00-102 Harris & Associates(~i,
No. rfl .S .S-.. ,5~~
10300 Torre Avenue
CITY OF ~ ~ I ~ Cupertino, IAA 95014
C U P E TIN {~ ~~ (408) 777-3200
BY THIS AGREEMENT, made and entered into on the 22nd day of August , 20 00 ,
by and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO (Hereinafter referred to as CITY) and
Name (1) HARRIS & ASSOCIATES _ (2)
Address 120 MASON CIRCLE City CONCGRD Zip 94520 Phone (925) 827-4900
(Hereinafter referred as CONTRACTOR), in consideration of their mutual covenants, the parties hereto agree as follows:
CONTRACTOR shall provide or furnish the following specified services and/or materials:
EXHIBITS: The following attached exhibits hereby are made part of This Agreement:
TERMS: The services and/or materials furnished under this Agreement shall commence on AUGUST 22, 2000
and shall be completed before NOVEMBER 30. 2000
COMPENSATION: For the full performance of this Agreement, CITY shall pay CONTRACTOR:
California Labor Code, Section 1771 requires the payment of prevailing wages to all workers employed on a Public Works contract in
excess of $1,000.00. V p,~
tc }bye=C.c~'C-',1'~ ~Ci~Si'c'I E~~ i~r' C11'I~t71C~ ~ ~ ~ C~ '(~1E' 1lE~l,CE',I~C1C?`
GENERAL TERMS AND CONDITIONS ~ /~el'r'~=' ~~~ <1,"»ce.~ IVl }~1~ i}~ndc,-~F~<'q<~t cr izi~lu, +-~~~~,lclfa"
If ~;.,c ~tUl sC'4`Ir~,CE'~ ~,,1cs E'i" t}II S~~~^i C~jj Y'?C-',r1f ,7~-.
Hold Harmless: Contractor agrees to save and hol~rmtess the City, its officers, agents and employees fr6m any and all damage and
liability, including all costs of defending any claim,~caused by or-aris+rx~}-eut-ofi-t}ie performance of this agreemert. City-shall not
be liable for acts of Contractor in performing services described herein. due to negligence, erros and omissions,
Insurance: Should the City require evidence of insurability, Contractor shall file with City a Certificate of Insurance before commencing
any services under this Agreement. Said Certificate shall be subject to the approval of City's Director of Administrative Services.
Non-Discrimination: No discrimination shall be made in the employment of persons under this Agreement because of the race, color,
national origin, ancestry, religion or sex of such person.
Interest of Contractor: It is understood and agreed that this Agreement is not a contract of employment in the sense that the
relationship of master and servant exists between City and undersigned. At all times, Contractor shall be deemed to be an independent
contractor and Contractor is not authorized to bind the City to any contracts or other obligations in executing this agreement. Contractor
certifies that no one who has or will have any financial interest under this Agreement is an officer or employee(o'f Ci/ty./
be t}, r]:11 ~I cs C V
Changes: This Agreement shall not be assigned or transferred without the written consent of the-City: No changLs or variations of any
kind are authorized without the written consent of the~i#y. butt, ~>u,:~le<>~ ~~ ~~
CONTRACT CO-ORDINATOR and representative for CITY shall be:
This Agreement shall become effective upon its execution by CITY, in witness thereof, the parties have executed this
Agreement the day and year first written above.
