Affidavit of Posting 2019CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ADMmISTRATIVE HEARING 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C ROLL CALL Draft Mimutes of February 28. 2019 APPROVAL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS nA@\\' This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect not listed on the agenda PUBLIC MEETING IGNATURE members on most cases, to a matter 2. Recommended Action: that the Administrative Hearing Office conduct the Public Meeting and find; 1) That the project is exdempt from CEQA; and 2) Approve the application per the Draft Resolution Administrative Hearing Officer's decision final unless appealed Staff Repoit l - Draft Resolution for INT-20 19-01 2 - Plan Set 3 - Corner Lot Orientation of Tract No. 6040 OLD BUSINESS Page 1 Administrative Hearing AGENDA April 25, 2019 NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT =I.n(:compliance with' the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plawing ' to<'Etffi'rra-in.<' -;xext meetipg ,who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability ' a that rteeds speciaf' assistance should call' the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the .meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, : by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting " that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. " Also upon request, in ad'6ance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided., to a majority of the members after publication oj a - the agen4a wm - abe: made avitilable for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during rtormal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissiorters or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are irzcluded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rxot to include any personal or private' information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that zs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ADMINISTRATIVE FrEA.R}(N-@'l" i"' "'J'-' ROLL CAJ,L APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.: DraftMinutesofDecemberl3,2018 2L)-111 '1 Recornrnended Action: approve or modify the DraA"*ffi!'utes of December DRaft Minutes of December 13, 2018 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irx most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda PUBLIC MEETING 2.: Architectural and Site approval to allow minor building fagade improvements and site modifications; Tree Removal Permit to allow the removal and replacement of twelve (12) trees (previously approved TR-2014-27); and an update to the Master Sign Program at the McClellan Square Shopping Center. Application No(s).: ASA-2018-10, SP-2018-02, TR-2019-05; Applicant(s): Victor De Melo (Browman Development Company), Location: 10385-104978 De Anza Blvd. APN# 359-17-019 Recommended Action: That the Hearing Officer: 1) find that the project is exempt from CEQA; and 2) approve the applictions per the Draft Resolutions Hearing Officer's decision is final unless appealed Prige I Admi iistratiii-. Hearing AGENDA February 28, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p7artning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon reqriest, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commtmications sent to the Cvtpertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO mxsmfTLIFORNIA rvf'Nf,,' C '=)oA DEPART- MENT, STATE UNDER PENALTY OF APPROVAL OF H5 BULLETIN BOARD Ar CIT Y, HALL. RecommendedAction: approveormodifytheDrPMutesofMay23,2019 sIGNATURE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Draft Minutes of May 23, 2019 ORAL COMMUNiCATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persom wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cmes, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisiom with respect to a matter riot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC MEETING 2.: Minor Architectural and Site Approval Permit to allow for a 77 square foot addition and modifications to facade materials for an existing sinlge-family residence located in a Planned Development Zone. Application No(s).: ASA-2019-03; Applicant(s): Steven Dauber (Dauber residence); Location: 10367 Heney Creek Pl APN# 342-48-027 Recoinmended Action: That the Adminstrative Hearing Officer find: l) That the project is exempt from CEQA; and 2) Approve the project per the Draft Resoltition Hearing Officer's decision final unless appealed Staff Report l - Draft Resolution for ASA-2019-03 2 - Plan Set OLD BUSINESS Page I Admbimbaaitive Hearb4 AGENDA June 13, 2019 NEW BUSINESS ffiTAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the 4mericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs,special assistance should cal[ the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irz advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ttpon request, in = advance;- an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Ary writings or documents provided to a rmjoriffl o/ the members afler publkxxtion o/ the agmda will be made available for public irmpection. Pleme contact the Cifi Clerk's Office m Cifi Hall located at 10300Tom Avertue during noramal business hours. IAdPORTAWI' NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertirio Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cifl's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on. the oinformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO 5:00 ti'LQYElE C)F ',HE pTY OF CUPERT[NO P:"')S-i'EDTFIENOT'5-'-";oiE AONT"h-T-E HALL. ADMINISTRAIBKNmMUFORNtA ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES BULLETIN BOAR C Draft Minutes of Apri 25, 2019 ORAJ, COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS : Amendment to an existing Use Permit (U-2013-07) to allow a childcare facililty to increase the hours of operation to 7:00a.m. to 6:00p.m.; and a Director's Minor Modification to legalize an existing deck. Application No(s),: M-2019-02, DIR-2019-05; Applicant(s): Maria Tzankova (Burall USA, LLC); Location:21685GranadaAve. APN#357-17-139 Recommended Action: That the Hearing Officer: l) Find that the proposed actions are exempt from CEQA; and 2) Approve the Use Permit Amendment (M-2019-02) and the Director's Minor Modification (DIR-2019-05) in accordance with the draft resolutions Hearing Officer's decision final unless appealed Page 1 Administrative Hearing AGENDA May 23, 2019 Staff Repoit 1 - Draft Resolution for M-20 19-02 ( 2 - Draft Resolution for DIR-20 19-05 3 - Plan Set 4 - Omei Preschool Business Plan 5 - Noise' Study ' 6 - Trip Generation Study OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Page 2 ADJOURNMENT Administrative Hearing AGENDA May 23, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oJ public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa[ Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written commvmications to the Ciffl that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerning any item that gs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, DecerTf, 9:ALIFORNIA 7:00 PM MENT, S"rATE UNL)ER PENALTY OF BPC Draft Minutes 11-20-19 BULLETIN BOAi'=:.D AT C.'t"I'Y i-NALL. POSTPONEMENTS DATE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishin5i to address the mission my any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not lisW on the agenda mN COMMUNICATIONS OtD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2. %: Cossion Proposals for FY 2020-21 City Work Program (Stillman) Recommended Action: Provide a List of Proposed City Work Program Items, Identifyirig Top Three Proposals (Stillman) 3. : McClellan Road Right-Turn Hook (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discuss and Provide Comments Regarding Right-Hook Conflicts mong McClellan Road (Stillman) 4.: McClellan Road Two-Stage Left-Turn Bike Boxes (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discuss, Provide Comments, and Make Recommendation Regarding Continuation of McClellan Road Northbound and Southbound Two-Stage Left-Turn Bike Boxes (Stillman) STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Agenda December 18, 2019 5. $: Staff Report (Stillman) Recommended Action: Receive Staff Report (Stillman) 6. : VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) Recommended Action: Receive VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) 7. $: Public Relations Subcoi'nmittee Report (Heller) Recommended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) 8. ,: Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general cornrnents ADJOURNMENT In cmnpfiance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone w'/u:i is pla'nning to attend the next meeting who is visua(ly or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs speaal assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange @ assistance. Llpon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meetivg agendas and umtirigs distributed for the meeting that are pubiic rewrds vill be made availab(e in the appropriate altewative fmmat. Also upon request, in advance, an assisuve lisbing device can be made available /or we during the meeting. Any rmiti;ngs or documen.ts promded to a majority of k members after publication of the agenda vmll be rmule available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall loazted at 10300 Torre Averiue during'normal business hours- IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be adv*ed tM pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08-100 wittett communications serzt to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concmiing a matb on the agenda are included as supplemmtal material to the agendized item. These writb communications are accessib(e to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archive>. You are hereby admonished ;riot to incgude any persorml or ptiuate information in witten communicatims to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so s/;m[l constitute a rnaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concerrting any item that is described in the ;notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members O?? a;ny other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Pay2 C UPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, November 20, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CALL APPROV At OF MINUTES STATE ()l' CALNFORN[A Draft Minutes Jily 9 2019 Special Meeting POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission 072 any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law w'd7 prohibit the commissiort from making any decisiorts with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. $: Cupertino 2019 Fall Bike Fest - Debrief (Stillman) Recornrnended Action: Debriefing for Cupertino 2019 Fall Bike Fest (Stillman) NEW BUSINESS $: Two-Stage Left-Turn Bike Box Education (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discuss and Make Recornrnendation Regarding Public Education in Relation to New Two-Stage Left-Turn Bike Boxes (Stillman) Page I 5. $: Stevens Creek Blvd Class IV Bikeway Project (Stillman) BicyclePedestrianCommission Agenda November20,2019 Recommended Action: Receive Presentation, DiscuSS and Provide Comments Regarding Stevens Creek Blvd Class IV Bikeway Project Design (Stillman) 6. ]: Draft Ethics Protocol (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discuss and Provide comments Regarding Draft Ethics Protocol ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. $: Staff Report (Stillman) Recommended Action: Receive Staff Report (Stillman) 8. : VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) Recommended Action: Receive VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) 9. $: Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) Recommended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) 10. $: Report on Committee Assignments and GeneraI Comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee Assignments and General Comments ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americarts with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plannirtg to attend the next meeting who is visually or hear'mg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours Err advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. llpon request, 'm advance, by a person with a disab'dity, meeting agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeting that are pu'Mic records will be made avai7ab7e in the appropriate alternative format. A7S0 upo;n request, 'm advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meetirtg. Arty writ'mgs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made ava'dable for pub)ic'mspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hail located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirtg normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concern'mg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemerttal materia7 to the agendized item. These written communications are accessib(e to the pub(ic through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persortal or private i4ormation in writtert communications to the City that you do trot wish to make public; doirtg so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Page 2 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Agenda November 20, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meet'mg, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA 7:00PM DEPART- Recommended Action: Approve July 9, 2019 minutes Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirxg is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the commission 07';1 any matter rtot on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. by most cases, State law roill prohibit the commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. l: Cupertino 2019 Fall Bike Fest Planning (Stillman) Recornrnended Action: Discuss planning and logistics for Cupertino 2019 Fall Bike Fest (Stillman) NEW BUSINESS 3.$: Carmen Road Bridge Feasibility Study (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discuss and make recommendation regarding Carmen Road Bridge Feasibility Shidy (Stillman) ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Agenda September 18, 2019 4. $: Staff Report (Stillman) Recornrnended Action: Receive staff report (Stillman) 5. 6. $: Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) Bicycle Pedestrian Advisory Committee (BPAC) Report (Lindskog) Reco'mrrrended Actiori: Receive VTA BPAC report (Lindskog) $: Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Hener) Recommended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcommittee report (Heller) 7. $: Reports on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Receive reports on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT In compriance zoith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to atterid the rxext meeting who is visually or hear'mg impaired or has any disability that ;needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advartce of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the meeting that are public records wiu be made available in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive Listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wil7 be made available for public inspection. Please contact the Cih) Crerk's Office in City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipa( Code 2.08.100 zoritten communications sent to the Cupertino City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These written commurtications are accessible to the public through the CihJs website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persorxal or private i4ormation in roritten communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irtformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernirtg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetirtg, before or durirtg cortsideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members ort any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public commerit. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Friday, August 9, 2019 6:30 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is hereby called for Friday, August 9, 2019, commencing at 6:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ptbo(,p 0F ALLEGIANCE STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVALOFMINUTES EMPLO K"@@"LyopcupDbEgP:AihR-r-To- 1. : Junel9,20l9SpecialMeetingmi&&NT, S TE UNDER PELTY OF A - Draft Minutes June 19, 2019 Special meeting (TI"") ' - ' ER'O"ALLYPOSTED E NOTNC ' E A ON THE BULLETIN BOA HALL. 2. $: June 19, 2019 Regular Meeting rninut RecommendedAction: ApproveJunel9,20lQl&trMeetin A - DraftMinutes {ine 19, 2019 Regular meeting DATE GNATURE POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the commission on any matter not ort the agenda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) minutes. Iry most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from mak'mg any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted 07? the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Page I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Agenda August 9, 2019 OI,D BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 3.$: Consideration of how 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan and/or 2018 Pedestrian Transportation Plan projects have been brought to Council for consideration, recommendation of procedural processes for staff to follow when projects recommended for action are prioritized differently than listed in the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan and 2018 Pedestrian Transportation Plan; and how currently funded projects are prioritized for completion (Stillman) Recommended Action: Consideration of how 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan and/or 2018Pedestrian Transportation Plan projects have been brought to Council for consideration; recommendation of procedural processes for staff to follow when projects recommended for action are prioritized differently than listed in the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan and 2018Pedestrian Transportation Plan; and how currently funded projects are prioritized for compIetion (StiIIman) 4.%: Teleconferenang for commissioners (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discuss rules and policies governing teleconferencing into commission meetings for commissioners. Make recornmendahon for City Council (Stillman) ;.s, , , '-" - " % o" ',a ,i :.,,, , ST AFF AND COMMISSIO.N REPORTS ' .i ' . , 1, ,l,a a " F ,, J a '- l' Recomrnende'a'A€ti6h:f-Reeeive Staff Report (Stillman) Recornrnended Acti6ff: Receive VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) 7. $: Public Relations Sub.c'omt,ittee Report (Heller) Recommended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcommittee Report (HeLter) 8. $: Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Cornrnittee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Err compriance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone roho is plannirxg to attend the next meetirtg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that rteeds special assistartce shou7d call the City C7erk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advartce, by a person with a disab'dity, meeting agendas and writirtgs Page 2 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Agenda August 9, 2019 distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive 7istening device can be made availaMe for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during rtorma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupertino Murxicipal Code 2.08.100 zorif-ten commwications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissiorters or City staff concerning a matter 072 the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website aryd kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admonished ;not to include any personal or private informatiort'm written communicatio;ns to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatio;n provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernirxg arxy item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members on any other item riot on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, June 19, 2019 6:55 PM SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Bicycle Pedestrian Commission is hereby called for Wednesday, June 19, 2019, commencing at 6:55p.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 7:00p.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : April 17, 2019 minutes Recommended Action: Approve April 17,2019 minutes A - Drafk Minutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda ADJOURNMENT Page ] Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA June 19 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upori request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please coritact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Muriicipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concernirig a matter 072 the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These writtert communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persortal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erxtitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during corxsideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. STATE OF CALIFORNIA COtJI,J TY QF SANTA CLARA EP.4PL,OYEE QF THE Cl-rY OF CUPERT[NO BULLETIN BOARQ AI' CI'jJ' \ F-JAI,L. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, June 19, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF mS POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COCATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter rtot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 1.: Regnart Creek Trail Recommended Action: Discussion and recommendations regarding Regnart Creek Trail design and alternative alignments NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 2. : Staff Report (Stillman) Recomtnended Action: Receive Staff Report (Stillman) ADJOURNMENT Page I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA June 19, 2019 In compliance with the Americaris with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 /?OZ/?"S 'm advance of the meeting to arrange for assistarice. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabiliff, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also xtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majorifl of the membem after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public impection. Pleme contact the Ciy Clerk's Office in Cifl Hall located at 10300Totre Avenue during nomal businms hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mmicipa[ Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are iricluded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These writtert communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include ariy personal or private information in written communications to the Cil that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver qf any privacy rights you may have on the infomation provided to the City. entitled to address the members concerning any item that is or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you Members of the public are described in the notice that item. If you wish to may do so during the public comment.STATE OF CALIFORNIA YEE OH a'-EeITY OF (:UPI;RT{NO MENT. STATE UNDER P ALTY OF BULLETIN & -7"-( II DATE SIGNATURE Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, April 17, 2019 7:00 PM Amended Amended on 4/12/19 at 3:30 pm to add Approval of Minutes Attachments to Item Nos. 1 & 2 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL STATE OF CALIFORNIA APPROVAL OF MINUTES DEPART- POSTED THE I'%TOTIC D ON THE 2. Subiect: March20.20l9minutes BULLETIN BOARD CI ALL. Recommended Action: Approve March 20, 2019 qp)Ht4 Iliklil BPCMinutes3.20.l9 DAr4 I I NATURE POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. Prrge I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA April 17, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 4. : Regnart Creek Trail (Stillman) Recommended Action: Regnart Creek Trail Discussion of Current Proposal and Alternatives (Stillman) 5. : Community Shuttle (Stillman) Recommended Action: Discussion of Next Steps Regarding Community Shuttle Proposal (Stillman) STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. 7. 8. Page 2 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA April 17, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours itx advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for rise during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oJ the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications. to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirig so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, April 17, 2019 7:00 PM STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS. COUNTYOF s EMPLpgB QE THE gITY OF CUPERi[NO MENT, ATE uNDER PENAL"l;Y OF RecommendedAction: ApproveFebruary20B!UmtNs BOAR H,ILL, POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comws:uon on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. NEW BUSINESS 4. Page I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA April 17, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. ADJOURNMENT Page2 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA April 17, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistatxce. Uport request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspectiorx. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are .hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; do'mg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, March 20, 2019 7:00 PM ORAJ, COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not O?? the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. 3. 4. Page 1 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA March 20, 2019 NEW BUSINESS : Distracted Driving and Steps for Bikers to be Safe (Stillman/Nellore) Recommended Action: Discussion of Distracted Driving and Steps for Bikers to be Safe (Stillman/Nellore) : Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Practices and Procedures (Shearin) Recommended Action: Discussion of Bicycle Pedestrian Commission Practices and Procedures (Shearin) STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ': Staff Report (Stillman) Recommended Action: Receive Staff Report (Stillman) 10. : Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) Recommended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcottee Report (Heller) 11. : Report on Committee Assignments and General Comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee Assignments and General Comments AN)JOURNMENT Ptrge 2 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA Marcli 20, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has an)i disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office m City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IAdPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persorial or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMiviI;iSION STATE OF CALJFORNTA 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C ) SS Recommended Action: Approve January 16, 2019 minutes Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons viishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agerida. Speakers are limited to three (3) miwtes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. 3. Page 1 Bicycle Pedestrian Commisston AGENDA February 20, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listerxing device can be made available for use during the meeting. An)i writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office m City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mvmicipal Code 2.08.l00written comntmications sent to the Crtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernmg any item that gs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Prrge 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, January 16, 2019 7:00 PM b§, Recommended Actiori: Approve December 19, 2018 minutes Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. : Election of Chair and Vice Chair (Stillman) Recommended Action: Elect Bicycle and Commission 2019 Chair and Vice Chair NEW BUSINESS Page 1 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA January 16, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 8. : Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) Recommended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) 9, : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA January 16, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to atte.nd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia/ assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, gimeeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be ypgaie available in the appropriate alternative format.Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agerida will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter on the agenda are included assupplemerxtal material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irtclude any personal or private information in writtencommunications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerrxing any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideratiort ojthat item. If you wish to address the members ori any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA BICYCLE PEDESTRIAN COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A ruesaay,,4%T!sf caupopurh PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE. ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS GNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on arty matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 2. : Staff Report (Stillman) Recommended Action: Receive Staff Report (Stillman) Page I Bicycle Pedestrian Commission AGENDA July 9, 2019 3. : VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) Recommended Action: Receive VTA BPAC Report (Lindskog) 4. : Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) Recornrnended Action: Receive Public Relations Subcommittee Report (Heller) ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planrting to attend the rtext meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any djsability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, .7neeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours, majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal busirtess IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuarxt to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of arby privacy rights J,IOZ/ may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetirxg, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so durirtg the public commeM. Pay 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA AUDIT COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Tuesday, July 30, 2019 4:00 PM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MIN[TI'ES 1. $: Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on April 23, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve Minutes of Regular Meeting on April 23, 2019 Draft Minutes April 23. 2019 2. $: Approve Minutes of Spe6al Meeting on Apffl 24, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve Minutes of Spe Meeting on Api 24, 2019 Draft Minutes Api 24. 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members 072 any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions rith respect to a matter not listed on the agenda NEW BUSINESS $: FY 2027-28 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and related supplemental reports. Recommended Action:Accept the FY 2017-18 Comprehensive Annual Financial Report (CAFR) and related supplemental reports. StaffReport STATEOFCALIFORNIA A-FY2017-18CAFR / jss- B-FY2017-18GAGASReport r,%+'- ). AN C - FY 2017-18 Appropriation Limit AUP Re4dtPI,OY,F,E O,I' 2HE CITY OF CUPERTINO MENT, SffATE UNDER PENALTY OF POSTED THE NOTiCE7AGENDA ON T'HE BULLETIN DARE Pcige I Audit Committee Agenda July 30, 2019 4.$: Treasurer's Investment Report for period ending June 30, 2019 Recommended Action: Accept staff report and provide recommendations as necessary and appropriate. Staff Report A - Chandler Report 06.30.19 B - Mkt Cost Report 5. $: OPEB & Pension Section 115 Trust Performance Report - US Bank US Bank Performance Report 06.30.19 6. 7. $: Budget Form Review FY 2018-19 Adopted Budget FY 2018-19 Budget at a Glance FY 2018-19 GFOA Budget Award and Comments $: Audit Cornrnittee Standard Work Plan 2019 AC Standard Work Plan 2019 OLD BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Audit Committee Agenda July 30, 2019 In mnpliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), myone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually gr hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distrikted @ the meeting that are public records will be made mailable in the appropriate alternative forwt. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening deoice can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writi;ngs or documents provided to a majority of the members after pub(ication of the agenda will be made avai(able for public inspection. r4ease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hal7 located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 witten communications sent to the Cuptrtino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matttr m'i the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communicatigns gre accessfble to the public through the City's website and kqit in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal m private information in witten communicatims to the City t'tmt you do not rmsh to ke public; doing so sMl mmtitute a voaiver of any privacy rights you rmy have 071 the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concerning any item tliat is described in the notice or age;nda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the age;nda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO ADMINISTRATIVE SERVICES DEPARTMENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 - FAX: (408) 777-3109 CUPERTINO.ORG AUDIT COMMITTEE NOTICE OF CANCEL[ATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the special meeting of the Audit Committee sdieduled forThursday, May23, 20l9beginningat9:00a.m., CityHallConferena= Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 was canaalled due to a ladc of business and there will be a lack ofquo. Dated this 17' day of May, 2019 /s/ Zadi Koradi Zach Koradi Finance Manager STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ") SS, A-rENT, STATE [.li!-IDER PENALTY "-6n BULLET!N BOAE?.D A'r CITY HAL-L-. STATE OF CALIFORNIA CUPERTINO CITY OF SS. AGE COUi'laYY OF Q a.taF"LOYE CITY OF CUP ERT T-NO DEPART- 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hqli-Qqqference Roo4:AJI 4:00 -pieU LLETNN BOAR L2 r C:IT IfflALL. NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE AUDIT COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Audit Committee is hereby called for Wednesday, April 24, 2019, commencing at 4:00p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shal} be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL MEETING This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorts wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda NEW BUSINESS 1. 2. Page 1 (' Audit Committee STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT AGENDA Apri} 24, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attertd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrarige for assistarice. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas artd writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vq:>on request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please coritact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Cormcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communicatiotqs are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public,' doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not O?? the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA AUDIT COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Tuesday, April 23, 2019 4:00 PM APPROV AL OF MINUTES ROT,T. (' AT,T, APPROV AL OF MINUTES COUNTY OF SANar7'y 2LA["A POSTED THE N(atICFjJAGENDA ON "[HE Draft Mimites 1.22. 19 BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY I-IALL. POSTPONEMENTSPOSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the members orx any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2. : Chandler Asset Management Implementation- Chandler A. Cliandler Report 3.: Treasurers'sInvestmentReportforperiodendingMarch31,2019 Recommended Action: Accept staff report and provide recommendations as necessary and appropriate. A. Treasurer's Investn'ient Staff Report Page I Audit Committee AGENDA April 23, 2019 4. : Annual Review of City and OPEB Investinent Policy - Korach City Investment Policy Clean Version City Investment Policy Redline Version OPEB Trust Policy 5. : OPEB & Pension Section I 15 Trust Performance Report - US Bank CI'IY OF C{JPERTIN0 01 2019 PERFORMANCE CONFIDENTIAL 6. : PARS Annual Presentation on Retiree Health Trust Perfoimance ST AFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Audit Committee AGENDA April 23, 2019 In compliance with the Ainericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to atterxd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Cler1c's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be inade available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in C'Uy Hall located at hours. majority of the members afler publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as srtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in pac1cet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council scheduled for Tuesday, January 07, 2020 beginning at 6:45 p.m., Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 was cancelled due to a lack of business and there will be a lack of quorum. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, January 21, 2020 beginning at 6:45 p.m., Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. Dated this 20' day of December, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia Deputy City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNI A CUPERTINO AGENDA OF THE STATB OF CALIFORNIA DEPART- I)AJI'E SNC 'fil'x=:E Tuesday, December 17, 2019 Special Meeting Closed Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Schaf Darcy Pau' Mayor Couu'anncgilmcehmaober Jon Robert Willey"ceMayor Councilmember / / Grace Schmidt 4 Rod Sinks Councilmember Heather Minner X Deborah Feng City Manager Staff -r Staff -t Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95C)1 4 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission SantaClaraValleyWaterCommissionandWaterDistrict ' SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, durin@ which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested perSOn, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 (alendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk,mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, December 17, 2019 5:00 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:00) and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CAL[ FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCI[ NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, December 17, 2019, commencing at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROIL CA[L - 5:00 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A CLOSED SESSION 1. $: Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Gov't Code Section 54957(b)). Title: City Manager 2. $: Conference with Labor Negotiators (Gov't Code section 54957.6). Agency designated representatives: To be announced in open session immediately before this closed session. Unrepresented employee: City Manager. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Council Chamber ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS Page I City Council Agenda Decembet 17, 2019 1.5: Proclamation to City Clerk Grace Schrnidt upon her retirement and recognizing her dedicated service to the City of Cupertino. Recommended Action: Present proclamation to City Clerk Grace Schmidt upon her retirement and recognizing her dedicated service to the City of Cupertino. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Covmcil on any matter not 07Z the agenda. The tota7 time for Ora7 Comrmmications wil7 ordinarily be 7imited to one hour. Individual speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further Limit the time allowed to individua7 speakers, or reschedule remaining comments to the end of the meeting 07? a first come first heard basis, with priority given to students. In most cases, State Law wiu prohibit the Counci7 from discussing or making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agertda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 2. 5: Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR Llrdess there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by cormcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items rmder the Consertt Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 3. $: Approve the November 8 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the November 8 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 4. l: Approve the December 3 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the December 3 City Council minutes A - Draft Mimites 5.l: Notice of Intent to Vacate Portions of a Public Utility Easement for Water Line Purposes and a Portion of an Emergency Access Easement Located at 23500 Cristo Rey Drive Page 2 City Council Agenda December 17, 2019 Recommended Action: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 19-142 (Attachment A) declamg the of a public utility easement for water lineCity Council's intent to vacate portions purposes located on 23500 Cristo Rey Drive, setting a public hearing on January 21, 2020 at 6:45 p.m., and providing for public notice thereof; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-143 (Attachment B) declaring the City Council's intent to vacate a portion of an access easement locatedemergency on 23500 Cristo Rey Drive, setting a public hearing on January 21, 2020 at 6:45 p.m., and providing for public notice thereof A - Draft Resolution - PUE B - Draft Resolution - EAE C - PUE Areas D - STWC Approval Letter E - Recorded PLTE Dedication F - EAE Areas G - Fire Dept Approval Letter H - Draft EAE Dedication Amend the Health In-Lieu cash payment option for the Appointed, Cupertino Employees' Association (CBA), Unrepresented (Management and Confidential) employees, and Elected Officials. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-144 amending the Health In-Lieu cash payment option for the Appointed, Cupertino Employees' Association (CEA) Unrepresented (Management and Confidential) employees, and Elected Officials. A - Draft Resolution B - CEA MOU Side Letter C - CEA MOU D - Unrepresented Employees' Compensation Program Clean E - Unrepresented Employees' Compensation Program Redlined F - APPOINTED Emplovees's Compensation Program Clean G - APPOINTED Employees' Compensation Program Redlined H - ELECTED Officials's Compensation Program Clean I - ELECTED Officials' Compensation Program Redlined SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 7. l: Second reading of Municipal Code Amendments to Chapter 19.80 to clarify development standards in the Planned Development (P) Zoning Districts (Application No. MCA-2019-005; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: In P zoning districts located City-wide); Adoption of the Third Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Final EIR; and Finding the Actions Are Not a Project Under and Exempt from CEQA. Page 3 City Council Agenda December 17, 2019 Recornrnended Action: That the City Council conduct the second reading and enact Ordinance No. 19-2191: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino adopting the Third Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Final EIR and Amendments to Chapter 19.80 (Planned Development (P) Zones) of the Cupertino Municipal Code to Clarify Development Standards in P Zones." Staff Re'oort A - Draft Ordinance B - Redlines showing changes to draft ordinance Second Reading and enactment of Ordinance to amend the Municipal Code Chapter 13.08 (Park Land Dedication and Fee) and Chapter 18.24 (Dedications and Reservations) to Clarify Park Land Dedication and In Lieu Fee Requirements; Adoption of the Fourth Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Final EIR; and Finding the Actions Are Not a Project Under and Exempt From CEQA. Recommended Action: Conduct the second reading and enact Ordinance No. 19-2192: An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Adopting the Fourth Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Final EIR and Amendments to Chapter 13.08 and Chapter 18.24 of the Municipal Code to Clarify Standards for Park Land Dedications and Fees In lieu Thereof. A - Draft Ordinance B - Redline Municipal Code Amendments C - 4th Addendum - Parkland Ordinance D-12-3-201.9 Staff Report PUBLIC HEARINGS $: Consideration of an amended and restated agreement for lease of the Cupertino Municipal Water System with San Jose Water Company (SJWC); finding that the action is not a project under and exempt from CEQA. Recommended Action: 1. Conduct a Public Hearing to consider an amended and restated agreement for lease of the Cupertino Municipal Water System with San Jose Water Company; and 2. Adopt Resolution 19-145, approving an amended and restated agreement for lease of real property (water system) with San Jose Water Company. Staff Rei:iort A - Water Service Map B - Draft Resolution C - Amended and Restated Agreement PDF Con'iplete Version D - Public Notification of Proposed Water Fee Increase aiid Conunents E - 1997 Lease Agreement with San Tose Water Company Page 4 City Council Agenda December 17, 2019 10, $: Adoption of Local Amendments to 2019 California Energy & Green Building Standards Codes (Reach Code); determination that adoption of the proposed Ordinance and Resolution is not a project subject to CEQA, or that if it is a project, it is exempt from CEQA. Recornrnended Action: 1. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 29-2193: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending City Code Chapters 16.54 and 16.58 Adopting the 20I9 California Energy Code and Green Building Standards Code With Certain Exceptions, Deletions, Modifications, Additions and Amendments "; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-146: "A Resolution making factual findings with respect to the local geological, topographical, and climatic conditions necessary to make local amendments to the California Building Standards Code" A - Draft Ordinance B - Draft Resolution Making Findings of Local Necessity C - Cupertino Reach Code Council Staff Report - Study Session D - Residential Cost Effectiveness Study E - Non-Res Cost Effectiveness Study F - Redline of Codes ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 11. l: Consider Adoption of an Urgency Ordinance Under California Government Code section 36937 to Implement Tenant Eviction Protections and Limit Large Rental Rate Increases, Effective Immediately, to Avoid Circumvention of AB 1482 (the Tenant Protection Act of 2019); Find That Adoption of the Ordinance Is Not a Project Under and Exempt from CEQA. Recommended Action: Adopt, by a vote of at least four City Councilmembers, Ordinance No. 19-2194: "An Urgency Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approv'm';,, Just Cause Eviction Protections and Rental Rate Limits Effective Irnmediately" A - Draft Urgency Ordinance B - SJ Mercury News artide 11-18-19 C - Bill Text - AB-1482 Tenant Protection Act of 2019 tenancy rent caps ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIL AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1094.6; litigation chauertging a fina7 decision of the Cih) Cormcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is annormced rtrdess a shorter time is required by State or Federal lazo. Page 5 City Council Agenda December 17, 2019 Prior to seeking judicia7 review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicia7) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideratio;n within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the Cih)'s decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requiremertts of Cupertino Municipa7 Code §2.08.096. Contact the Ci% Clerk's office for more informatio;n or go to http://www.cupertino.org/cih)clerk for a reconsideration petition form. 17? compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p7aming to attend the next Cih) Covmci7 meeti;ng who is visua71y or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours inn advance of the Cormci7 meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi7ih), City Covmci7 meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wi7l be made available in the appropriate a(ternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive Listening device can be made available for use duri;ng the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupert'mo Cih) Counci7 after publication of the packet wiu be made available for public inspectio'n in the Cih) Clerk's Office (ocated at Cih) Hall 10300 Torre Avemte, during normal business hours and 'm Co'vmcil packet archives (inked from the agenda/minutes page 07? the Cupertino web site. IAAPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written comrmmications sent to the Cupert'uao City Council Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter 072 the agenda are included as supp7emental material to the agendized item. These written commrmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona7 or private information in writte;n commvmications to the Cih) that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the Cih). Members of the public are entitled to address the Cih) Covmci7 co;ncerning a;ny item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duri;ng consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Cormci7 07? any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Council and dediver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W7';xen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor roiu recognize you. If you wish to address the City Cormcil on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so by during the public commertt portio;n of the meeting follow'mg the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 6 THECITYCOUNCII ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- yearterm. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances g,o into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Schaf Darcy Pau Liang Chao Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hal citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharf@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org yvww.cupertino.org 408 777-3191 408 777-3195 408 777-3192 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meetin@ as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of communityinterest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. 6 :45 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers Water General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water California Water (408) 777 -CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777-3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CtJPERTINO /r - 2-')_ a-il i"_______,ii M' '\""'h:"7 """"""M"l" AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL , ,,_,-.-,,,A. Tuesday, December 3, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Mayor & Vice Mayor Oath of Office (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Heather Minner City Attorney City Manager Staff -t. Liang Chao Rod Sinks Vice Mayor Councilmember Staff - Steven Schaf Mayor Darcy Paul Councilmember JonRobertWilley Councilmember Grace Schmidt City Clerk - Staff Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 9501 4 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. PUBIIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings inc(ude change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed ' sessions are not final until acted upon in ' public session. Urgent business, holidays, 6r election days % may trigger special or adjourned meetings. i These meetings wil) be noticed beforehand. ;' i i, AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS ' AV AILABLE ON THE WEB : Agendas, minutes, and packets for current i and prior City Council and Planning ! Commission meetings are available at i www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCII DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory ' (quasi-judicial) decision, I interested persons must file a petition for '! reconsideration within ten calendar days of i the date the City Clerk mails notice of the ; City's decision. Reconsideration petitions t must comply with the requirements of 'Q Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. t Contact the City Clerk"s office for more- (. information or go to ; f www.http://www.cupertino.orH/index.aspx -' for a reconsideration petition form. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and a(e requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: I iT rQor[s ana ma 4 Council members ask questions recommendation Applicantor /4j Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item l (fayorciosesthehearin) l City Coubil ' votes on the ages.!! ;te,rp. Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, December 3, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Mayor & Vice Mayor Oath of Office (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCNL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council Ns herieby called for Tuesday, Decennber 3, 2029, commencing at 5:30 p.m. in Commuriity Hall ComciN Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shiN be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below unaer ffi.e headirig, ']Special Meeting." The regiar meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Couricil Chauiber, N.0350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM ELECTION OF MAYOR AND VNCE MAYOR 1. l: Coincilmembers elect Mayor Recommended Action: Make nominations and elect Mayor 2. l: Cou"icilmembers elect Vice Mayor Recommended Adion: Make nominations and eled Vice Mayor OATH OF OFFICE 3. 3: Mayor takes Oath of Office Recommended Adion: Mayor takes Oath of Office 4. 3: Vice Mayor takes Oath of Office Recoinrnended Action: Vice Mayor takes Oatli of Office COMMENTS BY NEW MAYOR 5. $: Comments by new Mayor Recommended Action: Cornrnents by new Mayor Page I City Council Agenda December 3, 2019 COMMENTS BY COUNCILMEMBERS AND PUBLIC 6. $: Comments by Councilmembers Recommended Action: Comments by Coincilmembers 7. l: Members of the audience are invited to speak (no Speaker Cards necessary) Recommended Action: Members of tl'ie audience are invited to speak RECEPTION 8. §: The public is invited to attend a reception in the lobby Recommended Action: The piublic is invited to attend a reception in the lobhy ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRIESENTATIONS POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserr.ied fov persons zoishing to address the Cotmci[ 07! any maffler vw} rm the agenda. The total time for OraX Comun-ications zoiu ordinarily be limited to one )'iour. hnetffv€aual speakers are limited to three (3) minutes- As necessary, the Chair may further Limit the time aiXovned to individua7 speakers, or reschedu(e rert;iain'mg comments to the end of the meeting on a first come first heard basis, zoith priority given to students. In most cases, State lazo will pro7zibit the Counci} fvom discussing or ma7cing any decisioyis ztiith respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 1, $: Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR IlnLess there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items vmder the Consertt Cct7endctr be acted on simu(taneous(y. 2. $: Approve the November 5 City Council minutes Page 2 City Council Agenda December 3, 2019 Recomnnended Action: Approve the November 5 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 3. $: Approve the November 19 City Coincil minutes Recommended Action: Approve the November 19 City Coincil minutes A - Draft Minutes 4. l: Declare properties as having potential fire hazards or other potential nuisances from weeds for the Cctpertmo Weed Abatement Program; set hearing date to declare a public nuisance and to consider objections for proposed removal. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-141 declaring properties as having potential fire hazards oc other potential nuisances from weeds; and set hearing on January 21, 2020 to decNaipe a yublic miisance aiid to consider objedions fot proposed removal. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution and Exhibit A B - 2020 Cupertino Commencement Report (Exhibit A) $: AccepttetminationofBi7dePedestrianCommissionmernberPeteHelIleyauid direct staff to fill td:ed, partial vacy in Jariuary 2020 concurrent wiffi tie annual rebnent for all mmmission and committee members' terms expitaing in January 2020, Recommended Actioz Aczpt termination of Bi7de Pedest Comtnission member Fete Heller and dired. stajEf to fill the ediled, partial vacy in January 2020 concurrent with the annual' rezuitment for all commission arid committee meet's' terms expig in January 2020. Staff Retxyrt A - Resignation Letter B - Adopted Resolution No. 16-137 Governing City Adnsory Bodies 6. $: Reject all beds received for the Blackberry Farm Slide aiid Recreation Pool Remodel, (Project No. 2020-10) and authorize the Director of Public Works to competitively solicit contractors to only complete work necessary to resolve spot repair of rust stains in the pools. Recommended Action: 1. Receive report on bids for the Blackberry Farm Slide and Recreation Pool Remodel; and 2. Authorize the Director of Public Works to reject all bids for the Blackberry Farm Slide and Recreation Pool Remodel; and 3. Authorize the Director of Public Works to competitively solicit contractors to only complete work necessary to resolve spot repair of rust stains in the pooIs. Staff Report Page 3 City Co'iuicil Agerida December 3, 2019 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS $: Municipal Code Amendments to Chapter 19.80to clarify development standards in the Planned Development (P) Zormg Districts (Application No- MCA-20'l9-005; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: In P zoning distrids located City-wide); Adoption of the Third Addendum to the 2014 General Plait Final EIR; and Findiitg the Actions Are Not a Project Under and Exempt from CEQA. Recommended Action: That the City Council conduct the first reading of Ordffiance No. 19-2191: "An Ordinance of the City Cotrri of the City of Cupertino adopting the Il*d Addendun to the 2014 Gei"ieral Plan Final EIR and Amendments to Chapter 19.80 (Planned Development (P) Zores) of the Cupertino Minicipal Code to Clarify Development Standards in P Zones." Staff Report A - Draft Ordinance B - Redlines indicating amendments to Chapter 19.80 C - Planning Commission Resolution #6889 D - Third Addendum to GP Final EIR J: Mru"iicipal Code Amendments to Chapter 13.08 (Park Land Dedication and Fee) and Chapter 18.24 (Dedications and Reservations) to Clarify Park Land Dedication aiid 'tri Lieu Fee Reqtirements; Adoption of the Fourth Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Final EIR; aiid Finding the Actions Are Not a Project Under and Exempt From CEQA. Recommended Action: That the City Couracil conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 19-2192: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Adopting the Fourth Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Fii"ial ETR and Amendments to Chapter 13.08 and Chapter 18.24 of the Municipal Code to Clarify Standards for Park Land Dedications and Fees In lieu Thereof." Staff Reoort A - Draft Ordinance B - Redline Municipal Code Amendments C - 4th Addendum - Parkland Ordinance D - General Plan Park Distribution Policies ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS $: Consider out-of-cyde Community Funding Grant for West Valley Community Services. Page 4 City Council Agenda December 3, 2019 Recoinrnended Action: Consider an out-of-cycle Community Funding Grant request of $5,000 for West Valley Community Services Gift of Hope Program and either: Approve a Community Firiding Grant of $5,000 for West Valley Comrmu'ffty Services Gift of Hope Program, or Recommend tl'iat West Valley Comrmunty Services apply for a Cornmui'uty Futdiitg Grant during the City's regular grant process. Staff Re'oort A - Community Funding Policy B - Community Funding Grant Application for Gift of Hope 'ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUEI) (As necessary) COUNC[I, AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Th.e Cffh) of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of CrMle of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litig;tion cM[.enging a firia7 decisio;n of the City Cotmcil must 7:ie brought within 90 days after ct decision is amtourtced unless a s7iorter time is required by Sf:ctte or Ee.devaX {azu. Prffm {o seeking jutiicial reviezo of any adjudicatory (qvtcts'i-judicffa[) aecision, interested persons must fir;e a pef.fftion for reco;nsideration within ten calertdctr days :of fhe iate the City Clerk ma'ds notice of the City's iecision. Reconsideration petitions must comply wiith !/z requiremertts of Cupertino Mymicipa( Co.ae §2.08.096. Contact the City Cler7c's office for more information or go to h:ttpJl'wwto.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a rrecons€devatxon petition form. rrt covrzpliance zoith tlie America;ns zoith Disabilities Act(ADA), anyo;ize roho is planning to attend the next City Couiqci{ meeti;ng who is visually or 7iearing impaired or has any disabilih) that needs special assistance sho-tdd calf the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Counci7 meeting to arrange for assistance. Llpon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Cih) Cormcil meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made availabde in the appropriate alternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, a;n assistive listening device can be made available for use duriiqg the meeti;ng. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupert'mo City Cormci7 after publication of the pac7cet roiL7 be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at Cih) Hail, 10300 Torre Avenue, during norma7 business hours a;nd in Cotmcil packet archives linked from the agendalminutes page own the Cupertino zoeb site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino NhmicipaL Code 2.08.100 written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on t7ie agenda are induded as supplemerttal material to the agertdized item. These zorittert Page 5 City Council Agenda December 3, 2019 communications are accessible to the pub1ic through tlie City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the Ci% that you do not zoish to make public; doing so shail constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may Jiave on the information provided to the City. Members of the pu7Aic are entitled to address the City Corinci7 concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duri'ng consideration of that item. If you zoish to ad.dress t7ie Counci7 on any issue that is on this age;nda, please complete a spectker request card located in front of the Counc-il and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. When you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor uiiil recognize you. '[f you wish to address the City Cormci? on ar;iy other item not on the agenda, you may do so by duri;ng the public comment portion of the meet'mg foXXowi;ng the same procedure described above. Please limit your commertts to three (3) minutes or less. Page 6 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlappingterms. EachNovemberamayorandavice-mayorareselectedbytheCityCouncilforaone-yearterm. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §z.os.ogt5. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org Steven Scharf SScharf@cupertino.org (408) 777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 I ExecutiveAssistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408)777-1312 , CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY I I Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meetinz as this does not j provide enough time to give the materia(s fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the j meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. ' NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL i Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify : TELEVISION 'i The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public ' i service announcements, and other programs of communityinterest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are I shownatthesetimes: I Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. j Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408)378-4010 " Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas&Electricity PacificGas&Electric(PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 § Recreation &Community Quinlan CommunityCenter (408) 777-3120 ! Services , Police(Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff dispatch 911 ' Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 PublicHealth Santa Clara CountyPublicHealth (408)732-3720 i SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 !l SanJoseWater 'Water (408)279-7900 1 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO 'J"S iilia__!__i_+_ __ ______________l AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL -r-" Tuesday, November 19, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf Darcy Paul' ,'angChaoMayor Councilmember Jon Robert WilleyRodS'nks "ceMayor Councilmember CouncilmemXber S / , GraceSchm0idtHeather Minner CityManager. Q ;;.. . Staff Staff, - Staff Staff - Speaker's Podium ( COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPWHOEBNSEITE(4MO8)77C7u-3p2e2rOtln(COIOTYrgHALL) CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and 'questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l nrerceopmonmseandatnamioan ff Council members ask questions Applicantor / Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 4 0 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item ,l, Cayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. 41 Cat!Dffl WtbS @n @h 4gaaffi A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.or@, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, November 19, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Shidy Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, November 19, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupettino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION 1.$: Study session regarding policy options to reduce the use of natural gas and increase electrification of Cupertino's building stock via local amendments to the 2019 California Energy & Green Building Standards Codes (Reach Codes). Recornrnended Action: Provide direction on policy options to reduce the use of natural gas and increase electrification of Cupertino's building stock via local amendments to the 2019 California Energy and Green Building Standards Codes. Staff Reoort A - CC Resolution No. 18-094 Dedaring a Climate Emergency B - ReachCodesPresentation 10.16.19 C - ReachCodesWrittenCornmunications CC SC D - Signed Letter of intent E - SustainabilityCommissionRecommendation 10.24.19 ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM Page I City Council Agenda November 19 2019 ROLL CALL CEREMONIA[ MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.l: Certificates of Appreciation to the Cupertino Citizen Corps for their assistance with the recent Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) Recommended Action: Present Certificates of Appreciation to the Cupertino Citizen Corps for their assistance with the recent Public Safety Power Shutdown (PSPS) 2.$: Certificates of Appreciation to volunteers at the Silicon Valley Korean School (SVKS) Recommended Action: Present Certificates of Appreciation to voliu"iteers at the Silicon Valley Korean School (SVKS) 3. $: Proclamahon for Lung Caiicer Awareness Month Recommended Action: Present proclamation for Lung Cancer Awareness Month 4.$: Presentation by Cupertino-Copertino, Italy Sister City Committee adult delegation regarding recent trip Recommended Action: Receive presentation by Cupertino-Copertino, Italy Sister City Committee adult delegation regarding recent trip 5.$: Presentation by Judy Miner, Chancellor of Foothill-De Anza Community College on the planning process for the facility that will replace De Anza's Flint Center Recommended Action: Receive Presentation by Judy Miner, Chancellor of Foothill-De Anza Community College on the plg process for the facility that will replace De Anza's Flint Center POSTPONEMENTS 6.l: Continue Item No. 15 Adoption of the 2019 Califomia Energy and Green Building Standards Codes with local amendments to a future meeting date and item will be renoticed. These topics will be discussed in the study session. Recommended Action: Continue Item No. 15 Adoption of the 2019 California Energy and Green Building Standards Codes with local amendments to a future meeting date. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirig to address the Co'tmci) on any matter not ori the agenda. The total time for Oral Commurtications will ordinarily be Limited to one hour. Irydividua7 speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further limit the time auowed to individual speakers, or reschedule remaining commertts to the end of the meeting on a first come first heard basis, with priorih) givert to studertts. Irt most cases, State law will prohibit the Courtc'd from Page 2 CityCouncil Agenda Novemberl9,2019 discussing or mak'mg arty decisions witli respect to a matter not listed 07? the agenda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 7. $: Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR llnless there are separate discussions arid/or actions requested by courtcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. $: Annual adoption of Other Post-Employment Benefits ("OPEB") Trust Investment Policy. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-135 accepting the City Investment Policy for the OPEB Trust. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution B - OPEB Trust Policy $: Annual adoption of Pension Trust Irivestment Policy. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-136 accepting the City Investment Policy for the Pension Trust. Staff Repoort A - Draft Resolution B - Pension Investment Policy 10.$: Treasurer's Investment Report for period ending September 30, 2019 Recommended Action: Accept staff report and provide recommendations Staff Report A - Chandler Investment Report 09.30.2019 B - Wells Fargo Mkt Cost Report D - LAIF Statement 11. $: Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Senate Bill (SB) 2 Planning Grants Program Application Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-137 authorizing application for, and receipt of, SB 2 Planning Grants Program Funds Staff Rei:iort A - Draft Resolution B - SB 2 Planning Grants Program Application Form 12. $: Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Welcome Market Inc (dba 99 Ranch Market), 10425 S. De Anza Boulevard Page 3 City Council Agenda November 19 2019 Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the Califoznia Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Welcome Market Inc (dba 99 Ranch Marketl 10425 S. De Anza Boulevard. A - Application 13. $: Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Welcome Market, Inc (dba 99 Ranch Market), 10983 N. Wolfe Rd. Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the Application for Alcoholic Beverage License for Welcome Market Inc (dba 99 Ranch Market), 10983 N. Wolfe Road. Staff Report A - Application SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 14. $: Second reading of Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code, Title 5, adopting new policies regulating the sale of tobacco, such as requiring a local permit to sell tobacco products, prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco, prohibiting new businesses from selling tobacco near saiools and reducing tobacco retailer density, prohibiting tobacco sales at pharmacies and in vending machines, and limiting storefront signage. Recommended Action: Conduct second reading and enact Ordinance No. 19-2190; "An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino adding a'iapter 5.50 to title 5 (Business Licenses and Regulations) to regulate the sale of tobacco products and repealing aapter lO.27of the Municipal Code (Cigarette and/or Tobacco Vending Machines) A - Draft Ordinance to Regulate the Sale of Tobacco Products PUBLIC HEARINGS 15. $: Adoption of the 2019 California Energy and Green Building Standards Codes with local amendments has been continued to a future meeting date and item will be renoticed. These topics will be discussed in the study session. Recommended Action: Adoption of the 2019 California Energy and Green Building Standards Codes with local amendments has been continued to a future meeting date. ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 16. $: Update on Library Expansion Project, selection of Concephial Design, approval of project delivery method, and direction on project funding. Page 4 City Council Agenda November 19 2019 RecornmendedAction: 1. Conceptual Design: Select either the One-Story or the Two-Story Conceptual Design. Additional actions listed below as determined by Conceptual Design selection. 2. One-Story Conceptual Design a. Approve use of a traditional Design-Bid-Build project delivery method. b. Authorize the City Manager or her designee to negotiate and enter into all agreements as necessary with a qualified armtectural firm and construction/project management firm for an amount not-to-exceed $808,200. 3. Two-Story Conceptual Design a. Authorize use of a Design-Build project delivery method, using best value selection, assuming Design-Build is determined to be feasible. b. Approve Resolution 19-138 executing a loan agreement of up to $3,000,000 from the General Fund to Capital Fund for the Library Room Expansion. c. Approve Budget Amendment 1920-070 increasing appropriation by $3,000,000 for the Library Expansion Project. d. Authorize the City Manager or her designee to negotiate and enter into all agreements as necessary with a qualified architectural firm and construction/project management firm for an amount not-to-exceed $1,870,500. 4. Staffing: Authorize transfer of a 3-year Limited Term Project Manager in the Department of Public Works from the new City Hall project to the Library Expansion Project. A - Draft Resolution B - Program List C - One-Story Conceptual Design D - Two-Story Conceptual Design E - Preliminary Project Schedile 17. $: Approve the First Quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019-20 Recommended Action: 1. Accept the City Manager's First Quarter Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2019-20 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-139 approv'm",, First Quarter budget adjustments 3. Adopt Resolution No. 19-140 amending the Compensation Program for the Unrepresented (Management and Confidential) Employees A - Draft Resolution Approving Budget Adjustments B - First 0uarter Financial Report FY19-20 C - Detailed Description of Year End and Adjustments made through 9/30/19 D - First 0uarter Budget Adjustments {oumal E - Draft Resolution Amending the Unprepresented Employees' Compensation F - Unrepresented Comp - Clean G - Untepresented Comp - Redlined Page 5 City Council Agenda November 19 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIL AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; Litigation challertgirtg a final decision of the Cih) Council must be brought withirt 90 days after a decision is arynounced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 Law. Prior to seeking judicia( review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judiciaO decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration withirt ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipa[ Code §2.08.096. Contact the Cih) Clerk's office for more information or go to http://wvow.