CC Resolution No. 7989 RæOWl'Iæ NO. 7989 A RæOWl'ICN OF 'IHE CI'lY <XXJNCIL OF 'IHE CI'lY OF aJPERI'INO Au.a!a:-J.'.lÑG A GRAN!' DEED OF REAL PR:>PERT1( FR:M CLLnU1<U J. SIMMS, JR. AND MARIæ SIMMS HARl' AS CD-EXECUroRS OF 'IHE WIIL AND ESTATE OF CLutU1<U J. SIMMS, SR., APPR:>.XIMÞ.TEU 3.3 ACRES, LOCATED æ ]ofI'Y"T F.T:r J\N R:W) WHEREAS, the City has awroved the acquisition of the S:iJmns prqJerty for park purposes; am WHEREAS, Clifford J. S:iJmns, Jr. am Marion s:iJmns Hart have executed a grant deed which is in good am sufficient fcmn grantin;J to the City of CUpertino, camty of Santa Clara, state of Califomia, the fee title to certain real prqJerty to be utilized for p.¡blic pu11)Cses situate in the City of CUpertino as follows: All that certain real ~..........ty situate in the City of CUpertino, camty of Santa Clara, state of California, oonsistin¡ of ~tely 3.3 acres located north of H::Clellan Read adjacent to H::Clellan Rarx:h Park on the west side of stevens creek. :tØ1, 'nw<uU1œ, BE IT RæOLVED that the City of CUpertino accept said grant so teOOered; am IT IS FURIHER RæOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Deed. PASSED AND AOOPI'ED at a regular meetin; of the City Camcil of the city of CUpertino this 20th day of November, 1989, by the followin; vote: vote 1-fømhPæ of the City Camcil AYES: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None AæENT: None ABSTAIN: None ATI'EST: APÆCVED: Isl 'Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk Isl Barbara A. Rogers Mayor, City of CUpertino RESOLUTION NO. 7989 RESO=ON OF 4 CITy COUNCIL OF THE C=yOF • • a+ a I • ACCEPIMIG A GRANT OF REAL PROPERTY FRU4 CLIFFORD J. SIMMS, AND MARION SIMMSI• -T AS 00-E=)TORS OF THE 1t ESTATE OF CLIFFORDI' 1 S y► APPROXIMATELY M"JE. LOCATED ON MCCLELLAN ROAD WHW.AS, the City has approved the acquisition of the Simns property for park purposes; and MWYAS, Clifford J. Simms, Jr. and Marion Si=s Bart have executed a grant deed which is in good and sufficient form granting to the City of Q.'P, County of Santa Clara, State of California, the fee title to certain real property to be utilized for public purposes situate in the City of Cupertino as follows: All that certain real property situate in the City of Cupertino, County of Santa Clara, State of California, consisting of approximately 3.3 acres located north of McClellan Road adjacent to McClellan Ranch Park on the west side of Stevens Creek. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the, City of Cupertino accept said grant so tendered; and IT IS PLC RESOLVED that the City Clerk is hereby authorized to record said Grant of Deed. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino this 20th day of November , 1989, by the following vote: -11 vote Members of the City Cecil AYES: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen, Szabo, Rogers NOES: None ABSENT': None ABSTAIN: None /s/ 'Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk THIS IS TO CERTIFY THAT THE WITHIN INSTIRUMENT IS ATRUE AND CORRECT COPY OF THE DRIGINAL ON FILE IN THIS OFFICE. ATTEST; o�//� 19 CITY. CL QF THE CITY OF r- PERTIN❑ ®Y CI CLItRK /s/ Barbara A. Rogers Mayor, City of Cupertino 4Ialley TLE OMk'NY 300 SOUTH FIRST STREET, SAN JOSE, CA 95113 March 2, 1990 CITY OF CUPERTINO 10300 Torres Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Bert Viskovich Telephone: (408) 292-7150 Fax: (408) 971-7133 PUBLIC WORKS MAR 6 '1990 RE: ESCROW NO. 202216 PB PURCHASE FROM ESTATE OF SIMMS Property: McClellan Rd., Cupertino APN #357-6-12 Gentlemen: We are pleased to advise you that we have this date completed your above referenced purchase of property from the Estate of Clifford J. Simms, Sr. and the following is your final closing statement: Purchase Price $1,150,000.00 Deposit to Escrow $1,150,000.00 $T 1bU,U 0 0Q $1,150,000. Enclosed is an endorsed copy of the recorded deed with recording information affixed for your reference. You will receive the recorded deed and title insurance policy under separate cover. If you should have any questions, please don't hesitate to call. Very truly yours, VALLEY TITLE COMPANY Pete Borello Executive Vice President PB/klm Encls. 