R-3918 APPLICATION FOR . PERMIT R_ 3 918 s CITY OF CUPERTINO NUMBER REROOF PERMIT INSPECTION DIVISION PERMIT EXPIRATION (408) 252-4505 EXT. 228 PERMT EXPIRES IF WORK IS NOT STARTED WITHIN 180 DAYS OF PERMIT ISSUANCE OR 180 DAYS FROM LAST CALLED INSPECTION. BUILDING ADDRESS2 ``__� BUILDING USE 6 n1r L RESIDENTIAEy— COMMERCIAL OTHER OWNER'S � HAZARDOUS ROOF NAME FIRE 1-10 CCLASS OVERING AREADDRESS ,q' A EXISTING ROOF COVERIN 6 G PHONE NUMBER OF EXISTING COVERINGS CONTRACTOR' NAME ;lP�/ r/�of tt-e�j//1 TO BE REMOVED TO BE RETAINED `!� f /� �cI �,f p (�� TYPE OF ROOF COVERING CARD ADDRESS (� fir' #0� ! T 5 C `+/� 7'�� `-�7 / EXISTING PHONE C �1� 7- BUILT-UP ROOF LICENSE ("LK— ASPHALT SHINGLES NUMBER 7 WOOD SHAKES LICENSED CONTRACTORS DECLARATION 1 withhereSection t 7000 I of licensed Ander a Busines of Chapoto 8(cpmm•m cine with seisi T000)force and en 5 of Me apanm end Professlom Co'.. WOOD SHINGLES enw my license is In full Lorca mw effect. ' License Cie. Lia Number Dan Contacnr OTHER (SPECIFY) OWNER-BUILDER DECLARATION n r Husby •Herm that . 731.5,+ Opm the Contractor'sssiLicence Lew for PROPOSED '� one lollowtomo lw icon. iSec. permit, Business and Professions Code: Any city r re air any which requires a Permit to c, also re alter, he aper,demorfn,Or Perm any tee a sign prior t0 in issuance,h ei elft sed Aur that to l0.taco BUILT-UP ROOF Permit to file a signed Li ense Lastatement that he if licensed(commencing to[h•tion provision. of the Contractor's s Lienee Law(Chapter io s (comm rThat wi to Section]000) fromDivision 0 01 he Business ens Professions tion. or That he it n of S ctio ASPHALT SHINGLES from ane an basis for M• perms exemption. Any violation of Section of not by any applicant re a vermis subjects+M1e eppllcant to a civil Penalty of not mon that ova hundred dollars r my em WOOD SHAKES ❑ I.a owner of the property,a or he employees with wanes as Meir sola for sets (Sec. will do Ma work,and Me structure is not intended offLicered nse fora o Isec. apply to an o and f property Code: Therimproves Contractor's License WOOD SHINGLES Lew whet not such to an owner o1 o•r[y woo n em to improves thereon, and who dove such work not intended or edorthrough his own employees,If. howevetl that such improvement are not old within or offered for sale. If, however,owner OTHER (SPECIFY) building i improvement t e bur i sold within o e year of completion, p owner. builder will hrva the burden of proving that he wee not build or improve for Purposeof sole.). PROVIDE I.C.B.O. REPORT NO. ❑ 1, s owner of the property, am exclusively contracting with licensed contractors to construct Me proles[ (Sec. J04a, Bnsinns end Professions code: The Contractor'sLic•nseLaw does not apply tOanOwnerOfproperty PROVIDE III INSTALLATION SPECS. who build. of improves thereon,and who contracts for such project.witn e contractor(s)licensed Pursuant to the Contractors License Lew. ❑ Am e.amP+ ,neer s.a. ,B S .suthis i. Intort APPLICATION DATE VALUATION PERMIT FEE Owner Date WORKERS'COMPENSATION DECLARATION PAID 1 Building I Ire! lI , hereby affirm met I have a certificate of consent to selbinsure,Prater P I D - tiiiceta of Workers Compensation Insurance,or a certified copy thereof ISec V $QISmiC 5800, No. C.). r� Policy TIA Certified Company Prig 1 eCertified copy it hereby furnished. V Total Certified copy it filed with M:city inspection division. 190 APPIic•nt ! / 'Ip V CERTIFICATE OF EXEMPTION FROM WORKERS' N C ❑ F GLJ IT AUTHORIZATION DATE COMPENSATION INSURANCE (This section need not be completed if.the permit is for one hundred dol. lar.($100)or lesa.) I cattily In at in Ma performance of the work for which this permit is \ /( issued, I Mall not employ Any person in any manner so at to become subject to the Workers Compensation "we of California. Date Applicant NOTICE TO APPLICANT: 11, •iter making this Certificate of Exemption, You shoo Id become subject to the Workers' Compensation Provisions of the Labor Coda, you must forthwith comply with such provisions or this permit All roofs shall be ins acted prior an roofing matorialbein Mall be deemw evoked. P P Y 9 g I certify that 1 have read Mit application and state that the above Inlorma. Installed. If a roof IS Installed without first obtaining an Pon is correct. I spm to comply with all city and county ordinances and inspection,I to remove all new materials for In eCtIOM1 In ateoe laws relating to building construction, and hereby authorize repredem P t•tives of this city to enter upon the above mentioned property for apaotion ' purpose.. 5 (We) agree to save, indemnify and keep harmless Me City of Cupertino against liabilities,judgment$,cons and expenses which may in any way Accrue against sold city in consequence of the granting of mit Permit. URE OF APPLICANT ATE 4PPRE-INSPECTION: PLYWOOD: IN-PROGRESS: INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE TEAR OFF INSPECTION: BATTENS: FINAL INSP. DATE INSP. DATE INSP. DATE NOTE: OSHA APPROVED ACCESS TO ROOF SHALL BE PROVIDED FOR INSPECTION OFFICE COPY