence No. / A P Date/Day C')V l oh I F ( YF-� pl L7a c)2-& �7S Weather a Project Name �-L(�-- Project Address CVP6-9-7(AO Purpose of site visit aizn) J' &)L-V �sy� Project activity since last visit Project activity today / Comments � y 41' T 1-10 � Y 4b 66L7- BLD G bL7- BcDG Z '0� 2014- ( Stu- 86z7 &-off A/} �LD67S- ( St6- 901-T & j4 2( Q--'TV(o 3 �t St L` 9,)c S 2 E &)LTs' _2? "t-0'-D & ) (L( Sit✓ 60 t-7l f�Lfl4 I f3 qa G& ( 4b) 80 L--r ti cs � 17,E CxDG 9D IVz 4�- srti 8vL�zs yG 2 2(?b `j'3 �64�1 r� c� H r-�- 7V ftp w/G tsu T continued ❑ Equipment in use Client Superintendent Phone Contractor Foreman Phone Copy to Print,Full Name1�= 1365 Vmder War•Sae Jure, CA 95112 12 76amas O(rens Will•Montere_r, CA 93940 (408)297 6969 7i,l•(408)297 7716 Fax (8 i 1)372 3716 T f/•(831) 372 7481 Fox FORM 360-(Rev.7/99) D&M CONSULTINNGINEERS, INC. • A URS CORPORATION COMPANY PLYWOOD NAILING INSPECTION REPORT DATE:= BVI) PROJECT NO. L Time Arrived: / /• Time Left: PROJECT : �n�;L(L- GI(."7N G'C-f— Job Time: Travel Time: CONTRACTOR: �� T Total Time: Mileage: PERMIT NO.: Expenses: DESCRIPTION: (A) Shear Wall (B) Floor Diaphram (C) Roof Diaphram (D) Other TYPE OF NAILING: (1) Edge Nailing (2) Field Nailing (3) Boundary Nailing (4) Other TYPE OF DTL. NO. BUILDING LOCATION DESCRIP. NAILING DRWG. NO. COMMENTS ,L 3 i L Nj NOTES: 1 the best of my knowledge, the abov WAS WAS NOT performed in accordance with the approved plans,specifications, and regulatory requirements. Superintendent/Representative: Inspector: p �13►L- 111SN1()i� C27 1365 Vander Way•Son.lose. CA 95112 12 Thomas Omens ll'at •Moarertrr. CA 93940 (408)297 6969 Tel•(408)297 7716 Fax (831)372 3716 Tel--(831)372 7481 For , 10/04/01 12:43 FAX 650 423 ? RINVE & PETERSON • IN01/003 Rinne $ Peterson Ima ®E'1 t OMNI 4�• 4 ®®MI ®I Fax Transmittal ®I FILE To: Company Trident Const, Inc. Sinclair Associates Prometheus : . Project Lake Biltmore Aparts.-Holdown connections Attention Steve R Walter H Eriko S., Chris W. Fax Na 408-446 1974 348-5062.596-5374 E� +q�1F . t c • sr ♦ �;�.. ,..r: l.�i L�13�t}y ,'�iIIl San Aov n o A d �'!" ""'��/C'p^.' P + 54 #:�h•-' "si.. �+„ FROM : Name Joey Navarro Pages, 3 lneludnlg cover slicct ' Pala Alm CA a4e03-131L - - - o Hard copy will follow '`YES ❑ NO ® =r ti _ r+y5$ '-'ase/ -a a. ♦k_v n^ ;.'•� __ . . ??e E "",` � -__ ,`-:k`_ .v r . '- a>X...t '�' - i `rt` 2'c�. � , r: ifyouhave ally gtialim ,o'r-do not rcccive all pages,please contact our ofhceas soon as F,%% 650 178-7861 Q yp � ♦� 14, MESSAGE �r{ Steve, r.:. _ jzAl, ? M �. V �..