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsiderahon petition form. by compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p7annirtg to attertd the next Cih) Council meeting who is visually or hear'mg impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Cih) Counci( meetirtg agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advartce, an assistive 7istertirtg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertirto City Courtcil after publicatiort oj the packet vuill be made available for puMic inspectiort irt the Cih) Clerk's Office 7ocated at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, during rxorma7 business hours and irt Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page ort the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupertino Municipa7 Coke 2.08.100 written communicatiorxs sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter ort the agertda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These writtert communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona7 or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 072 the irtformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Counci7 concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during corxsideration of that item. If you wish to address the Cotmcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located'm front of the Council, a;nd deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussiort of the item. W/;xert you are called, proceed to Page 6 City Council Agenda November 19, 2019 the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Counci7 072 any other item not 07'l the ageryda, you may do so by during the public comment portiory of the meeting forlowing the same procedure described above. Please Limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. Page 7 THECITYCOUNCII ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four overla ' terms. Each November a year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Scharf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hal citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org 408 777-3191 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meetinz as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45 p.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. INTERNET Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. City Council and Planning Commission videos are avai(ab(e on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFULTELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers WojBr General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water California Water (408) 777 -CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777 -3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CtlPIRTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL Cupertino City Hall EOC, 10300 Torre Avenue Friday, November 8, 2019 5:30 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting: City Council Trairiing Workshop NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Friday, November 08, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. at the City Hall EOC, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirig to address the Council 07? any matter not on the agenda. The tota7 time for Ora7 Commu;nicatio;ns wiu ordinarily be limited to one hour. Individua7 speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further 7imit the time al)owed to individua7 speakers or reschedule remaining comments to the ertd of the meeting 072 a first come first heard basis, with priority givert to students. 77? most cases, State raw wi77 prohibit the Counci7 from discussirtg or maki;ng any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted on the agenda. CITY COUNCIL TRAINING WORKSHOP The City Council will be discussing best practices of governance and clarifying roles. The public is invited and welcome to speak at t7ie begi;tming of t7ie workshop, but this is not a regular Cormcil meeting and the Counci( wig( not be making policy. No other business shall be considered and no action on an item of City business may be taken at this meeting. ADJOURNMENT The Cih) of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1094.6; Litigation challertging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decisio'n is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal Law. Prior to seeking judiciar review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must fde a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the Cih)'s decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requiremertts of Cupertino Municipa7 Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerlc's office for more informatio;n or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reco;nsideration petition form. 17? compliance with theAmericans with Disabirities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Cih) Co't,mcil meeting wlio is visua(Ly or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance shou(d ca(( the City C(erk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Cormci( meeting to arra'nge for assistance. llpon request, in advance, by a person with ct disabi7ih), Cih) Counci( meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also, upon request, in advance, an assistive 7istening device can be made available for use during the meeti;ng. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino Cih) Counci7 after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Cotmcil packet archives 7'mked from the agenda/minutes page 07? the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mrmicipa[ Code 2.08.I00 written communications sertt to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter 07? the agenda are 'mcluded as supp[ementa7 materia( to the agendized item. These writte;n communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc(ude any personal or private information'trt written commtmications to the Cih) that you do not wish to make pub7ic; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concern'mg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wis7i to address the Cormci7 on any issue that is 07? this agenda, please complete a speaker request card 7ocated'm front of the Co;bmci7 a;nd deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W7'xen you are ca71ed, proceed to t7ie podium and t7ie Mayor wiu recognize you. If you wish to address the Cih) Counci7 on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting fouowing the same procedure described above. Please Limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. () a i '. + 'L C " F 'La-';'l L. i' l" : " J : jX I. Ii bULLEfh?4 L'ziX-f-E CUPERTINO ) SS n _1 fl &-: l 3 ___ ___ _ AGENDA OF THE CIY'7'(50U-NCIL - --"-"' Tuesday, November 5, 2019 Regular Meeting (6:45) Heather Minner City Attorney Deborah Feng Steven Scharf Liang Chao Mayor Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Vice Mayor , Councilmember Jon Robert Willey Councilmember Councilmember Staff - Grace Schmidt Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER "r 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95m4 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cu_pe_rtin_o.o_ rg __< _i CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. uunuiuuuiiiuin!!!!!u+uiuuiuiu.u+uuimuuanuiuiniuuuuuiaaiuaumuiuiuuuia PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar i days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCII MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election . days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.org, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAI Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.orH/index.as for a reconsideration petition form. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:ndlaroidteumces ffi vciosiutsncortomuefsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaan%onss' l mrecommendation -__ Council members ask questions ,{ / Applicantor /4_-1 Councilmembersaskquestions i / Appellantmakes / I i / presentation / i / (up to 10 mins.) / I / / I i Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item 4__1 Speakers submit a Request to ) Speak card, and are allowed up to I 3 minutes per individual. Council l members may ask questions of i t speakers. (Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l i A Council member makes a motion_, City @uioffl€ < and obtains a second.- v$'s on tlffl I , , ,' agenda ( (fgp, I The. Clt)/ Council then discusses the- moflon(s) and votes. T CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, November 5, 2019 6:45 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.$: Presentation from Toyokawa Sister City delegation regarding recent student exchange Recommended Action: Receive presentation from Toyokawa Sister City delegation regarding recent student exchange 2.$: Fine Arts Commission presentation of the 2019 Distinguished and Emerging Artist Winners. Recommended Action: Receive Fine Arts Commission presentation of the 2019 Distinguished and Emerging Artist Winners. 3.$: Presentation on pedestrian safety by Divergent Debuggers First Lego League robotics team. Recommended Action: Receive presentation on pedestrian safety by Divergent Debuggers First Lego League robotics team. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeti;ng is reserved for persons wishing to address the Covmcil 07? any matter not 07? the agenda. The tota7 time for Ora7 Communications wil7 ordinarily be limited to one hour. Individua7 speakers are Limited to three (3) mimttes. As necessary, t7ie Chair may fitrther (imit the time allowed to individua7 spealcers, or reschedule remaining comments to the ertd of the meeting 07? a first come first heard basis, with priority given to students. In most cases, State )aw wiu prohibit the Cormci7 from discussing or making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 4. $: Report on Committee assignments Page I City Council Agenda November 5, 2019 Recornrnended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions a'nd/or actions requested by co'bmcil, staff or a member of the pub7ic, it is requested that items vmder t7ie Coment Ca7ertdar be acted 07? simultaneous(y. 5. $: Approve the October 15 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the October 15 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes l: Mitigation Fee Act - Annual & Five-Year Report - Fiscal Year 2018-2019 Recommended Action: 1) Accept the Annual & Five-Year Review of the City of Cupertino's Development Impact Fees (Government Code Section 55000 et seq.); and 2) Adopt Resolution No. 19-132 entitled "A Resolution of the Cupertino City Council Approving the Aru"iual & Five-Year Development Impact Fee Report for FY Ending June 30, 2019 and Making Required Findings." Staff Report A - Annrial and Five-Year Report for tlie fiscal year ending June 30, 2019 B - Draft Resolution $: Adopt Resolution No. 19-133 to accept the September 30, 2019 Carmen Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Feasibility Study Report. No authorization for design, construction or budget action requested at this time. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-133 to accept the September 30, 2019 Carmen Road Pedestrian/Bicycle Bridge Feasibility Study Report. Staff Report A - Carmen Road Pedestrian Bicycle Bridge Final Feasibility Study Report 9-30-19 B - Draft Resolution C - Pre-qualified List of Consultants SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES $: An Ordinance amending Title 16, Buildings and Construction, of the Cupertino Municipal Code adopting the 2019 California Building Standards Code as mandated by the State of California with certain exceptions, deletions, modifications, additions, and amendments. Page 2 City Council Agenda November 5, 2019 Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the City Council conduct the second reading to enact Ordinance No. 19-2189: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending City Code Chapters 16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.40, 16.54, and 16.58 and Adding Chapters 16.62, 16.64, and 16.68 of Title 16 of the Cupertino Municipal Code adopting the 2019California Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Fire, Historical Building Code, Existing Building Code, Referenced Standards Code, and Green Building Standards Code with certain exceptions, deletions, modifications, additions and amendments," (the "Ordinance"), attached as Attachment A. Staff Reoort A - Draft Ordinaiice B - Redline Version Sliowing Corrections C - Adopted Resolution for Findings D - Public Handout of Code Updates PUBLIC HEARINGS $: Consideration of Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code, Title 5, adopting new policies regulating the sale of tobacco, such as requiring a local permit to sell tobacco products, prohibiting the sale of flavored tobacco, prohibiting new businesses from selling tobacco near schools and reducing tobacco retailer density, prohibiting tobacco sales at pharmacies and in vending machines, and limiting storefront signage. Recommended Action: 1. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 19-2190: "An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino adding chapter 5.50 to title 5 (Business Licenses and Regulations) to regulate the sale of tobacco products and repealing chapter 10.27 of the Municipal Code (Cigarette and/or Tobacco Vending Machines)"; 2. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and enter into a Memorandum of Understanding (MOU) with the County of Santa Clara to administer, implement, and enforce Cupertino's ordinance; and 3. Find that the proposed actions are exempt from CEQA. Staff Reoort A - Tobacco Free Communities Policies Santa Clara County B - Healtliy Cities Program 2018 Cupertino Dashboard C - American Lung Association Report Card D - Letter to Cupertino City Council from FUHSD E - FUHSD Resolution 1819-21 F - Matrix of 35 Local Ordinances Restricting Flavored Tobacco G - Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community 2016 Survey I - Draft Ordinaiice to Regulate tlie Sale of Tobacco Products H - Tough 0uestions on Flavored Tobacco Products J- 8.6.19 Study Session Staff Report K - Survey Responses Page 3 City Council Agenda November 5, 2019 ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 10. $: Consider whether to authorize the formal submission and processing of a General Plan Amendment application to allow 29units where four (4) units are currently allowed on an 86-acre hillside property, on the west side of the City adjacent to Linda Vista Park, with an average slope of -48% which would require General Plan Amendments to change the existing General Plan Land Use Designation. (Application No.(s): GPAAuth-2019-01; Applicant: Lixin Chen; Location: APN(s): 356-27-026, 356-05-007, 356-05-008 Recommended Action: Determine if the proposed project described in General Plan Amendment Authorization application (GPAAuth-2019-01) is authorized to proceed to apply for the requested General Plan Amendments. If authorized, adopt Resolution No. 19-134 authorizing a perspective development proposal described in the Canyon View Project General Plan Amendment Authorization application, No: GPAAuth-2019-01, to proceed with a General Plan Amendment application. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution B - City Council Policy for General Plan Amendment Application Procedures C - Project Plans D - Project Description E - Fiscal Analysis of the Canyon View GPA Application, prepared by EPS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIL AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The Cih) of Cuperti;no has adopted tlie provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1094.6; Litigation chcdleriging a fina7 decision of the City Covmci7 must be brought rnithi;n 90 days after a decision is atmo't,mced rmless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicia7 review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must fiie a petitio;n for reconsideration witliin ten calendar days of the date the Cih) Clerk mails notice of the Cih)'s decision. Reco;nsideration petitio;ns must comply with the requireme;nts of Cupertino Mrmicipal Code §2.08.096. Co;ntact the Cih) Clerk's office for more informatio;n or go to http://www.cuperti;no.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideratio;n petition form. 17? compliance with the Americans with Disabirities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Cih) Cormci7 meeting who is visua77y or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Cou;ncil meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in adva;nce, by a person with a disabilih), Cih) Cormcil meeting agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the meet'mg that are public records will be made available Page 4 City Council Agenda November 5 2019 'm the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listerting device can be made available for use duri;ng the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majorih) of t7ie Cupertino City Co't,mcil after publication of the packet wiu be made available for public i;nspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City HalL, 10300 Torre Avemte, during normal business hours a;nd in Co't,mci! packet archives Linked from t7ie agenda/mimttes page on t7ie Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised t7iat pursuant to Cupertino Mrmicipa7 Code 2.08.100 written commrmications sent to the Cuperti;no City Council Commissioners or Ci'ly staff concerning a matter 07? the agenda are inc7ttded as supplemental materia7 to t7ie agendized item. These written commrmications are accessible to the public through t7ie Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde a;ny personal or private information in writtert comrmmications to the Cih) that you do not wish. to make public; doi;ng so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may liave 07? the'mformation provided to t7ie Cih). Members of the public are entitled to address the Cih) Cotmci7 concerning any item that is described in the ;notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address tlie Cormcil 072 any issue that is 07? this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Cou;ncil, and de7iver it to the C7erlc prior to discussion of t7ie item. Wlqen you are called, proceed to the podium and t7ie Mayor wiu recognize you. If you wish to address the Cih) Cormci7 07? any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so by duri;ng the public comme;nt portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please Limit your comments to three (3) mi;nutes or less. Page 5 THE CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF CITYCOUNCIL ' Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by ' the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCC Transportation Authoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. I APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community j Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. ' RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org Steven Scharf SScharf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.orB (408)777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITI HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as ag,enda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45 p.m. Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "l Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff (408) 868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 Sanitary Sewers Cupertino Sanitary District (408) 253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO j I &1- ' DAi E '-----Si AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL i (lffllll.. ....._ ... ._.. _..-......._...._._.._._.,,,,,_,,,,,,,_,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,.,,.,.,,.J g Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Schaf Liang Chao Mayor Darcy PaulRod Sinks Vice Mayor , Councilmember Jon Robert Willey Councilmember HeatherMinCnoeurn'memXbe' S / / GraceSchmidtCity Attorney, , City Clerk Deborah Feng Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 9501 4 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on an9 item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. ' Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer':ndlaroidteumces t vciosiutsncoromuetsmidbeercsomrei!nou"nicaantYonss' l mrecommendatlOn 4-G Councilmembersaskquestions{ / Applicantor /u Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellant makes / I / preseniation / / (up to 10 mins.) / I Mayorinvitesmembersof Speakers submit a Request to the public to speak about Speak card, and are allowed up to theagendaitem 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. Jl (Mayohrecalorlsnegsthe ) l I A Council member makes a motion-(,Iy Councira: and obtains a second. votes onthe . I agenda:item I The. C:t/ Councfl i)len dfscusses ice moflon(s) and votes. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABIE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, October 15, 2019 6:45 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.$: Presentation by Faria Elementary School Lego Robotics Club 5th Graders regarding transportation solutions and "managing parking at a busy parking lot." Recommended Action: Presentation by Faria Elementary School Lego Robotics Club 5th Graders regarding transportation solutions and "managing parking at a busy parking lot." POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorts wishing to address the Courtci7 07? arty matter not on the agertda. The total time for Oral Communications ro'd7 ordinarily be Limited to one hour. Individua7 speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further limit the time allo'zoed to individual speakers, or reschedule remaini;ng comments to the eryd of the meeting on a first come first heard basis, with priorih) given to students. In most cases, State 7aw wil7 prohibit the Counci7 from discussing or making any decisions with respect to a matter rxot 7isted 072 the agenda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 2, $: Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR Undess there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by cowcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 3. $: Approve the October 1 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the October I City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes Page I City Council Agenda October 15, 2019 4. $: Cancel the January 7, 2020 Council meeting Recornrnended Action: Cancel the January 7, 2020 Council meeting Staff Report $: Adopt a resolution uicreasing the employer's contribution for medical and hospitalization insurance consistent with the Meyers-Geddes State Employees Medical and Hospital Care Act for the Unrepresented (Management and Confidential), Cupertino Employees' Association (Employees Association), Operating Engineers, Local Union No. 3 (Operating Engineers), Appointed (City Attomey and City Manager), Elected Official groups and retired annuitants. Recommended Action: Resolution No.Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-126, increasing the employer's contribution for medicaI and hospitalization insurance for employees tu"ider the Unrepresented, Cupertino Employees' Association, Operating Engineers, Local union No. 3, AppoMed, Elected Officials, and retired annuitant groups. Draft Resolution $: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending August 09, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-127 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending August 09, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report $: Accept Accounts PayabIe for the period ending August 16, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-128 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending August 16, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report $: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending August 23, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt ResoIution No. 29-129 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending August 23, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report $: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending August 30, 20'l9 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-130 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending August 30, 2019 A - Draft Resokition B - AP Report Page 2 City Council Agenda October 15 2019 10. : Receive report on commission and committee members' terms expiring January, 30, 2020, and set an application subrnittal deadline of Friday, January 10, 2020 and candidate interview dates of Monday and Tuesday, Jaiiuary 27 and 28, 2020. Recommended Action: Receive report on commission and committee members' terms expiring January, 30, 2020, and set an application submittal deadline of Friday, January 10, 2020 and candidate interview dates of Monday and Tuesday, January 27 and 28, 2020. A - Local Appointments List and Notice of Vacancies B - Resolution Governing Recruitment 11. $: Authorize City Manager to award contract for Street Sweeping Services, Project No. 2019-101, to CleanStreet, Inc. at a baseline amount of $268,350 per year for five years. No additional budget appropriations are needed at this time. Recommended Action: Authorize City Manager to award a contract for Street Sweeping Services, Project No. 2019-101 to CleanStreet, Inc. at a baseline amount of $268,350 per year for five years. Staff Report A - Draft Contract 12, l: Consider a Linda Vista Trail Donation Agreement for donation of property (APN 356-05-005) located between McClellan Road and Linda Vista Park, along the easterly boundary of Deep Cliff Golf Course. No additional budget allocation needed. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an Agreement for Donation of Real Estate with Richard Lowenthal and Ellen Lowenthal for the Linda Vista Trail property (APN 356-05-005) located between McClellan Road and Linda Vista Park, along the easterly boundary of Deep Cliff Golf Course, and any subsequent documents necessary to acquire the property, consistent with the Agreement. Staff Report A - Draft Linda Vista Trail Donation Agreement 13. $: Master Agreement between the City of Cupertino and HF&H Consultants, LLC, to conduct a rate study of the current franchise agreement and to provide assistance for implementation of a new solid waste, recycling, and compostables/organics franchise agreement. No additional budget appropriations are needed. Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to approve a Master Agreement between the City of Cupertino and HF&H Consultants, LLC, in an amount not-to-exceed $250,000, for a term ending on January 31, 2022. Staff Repoort A - Draft HF&H Master Agreement Page 3 City Council Agenda October 15 2019 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. $: Amendment to Title 16, Buildings and Construction, of the Cupertino MunicipaI Code adopting the California Buildings Standards Code and Fire Code as mandated by the State of California and making local exceptions to those standards as warranted. Recommended Action: 1. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 19-2189: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Amending City Code Chapters 16.02, 16.04, 16.06, 16.16, 16.20, 16.24, 16.40, 16.54, and 16.58 and Adding Chapters 16.62, 16.64, and 16.68 of Title 16 of the Cupertino Mu"iicipal Code adopting the 2019 California Building, Residential, Electrical, Mechanical, Plumbing, Energy, Fire, Historical Building Code, Existing Building Code, Referenced Standards Code, and Green Building Standards Code with certain exceptions, deletions, modifications, additions and amendments": and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-131 making factual findings with respect to the local geological, topographical, and dimatic conditions necessary to make local amendments to the California Building Standards Code. A - Draft Ordinance B - Municipal Code Redline C - Draft Resolution ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 15. $: Update on revised Community Garden Improvements Project at McClellan Ranch Preserve and provide any input. Status update on the investigation of creating community gardens at other parks in the City and provide any input. Recornrnended Action: Review the revised design and proposed construction approach for the Community Garden Improvements Project and provide input. Receive status update on the investigation of creating community gardens at other parks in the City and provide any input. A - Proposed Conceptual Layout ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIL AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The Cih) of Cupertirto has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1094.6; Litigation challenging a fmal decision of the Cih) Council must be brought zoithin 90 days after a decision is Page 4 City Council Agenda October 15, 2019 artrtourtced urtless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk ma'ds notice of the Cih)'s decision. Reconsideration petitiorxs must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the Cih) Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideratiort petition form. In compliartce with the Americans zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), a;+'tyone who is plarmirtg to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shouU call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Uporz request, irt advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meetirtg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive )istening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Cotmcil after publication oj the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Cih) Clerk's Office located at Cih) Hau, H)300 Torre Averzue, durirtg rzormal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/mi;nutes page on the Cupertirto web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertirto City Courtcil Commissiorters or Cih) staff corxcerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemertta7 material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s roebsite and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona7 or private information in written commurticatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Cit) Cowci( concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideratiort of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W/xen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recogrtize you. If you wish to address the City Council on arxy other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the pub7ic commertt portion of the meet'mg following the same procedure described above. Please Limit your comments to three (3) m'mutes or Less. Page 5 THE CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- yearterm. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. .--= --11J-14fflll"11!1-=-==- =====iiniimmiiviiivunixiununnnnuiinniunii TYPES OF COUNCII ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharf SScharf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY Please note: the Citv Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAII Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency a nnouncements. USEFULTELEPHONENUMBERS ! I City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services 'i Police(Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff dispatch 911 I Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 i -- - -= = - -*a 11110- = == = = = -==-= = - #0all 011 11101 # I Ill 0 01 101 101 I 0 I 0110 Ill II I a 101 Ill I 0 10011 101 I I I Ill I I *a 10111011111111 I ai i iii i a n i i i i iuiiiii i a.iivu i iui iiiiiiiiii ii i i iljjll 111011111110111 i CITY OF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG SPECIAI, CUPERTINO CITY COUNCI[ TOWN HALL MEETING SEPTEMBER 16, 2019 AT 6:30 PM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Cupertino City Council Town Hall Meeting will be held on September 16, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. regarding the following: Air Quality: Lehigh Cement Plant & Quarry and associated Truck Traffic. Join the Bay Area Air Quality Management District for a presentation and Q&A on measures taken and in process to improve air quality and human health. Councilmember Rod Sinks will moderate the event. Other City Councilmembers may also attend. Members of the public may submit written questions during the meeting. Members of the public may also speak directly on this topic during breakout sessions. The meeting will be held in Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Dated this 13th day of September 2019. lk:)1N%llySnThl(J ,lNlylWvHHDNYyNAlvg r,,m3 n ONllN3dn:) :jO All) uHol CUPERTINO 'a I IJ 17 !' "--ia r-. --' - (t) r 1 t ' '-_ AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL ( . i&n!iiiuautautv.rmpp ... . .... . .. + _ _.._ I Wednesday, September 18, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) Liang Chao Rod SinkS Vice Mayor Councilmember Heather Minner XCity Attorney Deborah Feng X, City Manager Staff -t Staff - Steven Schaf Ma',or Coouancrciylmpeamuber Jon Robert WilleyCouncilmember Grace Schmidt p;j'7 H ,-,)., l'; Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350TORREAVENUE CUPERTINO,CA950M TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cuperfino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters ' prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring pubfic hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.as ....mpetitiontorm..... foJ__....a_......JeJont.ideJal:JII FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:nd'aroidteumces ffi vciosiutsncorlomuetsm:obeercsomremou'n:caan%on:fe l ffrecOmmendatlOn 4__I Council members ask questions l / Applicantor /4_-1 Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellant makes / I / presentation / / (up to 10 mins.) / I Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item 4__1 Speakers submit a Request to l Speak card, and are allowed up to l 3 minutes per individual. Council i l members may ask questions of g l speakers. I I r I (Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l I A Council member makes a motion_ (;i4 Council ffi and obtains a second. vott%i On the I' , ,' " da item l The. City Council then discusses the a a i motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Wednesday, September 18, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Study Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is heteby called for Wednesday, September 18, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING PLEDGE OF At,LEGIANCE ROLL CALL POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meet'mg is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the Cotmcil on any matter riot 07? the agenda. The tota7 time for Ora7 Communications wi77 ordinarily be limited to one hour. Individual speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further Limit the time allozoed to irtdividual speakers, or reschedude rema'ming commertts to the ertd of the meeting on a first come first heard basis, with priority given to students. Irt most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the Counci7 from discussing or makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed 072 the agenda. ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 1.$:. Study Session regarding status of the Objective Standards Update to General Plan and Zoning Ordinance FY-2019-2020Work Program Item (Application No.: CP-2019-03; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: City-wide), provide direction to staff. Recornrnended Action: That the City Council receive this report, staff presention, and public comment, and provide direction to staff. Page I City Council Agenda September 18, 2019 A - Phase I Objective Standards Review A.1 - LU-2 As Amended by Resolution 19-110 B - Recommended Phase 1.5 Items C - Recommended Phase 2 Items D - Other Comments - summarized ADJOURNMENT The Cih) of Cupert'mo has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §I094.6; 7itigation challengirtg a fina7 decisiort of the Cih) Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is artrtounced urz(ess a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decisiort, irtterested persons must fi(e a petition for reconsideration within ten ca(endar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the Cih)'s decision. Recortsideration petitiorts must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Murticipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the Cify Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertirto.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyorte who is planning to attend the rtext Cih) Counci7 meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance shotdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Courtc'd meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a persort with a disab'dih), City Courtcil meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are pubric records wi(7 be made ava'dable irt the appropriate alternative format. Also upori request, in adva;nce, a;n assistive 7istening device can be made available for use during the meetirtg. A7Z3/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupert'mo City Council after publication of the packet will be made avai7able for public'mspection irt the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Counci7 packet archives Linked from the agenda/minutes page 072 the Cupertino zoeb site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.100 written commurtications sertt to the Cupertino Cih) Council, Commissiorters or City staff concern'mg a matter 071 the agenda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private irtformation in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Cotmcil concerning arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duriryg cortsideration of that item. If you wish to address Page 2 City Council Agenda September 18, 2019 the Courxcil 07? any issue that is 07? this ageryda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Council and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W7zert you are cal7ed, proceed to the podium and the Mayor wil7 recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agertda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting followirtg the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. Page 3 THE CITY COUNCII AND ST AFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS . j ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the ' City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a i reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharf SSchaf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 . Jon RobertWilley JWilley@cupertino.org (408)777-3193 , Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CIT/ I Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meetinz as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALI I EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) IO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City CounciJ and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "l Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO 'r j Tuneinto RadioCupertino,1670AM,for meetingannouncements,publicservicemessages,andemergency announcements. ) USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 I Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 ' Gas & Electricity PacificGas & Electric(PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 j Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO r/r'.i(c DEPART- BUJ4,ETIN BOARD A-r CiTY HALL. I DA'T"E ' SI- AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL ( -, - ,, , Tuesday, September 17, 2019 Non-Televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Schaf HeatherMinCnoeurndmemXber Sli, , Councilmember / / Grace Schmidt Deborah Feng -- Staff Staff Staff % - Staff Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCII CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience.who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. ffi... .....-...-.....-...-........-....- .-.-...-... .._.... ...._.lll. .....-... .................-.................-.-..-..... ..... ........-...-1.-................. ..lllull.. ..-........- .. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to . hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use ' permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code j2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.as petltlonfOrm. for a reconsideration I C FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoe""ndlaroidteumces t vciosiutsncoromuetsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaantYonss' l mrecommendation -___I Council members ask questions l / Applicantor /4-A Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I / presentation / / (up to 10 mins.) / l Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item 4 Speakers submit a Request to l Speak card, and are allowed up to l 3 minutes per individual. Council l members may ask questions of h speakers. ( Mayor closes the > hearing } l " ' I A Council member makes a motion' . --(N+i€,.$-Jil ffi and obtains a second.. - g9s_@ji;fJ7 i . tffiU?@itffi= - i The. City Council then discusses the, ' - - 1 motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, September 17, 2019 5:30 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CA[,L FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, September 17, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLI, CAtL - 5:30 PM CLOSED SESSION 1. $: Public Employee Performance Evaluation (Gov't Code Section 54957). Title: City Attorney. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLI, CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.$: Present award to Cupertino resident Vishnu Athrey from Saint Andrews Episcopal School for winning the Qalaxia Buildyour BOT contest (continued from September 3) Recommended Action: Present award to Cupertino resident Vishnu Athrey from Saint Andrews Episcopal School for winning the Qalaxia Buildyour BOT contest. Page I City Council Agenda September 17, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the Council 072 any matter not on the ageryda. The total time for Ora7 Commurzications will ord'marily be limited to one hour. Individuar spealcers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. As necessary, the Chair may further Limit the time allowed to individua7 speakers, or reschedu7e remain'mg comments to the ertd of the meeting on a first come first heard basis, with prioriti) given to studertts. Irt most cases, State law will prohibit the Council from discussing or making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agertda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 2. l: Report on Committee assignments Recornrnended Action: Report on Cornrnittee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR Urtless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items urtder the Consent Calendar be acted on simtdtaneously. 3. $: Approve the September 3 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the September 3 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 4.$: Application for Alcohol Beverage License for I&P Runway, LLC (dba Ippudo Ramen), 19540 Vallco Parkway, Suite #130 Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for I&P Runway, LLC (dba Ippudo Ramen), 19540 Vallco Parkway, Suite #130 Staff Repoort A-Application 5.l: Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Stak Partners, LLC (dba EI Greco Grill), 20080 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite #104 Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for AIcohol Beverage License for Stak Partners, LLC (dba El Greco Grill), 20080 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite #104 Staff Repoort A-Application 6. $: Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Little Dipper Cupertino, LLC (dba Little Dipper Shabu Shabu), 20588 Stevens Creek Boulevard Page 2 City Council Agenda aSeptember 17, 2019 Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for Little Dipper Cupertino, LLC (dba Little Dipper Shabu Shabu), 20588 Stevens Creek Boulevard A-Application 7.Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Ramen United, Inc. (dba Afuri Ramen & Dumpling), 20803 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite #IIO Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for Ramen United, Inc. (dba Afuri Ramen & Dumpling), 20803 Stevens Creek Boulevard, Suite A-Application 8.Approve option to use design-build procurement for qualifying projects and establish a corresponding conflict-of-interest limitation pursuant to Public Contract Code section 22160 et seq. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-414 approving the use of design-build project delivery pursuant to Public Contract Code section 22160 et seq., and establish a corresponding conflict-of-interest limitation pursuant to Public Contract Code section 22162. A - Draft Resolution SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 9.$: Receive information report and presentation on Regnart Creek Trail 65% design and revised estimated costs; consideration of various trail improvement options (some of whidi also include on-street bicycle improvements) and alternative trail alignments to the proposed trail (on-street Alternatives 4 and 5); and, if design of the proposed trail continues, consider an increase to the design and environmental budget. Page 3 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- yearterm. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPESOFCOUNCILACTIONS J ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code j2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. citycouncil@cupertino.org COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Scharf SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org Jon RobertWilley JWilley@cupertino.org Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org CityHall www.cupertino.org Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. (408) 777-3191 (408) 777-3192 (408) 777-3195 (408) 777-3194 (408) m-axga (408) 777-1312 (408) 777 -CITY NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALI q EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and communityinformation can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara CountySheriff dispatch 911 Police (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff (408) 868-6600 ' Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 Sanitary Sewers Cupertino Sanitary District (408) 253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CIJPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Tuesday, September 3, 2019 5:00 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting Closed Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupettino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, September 03, 2019, commencing at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION 1.$: Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Governrnent Code section 54956.9(d)(1); Re: Pending Litigation; Friends of Better Cupertino, et al. v. City of Cupertino; Santa Clara County Superior Court, Case No. 18CV330190 (SB 35 Vallco Project). ADJOURNMENT The Cih) of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1094.6; 7itigation cha71enging a final decision of the Cih) Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 Law. Prior to seeking judicia7 review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must fie a petition for reconsideration within tert calendar days of the date the City Clerk maids notice of the City's decision. Reconsiderahon petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the Cih) C(erk's office for more i4ormation or go to http://wrmo.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsiderahon petition form. In compliarxce with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyorye who is p(arming to attergd the Page 1 City Council Agenda September 3, 2019 next City Co'tmcil meetirtg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shotdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advartce of the Courtci7 meeting to arrarxge for assistartce. Llpon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Cih) Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. A7SO upon request, irt advaryce, an assistive 7istening device can be made available for use during the meeting. A'ny writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection i;n the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and irt Courtcil packet archives linked from the agertda/minutes page 072 the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 voritten communications sent to the Cupertino City Counci'L, Commissioriers or City staff concerning a matter ort the agertda are inc(uded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These writtert communications are accessiMe to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information irt written communicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Cify Council concern'mg arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetirtg, before or during cortsideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council 072 any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card 7ocated in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W7'xert you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor wil7 recognize you. If you wish to address the Cih) Counci7 on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meetirtg following the same procedure described above. r4ease Limit your commertts to three (3) minutes or Less. STATE OF CALIFORNtA C(TL)NT'=a OF SANTA CLARA rV= E.N T: STA'[E U N DER PENALTY OF POSTE[) THE NOTlCFjAGENDA ON THE BULLETiN BOARD AT C:NTY HALL. e (so(ry pagJiATE Sar,'Ji E: CJF CALIF C'\".fayJA CUPERTINO COUN:[Y OF SANTA (-'LARA ) I, '7ic'S"r'-q 5%u(rcjq , AN E,"viPLOYEE & :V CIai'Y OF CU%:: pr,%,'Rf-i<rr.; R'ys ')TaAHTAET OL.,i>1.J(D,LLEa4Rr E)P %Nf,LT9Y(1 ,OF ('1-H".4E) '-:oo ('/'l , I PERSONA"LLY POSTED THE NOTICE/AGENDA ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY HALL. /1 )'l. % f(-d!4-" oL% v'i¥'URE 9 ('1_9 (15 ";%<i, DA-["E SNGI AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL ( }: Tuesday, September 3, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Rod Sinks Councilmember Heather Minner XCity Attorney Deborah Feng City Manager Staff Steven Schaf L ,iangChaoMayor Councoarcilmemypauber JonRobertWilley"ceMasyor Councilmember Grace Schmidt City Clerk - Staff Speaker's Podium ' COMMUNITY HALL COUNCII CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. A!I statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the ectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. ,liauMijl5. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l nrerceopmonmseannsaabmoan ff Council members ask questions Applicantor / Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item (Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) I Qly Cowcil vaias oril%V aBmda itei Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCI[, 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, September 3, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regulat Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, September 03, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p,m, in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIA[ MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION 1.Study Session regarding Below Market Rate (BMR) Residential Housing Mitigation and Commercial Linkage Fees for the Cupertino BMR Housing Program. Application No(s).: CP-2019-01; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide Recommended Action: Receive update and provide any input to Staff A - TIIIY 2019 Economic Feasibility Analysis prepared by Strategic Economics B - LeSar Development Consultants Peer Review C - Redline Draft Economic Feasibility Analysis prepared by Strategic Economics D -Strategic Economics Memorandum Regarding Peer Review ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS Page I City Council Agenda September 3, 2019 1.J: Present award to Vishnu Athrey from Saint Andrews Episcopal Sa'iool for winning the Qalaxia Buildyour BOT contest. Recommended Action: Present award to Vishnu Athrey from Saint Andrews Episcopal School for winning the Qalaxia Buildyour BOT contest. 2.$: Proclamation for September as National Preparedness Month Recornrnended Action: Present Proclamation for September as National Preparedness Month POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persorts wishing to address the Counci7 072 any matter not on the agenda. The tota7 time for Ora7 Commurtications w'dl ordi'narily be limited to orte hour. Individual speakers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. As necessary, the Chair may further limit the time allowed to individual speakers, or reschedu7e remaining comments to the end of the meetirtg on a first come first heard basis, with priorih) givert to students. b't most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the C6urtci7 from discussing or making arty decisions with respect to a matter not listed 072 the agenda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 3. 5: Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Cortsent Calendar be acted orx simu'Ltaneous7y 4.l: Approve the August 6 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the August 6 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 5. $: Approve the August 20 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the August 20 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 6. $: Resolution adopting the City of Cupertino's State-mandated Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) Plan Page 2 City Council Agenda September 3, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-112 adopting the City of Cupertino's Green Stormwater Infrastruchire (GSI) Plan which demonstrates the City's long-term commitment to implementation of green stormwater infrastructure as required by the City's Municipal Regional Stormwater Permit for the San Francisco Bay Regior A - GSI Plan B - GSI Plan Appendices C - GSI Plan Framework D - GSI Resotution $: Award of contract to G. Bortolotto & Company, Inc. for $270,000 for 2019 Speed Table Installation Project No. 2019-112 Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to award a contract to G. Bortolotto & Company, Inc. in the amount of $246JOO and approve a construction contingency of $24,000 for a total of $270,000 for 2019 Speed Table Installation Project No. 2019-112 Staff Report A - Contract Documents $: 2018-2019 Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report Entitled, "Inquiry into Governance of the Valley Transportation Authority" Recommended Action: Approval of response to the 2019-2019 Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara County Report Entitled, "Inquiry into Governance of the Valley Transportation Authority" Staff Report A - Civil Grand Jury of Santa Clara Corinty Report B - Response Letter to Civil Grand {ury of Santa Clara County $: Amendment to existing vol'iu"itary collection agreement with Airbnb regarding transient occupancy taxes to allow certain short-term rental hosts to remit taxes directly to the City Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to enter into Amendment No. I to the voluntary conection agreement with Airbnb and to enter into other minor amendments to the voluntary collection agreement in the future Staff Report A - Draft Amendment to VCA B - VCA Staff Report 6.19.18 10. $: Library Commission Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Work Program Recommended Action: Approve the Library Commission FY 2019-20 Work Program A - Draft Library FY 2019-20 Work Program Page 3 City Council Agenda September 3, 2019 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 11. 3: Second reading of Ordinance Nos. 19-2187 and 19-2188 adopting Zoning Text and Map Amendments related to the Vallco Shopping District Special Area. (Application No(s).: MCA-2019-02, Z-2019-01 (EA-2013-03); Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: 10101 to 101333 North Wolfe Road APN#s:316-20-080, 316-20-081, 316-20-103, 316-20-107, 316-20-101, 316-20-105, 316-20-106, 316-20-104, 316-20-088, 316-20-092, 316-20-094, 316-20-099, 316-20-100, 316-20-095) Recommended Action: Conduct the second reading and enact: 1. Ordinance No. 19-2187 (MCA-2019-01): "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino eliminating references in the Municipal Code to the Vallco Town Center Specific Plan and adding language establishing development standards for a new Mixed Use Planned Development with Multifamily (R3) Residential and General Commercial zoning designation (P(R3,CG))" and 2. Ordinance No. 19-2188 (Z-2019-01): "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending the zoning map to rezone 13.1 acres within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area to Mixed Use Planned Development with Multifarnily (R3) Residential zoning P(R3,CG) and General Commercial uses and the remainder of the Special Area to General Commercial (CG) A - Ordinance No. 19-2187 (MCA-2019-01) - Muniapal Code Amendments B - Ordinance No. 19-2188 (Z-2019-01) - Zoning Map Amendments C - Area to be zoned P(R3, CG) PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 12. $: Application and Review Procedures for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senate Bill 35 (Application No(s): CP-2019-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide) Recommended Action: That the City Council find adoption of the proposed Resolution exempt from CEQA, adopt Resolution No. 19-113for Application and Review Procedures for Projects proposed pursuant to Senate Bill 35, and review and provide any input on the Draft Senate Bill 35 Application Package. Page 4 City Council Agenda September 3, 2019 A - Draft Resohition B - SB 35 Application Package and Forms C - Staff Report without attachments (SB 35 item) D - SB 35 Procedures CC Supplemental Staff Report E - SB 35 Statiite as Amended F - HCD Guidelines (SB 35 Item) G - Comments from PC and CC (SB 35 item) H - Draft Resolution w'th redlines I - SB35 Application Package with redlines 13. $: Options for unofficial transcription of City Council meetings (continued from July 16) Recornrnended Action: Receive options for unofficial transcription of City Council meetings and provide direction to staff to use the free YouTube auto-captioning feature for transcription of Council meetings. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIL AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The Cify of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation chal7enging a fital decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is amowced urdess a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration with'm tert calendar days of the date the Cih) Clerk mai7s notice of the City's decisiorx. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipa[ Code §2.08.096. Corttact the Cih) Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertirto.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petitiort form. Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Counci7 meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arxy disability that needs specia7 assista;nce shoudd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Counci( meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disab'dity, City Counci7 meetirtg agendas and writings distributed for the meet'mg that are public records w'dl be made available iri the appropriate alternative format. A7S0 upon request, in advance, an assistive listerxing device can be made available for use dur'mg the meeting. Any writirzgs or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino Cih) Council after publicatiorx of the packet wil7 be made availaMe for pub7ic inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at C'ihy Hall, Page 5 City Council Agenda September 3, 2019 10300 Torre Averxue, durirxg normal business hours and in Council packet archives Linked from the agenda/minutes page ort the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 zoritten communications sent to the Cupert'mo Cih) Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are'mc7uded as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These zoritten communicatiorts are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any persoryal or private'mformatiort irt written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of a;ny privacy rights you may have on the'mformation provided to the City. Members of the pub7ic are entitled to address the Cih) Courtcil concerrtirtg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Counci7 072 arty issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Council arid deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W7iert you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Counci7 on any other item not on the agertda, you may do so by during the public comment portiort of the meeting fouowing the same procedure described above. P4ease limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 6 THECITYCOUNCII ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- Year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDIN ANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seekin@ judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk"s office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCILcitycouncil@cupertino.org All Council members:(408) 777-3191 (408) 777-3192 (408) 777-3195 (408) 777-3194 (408) 777-3193 (408) 777-1312 (408) 777-CITY Steven Scharf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertrno.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertrno.or@ www.cupertino.orgExecutives:i:ii---=- www,upelLll,.,,, th.lsdoesnot C"y Ha" materials On the da of the meeifn the day oftheas submission of written Bus provide written matenals on 3re preferred- Please no'e: 'he C" Counc" tdhsecomuartaegreias, fair evaluation. If VO recoru d, andten ((ipieS provide enough time to givemust be given to the City Clerk for the permanent meet'lng, aS least one copV ,11, . . i . . ' - - CITY HALL '-NEWS AND NOTICES FROM Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other neWS On the city website at www.cupertatno.org/notifyEMAIL Commaission meetings, as well as agenda previewmse,ep:inbglastc TE'E"SlochNannel BROADCASTS City Council and Planning 01nterest, on Channel 26,In Cupe,,In, The service announcements, and other programs of communityThe C"y ((iday (replay) 10,:?,n . mo 3,1. are shown at these times:Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. INTERNET commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "lWant To, cVi'evwcoCuitnyCcloaunndciPI Imanenetninggs information can also be found at: NewS and com.fmacuenblotyok.com/cityofcupertatno' h'fp"-l/r/r"j,.w,;: ,(,com/cityofcuperttno https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino h' AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency ,;,.0Allfl::, j+ai' a.ila .it pmmmmma ff,sl,l,,' = " ".," > > announcements., (408) 777-CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777-3120 and Comments General Information,,ire Dept. d,lspatCh Santa Clara County Santa Ciara County Fire Dept. RPeaccoif'iocgGyaSso&u'EhleBcatyric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheratff dispatchSheriff Ssaannttaa CCllaa:aa CCoouunn'tyy Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water USEFULTELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Publaic Health Sanitary Sewers 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 Water California Water S1.:=i-2"fEO=CALiJ.'r:'.a.:[,A( C UPERTINO Monday, August 19, 20 9 Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is heteby called for Monday, August 19, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION 1.$: Conferertce with Real Property Negotiators (Government Code Section 54956.8); Property: Cupertino Municipal Water System; Agency Negotiators: Roger Lee and Deborah Feng; Negotiating Parties: City of Cupertino and San Jose Water Company; Under Negotiation: Terms for City Leased Asset. 2.$: Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Governrnent Code section 54956.9(d)(1); Re: Pending Litigation; Friends of Better Cupertino, et al. v. City of Cupertino; Santa Clara County Superior Court, Case No. 18CV330190 (SB 35 Vallco Project). 3. $: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Governrnent Code section 54956.9(d)(2): One potential case. 4. $: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation; Initiation of litigation pursuant to Governrnent Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): Two potential cases. ADJOURNMENT Page I Agenda August 19, 2019City Council The City of Cupert'mo has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; )itigation challertgirtg a firtal decision of the Cih) Council must be brought'yoithin 90 days after a decision is anqounced urdess a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 law. Prior to seeking judicial reviezo of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, irtterested persons must fi7e a petitiort for reconsideratio;n within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petit.ions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §:!.08.096. 0.orttact the Cih) Clerk's office for more irtformation or go to http://wrow.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. Irt compliance with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarynirtg to attend the riext City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that rteeds speciar assistance shotdd cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Council meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Cotmcil meeting agertdas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive 7istening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty zoritings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made availaMe for public'mspectiorx in the Cih) Clerk's Office located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue, durirtg normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page 072 the Cupertirto web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P(ease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Courtcil Commissio;ners or City staff concerning a matter ort the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to incrude any personal or private informatio;n'm voritten commurtications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entit7ed to address the Cih) Council concern'mg arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Courtcil on any issue that is on this agergda, please complete a speaker request card (ocated in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussio;n of the item. W7xen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item 'not ort the agenda, you may do so by durirtg the puMic commertt portiort of the meet'mg fo(rowing the same procedure described above. Please limit your commerxts to three (3) minutes or 7ess. Page 2 CUPERTINO gfitlt>!-=ivk- AGENDA OF THE CITY dt!eirycii Tuesday, August 20, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf Liang Chao Mayor Darcy Paul RunocoilmSienmksi Vice Ma!or , Councilmember JConOuRnocbllemrteWmbilelery Heather Minner Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 950'l4 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 [CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l IT rQons anCl ma Council members ask questions recommendation Applicantor /4,-} Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item ,l, (Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. City Council votes on the agbnda itemi A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCII, 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, August 20, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Shidy Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, August 20, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regulat meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION 1.Study session to discuss how the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan and 2018 Pedestrian Transportation Plan Projects have been brought to Council for consideration, how currently funded projects are being scheduled for completion, and recommendation of project information and impacts staff is to consider and describe for future funding requests Recommended Action: Receive presentation and provide input A - Master Plan Process B - Project Initiation Form C - CIP Approval Process D - Bike-Ped Project Scheditles E - Budget Detail Moafied rev I ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF AL[EGIANCE - 6:45 PM Page I City Council Agenda August 20, 2019 8.l: Agreement with Nomad Transit LLC (Via Transportation Inc.) for the 18-month On-Demand Community Shuttle Pilot Program Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Nomad Transit LLC (Via Transportation Inc.) for the 18-month On-Demand Community Shuttle Pilot Program with a not-to-exceed cost of $1,750,000 A - Draft Agreement 9.$: Accept termination of Audit Committee member James (Jim) Luther and direct staff to fnl the unscheduled vacancy in January 2020 concurrent with the annual recruitment for an commission and committee members' terms expiring in January, 2020. Recommended Action: Accept termination of Audit Committee member James (Jim) Luther and direct staff to fill the unscheduled vacancy in January 2020 concurrent with the annual recruitment for all cornrnission and committee members' terms expiring in January, 2020. A - Termination Letter B - Adopted Resolution No. 16437 Establishing Rules Goveming Recruitment SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 10. l: Second reading of Ordinance No. 19-2186, approving a development agreement between the City of Cupertino and Cupertino Village LP for the Cupertino Village Hotel project located at 10801 and 10805 North Wolfe Road; APN #316-45-017, 316-05-056 Recommended Action: Conduct the second reading of Ordinance No. 19-2186: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino Approving a Development Agreement for the Development of a new 5-story, 185 room hotel with associated site and landscaping improvements located at 20801 and 10805 North Wolfe Road (APN: 316-45-017 and 316-05-056." Staff Report A - Ordinance No. 19-2186 B - Development Agreement C - Redline Version of Development Agreement PUBLIC HEARINGS 11. $: Vallco Shopping District Special Area General Plan Amendments and Associated Zoning Amendments; and Second Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for the 2014General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project Page 4 City Council Agenda August 20, 2019 Recommended Action: That the City Council: 1. Conduct the public hearing; and 2. Adopt: a. Resolution No. 19-108, a resolution adopting a Second Addendum to the Environmental Impact Report for the 2014 General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project (Attachment 1); b. Resolution No. 19-109 (GPA-2019-01), a resolution amending the General Plan to remove Office as a permitted use from the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and remove associated office allocations (Attad'unent 2); c. Resolution No. 19-110 (GPA-2019-02), a resolution amending the General Plan and General Plan Land Use Map to establish height limits and enact development standards for residential uses within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and identifying a recommended 16cation for future residential development on 13.1 acres of the Special Area (Attachment 3); 2. Introduce and conduct the first reading of: a. Ordinance No. 19-2187 (MCA-2019-01), "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino eliminating references in the Municipal Code to the Vallco Town Center Specific Plan and adding language establishing development standards for a new Mixed Use Planned Development with Multifarnily (R3) Residential and General Commercial zoning designation (P(R3,CG))" (Attadment 4); and b. Ordinance No. 19-2188 (Z-2019-01), "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending the zoning map to rezone 13.1 acres within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area to Mixed Use Planned Development with Multifamily (R3) Residential zoning P(R3,CG) and General Commercial uses and the remainder of the Special Area to General Commercial (CG)" (Attachment 5). Staff Report 1 - Draft City Council Resolution Adopting Addendum 2 - Draft GPA-2019-01 City Council Resolution Approvmg Office GPA 3 - Draft GPA-2019-02 City Council Resolution Approving Residential GPA 4 - Draft MCA-2019-01 City Couni Ordinance re Vallco Municipal Code Amends 5 - Draft Z-2019-01 City Council Ordinance re Vallco Zoning Amends 6 - August 2, 2019 Letter to City from HCD 7 - August 12, 2019 Response Letter to HCD from City 8 - Existing General Plan Vallco Shopping District Special Area policies 9 - Aerial of Vallco Shopping District Spe6al Area and APN Map 10 - Alt Site Locations for Res Uses within Vallco Shopping District 11 - Planning Commission Resolution 6884 12 - August 14, 2019 Hausrath Econotnics Group Memo 13 - Second Addendum to GPA, HE, and Assoaated Rezoning Project EIR 14 - Responses to Comments on 2nd Addendum to 2014 Certified GPA, HE, and Asso6ated Rezoning Draft EIR ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS Page 5 City Council Agenda August 20, 2019 12. $: Establish a Residential Clean Water Rebate Program offering various financial incentives to decrease storm water runoff and establish a 20% cost-share of Clean Water and Storm Protection Fees for extremely low and very low-income property owners Recommended Action: 1. Authorize expenditures not to exceed $25,000 per year from the Environmental Management/Clean Creeks Fund to: A. fund the Santa Clara Vaney Water District's Rainwater Capture Program to matffi rebates for rain barrels, cisterns, and rain garden construction for Cupertino residential property owners offered through the Santa Clara Valley Water District's new program, and B. to fund a separate City program that would provide property owners up to $3.00 per square foot of impervious surface removed and replaced with pervious hardscape; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-111 to approve a Budget Adjustment in the amount of $25,000 in the Non-Point Source Fund for the Santa Clara Valley Water District's Rainwater Capture Program, and the new impe:tvious pavement conversion rebate pilot program (230-81-802); and 3. Authorize a 20% cost-share of Clean Water and Storm Protection Fees for extremely low and very low-income property owners; and 4. Authorize expendihires not to exceed $14,000 per year from the Non-Point Source Fund for a 20% cost-share of the 2019 Clean Water and Storm Protection fee for extremely low and very low-income property owners (230-81-802) Staff Report A - City SCVWD Cost Sltare Agreement B - Draft Resolution 13. : Amendment to the FY 2019-2020 City Council Work Program to add a new Community Development Work Program Item related to increasing noticing for development projects. Recornrnended Action: That the City Council decide whether to amend the 2019/2020 City Work Program as proposed and appropriate funds to complete the project. A - Excerpts from FY 2019-2020 Work Program ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIt AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi( Procedure §1094.6; 7itigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced urdess a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 lava. Page 6 City Council Agenda August 20, 2019 Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within te;n calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the Cih) Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertirxo.org/irtdex.