BLD-2022-1883_CofOcertificate of vrrup"'aurp This Certificate is issued pursuant to the requirements of Section 111.2 of the 2022 California Building Code certifying that at the time of issuance, the portion of this structure described below has been inspected for compliance with the requirements of this code and with the various ordinances of the City regulating building construction for the occupancy and division of occupancy and the use for which the proposed occupancy is classified. Building Permit Number(s): BLD-2022-1883 Application (s): 10-04-2022 Issuance Date(s): 03-20-2023 Address of Building: 6707 CLIFFORD DR Scope of Work: ADDITION (1,028.60 SF); REMODEL OTHER (185 SF); REMODEL BATHROOM (160 SF); REMODEL KITCHEN (200 SF); MAIN PANEL UPGRADE (200 AMP) Use: Residential Occupancy Classification: R-3 Occ Load: N/A Total Floor Area: 2094.10 sq.ft. Type of Construction: VB Fire Sprinklers System: NO Current Property Owner: HO HSUEN CHUNG AND SHAIN YUN TRUSTEE Current Owner Address: 1490 HOLLY AVE., LOS ALTOS CA, 94024 Final Inspection By: 4LEAF, INC. Final Inspection Date: 07/08/2024 *SPECIAL STIPULATIONS OR CONDITIONS: None 7/18/2024 Phuong Devri , .E., Deputy Building Official Date Issued F NOTICE/POSTING: No changes shall be made in the characterof occupancy. This certificate shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the premises and shall not be remoyl except by the authority of the Building Official. O n y li t/f N Q� a `D s 3�o (D -% 0 0 0 N CD •P `nC Q C 00 z 1 0 0 a c 0 c y a a� n O O Cn a m D r cn C= r O Cl) O n O 0 T7l 5' 5' v Co D :3 cn En CD CAD 0 0 o � W CD 5* 91 CD CD OT � -Op CD CD D� Q, v CD � N CD om �O Co > o = o= Cl) � n Oz oU) v m fj 9" m z D Cn 0 0 CD 0 0 ME CL CL CD w O -„ c Q CO c CL 5' CD 3 Z r 0- CD ~ m r- �o 4 v O —I 0 c DO r N Z n N O co vw 7.o v F in c sv 0 CD 0 sll CD cn W N O N O N GJ CD c � n cD 0 3 CD -_* CD 3 CD O O c cn c. f1 W C v sZ COD CD 0 O _ C 0 Q = v 0 � 0-�o o O 0 h � =r 0 CD :3 CD 0moCD �< =. --a v0?c 0-00�. �03 CD � 0 s= CD 0 o W CD to �o�= O n �m�� � � '-r CT -" CD -A O N CD 2 O o CD t2=3 O O 0 CD N Cn v CQ O O �G 0 CD CL o co c c 0 0 0 Q cn = 0 =; o �' CD Z -0 cQ 0 CD CD CD 0 0 �, CD 0 C -. , M CD : O 0 ^� m IWO. #No% !mo . h