- a rv. "'•Y +< frW'-_'+.a_ ra 'Lk4 i x a t�7 +y 't ri1 Ilya tf' C " Y s ,� Please see attached tiieid'report for the 9 27 01?slte visit` Please verffy a)I�it�ems per r" W r r _ ::.s� Zvi - 'J_. �,: .,�''7� ._.'.,J"'r 1i.5'L° 'S icr•� :r, - � and let me k ow if you're not done with the "fixes"and I will reschedule my"visit ;rwuT'tr. - {'' accordingly. I will issue another Feld report about the exterior post-base issue. Please call me if you have any questions. I 6 r 1 T)n T E: _10/4/01 runic Y Pc- q'n lou .\res. 98396 I 3Q FM ' 10;04, 01 12: 44 FAX 650 428 2861 RINSE & PETERSON 10 002:001 " 0 Rinne & Peterson ;r�vCr uenLsn CiF63az r ha VP 164 G Z� Job Site Observation Report LToday's Da-c: Sept. 27, 2001 F.zpon Plumber: 003 r N p o: Project Lake Biltmore Aeartments (Phase 2-2nd floor shearwall attachment) Client Sinclair Architects Contact Eriko Stauber A Yhonc (650) 348-6865 Fax (650) 348-5062 y 1121 Sen Aneomo Aoad Contnct6r Trident Const., Inc. cantact -.' Steve R. +� 5} z� 5. 4.K�-•�._,ii-5 - - .- ...`Ii "'iat.,�,.-:cr: r : . . v Y ti} k`T5 k , s Observer -.'Jo Navarro We:Idter_:;Sunny C200 Date oM'ir ` September 27,2001 Time '1'3.00 pm '"''_ 7.51 d;A1[o, CA94303.5311 �i.. 6S0 526 3860. `^' hestt iThe to11'owing IteMs are the issue's�obs rvedduring.t ' e-visit to venfjr that µv L•:' Y`y h 1 :} _.'4'{• floor'shearwalUattachrrierit to tfiedwlielow,mat he's what is showo.bn,ffie fax,senf -_,ta the contracEor dated 8.28 U I ,8A`SC 014SQRVATIONS: - ACTIONS; .. .:. ..._..-. ....... ............. ._.._.._..__..........—_........-........................ _.- .. ........................._......_....... 0927.1 The doublestu _._... ......_._.. ds and post where Steve Ray to verify and provide double i s r 4 F the TS straps occurs at the top i edge nailing to alt-posts and double studs d a _ H do-not,�hyapve double edge tiading wheceiwist§uaps,at the to Decor`s' + 417" h_—.....__..._..a....„,'....._..__—. ;•' ri"e _ 0927.2 Some of the-doublestuds are not I Steve to"verify all double"studs locati6ni"'f1T'`•.`: nailed together. and provide 16d nails at 8" O.C. y: m ----- -........ ._..._—. --...._-............-.............._......_....._ -. . 0927.3 Some of the added bolts between IN told Steve to add 2-1/2" diameter lag_... multiple joists and blocking are bolts where the added new bolts are too too close to the end. close to the Ids of blocking. __............._.............._....._............_.................... ...... 0917.4 In building 24, the exterior wall ' IN told Steve to add A35 clip @ 8" o.c. (2 i plywood ends at the bottom of per bay, minimum) between the existing 2x the sole plate and then continuing blocking and dle,top of the first floor from the midheight of the 2x exterior wall.:IN told Steve to verity that blocking to the bottom of the sill the exterior wall should have plywood edge [ plate. nailing to the sole plate and the 2x blocking. 