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. by compliance with the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone voho is planning to attend the rtext City Counci7 meeting who is visual7y or hearing impaired or has any disabilih) that needs specia7 assistance should cau the'City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advarxce of the Council meeting to arrange for assistarxce. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Cih) Council meeting age;ndas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alternative format. A7SO upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Cotmcil after pub7ication of the packet will be made available for pub(ic'mspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300 Torre Ave;nue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino MunicipaI Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Council Commissioners or City staff concern'mg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These zoritten communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept inn packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include a;ny personal or private i;+xformatio;n in written communicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shau constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irtformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideratiorx of that item. If you wish to address the Counci7 on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Iocated'm front of the Courtcil and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W7';xen you are called, proceed to the podium arid the Mayor will recogrtize you. If you wish to address the City Council ort any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the pub7ic commerxt portion of the meeting follozoing the same procedure described above. Please Limit your commerxts to three (3) miryutes or less. Page 7 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCII Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- yea r term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Scharf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org 408 777-3191 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day ofthe meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of communityinterest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) INTERNET 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and communityinformation can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers Water General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San lose Water California Water (408) 777 -CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777 -3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CUPERTINO BULLETIN BOA.RD AT CJTY HALL-. ? /a i iffiy _ i l)ALE " SfC, , AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL i .i( ,, ,, ,,, ,, , ,,, , , ,, , , ,,,,, ,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,, , -,,, ,,,,, fin Tuesday, August 6, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Schaf LtangC"ao "ayorCoouanrccilympeamubteraon"oba'W!lle)'Rod SinkS Vice Mayor i Councilmember s i Councilmember Grace Schmidt Deborah Feng CityManager. )i Staff Staff - - Staff Staff - Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Counci! hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in rerpoval from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: agenda item l IT rQons ana ma Council members ask questions recommendation Applicantor / Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item ,l (Mayohrecalorinsegsthe ) I Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. City Council votes on the agenda item A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each monthi These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnei, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final unti acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.or@, or you can purchase the items on CD. C UPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, August 6, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, August 6, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION 1.Study session regarding policy options to prevent youth access to tobacco products, including flavored tobacco products, and to reduce the density of tobacco retailers. Recommended Action: Provide direction on policy options to prevent youth access to tobacco products, including flavored tobacco products, and to reduce the density of tobacco retailers. A - Tobacco Free Cornrnunities Policies in Santa Clara County B - Healthy Cities Program 2018 Cupertino Dashboard C - American Lung Association Report Card D - Letter to Cupertino City Council from FUHSD E - FUHSD Resolution 1819-21 F - Matrix of 35 Local Ordinances Restricting Flavored Tobacco G - Healthy Stores for a Healthy Communitv 2016 Survey H - Tough 0uestions on Flavored Tobacco Products Page I City Council Agenda August 6, 2019 ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIA[ MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.$: Presentation from the Cupertino Youth Climate Action Team regarding climate solutions Recommended Action: Receive presentation from the Cupertino Youth Climate Action Team regarding climate solutions 2. $: Presentation of a new report on the status of seniors in Cupertino Recornrnended Action: Receive presentation of a new report on the status of seniors in Cupertino POSTPONEMENTS 3.S3: Continue Item No. 16 for consideration of Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code to clarify City standards for size of Accessory Dwening Units (Chapter 19.112 -Accessory Dwelling Units), for clarifications, and consistency. Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide to a date to be determined. This item will be re-noticed. Recommended Action: Continue Item No. 16 for consideration of Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code to clarify City standards for size of Accessory Dwelling Units (Chapter 19.1'I2-Accessory Dwelling Units), for clarifications, and consistency. Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide to a date to be determined. This item will be re-noticed. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is re,served for persons wishing to address the Council on any matter not on the agertda. The totar time for Ora( Communications w'dl ordirtari7y be Limited to orze hour. Individua) speakers are 7imited to three (3) minutes. As necessary, the Chair may further Limit the time allowed to irxdividua2 speakers, or reschedule remaining comments to the end of the meeting 07! a first come first heard basis, roith priority given to studertts. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Council from discuss'mg or making any decisions with respect to a matter rtot Listed 072 the agenda. STUDY SESSION Page 2 City Council Agenda August 6, 2019 4.$: Study Session regarding Application and Review Procedures for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senate Bffl 35. (Application No(s): CP-2019-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide) Recommended Action: That the City Council conduct the study session, receive this report and provide direction regarding the proposed Application and Review Procedures and draft Application Package for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senate Bill 35. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution with redlines B - Draft SB 35 Application Package with redlines C - Senate Bill SB 35, as Amended D - Final SB 35 Guidelines REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 5. $: Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CAI,ENDAR Urdess there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items tmder the Conserxt Calendar be acted 07? sim'tdtaneously. 6.$: Approve the July 8 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the July 8 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 7.$: Approve the July 16 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the July 16 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 8.$: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending May 3, 2019 Recornrnended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-099 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending May 3, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 9.$: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending May 10, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-100 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending May 10, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Repott Page 3 City Council Agenda August 6, 2019 10. $: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending May 17, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-101 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending May 17, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report C - AP Report - MISC 11. $: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending May 24, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-102 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending May 24, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 12. $: Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending May 31, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-103 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending May 31, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 13. $: Authorization of Resolution declaring interest for the participation by the City of Cupertino in the initial planning for potential future use of the Sunnyvale SMaRT Station Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-104 Dedaring Interest for the Participation by the City of Cupertino in the Initial Planning for Potential Future Use of the Sunnyvale SMaRT Station A - Draft Resolution B - Letter from Sunnyvale City Manager 10-9-18 14. $: Accept offer of dedication and waiver of future reimbursement at 10475 Byme Avenue related to the Byme Avenue Sidewalk Improvements Project Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-105 accepting the offer of dedication at 10475 Byrne Avenue and waiver of future reimbursement from the property owner for the construction of the Byrne Avenue Sidewalk Improvement Project Staff Report A - Draft Resolution 15. $: Authority to increase the construction contingency budget for the McClellan Road Separated Bikeways-Phase IA Project Page 4 City Council Agenda August 6, 2019 Recommended Action: Authorize an increase in the construction contingency budget from $182,183 (10% of construction amount) to $291,493 (16%) of construction amount) for the McClellan Road Separated Bikeways-Phase IA Project Staff Report SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS 16. $: Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code to clarify City standards for size of Accessory Dwelling Units (Chapter 19.112 -Accessory Dwelling Units), for clarifications, and consistency. Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide was continued to a date to be determined. This item will be re-noticed. Recommended Action: Under Postponements, Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code to clarify City standards for size of Accessory Dwelling Units (Chapter 19.112 -Accessory Dwelling Units), for darifications, and consistency Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide was continued to a date to be determined. This item will be re-noticed. ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 17. $: Hearing to approve lien assessment and collection of fees on private parcels resulting from abatement of public nuisance (weeds and/or brush) for the annual Weed and Brush Abatement Programs. Recommended Action: Conduct a hearing to consider objections from any property owners listed on the assessment report; and adopt Resolution No. 19-106 approving the lien assessment and collection of fees on private parcels for the annual Weed and Brush Abatement Programs to allow the County to recover the cost of abatement. A - Draft Resohition and Exhibit Al (Assessment Report) B - Assessment Report C - Adopted Resolution Ordering Abatement D - City Mailed Hearing Notice 18. $: Approve City-hosted Town Hall events and add Town Halls to the FY 2019-20 City Work Program. Recommended Action: Approve City-hosted Town Hall events and add Town Halls to the FY 2019-20 City Work Program. A - Proposed Town Hall Work Program Item for FY 2019-20 Page 5 City Council Agenda August 6, 2019 19. $: Designate a voting delegate and up to two alternates in order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting (General Assembly) during the League of California Cities Annual Conference, October 16 - 18 in Long Beadi. Recommended Action: Designate a voting delegate and up to two alternates in order to vote at the Annual Business Meeting (General Assembly) during the League of California Cities Annual Conference, October 16 - 18 in Long Beach. Staff Report A - Conference Information 20. $: Cancel the Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting and can for a Special Meeting on Monday, October 14, 2019 instead, in order to accommodate those Councilmembers attending the League of California Cities Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA. Recommended Action: Cancel the Tuesday, October 15, 2019 Regular City Council Meeting and call for a Special Meeting on Monday, October 14, 2019 instead, in order to accommodate those Councilmembers attending the League of California Cities Annual Conference in Long Beach, CA. Staff Report ORAL COMMUNICATIONS - CONTINUED (As necessary) COUNCIL AND ST AFF COMMENTS AND FUTURE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT The Cih) of Cuperti;no has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; Litigation challertging a firtal decision of the Cih) Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced urtless a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 law. Prior to seeking judicia7 review of arxy adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, amterested persons must fire a petitiort for reconsideratio;+z within ten calertdar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the Cih) Clerk's office for more irxformation or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsiderat'ton petition form. Irt compliance with the Americarts with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attertd the next Cih) Courtcil meeting roho is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disab'dity that rteeds special assistartce shotdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours'm advartce of the Council meet'mg to arrange for assistance. Uport request, irt advance, by a person with a disabi7ity, Cih) Covmcil meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meet'mg that are public records wiu be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also uport request, irx advance, an assistive listertirtg device can be made avai7ab7e for use dur'mg the meet'mg. Page 6 City Council Agenda August 6, 2019 Any writirtgs or documerits provided to a majority of the Cupertirto City Council after publication oj the packet wi(7 be made availabie for public impection in the C% Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avertue, during normal business hours arid in Cotmc'd packet archives Linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino zoeb site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 zorittert communications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Cou;ncil Commissioners or City staff concern'mg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the puMic through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irtclude any persona7 or private information irt written communicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have ort the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council cortcerrting any item that is described irt the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Counci7 on arty issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card 7ocated'm front of the Cowcil, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. When you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor vo'dl recog;nize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. Page 7 STATE OF CALIFORNIA C UPERTINO j 'h R U P( E Monday, July 8, 2019 Special Meeting Non-Televised Closed Session (5:30) and Televised Open Session (6:45) Steven Schaf Councilmember s i Councilmember HeatherM'inner , GraceSchmidt City Attorney SDeborah L. Feng Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95C)14 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. € ! PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Ji flail, luj5U lorre AVenuel at b:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer':nd'aroidteumces t cviosiutsncortomuetsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaanfYonss'I l I mrecOmmenda,On H Councilmembersaskquestions 'i ) ': / Applicantor /p Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I / presentation / ,r . r I/ (up to 10 mins.) /!AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for l f= current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.org, or you_a I Qriaiikara ei ihmi+ a L:leita ieie+ +h Iiviay:ir InweS members OT the public to speak about the agenda item "J 6;';;:cam-,"ano"areaii;eo-upt: l 3 minutes per individual. Council l members may ask questions of ' ,[t ! can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-iudicial) decision,l I speakers. . hhearlng I l XX IACouncilmembermakesamotion % ffi and obtains a second. l I The Citv Council then discusses the interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration ' petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.as XXI motion(:i)andv-otes. - - - - ,lI !px?paHe=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. t ,ii . ill CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 20300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Monday, July 8, 2019 5:30 PM Special Meeting Non-Televised Closed Session (5:30) and Televised Open Session (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Monday, July 08, 2019, rommpnrmB at 5:30p,m, for a Closed Session in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014and an Open Session at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The next regular meeting is scheduled on July 16, 2019at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A 1. RECESS OPEN SESSION - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Council Chamber PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL Page 1 City Council AGENDA July 8, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter rtot listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by courzcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 2. : Settlement Agreement between the City of Cupertino and its former City Attorney, Randolph Hom. Recommended Action: Approve and authorize the City Manager to execute a Settlement Agreement and Mutual General Release between the City of Cupertino and Randolph Hom. Staff Reoort A - Settleinent Agreement with R. Hom 3. : Community Hall license agreement with Santa Clara County Library District Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a Temporary Use Agreement and License with Santa Clara County Libraty Joint Powers Authority for library use of Cupertino Comtnunity Hall (10350 Torre Avenue) Staff Report A - Draft Temporary Use Agreement and License ADJOURNMENT Page 2 City Council AGENDA July 8, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Courtcil must be brought within 90 days afler a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seekirtg judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideratiorx petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistarice should call the Ciffl Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa[ Code 2.08.l00written communicatio'tzs sent to the Cvtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde ariy personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do rtot wish to make public; doirig so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any xtem that is described in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during Page 3 City Council AGENDA July 8, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Courtcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium arid the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 4 THECITYCOuNCILANDSTAFF ' CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council poficies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. I RESOLUTIONS l ResolutionsandminuteordersarethemeansbywhichtheCityCouncilformallyadoptspoliciesorapprovesspecific j actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS I Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community ' Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 i calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. , RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the : City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsiderationpetitionform. i COMMUNICATINGWITHCOUNCIL I All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharf SSchaf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY , Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meetinz as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the ' meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. , T' USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 i Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408) 253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CITY OF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300TORREAVENUE CUPERTINO,CA95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT OF THE JUtY 2, 2019 MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council scheduled for Tuesday, July 02, 2019 was adjourned to Tuesday, July 16, 2019 at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of conducting business, Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Note: a special meeting has been called for Monday, July 08, 2019 for a Closed Session at 5:30 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 and an Open Session at 6:45 p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Dated this 2nd day of July, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia Deputy City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA )S r6,iTY OF SANTA CLARA ) , 5 (y- )cQ ffl,i f,A'(, 5 pU.LL.ET[N BOARD AT c.rry HALL@ Di:JE CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95(]4-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF CANCEL[ATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council scheduled for Tuesday, Jurie 04, 2019 beginning at 6:45 p.m., Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 was cancelled due to a lack of business and there will be a lack of quorum. The next regular meeting will be Tuesday, June 18, 2019 beginning at 6:45 p.m., Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. Dated this 29' day of May, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia Deputy City Clerk S'al'l'XTE(-"t"'CX-XL!"r'\):".":A l;,,li CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Friday, June 21, 2019 5:30 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting Closed Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETmG OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Friday, June 21, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in City Hal} Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, 'GSpecial Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION 2, : Conference with Real Property Negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Properties: APN 375-21-001& 375-22-001, Lawrence Expressway at Mitty Avenue. Agency Negotiators: Chad Mosley and Deborah Miller. Negotiating Parties: Coiu'ity Roads and Airports. Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment 3. : Conference with Legal Counsel Existing Litigation. Pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1), conference with Legal Counsel regarding existing litigation: Huang Family v. City of Cupertino, Santa Clara County Superior Court Case No. 19CV347316. Page 1 City Council ADJOURNMENT AGENDA Di2.f'A3.T Page2 City Council AGENDA June 21, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persorts must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Mrmicipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to htp://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the rtext City Covmcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Covmcil meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas arid writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Covmcil after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Crtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Mrmicipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cvq:iertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Memb,ers of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or' during Page 3 City Council AGENDA June 21, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in fiont of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 4 CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFORNrA 4 :1 r'ltai l %_-( '%li"= 'l B,,,,-I.- r,,, AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL ( I l! -i uiigu.i mUj: Tuesday, June 18, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Staff - Staff " COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) ( WEBSITE:www.cupertino.org CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, June 18, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, June 18, 2019, rommeqein4 .it 5:30p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION SPECIAL MEETING 1. Recommended Action: That the City Council conduct the study session, receive the report and provide direction to staff regarding moving forward with initial Vallco Shopping District Special Area General Plan and Zoning Amendments to address height limits and office and residential development allocations Staff Repoit A - GP Policy LU-19 ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM Page I City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. : Proclamations recognizing the Monta Vista High School Boys Volleyball Team for winning the NorCal Championship Recommended Action: Present Proclamations recognizing the Monta Vista High School Boys Volleyball Team for winning the NorCal Championship 2. : Proclamation for June as Immigrant Heritage Month Recommended Action: Present proclamation for June as Immigrant Heritage Month 3.: Proclamation declaring July as Park and Recreation month Recommended Action: Present proclamation declaring July as Park and Recreation month 4. : Sustainability Commission Accomplishments Presentation Recommended Action: Receive Sustainability Commission Accomplishments Presentation POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMLTNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from makirxg arty decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF (10 minutes) 5. : Report on Committee assignments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments CONSENT CAJ,ENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 6. Page 2 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 8. : Approve the May 29 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the May 29 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 10. : SustainabilityCommissionFY20l9-20WorkProgram Recommended Action: Approve the Sustainability Commission FY 2019-20Work Program Staff Report A - Sustainability Commission FY 2019-20 Work Program 11. : Approve Amendments to existing lease agreements with Friends of the Stevens Creek Trail and the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society for office space at the McClellan Ranch Preserve ranch house to extend the leases for a period of one year, through June 30, 2020 Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute amendments to existing lease agreements with Friends of the Stevens Creek Trail and the Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society for office space at the McClellan Ranch Preserve ranch house to extend the lease for a period of one year, through June 30, 2020 under the renewal terms of the lease Staff Reoort A - Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society - Draft Lease Amendment B - Friends of Stevens Creek Trail - Draft Lease Amendment C - Santa Clara Valley Audubon Society - Existing Lease Agreement D - Friends of Stevens Creek Trail - Existing Lease ABreement 12. : Authorize the City Manager to execute an Antenna Ground Lease Agreement to replace a prior agreement between the City of Cupertino and T-Mobile West Tower LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company for an existing cell tower at the Cupertino Service Center located at 10555Mary Avenue, Cupertino Page 3 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 19-063to authorize the City Manager to execute an Antenna Ground Lease Agreement to replace a prior agreement between the City of Cupertino and T-Mobile West Tower LLC, a Delaware Limited Liability Company Staff Report A - Antenna Ground Lease - T-Mobile West Tower LLC B - Draft Resolution C - Photos of Existing Tower 13. : Adopt a Resolution autliorizing the City Manager to vote "yes", sign, and submit the Clean Water and Storm Protection fee ballots on behalf of the City for the parcels owned by the City that are subject to the fee Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution 19-064authorizing the City Manager to vote "yes", sign and submit the ballots on behalf of the City for the parcels owned by the City that are subject to the proposed 2019 Clean Water and Storm Protection fee Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution 14. : Resolution adopting Cupertino's Emergency Operations Plan Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-065 adopting the 2019 update to the City of Cupertino's Emergency Operations Plan Staff Reooit A - Draft Resolution B - Updated City of Cupeitino Emergency Operations Plan 15. : 2019PavementMaintenancePhase2Project,ProjectNo.20l9-109 Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to award a contract to Graham Contractors, Inc., in the amount of $373,416.03 and approve a construction contingency of $37,000, for a total of $410,416.03 Staff Repoit A - List of Streets to Receive Pavement Maintenance Treatment B - Draft Contract C - Bid Summary 16. : 2019Reconstruction of Curbs, Gutters and Sidewalks, Project No. 2019-110 Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to award a contract to Spencon Construction, Inc., in the amount of $1,010,850and approve a construction contingency of $100,000, for a total of $1,110,850 Staff Reooit A - Bid Summary B - Draft Contract Page 4 City Counctl AGENDA June 18, 2019 SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS 17. : Public hearing to consider and approve the Capital Improvement Plan (CIP); and the Recommended Budget for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20; and the Adoption of the Recommended Budget; and Establishment of the Appropriation Limit, and related actions; or take other action to approve interim expenditures. Page S City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 RecommendedAction: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 19-066 establishing an Operating Budget for FY 2019-20 a. Approve an additional $1,750,000 in appropriations to fund the Community Shuttle Pilot Program b. Approve Community Funding Requests of $89,800 as included in the FY 2019-20 Operating Budget c. Approve an additional $132,695 in appropriations to fund one new full time, benefitted Accounting Technician Position d. Approve an additional $1,124,725 in appropriations to fund depreciation expense for FY 2019-20 e. Approve an additional $12,533 in appropriations to fund contingency for City Manager Divisions. f. Approve the removal of the HVAC request in the amount of $30,000 g. Approve the hiring of. a new two-year limited term Assistant Engineer level position at a cost not to exceed $175,000 per year 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-067 ,establishing a Capital Improvement Program budget of $39,532,418 for FY 2019-20. a. Approve $14,870,000 of transfers out from the Capital Reserve to fund the Capital Improvement Program budget in FY 2019-20 as noted below: - $13,470,000 to Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund $1,275,000 Cupertino Sports Center Enterprise Fund $125,000 to Recreation Programs Enterprise Fund b. Approve Apple, Inc., donation in the amount of $9,792,418 and appropriate $9,792,418 to fund the projects identified in the 2016 Bicycle Transportation Plan, 2018 Pedestrian Plan, School Walk Audit, and Mary Avenue Protected Bikeway as follows: $1,000,000 for McClellan Road Separated Bikeway Project (Byrne to Imperial) in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund - $1,000,000 for McClellan Road Separated Bikeway Project (Stelling to Torre) in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund - $160,000 for De Anza Blvd/McClellan Pacifica Signal Modification in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund - $430,000 for McClellan Road Sidewalk Improvements Project in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund - $2,035,000 for McClellan Road Sidewalk Improvements Project in Transportation Special Revenue Fund $1,800,000 for Junipero Serra Trail in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund $1,980,555 for Bubb Road Project in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund $165,000 for Mary Avenue Protected Bikeway in Capital Improvement Projects Page 6 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 Capital Projects Fund - $1,221,863 for School Walk Audit Projects in Capital Improvement Projects Capital Projects Fund c. Approve the removal in appropriations of $65,000 for Bicycle Wayfinding Implementation d. Approve the reduction in appropriations of $5,050,000 for Library Expansion e. Approve the additional $1,500,000 in appropriations to fund the McClellan Ranch Preserve Community Garden Improvements f. Approve the reduction in appropriations for Capital Project Support for $50,000 g. Approve the reduction in appropriations for CIP Preliminary Planning & Design for $125,000 h. Approve the additional $45,000 in appropriations to fund Street Light Installation Annual Infill i. Approve the reduction in appropriations of $662,400 for Solar EV Chargers at Sports Center j. Approve the removal in appropriations of $2,200,000 for Linda Vista Trail 3. Adopt Resolution No. 19-068 establishing an Appropriation Limit of $104,753,580 for FY 2019-20 Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution - Operating Budget Budget for FY 2019-20 B - Draft Resolution - Capital Budget for FY 2019-20 C - Draft Resolution - Appropriation Limit for FY 2019-20 D - Budget Study Session Follow-Up Items Dl - Per Capita Chaits D2a - Commission Staffing Allocations D2b - Sister Cities & Friendship Cities Staffing Allocation D3a - Corninunity Funding Criteria, Analysis. Applications D3b - Current Community Funding Policy D3c - Red-lined Revised Community Funding Policy D3d - Clean Copy Revised Community Funding Policy D4a - Accounting Technician Position Request D4b - Finance Staff Coinparison D5 - Workload Indicators D6 - Festival Analysis D7 - C'IP FY 2020 - Capital Improvement Program 18. : Approve renewal of existing $12/premise single family, $144/acre commercial, $36/acre unimproved premises and collection of storm drain fees for each premise at no increase in rates for FY 2019-2020 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-069approving the renewal and collection of existing storm drain fees at no increase in rates for fiscal year 2019-2020 Page 7 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 Staff Repoit A - Resolution with Engineer's Repoit 19. : FY 2019-20Cornmunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program Annual Action Plan Recommended Action: Conduct public hearing and adopt Resolution No. 19-070 approving the FY 2019-20 CDBG Annual Action Plan. Staff Repoil A- Draft Resolution and Exhibit 1. COC FY 2019-20 Annual Action Plan B - Housing Comi'nission Resolution No. 19-02 20. : Development and Architectural and Site Approval permits that would allow the replacement of nine one-story Public Storage facility buildings with two (2) four (4)-story buildings with basements, fence exception that would allow electronic vehicular gates; and a Tree Removal Permit that would allow the removal and replacement of seventeen (17) protected trees. (Application No(s): DP-2018-03, ASA-2018-04, EXC-2018-01, TR-2019-11; Applicant(s): Storage Equities, Inc. (Andres Friedman); Location: 20565Valley Green Dr.; APN: 326-10-044) Recommended Action: The Planning Commission recommends that the City Council: 1. Conduct the public hearing; and 2. Find the project exempt from CEQA; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. 19-071 approving the Development Permit (DP-2018-03); and 4. Adopt Resolution No. 19-072approving the Architectural and Site Approval (ASA-2018-04); and 5. Adopt Resolution No. 19-073 approving the Fence Exception (EXC-2018-01); and 6. Adopt Resolution No. 19-074 approving the Tree removal Permit (TR-2019-1 1). Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution for DP-20 18-03 B - Draft Resolution for ASA-2018-04 C - Draft Resolution for EXC-2018-01 D - Dratt Resolution for TR-2019-11 E - Planning Commission Resolutions F - Plan Set G - Parking Study H - Categorical Exemption Memo ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 21. : Implementation of 18-month pilot program for on-demand community shuttle with Via Page 8 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 Recommended Action: 1. Authorize staff to pursue developing an 18-month pilot program (Alternative A), for an on-demand shuttle at a not-to-exceed cost of $1.75M to be included in the FYI 9/20 operating budget; and 2. Find that use of formal competitive bidding procedures is not practical for the 18-montli pilot program because Via is the sole source provider of a community shuttle program at this time and direct the City Manager to dispense with City bidding requirements pursuant to the Cupertino Municipal Code § 3.22.060 3. Direct the City Attorney to enter into contract negotiations with Via for subsequent Council consideration Staff Report A - Revised Fares & Cost to City B - Comtmmity Shuttle Council Staff Report (4-16-19) 22. : Donation for the funding of select projects identified in the 2016Bicycle Transportation Plan, 2018Pedestrian Plan, School Walk Audits and Mary Avenue Protected Bikeway Recommended Action: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute a multi-year grant donation agreement per the conditions specified in Attachment A in the amount of $9,792,418for the funding of select projects identified in the 2016Bicycle Transportation Plan, 2018Pedestrian Plan, School Walk Audit and Mary Avenue Protected Bikeway; and 2. Authorize the Director of Public Works to apply excess donation funds from any one completed project to other projects identified in the donation as needed and per the conditions specified in Exhibit A of the Grant Agreement; and 3. ApproveaBudgetAppropriationforFY19/20totaling$9,792,418;and 4. Authorize the hiring of a new two-year limited term Assistant Engineer level position at a cost not to exceed $175,000 per year Staff Repoit A - Draft Grant Agreement B - Letter from Apple dated July 30, 2018 C - Letter from Apple dated March 27. 2019 D - April 2, 2019 Staff Report E - Transpoitation Project List dated June 5, 2019 23. : Brush Abatement Program hearing to consider objections to proposed removal of brush and order abatement of the public nuisance and potential fire hazard pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code (Section 16.40.320) regarding Defensible space (brush) and Resolution No. 19-057. Page 9 City Council AGENDA Jtsne 18, 2019 Recommended Action: 1. Conduct Brush Abatement Program hearing to note objections of property owners having their name on the list of properties that have been non-compliant in removing brush; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-075 ordering abatement of public nuisance and potential fire hazard pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code (Section 16.40.320) regarding Defensible space (bnish) and Resolution No. 19-057. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution B - Brush Parcel Abatement List C - WUI Letter Sent to All Propeitv Owners D - Brush Hearine Letter Sent to Non-Compliant Owners E - Enforced Safety Regulations for WUI Zones Brochure F - Approved Resolution No. 19-057 24. : Supplemental Weed Abatement Program hearing to consider objections to proposed removal of public nuisance (weeds) and to order abatement of nuisance pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code (Chapter 9.08) regarding Weed Abatement and Resolution No. 19-059. Recommended Action: 1. Conduct supplemental Weed Abatement Program hearing to note objections of property owners having their name on the list of properties that have been non-compliant in removing weeds; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-076ordering the abatement of a public nuisance (weeds) pursuant to provisions of Cupertino Municipal Code (Chapter 9.08) regarding Weed Abatement and Resolution No. 19-059. Staff Reoort A - Draft Resolution B - Special Weed Abatement Program Commencement Report C - Notice to Destroy Weeds D - Weed Abateinent Fire Safety Standards Brochure E - Approved Resolution No. 19-059 25. : Adopt 2019 Legislative Platform Recommended Action: Adopt the City's proposed 2019 Legislative Platform Staff Repoit A - Proposed 2019 Legislative Platform 26. : Municipal Code Amendment to consider changing the composition of the Housing Commission to eliminate the requirement that one member be a representative from a Cupertino financial institution; (Application No.: MCA-2019-01; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide). Page 10 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 1. Find that the proposed actions are exempt from CEQA;Recommended Action: and 2. Conduct the first reading of the Ordinance 19-2185: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending Title 2, Administration and Personnel, of the Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 2.86(Housing Commission), to eliminate the requirement that one member be a representative from a Cupertino financial institution." (see Attachment A); and 3. Appoint the first alternate to the Housing Commission after the ordinance goes into effect. Alternate Action: Not amend the Municipal Code and hold a special recruitment for the financial instihition representative of the Housing Commission. Staff Report A - Draft Ordinance B - Redline document indicating changes in Chapter 2.86.010 and 2.86.02 COUNCIL AND STAFF COMMENTS AND FUTtJRE AGENDA ITEMS ADJOURNMENT Pagell City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal la'w. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cvtpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Counci7 meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writirtgs or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public'mspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Covmcil packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page 07;1 the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crq:iertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include arty personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 12 City Council AGENDA June 18, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Counci[ on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in fiont of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussiori of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. %7" you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 13 CONDUCTOFBUSINESS I The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:ndfaroidteumces t vciosiutsncoromuetsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaan%onss' l !J Council members ask questions l l I { / Applicantor /d Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I / presentation / / (up to 10 mins.) / l Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item 4__1 Speakers submit a Request to i Speak card, and are allowed up to i 3 minutes per individual. Council i members may ask questions of i speakers. ( Mayor closes the '\ hearing ) l l A Council member makes a motion Ci$:Counctl q and obtains a second. votes) on the I.., agenda bin ; I The City Council then discusses the i motion(s) and votes. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger speciaJ or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.org, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code j2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.orH/index.as for a reconsideration petition form. THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCII Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCC Transportation Authoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for Iinterpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second ' reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code g2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATINGWITHCOUNCIL , All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharf SScharF@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 Liang Chao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the dav of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/not'ify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and communityinformation can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency a nnouncements. ,,l USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS CityofCupertino (CityHall) Generallnformation andComments (408)777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitary District (408) 253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITf' HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT OF THE JUNE 4, 2019 MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino City Cotu"icil scheduled for Tuesday, June 04, 2019 was adjourned to Tuesday, June 18z 2019 at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of conducting business, Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Dated this 4th day of June, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia Deputy City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNrA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA EMPLOYEE OF THE CT-TY OF CUPEP"-T=.rN0 C-L GA 3 I)EPART- CgTY OF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF CANCEttATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council scheduled for Tuesday, June 04, 2019 beginning at 6:45 p.m., Cornrnunity Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 was cancelled due to a lack of business and there will be a lack of quorum. The next regul'ar meeting will be Tuesday, June 18, 2019 beginning at 6:45 p.m., Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. Dated this 29' day of May, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia Deputy City Clerk STATE OF CALIFORNIA COtl a alY OF SAY"4ap,A CL,ARA BRIJ'-LLET'NN BOA D Ar CIT"t HALL. C(z-y[t) DATE slGN"€AURE CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, May 29, 2019 5:30 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting Teen Commission Interviews NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Wednesday, May 29, 2019, commencing at 5:30p,m, in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 1. : Teen Cornrnission Interviews Recommended Action: Conduct Teen Commission interviews and make appointments for six vacancies and at least two alternates A - Interview Scliedule B - Cominission Diversitv Resolution C - Teen Commission Resolution D - Current Teen Commission E - Teen Commission Attendance F - Sample 0uestions G - 8tli Grade Applications H - 9t)i Grade Applications I - l Otli Grade Applications J - 1 ltli Grade Applications ORAL COMMUNICATIONS BULLETIN BOA T)AT'F, Page I s City Council AGENDA May 29, 2019 This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. ADJOTJRNM[ENT Page 2 City Council AGENDA May 29, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Cormcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, irt advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Ciff Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page 07? the Cupertino web site. IAdPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as srtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page3 City Council AGENDA May 29, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is 07? this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Covmcil, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item riot on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less.' Page 4 CUPERTINO aJ BUL,LE'fiN BOARp AT CiTY HALL-. r ' ( S- (( =) ' AGENDA OF THE CITY deW"mci-i ' < ; Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Special Meeting Non-Televised Commission Interviews (5:00) and Closed Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf L l'angChaoMayor Coouanrccilympeamub' er Jon Robert WilleyRod Sinks Vice Mayor Counciimember Councilmember HeatherMinner X S / GraceSchmidt City ClerkCity Attorney S Timm Borden Interim City Manager ,,<=t+' Staff ,4P.= Staff -:J:j!t Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cuper+ino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l ' rer'ons ana ma Council members ask questions recommendation l Applicant or / Council members ask questions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item ,l, ( Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. City Council votes on the agenda item A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final unti acted upon in pub!ic session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.or@, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, May 21, 2019 5:00 PM Special Meeting Non-Televised Commission Interviews (5:00) and Closed Session (5:30); and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, May 21, 2019, commencing at 5:00p.m. for Commission Interviews in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014and a Closed Session at 5:30p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Specia} Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:00 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A COMMISSION INTERVIEWS : Conduct interviews and appoint one Housing Commission Financial Representative. Recommended Action: Conduct interviews and appoint one Housing Cornrnission Financial Representative to fill an unexpired term (counts as a :tull first term) ending on 1/30/22. Page I City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 A - Interview Schedule B - Commission Diversity Resolution C - Advisory Commissions Resolution D - Housing Financial Rep Questions E - Housing Applications F - 2019 Current Coi'i'unission List G - Commission Attendance Report CLOSED SESSION - 5:30 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A 2.: Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(1); Re: Pending Litigation; Friends of Better Cupertino, et al. v. City of Cupertino; Santa Clara County Superior Court, Case No. 18CV330190 (SB 35 Vallco Project) ADJOURNMENT REG[n,AR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Council Chamber ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irx most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Page 2 City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. A - Draft Minutes A - Draft Minutes A - Draft Minutes : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending February 01, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-049accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending February 01, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending February 15, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-051 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending February 15, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 9. : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending February 22, 2019 Ptrge 3 City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-052accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending February 22, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 10. :AcceptAccountsPayablefortheperiodendingMarchl,2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-053 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending March 1, 2019 A - Draft ResoIution B - AP Report C - AP Report, Misc. 11. :AcceptAccountsPayablefortheperiodendingMarch08,2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-054accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending March 08, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 12. :Treasurer'sInvestmentReportforperiodendingMarch31,2019 Recomtnended Action: Accept Treasurer's Investment Report for period ending March 31, 2019 and provide recommendations as necessary and appropriate Staff Report A - Market Cost Comparison Repoit as of March 31, 2019 B - Chandler Investment Report as of March 31, 2019 13. 14. Adopt Resolution No. 19-056accepting the City Investment 15. : Declare properties as having potential fire hazards from brush for the Cupertino Brush Abatement Progratn (Wildland-Urban Interface Fire Area), and set hearing date to declare a public nuisance and for objections to proposed removal. Page 4 City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 Recon'imended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-057declaring potential fire liazards from brush and setting a hearing on June public nuisance and for objections to proposed removal. Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution properties as having 18, 2019to declare a B - Fire Departinent Notice 16. : Resolution Authorizing Allocation of Transportation Development Act (TDA) Article 3Funding in Response to a Call for Projects for the City's "Guarantee" Share of the TDA Article 3 Fiscal Year 2019-2020 Program Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-058, A Resolution of the Cupertino City Council Approving the Request to the Metropolitan Transportation Commission for the Allocation of Fiscal Year 2019/2020Transportation Development Act Article 3 Pedestrian and Bicycle Project Funding Staff Report A - Draft Resolution 17. : Recology Cupertino's request for payment of $8,791 to cover additional costs to process commercial organic materials collected in calendar year 2018 Recommended Action: Authorize a payment of $8,791to Recology Cupertino from the Resource Recovery fund 520-81-801 to cover costs to process an additional 292 tons of commercial organic materials collected over that which was collected in calendar year 2017 Staff Repoit A - Organics Reimbursement Request SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES 18. : Second reading of Ordinance No. 19-2184repealing Ordinance No. 18-2179 which approved a Development Agreement for Vallco Town Center Recommended Action: Conduct the second reading and enact Ordinance No. 19-2184: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino repealing Ordinance No. 18-2179which approved a Development Agreement by and between the City of Cupertino and Vallco Property Owner LLC for the Development of Vallco Town Center." Note: The first reading was conducted on 5/7/19 and there were no changes to the ordinance. A - Draft Ordinance PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 19. : Provide direction to Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture Weed Abatement Program staff on two non-compliant parcels removed from the Weed Page 5 City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 Abatement Program in Cupertino on February 5, 2019. Recommended Action: Provide direction to Santa Clara County Department of Agriculture Weed Abatement Program staff on two non-compliant private parcels which were removed from the Cupertino Weed Abatement Program on February 5, 2019, and choose from one of the following options: a.) Take no action and wait another year; or b.) Order the parcels to be added to the Weed Abatement Program but do not seek abatement until next year; or c.) Adopt Resolution No. 19-059declaring weeds a nuisance and setting a supplemental hearing to order abatement on June 18, allowing for the parcels to be added to Weed Abatement Program and providing for re-inspection, abatement, and recovery of County costs of abatement. Staff Reoort A - Draft Resolution B - 2019 Cupertino Special Commencement Report 20. : Approve the Third Quarter Financial Report and recornrnended budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 2018-19 RecornmendedAction: 1. Accept the City Manager's Third Quarter Financial Report for FY 2018-19 2. Approve Budget Modification 1819-050 for Third Quarter adjustments as described in the Third Quarter Financial Report 3. AdoptaResolutionl9-060approvingThirdQuarterbudgetadjustments Staff Reoort A - Draft Resolution B - Third-0uarter Financial Report FY18-19 C - Third-0uarter Budget Journal 21. : Adopt Resolution to approve the January 25, 2019Final Draft Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-061 to approve the January 25, 2019 Final Draft Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study Staff Report A - Changes Made B- Draft Resolution 22. : Draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan, request City Council feedback on opportunities and implementation sections of the plan. Recommended Action: Provide feedback on Chapters 4 and 5 and associated elements of the draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. Pay 6 City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 Staff Report A - Public Comment. desk item. Apr 16, 20l9.pdf B - Draft MP. Cliapter 4 redline revisions. May 20l9.pdf C - Draft MP. Chapter 5 redline revisions, May 20l9.pdf D - Draft MP Tables E-I to E-3 redline revisions, May 20l9.pdf E - Park pages, draft, May 20l9.pdf F - Rec Facilities Chart, draft. May 20l9.pdf G - Public Comments, received Apr 30. 30l9.pdf H - Draft P&R Master Plan. as issued. Jan 20l9.pdf 23. : Consideration of resolution to change the order of business for Regular City Council meetings. Recommended Action: Rescind Resolution No. 11-176and adopt Resolution No. 19-062 to change the order of business for Regular City Council meetings. Staff Report A - Adopted Ordinance No. 11-2081 B - Adopted Resolution No. 11-176 C - Draft Resolution REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF 24. : Update Regarding SR 85Policy Advisory Board and provide input regarding alternatives Recommended Action: Receive update and provide comment Staff Report A - SR 85 Policy Advisory Board Members B - VTA Market Analysis 25. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 7 City Council AGENDA May 21, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisiom of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought withiri 90 days afier a decision is anrxounced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideratiorx petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has ariy disability that needs specia7 assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a persori with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publicatiort of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include arty persortal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council cortcernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during Page 8 City Councit AGENDA May 21, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Covmcil on arxy issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 9 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL Atl Council members: Steven Scharf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org, 408 777-3191 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777-CITY Pfease note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day ofthe meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of communityinterest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "l Want To, View City Council meetings". Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. 6 :45 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers Water General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San lose Water California Water (408) 777 -CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777-3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CUPERTINO ,sl3(\y __i AGENDA OF THE CITY e6u-xcu Ji Monday, May 13, 2019 Special Meeting Non-Televised Closed Session (4:30) and Televised Open Session (6:45) Steven Scharf Liang Chao Mayor Darcy Pau) Rod Sinks Vice Mayor , Councilmember Jon Robert Willey Councilmember Councilmember HeaiherM!nner X S / / GraceSchmidt InterimCityManager 0.=T - i<a;:"":af-'-': , Staff Staff Staff - Speaker's Podium " COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 : TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) I < WEBSITE:www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. li. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to ' hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal I advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calenr:)ar days preceding the hearing date. ' Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use , permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first ' and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council , Chamber of the Cupertino Community ' Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, areI normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease , of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FIN AL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.orz/index.as for a reconsideration petition form. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes 4ivergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and .,..ffill refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts .. will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:nd'aroitdeumces t vCiosiutsncorlomuetsm::eercsomrempou"nicaana'onssfe l mrecommendation S Council members ask questions{ / Applicantor /d Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I / presentation / / (up to 10 mins.) / 1 Mayorinvitesmembersof Speakers submit a Request to the public to speak about Speak card, and are allowed up to the agenda item 3 mtnufes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. t (Mayohrecalorlsnegs the ) l - _ I A Council member makes a motion... 'CityCouncil ' ffi and obtains a second. votes on the " . i' agenda item I The Ctt7 CounCil then diSCLISSeS tile l motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Monday, May 13, 2019 4:30 PM Special Meeting Non-Televised Closed Session (4:30) and Televised Open Session (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A CITY COUNCIL SPECIAJ, MEETING OF THE CUPERTmO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Monday, May 13, 2019, commencing at 4:30p.m. for a Closed Session in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014and an Open Session at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAI, MEETING CLOSED SESSION - 4:30 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A 1. : Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation; Initiation of litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4): One potential case. 2. RECESS OPEN SESSION - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Council Chamber ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Page I City Council AGENDA May 13, 2019 ORAL COMMCATIONS This portion of the meetirxg is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on arxy matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. POSTPONEMENTS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously 3. STUDY SESSION 4.Subject: Study Session regarding the Proposed Fiscal Year 2019 - 2020 Budget Recommended Action: Conduct Study Session regarding Proposed Budget Page 2 City Council AGENDA May 13, 2019 A - Organizational Cliait B - City Officials Directory C - Commissioi'is and Cominittee's Directory D - GFOA Award E - CSMFO Award Certificate F - Budget Message G - Budget Guide H - Community Profile l- Financial Policies and Schedules J - Council and Commissions K - Adininistration L - Law Enforcement M - Innovationand Tecl'inology N - Administrative Services 0 - Parks and Recreation P - Planning and Community Development Q - Public Works R - Non Departmental S - Personnel Summary T - Appendix A 5. : Study Session on the FY 2019- 2024Proposed Capital Improvement Program with Funding Options Recominended Action: Receive 5-year Capital Improvement Program options regarding projects and funding and provide comments. Staff Report A - 2020 Proposed CIP B - CIP Project Narratives C - Otlier-Unfunded Projects D - BCA Proposed CIP ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 6. : Implementation of all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park. Recommended Action: Execute funding agreement with County of Santa Clara to accept $1,448,201in grant funding and proceed with implementation of an all-inclusive playground at Jollyman Park and/or provide other direction to staff regarding an all-inclusive playground. Page3 City Council AGENDA May 13, 2019 Staff Rei:iort A - All-Inclusive Playground Feasibility Study, Sept. 20l8.pdf B - AIPG Procedural Guide. Progi'am Two. Sept. 20l8.pdf C - Presentation to Council. Oct. 2 20l8.pdf D - Resolution 18-100, Oct. 20l8.pdf E - Conceptual Plan. Jollyman Park all inclusive playz'oruid. Oct. 2018.1)( F - Santa Clara CounW AIPG Funding Agreeinent, 20l9.pdf REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF AJ)JOURNMENT Page 4 City Council AGENDA May 13, 2019 The City of Crtpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Covmcil must be brought within 90 days afler a decision is annovmced rmless a shorter time is reqriired by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideraf-ion within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decisiorx. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Muriicipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cvtpertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliarxce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Covmcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabiliffl, City Cormcil meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Covmcil after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/mimttes page on the Cvq:iertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cvtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written commvmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the pub(ic are entitled to address the City Cormcil concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Ptrge 5 City Council AGENDA May 13, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council O?? any issue that is on this agertda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) mirtutes or less. Page 6 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCC Transportation Authoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the ' advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Scharf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org 408 777-3191 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777 -CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as ag,enda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) IO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "l Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. 1,1, I USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff (408) 868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitary District (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO STATE OF CAI.,IFORNIA ) , ) SS. Cl,%YOF.,zS"2A!'f " ), AN EMPL!cY$E !Aru:E,!ciry OF CUPoEnRpThINnrOMENT, "S4ATE UNDER PENALTY OF p(TpIg,l.rEtr)ay ;4.6,r ONh(DArEi) P5ER-ISO-N/A1LLY POSTED THE N/:ICE/AGENDA ON THEBULLETIN BOARD AT CITY i-HALL. AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, May 7, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven ScharfLiang Chao Mayor Darcy PaulRad StnkS Vice Mayor , Councilmember Jon Ro5erf WilleyCouncilmember Councilmember HeatherMinner X \" / / GraceSchmidt Staff Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org J f# CONDUCT OF BUSINESS ( The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All stateme'nts and questions must be addressed to the a May'or. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l 'T rePons ana ma Council members ask questions recommendation I Applicantor / Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item (Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l City Council votes on the agenda item Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBIIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINuTES, AND PACKETS AV AIIABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are availabte at www.cupertino.orH, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, May 7, 2019 5:30 PM Televised SHiecial Meeting Study Session (5:30) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, May 07, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM STUDY SESSION 1.: Study Session for an application by AT&T to locate a personal wireless service facility consisting of 16 panel antennas mounted on an 80 foot tall treepole, a base equipment station, and an emergency power generator at the Cupertino Spoits Center located at 21111 Stevens Creek Borilevard. Recommended Action: Provide comments on AT&T's proposed personal wireless facility, and, driring the Study Session, facilitate a community engagement forum where residents can cominent on and receive additional information on the project. Ptrge I City Council AGENDA May 7, 2019 Staff Report A - Proiect Description B - Plan Set C - Photo Simulations D - Noise Study E - Coverage Map F - Electromagnetic Enerq Exposure (EME) Report G - Arborist Memo Report H - Public Comment ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.: <hack> Cupertino Winner Proclamations and brief presentations Recommended Action: Accept brief presentations and present proclamations to <hack> Cupertino winners: 1 st place: The Right Price app (Daniel Duan, Vincent Lim, Deepak Ramalingam) 2 nd place: Tino Walks (Kyle Lin) 3 rd place: FaceAttend (Vidit Agrawal, Siddhant Kumar) 2.: Presentation by Cupertino-Hsinchu Sister City Association (CHSCA) regarding its recent Cupertino Student Delegation trip to Hsinchu City, Taiwan Recoinniended Action: Receive presentation by Cupertino-Hsinchu Sister City Association (CHSCA) regarding its recent Cupertino Student Delegation trip to Hsinchu City, Taiwan 3. 4.Proclamations for Public Works employees Karl 01sen and CurtisSubiect: Bloomquist Recon'imended Action: Present proclamations for Public Works employees Karl 01sen and Curtis Bloomquist POSTPONEMENTS Page ] City Council AGENDA May 7,2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the ineeting is reserved,for persons wishirtg to address the cotmci7 on any matter not on the agenda. Spealcers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law uiill prohibit the coymcil from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR [hyless there are separate discvissions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a inember of the public, it is reqviested that iteim tmder the Consent Calendar be acted on siimdtaneovisly. 5. : Approve the April 16 City Council miriutes Recommended Action: Approve tlie Aprill6 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 6.: Reimbursement of rip to $1,750 in travel expenses for travel to Copertino, Italy, by the Mayor to join the adult delegation to Copertino Sister City in September 2019. Recommended Action: Approve reimbursement of up to $1,750in travel expenses for travel to Copertino, Italy, by the Mayor to join the adult delegation to' Copertino Sister City in September 2019. Staff Report 7.: Resolution supporting State implementation of the Buy Clean California Actof20l7 Recon'unended Action: Adopt Resolrition No. implementation of the Buy Clean California Act of 2017 Staff Report A- Draft Resolution 19-040 supporting State SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS 8.: Conduct a public hearing and consider public coinments on and written protests of the proposed 2019Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee; tabulate protests and consider adoptiiig a Resolution stating whether 'a majority protest exists and, if not, direct a property owner ballot proceeding for the proposed 2019 Clean Water and Stori'n Protection Fee, a property related fee confonning to Article XIII D, Section 6 of tlie California Constitution. Page 3 City Council AGENDA May 7, 2019 RecomnnendedAction: 1. Conduct a public hearing and receive input and consider all protests of property owners related to the proposed 2019 Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee; and 2. Tabulate protests to determine if a majority protest exists; and 3. If a majority protest is found not to exist, adopt Resolution No. 19-041 stating that a majority protest does not exist and directing the City to conduct a ballot proceeding for the proposed 2019 Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee, a property-related fee conforming to Article XIII D, Section 6 of tlie California Constitution; and 4. Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 19-2183 : "An Ordinance of the City Council of tlie City of Cupertino Adding Chapter 338 of the Municipal Code to Establish the Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee," an ordinance that is subject to property owner approval through a ballot proceeding; and 5. Direct staff to place on a future Council agenda an amendment of the Joint Use Agreement with Cupertino Unified School District to establish cost sliaring of tlie new Clean Water fees for applicable schools at whicli the City maintains joint use sport fields if the ballot measure is affirmed on July'l6th. Staff Report A - Notice of the Fee Proposal B - Valid Protest Letters received as of 4-25-19 C - Public Comments Received as of 4-25-19 D - Draft Resolution of No Maiority Protest E - Draft Ordinance F - Drafts of the ballot packet documents G - Chamber Support Letter ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS : Options regarding three referendum petitions challenging approvals related to the Vallco Town Center Specific Plan: Resolution No. 18-085 (General Plan Amendment for Vallco Town Center), Resolution No. 18-086(Vallco Town Center Specific Plan), and Ordinance No. 18-2179(Development Agreement for Vallco Town Center) Page 4 City Council AGENDA May 7, W19 Recon'unended Action: As required by California Elections Code Section 9241, the City Corincil must choose one of the following options for each of the referendum petitions: Repeal the resolution(s) and/or ordinance in their entirety; or submit the resolution(s) and/or ordinance to the voters, either at the next regular municipal election (November 3, 2020) or at a special election called for tliat purpose on a date detertnined by tlie Council, but occurring at least 88 days after the order calling the election (i.e., not before July 16, 2019 if action is taken on May 7, 2019): a.)Resolution No. 19-042 repealing Resolution No. 18-085 b.)Resolution No. 19-043submitting Resoltition No. 18-085to Nov. '20regular election 18-086 to Nov. '20 regular c.)Resolution No. 19-044 repealing Resolution No. 18-086 d.)Resolution No. 19-045 submitting Resolution No. election e.)ResolutionNo. 