By ~ ~ (~o~er-~E- S C-~,u 1o ey G"t/L,~.--
Title V P _ ~ n~~'1^ j~ ~ f~ssoc_ia-}~ s Title PUBLIC WORK
Soc. Sec. S (
ID a4 - _ ~5~ 3
7 464.00
White: City Clerk Green: Finance Yellow: Contractor Pink: Receiving Gold: Department
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August 22, 200o Harris & Associ ates
Carmen M. Lynaugh
Public Works Projects Manager Program Managers
Clty Of CUpertln0 ~ Construction Managers
10300 Torre Avenue Civil Engineers
t'~rpertino, CA 95014-3255
Re: MTC PTAP Pavement Management System Kick-off Meeting
Deaz Ms. Lynaugh:
It was a pleasure to meet with you last Thursday to dis~:uss the scope of work for the conversion and update
of the City's pavement management system. Per our discussion, I have compiled a list of action items
needed to convert the City's PMi database to MTC PM S and the subsequent budget analysis. Items
requiring City staff completion aze as follows:
1. Provide Harris with the City's standard agreement or purchase order for $7,464 (difference
between project cost and PTAP funding).
2. Provide Harris with a list of street segment: that aze a part of this yeaz's slurry seal and overlay
programs for database entry as historical maintenance.
3. Fill out treatments and unit costs and return, decision tree worksheets for all functional class and
surface type combinations currently found in the City.
4. Determine the length of the analysis to be required for the City. The MTC PMS accommodates
5 to 20 yeaz analyses.
5. Provide Harris with the interest and inflation rates to be used in the study. Is 6% interest and
4% inflation accurate for the City or should!, interest be increased to 7%?
6. Determine the annual budgets for each yea~~ of the analysis.
We look forward to working with you on updating the City's pavement management system. Should you
have any questions or comments, please call me at (92:i) 827-4900 ext. 157.
Harris & Associates
Lawrence G. Chan
Project Manager
120 Mason Circle Concord, California 94520-1272 925.827.4900 FAX 925.827.4982 concord@harris-assoc.com
CITY OF CUPERTINO Harris & Associates
Pavement Management System (PMS) Services Preliminary Work Plan Matrix
Page 1
August 17, 2000
1.1 Kick-off Meeting We will meet with staff to confirm the scope of work, This meeting will ensure Meeting notes with lists
schedule, budget, and availability of project documents; that all parties understand of responsibilities as
review project goals; discuss format of deliverables; and all aspects of the work detailed from meeting.
clarify responsibilities of each party. before any work begins.
1.2 Project Updates Harris' project manager will submit project update reports Timely update of project Project Update Report
monthly, and communicate with Cupertino's project progress.
manager as needed to facilitate the project.
2.1 Convert PMi to MTC Harris will convert existing system (PMi) data to MTC Working MTC PMS
PMS. During the conversion process Harris' project database with data
manager will provide a matrix showing which fields from converted from present
the PMi system can be accommodated in the MTC PMS. database.
In the PvPnt the MT(: PMS rannnt arc^nmmn~iata all PMi
data fields, the City will be asked to determine which fields
to transfer.
3.1 Field Inspection/ Harris will inspect 140 centerline miles of roadway. Assures the most up-to- A draft field inspection
Pavement Segmentation Inspections will be based on the MTC PMS inspection date condition data for their report.
method where pavement distress, severity, and quantity pavement network and
data is recorded for a representative sample of a accurate budget
pavement segment. projections.
Pavement inspection, verification, and data entry are
included under this task and cost estimate.
3.2 Field Inspection QA Harris' project manager will QA inspector work completed This step assures that
by Harris at 25% and 100% completion of field inspection. inspections are accurate
and methodology is
consistent between
inspection crews.
3.3 Field Inspection Final Harris will incorporate City comments and suggestions A final report incorporating Final field inspection
Report based on the draft report and submit a final report to your comments. report
4.1 Maintenance History Data Harris will add maintenance history data to the PMS An updated archive of Draft Maintenance and
database using historical maps and/or descriptive lists of historical maintenance Rehabilitation Update
segments which have received maintenance. treatments. Report.
5.1 Final Reports Harris will generate Management Section, Inspection Reports including all data Draft Project Reports
Inventory, Section PCI Condition Report, Network generated from this project.
Summary, Maintenance History, and other reports. An
Executive Summary Report will be provided that
summarizes the results of budget analyses, overall
condition of the pavement network, assumptions,
methodology, and recommendations for treatment
generated by the PMS.