1 I _ OT:IERS YRESFNT: Copy T o: Yecerson job No. 98324 Q� ;Ol 12: 44 F.9% 650 428 20 . . ANNE &PETERSO'N • 10003/003 t v r , Ainoe &•Pace cs on iTn❑CT U0.e LfixclnJ!II0..^ FILE 1 Some of the twist straps (from JN told Steve to nail the stud to the post the top) are attached to the''stud ` i twith holdown with 16d nails @ a., O.C.full ; and "the holdown is attached to i height. .. Y the post right next to'the itud.'. " S ^r .............. .......... .........................---.... _.....;_- . '— -.......... ? 0927.6 Some of the twist straps need to.-, _ •Steve marked those locations and will # be renailed to the siud/post_ -renail the-straps vertically to the member below, bel Z.. 7 t. ♦ 1 -'1. y . . t ) "�- IIs' } .M f �,... >,.- .c 4��� ,. �.[ ��,.n,"� r-z. ... {Y'Fs'�v ?Y' ,r ,_ •xis �l �� - > '. '+�.'[��P�lks�,C_ ^' � ��,r 1✓� : �S ��^i, '�} F� `h��[ c •{�2 �{•>�1t�`�•�."f 'yi�if'e.'n.^ � r .{� '�1 i j t s.nP'tF'•',�� td' [u'� G"Tk .�y t.yr'.�.. t Y - y1 p. �" t 2J@1 Yr �.L. Y. �0. �.�`�,,, n,�7,^a�� _J..u�t s h- '*2�-ri. t H°> >t^ S�� q.[ � IC'3 � {�Jr ,N.•i..t�'r3� r Lr' i' {w d O�{, 4r, S ^-'1 r'a3+F t S L. ��r i����/ . t�^•r .•'a ?' J^"L Y3 {?'���•*��r� C� ,-9 >{��"t�RY«Y� }I�jry��4 x'P8 yf [ iM (r-_ cT..Q K E j r it & t s. °.✓.4, ti' ; 4>t• r•.., r,'f-�� y, 44 ^r y k' S"iv .!' � ,fu w{-i'� 1s- ,� ^�, -r<� r ` ,`.. Wt,,. "�. k35•ti�'�Ay^.,."yJta• P1T ty- r. r,p �,.''� .Y�.n an•' ' ."t'I" ° + {r �•r�iC 'f• [3.a{ ^�{'> :1., ��Y•. may[. � 1...�4�r" .`{- ,,•�4 J'. h4:+'tx� �l`'F�j-+4.,, it � 4^�s��1�'.1", nX�✓a :�.i '� 4 3L iav 'Ya. �hr. tc�,...� ••-+� 7 r� p,�,y .Y. rte- >c •"al S i ..�''xv':L�:1. ! d'{ ' i � Jyv't..•l"� c.'� ��•rb��y�}4N -FSnr. �y c1* �~`�xy� t �'iT�i`3 �%� �f Inn�;''."•i�^' �"'-� �C.�'�`K�� �^p�Z.`��zl•�'-a� �` Warr•i�,•:m, .�'� ,x Y N4��.e. 4 6 { f ¢i+^T4I t f'a., ,.? ; �Y�'r t�r^�.•.-s.Y' ✓• 'Kv�°Y�.� n-?�� � 4 �� }xyy'' � �,,.R..'t'^�`9,-¢annJ y.;•Sw`Jt+t7_:�^ �'.'ak ..�i'' ��.�,�a`„y�ww+wtrLl. � >� Lr..*�rt�.*yYs 5`. C "i .8`-i.,.�, h-' � '' " a, 'may-r^`- 1'" `D''����, r .a� �,-fin ���^ca,I: aa::s-r�+ �'yw�-*.c _'•+�y r, 1 yt •: Yr YY. C=..'r r [1 't �_.1 M, = , ,2 � ,YKyJ•}�� _y . -_� ` �v}Ja` $",'N�RJ,'kT, .y+ir�'M?{�{,+r�'� - �'' �'.. .moi ��,�.`.'astgSN;��.r•�'•,,},;. v�.'L i. n . a .y.=7n.y_.� •_. 1�, \ r t an.: r N 'Y _ "fi.(.'+.-v.c`+ �kSF't� •^.f f Ia.,��, 'a'g�. "�� ti r Lt w ��.t r� .t.Y 4 ••.'x�T'1• ' ��; Y� It-•i• t V ' Y OTIIERi PH QiENT: - tln r TO: <.`•'i. `, .:.. in &' ('- cnon job No.'-96324 ---