19-046repealingOrdinanceNo. 18-2179 f.)Resolution No. 19-047submitting Ordinance No. 18-2179to Nov. '20regular election Staff Retiort A - Resolution No. 18-085 Approving a General Plan Atnendment B - Resolution No. 18-086 Adopting Specific Plan C - Ordinance No. 18-2179 Approving DA D - City Attorney Memo regardino Vallco Referendum Petitions E - Election Cost Estimates F - Draft Resolution repealing Resolution No. 18-085 G - Draft Resolution submitting Resohition No. 18-085 for Nov 2020 H - Draft Resolution repealing Resolution No. 18-086 I - Draft Resolution submitting Resolution No. 18-086 for Nov 2020 J - Draft Resolution repealing Ordinance No. 18-2179 K - Draft Resolution submitting Ordinance No. 18-2179 for Nov 2020 10. : Reject all bids received for the Bike Borilevard Improvements Phase 1 Project (ProjectNo. 2017-01.05) Recoinrnended Action: 1. Receive report on bids for tlie Bike Boulevard Improvements Phase l Project; and 2. Authorize tlie Director of Public Works to re')ect all bids for the Bike Boulevard Improvements Phase 1 Project Staff Reoort 11. : A Resolution of the Council of the City of Cupertino to support the development of (l) A Complete Streets and Near Terin Transit Implementation Plan for the Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor as described in the scope of work prepared jointly by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) and the Cities of Santa Clara and San Jose; and (2) High Capacity Transit Service Along Page S City Council AGENDA May 7, 2019 the Stevens Creek Borilevard corridor; and atithorizes tlie City Manager to aSsess resources needed to develop these projects. Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-048supporting the development of (l) A Complete Streets and Near Term Transit Implementation Plan for the Stevens Creek Botilevard corridor as described in the scope of work prepared jointly by the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Autliority (VTA) and the Cities of Santa Clara and San Jose; and (2) High Capacity Transit Service Along the Stevens Creek Boulevard corridor; and authorizes the City Manager to assess resources to develop these projects. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND ST AFF 12. : Annual Report on the Pavement Management Program Recommended Action: Receive the report. No action is required. Staff Reoort A - Pavement condition index table B - Street improvements for 2019 Pavement Maintenance Phase l & 2 C - Street improvements for FY1819 Pavement Management Proiects 13. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recomtnended Action: Report ori Committee assigntnents and general comirients ADJOURNMENT Page 6 City CouncH AGENDA May 7, 2019 The City qf Cttpertino has adopted the provisions of Code qf Civil Proced'ttre §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision qf the Cit)i Cotmcil iwst be brought within 90 days afler a decision is annovmced ztrdess a shorter time is reqviired by State or Federal law. Prior to see1cing judicial review qf any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persoyys must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the C'ity C'lerlc mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions nntst comply with the requireiyyents qf Cttpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Corttact the City Clerk's office .for more in.formation or go to http://www.cttpertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsidercdton petition form. In compliance vsiith the Aiyzericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Covmcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shoxdd call the Cit)i Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance qf the Covmcil meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi7ity, City Coymcil yneeting agendas and writings distributed,for the meetiyyg that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ttpon reqviest, iri advance, an assistive listening device ccm be iriade available for rise during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cttpertino City (.'o;ymcil after publication (?7' the packet will be made available for public inspection irt the C'ity Clerk's Office loccited at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during norma7 business hours and in Council paclcet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cttpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Mmicipal Code 2.08.l00written conmnmications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Coirtmissioners or C'ity staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as svtpplementai material to the agendized item. These written commtmications are ctccessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. Yovt are hereby admonished not to inchtde any persona? or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shali constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the infomation provided to the City, Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council corycerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 7 City Coundl AGENDA May 7, 2019 consideration of that item. ff you wish to address the Covmcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete ci speaker request card located in .front of the Covincil, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podivim and the Mayor will recognize you. I.f ))OZ/ wish to address the Ciff Council on any other item not on the agenda, you yriay do so by dtning the pyiblic comment portion of the meeting followirtg the same procedure described above. Please limit your coirtments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 8 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCII Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of Ca1ifornia. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code j2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Schaf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharF@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org www.cupehano.org 408 777-31C)1 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777 -3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HAII EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "l Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers WaiB7 General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara CountySheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water California Water (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777-3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-707 1 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CUPERTINO BTJLLETiN BGAP.L) AT CITY HALL. i-i"i',a{: ''7'1L_}. k A Ly J l l AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL i Tuesday, April 30, 2019 Televised Special Meeting (5:30) Staff, Staff -- Staff COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons.wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l [T rQons ana me Council members ask questions recommendation I Applicantor /4-] Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item (Mayohrecalorisnegsthe ) l City Council votes on the agenda item Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sa(e , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.org, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, April 30, 2019 5:30 PM Televised Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, April 30, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in Community Hall Councn Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS 1. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the counciL on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council fiom maJcing any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. Page I City Council AGENDA April 30, 2019 STUDY SESSION B - City Hall Project Cost Summary C - Vallco Town Center Development Agreement D - Handbook of Architectural Desizn Competitions (AIA) E - Interim City Hall Options F - Construction Schedule for New City Hall & Library Expansion REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF ADJOURNMENT Page 2 City Council AGENDA April 30, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of atzy adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the Ciffl Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Adtmicipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next C'Uy Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistarice. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertirto web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa[ Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or Ciffl staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pub(ic are entitled to address the City Counci7 concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Ptrge 3 City Council AGENDA April 30, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not ort the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 4 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCII Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed bythe five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large tofour-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one-year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council.These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission,Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - AssociationofBayAreaGovernments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authority West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible forinterpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Managercoordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is theadvisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the MEANS by WhiCh the City enacts itS IOCal laWS. UnleSS an urgent situation eXiStS, ordinances Willfirst be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "secondreading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during whichtime the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specificactions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of CommunityDevelopment decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petitionfor reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision.Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code 92.D8.096. Contact theCity Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for areconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Scharf Liang Chao Darcy Paul Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall citycouncil@cupertino.org S5charf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org LaurenS@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org 408 777-3191 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. 6 :45 p.m. 7 :00 p.m. News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers Water General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water California Water (408) 777 -CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-743-5000 (408) 777 -3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CUPERTINO STATE OF CAL[FORN[A Fl 2 s, 5:30 PM 1 ,,/ Non-TelevisedSpecialMgliq@losedSession 5 NA'-TURE NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Monday, April 22, 2019, commencmg at 5:30p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION 1.: Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation: Significant exposure to litigation prirsuant to paragraph (2) of subdivision (d) of Government Code Section 54956.9: One Potential Case (regarding two related claims submitted by Randolph Hom under the Government Claims Act). 2.: : Conference with Real Property Negotiators pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.8. Properties: APN 375-21-001& 375-22-001, Lawrence Expressway at Mitty Avenue. Agency Negotiators: Chad Mosley and Heather Minner. Negotiating Parties: County Roads and Airports. Under Negotiation: Price and terms of payment Page I City Council AGENDA April 22, 2019 Real Property Negotiators pursuant to Government 10350 Torre Avenue (Community Hall), Agency and Heather Minner; Negotiating Parties: Santa Clara Under Negotiation: Price and terms of : Conference with Code 54956.8; Property: Negotiators: Chad Mosley County Library Joint Powers Authority; potential license agreement. 6. : Liability Claim pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.95; Claimant: Tim Koren, Agency claimed against: City of Cupertino. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 City Council AGENDA April 22, 2019 The City of Cvtpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decisiort is announced rmless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Crqyertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), arxyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrarbge for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. ' IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or Cig staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. YOZ/ are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 3 City Council AGENDA April 22, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Pay 4 O" l ';' i- Liaa (." IC' C -/"l t" 1 Ti-' :: ,,,"" "i r, K CUPERTINO ___!__l1__ 1l"%V,44,IL-' i- '[' {:Z -'-("" - ""'-"o--""J( "''l Gil aAGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL , ( -- xan s xix __.........._.._................._i...........ammi............m'i'*uauuiiumwul.AJI Tuesday, April 16, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Schaf Rod Sinks Vice Mayor HeatherMinneCrounc"membSer S / / ;aceSchmidt Interim City Manager P Staff -P Staff Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE-CUPERTINO, CA 950M TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will - resultin removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. I PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, _10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.org, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx for a reconsideration petition form. * - I I II FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:ndkaro'dteumces t Cv:os:utsncor'omuetsmiobeecrsomrempuon'icaatnioynss"e l mrecommenda,On H Councilmembersaskquestions{ / Applicantor /u Councilmembersaskquestions j / Appellant makes / I I / presentation / l / (uptolOmins.)/ I I I Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item 4__1 Speakers submit a Request to Speak I l card, and are allowed up to 3 l I minutes per individual. Council l l members may ask questions of l speakers. Mayor closes the hearin ' I l l A Council member makes a motion_ - City Council' - and obtains a second."' votes on the - I" agenda item i The City Council then discusses the l motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, April 16, 2019 5:00 PM Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, April 16, 2019, commencing at 5:00p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Specia} Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:00 PM STUDY SESSION 1. : Study Session regarding Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) Review and Implementation Action Items related to possible amendments to the Municipal Code related to Mobile Vendors, allowing Incubator/Co-working uses in General Commercial zoning districts, and an Innovation District Vision Plan in the Bubb Road Special Area Recommended Action: Review EDSP and provide direction on regulations regarding Mobile Vendors and Incubator/Co-working Space; and provide direction on possible Innovation District Vision PlanReview EDSP; and provide direction on regulations regarding Mobile Vendors and Incubator/Co-working Space; and provide direction on possible Innovation District Vision Plan Staff Reooit A - CC Resolution No. 16-103 Adopting the 2016 EDSP B - Senate Bill No. 946 Page I City Council AGENDA April 16, 2019 AT)JOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.: Proclamation to Allan Gontang, Office of Emergency Services (OES) volunteer retiring a'[ier 17 years of service Recommended Action: Present proclamation to Allan Gontang, Office of Emergency Services (OES) volunteer retiring after 17 years of service 2. : Proclamations recognizing Autism Awareness Month Recommended Action: Present proclamations recognizing Autism Awareness Month 3. : Safe Routes to School Program Update Recommended Action: Receive Safe Routes to School Program Update POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirig to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the counci7 from making arty decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 4. : Approve the April 2 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the April 2 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes Page 2 City Council AGENDA Apri} 16, 2019 STUDY SESSION SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS Page 3 City Council AGENDA April 16, 2019 ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 19-038approving the FY 2019-20Fee Page 4 City Council AGENDA April 16, 2019 10. : Draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan, endorse scope of actions identified in the Plan as the proposed project for purposes of conducting environmental review Recommended Action: Endorse tlie scope of the actions included in the Draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan ("Master Plan") as the proposed project for purposes of conducting environi'nental review pursuant to the California Environmental Quality Act ("CEQA"). Staff Repoit A - Minutes. City Council Feb. 5, 2019 B - Input on Draft Master Plan. public coininents Apr. 8, 2019 C - Draft Master Plan Chapter 3 (Systemwide Objectives and Actions). rel 11. : Authorize the Mayor to send a letter opposing SB 50 Recommended Action: Aaithorize the Mayor to send a letter opposing SB 50 to the State Legislature Staff Report A - Sumi'nary of SB 50 REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF 12. : Update regarding 2018 cornrnunity shuttle survey and provide inprit on an 1 8-month pilot program. Recommended Action: Receive update and provide comment. Staff Report A - 2018 Survey Results Summary B - Fares & Cost to City C - Via Cost Sheet & Service Times D - Via Cupertino Service Area Map 13. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 5 City Council AGENDA April 16, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a fmal decision of the Ciff Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is reqriired by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to htp://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visuauy or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection irx the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, durirtg normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are irtchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rtot to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 6 City Council AGENDA April 16, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Cormcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Cormcil, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. )Then you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Co'i.mcil on any other item not on the agenda, yori may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 7 THECITYCOUNCILANDSTAFF ' CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the (five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one-year term. IThe City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. Theseare the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library 'Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Pubiic Safety Commission, Sustainability .Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - 5CC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportation Authoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers ' STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting i liand carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates themany activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the CityCouncil as a whole. I TYPESOFCOUNCILACTIONS iORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be 1presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading andadoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summaryof the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendat days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition forreconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharF SSchaf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 [)arcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3:194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetingsare shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. INTERNET CityCouncilandPIanningCommissionvideosareavailableondemandatwww.cupertino.org. Select "lWantTo,View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency ' announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-ClTY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff (408) 868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitary District (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 l 'l ( . . i iE ( J x ( 'i 'llai J " :- a-,- CUPERTINO AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, April 2, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Rod Sinks Councilmember Steven Schaf Liang Chao Mayor Vice Mayor Speaker's Podium Darcy Paul Councilmember Jon Robert Willey Councilmember COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public rriay speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Council members report any site i visits or outside communications l I Applicantor /4-A Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / l presentation (up to 10 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item ,l, (Mayohrecalorlnsegsthe ) l City Council votes on the agenda item Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by .lega advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCII MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Counci Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.org, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, April 2, 2019 5:00 PM Amended Televmed Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Amended on 3/28/19 to add the Subject of Item #14 in the pted agenda packet NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, Apri} 02, 2019, commencing at 5:00p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters Iisted below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hail Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPEaAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:00 PM ST?JDY SESSION 1. : Study Session regardingshort-term rental (e.g. Airbnb) regulations Recommended Action: Provide direction on regulation and enforcement of short-term rentals in the City Staff Reooit A - Coi'nparison of Jurisdictions Shoit-Term Rental Regulations B - PC Resolution No. 6866 Recommending Adoption of STR Regulation C - Redlined changes to 19.08. 19.12, 19.20, and 19. 120 D - Online Coi'nmunity Survey Summary E - Priblic Outreach Meeting Summary ADJOURNMENT Page I City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1. Staff Repoit A - Apple letter dated July 30, 2018 B - Transportation Project List C - Apple letter dated March 27, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council fiom making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 2. : Approve the March 19 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the March 19 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 3. Page 2 City Counci}AGENDA April 2, 2019 : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending December 21, 2018 Recomi'nended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-027accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending December 21, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending December 28, 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-028 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending December 28, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report 10. : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending January 25, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-032accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending January 25, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report Page 3 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 11. : Set application deadline and interview dates for six terms expiring on the Teen Commission Recommended Action: Set application deadline and interview dates for six terms expiring on the Teen Commission and approve: l.) Applications due in the City Clerk's office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 10; and 2.) Interviews held beginning at 3:30p.m. on Tuesday, May 28and Wednesday, May 29 (as needed) Staff Reoort A - Adopted Resolution Governing Teen Commission Recruitment 12. : Fiscal year 2019-20projects proposed to receive funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Account (), created by Senate Bill 1 (SBI). Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-033to list all fiscal year 2019-20 projects proposed to receive RMRA funding, created by Senate Bill l (SB l), and reaffirm commitment to fund previously adopted projects with RMRA funding. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution 13. : Conduit Lease Agreement to permit Crown Castle NG West, LLC to utilize a section of conduit owned by the City of Cupertino and located along Stelling Road, for the purposes of expanding their fiber optic network in exchange for $12,600 of new conduits being installed in the City. Recommended Action: Staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 19-034 to authorize the City Manager to execute a Conduit Lease Agreement, in substantial form as that attached, between the City of Cupertino and Crown Castle NG West, LLC. Staff Repoit A - Draft Conduit Lease Agreement B - Draft Resolution C - Leased Conduit Exhibit D - Equivalent New Conduit Exhibit 14. : Agreement between the City of Cupertino and Pavement Engineering, Inc. for consultant services on 2019 Pavement Maintenance Projects Recommended Action: Approve an Agreement between the City of Cupertino and Pavement Engineering, Inc. (PEI) in the amount not to exceed $315,I05.00from the date of execution through June 30, 2020, and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute service orders necessary to carry out all consultant services under the Agreement for the various street asphalt improvement projects Staff Reooit A - Draft PEI Master Agreeinent Page 4 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 15. : First Amendment to the Verizon Wireless Ground Lease to facilitate tmprovements necessary to collocate AT&T facilities on the existuig cell tower located on the Civic Center Property (10300Torre Avenue), subject to the terms of any previously issued City planning permits. Recommended Action: Staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 19-035 to authorize the Interim City Manager to execute a First Amendment to the Antenna Ground Lease between the City of Cupertino and GTE Mobilnet of California Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Staff Repoit A - First Amendment Draft Lease B - Draft Resolution C - Photo Simulations of Completed Tower D - Original Lease E - Resolutions and Staff Report for Original Tower Application STUDY SESSION 16. : Presentation and study session on City's updated financial forecast and capital financing options. Recommended Action: Receive presentation from '[JFI (Urban Futures, Inc.) and provide direction to staff. Staff Report SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES Page 5 PUBLIC HEffiGS City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 17. : FY 2019-20Comrnunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Below Market Rate (BMR) Affordable Housing Fund (AHF), and General Fund Human Service Grants (HSG) Program funding allocations RecommendedAction: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 19-036 approving the FY 2019-20 CDBG, BMR AHF, and HSG funding allocations. 2. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute FY 2019-20 CDBG, BMR AHF, and HSG grant agreements Staff Retioit A - Draft Resolution B - FY 2019-20 NOF A RFP C - FY 2019-20 CDBG, BMR, and HSG Grant Application Descriptions D - Housing Commission Resolution 19-01 E - Sample CDBG Capital Housing Project Grant Agreement F - Sample CDBG Public Service Grant Agreement G - Sample BMR AHF Public Services Grant Agreement H - Sample HSG Grant Agreement ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 18. : 2019General Plan Annual Progress Report (Application No.(s): CP-2019-01; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide) Recommended Action: That the City Council accept the General Plan Annual Progress Report. Staff Report A - 2019 Implementation Plan 19. : Approve the City Work Program for FY 2019-20 Recommended Action: Approve the City Work Program for FY 2019-20 Staff Repoit A - Proposed FY 2019-20 City Work Program B - FY 2018-2019 Citv Work Program items Completed or Cancelled C - Community Engagement Work Program Memo Page 6 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 20. : Consideration of resolution to change the order of business for Regular City Council meetings to move "Reports by Council and Staff' ahead of "Oral Coinmiuiications" (continued from March 19) Recommended Action: Rescind Resolution No. 11-176and adopt Resolution No. 19-024changing the order of business for Regular City Council meetings to move "Reports by Council and Staff" ahead of "Oral Communications" Staff Reooit A - Adopted Ordinance No. 11-2081 B - Adopted Resolution No. I 1-176 C - Draft Resolution REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF 21. : Report on Committee assignn'ients and general coinments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 7 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 The Ciffl of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federa[ law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistarice should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Covmcil after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constztute a waiver of any privacy rights J/'OZ/ may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 8 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. nen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 9 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- yearterm. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Counci SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCCTransportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested perwn, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: Steven Schaf Liang Chao Darcy Pau Rod Sinks Jon Robert Willey Executive Assistant City Hall citycouncil@cupertino.org SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao@cupertino.org DPaul@cupertino.org RSinks@cupertino.org JWilley@cupertino.org Lau rend@ cupertino.org www.cu pertino.org 408 777-3191 408 777-3192 408 777-3195 408 777-3194 408 777-3193 408 777-1312 408 777 -CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HAIL EMAII Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) INTERNET Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupemno https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency annou ncements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers Water General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water California Water (408) 777 -CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-7 43-5000 (408) 777 -3120 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CUPERTINO BULLETIN BOARD A-r c.t ry kI.',LL. L"r"lfvE AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, April 2, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf Rad SinkS VviacnegMcahyaoor Mayor Coouanrccilympeamubter Jon Robert Willey CouncilmemberHeatherMinnCeorun'memS,ber S / / Grace Schmidt Timm Borden . ' t Staff -t Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. PUBIIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: 3Mayorn'oduces vciosiutsncoromuetsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaant:onss'-i l mrecOmmendatlon H Councilmembersaskquestions l / Applicantor /41 Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellant makes / I / presentation / / (up to 10 mins.) / Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item hearing i City Council votes on the agenda item Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale , purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, April 2, 2019 5:00 PM Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, April 02, 2019, commencing at 5:00p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. ROLL CALL - 5:00 PM STUDY SESSION SPECIAL MEETING 1. AJ)JOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING Page l City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1. Recommended Action: Receive update and provide comment. Staff Repoit A - Apple letter dated JLI}Y 30, 2018 B - Transportation Proiect List C - Apple letter dated March 27. 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by covmcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 2. : Approve the March 19 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the March 19 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 3. B - AP Report Page 2 City Cotincil AGENDA April 2, 2019 : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending December 21, 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-027accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending December 21, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending December 28, 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-028accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending December 28, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending January 04, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-029accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending January 04, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Repoit 10. : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending January 25, 2019 Recommertded Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-032accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending January 25, 2019 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report Page 3 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 11. : Set application deadline and interview dates for six teims expiring on the Teen Commission Recommended Action: Set application deadline and interview dates for six terms expiring on the Teen Commission and approve: 1.) Applications due in the City Clerk's office by 4:30 p.m. on Friday, May 10; and 2.) Interviews held beginning at 3:30p.m. on Tuesday, May 28and Wednesday, May 29 (as needed) Staff Repoit A - Adopted Resolution Governing Teen Com:'nission Recruitment 12. : Fiscal year 2019-20projects proposed to receive funding from the Road Maintenance and Rehabilitation Accoiu'it (RMRA), created by Senate Bill 1 (SBI). Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-033 to list all fiscal year 2019-20 projects proposed to receive RA4RA funding, created by Senate Bill 1 (SB l), and reaffirm commitment to fund previously adopted projects with RMRA funding. Staff Report A - Draft Resolution 13. : Conduit Lease Agreement to permit Crown Castle NG West, LLC to utilize a section of conduit owned by the City of Cupertino and located along Stelling Road, for the purposes of expanding their fiber optic network in exchange for $12,600 of new conduits being installed in the City. Recommended Action: Staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 19-034 to authorize the City Manager to execute a Conduit Lease Agreement, in substantial form as that attached, between the City of Cupertino and Crown Castle NG West, LLC. 14. Staff Report A - Draft Conduit Lease Agreement B - Draft Resolution C - Leased Conduit Exhibit D - Equivalent New Conduit Exhibit Recommended Action: Approve an Agreement between the City of Cupertino and Pavement Engineering, Inc. (PEI) in the amount not to exceed $315,105.00 from the date of execution through June 30, 2020, and authorize the Director of Public Works to execute service orders necessary to carry out all consultant services under the Agreement for the various street asphalt improvement projects. Staff Repoit A - Draft PEI Master Agreeinent Page 4 City Council AGENDA Apri} 2, 2019 15. : First Amendment to the Verizon Wireless Ground Lease to facilitate unprovements necessary to collocate AT&T facilities on the existing cell tower located on the Civic Center Property (10300Torre Avenue), subject to the terms of any previously issued City planning permits. Recommended Action: Staff recommends that Council adopt Resolution No. 19-035 to authorize the Interim City Manager to execute a First Amendment to the Antenna Ground Lease between the City of Cupertino and GTE Mobilnet of California Limited Partnership d/b/a Verizon Wireless Staff Report A - First Amendment Draft Lease B - Draft Resolution C - Photo Simulations of Completed Tower D - Original Lease E - Resolutions and Staff Repoit for Original Tower Application STUDY SESSION 16. : Presentation and study session on City's updated financial forecast and capital financing options. Recommended Action: Receive presentation from {JFI (Urban Futures, Inc.) and provide direction to staff. Staff Retioit SECOND REAI)ING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS Page 5 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 17. : FY 2019-20Com+'nunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Program, Below Market Rate (BMR) Affordable Housing Fund (AHF), and General Fund Human Service Grants (HSG) Program funding allocations RecommendedAction: 1. Adopt Resolution No. 19-036 approving the FY 2019-20 CDBG, BMR AHF, and HSG funding allocations. 2. Authorize the City Manager to negotiate and execute FY 2019-20 CDBG, BMR AHF, and HSG grant agreements Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution B - FY 2019-20 NOF A RFP C - FY 2019-20 CDBG, BMR. and HSG Grant Application Descriptions D - Hocising Coinmission Resolution 19-01 E - Sample CDBG Capital Housing Project Grant Agreement F - Sample CDBG Public Service Grant Agreement G - Sai'nple BMR AHF Public Services Grant Agreement H - Sample HSG Grant Agreement ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 18. : 2019General Plan Annual Progress Report (Application No.(s): CP-2019-01; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide) Recommended Action: That the City Council accept the General Plan Annual Progress Report. Staff Repoit A - 2019 Ii'nplen'ientation Plan 19. : Approve the City Work Program for FY 2019-20 Recommended Action: Approve the City Work Program for FY 2019-20 Staff Reloit A - Proposed FY 2019-20 Citv Work Program B - FY 20 l 8-2019 City Work Prograin items Completed or Cancelled C - Coininunity Engageinent Work Program Meino Page 6 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 20. : Consideration of resolution to change the order of business for Regular City Council meetings to move "Reports by Council and Staff' ahead of "Oral Communications" (continued from March 19) Recommended Action: Rescind Resolution No. 11-176and adopt Resolution No. 19-024changing the order of business for Regular City Council meetings to move "Reports by Council and Staff' ahead of "Oral Communications" Staff Retioit A - Adopted Ordinance No. 11-2081 B - Adopted Resolution No. 11-176 C - Draft Resolution REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF 21. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 7 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 The City of Ctqyertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6,' litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is annovmced vmless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Crtpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upori request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Cormcil after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Cormcil packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Crtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irxclude any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 8 City Council AGENDA April 2, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Cormcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Covmcil on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 9 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCII Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, SustainabilityCommission,TeenCommission,and Technology,Information,andCommunicationsCommission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances wil first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code 92.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATINGWITHCOUNCIL Ii All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharf SScharf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY : Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the ' meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. If!lalal.llll.lllllllIl.lljll0.1llluUjOlllll..llluUIIjlljLllllllffifflullulalfflj00jjljjj.Illallllll0txa+naiaiaui71illl__.._........._i**iiiiaaii a ==-=aiaii-==-==........._._.._........_._..........._......I! NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAlt Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) Thursday (replay) INTERNET Friday (replay) 10:00 a.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00a.m. 6:45 p.m. 7:00 p.m. City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TEIEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Ha!l) Fire (Emergency) Fire (Non-Emergency ) Garbage Gas & Electricity Recreation & Community Services Police (Emergency) Police (Non-Emergency) Public Health Sanitary Sewers Water General Information and Comments Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch Santa Clara County Fire Dept. Recology South Bay Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) Quinlan Community Center Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch Santa Clara County Sheriff Santa Clara County Public Health Cupertino Sanitary District San Jose Water California Water (408) 777-CITY 911 (408) 378-4010 (408) 725-4020 1-800-743-5000 (408) 777 -3120 911 (408) 868-6600 (408) 732-3720 (408) 253-7071 (408) 279-7900 (650) 917-0152 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Sunday, March 24, 2019 9:00 AM Non-Televised Special Meeting Closed Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Sunday, March 24, 2019, commencing at 9:00a.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION SPECIAI, MEETING 1. : Public Employee Employment (Gov't Code 54957(b)(1); Title: City Manager Recruitment ADJOURNMENT S't-A-i-E o-t CAaL!:p'i2: )'."ii:'A Eu.' LLE-I' N N a3 [ '10 ( ((,) Dz'!i.7i"E Prrge I il@ City Council AGENDA March 24, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a fmal decision of the City Cormcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is annormced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideratiort within ten calendar days of the date the Ciffl Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/irtdex.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia[ assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Covmcil meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.I00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irtclude any personal or private information in written communications to the CUy that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have ori the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg ariy item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetmg before or during Page 2 City Council AGENDA March 24, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Covmcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. nen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedvre described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 3 dimm -"L : + ' h l_ '.!-Z AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL ( A '! Tuesday, March 19, 2019 Televised Special Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf Councilmember Councilmember H,ea!heAr&&lV!fnner X / GraceSCFlm:dt Staff Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views: Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l tT rQons ana ma Council members ask questions recommendation Applicant or / 4-] Council members ask questions Appellant makes / i presentation (up to jO mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. j ( Mayohrecalonsnegsthe ) l A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by lega advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCII MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Counci Chamber of the Cupertino Community Halli 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, March 19, 2019 5:00 PM Televised SpeciaA Meeting Study Session (5:00) and Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTmO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, March 19, 2(fl9, commencing at 5:00p,m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, t&35* Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:00 PM STtJDY SESSION 1. : CityWorkProgramforFY20l9-20 Recommended Action: Review and provide direction on City Work Program for FY 2019-20 Staff Repoit A - Proposed FY 2019-20 City Work Program B - FY 2018-2019 Citv Work Program iteins Completed or Cancelled C - Proposed Planning Commission Items FY 2019-20 Work Prograin D - Materiats fi'om Priority Setting Session of Felirciary 2. 2019 REGULAR MEETING Page I ADJOUfflENT City Council AGENDA March 19 2019 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM ROLL CALL CEREMONIAI, MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1. : Presentation on CASA by AsSiStant City Attorney Recommended Action: Receive presentation on CASA and provide any direction to staff 2. 3. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorzs wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Uriless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted 07? simultaneously. 4. Page 2 City Councit AGENDA March 19, 2019 5.: Consider entering into a :tunding agreement with Santa Clara Valley Transpottation Authority (VTA) to allow the City of Cupeitino to receive 2016 Measure B funds for expenditure on street improvement projects witl'iin the City tliat qualify ru'ider tl'ie Measure B Local Streets and Roads Program (LS&R). Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to enter into a funding agreement with Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) for the 2016Measure B Local Streets and Roads Program. Staff Retioit A - Draft Funding Agreei'nent 6. Subject: Resignation of Housing Commission member (Finaiicial Representative) Poonam Goyal and initiation of recrriitment process for filling the unscheduled vacancy. Recommended Action: 1. Accept the resignation of Housing Commission member (F inancial Representative) Poonam Goyal; and 2. Direct staff to initiate the recruitment process and approve the application deadline and interview date for filling the unscheduled vacancy: Deadline for applications: 4:30 p.m., Friday, May 3, 2019 Applicant interview date: 5:30 p.m., Tuesday, May 21, 2019 Staff Report A - Resignation Letter B - Special Vacancy Notice C - Resolution Governing Recruitment 7.: Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Sizzling Lunch Corporation (dba Sizzling Lunch), 10033 Saich Way Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for Sizzling Lunch Corporation (dba Sizzling Lunch), 10033 Saich Way Staff Repoit A - Application 8.: Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Juanxiang Corporation (dba Easterly), 10495 S. De Anza Boulevard Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for Juanxiang Corporation (dba Easterly), 10495 S. De Anza Boulevard Staff Repoit A - Application STUDY SESSION - Continued from earlier Special Meeting at 5:00 PM Page 3 City Counci[AGENDA March 19, 2019 9. SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 10. : Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Annual Housing Element Progress Report (APR) Recommended Action: Accept the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Annual Housing Element Progress Report (APR) Staff Reooit A - Housing Element Annual Progress Report Form 2018 11. : Renewal of Friendship City Relationships (continued from February 19) Recommended Action: Approve renewal of five Friendship City relationships, including Jiangmen, China; Taichung, Taiwan; Taipei, Taiwan; Yilan, Taiwan; and Zhaoqing, China Staff Report A - Policies and Guidelines B - Cupertino Friendship Cities List C - Cupeitino-Jiangmen Friendship City D - Cupeitino-Taichung Friendship City E - Cupertino-Taipei Friendship City F - Cupeitino-Yilan Friendship Citv G - Cupeitino-Zhaoqing Friendship City 12. : Consideration of resolution to change the order of business for Regular City Council meetings to move "Reports by Council and Staff' ahead of "Oral Communications" Recommended Action: Rescind Resolution No. 11-176and adopt Resolution No. 19-024changing the order of business for Regular City Council meetings to move "Reports by Council and Staff" ahead of "Oral Communications" Staff Repoit A - Adopted Ordinance No. 11-2081 B - Adopted Resolution No. 11-176 C - Dratt Resolution Page 4 City Council AGENDA Marc}i 19 2019 13. : Consideration of tlie City Council sui'mner meeting schedule and cancellation of meeting(s) Recommended Action: Consider the City Corincil summer meeting schedule and cancel meeting(s) or provide direction to staff Staff Retioit A - Council Draft Aeenda Forecast July-August REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND ST AFF 14. : Repoit on Cominittee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 5 City Council AGENDA March 19, 2019 The City of Crtpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6,' litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is arxnormced urdess a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petitiort for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Crtpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more i4ormation or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. Irx compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ariyone who is plartning to attend the next City Covmcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Counci[ meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Ciffl Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rqyon request, in advarxce, an assistive listening device cart be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documerxts provided to a majority of the Cvtpertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Crtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comtmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persortal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy righ'(s you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 6 City Council AGENDA March 19, 2019 cortsideration of that item. If you wish to address the Covmcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. When you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If J,'OZ/ wish to address the Ciffl Cormcil on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 7 I , THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF I CITY COUNCIL i, Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by . the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- I yearterm. : The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council.i , These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, i Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission,, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. : Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: i - Association of Bay Area Governments ,' - LeagueofCaliforniaCities ' - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association ' - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCCLibraryDistrict - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF I The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. 1. I I I i ! 3 ! I ! ( I J ] J TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code 02.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. i}. iCOMMUNICATINGWITHCOUNCIL II j All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org i i I StevenScharf SScharf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 : LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 ' DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 I RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 , JonRobertWilley JWilley@cupertino.org (408)777-3193 ExecutiveAssistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408)777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY i i Please note: the City Council r3iscourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not I provide enough time to give the mate-rials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the I meeting,asleastonecopymustbegiventotheCityCIerkforthepermanentrecord,andtencopiesarepreferred. l NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HAIL EMAIL I ' Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify : TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public ' serviceannouncements,andotherprogramsofcommunityinterest,onChannel26inCupertino. Themeetings ' are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and communityinformation can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public senAce messages, and emergency , announceme nts. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 ' Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 , I PublicHealth Santa Clara CountyPublic Health (408)732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 ' Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 : CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 , I CUPERTINO AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL Tuesday, March 5, 2019 Non-televised Closed Session (6:00) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Rod Sinks Councilmember Steven ScharF Liang Chao Mayor Vice Mayor Speaker's Podium Darcy Paul Councilmember Jon Robert Willey Councilmember ( )COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBERI 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org ( v CONDUCTOFBUSINESS % The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identifythemselves. PUBIIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCII MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Counci Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: I Maaygoer':nd'aroidteumces t vciosiutsncoromuetsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaantYonss' l mrecommendatlon 4__I Councilmembersaskquestions % / Applicantor /4-A Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I / presentation / / (up to 10 mins.) / I Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item l+_-l Speakers submit a Request tol Speak card, and are allowed up to i l 3 minutes per individual. Council i l members may ask questions of t speakers. (Mayohrecalorlsnegsthe ) l I A Council member makes a motion (;,11;y Council _ M and obtains a second. vales bn the i agenda item: i The City Council then discusses the i motion(s) and votes. ,,iffi,I,,,sll,,,0,,,,,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,,,0s,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,-,,,,,,0,,,%,,-,,,,,,,,0-,,,,,,-,,,,,,,,,,,0,,-,,,,000,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,0,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,, ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,,i,,0,-l,,,, Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orz, or you can purchase the items on CD. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, March 5, 2019 6:00 PM Non-televised Closed Session (6:00) and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) CLOSED SESSION - 6:00 PM City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue 1. : Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation. Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code section 54956.9(d)(2): one potential case RECESS PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM Community Hail, 10350 Torre Avenue ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 2. : Proclamation proclaiming March as American Red Cross Month and presentation from the Arnerican Red Cross regarding local activities Recommended Action: Present Proclamation proclaiming March as American Red Cross Month and receive presentation from the American Red Cross regarding local activities 3. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Page I City Council AGENDA March 5, 2019 This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 4. : Approve the February 19 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the February 19 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 5. Staff Report SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 6.Subject: Approve the Mid-Year Financial Report and recommended budget adjustments for Fiscal Year 2018-19 RecommendedAction: 1. Accept the City Manager's Mid-Year Financial Report for FY2018-19 2. Approve Budget Modification 1819-043 for Mid-Year adjustments as described in the Mid-Year Financial Report 3. Adopt Resolution No. 19-021 approving Mid-Year budget adjustments Staff Report A - Draft Resolution B - Mid-Year Financial Report for Fiscal Year 2018-19 C - Mid-Year Perforinance Measures D - Mid-Year Budget Adjustment Journal Page 2 City Council AGENDA March 5, 2019 Recommended Action: 1. Receive and approve the Fee Report for tlie 2019 Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee; and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-022Initiating a Proceeding to Obtain Approval of the City of Cupertino's 2019Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee, a property-related fee conforming to Article XIII D, Section 6 of the State Constitution; and 3. Adopt Resolution No. 19-023 Adopting Ballot Procedures for the City of Cupertino 2019 Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee; and 4. Call for a Public Hearing, tentatively scheduled for May 7, 2019, to receive input from the public about the proposed 2019Clean Water and Storm Protection Fee, and to determine whether there is a majority protest to the proposed fee. Staff Report A - Fee Repoit-20 19 Clean Storin Water and Protection Fee B - Draft Resolution C - Draft Resolution D - Draft Notice of Public Hearing REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND ST AFF Ptrge 3 City CounciJ AGENDA March 5, 2019 10. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 4 City Council AGENDA March 5, 2019 The City of Cttpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Cormcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cttpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http.'//www.cttpertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliarxce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Cormcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Cotmcil meeting to arrarige for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Cormcil meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Covmcil after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked firom the agenda/minutes page on the Cttpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications setxt to the Cupertino City Covincil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that J/'OZ/ do not viish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 5 City CounciJ AGENDA March 5, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Cormcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Cormcil, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. ert you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Cormcil O?? any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meet'mg following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. Page 6 THE CITY COUNCIL AND ST AFF CITY COUNCII Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association I - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. l'}nuunn..ni niu iaunniiiv.uui Illl.llFlllljllai IOIIOI 1111111111 1111 ninu niinnn n i i i_un . n. xi i+nmuiinai ini nnnn.ii.nv i xi uv tn I 10 *u ii ai iai *ai*aaaai i aaaaaa aii iii II lll#lllll Ill i* i a.aa. i .u 1111 1011 I *a*uiaimaa #ll#l #ll#llll TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES i Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will I first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second Ireading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which , Jtime the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEAIS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community I Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the ' City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a , reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org Steven ScharF SScharf@cupertino.org LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupenino.org CityHall www.cupertino.org (408) 777-3191 (408) 777-3192 (408) 777-3195 (408) 777 -3194 (408) 777-3193 (408) 777-1312 (408) 777 -CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meetinz as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL i Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. ....-.....--....ll.}.._......_.........-.l....................._........_.._........_.._......................_......_...._...._........_._....._._--......._..........._._........_..._............_........_..__...._._.___.___....._..__.___._...________i __ USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbag,e RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff (408) 868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitary District (408) 253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO l I - -l t .} I<,A.)t)%- D,4,'["E AGENDA OF THE CITY COUNCIL j.... _ _ _ _ _ . aaa . -. . _. __ . _ _ ___., ,.__... . _ __ _ _ _._.. _ m Tuesday, February 19, 2019 Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) S 2 Speaker's Podium COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER "r 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org - __ __ ____ _ _ j. CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. I The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel,litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. I AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and i Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.or@, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITI COUNCIL DECISION IS FIN AL Prior to seeking judicial review of any , adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for i reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City"s decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.orH/index.as for a reconsideration petition form. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:ndlaroidteumces "1 vciosiutsncoromuetsmidbeercsomrempou"nicaantyionss' l mrecommendation <- Council members ask questions I / Applicantor /4__1 Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I / presentation / / (up to 'I0 mins.) / I Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item q Speakers submit a Request to I Speak card, and are allowed up to l 3 minutes per individual. Council I members may ask questions of speakers. I (Mayohrecalorlsnegsthe) , l l A Council member makes a motion Councir 4- and obtains a seCond.-votes on the I agenda item I Tale Clf)/ Councfl tt1en dfscusses iFle I motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, February 19, 2019 5:30 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, February 05, 2019, rommencin;; at 5:30 p.m. for a Closed Session in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A CLOSED SESSION 1. Page I City Council AGENDA February 19, 2019 2. matter) ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Council Chamber ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTATIONS POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not 07? the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 1. 2. Page 2 City Council AGENDA February 19, 2019 4. : Approve the February 5 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the Februaty 5 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes Recommended Action: Authorize the City Manager to execute a five-year lease agreement with the Coffee Society, 10800 Torre Avenue, Cupeitino, CA 95014 Staff Reooit A - Draft Coffee Societv Lease Agreement (2019) : Renewal of Friendship City Relationships Recommended Action: Approve renewal of five Friendship City relationships, including Jiangmen, China; Taichung, Taiwan; Taipei, Taiwan; Yilan, Taiwan; and Zhaoqing, China Staff Repoit A - Policies and Guidelines B - Cupeitino Friendship Cities : Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Stout Cupertino, LLC (dba Stout Burgers & Beers Cupertino), 10088 N. Wolfe Road Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for Stout Cupertino, LLC (dba Stout Burgers & Beers Cupertino), 10088 N. Wolfe Road Staff Repoit A - Application SECOND REAI)ING OF ORDINANCES Pay,e 3 City Council AGENDA February 19, 2019 PUBLIC HEARINGS STUDY SESSION 9. ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 10. : Provide direction for the use of increased County staffing budget for the Santa Clara County Library for FY 19/20 of $428,596 Recommended Action: Provide staff direction whether to: 1. Use the additional staffing budget from the County of $428,596/year to reduce the City's existing $468,023/year contribution for 12 additional Library hours per week and redirect $428,596 of City funding toward a new program room attached to the Library (Option 3 as provided by the Santa Clara County Library District); or 2. Use the additional staffing budget from the County of $428,596/year (including consideration to add additional City funds over and above the $468,023/year) to implement one or more of the options provided by the Santa Clara County Library District (Options IA, IB, 2A, 2B, 2C, 4 or any combination thereof). Staff Repoit A - SCCLD Increased Personnel Budget Options B - Go Go Biblio Flyer 11. : 2018Pavement Maintenance Project, Project No. 2019-103contract award Recommended Action: Authorize the city Manager to award a contract to G. Bortolotto & Co. in the amount of $2,584,568and approve a construction contingency of $258,000 for a total of $2,842,568. Staff Repoit A - 2019 0verlay Street List B - Contract Documents Page 4 City Council AGENDA February 19, 2019 12. : Initiation of declaratory relief or other appropriate action to determine validity of referendum petition against Resolution No. 18-085and receipt of City Attomey memorandum regarding this and three other referendum petitions protesting Vallco Town Center Specific Plan Project. Recommended Action: Tliat the City Corincil arithorize the City Attorney, on behalf of the City Clerk, to initiate a declaratory relief action or other appropriate action to determine whether a referendum petition against Resolution No. 18-085 (approving a General Plan amendment for the Vallco Town Center Specific Plan Project) substantially complies with Elections Code requirements. The City Council will also receive a memorandum from the City Attorney regarding the status of this and the three other referendum petitions protesting Vallco Town Center Specific Plan Project. City Attorney Memo regarding Vallco Referendum Petitions A - Dec. 6, 2018 letter from Sean Welch B - Dec. 18, 2018 letter from Sean Welch C - Resolution No. 18-085 (presented to and voted on by Council) D - Table LU-l (as appears in ceitified resolution provided to proponentsj E - Modified Table LU-I (as it appears in referendum petition) F - Ordinance No 18-2178 (adopted by Council & provided to proponents G - Modified Zoning Map (as it appears in referendum petition) H - City Clerk's Feb. 13. 2019 Receipt Rejecting Referendum Petition REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF 13. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 5 City Council AGENDA February 19, 2019 The City of Cupertirto has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challengirig a final decision of the City Counci[ must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federa/ law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), arxyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that rieeds special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meetirig agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/miwtes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cihp's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg arty xtem that is described in the nohce or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 6 City Council AGENDA February 19, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. When you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 7 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - AssociationofBayAreaGovernments - League of California Cities - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym - West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for ' interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. '-TlIlllllIIIllllullllllUIfflllllllujllJIIlIIlll@II}1111!llllull!llllNAIAlll+jlu&lllUllLll!llulll01l.liullluullffijlkUllll31lllllll01JlulllNlulJa}llluUllllIfflulOllOIIllAIAllUllll&aaiiiia 11111181 jaajllllffialjllfflllllafflffljl TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code g2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WITH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharF SScharf@cupertino.org (408)777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org (408)777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org (408)777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org (408)777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org (408) 777-3193 Executive Assistant LaurenS@cupertino.org (408) 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org (408)777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not pmreoevtidlnegeansoulegahstti0mneetco0gpiyvemtuhset mbeatgeivreianlstfoatirheevca,iltuyactiioen,. flofrytohue mpeursmtapnroevnitder=wcfJrtdt,ea.nlmd atte.en.iIicJ71s,ole.:,Jah7ee_Jlp.arey,o_efrrJehdJ__l USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS CityofCupertino (CityHall) Generallnformation andComments (408)777-CIT/ Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services Police(Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff dispatch 911 Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CITY OF OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95m 4-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING CLOSED SESSION CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special Meeting Closed Session of the Cupertino City Council scheduled for Tuesday, February 05, 2019 at 5:15 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014 was cancelled due to a lack of business. Dated this 5th day of February, 2019 STATE OF CALIFORNIA Grace Schmidt City Clerk 13ULLETiN l S-'70i Di-;l'E CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Tuesday, February 5, 2019 5:15 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:15) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINg CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, February 5, 2019, commencing at 5:l5p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, 'GSpecial Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION SPECIAL MEETING 1. : Public Employee Dismissal/Release; (Gov't Code Section 54957(b)); Consideration of terms of separation for Acting City Attorney/Senior ASSistant City Attorney. ADJOURNMENT :":hi"'..h-LG"FCALNN-)"2.iR.r'J'rA C\e-V- HALL.Ui.iL.LETnN BOAR'L-) iXr CYr-Y Cite' Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 The City of Cytpertjno has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation chaiienging a final decisioiy of the City Council must be brought within 90 days ctfter a decision is announced unless a shorter tirne is required b)i State or Federal law. Prior to seeking fitdicial review of any adjudicatoty (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the reqviirements of Cztpertino Mzmicipa[ Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more inforination or go to http://wwwi.cvtpertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a recomidei-ation petitioi'y forny. In compliance with the Americaz-ys with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone W/70 is plcmning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has ai'ty disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advayyce of the Coymcil meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advctnce, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative fonnat. Also vtpon request, it'i advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or docywents pmvided to a majority of the Cytpertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection iyy the City Clerk's Office located at City Hail, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page 077 the Cvtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cytpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cztpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter 07? the agenda are inchtded as sttpplementai material to the agendized item. These written comwmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private iidormation in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dyging Page 2 City CounciI AGENDA February 5, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council 077 any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Covmcil, and deliver it to the Cleilc prior to discussion of the item. When you are called, proceed to the podium ayid the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council m? any other item not O/7 the agenda, yot.t may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the sanye procedure described above. Please limit yovg conwents to three (3) mimdes or less. page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL Quinlan Center Cupertino Room, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Saturday, February 2, 2019 9:00 AM Special Meeting Council Priority Setting Session NOTICE AND CAI,L FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupettino City Council is hereby called for Saturday, February 02, 2019, cornmencing at 9:00 a.m. at the Quinlan Center Cupertino Room, 10185 N. Stelling Road, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting," SPECIAL MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE / 1 ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on arxy matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from ma)cing any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. F,X'F.D('TSJ'. TO REVIEW CURRENT CITY MISSION ST ATEMENT AND PROVIDE GtuDANCE ON DEVELOPMENT OF CITY VISION AND VALUES ST ATF,MENTS "The Mission of the City of Cupertino is to provide exceptional service, encourage all members of the community to take responsibility for one another, and suppoit the values of education, innovation and collaboration." FOCUS ON UPCOMING YEAR What is success in broad terms, i.e. residents more engaged with higher level of transparency and outreach? WORK PLAN IDEAS TO ACHIEVE GOAlS: 1. ParkMasterPlanCompletion(RCS/PW) Take Community, Commissions, and City Council feedback, conduct CEQA review, and btaang plan back for adoption. 