6.1 Define Budget Analysis Harris will meet with Cupertino to define interest rate and (see below) (see below)
Future Cost Assumptions inflation assumptions used to project future costs. We will
also define the length of the analysis required by the City.
The MTC PMS accommodates 5 to 20 year analyses.
6.2 Define Treatment The MTC PMS utilizes a "treatment decision tree" which (see below) (see below)
Strategies (Decision defines an agency's treatment strateq_ y for each pavement
Trees) section based on its functional class, surface type, and
condition rating. Harris will work with Cupertino to define
existing treatment practices and detail desired practices.
6.3 Define Budget Harris will request information on expected future budgets A Budget projection that A letter detailing budget
Assumptions accurately reflect your assumptions defined
city's pavement during the task.
maintenance practices and
funding needs
6.4 Calculate Budget Needs Harris will generate Budget Needs analysis A report demonstrating the A Budget Needs report
(unconstrained budget) that calculates the financial and level of funding Cupertino
work effort needed to bring Cupertino's pavement network needs to practice the most
to an overall preventive maintenance cycle. cost-effective means of
managing its pavements.
6.5 Calculate Budget Harris will calculate funding scenarios to evaluate the A report showing the A Budget Scenario
Scenarios impact of current and desired funding levels of overall impact of various funding Report summarizing the
network condition and deferred maintenance costs over levels on Cupertino's impact of all funding
time. Graphs comparing the impact of each funding network condition and levels on condition.
strategy will be provided. Up to 10 budget scenarios will maintenance backlog. Detail reports for each
be calculated and reports provided. scenario also provided.
6.6 Selected Scenario Reports After review of Budget Scenario output with Cupertino, Reports detailing specific Selected Scenario
Harris will provide full detail reports for the scenario most treatments, treatment cost, Reports.
likely to be followed by Cupertino. and year of treatment for
each section
accommodated under
selected budget level.
7.1 Project Deliver Meeting Harris' project manager will meet with staff to deliver the Receive all final software Final Project Reports,
Final Project Report and Cupertino PMS database. The and documents related to MTC PMS Software,
project manager will install Cupertino's updated MTC PMS project. Discuss project Cupertino PMS
database, review the contents of the project report, and deliverables, and answer Database.
answer any questions staff may have about PMS software any final questions.
operation or procedures. Two copies of the Final Report
will be delivered at this meeting.
~' August 17, 2000
Harris & Associates
irograrn Managers
Constrettbn sanagers '
CMt Enginean
City of Cupertino PTAP PMS Cost Proposal and Schedule
Harris Cost Proposal Project Project Project
Task Description Director Manager Engineers Total Total
1.0 Administration/Meetin s 0 6 0 6 $ 764
2.0 Convert PMi to MTC 0 4 16 20 $ 1,515
3.0 Field Ins ection 1 28 395 424 $ 28,513
4.0 Add Maintenance Histo Data 0 2 16 18 $ 1,260
5.0 Standard Re orts 0 2 8 10 $ 757
6.0 Bud et Anal sis 1 4 24 29 $ 2,145
7.0 Project Delive 0 4 0 4 $ 510
i oiai riourS Z 50 459 511
Billing Rate $ 127.41 $ 127.41 $ 62.83
Cost $ 255 $ 6,371 $ 28,839
rroject Totai ~ .gyp .'», +v + ~
PTAP Funding (Including Agency Match) $ 28,000
]-- Breakdown
Additional to PTAP $ 7,464
Schedule August September
Task Descri tion 14 21 28 4 11 18
1.0 Administration/Meetin s
2.0 Convert PMi to MTC
3.0 Field Ins ection
4.0 Add Maintenance Histo Data
5.0 Standard Re orts
6.0 Bud et Anal sis
7.0 Project Delive
Extended Tasks