Library Expansion-11.07.2019CITY OF 19 CUPERTINO PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE • CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3354 • FAX: (408) 777-3333 CUPERTINO.ORG StakeholderMeeting Cupertino City Hall Conference Room C November 7, 2019, 5:00 — 6:30 PM Mini itac Roll Call: Benaifer Dastoor, Deb Feng, Chuck Griffen, Nancy Howe, Roger Lee, Qin Pan, Darcy Paul, Henry Sang, Jr., Dianne Thompson, Kiran Varshneya, Amanda Wo, Michael Zimmermann Visitors: Agnes Gao, The KPA Group Jim Davis, Citizen Jennifer Weeks, Santa Clara County Library District 1. Introductions Attendees introduced themselves 2. Approval of Meeting Minutes Henry Sang, Jr. made a motion to approve the October 23, 2019 and October 24, 2019 minutes. Qin Pan seconded. The motion passed unanimously. 3. Update on Plans Agnes Gao reviewed the one-story and two-story designs. The one-story design discussed does not include an elevator, and a toilet would be relocated downstairs. Additionally, the design includes doors to the courtyard. A movable wall for the story and program rooms was suggested. This plan would swap the existing Children'sstacks and story room. The total occupancy would be 280 (without the stage): 170 in the program room, 110 in the story room. Occupancy would be 228 people with the stage in place. People brought up the fact that the storage square footage wouldn't accommodate all the tables, chairs and the moveable stage. In the two-story design, the first floor includes storage. The room size is 1,620 square feet and there would be overflow seating on both floors. To add storage, the kitchenette could be reduced in size. There is no elevator planned, but there is accessibility after hours on the first floor. 4. Update on Cost Estimate Michael Zimmermann provided the cost estimate. Roger shared that he, Dianne Thompson and Michael Zimmermann met with representatives from the cities of Newark and had a phone conversation with representatives of Morgan Hill. The City of Newark is currently constructing an $88M civic center project and Morgan Hill recently awarded a $2M library expansion project. For the one-story design, the Design Build delivery is estimated to be $6,110,617 while the Design Bid Build delivery is estimated to be $5,636,604.For the two-- story design, the Design Build delivery is estimated to be $9,104,439 while the Design Bid Build delivery is estimated to be $8,987,900. There are factors other than these early estimated costs that will determine which delivery process should be considered. Staff discussed soft costs, contingency and equipment that may be donated by the Santa Clara County Library District Joint Powers Authority. As part of the process, the City would receive a Statement of Interest from Design Build teams to determine if qualified companies are interested in bidding for the project. An architectural firm can provide bridging documents, then the City would issue a Request for Proposal (RFP) for Design Build teams. The Stakeholders have a strong preference for the two-story option. City Manager, Deb Feng, indicated that there are planned development agreements with community benefits that may be available to provide funds for the funding shortfall required for the expansion project. The library room expansion will be discussed at the 11/19/19 Council Meeting and there is a Town Hall meeting scheduled in Cupertino Community Hall on November 20 at 5:00 pm. 5. Next Meeting Next Meeting TBD