2. Review General Plan/Zoning Ordinance (CDD) Update with Objective Standards as necessary in Vallco and Heart of the City Specific Plans, the North De Anza, South De Anza, South Sunnyvale Saratoga and Monta Vista Conceptual Plans, and in the residential, commercial, and industrial zones of the zoning ordinance. 3. Commissions and Committees (Mergers? New?) (City Clerk and Liaison Departments) There have been some discussions regarding new commissions, such as for Traffic and Transit, and making other committees more robust, such as with the Legislative Action Cotnmittee 4. Comtnunity Engagement (Public Affairs) Work with Block Leaders, Neighborhood Watch, and neighborhood associations and groups to be neighborhood representatives and stakeholders in city relations. Increase membership and engagement to attain these goals. 5. City webpages for high profile projects or isSues (Public Affairs) Ensure that information is present in a thorough, fact-based, and a timely & consistent .f format that allows residents to rcce,ive pro5cct or issue updates automatically': '..- %... 6. Develop funding strategy for implementation of major projccts identified as priorities in completed master plans (Admin Services) Review options for funding major projects such as those included in the Civic Center Master Plan, the Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan, or the Service Center Master Plan. .1,1 7. Modernize Business Tax and Analyze potential revenue measures - Chao (Admin Services) Review opportunities for gross receipt tax, head tax, or development in lieu fees for building and infrastructure 8. ASseSs current athletic use policy, scheduling process and fees schedule (RCS) Review field use policy, including Sunday reservation feasibility, outreach process, scheduling, and program costs and fees. 9. Teen Engagement (CMO) Expand Teen Commission or develop subcommittees or task forces with support and leadership from community volunteers, perhaps senior citizens. Topics could include teen mental health or apprenticeship and internship programs. 20. Traffic Calming and Enforcement - Scharf (PW) Installation of traffic calming infrastnucture, especially around schools. More red light running and intersection blocking enforcement. 21. Establish Code of Ethics - (CA40) Work with coinu'iissions to replace the Code of Ethics that were rescinded in January, 2019. 22. Engage with Philanthropic Organizations to find a way to build ELI housing units for Developmentally Disabled. - Scharf (CDD) 23. Engage with HFH to build ownersMp housing at 10301 Bynne Avenue - Scharf (CDD) Look at possibility of building 608 townhomes, 100% for-sale, 100% affordable. 24. Event Support - Scharf (CMO) Budget funds to support Cupertino Tournament ofBands, specificallyhaving the City bear the cost of sheriff's deputies that is now paid for by the event. 25. Council additions to straw man list PUBLIC COMMENT PRIORITIZATION EXERCISE TF,AMBUILDING EXERCISE REVIEW AND DISCUSS PRIORITIZATION SCORING ADJOURNMENT The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civi7 Procedure §1 094. 6; Litigation chqllenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persom must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitiorts must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://wsvw.cttpertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a recomideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plannirxg to attend the rtext City Covmcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should callthe City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Cormcil meetirxg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, ari assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. 10. Mental Health Initiative for all ages - Chao (CMO) Provide programs and events to focus on mental health for teens, seniors and people in between. 11. Implement Zonar - 3 Dimensional 'Lonfmg Modeling (IT/CDD, Planning) Provide software and training to allow for the three dimensional modeling of zoning and design characteristics such as setbacks and building planes. 12. Develop Cupertino Marketing Program (Public Affairs) Provide consistent and broad marketing of City programs to increase resident engagement and Cupertino branding. Public Relations Campaigns to enhance Cupeitino image for residents and region. 13. Councilmember Webpages and Outreach (IT/Public Affairs) Provide updated and consistent webpages to provide committee assignments and calendars. Explore ideas such as meet Councilmember at parks, walk with a Councilrnember 14. Green Building Code Local Amendments (CDD, Building) Direct staff to look into the possible adoptionof Green Building Codes more stringent than State standard Title 24. 15. Participate in Regional Electrification Building Reach Code Effort (CDD) Direct staff to actively participate in the regional effort to examine building electrification reach codes along with other cities in Silicon Valley Clean Energy and Peninsula Clean Energy (San Mateo County). 16. Climate Adaptation Plan (CMO, Sustainability) Direct staff to create a "Resilient Cupertino Plan" that incorporates the vulnerability/hazards assessments with an action plan, taking into consideration future climate projections related to the hazards within the City (wildfire, drought, earthquake, flooding etc.). 17. Clitnate Action Plan 2.0 (CMO, Sustainability) Direct staffto beginpIanning for what is next beyond the current scope and tirneframe of the existing CAP. 18. Proactive Legislative Support - (CMO) Conduct Request for Qualifications and enter into agreement with legislative lobbying firm to proactively provide Council with analysis and lobbying support. Work with West Valley cities to potentially share lobbyist contract services. Work with regional and state organizations to promote local control. 19. Public Safety Support - Chao (CMO) Provide recommendations to residents and businesses on video camera surveillance, review current city surveillance video cameras. Also review providing references or recommendations on other anti-crime best practice. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cttpertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linlced from the agenda/minutes page on the Cttpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cttpertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council corgcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideratiorx of that item. ff you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agertda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. J/F7xen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public commentportion of the meetingfollowing thesame procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. ', . ,- .2 yawl , : ', , :,-'. , ,l"" ' C a 'l- 'E, X I ' j , i. : . '} :-,' :t ila fh5) L/ r '- 'J Ili' CUPERTINO AGENDAOFTHE cnyP! "' ii uii un nnniiii n n iii n niii nii un nun n miii ii.tuni nnnnn ii _ uni niuurit. uirilll.lllllllllllui uttiuti!Alllllllll.lllOlllOUfflmiUll :'10NAlla.':l'llllJll!1 0111!14UlnlllNU WJ.l'u0".!O lllllllLllllllOl00..l. 11111.1' o = Tuesday, February 5, 2019 Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf Councilmember / / Grace Schmidt Rocio Fierro Acting City Attorney, Timm Borden -,, @.. Interim City Manager P - Staff Staff -- Staff Speaker's Podium / '%COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org ( v CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 10 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as persannel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trig,@er special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AV AILABLE ON THE WEB A(4endas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.orH, or you can purchase the items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.095. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.orz/index.as px?page=l25 for a reconsideration g petitionform. l. .-.-...- ..-.-..-. . .. ..............-..... ....--......-....-.w.... .................,.,.........j City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. a FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: l TT re))ons ana ma 4 Council members ask questions recommendation l Applicantor / Councilmembersaskquestions Appellant makes / I presentation (up to 4 0 mins. Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item Mayor closes the hearing l City Council votes on the agenda item Speakers submit a Request to Speak card, and are allowed up to 3 minutes per individual. Council members may ask questions of speakers. A Council member makes a motion and obtains a second. The City Council then discusses the motion(s) and votes. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, February 5, 2019 5:30 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, February 05, 2019, commencing at 5:30 p.m. for a Closed Session in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A CLOSED SESSION 1. 2. ADJOURNMENT REGULAR MEETING Page I City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Council Chamber ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1. 2. POSTPONEMENTS ORAI, COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 3. : Approve the January 15 Chy Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the January 15 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 4. Page 2 City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 5. :AcceptAccountsPayablefortheperiodendingNovember09,2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-014accepting Accounts Payable for the period endingNovember 09, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Report : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending November 16, 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-015 accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending November 16, 2018 A - Dratt Resolution B - AP Report : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending November 23, 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-016accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending November 23, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Repoit 8. : Accept Accounts Payable for the period ending November 30, 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-017accepting Accounts Payable for the period ending November 30, 2018 A - Draft Resolution B - AP Repoit 19-018 accepting the City Investment 9. : Annual adoption of Pension Trust Investment Policy Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. Policy for the Pension Trust Staff Report A - Draft Resolution B - Pension Investment Policy 10. : Treasurer'sInvestmentReportforQuarterEndingDecember31,2018 Recommended Action: Accept the Treasurer's Investment Report for Quarter Ending December 31, 2018 Staff Report A - Investment Poitfolio. Wells Fargo Value Comparison Report, Suppler SECOND READING OF ORDINANCES Page 3 City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 11. : Second reading and enactment of an ordinance to amend regulations in Title 2, Administration and Persoru'iel of the Municipal Code Chapter 2.80, to allow up to five (5) members for the Fine Arts Commission. Recommended Action: Conduct the second reading and enact Ordinance No. 19-2182: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending regulations in Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Municipal Code, Chapter 2.80, to allow up to five (5) members for the Fine Arts Commission" Staff Repoit A - Draft Ordinance 19-2182 PUBLIC HEARINGS ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 12. : Approval of a Legal Services Contract for City Attorney Services with Shute Mihaly and Weinberger. RecommendedAction: 1. Authorize the City Manager to execute an agreement with Shute Mihaly and Weinberger for City Attorney Services in the amount of $600,000 aru'iually. 2. Approve Budget Modification Number 1819-038 reducing the Administration-City Attorney budget by $770,889. Staff Report A - Request for Proposal B - Agreeinent 13. : Order the abatement of a public nuisance (weeds) pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 724 and Resolution No. 18-111 (Continued from January 15) Recommended Action: Note objections and adopt Resolution 19-019ordering abatement of a public nuisance (weeds) pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 724 and Resolution No. 18-111 Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution B - Weed Abatement Program Commencement Report C - Notice to Destroy Weeds and Program Schedule D - Approved Resolution No. 18-111 STUDY SESSION Page 4 City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 14. : Dra:it Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Recommended Action: Accept presentation on the Draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan ("Master Plan") and provide direction regarding desired revisions. Staff Repoit A - Input on Draft Master Plan. Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, 01.16.19 B - Input on Dratt Master Plan, Teen Foruin, 01.22. 19 C - Input on Draft Master Plan. Public Workshop, 01.23. 19 D - Input on Drafk Master Plan, Parks & Rec Comm. Draft Meeting Minui E - Input on Draft Master Plan, Additional Public Comments. through 01.. F - Input on Draft Master Plan, Public Comi'nents Received. 01.29. 19 to 0 ORDINANCES AJSJD ACTION ITEMS - Continued 15. : Possible Fornnation of a Santa Clara County Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) subregion allowing the City the option of trading allocation of housing needs among participating entities (continued from January 15). Recommended Action: That the City Council 1. Review the by-laws proposed for the RHNA subregion and 2. Adopt Resolution No. 19-009authorizing tlie City Manager to discuss the fori'nation of a Santa Clara County RHNA subregion and develop a work plan, budget and schedule of actions leading to the formation of a countywide RHNA subregion. Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution B - SCC RF-INA Subregion by-laws C - San Mateo County RHNA Subregion Bylaws 2011 D - RHNA subregion overview E - Pros and Cons of RHNA Subregion 16. : Adopt a resolution to approve the Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No 19-020to approve the Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study Staff Report A - Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study B - Draft Resolution REPORTS BY COUNCIL AND STAFF 17. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments Page S City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 ADJOURNMENT Page 6 City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provgsxons of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6,' litigation challenging a final decision of the City Cormcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced rmless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persom must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, a't assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avewe, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.I00writtert communications sent to the Cupertino City Co'tmciL, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 7 City Council AGENDA February 5, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on (27?),' other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 8 THECITYCOUNCIL ANDSTAFF CITY COUNCIL Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- year term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library Commission, Parks and Recreation Commission, Planning Commission, Public Safety Commission, Sustainability Commission, Teen Commission, and Technology, Information, and Communications Commission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: - Association of Bay Area Governments League of California Cities Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association SCC Emergency Preparedness Council SCC Library District SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District SCC Transportation Authoritym West Valley Mayors and Managers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 ca1endar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. COMMUNICATING WJTH COUNCIL All Council members: citycouncil@cupertino.org StevenScharf SScharf@cupertino.org 408 777-3191 LiangChao LiangChao@cupertino.org 408 777-3192 DarcyPaul DPaul@cupertino.org 408 777-3195 RodSinks RSinks@cupertino.org 408 777-3194 Jon Robert Willey JWilley@cupertino.org 408 777-3193 ExecutiveAssistant LaurenS@cupertino.org 408 777-1312 CityHall www.cupertino.org 408 777-CITY Please note: the City Council discourages submission of written materials on the day of the meeting as this does not provide enough time to give the materials fair evaluation. If you must provide written materials on the day of the meeting, as least one copy must be given to the City Clerk for the permanent record, and ten copies are preferred. NEWS AND NOTICES FROM CITY HALL EMAIL Sign up for e-notification of agendas, elections, and other news on the city website at www.cupertino.org/notify TELEVISION The City Channel broadcasts City Council and Planning Commission meetings, as well as agenda previews, public service announcements, and other programs of community interest, on Channel 26 in Cupertino. The meetings are shown at these times: Tuesday (live) 6:45p.m. Friday(replay) lO:OOa.m. Thursday (replay) 7:00 p.m. Saturday (replay) 9:00 a.m. INTERNET City Council and Planning Commission videos are available on demand at www.cupertino.org. Select "I Want To, View City Council meetings". News and community information can also be found at: https://www.facebook.com/cityofcupertino/ https://twitter.com/CityofCupertino https://www.instagram.com/cityofcupertino AUDIO Tune into Radio Cupertino, 1670 AM, for meeting announcements, public service messages, and emergency announcements. USEFUL TELEPHONE NUMBERS City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 ServiCeS Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police (Non-Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff (408) 868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Friday, January 25, 2019 5:30 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Friday, January 25, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, G'Special Meeting." ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION SPECIAL MEETING 1. : Conference with Legal Counsel pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2); Re: Anticipated Litigation/Significant Exposure to Litigation 2. ADJO'[TRNMENT City Council AGENDA January 25, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking fitdicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cttpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.crtpertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrarige for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Ariy writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cvq:iertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Averiue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cvtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Coynmissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as - supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public. through the City's website arid kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished net to irtclude any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall conshtute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 2 City Council AGENDA January 25, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Covmcil, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. When you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Co'ymcil on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meetirig following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Tuesday, January 29, 2019 5:00 PM Non-televised Special Meeting (Commission Interviews) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, January 29, 2019, commencing at 5:00p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the counci7 on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the co't.mcil from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. S' i-t"JT"t, '"-P' C.'A LI F ' ' u', :'1 r,"( COMMISSION INTERVIEWS PENALTY P.."L' aH-HAaF CLI"A (L),'-','-[E) l f'2-'Ltt') a Lf 'o5 f.M l pE ;:3i,-,E'i!,Ai,4,'/ I'iNLE- I'-:<- FlC L./"..Gbf'(DA ON "1-N4E slGN.fARB Page ] City Council AGENDA January 29, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Covmci[ on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the puMic comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) mimttes or less. Page 4 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Monday, January 28, 2019 5:00 PM Non-televised SpeciaJ Meeting (Commission Interviews) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Monday, January 28, 2019, commencing at 5:00p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS SPECIAL MEETING This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the covmcil on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. 3ti i'i"Xar H5', (Xi 7p (JJI'T,(.';F*'.:,LX ) )SS.COMMISSION INTERVIEWS 'U, Page 1 City Council AGENDA January 28, 2019 A - Interview Schedtile B - Commission Diversity Resolution C - Advisory Commissions Resolution D - Parks & Recreation (uestions E - Parks & Rec Applications F - Planning 0uestioi'is G - Planning Applications H - Library Questions I - Library Applications J - Current Commission List K - 2018 Commission Attendance Repoit ADJOURNMENT Ptige 2 City Council AGENDA January 28, 2019 The City of Cttpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the Ciffl Covmcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seekirxg judicial review of any adjridicatory (quasi-judicial) decisiorx, interested persons must file a petition foy- reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitiorxs must comply with the requirements of Crtpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cttpertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Council meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Covmcil meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also rtpon reqriest, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Crtpertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cttpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communicatiorxs sent to the Cvq:iertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as sztpplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Cormcil concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 3 Ctty Council AGENDA January 28, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Covmcil on any issue that is 07? this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, aiqd deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Cormcil on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. Page 4 CUPERTIN0 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COtJNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Tuesday, January 15, 2019 5:15 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:15) CUPERTINONOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THECITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino CityCouncil is hereby called for Tuesday, January 15, 2019, rrimmpnring at 5:l5p.m.in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on thesubject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." The regularmeeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber,10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION 1. : Public Employee Dismissal/Release; (Gov't Code Section 54957(b));Consideration of terms of separation for Act\,,Ci&AOttFomCeAyL/SIeFniOoPr,AlNsIsAistantCity Attorney. ADJOURNMENT CO[%NT\ OF SANTA CLARA La 'i.LETNN BOARD AT CITY HALL page 1 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 The City of Crtpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Cotmcil must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federa7 law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-fitdicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plargning to attend the next City Courtcil meeting who is visua[[y or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistarice should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, irt advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alterriative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office [ocated at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Crtpertino Municipal , (!.ode 2.08.l00writterx commurtications sent to the Cupertino City Council, " 'Cr'flj-trfiSsi;orters or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as 'k-. ,supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are : hgreby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written "' -' communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall o- constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to ( the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning arxy item = - that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetmg, before or during Page 2 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agerida, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City CormciL on any other item not 072 the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avent'ie, Conference Room A Monday, January 14, 2019 6:00 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Monday, January 14, 2019, commencing at 6:00p,m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION SPECIAL MEETING 1.: Conference with Labor Negotiator (Government Code Section 549576); City designated representatives: Director of Administrative Services and City Manager,, Employee organizations: Operating Engineers Local No. 3 Union; Ctipertino Employees' Association; Unrepresented (Management and Confidential) Employees' Compensation Program 2. : Conference with Legal Counsel Code Section 54956.9(d)): Anticipated Litigation; (Government a. Significant Exposure to Litigation (Governinent Code Section 549569(d)(2)) (2 matters) b. Possible Initiation of Litigation (Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(4)) (2 matters) Page I City Council AGENDA January 14, 2019 Subject: Conference with Legal Counsel - Pending Litigation; (Government Code section 54956.9(d)): a. Friends of Better Cytpeyatino, et al. v. City of Czq>ertino (SB 35 Vallco Project); Santa Clara County Superior Court, CaseNo. 18CV330190 b. Friends qf Better Cvtpertino, et ai. v. City of Cupertino (Vallco Specific Plan - 2 0rdinances); Santa Clara County Superior Court, Case No. 18CV337015 c. Committee Supporting Cupertino Citizens' Sensible Growth Initiative, et al v. Schmidt, et ai. (Measure C); Santa Clara County Superior Court Case N0. 16CV296322 d. Sparks, et al., v. Schmidt, et ai. (Gateway Initiative); Santa Clara County Superior Court Case No. 16CV301471 ADJO'URNMENT Page 2 City Council AGENDA January 14, 2019 The City of Cvtpertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation chalienging a final decision of the City Council iriust be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter tiine is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of cmy adfitdicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City C[erlc mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must coynply with the reqx.tirements of Cvtpertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://wvvw.cupertino.orglindex.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petitioiy forin. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Cound[l meeting whoii's visually'or' 4ear,ing impaired or has any disability that iyeeds sp6ciai,,,,,q5.;iJgBpe, should call the City (:)jerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in, advance of ;the"Council meeting'to arrange foy- assistance. Upon request, in advance, b'y a person with a disability, City Cotmci? meeting agendas and writings distributed for the ineeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate aiternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majoiity of the Cupertino City Council afler publication of the packet will be made available for public iyispectioi-y in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hail, 10300Torre Avenue, during nomai business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page m7 the Cupertino web site. 'IMP.O.RTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuai'it to Cxtpertino Mmicipal Code 2.08]OOwritten communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as sytpplementai material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. YOZ/ are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information iri written communications to the City that you do not wish to make p;itb[ic; doing so shai7 constitute a waisier of any privacy rights you may have on the informatioi"i provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during Page 3 City Council AGENDA January 14, 2019 consideration of that itein. If J,IOZ/ wish to address the Council 077 any issue that is O/7 this agenda, please complete a speaker req;itest card located in froi-;it of the Covmcii, and deliver it to the Cietic prior to discussion of the item. nen you are called, proceed to the podivon and the Mayor uiili recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other itein not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public conwent portion of the ineetii'tg following the same procedure described above. Please limit your coinynents to three (3) minutes or less. STATE OF CALIFORNIA C OF t EM- P i OF: E- ffi -OF m!NO , DEPART- MEN'l", S TE UNDP PENALTY OF POSTED THE NOtICFjAGENDA ON TI-iE BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY I-IALL. Page 4 STATE OF CALIFOR-NIA CUPERTINO DUJ,LETJN BOA D AT (JITY HALL. t /9 l-g ,l i" AGENDA OF THE CIT"'(UNCIL ' S[( ( ....__.-........_.._.._._.. - . . - .. maa"!!!!!!!T ... ._ .. . .. _. .:JAfiURB Tuesday, January 15, 2019 Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) Steven Scharf Rod Sinks Vice Mayor RociopierroCounc'lmemSber "i / / :;'raceSchmidtActing City Attorney, , City Clerk Interim City Manager P., i Staff - Speaker's Podium ( COMMUNITY HALL COUNCIL CHAMBER 10350 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3220 (CITY HALL) WEBSITE: www.cupertino.org ...... ..___.._..__........._.l I r CONDUCT OF BUSINESS The Mayor is the presiding officer of the City Council. Any member of the public may speak on any item on the agenda for up to three minutes. All statements and questions must be addressed to the Mayor. PUBLIC HEARINGS The City Council is required by law to I hold public hearings on certain matters prior to making its decision. Notice to interested parties is given by legal advertisement in the local newspaper of general circulation at least 20 calendar days preceding the hearing date. Applications requiring public hearings include change of zoning, variances, use permits, and tentative maps. COUNCIL MEETINGS The City Council regularly meets the first and third Tuesdays of each month. These meetings are held in the Council Chamber of the Cupertino Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, at 6:45 p.m. Closed sessions, when needed, are normally held at 6:00 p.m. Closed sessions cover items such as personnel, litigation, or the sale, purchase, or lease of property. Actions taken in closed sessions are not final until acted upon in public session. Urgent business, holidays, or election days may trigger special or adjourned meetings. These meetings will be noticed beforehand. AGENDAS, MINUTES, AND PACKETS AVAILABLE ON THE WEB Agendas, minutes, and packets for current and prior City Council and Planning Commission meetings are available at www.cupertino.or@, or you can purchasethe items on CD. CITY COUNCIL DECISION IS FINAL Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City"s decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.orH/index.as petitionform. ' " 1 for a reconsideration City Council hearings serve as a venue for the discussion of sometimes divergent points of view. Please respect the opinions of others and refrain from outward expressions of emotions such as cheering or clapping. Such behavior delays the meeting and may intimidate other persons wishing to express alternate views. Loud, unruly outbursts will result in removal from the meeting. The proceedings of the meeting are recorded, therefore members of the audience who address the City Council must come to the lectern/microphone, and are requested to complete a Speaker Card and identify themselves. FLOWCHART FOR AGENDA ITEMS: Maaygoer:ndlaroidteumces t vCiosiutsncorlomuetsmi:eercosmrempou'nicaant4nss'a l mrecommendation +__l Councilmembersaskquestions 'i / Applicantor /4__4 Councilmembersaskquestions / Appellantmakes / I j / presentation / / (upto10mins.)/ ' I l Mayor invites members of the public to speak about the agenda item Q Speakers submit a Request to l Speak card, and are allowed up to i 3 minutes per individual. Council i members may ask questions of t speakers. (Mayohrecalorisnegs the ) I l I A Council member makes a motion CityCouncil - andobtainsasecond. ' votes on the I agenda item i The. City Council then discusses the i motion(s) and votes. ..,.......-......-...-.-....... ........._..........._............._.... ......................-........-.......-..-..-...-....._.._..............................................-......-..l. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue and 10350 Torre Avenue Tuesday, January 15, 2019 5:30 PM Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session (5:30) and Televised Regular Meeting (6:45) NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, January 15, 2019, commencing at 5:30p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 9.5014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, G'Special Meeting." The regular meeting items will be heard at 6:45p.m. in Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL - 5:30 PM 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A CLOSED SESSION 1. : Conference with Real Property Negotiator (Gov't Code 54956.8); Property: 10800 Torre Avenue, Agency Negotiator: Chad Mosley (Coffee Society); Under Negotiation: Lease Extension 2. ADJOURNMENT Page I City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 REGULAR MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE - 6:45 PM 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hail Council Chamber ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS POSTPONEMENTS 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the council on any matter not on the agerxda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the council from making any decisions with respect to a matter riot listed on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. 2. : Approve the December 18 City Council minutes Recommended Action: Approve the December 18 City Council minutes A - Draft Minutes 3. Page 2 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 Subject: Out of Class Compensation for Interim City Manager Appointment RecomtnendedAction: 1. Adopt Resolution 19-007 to revise the Appointed (City Manager and City Attorney) Employees' Compensation Program 2. Approve Out of Class Compensation for Interim City Manager, Timm Borden. Staff Reoort A - Draft Resolution B - Redlined - Appointed Employees' Compensation C - Clean Version - Appointed Employees' Compensation D - Administrative Procedures E - Unrepresented Employees' Compensation F - CalPERS Legislation Circular Letter - 200-021-18 hrge 3 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 10. : RescindResolutionNo.l8-115whichadoptedtheCityofCupertino Code of EtMcs and Conduct for Elected and Appointed Officials Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-008rescinding Resolution No. 18-115 which adopted the City of Cupertino Code of Ethics and Conduct for Elected and Appointed Officials Staff Report A - Draft Resolution 11. Subject: Approve Budget Modification No. 1819-035 resulting in an increased budget appropriation of $1 7,927 to fund Cupertino's contribution to the Santa Clara/Santa Cruz Community Roundtable on aircra'Jt noise Recommended Action: Approve Budget Modification No. 1819-035 resulting in an increased budget appropriation of $17,927to fund Cupertino's contribution to the Santa Clara/Santa Cruz Community Roundtable on aircraft noise Staff Report A - Final Roundtable Funding Calculations 12. : Santa Clara County Regional Housing Needs Allocation (RHNA) subregion formation. Recommended Action: That the City Council adopt Resolution No. 19-009 (Attachment A) to authorize the City Manager to: 1. Enter into discussions related to the formation of a Santa Clara County RHNA subregion and develop a work plan, budget and schedule of actions leading to the formation of a countywide RHNA subregion and 2. Present a recommendation on whether or not to participate in the RHNA subregion upon further study and discussions. Staff Repoit A - Draft Resoiution B - RHNA subregion overview C - Pros and Cons of RHNA Subregion 13. : Application for Alcohol Beverage License for Kura Sushi USA, Inc. (dba Kura Revolving Sushi Bar), 19600 Vallco Parkway, Suite 160 Recommended Action: Recommend approval to the California Department of Alcoholic Beverage Control of the application for Alcohol Beverage License for Kura Sushi USA, Inc. (dba Kura Revolving Sushi Bar), 19600 Vallco Parkway, Suite 160 Staff Repoit A - Application SECOND REAI)mG OF ORDINANCES Page 4 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 PUBLIC HEARINGS 14. : Consider whether to authorize the formal submission of a General Plan Amendment application to increase height, revise building plane, and reduce setback for a modified General Plan Amendment Authorization application for a 155-room hotel to replace an existing 8,323 sq. ft. commercial building (Goodyear Tire,) A previous General Plan Amendment Authorization application (GPAAUTH-2017-01) was authorized to submit General Plan Amendment applications by the City Council in August 2017. (Application No.(s): GPAAuth-2018-01; Applicant: Sherly Kwok(De Anza Properties); Location: 10931 N. De Anza Boulevard; AJ'N(s): 326-10-061) Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-010after determining if General Plan Amendment Authorization application (GPAAUTH-2018-01) is authorized to move forward to apply for General Plan Amendments. Staff Report Attachment A - Dratt Resolution Attachment B - City Council policy for GPA application procedures Attacl'u'nent C - Goodyear Tire site project plans Attachment D - Project Description Attachment E - Preliminary Fiscal Impact Analysis prepared by EPS, Inc. ORDINANCES AND ACTION ITEMS 15. : Accept the City of Cupertino Storm Drain Master Plan dated September 2018 Recommended Action: Adopt Resolution No. 19-Ollaccepting the City of Cupertino Storm Drain Master Plan dated September 2018 Staff Repoit A - Draft City of Cupertino Stoim Drain Master Plan B - Draft Resolution Page 5 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 16. : Discussion and consideration of a potential new property-related fee for clean water and storm drainage; approve funding of up to $140,500to complete a Proposition 218compliant storm water management fee study and balloting process; receive completed public opinion survey findings of SCI Consulting Group concerning the proposed fee; and approve the following recommendations: Recommended Action: 1. Receive the findings of the survey; and 2. Authorize staff to retain SCI Consulting Group for a contract amount not to exceed $140,500to complete a Proposition 218compliant property related storm water management fee study by March 2019 and completion of a potential balloting process as early as July 2019; and 3. Direct staff to bring the storm water management fee study back for Council consideration with an amount of up to an additional $50 per year charge for a typical residential parcel and a new additional charge for apartment/commercial/industrial and vacant parcels as will be determined by the storm water management fee study; and 4. Approve Budget Modification 1819-036and adopt Resolution No 19-012 approving a Budget Adjustment in the amount of $140,500to complete a storm water management fee study and balloting process. Staff Report A - Voxloca Survey Results B - Cupertino and Other Agencies Revenue, Cost and Comparison C - SCI Residential Surveys D - Draff Resolution E - SCI Proposal 17. : Introduction of an ordinance to amend regulations in Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Municipal Code Chapter 2.80, to allow up to five (5) members for the Fine Arts Commission Recommended Action: Conduct the first reading of Ordinance No. 19-2182: "An Ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending regulations in Title 2, Administration and Personnel of the Municipal Code, Chapter 2.80, to allow up to five (5) members for the Fine Arts Commission" and schedule second reading for February 5, 2019 to enact said ordinance Staff Repoit A - Draft Ordinance B - Redline Ordinance Page 6 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 18. : Order the abatement of a public nuisance (weeds) pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 724 and Resolution No. 18-111 (under Postponements was continued to February 5 and will be re-noticed) Recommended Action: Order the abatement of a public nuisance (weeds) pursuant to provisions of Ordinance No. 724and Resolution No. 18-111(under Postponements was continued to February 5 and will be re-noticed) 19. : Coiu'icil Committee assignments Recommended Action: Approve Council Committee assignments A - 2019 Committee Assignments REPORTS BY COtJNCIL AND STAFF 20. : Report on Committee assignments and general comments Recommended Action: Report on Committee assignments and general comments ADJOURNMENT Page 7 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 The City of Cupertino has adopted the provisiom of Code of Civil Procedure §1094.6; litigation challenging a final decisiort of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails rtotice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Courtcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public,' doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the Ciffl. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concernmg any item that is described in the rxotice or agertda for this meeting, before or during Page 8 City Council AGENDA January 15, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Council on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and de(iver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. W?ien you are called, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting followirtg the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 9 i THE CITY COUNCIL AND STAFF CITYCOUNCIL 'I Cupertino is a General Law city organized under and subject to statutes of the State of California. It is governed by , the five-member City Council with the Mayor as the presiding officer. City Council members are elected at-large to i four-year, overlapping terms. Each November a mayor and a vice-mayor are selected by the City Council for a one- , yea r term. The City Council receives advice and assistance from eleven advisory bodies, which are appointed by the Council. These are the Audit Committee, Bicycle Pedestrian Commission, Fine Arts Commission, Housing Commission, Library ' COmmiSSiOnl ParkS and Recreation COmmiSSiOnl Planning COmmiSSiOnl PubliC Safety COmmiSSiOnl SuStainability I Commission,TeenCommission,and Technology,Information,andCommunicationsCommission. Council members also serve on a variety of regional bodies, including: , a Association of Bay Area Governments - League of California Cities : - Santa Clara County (SCC) Cities Association ' - SCC Emergency Preparedness Council - SCC Library District - SCC Emergency Preparedness Commission - Santa Clara Valley Water Commission and Water District - SCCTransportationAuthoritym ' - WestValleyMayorsandManagers STAFF The City Manager and the City Attorney are appointed by the Council. The City Manager is responsible for interpreting and carrying out Council policies and direction, and as the chief administrative officer, the City Manager . coordinates the many activities of the city and appoints the professional and technical staff. The City Attorney is the advisor to the City Council as a whole. """""Oaasai***siaaa iii aa a aaaaai iaaiaaa ai aiai i ii II 111111111111111 01 I aii 100111 iai "'i mnniinu u i i tx iiiui u+niinnuamiun im ---uuu.iiiiiiiibaiai*si ia**ai 101 111017100 mnllf' l == u m inuuauaut_llllllllnuuiniiuvau--Allluuu -- -- - : TYPES OF COUNCIL ACTIONS ORDINANCES Ordinances are the means by which the City enacts its local laws. Unless an urgent situation exists, ordinances will first be presented at a Council meeting as a "first reading." At a subsequent Council meeting, there will be a "second reading and adoption." Ordinances go into effect after a waiting period of thirty days, in most cases, during which time the summary of the ordinance is published in a local newspaper approved for this purpose. RESOLUTIONS Resolutions and minute orders are the means by which the City Council formally adopts policies or approves specific actions. These go into effect when adopted. APPEALS Any interested person, including a Council member, may appeal a Planning Commission or Director of Community Development decision to the City Council. An appeal must be submitted in writing to the City Clerk within 14 calendar days of the mailing of the notice of the decision. RECONSIDERATION Prior to seeking judicial review of any adjudicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to www.http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx?page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. USEFULTELEPHONENUMBERS i City of Cupertino (City Hall) General Information and Comments (408) 777-CITY Fire (Emergency) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. dispatch 911 Fire (Non-Emergency ) Santa Clara County Fire Dept. (408) 378-4010 Garbage RecologySouthBay (408)725-4020 Gas & Electricity Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E) 1-800-743-5000 Recreation & Community Quinlan Community Center (408) 777-3120 Services i Police (Emergency) Santa Clara County Sheriff dispatch 911 Police(Non-Emergency) SantaClaraCountySheriff (408)868-6600 Public Health Santa Clara County Public Health (408) 732-3720 SanitarySewers CupertinoSanitaryDistrict (408)253-7071 Water SanJoseWater (408)279-7900 CaliforniaWater (650)917-0152 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CITY COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, Conference Room A Tuesday, January 8, 2019 5:30 PM NOTICE AND CALL CITY COUNCIL Non-televised Special Meeting Closed Session FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino City Council is hereby called for Tuesday, January 08, 2019, commcncing at 5:30p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL CLOSED SESSION SPECIAL MEETING 1. : Public Employee Appointment; Title: City Attomey; Authority: California Gov. Code Sections 54957, 54957(b); Interviews with outside law firms to provide City Attorney services under contract. 2. : Public Employee Appointment; Title: City Attorney; Authority: California Gov. Code Sections 54957, 54957(b); Topic: Recruitment of in-house City City Council AGENDA January 8, 2019 The City of Cvq:iertino has adopted the provisions of Code of Civil Procedure §I094.6; litigation challenging a final decision of the City Council must be brought within 90 days after a decision is announced unless a shorter time is required by State or Federal law. Prior to seeking judicial review of any adfitdicatory (quasi-judicial) decision, interested persons must file a petition for reconsideration within ten calendar days of the date the City Clerk mails notice of the City's decision. Reconsideration petitions must comply with the requirements of Cupertino Municipal Code §2.08.096. Contact the City Clerk's office for more information or go to http://www.cupertino.org/index.aspx? page=l25 for a reconsideration petition form. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next City Co't.mcil meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the Council meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, City Council meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, irt advance, an assistive listenirtg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writirtgs or documents provided to a majority of the Cupertino City Council after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the City Clerk's Office located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and'm Council packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or prxvate information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirig so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights J,'0u may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the City Council concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetmg; before or during Page 2 [j§ Counci}AGENDA January 8, 2019 consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Covmcil on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Council, and deliver it to the Clerk prior to discussion of the item. en you are cal7ed, proceed to the podium and the Mayor will recognize you. If you wish to address the City Council 07? any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE OF THE CITY CIERK CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL NOTICE OF ADJOURNMENT OF THEJ ANUARY 2, 2019 MEETING NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino City Council scheduled for Wednesday, January 02, 2019 was adjourned to Tuesday, January 15, 2019 at 6:45 p.m. for the purpose of conducting business, Community Hall Council Chamber, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Dated this 2nd day of January, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia Deputy City Clerk CUPERTINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255(408) 777-3308 - FAX (408) 777-3333 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION CUPERTINO ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the CupertinoEnvironmental Review Committee scheduled for December 19, 2019, willbe cancelled for a lack of business, The next regular meeting will be Thursday, January 2, 2020 Dated this 12th day of December, 2019 STATE OF CALIFORNIA /s/ Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Dir of Community Development ) 408-777-3308 ) SS. EIvlPfOYEE QF THE Cl-['Y OF CUPERTIN0 BULLETiN BOARD AT C:N-r'Y HALL. CUPERTINO ROLL CALL CITY OF CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFORNI A APPROV AL OF MINUTES n"h""s""iGNArURE1.$: Draft Minutes of August 1, 2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of August 1, 2019Draft Minutes of August 1, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter notorg the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. In most cases, State law zoill prohibit themembers from making any decisions zoith respect to a matter not listed own the agenda PUBLIC HEARINGS 2.$: Review of the Cupertino Parks and Recreation System Master Plan. The MasterPlan is a planning document intended to ensure that the City's park and recreationsystem meets the needs of the Cupertino community, aiid to @tide the City inallocating resources for future development, rerrovation, and management of City parkand recreation facilities, through the year 2040. A Mitigated Negative Declaration isproposed. Project Name: City of Cupertino Parks and Recreation System Master Plan;Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: Conduct the Public Hearing and find: 1) That the Initial Study is appropriate for the Master Plan; and 2) Recommend that the City Council approve the Mitigated Negative DeclarationParks & Recreation System Master Plan Parks & Recreation System Master Plan Appendices Parks & Recreation System Master Plan IS/MND Parks & Recreation System Master Plan IS/MND Appendices OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Page 1 Envitonmental Review Committee Agenda ST AFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS December 5 2019 ADJOURNMENT Irt compliance zoith the Americans zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte who is planning to attend the next meetiryg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabirity that needs special assista;nce should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi(ity, meetirtg agertdas arid writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil[ be made available in tlie appropriate altemative format. Also upon requast,'m advance, a'n assistive (istening device cart be made available for use dur'mg the meeting. Any roritirtgs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wi[[ be made available for public'mspection. Prease contact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hau Located at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg ryorma[ business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supp7emental material to the agertdized item. niese writtert communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatim't provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duririg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members ort any other item not on the ctgenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 2 CUPERTINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DMSION CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CuPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3308 - FAX (408) 777-3333 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION CUPERTINO ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Environmental Review Committee scheduled for November 21, 2019, will be cancelled for a lack of business. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, December 5, 2019 Dated this 13th day of November, 2019 /s/ Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Dir of Community Development 408-777-3308 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO ENVIRONMENTAL REVIEW COMMITTEE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members 07! any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law voill prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter riot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS STUDY SESSION 2, $: presentation of common CEQA documents and terms Recommended Action: receive presentation and provide any input to Staff PUBLIC HEARINGS $: Development and Use Permits to allow the construction of a 155 room hotel,Architectural and Site approval for a 155 room hotel, Development Agreement and General Plan Amendment for hotel allocation, height and setbacks. A Mitigated Negative Declaration is proposed. AppIication No(s).: ASA-2018-02, DA-2018-01, DP-2018-01, GPA-2018-01, U-2018-02(EA-2018-03); Applicant(s): Sherly Kwok (De Anza Propetties); Location: 10931 N De Anza Blvd. APN#326-10-061 Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing to determine; 1) That the proposed mitigations are not in conflict with the City's General Plan; 2) Recommend to the City Council the approval of the Mitigated Negative Declaration Page I Envitonmental Review Committee Agenda August 1, 2019 r Draft Initial Study Appendix A - Air0uality Appendix B - Health Risk Assessment Appendix C - Noise Data Appendix D - Transportation Impact Analysis Appendix E - Phase I & Phase U ESAs NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT I?2 compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte who is plartrting to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that rxeeds special assistance should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request,-in advance, by a person with a disabilih), meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetirtg that are publ;c records wi(7 be made availab7e in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, irt advartce, an assistive listening device can be made avai(ab7e for use during the meetirtg. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publicatiort of the agenda wi(( be made available for public inspection. P(ease corttact the Cih) Clerk's Office irx City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue dur'mg normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sertt to the Cupertirxo City Courtcil Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter own the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commurticatiorts are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website a;nd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc1ude any personal or private informatiort in written communicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 cortstitute a waiver of aryy privacy rights you may have on the i4ormatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entit(ed to address the members concerrting arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during co'nsideration of that item. If you wish to address the members O?? arty other item not otx the agertda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA cuPERTINo ENVIRON!VIENTAL=RBYI-FS-W-GOM;MITTEE 10300TorreAvenue,(2ityH'an('on[crt'nr9'49 S-J'i"i"l" , AN lla rai L APPROVAL OF MINUTES Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes June 20, 2019 Dratt Minutes of June 20. 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members onany matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisiorts with respect to a matternot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLI(' HF.ARm(.S OLD BUSINESS 2. NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page I Environmental Review Committee AGENDA July 18, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is platming to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance,by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetingthat are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format.Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall (ocated at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino Ciffl Cotmcil,Commissioners or City staff corxcerning a matter on the agenda are included assupplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in writtencommunications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xsdescribed in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration ojthat item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, youmay do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hail Conference Room C Thursday, June 20, 2019 9:30 AM ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES : Draft Minutes of December 13, 2018 RecommendedAction: approveormodifytheDrattMinutesofDecemberl3,2018 Draft Mimites of December 13, 2018 ffB ut mc E OF 'I'] ,l 4T'Y OF c\bT. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS P:'l):8;'.-,".7,4-alF OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS : Welcome new Committee members Recommended Action: Welcome the new members and review the role and responsibilities of the Committee Cliapter 2.84; Environmental Review Committee Example - Initial Study and ERC approval STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page I Environmental Review Committee AGENDA June 20, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarxning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the Ciy Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, ayz assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hail located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public impection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commuriications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as su7'plemental mat;ariaL to the agendized' item. These written communications are accessible to- the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby a4monished.7r4ot to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver oj any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to tJ;e City., Members of the public are emitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 9501 4-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3308 - FAX: (408) 777-3333 CUPERTINO.ORG NOTICE OF CANCEtLATION OF THE CUPERTINO ENVIRONMENT AL REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Environmental Review Committee scheduled for Thursday, June 6, 2019, is cancelled for lack of business. The next regular meeting will be held Thursday, June 20, 2019. Dated this 30th day of May 2019 /s/ Benjamin Fu STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) Benjamin Fu COUN,Y OF , ; . )' "!'?T; D;l of Community Development }) E BULLETiN BOARL) AT CiTY HALL. DAa'E SkGNAJURE CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENfiATE OF CALIFORNIA 10300 TorreMAovnednauye,, sCiotyvi ffiM feb. >z :Q FJ uDL:PAINRTO ROLL CALL Recommended Action: approve or modifj *e D-raft Minutes of SeptembeE 7a, !2'1') Draft A/[inutes of September 23, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishiryg to address the commission on arxy matter noton the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State (aw will prohibit the commissiort from making any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted own the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS STUDY SESSION 2.$: Study Session regarding the proposed policy document for the City ofCupertino Ethics Protocol for Elected and Appointed Officials Recommended Action: Review the policy to provide any input to the City Council Staff Reoort 1- Draft Ethics Protocol NEW BUSINESS 3. $: Young Artist Award applications Recommended Action: Review and select Young Artist Award winners (applications received will be presented as desk items) ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Irt comp(iance with the Americans with Disabiiities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visua(ly or hearirtg impaired or has arty disabilih) that needs special assistance Page I Fine Arts Commission Agenda November 25, 2019 should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meeting to arrange for atsistartce. Upon request, 'm advance, by a person with a disabilih), meeting agertdas arid writ'mgs -distribute4 for the meeting that are public records wi7l be made available iri the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made ava'dable for use during the meetirtg. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the age;nda w'dl be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City CLerk's Office in City Ha77 7ocated at 10300 Torre Avenue during norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupert'mo Municipal Code 2.08.I00 written communications se'4t to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concern'mg a -matter ort the agenda are irycluded as supplemental material to the agertdized item. These written commuriications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rwt to irtclude any personal or private information in written commurtications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shau constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have own the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are erxtit7ed to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members tm any other item not 072 the agertda, you may do so duri;ng the public comment. Page 2 6:30 P'R\)STED THE N C ' THE BULLETIN BO PLEDGE OF AL[EGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.%: Draft Minutes of August 26, 2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of August 26, 2019 Draft Minutes of August 26, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter notoyi the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) mirxutes. Irt most cases, State law zoill prohibit the commissio;n from making any decisiorts with respect to a matter not listed 07? the agertda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2, $: Young Artist Award Program Recommended Action: Provide any updates and discuss outreach opportunities NEW BUSINESS 3,$: Cupertino Marketing Project Recommended Action: Discuss Marketiitg Project (including a potential Cupertino store) and provide recornrnendations to Staff 4. $: Distinguished and Emerging attwork displays Recommended Action: discuss and select pieces to be displayed at the Cupertino Library Page '1 Fine Atts Commission Agenda September 23, 2019 5. $: Art in Unexpected Places Recomrnended.Action:i Determine the next steps for the Art in Unexpected Places program 6.$: Showcasing the film "Drawn Together: Comics, Diversity, and Sterotypes" Recommended Action:. discuss and make a recommendation to Staff ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS This portion of the agenda is for Commissioners and/or Staff to share ideas for future agenda topics, provide updates on Committee, Com*i';s:on or Community meetings attended, and other information for the benefit of the Commission ADJOURNMENT by compriance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartrting to attend the next meeting who is visual7y or hearing impaired or has any disability that rxeeds special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirxg to arrange for assistance. Llpon request, in advance, by a person with a disabilih), meet'mg agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the meetirtg that are public records wir( be made available'trt the appropriate alternative format. A7so upon request, 'm advance, an assistive 7istenirxg device cart be made avairabEe for use durirtg the meeting. Any writings or documents p'rovided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda wi'Lr be made ava'dable for public inspection. P(ease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Hease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 writtett communications sent to the Cupertirto City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter ort the agertda are 'mc(uded as supplementa2 material to the agertdized item. These writtert communicatiorts are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonislied not to'mclude any personal or private information in written commurticatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall cortstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the i4ormation provided to the City. Members of the public are e;ntitled to address the members concerrt'mg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duri'ng consideratiort of that item. If you zoish to address the members on arty other item not o'n the agettda, you may do so dur'mg the public commerxt. Page 2 CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA Amended on 08/22/19 at 1:00 p.m. to add Special Meeting language to agenda and Distinguised & Emerging Artist Award to New Business NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO FINE ARTS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Fine Arts Commission is hereby called for Monday, August 26, 2019, commencing at 6:30 p.m. in City Hail Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ROL[ CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.$: Draft Minutes of July 22, 2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 22, 2019 Draft Minutes July 22, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiorx of the meeting is reserved for persons zoish'mg to address the commission ort any matter not ort the agenda. Speakers are )imited to three (3) minutes. by most cases, State 7azo wiL7 prohibit the commission from making any decisio;ns with respect to a matter riot listed 072 the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Page I Fine Arts Commission Agenda August 26, 2019 2.$: Distinguised & Emerging Artist Award Recommended Action: Discuss cornrnunication to applimats and winners, award (pIaque and check), and council date to present awrds. 3. l: Discuss and plan outreach for the Yotu"ig Artists' Program Recommended Action: Discuss outreach ideas and plans 4.$: Discuss Work Program topics and budget for FY 19/20 - Recommended Action: -Discuss Work Program topics and provide any input to staff ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Irx compliance with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyorte who is plarming to attend the rtext meetirtg who is riisual7y or hearing impaired or has any disabilih) that needs special assistance should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meetirtg to arrartge for assistance. Lrpon request, in advarxce, by a person with a disability, meeti;ng agendas and writings distributed for the meetirtg that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, ire advance, an assistive 7istening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any zoritings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda wirr be made avai(able for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirtg norma( business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communicatiorts sertt to the Cupertino City Cotmcil, Commissioners or City staff co;ncerning a matter on the agenda are included as supp7eme;nta7 material to the agendized item. These writtert communicatiorts are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to'mclude arty persona7 or private information in roritten commuryicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make pub7ic; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irtformation provided to the City. Members of the public are erxtitled to address the members concerrt'mg any item that is described irt the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on arxy other item rtot orx the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA FINE ARTS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Monday, July 22, 2019 6:30 PM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Draft Minutes of March 25, 2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of March 25, 2019 Draft Minutes of March 25, 2019 ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page 1 Fine Arts Commission AGENDA July 22, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte who is plarining to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistartce shogdd call the City Clerk's Ojjjfice at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal busiriess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc(ude any personal or private irtformatiorx in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described irz the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you'>ish to" address the -members on any other item not on the agenda, you ' mayAo so durirtg the public comment: l' i Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA FINE ARTS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Ha,ltCpr4e5<n3e,.gqq@ C Monday, Marc% 25,2029 , 6:30PM' )'-"'c""' ROLL CALL Recommended Action: Approve or modify the Draft\Thut,es of F F l POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comwussxonon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirxutes. In mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2. : DistinguishedandEmergingArtistsAwardProgram2019-2020 Recommended Action: Discuss program STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page I Fine Arts Commission AGENDA March 25, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorie who is planningto attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabilitythat needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance,by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetingthat are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format.Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for CLerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during rxormal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLease be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipa7Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cztpertino City Covmcil,Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded assvtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written comtmmications areaccessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You arehereby admonished not to inc(ude any personal or private information in writtencomrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirig so shallconstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that zsdescribed in the rxotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration ojthat item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, ),IOZ/may do so during the prib)ic comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA FINE ARTS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Thursday, February 28, 2019 6:30 PM Special Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Fine Arts Commission ishereby called for Thursday, February 28, 2019, commencing at 6:30p.m., 10300Torre Avenue, Conference Room C, Cttpertino, California. Said special shall be for the of conducting business,S:(,in,f..lr*e,-Jy)Qjp,q-yH;tgqpdisted below City Hall, d meeting low uMer pltrpOSe the heading"Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirxg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2, : Survey on improving Council-Commision Communications and Work Program Workflow Recommended Action: receive presentation and survey Page I CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA FINE ARTS COMMISSION ROLL CALL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C 6:30 PM COUNTY OE' SAN'iA -.T LAI"-v' Ery4PLOY EE OF ar'ff E llA't' Draft Minutes of December 11. 2018 I i / \,t .t ORALCOMMUNICATIONS oArz (/ / SIGNAT+URE This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirxg to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) miwtes. bt most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page I Fine Arts Commission AGENDA January 28, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the rtext meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wi[[ be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive Listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00writtena co:unications sent to the Crtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duririg corisideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY MAN AGER'S OFFICE CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Economic Development Committee scheduled for Wednesday, November 13, 2019 is hereby cancelled and will be rescheduled. A rescheduled meeting will be held on November 20, 2019, at 10:00 a.m. in the EOC of City HalI, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, Dated this 12th day of November, 2019 /s/ Angela Tsui Angela Tsui, Economic Development Manager Economic Development Committee Staff Liaison Q( ef" i DEPART CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall EOC Wednesday, November 20, 2019 10:30 AM 1. CALL TO ORDER 2. ROLL CALL 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation of Building Electrification Reach Codes by City of Cupertino Sustainability Manager Andre Duurvoort. b. Review current Development Activity Report of new activity in Cupertino. c. Cupeitino minimum wage increase to $15.35 effective January 1, 2020. Notices have been mailed to all non-home-based Cupertino businesses. d. Small Business Saturday Celebration on Saturday, November 30 from 12:00 Noon-3:00pm at Main Street Town Square. 4. GOOD OF THE ORDER 5. ADJOURNMENT DE!-A[=JP- UtlLLET[N BOAi:r) Ar C:flY I-IALL. Page 1 Economic Development Committee AGENDA November 20, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ariyone who is planning to attend the next meeting whn is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistarice. