Library Expansion - 07.18.2019CITY OF
10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255
TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3354 • FAX: (408) 777-3333
Coordination Meeting
Cupertino Library, Think Tank Room
July 18, 2019, 5:00 — 6:30PM
Revised Minutes
Roll Call: Benaifer Dastoor, Nancy Howe, Gopal Kumarappan, Roger Lee,
Qin Pan, Darcy Paul, Clare Varesio, Kiran Varshneya, Amanda
Wo, Michael Zimmermann
Visitors: None
1. Introductions
2. Meeting Minutes Approval/Revisions
Additional information was provided regarding who made the
motion and who seconded the approval of the June 13, 2019
minutes. Darcy Paul made a motion to approve the June 27, 2019
minutes. Kiran Varshneya seconded. The motion carried
3. Community Room Use Policy
Clare provided copies of the Community Room Use Policy for other
libraries in the District to familiarize the group with present policies.
4. Design -Build Delivery Requirements
The design -build delivery method, based upon current
understanding, may require more effort in the initial administration
of a project as compared to design -bid -build. If it is determined by
Public Works staff that the design -build -process is preferred due to
the potential to reduce costs and time, there are several statutory
requirements that the City will need to complete. The following are
representative of these requirements (as set forth in Public Contract Code
section 22160 and are not intended to be all-inclusive:
• Threshold Requirements & Council Approval
o The proposed library expansion project is eligible for design -
build construction which imposes limits on the types of
municipal projects that may be constructed pursuant to
design -build procurement. Section 22162 further provides that
the project must be at least $1M.
o The City Council must first approve use of design -build
• Conflict of Interest Provisions
o City must have conflict of interest guidelines in place
■ Architect that prepares the preliminary design or design
criteria for the design -build procurement (including the
RFQ and RFP as further discussed below), cannot be
involved in submitting a proposal as a design -build entity
(DBE) or to later become part of the DBE team.
• Preliminary Design/Requirement Documents
o City shall prepare a set of documents setting forth the scope
and estimated price of the project (requirement documents).
The documents may include, but need not be limited to, the
size, type, and desired design character of the project,
performance specifications covering the quality of materials,
equipment, workmanship, preliminary plans or building
layouts, or any other information deemed necessary to
describe adequately the local agency's needs. The
performance specifications and any plans shall be prepared by
a design professional who is duly licensed and registered in
• RFQ Process
o Once the requirement documents are complete, the City must
engage in a two-step procurement process, beginning with an
RFQ procedure to either pre -qualify or short-list potential
• Skilled and Trained Workforce Requirements
o DBE must provide an enforceable commitment that the entity
and its subcontractors at every tier will use a skilled and
trained workforce to perform all work on the project or
contract that falls within an apprenticeable occupation in the
building and construction trades.
• RFP Process
o The RFP may only be issued once the RFQ process has
narrowed down the potential DBEs who have either been pre -
qualified or short-listed, and who will provide the "enforceable
commitment" to use a "skilled and trained workforce."
o The RFP will invite prequalified or short-listed entities to
submit competitive, sealed proposals. The request for
proposals shall include, but need not be limited to, the
following elements:
■ Identification of the basic scope and needs of the project
or contract, the estimated cost of the project, the
methodology that will be used by the local agency to
evaluate proposals, whether the contract will be
awarded on the basis of low bid or best value, and any
other information deemed necessary by the local agency
to inform interested parties of the contracting
■ Significant factors that the local agency reasonably
expects to consider in evaluating proposals, including,
but not limited to, cost or price and all non price -related
■ The relative importance or weight assigned to each of
the factors identified in the request for proposals.
S. Schedule Comparison Design -Build vs Design -Bid -Build
Both schedules were presented and the difference between the
schedules was 3 months. With a start date of June 18, 2019, the
Design -Build schedule estimated completion date was February 11,
2022 and the Design -Bid -Build schedule estimated completion date
was April 8, 2022.
6. Discussion of Preferred Delivery Method
After staff has had the time to thoroughly review the design -build
process, a recommendation regarding the preferred delivery method
will be discussed.
7. Next Steps
It was suggested that staff review other consultants.
8. Next Meeting Date: August 1, 2019, 5:00 — 6:30 pm Think Tank