11w19 A9e11 for SECURITY UNION iConilony NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 60V CODE 6103 Recording requested by KIER & WRIGHT, Incorporated When recorded mail to: City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Travice Whitten ----------------------- (For Recorder's Use Only) CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CERTAIN Parcel Map filed February 27, 1990 in Book 611 of Maps at Pages 23 and 24 Santa Clara County Records, is corrected as follows: The street name "Scenic Circle" shall be corrected to be "Scenic Boulevard". The street name "Monta Vista Avenue" shall be corrected to be "Mira Vista Avenue". The name of the present fee owner of real property affected by this correction is as follows: ESTATE OF CLIFFORD J. SIMMS, SR., AKA C.J. SIMMS, SR., AKA CLIFFORD SIMMS, AKA C.J. SIMMS, DECEASED and THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, a General Law City. rPPTTFTnnmV THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the within Certifi 9-f�oi e\ n was prepared by U iti<1 or under the direction and control of th \ �'T 0 cue signed a ns d land surveyor. 967 1 Date Richard T. Kie License Exp �ipII D� �3 - 92 CERTIFICATE OF MT�F�irITr4e� � THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined and shows that it corrects an error in the street name shown on the above referred to Parcel Map. 3 /Z tU Date t0228not.tlw ORIGINAL Bert Viskovich, RCE 29468 Director of Public Works Cit of Cupertino, Cali forni icen e Expiration Date QBy NO FEE IN ACCORDANCE WITH 60V CODE 6103 QOLJF _ -MF=p COPY: This document hag not been compared with the ®ritginal.1 0 4 b 50 4 7 SANTA CLARA COUNTY RECORDER Recording requested by KIER & WRIGHT, Incorporated When recorded mail to: City of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue NIM Z3 iZ 55 Pr a9 Cupertino, CA 95014 Attn: Travice Whitten ---------------------------- W", , (For Recorder's Use Only) (_�� r r,. °�� CERTIFICATE OF CORRECTION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN THAT THE CERTAIN Parcel Map filed February 27, 1990 in Book 611 of Maps at Pages 23 and 24 Santa Clara County Records, is corrected as follows: The street name "Scenic Circle" shall be corrected to be "Scenic Boulevard". The street name "Monza Vista Avenue" shall be corrected to be "Mira Vista Avenue". The name of the present fee owner of real property affected by this correction is as follows: ESTATE OF CLIFFORD J. SIMMS, SR., AKA C.J. SIMMS, SR., AKA CLIFFORD SIMMS, AKA C.J. SIMMS, DECEASED and THE CITY OF CUPERTINO, a General Law City. CERTIFICATE OF SURVEY Cj THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the within Certifi aCe 9:-�orreGtqn was prepared by or under the direction and control of th c�e�\\sJigned 14c nsgd land surveyor. 7 n� 3-2-90 Date Richard T. License Exptipii',DatgFJ jE� IFTCATE OF C-TY`kRkft?ttRT ,- -92 THIS IS TO CERTIFY that the above Certificate of Correction has been examined and shows that it corrects an error in the street name shown on the above referred to Parcel Map. .3 hz tU Date By Bert Viskovich, RCE 29468 Director of Public Works city of Cupertino, Californi icen e- Expiration Date t0228not.tlw y N ',` W"