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspectiori. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during riormal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuam to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concernirtg a matter on the agerxda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comm'tmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written commuriications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the pub(ic are entitled to address the members concerriing any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideratiort oj that item.'lf you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPE RTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, November 13, 2019 10:00 AM 1. CAI,L TO ORDER 2. ROLL CAI,L 3. NEW BUSINESS a. Presentation of Building Electrification Reach Codes by City of Cupertino Sustainability Manager Andre Duurvoort. b. Review cuirent Development Activity Repoit of new activity in Cupertino. c. Cupeitino minimum wage increase to $15.35 effective Januatay 1, 2020. Notices have been mailed to all non-home-based Cupertino businesses. d. Small Business Saturday Celebration on Saturday, November 30 from 12:00 Noon-3:00pm at Main Street Town Sqriare. 4. GOOD OF THE ORDER 5. ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA Page ] Economic Development Committee AGENDA November 13, 2019 Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), arxyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members afler publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inc(uded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona7 or private information in written communications to the City that you do riot wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj than item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item rtot on the agenda, you .- map do so during the public comment. ' Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 10800 Torre Avenue, Second Floor Conference Room Wednesday, May 8, 2019 10:00 AM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINTJTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on'the agenda OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1, : Update on Economic Development Strategic Plan (EDSP) work items 2. : Discuss Development Matrix for New Activity in Cupertino STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CAL[F(>RNIA BULLETiN BOAR ' Y }{ALL. SiGNATURE Page I Economic Development Committee AGENDA May 8, 2029 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advarice of the meeting to arrarige for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Ariy writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hail located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public impection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00writtert communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persortal or private irxformation in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that gs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideratiort oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item riot orz the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ECONOMIC DEVELOPMENT COMMITTEE 10800 Torre Avenue, Library, 2nd Fl Conference Room Wednesday, February 13, 2019 10:00 AM CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL NEW BUSINESS 2. : Discuss the development matrix for new activity in Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive information and provide inprit GOOD OF THE ORDER ADJOURNMENT To the May 8, 2019 meeting Page I Economic Development Committee AGENDA February 13, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone 14)/70 is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ttpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oJ public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mrmicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Crtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DMSION CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 CUPERTINO (408) 777-3308 - FAX (408) 777-3333 NOTICE OF CANCELLATION CUPERTINO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Design Review Committee scheduled for December 19, 2019, will be cpncelled for a lack of business. Dated this 12th day of December, 2019 /s/ Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Dir of Community Development 408-777-3308 STATE OF CALIFORN[A B-ULLETrN BOAI="D AT CNTY HALL. CUPERTINO COMMUNITY DEVELOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DMSION CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 (408) 777-3308-FAX (408) 777-3333 NOTICE OF CANCEL,LATION CUPERTINO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Design Review Committee scheduled for November 21, 2019, will be cancelled for a lack of business. This next regular meeting will be held Thursday, December 5, 2019 Dated this 13th day of November, 2019 /s/ Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Dir of Community Development 408-777-3308 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CC)UNTY OF SA.NTA. C t..ARA CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO DESIGN RE 10300 Torre Avenue, Thursday ROLLCALL -,LNV'a'EJCj .ffl") ONIlu"Elaf'lJ dO AID 3Hl ,40 E['EJ,X,01,Ji.-23 APPROVALOFMINUTES j'!V '( p!q4,mffl,0,Nl,aa;1. : Draft Minutes September 6, 201%5 ( RecommendedAction: approveormodifythe6aftMinutesofSQ*'b'effl,"!!'@3dO "E!JfV.LS Dmft Minutes of September 6, 2018 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members 07;1 any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda PUBLIC MEETING 3.: Residential Design Review for a new 4,170square foot, two-story, single family residence with a rear facing balcony located in an Rl-a district. Application No(s).: R-2019-03; Applicant(s): Alfred Devaraj residence; Location: 10713Larry Wy APN#316-02-007 Recommended Action: Conduct the public meeting and find: l) that the project is exempt from CEQA; and 2) approve the application per the Draft Resolution Staff Repoit 1 - Draft Resolution 2 - Plan Set OLD BUSINESS Page I .Design Review Committee AGENDA July 18, 2019 NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS - =' ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who'is visually or hearing impaired or has arxy disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistartce Upon request, in advance, by a persori with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, ari assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public impection. Please contact the C% 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuarit to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Ciffl's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private i4ormation in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall corishtute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members 07? any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT DEPARTMENT PLANNING DIVISION CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE a CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3308 - FAX: (408) 777-3333 CUPERTINO.ORG NOTICE OF CANCELLATION CUPERTINO DESIGN REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the regular meeting of the Cupertino Design Review Committee scheduled for Thursday, June 6, 2019 will be cancelled for a lack of business. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, June 20, 2019. Dated this 30th day of May 2019. STATE OF CALIFORNIA /s/Benjamin Fu Benjamin Fu Acting Dir. of Cornrnunity Development 408-777-3308 QA ,x D4[ e K LL-l,L (( D-E--P-A-.R,, BULLEanN BOARD AT CITY jJALL. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFOP,NIA ) AGEND- "ss' enue; v LTY TIN BO IT\ HALL. 'v'\ Y'\ \,L , NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING nF THF ERTINO DIE- C(25(3y-rugBDA'I'l Special M NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Disaster Council is hereby called for Thursday, November 21, 2019 commencing at 2:00 p.m. in the EOC at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Minutes from August 15, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve minutes from August 15, 2019 A - Draft Minutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter riot 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirtutes. by most cases, State law will prohibit the members from mak'mg any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda NEW BUSINESS 2. $: Discussion regarding Disaster Service Worker - Volunteer Program (DSW-VP) Recommended Action: Discuss DSW-VP regulations and their application in the City of Cupertino 3. $: Upcoming activitieas, trainings, and exercises for Cupertino Citizen Corps Recommended Action: Approve the Citizen Corps Activity Calendar Page I Disaster Council Agenda November 21, 2019 4.$: Report on and discussion of October 2019 PG&E PubIic Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) events Recornmended Action: Receive and discuss report of October 2019 PG&E PSPS events by City of Cupertino OES liaison ST AFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 5.$: Report by the Santa Clara Coin"ity Fire Department a. Office of Emergency Management b. Community Education Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire Department liaison 6. $: Report by the City of Cupertino Office of Emergency Services (OES) Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino OES liaison 7. $: Report by Citizen Corps Recommended Action: Receive report by the Citizen Corps Liaison 8. $: Next Meeting: Thursday, February 20, 2020 ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americarxs with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte roho is planrting to attertd the next meetirtg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. lIpon request, in advance, by a persorz with a disabilih), meeting agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the meet'mg that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, art assistive 7istertirtg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda zoiu be made avai7able for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office'm City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal busiryess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P(ease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written commuryications sertt to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter 07? the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item.. These writtert commurtications are accessib(e to the pub(ic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to irtclude any personal or private information in zoritten commur'tications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doiryg so shar7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights Page 2 t Disaster Council Agenda Novembet 21, 2019 you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arty item that is described in the rxotice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the meynbers on any other item rxot on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA 1. : Approval of Disaster Council Minutes from February 21, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve Disaster Council Minutes from February 21, 2019 A - Dratt Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda PUBLIC HEffiGS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Update on Disaster Council Ordinance 3. : Approval of Citizen Corps Training Calendar Recommended Action: Approve Citizen Corps Training Calendar NEW BUSINESS 4. : Discussion of New City Manager 5. : Presentation of City of Cupertino Emergency Operations Plan Recommended Action: Recommend that the City Council adopt the updated Emergency Operations Plan Page I Disaster Council AGENDA May 16, 2019 Staff Repoit A - Dratt City of Cupeitino Einergency Operations Plan (EOP) STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS County Fire Department 8. : City of Cupertino Office of Emergency Services (OES) Recommended Action: Receive Report by the City of Cupertino OES Liaison ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Disaster Council AGENDA May 16, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wilL be made available iri the appropriate a(ternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvq:iertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erxtitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 3 CuPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA DISASTER COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall EOC Thursday, February 21 2019 ) S S ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reservea .for pei"sons wishing to address the memb s on any matter not 07? the agenda. Speakers are liinited to three (3) minutes. In yiiost cases, State law will prohibit the members.from inaking (7/?)) decisions with respect to a matter not listed oiq the agenda OLD BUSINESS 2. : Approval of Citizen Corps Training Calendar NEW BUSINESS 3.l: Commission Survey and Work Program 4.: City Reorganization 5.l: Welcome new City Council ST AFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 6. : Corinty Fire 1. Emergency Management Page I I)isaster Council AGENDA February 21, 2019 In coiyqpliance with tlie Ainericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend tiie next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has anli disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of tlie iyieeting to arrange for assistance. Upon i"equest, in advance,, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for t7ie meeting that are )"iitblic records will be made available in the appropriate alternative .format. Also itpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available .foi" use during the meeting. An)i writings or docmnents provided to a majority of the inembers after publication oj the agenda will be made available for puMic inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hail located at 10300 Torre Avenue diuaing no'tmai business ho'urs. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertizqo Municipal Code 2.08.l00written coinmunications sent to the Citpei"tino City Council Coinmissioners or City staff concei"iqing a matter on the agenda are inchtdea as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written coimiunications are accessible to t7ie public through tlie City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hei"eb)i admonished not to include an,v personal or private iiformation in written conmz;imicatiotis to t7ie City that )iou do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of an3i privacv rights )iou incty have on the inforination provided to the City. Meinbers of the public are erititled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or di.tring consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the meinbers on any other item not on the agenda, )iou ina,v do so dtuaing the public comment. Pnge 3 C UPE RTINO ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES STATE OF CALTFORNTA CITY OF CUPERTINOLfill l 11 N ) S S COUINTY F s 9:00 AHaJLLET iN BOA SIGNATURE $: Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 STUDY SESSION 2. $: Presentation from Housing Trust of Silicon Valley Recommended Action: receive presentation and provide any input to Staff $: Study Session regarding the proposed policy document for the City of Cupertino Ethics Protocol for Elected and Appointed Officials Recommended Action: Review the policy and provide any input to the City Council Staff Report A - Draft Etlncs Protocol ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission ort any matter not orx the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) mirtutes. In most cases, State Law zoill prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT -by compliance with the Americans zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarxnirtg to attend the Page I Housing Commission Agenda November 24, 2019 next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabilih) that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request, in advance, by a person with a disab'dih), meeting agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeting that are pub(ic records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. Also uporx request, in advance, an assistive 7istenirxg device can be made available for use durirtg the meetirtg. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publicatiort of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue during*ormal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Cowcil, Commissiorters or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemertta7 material to the agertdized item. These writterx communications are accessib(e to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rtot to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do trot wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a zoaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning a;ny item that is described in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during cortsideratiort of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not O?2 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 BULLETJN BO ' C:iT\ HALL. TELECONFERENCE t PUBLIC phgT'relteccoipfherece'u"1"%RMATION o SPREAD OF COVID-19 In accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order No-29-20, this will be a teleconference meeting without a physical location to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Members of the public wishing comment on an item on the agenda may do so in the following ways: 1) E-mail comments by 5:00p.m. on Wednesday, May 13to the Commission at housingcommission@cupertino.org. These e-mail comments will be received by the commission members before the meeting and posted to the City's website after the meeting. 2) E-mail comments during the times for public comment during the meeting to the Commission at housingcommission@cupertino.org. The staff liaison will read the emails into the record, and display any attachments on the screen, for up to 3 minutes (subject to the Chair's discretion to shorten time for public comments). Members of the public that wish to share a document must email housingcommission@cupertino.org prior to speaking. 3) Teleconferencing Instructions Members of the public may obsenre the teleconference meeting or provide oral public comments as follows: Oral public comments will be accepted during the teleconference meeting. Comments may be made during "oral communications" for matters not on the agenda, and during the public comment period for each agenda item. To address the Commission, click on the link below to register in advance and access the meeting: Page I AgendaHousing Commission Online Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://cityofcupertino.zoom.us/webinar/register/WNh46gLziGT30zmha3GFfbJg May 14, 2020 Phone Dial 888 788 0099 and enter Webinar ID: 969 1657 7536 (Type * 9 to raise hand to speak) Unregistered participants will be called on by the last four digits of their phone number. Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: t62.255.37.ll (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 969 1657 7536 SIP: 96916577536@zoomcrc.com After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please read the following instructions carefully: 1. You can directly download the teleconference software or connect to the meeting in your internet browser. If you are using your browser, make sure you are using a current and up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer. 2. You will be asked to enter an email address and a name, followed by an email with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Your email address will not be disclosed to the public. If you wish to make an oral public comment but do not wish to provide your name, you may enter "Cupertino Resident" or similar designation. 3. When the Chair calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on "raise hand." Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. 4.When called, please limit your remarks to the time allotted and the specific agenda topic. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this teleconference meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. In addition, upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative Page 2 Housing Commission Agenda May 14, 2020 format. ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Draft Minutes of Mar* 12, 2020 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the Draft Minrites of March 12, 2020 Draft Minutes of March 12, 2020 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meet'mg is reserved for perso;ns wishing to address the Commission 071 any matter within the jurisdiction of the Commission and not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Law wi77 prohibit the Commission from mak'mg any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS 2.: 2020-25 CDBG Consolidated Plan and the FY 2020-21 CDBG Annual Action Plan (Postponed from the April 9, 2020 meeting) Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing and; Adopt Draft Resolution No. 20-02 approving the 2020-25 CDBG Consolidated Plan and the FY 2020-21 CDBG Annual Action Plan Staff Report A - Draft Resolution No. 20-02 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS FUTURE AGENDA SETTING ADJOURNMENT Irt compliance with the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this teleconferertce meeting who is visually or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should ca77 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. In addition, upon request, in advance, by a persort with a disab'dity, meeting agendas arxd writings distributed for the meeting that are public records zoill be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Page 3 Housing Commission Agenda May 14, 2020 Arty zoritings or documents provided to a majorih) of the members after pub7ication of the age;nda zoi[I be made available for public inspectio;n. r4ease corttact the City Clerk's Office in Cih) Had( (ocated at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P(ease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipa7 Code 2.08.100 writterx communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplementa7 material to the agertdized item. These written commxications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any personal or private'mformation in writtert communications to the Cih) that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of arty privacy rig's you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concernirtg any item that is described irt the notice or agenda for this meetirtg, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agertda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 4 CITY OF CUPERTINO $: Draft Minutes of November 14, 2019 Recornrnended Action: Approve or modify the Draft Minutes of November 14, 2019 draft Minutes HC 11-14-19.doc ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons roishing to address the commission 07? any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from making any decisiorts with respect to a matter not Listed on the ageryda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS O[D BUSINESS Commission Proposals for FY 2020-21 City Work Program Recommended Action: Conduct the Public Meeting; and 1) Provide a list of proposed City Work Progtaam items, identifying the top three proposals A - City Work Program Flow Chart B - Guidance on Commission Proposals for City Work Prog-ram C - FY 2019-20 Housing Commission Work Program D - Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 2.86 E - Commission Proposals for FY 2020-21 City Work Program NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page I Housing Commission ADJOURNMENT Agenda December 12, 2019 by compliance with the Americarts zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hear'mg impaired or has arty disability that needs specia7 assistance shouU cal7 the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meeting to arrange for as.s,istance. Upon request, irt advance, by a person with a disabilih), meet'mg agertdas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made ava'dable in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advartce, an assistive Listening device can be made avai7ab7e for use during the meet'mg. Arty writings or51oc'Hmertts.provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspectiort. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hal7 7ocated at 10300 Torre Avertue during norma7 bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 zoritten commurtications sertt to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerrting a matter on the agertda are inc7uded as supplemerttal material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website artd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona) or private informatiort in written communications to the City that you do ;not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 072 the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernirtg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meet'mg, before or during consideratiory of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Tom Avenue, CityHall Condexence Room C Thursday, October 10, 2019 9mAM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. ;: Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 Reoommended Adion: Approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 Draft Minutes of Tuly 25, 2019 2. : DraftMinutes of September 26, 2019 Reaymtngtded Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of September 26, 2019 Draft Minutes of September 26, 2019 ORAL COMMU!SuCAIIONS This portion of the meet5ag is resmed for permm wishing ki address the wmmission gn my matter wit on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes- In most cases, Stak laut will prohibit the cmmnisswn from making atty decisiom *th respect to a matter mat listed on the agenda WRfITEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 3.Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20Housing Commission Work Program Item: Identifying a list of City owned parcels to be considered for affordable housing (APN, lot size, land use) Recommended Action: Receive list and pyovide any input to Staff A - FY 2019-20 Housing Commission Work Program STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 7fl compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plann'mg to attend the Pagtl Hoasing C Aganda October 10, 2019 next meeting mho is visually m hearing irrtpaired m hgs any disability that needs spe assistmce should cal{ i Ci% Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223,48 ham in adce of the meeting m arrgnge @ assistgtu:e- L{pan request, in fflvmoe, by a pmon with a disddity, meefing agendm gnd vrit#gs distn?mted /or the meeting that gre public rmrds will be mmJle gogilabk in the gpprte al fomat. Also upon request, in advana, an wsMve listening device am be rmde milable /or use durtng the meeting- Any witings or dncub prmikd to a majority of the rtmdms @er publicatima ff the agenda will be made mailabXe /or public inspe&m. Please conmd k City Clerk's Offwe in City Hail kiaited at 10300 Tme Am, during mal ksirims hours. IMPORTAN'r N(Ti'ICE: Please be advised that purt m Cupertinm Muni=ipal Code 2-08.100 written cmnmmiag&ris sea to fhe Cupertino City Counai Cmmnissimers or City st@ amcenting a tter on the agenda gre iJuded as supp/etal ma to the agendizd km. These written crmmmica' are amssUile to the public Utrough the City's websif:e md kept in padwt archives- Ymi areherebyadttxmished not b iru:ludeany persmal grprte #formatim in wriffen aimmuicmims m the C% that you dn rmt vah to make public; doing so shan fitute a vmi'otr of aml p's;y righb you nmy hgue my the infomatinn prmided to the City. As o/ the public gre entitled to address the members ammrrting gny ikm thgt is desm!bed in the rmtice or agenda@ t/m meeting, befirqe or during crmsUeratiun of that item- 'if you wish to address the members O?I a'ny okr itetn mitrm theage'nda, you rngydn so duringthe publicmmrrurnt. STATE OF CALIFORNIA EMaPL-OYEE OF "['H,E CI'['Y OF CUPERT[NO Page 2 CUPERTINO NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a specia7 meeting of the Housing Commissiory is hereby called for Thursday, September 26, 2019, commencing at 9:00 a.m., Cih) Hau, Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Said specia7 meeting sha77 be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading "Special Meeting". SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.$: Election of a Chair and Vice Chair. Continued from the cancelled September 12, 2019 meeting. Recommended Action: nominate and elect a Chair and Vice Chair APPROV AL OF MINUTES 2.$: Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019, Continued from the cancelled September 12, 2019 meeting. Recornrnended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 Draft Minutes of Julv 25, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission own any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State 7aw roill prohibit the commissio;n from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed ort the agertda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS STUDY SESSION Page I Housing Commission Agenda September 26, 2019 3. l: Informational presentation regarding proposed changes to Municipal Code Amendments to 'Qjle 5: Business License and ReguIations and Title 19: Zoning, of the Cupertino Municipal Code to allow Short-Term Rental uses in single-family residential zoning districts. Application No(s).: MCA-2018-02; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: Citywide. Continued from the cancelled September 12, 2019 meeting. Recommended Action: Receive report and provide any input to Staff OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 4,2018-19 Cornmiu"iity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER). Continued from the cancelled September 12, 2019 meeting. Recommended Action: Receive report and provide any input to Staff A - Draft Resolution 19-03 ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT h compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone who is platming to attertd the rtext meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disab'dih) that needs special assistartce should cal( the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi(ih), meeting agendas and toritings distributed for the meeting that are public records wi(r be made avai(ab[e in the appropriate a7ternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agerxda roi7l be made available for public irzspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirtg normal bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirxo Murticipal Code 2.08.100 writte;n communications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Courycil Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agerxdized item. These writtert commurtications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personar or private information in writtery communications to the City that you do not wish to make pub(ic; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Page 2 Housing Commission Agenda Septembet 26, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arty item that is described in the rtotice or agenda for this meet'mg, before or during consideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so durirtg the public comment. Page 3 CUPE RT!NO ROLL CALL CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 1.$: Election of a Chair and Vice Chair. Continued from the cancelled August 8, 2019 meeting. Recommended Action: nominate and elect a Chair and Vice Chair APPROV AL OF MINUTES 2.$: Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019, Continued from the cancelled August 8, 2019 meeting. Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 25, 2019 Draft A/Iinutes of July 25, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the commission on any matter'not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the commission from mak'mg any decisiorts zoith respect to a matter riot listed 072 the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 3.2018-19 Cornrnunity Development Block Grant (CDBG) Consolidated Annual Performance and Evaluation Report (CAPER) Recommended Action: Receive report and provide any input to Staff A - Draft Resolution 19-03 Page I Hotising Commission Agenda September 12, 2019 4. $: Informationa2 jresentation regarding proposed changes to Municipal Code Amendments to Title 5: Business License and Regulations aitd Title 19: Zoning, of the Cupertino Municipal Code to allow Short-Term RentaI uses in singIe-farniry residential zoning districts. Application No(s).: MCA-2018-02; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; 'Location: Citywide ". Recommended Action: Receive report and provide any input to Staff ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americarts with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistarxce should cau the City C(erk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, irx advance, by a person with a disabi7iti), meeting agendas artd writ'mgs distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, art assistive (isterting device can be made availabde for use during the meetirtg. Arty writirtgs or documents provided to a majorih) of the members after pub(ication of the agenda w'dl be made available for public inspectiort. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Cotuacil, Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter ort the agertda are included as supp7emertta7 material to the agertdized item. These v.orittert communications are accessible to the pubdic through the City's website arid kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to'mclude any personal or private information irt written commrmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pub7ic are entitled to addreJ>s the members concerning arxy item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so durirtg the pub7ic comment. Page 2 PERT INC HOUSING CO F T i'-i TY OF CUPERTINO DEPAF;'T- S ll" POSTED THE I'%JOTIC, : END ON THE ROLLCALL BULLETIN BOAR HALL. CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATI - ' l\ DAaI'E SIGNATURE 1.$: Election of a Chair and Vice Chair Recommended Action: nominate and elect a Chair and Vice Chair APPROV AL OF MINUTES 2. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not o;+z the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. by most cases, State Law wi7l prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 3. $: Presentation from Housing Trust of Silicon Valley Recommended Action: receive presentation and provide any iriput to Staff ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans zoith Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attend the next meeting zoho is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours'm advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disab'dity, meeting agendas and writ'mgs Page J Housing Commission Agenda August 8, 2019 distributed for the meeting that are pub7ic records w'dl be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, an assistive 7isten'mg device cart be made ava'dable for use during the meetirtg. Any writings or documents'firovided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be ma.de available for puMic inspectiort. Please contact the City Crerk's Office irt City Hall Located at l0300'Torre Avenue durSg'nr:iimal bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupert'mo Mtmicipa( Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupe,rthno City Cowcil, Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemerxtal materia7 to the agertdized item. These roritten 'communications are accessible to the publi'c through the Cih)'s voebsite and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private informatiort in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the Cih). Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerrting any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agetxda, you may do so durirtg the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPERTiNO HOUSING C AN10300 Torre Avenue, City OF CUPERTINO Thursday,July25,2019 DEPARI'- 9:00A1'!ENT, STATE tJNDER PENALTY OF ¥1'!¥'¥'¥ g¥sdupep.ru)ay TH,jr,ON (DATEi) PE'l ALLYsp-ia44!, THE NO I hi ENDA ON THE BULLETIN B TY HALL. Thursday, Jtdy 25, 2019, commencing at 9:00 a.m., Cih) Hall Conferertce Roam C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the head'mg "Specia7 Meet'mg" SPECIAL MEETING: ROL[ CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirxutes. 77? most cases, State law zoill prohibit the commissiort from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS STUDY SESSION 2.$: Below Market Rate (BMR) Linkage Fees Update for the Cupertino BMR Housing Program. Application No(s).: CP-2019-01; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: Receive update and provide any input to staff Page I Housing Commission Agenda July 25, 2019 Staff Report A - July 2019 Economic Feasibility Analysis prepared by Strategic Economics B - LeSar Development Consrtltants Peer Review i, C - Track Changes Draft Economic Feasibility Analysis prepared by Strategic Ecor;omics- ."'<"' "" ' D -Strategic Economics Memorandum Regarding Peer Review OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS -= STAFFANDCOMMISSIONREPORTS .. ADJOURNMENT In compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone who is pla;nrtirtg to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance shourd carr the Cih) C(erk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, irt advance, by a persorx with a disability, meetirtg agertdas and zorit'mgs distributed for the meeti;ng that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. A(so upon request, in advance, art assistive listetting device can be made available for use during the meetirtg. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after pub7ication of the agertda will be made available for public inspectiort. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hal7 Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communicatiorts sertt to the Cupertino City Courtcil Commissioners or City staff concerrting a matter 072 the agenda are included as supplemental materia[ to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to include any perso;nal or private irtformation in written communications to the City that you do rtot wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have ort the i4ormation provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in the rtotice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not ort the agertda, you may do so durirtg the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Thursday, July 11, 2019 9:00 AM ROLL CAI,L APPROVAL OF MINUTES ORAL COMM{JNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMTJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Recommended Action: receive presentation and provide any input to Staff STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CALIFORNI A IH3, 15 A"N' DEPAR-r' POSTED T[-{E NOTIC ' 5NDA ON TN-JE Housing Commission AGENDA July 11, 2019 h compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistarxce. [Jpon request, in advance, by a persorz with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Ha[7 [ocated at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTAMI' NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private informatiorz'm written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pub(ic are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg cortsideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Room 100/EOC Thursday, June 13, 2019 9:00 AM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTF,S 1.: Draft Minutes of May 16, 2019 Recoinmended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of May 16, 2019 Draft Minutes of May 16, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persom wishing to address the co/?fmusion on arry matter not on the agmda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mtmttes. In most cases, State /aw will prohibit the commission firvm maktng any decisions wtth respect to a maffer not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2. : presentation by Project Sentinel recommended Action: Receive presentation.and provide any input to Staff 3,' $"'preseritation by Live Qak Adult Day Services Recomtnended Action: Receive presentation and provide any input to Staff ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page I Housiag Commission AGENDA June 23, 2019 In compl'umce with the Americans with Disabilitim Act (ADA), anyorxe who is plaming to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabiliff that needs special msutance should call the Ciffl Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrmge for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a persorx with a duabilip meeting agendm and witings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available m the appropriate alternahe fomat. Also upon requmt, in advmce, an msisttve listening device mn be made available for use durirzg the meeting- Any wirings or documems provided to a maiority of the members after publicatiori oj the agenda will be made available for public impection. Please contact the Ciffl Clerk's Office in Cil Hall located at 10300Torre Ave'me dmatrig nomal business hours- IMPORTMfl' NOTICE: Pleme be advised that pursuant to Cupemno Municzl Code 2.08.l00wrifien communicatiom sent to the Cuperano Ctffl Counci(, CommmsLners or Ciff staff concerning a matter on the agetia are included as supplemmtal material to the agendized item. These writtm communicaaom we accessible to the public through the Ciffl's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to iriclude aq personal or private i'nforrmtton in wrfflen communicatiom to the Ciffi that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall comtihite a watver of arry privacy rights you rrmy hme on the information provided to the C'dy. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duririg consideratiori oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ISS. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Thursday, May 16, 2019 9:00 AM Special Meeting NOTICE IS HEREBY GffEN that a special meeting of the Housing Commissiorx is hereby Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, Cal4 i : ',, i" (7 g;shetil---be--f6i the purpose of conducting business on the sub)'FcF"ffi'J 1( ': 0 i<i4;;%':'the headi;!pg ",.T+.l Recommended Action: approve or modify the Dt'a'ft Minutes of April l ; 0 9 Draft Minutes of April 11, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter -not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Receive an update from the January 10, 2019presentation regarding proposed changes to Municipal Code Amendments to Title 19: Zoning, of the Cupertino Municipal Code to further facilitate the development of Accessory Dwelling Units Recommended Action: receive the update Page I Housing Commission AGENDA May 16, 2019 Staff Reoort NEW BUSINESS RecommendedAction: I. Adopt Resolution No. 19-02; recommending approval of the FY 2019-20 CDBG Annual Action Plan to City Council for final adoption. Staff Repoit A - Draft Resolution 19-02 RecommendedAction: 1. Recommend that the City Council Commission FY 2019-20 Work Program. Staff Report A - FY 2019-20 Citv Work Program B - Draft Housing Commission Work Program FY 2019-20 consider the Housing C - Commission Work Program Flow Chart D - Guidance on Commission Work Programs STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Housing Commission AGENDA May 16, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p(anning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oJ public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avewe during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff corxcerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City, Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agerzda for this meeting, before or duririg corisideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not Of;l the agenda, you may do so durirtg the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room 100/EOC Thursday, April 11, 2019 9:00 aATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA I, EMPLO 1. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ROLL CALL PEP,SC DA 0 c CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS " ! "" DATE 2. : Presentation - an Overview of the Brown Act Recommended Action: receive presentation SIGNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comrmsszon on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 3.: Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Annual Housing Element Progress Report (APR) Recommended Action: Accept the Department of Housing and Community Development (HCD) Annual Housing Element Progress Report (APR) Staff Report 2018 HCD Annual Housine Element Pro=ress Report STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page 1 Housing Commission AGENDA April 11, 2019 ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americam with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 horirs in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a peison with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ztpon request, 'm advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cvtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agertda are included as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirtg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that IS described in the notice or agenda for this meetirtg before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Pnge 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C 9:00 AM RecommendedAction: nominateandelectaChaiBP:aUaLLT!Ei'dirICFiNhhEBONAO:f(Di("ByA,-yT.(5, -E'ca':'x-)T,"%Y' 51%,'jX0,t(Lj')L'ffi' -!Sr;'-/) '-i 2. : Dra:tt Mirnites of February 14, 2019 D'Ai'B '-" j'</IGIN,XT'U f Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of February 14, 2019 Draft Minutes of Febiuarv 14, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comwssgorx on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. City Council hearing date: April 2, 2019 Page I Housing Commission AGENDA March 14, 2019 Staff Reooit A - Draft Resolution No. 19-01 B - FY 2019-20 NOF A RFP C - FY 2019-20 CDBG. BMR. and HSG Grant Application Descriptions OLD BUSINE,SS NEW BUSINESS 4. : Housing Commission Work Program for Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Recommended Action: 1. Recommend that the City Council consider the Housing Commission FY 2019-20 Work Program Staff Repoit A - 2018-2019 City Work Proaram Final STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Prrge 2 Housing Commission AGENDA March 14, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to atterxd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has ariy disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino M'ymicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Crtpertino City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized itein. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that 78 described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Thursday, January 10, 2019 9:00 AM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Draft Minutes of December 13, 2018 ORAL COMM{JNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comwssxon on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMTJNICATIONS NEW BUSINESS 2. Municipal Code to further facilitate the development of Accessory Dwe Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Recommended Action: receive the presentation STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Housing Commission AGENDA January 10, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should cal[ the City Clerk's Ofjfice at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabiliffl, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in adva'rxce, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Averiue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Mvmicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members 07;1 any other item not on the agerxda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA HOUSING COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hal} Conference Room C Thursday, February 14, 2019 9:00 AM ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES ORAL COMM{JNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter rxot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Page I Housing Commission AGENDA February 14, 2019 In compliance viith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the priblic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration o) that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agertda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, December 5, 2019 EMPLOYB2 aCALL TO ORDER OF CUP ER'J1.N0 D EPA'k"'at'as POSTED THE OTT I%iD N THE 1. $: Regular Meeting of November 7, 201 Y'l DraftMinutes DA'I'E SjGNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persorts wishing to address the commission on any matter not 07? the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Law zoiu prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.$: Parks and Recreation System Master Plan - Updated Draft Master Plan. Staff Reoort Attachment A Attachment B Attachment C Attachment D Attachment E Attachment F Attachment G Attachment H Attachment I 3. $: Confirm January Meeting Sohedule. Page I Parks and Recreation Commission NEW BUSINESS Agenda December 5 2019 4.$: Status Update on Rancho Rinconada Recreation & Park District. Staff Report 5. $: Receive Presentation and Provide Feedback to First Lego League Team, Urban Green Sheep", regarding improvements to the ponds in Memorial Park. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6.l: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Director - Commissioners ADJOURNMENT . by compliance zoith the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyorte who is planning to attend the next meeting roho is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs specia7 assistartce = should call the City-Clerk's Office af-408:777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disab'dify, meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records w'dl be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, irx advartce, an assistive 7istert'mg device cart be made available for use during the meetirtg. Arty zoritings or documents provided to a majorih) of the members after puMicatiort of the age'nda wil[ be made available for public inspection. Please contact the Cih) Clerk's Office in City Hau 7ocated at 10300 Torre Avertue during rtormal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P4ease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissiorters or City staff concerning a matter 072 the age;nda are irtcluded as supp7ementa7 material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include (?7'l3/ personal or private i4ormation irt rorittert communications to the City that you do not roish to make public; doing so sha(I cortstitute a roaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerrting any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you voish to address the members on any other item rtot ort the agertda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION DEPARTMENT QUINLAN COMMUNITY CENTER 10185 NORTH STELLING ROAD - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-5732 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3120 FAX: (408) 777A305 CUPERTINO.ORG CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE OF CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the special meeting of the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission scheduled for Monday, November 18, 2019 beginning at 4:00 p.m., Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014 was cancelled due to postponed business. The next regular meeting will be Thursday, December 5, 2019 beginning at 7:00 p.m., Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, CA 95014. Dated this 15' day of November, 2019 /s/ Randy Schwartz, h'iterim Director Parks and Recreation Department STAT'E OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPE RTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, November 7, 2019 7:00 PM This Meeting Will Be Televised CALL TO ORDER STATE OF CALIFORNTA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES , ,!I:, pBH.=yB Y OF 2. $Dr.:uRteesgular Meeting of October 3, 201Q\,X,, DATB ' S N.'YJ'URE POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not orx the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Law wiu prohibit the commission from making any decisions voith respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS $: 2019 Blackberry Farm Season Update Staff Reoort Attachment A $: 2019 Summer Aquatics Learn-to-Swim Program Update Staff Rei:iort $: Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) Update Staff Report Page 1 Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda November 7 2019 NEW BUSINESS 6.$: Review and Provide Feedback on the Draft Ethics Protocol Draft Ethics Protocol 7. $: Status of January 2020 Commission Meeting ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 8. $: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Director - Commissioners ADJOURNMENT Irt.compliaBce with the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone who is plannirtg to attertd the next meetetg roho is visually or hearirxg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shouU call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistartce. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available'm the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use durirxg the meeting. A?2:!/ roritings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda will be made available for public irtspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during norma7 busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipa7 Code 2.08.100 v.oritten commurtications sent to the Cupertirto City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerrying a matter 072 the agenda are included as supp7emental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona7 or private information irt written communicatiorts to the Cih) that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the Cih). Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerning arxy item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA C UPERTI N o PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, October 3, 2019 7:00 PM This meeting wi!WeEv'2d. CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALI,EGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. $: Regular Meeting of September 5, Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the commissiort on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) mirtutes. In most cases, State lava will prohibit the commission from making arty decisions zoith respect to a matter not Listed 07? the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.McClellan Ranch - Community Garden Improvements - Update NEW BUSINESS 3.Receive presentation and provide feedback on the Department Performance Measures and Workload Indicators for FY 19/20. 4.$: Receive a presentation on the second Bobateeno youth and teen event. Staff Report Page 1 Parks and Recreation Commission Agenda October 3, 2019 5. l: Thumbs UP! ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6.$: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Director - Commissioners ApJOURNMENT Iart compliance zoith the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarmirtg to attertd the next meeting mho is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabi[ih) that rteeds specia( assistance should call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request, in advartce, by a person zoith a disability, meeting agertdas and rnritings distributed for the meeti;ng that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. A7so upon request, in advance, an assistive Iisten'mg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Aarty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public'mspection. Please corttact the City Clerk's Office in City Hau Located at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupert'mo Municipa[ Code 2.08.I00 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Courxcil Commissiorters or City staff concern'mg a matter o;+z the agenda are inc(uded as supprementa7 materia( to the agerxdized item. These written commu'nications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admoryished not to include any persona7 or private informatiort'm written communicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have orx the informatiort proviided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concern'mg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you roish to address the members 07? any other item rxot 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPER,,NO PARKSANDRECREATIONCOMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, September 5, 2019 7:00 PM BTJ LLETtN BOAu T : ,r HALL. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the commission on any matter not 071 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Fry most cases, State Law wil7 prohibit the commissiorx from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.$: Jollyman Park Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) Trial Survey Results Staff Report A - Jollyman Park Unfenced Dog Off-Leash Area (DOLA) Survey Results.pdf NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 3.$: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Director - Commissioners Page I Parks and Recteation Commission Agenda September 5, 2019 ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyo;ne who is plannirtg to attend the rtext meeting who is visuauy or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Upory request, irt adva;nce, by a person with a disab'dih), meeting agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeting that are public records w'dl be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advarxce, art assistive listenirtg device can be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Arty writings ofi. documents 73iovided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made availaMe for public inspection. Please contact the Cih) Clerk's Office in City Hal7 Located at 10300 Torre Avenue duriryg horma2 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE:, ?lefise be advised that pursuarxt to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City st4 concerrting a matter 07Z the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commtozicatiorts are accessible to ffi4e public,through the City's website and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to include a;ny persortal or private irtformation in written commurtications to the City that you do not wish to make public; do'mg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are erxtitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTlNO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, August 1, 2019 7:00 PM This meeting will be televised. CALL TO ORDER P[EDGE OF A[LEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES $: Regular Meeting of June 6, 2019 Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS )ERTINO)F [- DEPART- a-i,-' 8TtATE u=JDER PENALTY OF RSCjN LU LLET!N BOAR ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeti;ng is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissiort own any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are (imited to three (3) minutes. by most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed own the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. l: Receive a Presentation on an Update on the Community Gardens Improvement Project Staff Report 3. $: Receive a Presentation and Update on the Dog Off Leash Area (DOLA) Trial at Jollyman Park 4.$: Parks and Recreation Cornrnission Fiscal Year (FY) 2019-20 Work Program Staff Report A - Approved PRC Work Program 2019-20 Page I Patks and Recreation Commission Agenda August 1, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 5. l: Receive a Presentation on the Inaugural Cupertino Campout Commuruty Event Staff Report ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. $: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: - Director ,, - Cornrnissioners " ADJOURNMENT In compliance with'th'e A'ericans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planni;ng to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance s should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeti;ng to arrange for ass'is'tartce. Upon request, in advance, by a person roith a disabilih), meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetirtg that,are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alterrtative ' format. Also uport request, in advance, art assistive listerting device cary be made available for use " during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of' the members after publication of the agenda wil7 be made available for public inspection. P4ease corttact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during ryorma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupertirxo Municipal Code 2.08.100 writtert communications sertt to the Cupertino Cih) Council, Commissioners or City staff cort'cerrxing a matter ort the agenda are 'mcluded as supp7emerital material to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the puMic through the Cih)'s zoebsite and kept irt packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private informatiort in roritten communicatiorts to the City that you do riot wish to make public; do'mg so shal) constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the i4ormation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the rtotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comme;nt. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Conununity Hall Thursday, June 6, 2019 7:00 PM This meeting wm be tdevised. CALL TO ORDER STATE OF CALIFORNIA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCEPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Regular Meeting of May 2, 2019 Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS bx'f),mxbb qpt+rs CII'Y OF CUPERT[NO DAI'E TEiiGNATURE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are liiriited to three (3) minutes. In mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission ftaom making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2, $: Review and Finalize tlie Draft 2019-2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan to Submit to City Council for Approval Draft PRC Work Progam 2019-20.pdf PRC Work Plan Items 2019,Updated.pdf NEW BUSINESS Page 1 Parks and Recreation Comniission AGA June 6, 2019 3.: Receive a Presentation Regarding Proposed Wilson Park Ballfield Modifications Associated with the Regnart Creek Trail Project from the Public Works Department 4. : Receive a Presentation on the Current Cupertino Union School District Joint Use Agreement for Fields from the Parks & Recreation Departtnent 5. 6. ,,= : Receive a Presentation on the Current/Proposed 2019-2020 Parks & ' a Recreation CIP Projects from the Public Works Department ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Parks suid Recreation Commisskin AGENDA June 6, 2019 In compliance with the Americam with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to aflend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special msistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meettng to arrange for msistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabiliffi, meeting agendas and witings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alteranative fomat. .4/80 upon reqpest, in advance, an msistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. ,4fl)? writings or documems provided to a majority of the memberas afteta publication oJ the agenda will be made available for public impection. Please contact the Ciffl Clerk's Office in Cifi Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupetatino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comwmnicatiom smt to the Cupertino Ciffi Council Commissioners or Cifl staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These witten communications are accessible to the public through the Ci'Ly's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the Ciffi that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constihtte a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the infomation provided to the Ciffi. Members of the pttblic are entitled to address the members concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, yovi may do so during the pviblic comment. Page3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, May 2, 2019 7:00 PM Amended Amended on 04/29/19 at 5:25 p.m. to add in a staff report and attachments A, B, and C to Old Business. item No. 2. ROLLCALL (,p Draft Minutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not orz the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page 1 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA May 2, 2019 2. : Discussion and Recommendation to City Council on the Revision of the Community Funding Policy Staff Report A - Current Coirimunity Funding Policy B - Draft Community Funding Polciy (Red-line Copy) C - Draft Community Funding Policy (Clean Copy) 3. : Continue the Discussion of the 2019/2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Items, based on the Approved City Work Plan FY 2019-20 City Work Program.pdf Guidance on Commission Work Programs.pdf Commission Work Program Flow Chart.pdf Commission Work Program Template.pdf PRC Work Plan Items 2019 Updated.pdf 4. : Review of Future Agenda Items and Additions/Prioritization for Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan NEW BUSINESS 5. 6. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. - Commissioners ADJOTJRNMENT Page 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA May 2, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also uport request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please coMact the Cihy 10300Torre Avenue during normal busirtess IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, May 2, 2019 ":oo:'&bopc.xupogsth CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COU I, F ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Regular Meeting of April 4, 2019 Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS AN This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. bt most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Discussion and Recommendation to City Council on the Revision of the C.ornmunity Funding Policy 3. : Continue the Discussion of the 2019/2020 Parks and Recreation Commission Work Plan Items, based on the Approved City Work Plan FY 2019-20 City Work Prozram.pdf Guidance on Coinmission Work Proerams.pdf Coini'nission Work Program Flow Chait.pdf Commission Work Program Template.pdf PRC Work Plan Items 2019 Updated.pdf Page I Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA May 2, 2019 Work Plan NEW BUSINESS s. , : Receive a Pest Management Program Presentation from the Public Works Department 6. : Propose Ideas and Discuss Possible Opportunities for Collaboration with Other Commiss:ions STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS - Commissioners ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA May 2, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use durirrg the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Murticipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as svqyplementa[ material to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Ciffl's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, April 4, 2019 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER STATE OF CALIFORNIA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL EMPLOYEE OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO MENT, S'T'ATE UNDER PENApa'Y OF rnvIE) 'Sell ,j PER!,(3NALLY Regular Meeting of March 7, 2019POSTED THE NOTI E A ON THE . BULLETIN BO HALL. Draft Minutes CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENTAT@%i SIGNATURE POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter rxot 07? the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter rtot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. 3. Page I Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA April 4, 2019 4. Work Plan NEW BUSINESS 5. : Receive a Brown Act Presentation by the City Attorney b,: WOrkS:I: eRpeX;miveena,Cup.ertiro.,Shuttle Survey Results Presentation by the Public S'FAFF fflCOMMISSION'REPORTS- 7. 'f R6ceiveMonthly"Update'R:epoMsfrom: Director" Commissioners Page 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA April 4, 2019 Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meetirig who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistnnce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please coritact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avemte during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written commurxications sent to the Cupertirto Ciffl Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do riot wish to make public; doing so shall conshtute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are emitled to address the members concernirtg any item that 28 described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 (,ljPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, March 7, 2019 7:00 PM Amended. This meeting will be televised. Amended on 03/04/19 at 3:35 p.m. to rename items Nos. 2 - 5, rename attachments for items Nos. 2 and 3, update attachment for item No. 2, and to add item No. 7 - Commissioners' Reports. 1. CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE S"t'tAi"r[OFCAi-'l'l,f"-"':-'.X'.'--X AJ'PROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS :>ltq ll'l DAarE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. Page 1 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA March 7, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vq:>on request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall (ocated at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mrmicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agertda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that gs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, March 7, 2019 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER POSTED T[4E N'C)TfC E/AGENI'}A ON THE PLEDGE OF AJ,LEGIANCE ROLL CALL AJ'PROVAL OF MINUTES This meeting will be televised. STATE OF CALIFOR',r'JrA POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMITNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Development of a Work Plan Revised Work Plan {tems 2019-pdf 3. : 2018-2019DraftWorkPlan Work Plan NEW BUSINESS Page 1 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA March 7, 2019 4.: Community Funding Grant Applications 5.: Department Name Change from Recreation and Community Services to the Department of Parks and Recreation Staff Report STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6.: Director's Report ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visual(y or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. A-ny writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mvmicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cvtpertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City, Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described m the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Ptrge 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA Page 3 March 7 2019 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, January 24, 2019 7:00 PM Amended Televised Special Meeting Amended on 01/23/19 to update the Staff Report and add in Attachment A, B, and C under Old Business, item number 1: Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan - Draft Master Plan. NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission is hereby called for Thursday, Januazy 24, 2019, commencing at PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS X l v IJAre l/ I Sl(iN -*iti RE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State lcrw will prohibit the commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN CONIMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page I Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA January 24, 2019 1. : Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan - Draft Master Plan Staff Repoit A - Bicyle Pedestrian Commission Input 01. 16. 19.docx B - Master Plan Youth and Teen Input Ol.23.l9.pdf C - Public Input Submitted via Website Through Ol.22.l9.pdf 2. : Potential Priority Areas for the 2019 Recreation and Community Services Work Plan, Part of the City Council Approve City Work Plan NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Parl<s and Recreation Commission AGENDA January 24, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone'iiiho is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cttpertino City Cormcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written commtmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ conshtute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, January 10, 2019 7:00 PM Televised Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PARKS ANDRECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cztpertino Parks artdRecreation Commission is hereby called for Thursday, January 10, 2019, commerxcing at7:00p.m. at Community Hall, 10350Torre Ave, Cztpertino, California 95014. Saidspecial meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matterslisted below vmder the heading, "Special Meeting". CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Special Meeting of December 13, 2018 Draft Minutes CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS '- a- n - a " " POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL MEETING This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter riot listed orb the agenda Page I Parl<s and Recreation Commission AGENDA January 10, 2019 WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : 2018-2019DraftWorkPlan Work Plan NEW BUSINESS 3. : ActiveNetPresentation STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. : Director's Report ADJOURNMENT Paypr 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA January 10, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has an)i disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members afler publication oj the agenda xiill be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertirro Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Crtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, January 24, 2019 7:00 PM Televised Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION matters NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Parks and Recreation Commission is hereby called for Thursday, January 24, 2019, commencing at 7:00p.m. at Community Hall, 10350Torre Ave, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of corg@auqQgg;3 d;)rrsi@ag "3:ril; Xfue:l,btbject listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting": ( a '- " " X ': "- 'k' C )" ;:- iS. -'k t 'I a r }"' C- L. "x Pu-%MEETWG'sPEC"" ((rs'r-e Szv xrc-i3 , ,-IT"T(:'.7)l)7r,)'i"FpL--.(--'FT'i;'L'il'N""{OF('tiPiZ,R-7-<pJ':'-y PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comrrussxon on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed 077 the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 1. Page 1 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Thursday, February 7, 2019 6:30 PM Non-Televised Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Parks andRecreation Commission is hereby called for Thursday, February 7, 2019, commencing at6:30 p,m, at the Cztpertirto Library, Second Floor ThinkTank, 10800 Torre Ave,Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conductingbusiness on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting": SPECIAJ, MEETING CALL TO ORDER STATE OF CALIFORNIA CO[JNTY OE' S,-'yNTA CLARA 1. : Chair/Vice Chair Selection (T io...'FE) S '. 2, 0 Q@ LM I 9SOTh:ALLY BULLE['NN B ARD A2 CAPPROVAL OF MINUTES 2. : SpecialMeetingofJanuary 10,2019 11 glll ':( DraftMinutes 'y'Xi"SiGN RB PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL 3. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Page I Parl<s and Recreation Commission AGENDA February 7, 2019 This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 4. 5. : Development of a Work Plan NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. : Director's Report AJ)JOURNMENT Page 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA February 7, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a persori with a disability, meeting agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please corxtact the City Clerk's Office m City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours, IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to itxclude any personal or private information in written comrmuucatxons to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have O?? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not orx the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, May 3, 2018 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES ) SS 3. : NeighborhoodEvents BULLETIN BOARO AT C.ITY HAI,L. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Ptrge I Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA 5. : Code of Conduct Staff Repoit A - Code of Conduct Revised 6. : 2017-2018 Work Plan Work Plan NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. : Director's Report ADJOURNMENT May 3, 2018 Page 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA May 3, 2018 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are pvtblic records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon reqviest, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse duririg the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made avai[ab(e for Clerk's Office in Ciffl Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please corxtact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commurxications sent to the Cvtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concernirtg a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, April 5, 2018 7:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL AJ'PROVAL OF MINUTES 1.4: SpecialMeetingonFebruary28,2018 B33H,y.B71H Approved Minutes 2. : RegularMeetingonMarchl,2018 Draft Minutes CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 3. : Age Friendly Cities Presentation 4. : Healing Garden Presentation POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page I Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA April 5, 2018 NEW BUSINESS 7. : Code of Conduct Staff Renoit A - Code of Conduct STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS : Director's Report ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA April 5, 2018 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting viho is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ttpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comwumications sent to the Cupertino City Cormcil, Commissioners or Ciffl staff concerning a matter on the agerxda are included as srtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persortal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Ptrge 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PARKS AND RECREATION COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Community Hall Thursday, January 4, 2018 7:00 PM This meeting will be televised. a'-';f7[i(Jztf"qL'Tzct'f!:-J:'J'- I-%- Draft Minutes 2. : Blackberry Farm Presentation 3. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter trxot on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State raw will prohibit the commission froin making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Ptrge I Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA 4. : Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Update Staff Repoit Attach A - Master Plan Data. Draft, Dec. 2017 5.: 2017-2018WorkPlan Work Plan NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6.: Director's Repoit ADJOURNMENT January 4, 2018 Prrge 2 Parks and Recreation Commission AGENDA January 4, 2018 In compliance with the Americans viiith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon reqriest, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and viritings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rq:>on request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arry writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspectiotz. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Crtpertino Mtmicipa7 Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as srtpplemerttal material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the Ciffl's website and kept in packet archives. YOZ/ are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written commtmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Prrge 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMtJNICATIONS COMMISSION ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions viith respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2. OLD BUSINESS 3. 4. : TICC and local Technology Coi'nmission charter review 5. : Educational - Teen Commission Hackathon, fraud security 6. : Smait Cities 7. : Cellular Coverage Follow-up - Discuss Open Signal proposal 8. : Discussion of CA SB649 Prrge 1 Technology, Information, aml Communications Commission AGENDA 9. : Subcominittee Report - Internet Needs in Cupertino NEW BUSINESS 10. : CRESTAwards 11. : NetNeutrality STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 12. : Commissioner Report from Mayor Meeting 13. : Review Activities Calendar 2018 Activities Calendar 14. : Review Action Items List January 2018 Action Items ADJOMENT January 3, 2018 Page 2 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA January 3, 2018 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advarxce of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person viith a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Crtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written commvmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Prrge 3 CUPERTINO In accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order No-29-20, this will be ateleconference meeting without a physical location to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Members of the public wishing to observe the meeting may do so in one of the followingways: 1) Tune to Comcast Channel 26 and AT&T U-Verse Channel 99 pn your TV.2) The meeting will also be streamed live on and online at www.Cupertino.org/youtubeand www.Cupertino.org/webcast Members of the public wishing comment on an item on the agenda may do so in thefollowing ways: 1) E-mail comments by 4:00p.m. on Tuesday, May 12to the Commission atplanningcommission@cupertxno.org. These e-mail comments will be received by thecommission members before the meeting and posted to the City's website after themeeting. 2) E-mail comments during the times for public comment during the meeting to theCommission at planning@cupertino.org. The staff liaison will read the emails into therecord, and display any attachments on the screen, for up to 3 minutes (subiect to theChair's discretion to shorten time for public comments). Members of the public that wish toshare a document must email planning@cupertino.org prior to speaking. 3) Teleconferencing Instructions Members of the public may observe the teleconference meeting or provide oral publiccomments as follows: Oral public comments will be accepted during the teleconference meeting. Comments may Page I PlanningCommission Agenda Mayl2,2020 be made during "oral communications" for matters not on the agenda, and during the public comment period for each agenda item. To address the Commission, click on the Iink below to register in advance and access the meeting: Online Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://cityofcupertino.zoom.us/webinar/register/WNUEdQlMs4S3GLkrwPLGzJA Phone Dial 888 788 0099 and enter Webinar ID: 963 1301 7288 (Type *9 to raise hand to speak) Unregistered participants will be called on by the last four digits of their phone number. Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 963 1301 7288 SIP: 96313017288@zoomcrc.com After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please read the following instructions carefully: 1. You can directly download the teleconference software or connect to the meeting in your internet browser. If you are using your browser, make sure you are using a current and up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer. 2. You will be asked to enter an email address and a name, followed by an email with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Your email address will not be disclosed to the public. If you wish to make an oral public comment but do not wish to provide your name, you may enter "Cupertino Resident" or similar designation. 3. When the Chair calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on "raise hand." Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. 4.When called, please limit your remarks to the time allotted and the specific agenda topic. Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda May 12, 2020 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning toattend this teleconference meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabilitythat needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. In addition, upon request, inadvance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for themeeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternativeformat. ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. : Draft Minutes of April 14, 2020 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the Draft Minutes of April 14, 2020Draft Minutes of April 14, 2020 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meet'mg is reserved for persons zoishing to address the Commission on any matterwithin the jurisdiction of the Commissio;n and rtot on the agertda. Speakers are Limited to three (3)minutes. Irx most cases, State Lava wil7 prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respectto a matter not on the agertda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR llrdess there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of thepublic, it is requested that items under the Consertt Calendar be acted on simultaneous(y. PUBLIC HEARINGS 2. $: Development proposal to demolish a 71,250 square foot retail center (TheOaks), remove and replace 74 protected trees, and construct a mixed-use aevelopmentconsisting of 294 housing units (88 Rowhouse/Townhomes, 206 senior apartments, ofwhich include 48 senior affordable apartments and 27 memory care units) and 20,000square feet of commercial space. The applicant is requesting a Heart of the CityException for retail frontage along Stevens Creek Boulevard. The applicant is alsorequesting a density bonus and density bonus waivers for height, building plane, andbelow market rate housing dispersion. An Environmental Impact Report is proposed.Application No(s): DP-2018-05, ASA-2018-05, TM-2018-03, TR-2018-22, U-2019-03,EXC-2019-03 (EA-2018-04); Applicant(s): Mark Tersini (KT Urban); Location: 21267Stevens Creek Boulevard APN #326-27-042, -043 Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda May 12, 2020 Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing and recommend that the City Council: 1) approve an Environmental Impact Report; and 2) approve the applications per the Draft Resolutions Tentative City Council hearing date: June 2, 2020 1 - Draft Resohrtion for EA-2018-04 2 - Draft Resolution for DP-2018-05 3 - Draft Resolution for ASA-2018-05 4 - Draft Resolution for U-2019-03 5 - Draft Resolution for TM-2018-03 6 - Draft Resolution for EXC-2019-03 7 - Draft Resolution for TR-2018-22 8 - Project Description 9 - Below Market Rate Project Description 10 - Letter from Andy Faber to F,ric S. Phillips dated November 30, 2018 11 - Letter from Andy Faber to Planning Commission dated April 22. 2020 l2 - Density Bonris Waiver Request: Enhanced Senior aiid Family Living Project 13 - Memo from RRM Design Group, Westport Density Bonus Waiver Review - Enhanced Senior and Family Living Project, dated May 6, 2020. 14 - Westport Cupertino Retail Layout Analysis 15 - Alternate Retail Plan 16 - Memo from RRM Design Group, Westport Design Review - Tower Element, dated May 1, 2020. 17 - Final EIR 18 - ERC Recommendation dated April 16, 2020 19 - Public Comments 20 - Project Plans OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you chat(enge the action of the P7anning Commission in court, you may be limited to raisirtg ortly those issues you or someone dse raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in zoritten correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. Irt the evertt an action takert by the Plartrting Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appeared to the Cih) Counci7 irt writing zoithin fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is fded r.oith the City Clerk (Ordirtartce 632). Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone who is planning to attertd this teleconference meeting who is visual(y or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that meds specia7 Page 4 Planning Commission Agenda May 12, 2020 assistance should call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at )east 48 hours in advance of themeetirxg to arrange for assistance. In addition, upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability,meetirtg agendas and zoritings distributed for the meeting that are public records roi7l be made avai)ableirt the appropriate alternative format. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Plarmirxg Commission after publication of thepacket zoill be made available for public inspection in the Communitt) Development Department Locatedat City Hal7, 10300 Torre Avertue, during norma) business hours and in Plannirtg packet archivesLinked from the agertda/minutes page on the Cupertirto zoeb site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Co'tmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerrxing amatter 072 the agenda are included as supplementa7 materiaI to the agendized item. These rorittencommurtications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. Youare hereby admonished not to include any persona2 or private informatio;n i;+x written commurxications tothe City that you do not wish to make public; doiryg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rightsyou may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pub(ic are entit(ed to address the Plarming Commission concerning any item that isdescribed in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. g youwish to address the Planrting Commission on arty issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of theitem. W7zen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish toaddress the PLannirtg Commission on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during thepublic commertt portiort of the meetirxg following the same procedure described above. Please (imit yourcomments to three (3) mirtutes or Less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda,contact the Hanning Department at (408) 777 3308 or planrting@cupertino.org. Page 5 CITY OF CgJERTINO . . ya,-) AA!E OF CALIFOE..'JcA PLEDGEOFALLEGIANCE "uL5';TIN BO Ci:i'Y ;J,"L"I": APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Draft Minutes of November 12, 2019. Continued from the December 2, 2019 meeting. Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of November 12, 2019 Draft Minutes of November 12, 2019 2.$: Draft Minutes of December 2, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the draft minutes of December 2, 2019 Draft Minutes of December 2, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission 072 any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State lazo will prohibit the Commissiort from making any decisions zoith respect to a matter riot 072 the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR llrdess there are separate discussiorts and/or actiorts requested by courxcil, staff or a member of thepubiic, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. STUDY SESSION 3. $: Study Session on the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan and consider General Plan Policies and Strategies that could benefit from clarification. Postponed from the November 12, 2019 meeting. Page I Planning Commission Agenda Decembez 10, 2019 Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission: 1. Proyide pdditional direction on the format and content of the General PIan Annual Review/Implementation Plan; and 2. Consider General Plan Policies and Strategies that could benefit from clarification. 1- GP 2019 Annual Report PUBLIC HEARINGS Approve a new 155 room 7-story hotel (24-hour operations) with underground parking, event meeting rooms, a ground floor restaurant with separate bar and a rooftop lounge with a separate bar by demolishing a commercial building with an area of 8,323sq. ft. City Actions would include General Plan Amendments to consider amending Table LU-1 by increasing the development allocation of hotel rooms to 155 hotel rooms in the Homestead Special Area and Figure LU-I to allow increased heights and reduced building plane within the North De Anza Gateway specific to this development; Other permits include: DeveIopment, Arantectural and Site Approval, and Use Permits and a Development Agreement. A Mitigated Negative Declaration proposed. Application No(s): GPA-2018-01, DP-2018-01, ASA-2018-02, DA-2018-01, U-20':L8-02, EA-2018-03; Applicant(s): Sherly Kwok (De Anza Properties); Location: 10931 N De Anza Blvd.; APN #326-10-062 Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing and recommend that the City Council: 1) Adopt the Mitigated Negative Declaration, adopt the mitigation measures, and adopt the Mitigation Monitoring and Reporting Program; and 2) Approve the applications for GeneraI Plan Amendment and permits per the Draft Resolutions Tentative City Council hearing date: January 21, 2020 I - Draft Resolution for EA-2018-03 2 - Draft Resolution for GPA-20'l8-01 3 - Draft Resolution for Dr-2018-01 4 - Draft Resolution for ASA-2018-02 5 - Draft Resolution for U-20I8-02 6 - Draft Resolution for DA-20'l8-01 7 - Fiscal Analysis of the De Anza Hotel GPA Application 8 - Parking Generation Analysis for the Proposed Hotel 9 - Initial Study/Mitigated Negative Dedaration, ERC recommendation 10 - Public Comments 11 - Cupertino De Anza Hotel Project Initial Study and Mitigated Negative Declaration 12 - Project Plans OLD BUSINESS Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda December 10, 2019 NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you chauenge the actiort of the P7artrting Commission in court, you may be Limited to raisirtg only those issues you or someone ease raised at the public hearirtg described irt this agenda, or irt written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupert'mo at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Plartning Commission is deemed objectiortable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Counci7 in writ'mg within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinartce 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plam'ting to attertd the next P(artrting Commission meeting who is visua(ly or hearing impaired or has any disabilih) that needs specia7 assistance shotdd cal7 the Cify Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advance of themeeting to arrange for assistance. llpon request, in advance, by a person voith a disabilih), Plartnirtg Commission meeting agendas and zorit'mgs distributed for the meeting that are pub(ic records wiu be made available in the appropriate a7ternative format. A7SO upon request, irt advance, art assistive 7istening device can be made ava'dable for use during the meet'mg. Any zoritings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commissiort after publication of thepacket r.oill be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avertue, durirxg norma7 business hours and'm Planrting packet a'rchives (inked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipal Code 2.08.100 written commuryicatio;ns sertt to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning amatter on the agenda are included as supplementa! materia[ to the agev'tdized item. These writtert communications are accessible to the pub7ic through the CihJs website artd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irtc7ude any persona7 or private information in written commtmicatio'rts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the r4anning Commission concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If youwish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is ort this agertda, please complete a speaker request card located'm front of the Commissiort, artd deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. W/xen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish toaddress the Planning Commission on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meetirtg foL7owing the same procedure described above. Please Limit your Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda December 10, 2019 commertts to three (3) mirtutes or less. For questions ort any items in the agenda, or for documertts related to any of the items on the agertda, contact the Plarming Department at (408) 777 3308 or planning@cupertino.org. Page 4 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUp'g'I'QO ) ss. 6:45 piJLLETIN BO 'r HA-(.J1.-. NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Plan;ning Commission is hereby called for Monday, December 2, 2019, commencing at 6:45 pm., Room 100/EOC, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Said special meet'mg shal7 be for the pu'tpose of conducting business on the subject matters 7isted below under the heading "Special Meeting". PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE SPECIAL MEETING: ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Draft Minutes of November 12, 2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of November 12, 2019 Draft Minutes of November 12, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission 072 any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State Law w'dl prohibit the Commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR llndess there are separate discussions arid/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items urtder the Cortsent Calertdar be acted 072 simultaneously. STUDY SESSION Page 1 Planning Commission Agenda December 2, 2019 2.Study Session regarding the proposed policy document for the City of Cupertino Code of Ethics/Ethics ProtocoI Recommended Action: Review the policy to provide any input 1- Draft Ethics Protocol PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS 3.Oct. 2019 Draft Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Recommended Action: Accept presentation on the Oct. 2019Draft Parks and Recreation System Master Plan 1 - Planning Commission Minutes Feb 26, 2019 2 - Input on Draft MP, Comments, Feb 19 - Apr 11, 2019 3 - Input on Draft MP, Comments, Apr 30, 2019 4 - Draft Master Plan. Oct 2019 5 - Draft Master Plan Appendices, Oct. 20I9 6 - Input on Draft MP, Comments, Oct. 23 - Nov. 22, 2019 NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you challenge the action of the Planrtirtg Commissiort in court, you may be (imited to raisirtg ordy those issues you or someone dse raised at the public hearing described iry this agenda, or irt written correspondence delivered to the Cih) of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hear'mg. In the evtrtt an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officialry appea(ed to the City Courtci7 in writirtg with'm fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commissiort's' decision. Said appea7 is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). Z72 compliance with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyorxe zoho is plarmirtg to attend the next Planrting Commission meetirtg who is visually or hearirtg impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Uport request, in advance, by a persort with a disability, Plawing Commission meeting agendas artd writ'mgs distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive Listening device can be made avai(ab(e for use during the meeting. A72:!/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publicatiorx of the packet wil7 be made ava'daMe for pub(ic inspectiort in the Community Deve7opmertt Departmertt Located Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda December 2, 2019 at City Hail, 10300 Torre Avertue, dur'mg normal busirtess hours and in Plarming packet archiveslirtked from the agenda/miwtes page on the Cupert'mo web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 zoritten commwications sertt to the Cupertino City Council, Commissiorters or City staff concerning amatter on the agenda are included as supplemerttal materia7 to the agertdized item. These writtencommtmications are accessible to the puMic through the City's coebsite and kept in packet archives. Youare hereby admonished not to irtclude any personal or private information in writtert commurticatiorts tothe City that you do not zoish to make pub7ic; do'mg so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rightsyou may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Plartrt'mg Commission concerrting any item that isdescribed in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If youwish to address the Pla'nrting Commissiort on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located'm front of the Commissiort, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of theitem. W7';xerx you are caued, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish toaddress the PJanning Commissiorz on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by dur'mg thepublic comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit yourcomments to three (3) minutes or 7ess. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documeMs related to any of the items orx the agenda,contact the P[anrting Department at (408) 777 3308 or planning@cupertino.org. Page 3 CUPERTINO PLANNING COM@;SSI.ON C.A6 hffi'Ar!-= DE'jAffiT": NALM BULLETiN BO Amended on November 8, 2019 at 3:45 to add attachments to items #2 an 6 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Draft Minutes of October 28, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the Draft Minutes of October 28, 2019 Draft Minutes of October 28, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meet'mg is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State 7aw will prohibit the Commission from mak'mg any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Urdess there are separate discussions and/or actiorxs requested by council, staff or a member of the pub7ic, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simudtaneously. STUDY SESSION 2.$: Study Session regarding amendments being proposed to City standards for parkland dedication and fees (Chapter 13.08 - Park Land Dedication Fee, Chapter 14.05 - Park Maintenance Fee, and Chapter 18.24 - Dedications and Reservations) and the 2014 Certified General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Draft EIR Recommended Action: Provide any input to Staff regarding the proposed amendments Tentative City Council hearing date: December 3, 2019 Page I Planning Commission Agenda November 12, 2019 StaffReoort 1 - Redline Muniapal Code amendments 2 - Fourih Addendum to the Final EIR Study Session on the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan and consider General Plan Policies and Strategies that could benefit from clarification. Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission: 1. Provide additional direction on the format and content of the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan; and 2. Consider General Plan Policies and Strategies that could benefit from clarification. 1 - GP 2019 Annual Report PUB'LIC HEARINGS $: Appeal of the Director's approval of a Residential Design Review Permit to anow the construction of a 520 square foot first-floor addition and an 820 square foot second-story addition with a second-story setback less than 15 feet and a Minor Residential Permit to allow a balcony on the new second story. Application No(s): R-2017-33, RM-2017-39; Appellant(s): Shayjan Huang and Eric and Cindy Fang; Applicant(s): Francis Kun (Tsai residence); Location: 21865 San Fernando Avenue; APN #357-15-043 Recornrnended Action: Conduct the public hearing and deny the appeal and uphold the Director's decision to approve the applications per the Draft Resolutions Planning Commission decision final unless appealed 1- Draft Resolution for R-2017-33 2 - Draft Resolution for RM-2019-39 3 - Approved Plan Sef 4 - Appeal Form 5 - Distribution of Two-Story Residences $: Review three additional projects (Regnart Creek Trail, Citywide Communuty Gardens, and Linda Vista Trail) added during the adoption of the Five Year Capital Improvement Program FY 2020-2024 (2019-2020 to 2023-2023) for consistency with the City's General Plan. Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolution finding that the Proposed Additional Projects to the Capital Improvement Progratn are: 1. Exempt from the California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), and 2. Consistent with the City's General Plan. Tentative City Council meeting date: December 19, 2019 Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda November 12, 2019 Staff Report 1- Draft Resolution 2 - Text of Cal. Government Code fF4 65403(c) and Cupertino Municipal Code Section 2.32.070 (2) 3 - Description of Pro.jects 4 - Matrix of CIP Projects and General Plan Consistency Notes 5 - Excerpts of General Plan Policies 6.$: Cupertino Municipal Code Amendments to specify development standards in the Planned Development Zormg District (Chapter 19.80 - Planned Development (P) Zones) and the Third Addendum to the Final EIR prepared for the General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project (State Clearinghouse No. 2014032007). Application No(s): MCA-2019-005, EA-2013-03; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: conduct the Public Hearing and recommend that the City Council: 1) Adopt an Addendum to the Final EIR; and 2) Approve the proposed Municipal Code Amendments per the Draft Resolution Tentative City Council hearing date: December 3, 2019 Staff Report 1 - Draft Resolution MCA-2019-005 2 - Redline doaiment indicating changes in Chapter 19.80.pdf 3 - aThitd Addendum to the Final EIR OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you challenge the actiorx of the P7artrting Commission in court, you may be 7imited to rais'mg ordy those issues you or someone dse raised at the pub7ic hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an actiorx takert by the Plawing Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appeared to the City Counci7 in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appea7 is filed zoith the Cih) Clerk (Ordinance 632). by compliartce with the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarxning to attend the next P4anrting Commission meeting who is visuauy or hearing impaired or has any disab'dity that needs special assistance shou(d ca(l the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irx advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, r4ann'mg Commission meeting agendas arid writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda November 12, 2019 made available in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive 7isteni;ng device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documerxts provided to a majority of the Plawing Commission after publication of the packet wig( be made available for pub7ic irtspection in the Community Development Departmertt located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avertue, during rtormal business hours arid in Plaming packet archives Linked from the agenda/mirtutes page ort the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter on the age;nda are included as supplemental material to the agerzdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website a;nd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to include any personal or private information irt written communications to the City that you do not wish to make pub(ic; doing so shal7 co;nstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the P(arming Commission concerni;ng any item that is described in the notice or agertda for this meet'mg, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commissiort 07'l any issue that is 07? this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Commission, arid deliver it to the City Staffprior to discussion of the item. W7'xen you are called, proceed to the podium artd the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to address the Plannirtg Commission 07'l a;ny other item riot 072 the agertda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meetirtg followiryg the same procedure described above. Prease (imit your commertts to three (3) mirtutes or Less. For questions ort any items irt the agertda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agertda, corttact the Plann'mg Department at (408) 777 3308 or plawing@cupert'mo.org. Page 4 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDEA-ATE OF CALIFORNI A 1.$: Draft Minutes of October 28, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the Draft Minutes of October 28, 2019 Draft Minrites of October 28, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meet'mg is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are iimited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commissiort from making any decisions with respect to a matter riot 072 the agertda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Urdess there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by courycil staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calertdar be acted on simultaneously. STUDY SESSION 2.$: Study Session regarding amendments being proposed to City standards for parkland dedication and fees (Chapter 13.08 - Park Land Dedication Fee, Chapter 14.05 - Park Maintenance Fee, and Chapter 18.24 - Dedications and Reservations) and the 2014 Certified General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Draft EIR Recommended Action: Provide any input to Staff regarding the proposed amendments Tentative City Council hearing date: December 3, 2019 Attachments for this item will be provided zoith an Amertded Agertda to be posted November 8, 2019 Page I Planning Commission Agenda November 12, 2019 Study Session on the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan and consider General Plan Policies and Strategies that could benefit from clarification. Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission: 1. Provide additional direction on the format and content of the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan; and 2. Consider General Plan Policies and Strategies that could benefit from clarification. 1- GP 2029 Annual Report PUBLIC HEARINGS " 4.Appeal of the Director's approval of a Residential Design Review Permit to allow the construction of a 520 square foot first-floor addition and an 820 square foot second-story addition with a second-story setback less than 15 feet and a Minor Residential Permit to allow a balcony on the new second story. Application No(s) R-2017-33, RM-2017-39; Appellant(s): Shayjan Huang and Eric and Cindy Fang; Applicant(s): Francis Kun (Tsai residence); Location: 22865 San Fernando Avenue; APN #357-15-043 Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing and deny the appeal and uphold the Director's decision to approve the applications per the Draft ResoIutions Planning Commission decision final unless appealed 1 - Draft Resolution for R-20I7-33 2 - Draft Resolution for RM-2019-39 3 - Approved Plan Set 4 - Appeal Form 5 - Distribution of Two-Story Residences 5. $: Review three additional projects (Regnart Creek Trail, Citywide Community Gardens, and Linda Vista Trail) added during the adoption of the Five Year Capital Improvement Program FY 2020-2024 (2019-2020 to 2023-2023) for consistency with the City's GeneraI Plan. Recommended Action: Staff recommends that the Planning Commission adopt the draft resolution finding that the Proposed Additional Projects to the Capital Improvement Program are: 1. Exempt from the California Enviror'unental Quality Act (CEQA), and 2. Consistent with the City's General Plan. Tentative City Council meeting date: December 19, 2019 Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda November 12, 2019 1- Draft Resolution 2 - Text of Cal. Government Code F3 65403(c) and Cupertino Mrinicipal Code Section 2.32.070 (2)3 - Description of Projects 4 - Matrix of CIP Projects and General Plan Consistency Notes 5 - Excerpts of General Plan Policies 6.$: Cupertino Municipal Code Amendments to specify development standards inthe Plaruted Development Zoning District (Chapter 19.80 - Planned Development (P) Zones) and the Third Addendum to the Final EIR prepared for the General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project (State Clearinghouse No. 2014032007). Application No(s): MCA-2019-005, HA-2013-03; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: conduct the Public Hearing and recommend that the City Council: 1) Adopt an Addendum to the Final EIR; and 2) Approve the proposed Municipal Code Amendments per the Draft Resolution Tentative City Council hearing date: December 3, 2019 Attachments for this item w'd7 be provided with an Amended Agenda to be posted November8, 2019 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be 7imited to raising ondythose issues. you or someone else raised at the pub7ic hearing described irt this agenda, or in writtert correspondence delivered to the City of Cupert'mo at, or prior to, the public hearirtg. 772 the event artaction taken by the P4arming Commission is deemed objectionab(e, the matter may be official(y appearedto the City Council in zoriting with'm fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Saidappear is fired roith the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). Irt compliance with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the mxt Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of themeeting to arrarxge for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Pla'tmingCommission meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records win bemade available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, art assistive Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda Novennber 12, 2019 listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writ'mgs or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commissiorx after pub[icatio;n of the paclcet will be made ava'dab7e for public irtspection in the Community Development Departme;nt Located at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avertue, during normal business hours and in Pla;nning packet archives (inked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupert'mo web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertirto City Courtcil, Commissiorters or Ci% staff concerrt'mg a matter on the age;nda are included as supplementar materia7 to the agendized item. These zoritten commtmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any persona7 or private information in written communications to the Cih) that you do not wish to make public; doing so sha(( cortstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the'mformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission cortcerning a;ny item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideration of that item. If you wish to address the Plan;ning Commission 072 any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located irt front of the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. Where you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you zoish to address the Planning Commission on any other item not ort the agenda, you may do so by dur'mg the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. P(ease rimit your commertts to three (3) miryutes or less. For questions ort any items in the agerida, or for documents related to any of the items ort the agenda, corttact the Plartnirtg Departmertt at (408) 777 3308 or plartrting@cupertino.org. Page 4 CUPERTINO Special ,Q')%'lN NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Pla'nrt'mg Commission is hereby called forMonday, October 28, 2019, commenc'mg at 6:45 pm., Communihl Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Said special meeting shau be for the pu'rpose of conducting business on thesubject matters listed below under the heading "Special Meeting". PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING: 1.%: Draft Minutes of September 24, 2019 Recommended Action: approve of modify the Draft Minutes of September 24, 2019 Draft Minutes of September 24, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State 7aw wil( prohibit the Commission from mak'mg arty decisions with respect to a matter riot 072 the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by cotozcil, staff or a member of thepublic, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. Page I Agenda Octobet 28, 2019 STUDY SESSION 2. $: Study Session related to Bird-Safe Development policies and guidelines. Application No(s): MCA-2019-004; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: Provide direction to Staff on the areas of regulation related to bird-safe development. 1 - Comparison Matrix of Other Cities' Regulations 2 4 Example Gtiidelines and Regulations from Other Cities 3.Study Session related' to Dark Sky policies and/or stai'idards. Application No(s): MCA-2019-003; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: Provide direction to Staff on potential policies and/or standards for lighting regulations. I - Comparison of Lighting and Dark Sky Regiilations 2 - Examples of Acceptable and Unacceptable Fixtures 4.$: Study Session on the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan Recommended Action: Provide additional direction to Staff on the format and content of the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation Plan. 1 - GP 2019 Annual Report (in PDF) 2 - GP 2019 Annual Report (in Excel) PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you challenge the action of the P(anni;ng Commissio;n'trt court, you may be 7imited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this age;nda, or in written corresponderyce delivered to the City off Cupertino at, or prior to, the public heari;ng. Irt the event an action taken by the Planrting Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the Cih) Council in writing roithiry fourteert (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed zoith the City Clerk (Ordinartce 632). by compliance with the Americans zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Plarmiryg Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda October 28, 2019 meeting to arrange for assistarzce. Upon request,'m advarxce, by a person with a disabilih), Plann'mg Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, irx advartce, an assistive Listerting device cart be made avai{abLe for use during the meeting. Any writ'trtgs or documents provided to a majority of the Plartrting Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Commurtity Development Departmertt Located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue, during rxormal business hours and irt Hanning packet archives lirtked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino roeb site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written commurtications sent to the Cupertino City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concern'mg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comm;tmications are accessible to the public through the Cihfi website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admoriished not to irtc7ude any personal or private information irx roritten communications to the City that you do not wish to make pub(ic; doing so shall constitute a roaiver of any privacy rights you may have ort the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the P4anning Commission concerning any item that is described 'm the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideration of that item. If youwish to address the Planrting Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Iocated'm front of the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussiorx of the item. Whert you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to address the Planning Commissiort on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting followiryg the same procedure described above. Please 7imit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions ort any items 'm the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agertda, contact the Plawing Department at (408) 777 3308 or plamirtg@cupertino.org. Page 3 CITY OF C'[,rgJT]QQ CUPERTINO PLANNING C T,E OF CUP,}E[71)!A"NNR..10350TorreAveIllleA(;W'Q41f€?4 UNDER PEN.i $Y OF POSTED THE: -NO :, DA, N Tl-IE PLEDGEOFALLEGIANCE BULLETIN 'ao C Y ROLL CALL SNGNATURE APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Draft Minutes of August 13, 2019 Recommended Action: approve of modify the Draft Minutes of August 13, 2019 Draft Minutes of August 13, 2019 2. $: Draft Minutes of September 10, 2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of September 10, 2019 Draft Minutes of September 10, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matternot on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter ;not 07! the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calerxdar be acted 072 simultaneously. PUBLIC HEARINGS 3.$: Use Permit to allow the commercial parking and storage of vehicles in the parking lot of an existing retail center (The Oaks). Application No(s): U-2019-05; Applicant(s): Patrick Burnb (Stonebrook Asset Management); Location: 21269 Stevens Creek Boulevard APN# 326-27-042, 043 Page I PlanningCommission Agenda '- Recommended Action: 'That the Planning Commission find that: 1) Find that the denial of the project is exempt from CEQA; and 2) Deny $e Use Perrnit=(U-2019-05) September 24, 2019 Planning Com:ssion decision final unless appealed 1- Draft Resohition for U:2019-05 2 - Justification Statement OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT If you char(enge the action of the P(anning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising ordy those issues you or someorte ease raised at the pub(ic hearirgg described in this agenda, or !'72 writterz correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. Irt the event an actiort taken by the P7anning Commission is deemed objectiortable, the matter may be official7y appealed to the City Counci( in writirtg within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commissiort's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordirtance 632). Irt compliance with the Americans rnith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plamtirtg to attend the next P(anning Commission meetirtg who is visually or hearing impaired or has ariy disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advartce of the meetirxg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a persorx with a disabilih), P(amirtg Commissiory meetirtg agertdas and zoritings distributed for the meet'mg that are public records will be made availabLe in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advarxce, an assistive listening device can be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Any voritings or documents provided to a majorih) of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made avairab(e for pub(ic'mspection in the Community Development Department Located at Cihy Hail, 10300 Torre Avertue, during normal business hours and in P(arming packet archives linked from the agenda/mirtutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Hease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 zoritten communications sent to the Cupert'mo City Courtcil, Commissiorters or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplementa7 material to the agertdized item. These writtert commurticatio'ns are accessible to the public through the City's website artd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to include aryy persorta7 or private information in zoritten communicatiorts to the City that you do rtot wish to make public; do'mg so shall cortstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda September 24, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the Plan;n'mg Commission concern'mg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meet'mg, before or during consideration of that item. If youwish to address the Plarming Commission orx any issue that is ort this agenda, please complete a speaker request card (ocated in froryt of the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of theitem. W7"gert you are caued, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recogryize you. If you wisli toaddress the P7artrtirtg Commission O?Z any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by dur'mg the pub7ic comment portion of the meeting fol7owing the same procedure described above. Please Limit yourcomments to three (3) minutes or 7ess. For questions 072 any items irt the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items ort the agenda,contact the P(anning Department at (408) 777 3308 or plann'mg@cupertino.org. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, %lcxil)ex 'io, 2019 6:45 PM Amaided on9/5/2019 at 5:30 p.m. to add recommended action to the GenaalaPlan Annual Review/bnplema'itation Plan PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This pm'Hmt of the rmeting is reserbed for persms wishing m address the Cmnmission on any mattertuyt on the agenda. Speakers gre limited to three (3) minutes. ht most arises, Skate late will prohibit theCmnmission from makingany decisiom vith respect'ki a matter rboton,kagenda. WRIN COWNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR unless there gre separate discussions anmryr mions requested by oouncil, staff or a member of thepublic, it is requested that items under the Coment Calendarbeacted on simultaneously STUDY SESSION 1.Presentation on possible adoption of Reach Codes - Building Codes mote stringent than State Standard Title 24, Part 6 (Energy) and Part II (CalGREEN) Recornrnended Action: Receive presentation and provide comments 2.$: Study Session on the General Plan Annual Review/Implementation PlanRecommended Action: Provide direction on the format of the General Plan AnnualReview/Implementation Plan Staff Report 1- April 2, 2019 City Coincil Staff Report and Attachment PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS Page I Planning Commission Agenda September 10, 2019 NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA OY BULLETiN BOARD A.T CITY HALL. DAa-fflE SIGNATURE Page 2 Planning Commission Agenda September 10, 2019 If you chal/mge the acfimi of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or smneone else raised at the public hearing desanbed in this agenda, or in witten correspmdenw delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prim to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Cmrtrnission is deemed objectionable, the matter rrmy be officially appealed to the City Crmncil in vuriting within fourteen (14) dgys of the date of the Cmnmission's decision. Said gppeal is filed urith the City Clerk (Ordimnce 632). I;n cmripliance with the Arriericans with Disabili'ks Act (ADA), anyone mho is planning to atttttd the nextPlanning Cmnmissimt meetingvuhn is visually ghearing impaired orhas any disahility that needs special assistance shnuld call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to mange for assistance- Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Cmnmission meefing agemlas and writings dishibuW for the tneeting that are public recmds will be rtmk available in the appropriate alafive fmmat. Ajso upon request, in advana, an assistive listming dmice aim be made mailablefor use during the meeting. Any witings m docuts prgoided to a majority of the Pkning Cornmissim after publicatimx of k packet voill be made mailable /ma public impection in the Cmmnmity Devekent Departtnent loazted at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avenue, during rgirl busiruss ho'urs and in Planning packet archives lirdcedfrom the agendalminutes page on the Cupertino vneb sik. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised tM pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 wiffen communications sent m the CuperHno City Council, Commissioners or City staff ooncerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized i. se written communwations are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persom/ or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you rmy have O?I the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concermng any item that is described'm tlie notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agertda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of tlie item. W7zert you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair win recogttize you. If you roish to address the Plaming Commission on any other item not Of! the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. r4ease limit your comments to three (3) minutes or 70SS. For questions own any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items O?? the agertda, contact the Planning Departme;nt at (408) 777 3308 or planning@cupertino.org. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, August 13, 2019 6:45 ,§'9TE OF CALIFORNTA rY Recommended Action: approve or modi$TiftN'vIi HALLDraft Minutes of July 30, 2019 IGNATUREORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matteryiot oyi the ageyqda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) miyqutes. In most cases, State Law wil7 prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR unless tliere are separate discussio;ns andlor actions requested by council, staff or a member of thepublic, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simu(taneous(y. STUDY SESSION Presentation from City staff and consultant on Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and the City's Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) requirement toadopt a long term GSI Plan. Continued from the July 23rd cancelled PlanningCommission meeting Recommended Action: receive presentation and provide any input to Staff 1 - GSI Work Plan dated April 18, 20l7.pdf 2 - Presentation slides 3 - Draft Green Stormwater Infrastnicture Plan with Appendices.pdf Page I Planning Commission Agenda August 13, 2019 Below Market Rate (BMR) Residential Housing Mitigation and Commercial Linkage Fees Update for the Cupertino BMR Housing Program. Application No(s) CP-2019-01; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; location: citywide Recommended Action: receive the update and provide any input to Staff 1 - July 2019 Economic Feasibility Analysis prepareel by Strategic Economics 2 - LeSar Development Consultants Peer Review 3 - Track Changes Draft Economic Feasibility Analysis prepared by Strategic Economics 4 -Strategic Economics Memorandum Regarding Peer Review PUBLIC HEARINGS $: Hillside Exception to allow for the construction of a new 4,076 square foot two-story single-family residence within the 15% site Iine of a prominent ridge line. Application No(s).: EXC-2018-07; Applicant(s): Walter Chapman (Barniv residence); Location: 21650 Rainbow Court APN# 366-38-007 Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing and find: 1) that the proposed actiops are exempt from CEQA; and 2) approve the application per tlie Draft Resolution Planning Cornrnission decision final unless appealed 1- Draft Resolution for EXC-2018-07 2- Plan Set OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 . Planning Commission Agenda August 13, 2019 If you cha(lenge tlie action of the Planning Commission 7:7? court, you may be limited to raising onlythose issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described iyi this ageyida, or in writtert correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, t7ie pub(ic liearing. by the event anaction taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealedto the City Cormcil in writing withirt fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Saidappeal is 7ed with the City Clerk (Ordinayqce 632). Inn compliance with the Americans zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visualLy or liearing impaired or has any disabi(ity that needs speciaL assistance shotdd ca77 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of themeeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, PlanningCommission meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 bemade avai(ab'Le in the appropriate a7ter;native format. Mso upon request, in advance, an assistive(iste'iiing device cart be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Any roritings or documents provided to a majority of the P(aming Commission after pub7ication of thepacket wil7 be made available for public inspection in the Commvmity Development Department locatedat City Hall, 10300 Torre Aveyiue, dur'mg norma7 bus'mess hours and in Planning packet archives Linked from the agertda/minutes page on tlie Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupert'mo Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communicatioyis seyd to the Cupertino City CormciL, Commissioyiers or City staff concerning amatter 07? the agertda are included as supplemental matericd to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessib(e to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications tothe City that you do yiot v,oish to make pub(ic; doing so shall constitute a waiver of arxy privacy rightsyou may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the Planning Commission concern'mg any item that isdescribed iyq the notice or age;nda for this meeting, before or during coyisideratioyi of that item. If youwish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card Located in front of the Commission, and de(iver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of theitem. W7iert you are'called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish toaddress the Playmiyig Commission on ayiy other item not on the agenda, you may do so by dur'mg the public comment portion of the meeting follozoing tlie same procedure described above. P(ease iimit yourcomments to three (3) minutes or Less. For questions on arty items in the agenda, or for documertts related to ayqy of the items oyi the agenda,contact the Pla;tming Department at (408) 777 3308 or plan;ning@cupertino.org. Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY CUPERTINO Tuesday,Jul'p41(EiFiN BOA D Special Meeting GNATURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that a specia7 meeting of the Planning Commission is hereby caued for Tuesday, July 30, 2019, commencing at 6:45 p.m., Community Hau, 10350 Torre Avewe, Cupertino, California. Said special meeting shal7 be for the purpose of conducting business ort the subject matters listed below under the heading "Special Meeting". SPECIA[ MEETING: PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV At OF MINUTES 1. $: Draft Minutes of July 9, 2019. Continued from the July 23rd cancelled Planning Commission meeting. Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 9, 2019 Draft Minutes of July 9, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorts wishing to address the Commissiort on ({fl:!/ matter not 07'l the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) miwtes. h most cases, State law zoiu prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Urdess there are separate discussions andior actions requested by courtcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. STUDY SESSION Page I 1% AgendaPlanning Commission 2. $:""Stu:'ly Ses's'ion regarding Application and Review Procedures for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senat'e Bill 35. (Application No(s): CP-2019-04; Applicant(s): City . of Cupertino; Location: citywide) Continued from the July 23rd cancelled Planning July 30, 2019 Commission meeting., Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission hold a study session to review the draft Application and Review Procedures for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senate Bffl 35ai'id provide cornrnents for staff to consider and forward to the City Council. Staff Report 1. Draft ResoIution regarding Review Procedures 2. Draft SB 35' Application Package 3. SB 35 Stahite, as Amended 4. Final HCD Guidelines - Streamlined Ministerial Approval Process PUB[IC HEARINGS 3.$: Vallco Shopping District Special Area General Plan, Zoning Amendments, and Second Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project Environmental Impact Report. Application No(s).: GPA-2019-01, GPA-2019-02, MCA-2019-02, Z-2019-01 (EA-2013-03); Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: 10101to 101333North Wolfe Road APN#s:316-20-080, 316-20-081, 316-20-103, 316-20-107, 316-20-101, 316-20-105, 316-20-106, 316-20-104, 316-20-088, 316-20-092, 316-20-094, 316-20-099, 316-20-100, 316-20-095 (Continued from the July 23rd cancelled Planning Commission meeting) Page 2 July 30, 2019PlanningCommission Agenda Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission 1. Receive a staff presentation, 2. Conduct the public hearing; 3. Adopt: a. Resolution No. recommending that the City Council adopt GPA-2019-01, a resolution adopting a Second Addendum to the 2014 General Plan Amendment, Housing Element Update, and Associated Rezoning Project Environmental Impact Report and amending the General Plan to remove office as a permitted use from the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and remove associated office allocations; b. Resolution No. recornmendu'ig that the City Council adopt GPA-2019-02, a resoIution amending the General Plan and General Plan Land Use Map to establish height limits and enact development standards for residential uses within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and identifying a recommended location for future residential development on 13.1 acres of the Special Area; c. Resolution No. recornrnending that the City Council adopt MCA-2019-01, an ordinance elirninating references in the Municipal Code to the Vallco Town Center Specific Plan and adding language establishing development standards for a new Mixed Use Planned Development with Multifarnily (R3) Residential and General Commercial zoning designation (P(R3,CG)); and d. Resolution No. recommending that the City Council adopt Z-2019-01, an ordinance amending the zoning map to rezone 13.1 acres within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area to Mixed Use Planned Development with Multifamily (R3) Residential zoning P(R3,CG) and General Cornrnercial uses and the remainder of the Special Area to Genetal Commercial (CG). Tentative City Council meeting date: August 20, 2019 Staff Report 1 - Draft Reso GPA-2019-01 2 - Draft Reso GPA-2019-02 3 - Draft Reso MCA-2019-01 4 - Draft Reso Z-2019-01 5 - Planning Area Description 6 - Table LU-1 and Figure LU-2 7 - GP Policies related to Vallco Shopping District 8 - Aerial and APN Map 9 - Second Addendrun GPA-HE-Rezoning EIR FINAL NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda July 30, 2019 ADJOURNMENT If you chal7enge the action of the P4anning Commission in court, you may be limited to raisirtg ortly those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described irx this agenda, or in writtert correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the pub7ic hear'mg. Iart the event an action takert by the Plarmirtg Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be official7y appealed to the City Council in zoriting zoithin fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordirtance 632). Irt compliance zoith the Americarts with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabilih) that needs special assistance should cau the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Uport request, in advance, by a person with a disabilih), Planning Commission meeting agendas and roritirtgs distributed for the meetirtg that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alterrtative format. Also uport request, in advance, an assistive risterting device can be made avai7able for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the Plartarting Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspectiort in the Commwity Development Departmertt located at City Hall, 10300 Torre Avertue, during normal business hours a;nd in Plam'ting packet archives l'mked from the agenda/minutes page orz the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sertt to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter 072 the agenda are irtc7uded as supplemerttar materia[ to the agertdized item. These written commtmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to'mclude arty personal or private i4ormatio;n in written commwications to the City that you do not wish to make public; do'mg so shall corystitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 072 the informatiorx provided to the Cih). Members of the public are erttit(ed to address the Plamtirtg Commission concerrting any item that is described in the rtotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideratio;n of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission 072 any issue that is o;n this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front of the Commission, and de7iver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. W7zert you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair w'dl recognize you. If you wish to address the Plarm'mg Commission on a;ny other item not on the agertda, you may do so by durirtg the public comme;nt portion of the meeting fo7'Lowing the same procedure described above. Please Limit your comments to three (3) mirtutes or less. For questions ort any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, Page 4 Planning Commission Agenda July 30, 2019 contact the r4annirtg Department at (408) 777 3308 or planrting@cupertino.org. Page 5 CITY OF CUPERTINO CU PERTINO PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES DA"m'M1. : Draft Minutes of July 9, 2019 SIGNATURB Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of July 9, 2019 Draft Minutes of July 9, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS 2.$: Item #6: Development Permit and an Architectural and Site Permit to allow the construction of a colIocatable personal wireless service facffity consisting of 16 panel antennas mounted on a 80' taIl treepole, a base equipment station and an energy power generator; a Height Exception to allow the installation of 12 panel antennas to be mounted at a height of 65' on a proposed 80' foot tall treepole at the Cupertino Sports Center. At the Applicant's request, this item has been postponed to a date uncertain 3.$: Item #7: General Plan Amendment to reflect that office uses are not permitted within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and remove the associated office development allocation; General Plan Amendment to set height limits for the area, and make other conforming/clarifying text edits to create density standards to permit up to 457 units with a minimum density of 29.7 units per acre (389 units) and a maximum density of 35 units per acre on designated parcels totaling approximately 13.1 acres within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area; Municipal Code Amendment to make Zoning Ordinance text amendments implementing the General Plan Amendments; Re-Zoning of certain parcels within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area from General Commercial (CG) and Planned Development (P(R3, CG)). Application No(s).: GPA-2019-01, GPA-2019-02, MCA-2019-02, Z-2019-01 (EA-2013-03); Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: 10101to lOl'333North Wolfe Road APN#s:316-20-080, 316-20-081, 316-20-103, 316-20-107, 316-20-101, 316-20-105, 316-20-106, 316-20-104, 316-20-088, 316-20-092, 316-20-094, 316-20-099, 316-20-100, 316-20-095. This item has been postponed to a special meeting of the Planning Commission on July 30, 2019. Page I Planning Commission Agenda July 23, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter riot om the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. bv most cases, State Law will prohibit the Commission fr6rrl.mak.ing and decisions with respect to a matter not 07?! the agenda. MITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR STUDY SESSION 4.J: - Presentation on Green. Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and the City's Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) requirement to consider future adoption of a long-teffi GSI Plan, Recommended Action: receive presentation and provide any input to Staff Staff Report I - GSI Work Plan dated April 28, 20l7.pdf 2 - Presentation slides 5.$: Study Session regarding Application and Review Procedures for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senate Bill 35. (Application No(s): CP-2019-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide) Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission hold a study session to review the draft Application and Review Procedures for Projects Proposed Pursuant to Senate Bill 35and provide comments for staff to consider and forward to the City Council. Staff Report 1. Draft Resolution regarding Review Procedures 2. Draft SB 35 Application Package 3. SB 35 Statute, as Ame'itded 4. Final HCD Guidelines - Streamlined Ministerial Approval Process PUB'tIC HEARINGS 6.$: Development Permit and an Architectural and Site Permit to allow the construction of a collocatable personal wireless service facility consisting of 16 panel antennas mounted on a 80' tall treepole, a base equipment station and an energy power generator; a Height Exception to allow the installation of 12 paneI antennas to be mounted at a height of 65' on a proposed 80' foot tall treepole at the Cupertino Sports Center. Application No(s).: DP-2014-09, ASA-2014-14, EXC-2014-14; Applicant(s): Tom Johnson (TSJ Consulting, Inc. for AT&T); Location: 21111Stevens Creek Blvd. APN#326-39-022 Page 2 Planning Commission Recommended Action: date uncertain Agenda July23,2019 At the Applicant's request, this item has been postponed to a 7.$: General Plan amendment to reflect that office uses are not permitted within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area and remove the associated office development allocation; General Plan Amendment to set height limits for the area, and make other conforming/clarifying text edits to create density standards to permit up to 457 units with a um density of 29.7 units per acre (389 units) and a maximum density of 35 units per acre on designated parcels totaling approximately 13.1 acres within the Vallco Shopping District Special Area; Municipal Code Amendment to make Zoning Ordinance text amendments implementing the General Plan Amendments; Re-Zoning of certain parcels within the Vallco Shoppirig District Special Area from General Commercial (CG) and Planned Development (P(R3, CG)). Application No(s).: GPA-2019-01, GPA-2019-02, MCA-2019-02, Z-2019-01 (EA-2013-03); Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: 10101to 101333North Wolfe Road APN#s:316-20-080, 316-20-081, 316-20403, 316-20-107, 316-20401, 316-20-105, 316-20-106, 316-20-104, 316-20-088, 316-20-092, 316-20-094, 316-20-099, 316-20-100, 316-20-095 Recornrnended Action: Postponed to a special meeting of the Planning Commission on July 30, 2019 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COA4MISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT If you challenge the action of the P4annirtg Commission in court, you may be 7imited to raisirtg o'tdy those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described'm this agenda, or irt writtert correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event art action taken by the Plann'mg Commission is deemed objectionab7e, the matter may be officially appealed to the Ci% Counc'd iri writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commissiory's decisiort. Said appea7 is fled with the City C7erk (Ordinance 632). Iry compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartnirtg to attend the next Plann'mg Commission meeting who is visuauy or hear'mg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should can the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. lIpon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, P4ann'mg Commissiort meeting agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the meetirtg that are public records wil7 be made avai7able in the appropriate alternative format. A7so upon request, in adva'nce, an assistive listenirtg device can be made available for use dur'mg the meetiryg. Page 3 Planning Commission Agenda July 23, 2019 Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publicatiort of the packet will be made available for public inspectiorx irt the Community Development Department located at City Hall 10300 Torre Avenue, durirtg normal business hours and in P[arm'mg packet archives Linked from the agertda/minutes page 072 the Cupertirto web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or Cih) staff concerrting a matter on the agettda are irtcluded as supplemental material to the agertdized item. These written commtmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private irtformation'trt written commurtications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of a;ny privacy rights you may have 072 the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the P1anrting Commission cortcerning arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Plargnirtg Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card'located in front of the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. W7zen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair zoill recogriize you. If you wish to address the r4artning Commission on ariy other item not orb the agertda, you may do so by durirtg the public commertt portion of the meet'mg following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. For questions 072 any items'trt the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the P1artrting Departmertt at (408) 777 3308 or planrting@cupertino.org. Page 4 CUPE RTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION "OUNTY € 41 8'o%'-$AHTAC"LA ROLL CALL 10350 Torre Avenue, (3!aaIFORNIA Tuesday, Jniy Q. ?01Q 6:45 Pi PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE MENT, STATE UNDER PENAI,rY OF BULLETIN BOAR : iT,Y3 HALL. APPROVAL OF MINUTES ROLL CALL 6:45 Pr Draft Minutes of June 25, 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter rtot on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMtJNICATIONS CONSENT CAI,ENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Ca(endar be acted 071 sirmdtaneously. STUDY SESSION 2.: Study Session regarding status of Objective Standards Update to General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. FY-2019-2020 Work Program Item (Application No.: CP-2019-03; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: City-wide) Continuation of discussion from the June 25, 2019 study session Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission conduct the study session, receive this report and provide direction to staff regarding moving forward with the Objective Standards Update to the General Plan and Zoning Ordinance Page 1 Planntng Commission AGENDA July 9, 2019 Staff Repoit l - Phase 1 General Plan and Zoning Objective Standards Analysis 2 -General Plan Figure LU-2 3 - Topics under consideration for Phase 2 General Plan and Zoning Objei OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Planning Commission AGENDA July 9, 2019 If you challenge the actiorz of the Plawing Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone e(se raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Council in writing within fourteerr (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). 77? compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), arxyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabiJi'ly that needs special assistance should call the Ciffl Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agertdas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. A(so upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection m the Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from the agenda/miwtes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page 3 Planning Commission AGENDA July 9, 2019 address the Plarming Commission on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Plarxning Department at (408) 7773308or plannirtg@cupertino.org. Pay 4 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue. Council Chamber STATE OF CALIFORNTA Tuesday, June 25, 2019 <, ss. 6:45 PFtu'a o xy CLA. L .AN Draft Minutes of June 11. 2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This porhon of the meetmg is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. STUDY SESSION 2. : Study Session regarding status of Objective Standards Update to General Plan and Zoning Ordinance. FY-2019-2020 Work Program Item (Application No.: CP-2019-03; Applicant: City of Cupertino; Location: City-wide) Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission corzduct the study session, receive this report and provide direction to staff regarding moving forward with the Objective Standards Update to the General Plat> and Zoning Ordinance Page I Planning Commission AGENDA June 25, 2019 Staff Rer>ort l - Phase l Objective Standards Review 2 -General Plan Figure LU-2 3 - Topics under consideration for Pliase 2 General Plan and Zoninp Objei ("LD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS .! STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Planning Commission AGENDA June 25, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone e(se raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in'iiiritten correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Council in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the Ciy Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ttpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cvtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Crtpertino City Cotmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page 3 Planning Commission AGENDA June 25, 2019 address the Planning Commission on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or Less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, corttact the Planning Department at (408) 7773308or plannirtg@cupertino.org. Page 4 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION 10350 Torre Avenue, Council Chamber Tuesday, June 11, 2019 6:45PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MIN[n'ES 1. ORAL COffiCATIONS This portion of the meeting is reseraved for persom wishing to address the Commission on any maffer not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mimites. In most cases, State /aw will prohibit the Commission firom making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the ageria. STUDY SESSION 2. : presentation on the Below Market Rate Housing Program Recommended Action: Receive presentation and provide any input or recominendations to Staff CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by counci1, staff or a member of the pviblic, it is requested that items vmder the Consent Calendar be acted on simvdtaneously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS 3. : Consider approving a new 185room 5-story hotel (24-hour operations) with underground parking, event meeting rooms, a restaurant with a separate bar Page I P Commbston AGENDA June 11, 2019 and rooftop lounge with a separate bar at the Cupertino Village Shopping Center by demolishing two commercial buildings with an area of 13,429sq. ft- and the removal of 41 trees. City Actions would include a General Plan Amendment to consider increasing the development allocation of hotel rooms to 185hotel rooms in the North Vallco Special Area; Other pennits include: Development, Architectural and Site Approval, Tree Removal, and Use Permits. A Development Agreement is also proposed; (Application No(s): GPA-2017-05, DP-2018-04, ASA-2017-09, DA-2017-01, TR-2017-46, U-2018-03,HA-2017-06; Applicant(s): Kimco Realty (Michael Strabs); Location: 10801 and 10805 North Wolfe Road; APN #3 16-45-017, 316-05-056 Recommended Action: Conduct the public hearing and; 1. Recommend that the City Council approve a Mitigated Negative Declaration; and 2 Recommend that the City Cotincil approve the applications per the draft resolutions Postponed from the March 26, 2019 meeting Tentative City Council heamg date: July 16, 2019 Staff Retiort l- Draft Resolution for EA-2017-06 2 -Draft Resotution for GPA-2017-05 3 - Draft Resolution for DP-2018-04 4 - Draft Resolut'on for ASA-2017-09 5 - Draft Resolution for TR-201 7-46 6 - Draft Resolution for U-2018-03 8 - Fiscal Analysis of the Cupertino Village Boutique Hotel GPA Applica 7 - Draft Resolution for DA-2017-01 9 - Initial Studv - Mitigated Negative Declaration 10 - Environmental Review Committee Recommendation 11 - Response to Comments Memo for IS-A4ND 12 - Project Plans Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code to clarify City standards for size of Accessory Dwelling Units (Chapter 19.112-Accessory Dwelling Units), for clarifications, and consistency. Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Page 2 Pbuumg Commbskin AGfflA June 11, 2019 Recommended Action: That the Planning Coiumission recommend that the City Council adopt the draft resolution to: l) Find that the proposed actions are exempt from CEQA; and 2) Adopt "An ordinance of the City Council of the City of Cupertino amending Chapter 19.112, Accessory Dwelling Units." Postponed from the Febniary 12, 2019 meeting Tentative City Council hearing date: August 6, 2019 Staff Report l- Draft Resolution of the Planning Commission recommending adoption 2 - Redline document indicating changes in Chapters 19.112 OIJ) BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Pay 3 Planning Commmsion AGmA June 11, 2019 If you challerige the action of the Planning Commission in court, yoy may be limited to raising only those ismes you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in wittm correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an acfion taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Council in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the ,4meriams with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Plaming Commission meeting who is 17imally or hearing mpaired or has any disabili'Ly that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meet'ing to arraange fair msiskxnce. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative fomat. Also upon request, in advance, m assistive listeningdevice can be made availablefor use duringthe meeting. Any writirigs or documents provided to a major$ of the Plarining Commmsion a/'fer publication of the packet will be made available for public impection in the Community Development Department located at Ciff Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during nomal business hours and in Planning packet archives lmked firom the agenda/miriutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pyirsuant to Cupertirio Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchided as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. Yovi are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07;! the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commissiori on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. nen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Pq.e 4 Planaing Commiukm AGF,NDA June 11, 2019 address the Planning Commission Off any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public commmt portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions on arxy iterm in the ageria, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda. contact the Planning Department at (408) 7773308or planning@aipertino-org. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) SS. COUNT\OF 1 E Y,EE9F,TH:EeiT'YOffi5U"P'B."T".;6 BULLETIN BOARD ,41' ci'ry HALL. Page S CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLANNING COMMISSION POSTPONEMENTS l035oTOffeAvenue5Y!"f'N6'!axpognth Tuesday, May 28, 2019 Item #2: Development Permit and an Architectural and Site Permit to allow the construction of a collocatable personal wireless service facility consisting of 16panel antennas mounted on a 80' tall treepole, a base equipment station and an energy power generator; a Height Exception to allow the installation of 12parxel antennas to be mormted at a height of 65' on a proposed 80' foot tall treepole at the Cupertino Sports Center. At the Applicant's request, this item has been postponed to a date uncertam. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisiorts with respect to a matter rtot on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. Page I Planning Commission AGENDA May 28, 2019 PUBLIC HEffiGS 3. :'DevelopmentandaArchitecturalandSiteApprovalpermitsthatwould allow the replacement of nine one-story Public Storage facility buildings with two (2) fo'ar (4)-story buildings with basements; fence exception that would allow electronic vehicular gates; and a Tree Removal Permit that would allow the removal and replacement of seventeen (17) protected trees. (Application No(s): DP-2018-03, ASA-2018-04, EXC-2018-01, TR-2019-1 1; Applicant(s): Storage Equities, Inc. (Andres Friedman); Location: 20565 Valley Green Dr.; APN: 326-10-044) Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission conduct the public hearing and recommend that the City Council; 1) Find that the project is exempt from CEQA; and 2) recommend approval per the Dra'ft Resolutions Tentative City Council hearing date: June 18, 2019 Staff Report l - Draft Resolution for DP-2018-03 2 - Draft Resolution for ASA-2018-04 3 - Draft Resolution for EXC-2018-01 4 - Draft Resolution for TR-20 19-11 5 - Plan Set 6 - Parking Study 7 - Categorical Exemption Memo a 4. : Review of the five year Capital Improvements Program (FY 2019-2020 to 2023-2024) for conformity to the City's General Plan. Application No(s).: Capital Improvement Program (CIP); Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Page 2 Planning Commission AGENDA May 28, 2019 Recommended Action: Council that; That tlie Planning Commission recommend to the City l) The proposed Program is exempt from CEQA; and 2) Concur that the five year Capital Improvements Program (FY 2019-2020to 2023-2024) conforms to the City's General Plan per the draft resolution Tentative City Council meeting date: June 18, 2019 Staff Reooit l - Draft Resolution 2 - Text of Cal. Governinent Code 8, 65403(c) and Oipertino Municipal ( 3 - Proposed Capital Improvement Program - FY 2020 (2019-20) 4 - Matrix of CIP Projects and General Plan Consistency Notes 5 - Excerpts of General Plan Policies OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page3 Planntng Commission AGENDA May 28, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues ypu or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cvtpertirto at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Council in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commissiorz's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plawting to attend the next Plarining Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Plawing Commission meetirtg agendas and writings distributed for the meetirtg that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planrxing Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planrting packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on. the agenda are irxcluded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communicatiorxs are accessible to the public through the Ciffl's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona( or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commissiorx concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the P[annirig Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussiort of the item. Den you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page 4 Planning Commission AGENDA May 28, 2019 address the Planrting Commission on any other item not on the agerida, you may do so by during the pub(ic comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minuf)es or less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Platming Department at (408) 7773308or planning@cupertino.org. Page 5 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA Li'H'ii!TE OF CALNF()F':-NIACUPERTINO lPLANNINGCOMMTSSTON ") SS. 10350TorreAvenue,Gouncil ,AThT Tuesday, MayUU4- 7 2-D{97 E )-E ITY OF CUPERTv 6:45PM DEr.:i POSTED THE NOTIC : G r' , ON [N-nE ROLLC,L nut,tbnhq BOA cNa't' i-i,-",u,. APPROVALOFMINUTES Bp,yf3 GNA"t'URE 1. : DraftMinutesofApril23,2019 Recommended Action: approve or modify the Draft Minutes of April 23, 2019 Draft Minutes of April 23, 2019 ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State 7ff will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agertda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussiom and/or actions requested by council, staff or amember of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted ort simultaneously. P{JBLIC HEARINGS None OLD BUSINESS 2. : Study session to create a list of objective standards topics as suggested by the Planning Commission and the public. Recommended Action: Conduct Study Session to prioritize a list for consideration Page I Planning Commission AGENDA May 24, 2019 Staff Report l - suggested objective standards from Commissioner Moore 2 - suggested objective standards from Commissioner Fung NEW BUSINESS 3. : General overview by Staff of the process for altering Easements Recommended Action: receive information STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Planning Commission AGENDA May 14, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the PLanning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Council in writing withirt fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Plannirxg Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that rxeeds special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas arid vvritings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made availaMe in the appropriate alternative format. Also uporr request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspectiori in the Community Developmertt Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from theagenda/minutes page 072 the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sertt to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Plawing Commission concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. nen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page3 Planning Commission AGENDA May 14, 2019 address the Planning Commission on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions Of? any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Plawing Department at (408) 7773308or planning@cupertino.org. Page 4 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA Tuesday,Ap , AN ROLLCALL BULLETIN BOA : HALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES u. ilj* IGNATURE1. : Amended Dra:it Minutes of February 12, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve or modify the amended Draft Minutes of February 12, 2019 Amended Draff Minutes of February 12, 2019 2. 3. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission 072 any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR None Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. Page l Planning Commisston AGENDA April 23, 2019 PUBLIC HEARINGS Nr(ne OLD BUSImSS NEW BUSINESS : Discussion and recommendations to City Council on unresolved disposition of toxins and= hazardous materials at Vallco site and impact on citizen health Recommended Action: Provide a recommendation to the City Council Site Characterization Report Closure Plan Sears Automotive Center Sent to FD Descriptron of Field Activities in Response to DEH Complaint.pdf STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Planning Commission AGENDA April 23, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission irt court, you may be limited to raising orily those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or priorto, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed obyectionable, the matter may be officiaLLy appealed to the City Covmcil inwriting within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appealis filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Uponrequest, in advance, by a persort with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, anassistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission afterpublication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in theCommunity Development Department located at City Ha(1, 10300Torre Avenue, durirtg normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from theagenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvq:>ertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded asszqyplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the priblic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in writtencommunications to the Ciffl that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that zs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or duringconsideration of that item. If you wish to address the Plannirtg Commission on any xssue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front ofthe Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page 3 Planning Commission AGENDA April 23, 2019 address the Planning Commission on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portiort of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questioris on arxy items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Planning Department at (408) 7773308or planning@cvtpertino.org. Page 4 cupatnm'i CITY OF CUPER%'c,xtxpoguxh NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Planning o n 2Shereby called for Monday, March 18 2019, commencing at 6:45 p.m., City CouncilChambers, 10350Torre Avemte, Cupertino, California. Said special meeting shall be forthe purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading"Special Meeting". This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the ommissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisiorxs with espectto a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by covmcil, staff or amember of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be actedon sirmdtaneously. PUBLIC HEARINGS Page I Planning Commission AGENDA March 18, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed obyectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Council in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decisiorx. Said appeal is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commissiort meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meetirig to arrarige for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, m advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection m the Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IA4JPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a wagver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that IS described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in frortt oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. Fhen you are called proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Ptrge 3 CUIPIRTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, March 14, 2019 6:00 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS NATURE This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agerida WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3. $: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai) b. Potential distracted driving campaign with Bike-Ped Commission (Nellore) c. FY18-19Workplanproposalsforfutureforums/workshops * Welcome Package to connect new residents to Neighborhood Watch and Block Leaders programs Page / Public Safety Commission AGENDA March 14, 2019 * Collaboration with Fine Arts Commission @ Tri-school area dangerous drop off Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for future forums/workshops NEW BUSINESS 4. : CREST Awards: Public Safety Champion Recommended Action: Review Nominations and Champion A - Public Safety Champion Packet Select 2019 Public Safety 5. 6. : Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison 8. 9. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive Report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 10. : Commissioners Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' Reports ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Public Safety Commission AGENDA March 14, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has atxy disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office m City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commvmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are irtcluded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. YOZ/ are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that 78 described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members 07? any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : DraftMinutesofNovember27,2018 RecommendedAction: approveormodifytheDraftMinutesofNovember27,2018 Draft Minutes of November 27, 2018 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by council, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. PUBLIC MEETINGS 2. Page I Planning Commission AGENDA January 8, 2019 Recommended Action: That the Planning Commission find that the: 1 ) The project is exempt from CEQA; 2 ) Approve the Sign Program (SP-2018-04); and 3 ) Approve the Sign Exception (EXC-2018-06) Planning Commission decision final unless appealed Staff Repoit l- Sign Program Draft Resolution 2 - Sign Exception Draft Resolution 3 - Sign Program and Plan Set OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Ptrge 2 Planning Commission AGENDA January 8, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cttpert'mo at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Co'vmcil in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appea) is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Comrrumity Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cvq:iertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemeMal material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetirtg, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on arxy issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. en you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page 3 Planning Commission AGENDA January 8, 2019 address the Planning Commission on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting foe'rowing the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Planning Department at (408) 7773308or p[anning@crtpertino.org. Page 4 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA 1. Draft Minutes of Janaury 8. 2019 CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 2.: Election of Chair, Vice Chair and Committee appointments Recommended Action: l) Elect a Chair and Vice Chair of the Planning Commission, asstgn representattves to various Committees, make a recommendation to the City Council for the Planning Commission representative to the Environmental Review Committee; 2) Review the upcoming meeting calendar Staff Report Committee Appointments 2019 template Cotni'nittee appointments 2018 2019 meeting calendar POSTPONEMENTS Item #4 - Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Mvmicipal Code to clarify City standards for parkland dedication and fees (Chapter 13.08- Park Land Dedication Fee, Chapter 14.05- Park Maintenance Fee, and Chapter 18.24- Dedications and Reservations), and size of Accessory Dwelling Units (Chapter 19.112-Accessory Dwelling Units), for clarifications, and consistency, has been postponed to the February 26, 2019 meeting. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS Page I Planning Commission AGENDA February 12, 2019 This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by cormcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items under the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. PUBLIC HEffiGS 3. Recommended Action: Uphold the decision of the Administrative Hearing Officer and deny the appeal per the Draft Resolutions Planning Commission decision final unless appealed Staff Repoit 1 - Draft Resolution for R-2018-20 2 - Draft Resolution for INT-2018-01 3 - Admin Hearing Res No. R-2018-20 4 - Admin Hearing Res No. INT-2018-01 5 - Approved Plan Set 6 - Appellant Elisa Herberg's Letter and Images 7 - Revised Plan Set 4.Subject: Municipal Code Amendments to the Cupertino Municipal Code to clarify City standards for parkland dedication and fees (Chapter 13.08- Park Land Dedication Fee, Chapter 14.05 - Park Maintenance Fee, and Chapter 18.24 - Dedications and Reservations), and size of Accessory Dwelling Units (Chapter 19.112-Accessory Dwelling Units), for clarifications, and consistency Application No(s).: MCA-2018-04; Applicant(s): City of Cupertino; Location: citywide Recommended Action: Postponed to the February 26, 2019 meeting Prrge 2 Planning Commission AGENDA February 12, 2019 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 3 Planning Commission AGENDA February 12, 2019 If you challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in viritten correspondence delivered to the City of Cupertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Covmcil in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appeal is filed with the Ciffl Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistarxce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning Commission after publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection in the Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre Avenue, during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from the agenda/minutes page on the Cupertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agertda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that gs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. nen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If you wish to Page 4 Planning Commission AGENDA February 12, 2019 address the Planning Commissiori on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so by during the public comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for documents related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Planning Department at (408) 7773308or planning@cupertino.org. Page S CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA 10350 Torre Avenue. Council Ch ) S * i ( Recommended Action: approve or modi:ty the Draft Minutes of February 12, 2019 Draft Minutes of February 12, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not on the agenda. CONSENT CALENDAR Unless there are separate discussions and/or actions requested by covmcil, staff or a member of the public, it is requested that items vmder the Consent Calendar be acted on simultaneously. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS PUBLIC HEARINGS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 2. : Survey on improving Council-Commissions Communications and Work Program workflow Page 1 Planning Commission AGENDA February 26, 2019 Recoinrnended Action: receive presentation and survey Survey Coinn'iission Work Prograi'ii Flow C)iait 3. : Draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan Recommended Action: Accept presentation on the Draft Citywide Parks and Recreation System Master Plan and provide input. Staff Reiiort I - Draft P&R Master Plan Jan 20l9.pdf 2 - Input 011 Draft Master Plan, Bicycle Ped Commission Ol.l6.]9.pdf 3 - Input on Draft Master Plan, Teen Forum Ol.22.l9.pdf 4 - Input on Draft Master Plan, Public Worksliop Ol.23.l9.pdf 5 - Input on Dra'ft Master Plan, Parks & Rec Coinmission Minutes 01.24.1 6 - Input on Draft Master Plan, City Council, Approved Meeting Minutes 7 - Input on Draft Master Plan, Public Comments Througli 02.03. 19.pdf 8 - Input on Draft Master Plan, Additional Public Comments Tlirougli 02. 4. : FY2019-2020PlanningCornmissionWorkProgram Recommended Action: discuss Work Program ideas Staff Rel:ioit I - 2018-2019 City Work Program STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Planning Commission AGENDA February 26, 2019 If J,'OZ/ challenge the action of the Planning Commission in court, you may be limited to raising only those issues you or someone else raised at the public hearing described in this agenda, or in written correspondence delivered to the City of Cvtpertino at, or prior to, the public hearing. In the event an action taken by the Planning Commission is deemed objectionable, the matter may be officially appealed to the City Covmcil in writing within fourteen (14) days of the date of the Commission's decision. Said appea7 is filed with the City Clerk (Ordinance 632). In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next Planning Commission meetirxg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, Planning Commission meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetirig that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Commission after m the Avenue, the Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the Planning publication of the packet will be made available for public inspection Community Development Department located at City Hall, 10300Torre during normal business hours and in Planning packet archives linked from agenda/minutes page 07? the Cvtpertino web site. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Mvmicipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cvtpertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are induded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the Planning Commission concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the Planning Commission on any issue that is on this agenda, please complete a speaker request card located in front oj the Commission, and deliver it to the City Staff prior to discussion of the item. J"Fhen you are called, proceed to the podium and the Chair will recognize you. If J,'OZ/ wish to Page 3 Planning Commission AGENDA February 26, 2019 address the Planning Commission on any other item not on the agenda, yovi may do so by during the prib7ic comment portion of the meeting following the same procedure described above. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. For questions on any items in the agenda, or for docvtments related to any of the items on the agenda, contact the Plann'mg Departmergt at (408) 7773308or planning@cttpertino.org. Ptige 4 C UPERTINO CITY OF C#i$IFORNIA Thursday, M(4&4JE2)020 6:00 NSTED THE BULLETIN B This will be a teleconference m TELECONFERENCE / PUBLIC PARTICIPATIO!1(7pASPREAD OF COVID-19 : I IDA'IE- AGl'x,,, t-(ti E iL'. fL, STOP THE SIGNATURE In accordance with Governor Newsom's Executive Order No-29-20, this will be a teleconference meeting without a physical location to help stop the spread of COVID-19. Members of the public wishing comment on an item on the agenda may do so in the following ways: 1) E-mail comments by 5:00p.m. on Thursday, May 14to the Commission at: publicsafetycommission@cupertino.org. These e-mail comments will be received by the commission members before the meeting and posted to the City's website after the meeting. 2) E-mail comments during the times for public comment during the meeting to the Commission at: Ricardo.Urena@Sheriff.sccgov.org. The staff liaison will read the emails into the record, and display any attachments on the screen, for up to 3 minutes (subject to the Chair's discretion to shorten time for public comments). Members of the public that wish to share a document must email Ricardo.Urena@Sheriff.sccgov.org prior to speaking. 3) Teleconferencing Instructions Members of the public may observe the teleconference meeting or provide oral public comments as follows: Oral public comments will be accepted during the teleconference meeting. Comments may be made during "oral communications" for matters not on the agenda, and during the public comment period for each agenda item. To address the Commission, click on the link below to register in advance and access the meeting: Online Page I Public Safety Commission Agenda May 14, 2020 Please click the link below to join the webinar: https://cityofcupertino.zoom.us/webinar/register/WNDhQdCbiRziJIFoW65zDlw Phone Dial 888 788 0099 and enter Webinar ID: 940 2409 1596 (Type *9 to raise hand to speak) Unregistered participants will be called on by the last four digits of their phone number. Or an H.323/SIP room system: H.323: (US West) (US East) Meeting ID: 940 2409 1596 SIP: 94024091596@zoomcrc.com After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about joining the webinar. Please read the following instructions carefully: 1. You can directly download the teleconference software or connect to the meeting in your internet browser. If you are using your browser, make sure you are using a current and up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer. 2. You will be asked to enter an email address and a name, followed by an email with instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Your email address will not be disclosed to the public. If you wish to make an oral public comment but do not wish to provide your name, you may enter "Cupertino Resident" or similar designation. 3. When the Chair calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on "raise hand." Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak. 4. When called, please limit your remarks to the time allotted and the specific agenda topic. ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. $: Minutes from Mar* 12, 2020 Recommended Action: Approve minutes from March 12, 2020 A - Draft &finutes Page 2 Public Safety Commission Agenda May 14, 2020 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the Commissiort on any matterzoithirt the jurisdiction of the Commission and not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3)mirxutes. Irx most cases, State raw will prohibit the Commission from mak'mg any decisions with respectto a matter not on the agenda. WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.$: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (Chao/Nellore) Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuSs proposals for futureforums/workshops 3. : COVID-19 Impact Recommended Action: Discuss COVID-19 impact to City 4. : Vehide Burglary Recommended Action: Disaiss vehicle burglaries NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison 7. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs OfficeRecommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office liaison 8. %: Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 9. $: Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports FUTURE AGENDA SETTING ADJOURNMENT Page 3 Public Safety Commission Agenda May 14, 2020 In comp(iance with the Americans zoith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p1anning to attend this teleconference meeting who is visually or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 48 hours'm advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. by addition, uport request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made availab7e in the appropriate alternative format. Page 4 CITY OF CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFORNTA AGENDA CUPERTIN0 6:00n::') ""\l'\!> [, : p; (' :u,yPOSTED THE N AInekLETJN Amended on 12/10/19 at9:45 A.M. to include electioA'WORa\l%n4 Vice ON THE HALL. the Public Safety SIGNATURE PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Minutes from November 14, 2019 Recornrnended Action: Approve Minutes from November 14, 2029A - Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter noton the agenda. Speakers are [imited to three (3) minutes. by most cases, State Law wil7 prohibit thecommissiort from making arty decisiorts with respect to a matter not listed 07? the agertda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Participation in Alert SCC and Pulse Point including migration progress fromCupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3.$: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai/Chao)Recornrnended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for futureforums/workshops Page I Public Safety Commission NEW BUSINESS Agenda December 12, 2019 4. $: Election of new Public Safety Commission Chair and Vice ChairRecommended Action: Elect new Public Safety Commission Chair and Vice Chair 5. $: Commission Proposals for FY 2020-2021 City Work ProgramRecommended Action: Provide a list of proposed City Work Program items andidentify top three proposals 6. $: Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison 8. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's OfficeRecommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office liaison 9. $: Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 20. $: Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports ADJOURNMENT 77? complia;+zce zoith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte who is p(arming to attertd thenext meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistanceshould call the City C7erk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange forassistance. Upon request, in advartce, by a person voith a disability, meeting agendas arid writ'mgsdistributed for the meetirtg that are public records zo;i77 be made available in the apprqriate alternativeformat. Also upon request, in advaryce, an assistive listen'mg device cart be made available for useduring the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wiube made available for public inspection. Please corttact the City C(erk's Office in City Hall located at10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipa[ Code 2.08.I00zoritten communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a Page 2 Public Safety Commission Agenda December 12, 2019 matter on the agenda are 'mc7uded as supplementa) materia7 to the agendized item. These zorittertcommunications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. Youare hereby admonished not to include any personal or private'mformation in voritten commutzicatiorxs tothe City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a voaiver of arty privacy rightsyou may have on the i;nformatiori provided to the City. Members of the pub7ic are erttit[ed to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in thenotice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration of that item. If you wish to address themembers on any other item not 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION Thursday, December 12, 2019 ) 55. PLEDGEOFALLEGIANCE EMPLO :EIQ (')FCUPERTINOrH DEPART- POSTED THE N -r AG N ON THE1, : Minutes from November 14, 2('!UJLLETIN BO (ATY cHALL.Recommended Action: Approve Minute,s frgr0 Qovember %; ADrm[allteS nlAis'l' SffiNATURE POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissiorx on any matter rtoton the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirtutes. 17! most cases, State law roill prohibit thecommission from making any decisions roith respect to a matter ;not Listed 07';1 the agenda WRITTEN COM:MUNICATIONS O[D BUSINESS 2, $: Participation in Alert SCC and Pulse Point including migration progress fromCupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3.$: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. PubIic Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai/Chao)Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for futureforums/workshops NEW BUSINESS 4. : Commission Proposals for FY 2020-2021 City Work Program Page I Public Safety Commission Agenda Decemberl2,2019 Recommended Action: Provide a list of proposed City Work Program items and identify top three proposals 5. 4: Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items f - .'ST' AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ' 6. "' 6: Report by the Santa Clara Coiu'ity Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison ' 7. ' $: Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office liaison '8. - J: Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 9. $: Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports ADJOURNMENT by compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plamirtg to attend the next meet'mg who is visua7(y or hear'trtg impaired or has any disabilih) that needs specia( assistartce shourd car( the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. lIpon request, irt advance, by a person with a disabi(ity, meeting agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meetirtg that are public records wi(( be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, art assistive listertirtg device can be made available for use during the meetirrg. Arty writ'mgs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda roill be made available for public inspection. Please corttact the City C(erk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupert'mo City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agertda.are included as supplemerttal material to the agendized item. These roritten communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to irtclude any persona[ or private information in zorittert communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; do'mg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiory provided to the City. Page 2 Public Safety Commission Agenda December 12, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernirtg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA C UPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE Thursday, Novel@F-CALIFORNIA 6:00 PM COUN r, EMPLOY POSTED THE' NOTr : DA ON THE HALL. ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. l: Minutes from October 11, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve minutes A - Draft A/Iinutes \\ I \g DAT I POSTPONEMENTS IGNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons zoishing to address the commission ort any matter rxot ort the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State lava will prohibit the commission from making arxy decisions with respect to a matter not (isted on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3.$: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai/Chao) Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuSs proposals for future forums/workshops NEW BUSINESS 4. $: Discuss recornrnendations,for future work program items for upcoming fiscal year Page I Public Safety Commission Agenda November 14, 2019 Recommended Action: Provide recommendations for work program for upcorning ficsal year for department consideration 5. $: Wildlife Education Recommended Action: DisaiSs Wildlide Education Programs 6'. $: Future Agenda Items - ' Recommended Action: Discuss hmre agenda items 7.$: Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara Fire District Liaison 8.l: Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Liaison l: Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino Liaison 10. $: Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' Reports ADJOURNMENT Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone who is plawing to attertd the next meeting who is visually or heari;ng impaired or has any disabi(ity that rteeds specia7 assistance shouU call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person roith a disabilih), meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are pub7ic records will be made avai7ab1e in the appropriate alterrtative format. A7S0 upon request, 'trt advance, ari assistive listenirxg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arxy writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda voill be made available for public irtspection. Please corttact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg normal bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertirto City Courtcil Commissiorters or City staff concern'mg a matter on the agenda are included as supp(ementa7 material to the agetxdized item. These written communications are accessibre to the pub(ic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You Page 2 Public Safety Commission Agenda November 14, 2019 are hereby admonished ivot to include any personal or private i4ormation in written communicahons to the City that you do not wish to make public; do'mg so sha)7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irxformatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the rtotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Friday, October 11, 2019 5:30 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of tlie meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission 07? any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State Ia'zo wi'L7 prohibit the commission from making any decisioyqs with respect to a matter not Listed 07? the ageyida WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OtD BUSINESS 2. l: Discuss policy options to prevent youth access to tobacco products, including flavored tobacco products, and to redrice the density of tobacco retailers. Recommended Action: Recommend that Council adopt the proposed tobacco policies to prevent youth access to tobacco products. Page I Public Safety Commission Agenda October 11, 2019 A - Tobacco Free Communities Policies Santa Clara County B - Healthy Cities Program 2018 Cupertino Dashboard C - Americai'i Lru'ig Association Report Card D - Letter to Cupertino City Corincil from F'UHSD E - FUHSD Resolution 1819-21 F - Matrix of 35 Local Ordinances Restricting Flavored Tobacco G - Healthy Stores for a Healthy Comminity 2016 Survey H - Tough Questions on Flavored Tobacco Products NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT by compliance with the Americayis with Disabi(ities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attertd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meet'mg to arrange for assistaryce. Upoyi request, in advance, by a person zoith a disability, meeting agendas and zorit'mgs distributed for the meeting that are public records zoil7 be made available'm the appropriate alternative format. A(so upon request,"in advance, an assistive Listening device can be made available for use during the meetirxg. Ayiy writing's or documents provided to a majority of the members after publicatioyi of the agenda zoill be made ava'dable for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg norma) business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursua;nt to Cupertino Mtmicipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Cormcil Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commvmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admoyiished not to include any persoyial or private information in written commtmications to the City that you do not zoish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members coyicerning any item that is described in the notice or age;nda for this meetirtg, before or during consideration of tliat item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so during the puMic comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY MANAGER'S OFFICE COU OTIC liR A ON BUL[,ETIN BOi HALL. IGNATURE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Cupertino Public Safety Commission Public Safety Forum will be held on October 11, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. regarding the following: Public Safety Commission will present its 2019 Public Safety Forum. Learn about current crime trends, cyber-security, and vehicle break-ins from the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office. The Santa Clara County Fire Department will present information on fire evacuation and general tips for safety. We will hear from Block Leader experts and the Office of Emergency Services regarding neighbors helping neighbors and their role during times of emergency. City staff will also present on youth tobacco use and proposed policies. Fire and Sheriff's Office personnel will be available for individual questions throughout the presentation. Members of the public may speak directly on this topic throughout the event. The meeting will be held in Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Dated this 26th day of September 2019. Services Coordinator CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA 10300 Torre Avenue, City MENT, Sr TE UNDER PEN,AI,T,Y OF PLEDGE oF ALLEGIANcE PERJURY TH.'q ON (DATE) 4%51l'l ROILCALL POSTED TI-IE NOTI DA ON T!-18 BULLETIN BOA C, HALL. Recommended Action: Approve minutes from August 8, 2019 A - Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiorx of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the commission on any matter not on the agerxda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State Law w'd7 prohibit the commission from mak'mg any decisions zoith respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recornrnended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3.$: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai/Chao) c. Potential distracted driving campaign with Bike-Ped Commission (Nellore) Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for future forums/workshops NEW BUSINESS Page I Public Safety Commission Agenda September 12, 2019 Discuss policy options to prevent youth access to tobacco products, including flavored tobacco products, and to reduce the density of tobacco retailers. Recommended Action: Provide input on policy options to prevent youth access to top@.cqo p.roducts, including flavored tobacco products, and to reduce the density of tobacco retailers. A - Tobacco Free Communities Policies Santa Clara Cointy B - Healthy Cities Pro0rarn 2018 Cupertino Dashboard C - American Lung Association Report Card D - Letter to Cupertino City Counal from FUHSD E - FUHSD Resolution 181SE21 F - Matrix of 35 Local Ordinances Restricting Flavored Tobacco G - Healthy Stores for a Healthy Community 2016 Survey H - Tough 0uestions on Flavored Tobacco.Products 5. ' 2: Discuss recornrnendations for fuhire work progam items for upcoming fiscal year Recornrnended Action: Provide recommendations for work program for upcoming fiscal year for department consideration 6. $: Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss future agenda items ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recornrnended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison 8. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office liaison 9. $: Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino liaison 10. $: Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports ADJOURNMENT Irt compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planrtirtg to attend the rtext meeting who is visual(y or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that rteeds specia7 assistance shouU call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Upon request, irt advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writirtgs Page 2 Public Safety Commission Agerida September 12, 2019 distributed for the meeting that are public records zo'dl be made available irt the appropriate alterrxative format. Also uport request, in advance, an assistive listen'mg device can be made ava'dable for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirtg normal busirxess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter on the agertda are 'mc[uded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These zoritten communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s zoebsite and kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc'Lude any personal or private information in written communications to the Cih) that you do not wish to make pub7ic; doing so shall constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideratiort of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public commerit. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, August 8, 2019 6:00 PjdATE OF CALIFORNIA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE OF SANTA C RA ROLL CALL 1. APPROV AL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS GNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State (azo wiu prohibit the commission from mak'mg arxy decisiorxs with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3.$: Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai/Chao) c. Potential distracted driving campaign with Bike-Ped Cornrnission (Nellore) Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for future forums/workshops NEW BUSINESS Page I Public Safety Commission Agenda August 8, 2019 4. $: Write thank you letter for staff that worked 4th of July event Recommended Action: Discuss writing thank you letter for staff that worked 4th of July event 5. $: Discuss recommendations for future work program items for upcorning fiscal year 4 Recommended Action: Provide recqmmendations for future work program items for , upcoming fiscal year 6: 2: Ftittire Agend.ffl Iteffis Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. $: Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara Coin"ity Fire District liaison 8.$: Report by the Santa Cl:ara County Sheriffs Office Recommended Action: Receivn report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office liaison 9. 2: Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 10. $: Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americarts with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone zoho is plartrting to attend the riext meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advarxce of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, i;+z advance, by a persorx with a disabilify, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetirtg that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device cart be made available for use during the meetirtg. Any zoritings or documents provided to a majorih) of the members after publication of the agenda zoill be made available for public inspection. Please corttact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hal7 Located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirxg rtormal bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipar Code 2.08.I00 Page 2 Public Safety Commission Agenda August 8, 2019 written comm'tmicahons sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agertda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept irx packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to'mc(ude any persona7 or private information in zoritten communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shau constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pub7ic are entitled to address the members concerniryg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not on the agenda, you may do so durirxg the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, July 11, 2019 6:00 PM STATE OF CALIFORNIA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE COUNTYOFS TA ROLLCALL EMPLO fi- "t'ry -OF #rii6 POSTED THE NOT ./" EN A ON =rTh-i-E Recommended Action: Approve minutes fr.iBAl@1%(),4 6- py HAL B. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMTJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3. Page I Public Safety Commission AGENDA July 11, 2019 Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for fuhire forums/workshops. NEW BUSINESS 4. : Narcan Education presentation by SCC Opioid Overdose Prevention Project (SCCOOPP) , Recommended Action: Receive presentation on Narcan Education 5. . : Hepatitis B in the City of Cupertino awareness discussion Recommended Action: Discuss Hepatitis B awareness 6. : Domestic Violence and Teen Stress link recommendations for PSC website Recommended Action: Review and provide recommendation to add links to PSC website 7. 8. : Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 9. : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Liaison 10. : Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office liaison 11. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 12. : Commissioner Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Public Safety Commission AGENDA July 11, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate a(ternative format. Also ttpon request, irt advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majoriffl of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that zs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, June 13, 2019 6:00 PM PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS STATE OF CALIFOP,NlA This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the ageinda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2, : Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups 3, : Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai) c. Potential distracted driving campaign with Bike-Ped Commission (Nellore) d. FY 18-19 Work plan proposals for future forums/workshops i. Welcome Package to connect new residents to Neighborhood Watch and Block Leaders programs Page 1 Public Sdety Commission AGENDA June 13, 2019 Recornrnended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for future foiwms/workshops NEW BUSINESS 4. : Narcan Education presentation by SCC Opioid Overdose Prevention Project (SCCOOPP) Recommended Action: Receive presentation on Narcan Education 5..= : Discuss the City of Cupertino Annex to the Santa Clara County Community Wildfire Protection Plan Recoi'nmended Action: Recommend that City Council adopt the resolution to adopt the City of Cupertino Annex to the Santa Clara County Community Wildfire Protection Plan as the City of,Cupertino's Community Wildfire Protection Plan Staff Repoit ' A - City of Cupertino CWPP - SCC CWPP Annex 7 6. : Domestic Violence and Teen Stress link recommendations for PSC website Recommended Action: Review and provide recommendation to add links to PSC website 7. : Discuss recommendations for future work program items for upcorning fiscal year Recornrnended Action: Provide recornrnendations for work program for upcoming fiscal year for department consideration 8. : Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 9, : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recornrnended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison 10. : Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs O'ffice Recoinmended Action: Receive Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office liaison 11. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 12. : CommissionerReports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports Page 2 Public Safety Commission AGENDA June 13, 2019 ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the Ciffl Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. PLease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerrting a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. Ifyou wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, May 9, 2019 6:00 P,@TATE OF CALIFORNIA ROLL CALL DEPART- Recommended Action: Approve minutes from April 11 ;019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COCATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2. A - Medford, Massachusetts 3-D Crosswalks OLD BUSINESS 3. 4. : Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with Focus on Mental Health (Sahai) Page I Public Safety Commission AGENDA May 9, 2019 c. Potential Distracted Driving Campaign with Bike-Ped Commission (Nellore) d. FY18-19WorkPlanProposalsforFutureForums/Workshops i. Welcome Package to Connect New Residents to Neighborhood Watch and Block Leaders Program , ii. Tri-school Area Dangerous Drop Offs ' Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for future forums/workshops NEW BUSINESS 5. : Presentation and Discussion of City of Cupertino Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) Recommended Action: Discuss EOP and recommend for adoption to City Council Staff Repoit A - Draft City of Cupeitino Emergency Operation Plan (EOP) 6. : Narcan Education Recommended Action: Discuss Narcan education 7. 8. 9. 10. : Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss future agenda items STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 11. : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire Disctrict liaison 12. : Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office Page 2 Public Safety Coinmission AGENDA May 9, 2019 Recommended Action: Receive repoit by the Santa Clara County Sheriffs Office liaison 13. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 14. : Commissioner Reports Recornrnended Action: Receive Commissioners' reports ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attend the next meetirtg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in Ciff Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publicatiort oJ public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00writtert communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website artd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have orb the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION A - Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commxssxon on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from makirxg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: DiscuSs AlertSCC sign ups 3. : Public Safety Education and Outreach a. Public Safety Forum (McCoy/Huang) b. Senior Safety Forums with focus on mental health (Sahai) c. Potential distracted driving campaign with Bike-Ped Commission (Nellore) d. FY18-19Workplanproposalsforfutureforums/workshops - Welcome Package to connect new residents to Neighborhood Page I Public Safety Commission AGENDA April 11, 2019 Watch and Block Leaders programs - Tri-school area dangerous drop offs Recommended Action: Receive updated reports and discuss proposals for future forums/workshops. 4r Subiect:.. Domestic Violence and Teen Stress link recommendations for PSC Recommended Aetioji: Re,view and provide recommendation to add links to PSC website 7: Teen Tobacco Ordinance and Education Recommended Action: Review Teen Tobacco ordinance 6. 7. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 8. : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receive Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison 9. 10. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive Report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 11. : CornmissionersReports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' Reports ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Public Safety Commission AGENDA April 11, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office irt City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept irx packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernirxg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oJ that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, February 14, 2019 6:00 PM STt':TE CiF Cy'J,IF":-iR:"JLA. PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROVAL OF MINtJTES ROLL CALL BtJLLETTN B ARD"" AT '<K rY oLALLJRecommended Action: Approve Minutes from January 10, 2019 A - Draft Minutes ,> )-'i li-l D.A['E POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirxutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. 3. : Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert System to AlertSCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups Page I Public Safety Commission AGENDA February 14, 2019 Tri-school area dangerous drop offs Recommended Action: Receive updated repoits and discuss proposals for future forums/workshops NEW BUSINESS 5. : Presentation from Cupertino Office of Emergency Services regarding city readiness and status of volunteer programs Recommended Action: Receive OES readiness and status presentation 6. : Discuss recommendations for future work program items for upcoming fiscal year Recommended Action: Provide recommendations for work program for upcoming fiscal year for department consideration B - Resolution C - CWPP Annex 7 D - CWPP Strategic Countywide Document 8. : Future Agenda Items Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 10. : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action:Receive Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District liaison Page 2 Public Safety Commission AGENDA February 14, 2019 11. : Report by tlie Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office Recommended Action: Receive Report by the Santa Clara County Sheriff's Office liaison 12. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive Report by the City of Cupertino staff liaison 9. : Commissioners Reports Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners' Reports ADJOURNMENT Ptrge 3 Public Safety Commission AGENDA February 14, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hows in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records viill be made available in the appropriate alternative format, Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documerxts provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public impection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cttpertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal( constitute a wagver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerrting ariy item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Prrge 4 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PUBLIC SAFETY COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, January 10, 2019 6:00PM 8(',, POSTPONEMENTS "ATE " ' SIG ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commissiori from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNtCATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Participation in AlertSCC and Pulse Point including migration progress from Cupertino Alert Systennto Alert SCC (Huang/McCoy) Recommended Action: Discuss AlertSCC sign ups Page I Public Safety Commission AGENDA January 10, 2019 3. NEW BUSINESS : Presentation on Hepatitis by Monta Vista Students Recommended Action: Receive Presentation 5. A - Hepatitis Presentation Recommended Action: Discuss Future Agenda Items STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 6. : Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Recommended Action: Receiye Report by the Santa Clara County Fire District Liaison 7. 8. : Report by the City of Cupertino Recommended Action: Receive Report by the City of Cupertino Staff Liaison 9. : Commissioners Report Recommended Action: Receive Cotnmissioners' Reports ADJOURNMENT Pbge2 Public Safety Conxmission AGENDA January 10, 2019 h compliance with the Americazqs with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hvmi.ng impaired or hm any disabilitythat needs special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Of,fice at 4(W-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon reqgqesfr,, in advance,by a person with a disability, meeting ageridas and writings distributed for the meetingol-rtt are public records will be made avajktble in the appropriate alternative firyH@(,A'!.so'P"? request, in advance, an assistive listerting device can be made available foruse dawifrigjhe meetivig, Any writings or documerits pyovided to q rrlai@ri> of the mgmbers af'ter publicatian ojthe agenda vvil7 be made available for public inspection. Please contact the CityClerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal busiryesshours. IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cztpertino M'tmicipalCode 2.08.l00written corrxnunications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil,Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter orx the agenda are included assupplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications areaccessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You arehereby admonished not to include any personal or private information iri writtencommunications to the City that you do not wish to rriake public; doing so shallconstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irrformation provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xsdescribed in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration ojthat item. If you wish to address the 'nxembers on any other item not on the agenda, youmay do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter riot on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. bat most cases, State Lava roill prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter rtot Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Discuss Ideas for Library Commission to Host an Event for the Cultural Exchange Youth Program. $: Discuss Recruitment Tasks, Timeline, Action Plan, and/or Promotional Material for Selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. Discuss Plans for Honoring and Celebrating Cupertino's 2018-2019 Poet Laureate as well as Welcorning the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. $: Consider Draft Letter to Council to Address Parking Scarcity/Suggestions for Encouraging Off-Site Parking and Use of Alternative Forms of Transportation for Library Visitors. Revise as Needed. 5. : Consider Draft Letter to Council to Address Abuse of the 4-Minute Parking Located Near the Book Retum and Support Options to Increase Enforcement Opportunity for Use of the 4-Minute Parking Stalls. Page I Library Commission Agenda December 4, 2019 6. $: Receive Update from Working Group Regarding Potential Quiet Zones and a Sipage in the Library. 7. $: As Available, Receive Update and Action Items from the Working Group or Cupertino Library Foundation to Support the Addition of a Community Room hiside the Cupertino Library. NEW BUSINESS 8. $: Discuss Opportunities for Library Commission to Work With Teen Commission Regarding Hosting an Event for Middle Sa"iool Students. 9. $: Modify Schedule of January 2020 Cornrnission Meeting. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 10. $: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Monthly Update Library Expansion Working Group Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate Staff ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ariyorte who is planning to attend the next meetirtg who is visually or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistartce. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disab'dih), meeting agertdas artd writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available irx the appropriate alternative format. Also uport request, in adva;nce, an assistive Iisterting device cart be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. P(ease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupertirto Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerrting a Page 2 Library Commission Agenda December 4, 2019 matter on the agenda are 'mrluded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any persona7 or private information in zoritten communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members orx any other item not O;12 the agertda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, November 6, 2019 7:00 PM Amended Amended on 11/01/19 at ll:23a.m. to arlrl itpmq Nils 4 arul R to tbp appqdB. ) SS. Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS L)}'a'[aE SaeNAT'URE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons roishing to address the commission on any matter not 07'l the agenda. Speakers are (imited to three (3) minutes. I?? most cases, State law wi(l prohibit the commission from making a;ny decisions voith respect to a matter not {isted on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Discuss library quiet space. 3. $: Review mockup of signage for 4-minute parking stalls. 4. 3: Discuss the use of Cupertino Unified School District/Eaton parking lot after school hours and during weekends 5. 3: Continue to discuss recruitment tasks and timeline for selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. Consider all options for filling the open Poet Laureate position for the 2020-2021 term. Recommend program improvements, as needed. Page I IibraryCommission Agenda November6,2019 6. $: As available, receive update and action items from the working group or Cupertino Iibrary Foundation to support the addition of a community room inside the Cupertino Iibrary. NEW BUSINESS 7. $: Review aiid provide feedback on the draft ethics protocol. DRAFT Etmcs Protocol 8. $: Discuss ideas for Library Commission to host an event for the Cultural Exchange Youth Program STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 9.$: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Monthly Update Library Expansion Working Group Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate Staff 10. $: Discussion of Commissioners attendance at upcoming meetings and community events. ADJOURNMENT /71 compliance witli the Americans with Disabi(ities Act (ADA), anyo;ne who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visuafly or hearing impaired or has a'ny disabi7ih) that needs special assistance should ca(7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disab'dity, meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use duri;ng the meeting. A7?3/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wil7 be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hal7 located at 10300 Torre Avenue during norma7 business hours. IMPORTAJNT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino M'bmicipa7 Code 2.08.100 roritten comrmmications sent to the Cuperti;no City Counci(, Commissioners or City staff concerning a Page 2 Library Commission Agenda November 6, 2019 matter on the agenda are inc(uded as supplementa7 materia7 to the agendized item. These roritten commtmications are accessible to the pub7ic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc(ude any personai or private informatiori in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constihtte a roaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public gre entitled to address the members concerning any itm that is described in the notice or agenda @ this meefing, before or during consideration of that itm. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you mgy do SO during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd FIOO! 'I'hinkTarik Draft A/Iinutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons zoishing to address the commission 07'Z any matter noton the age;nda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Discuss library qiiet space. 3. l: Review mockup of signage for 4-minute parking stalls. 4.$: Continue to discuss recruitment tasks and timeline for selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. Consider all options for filling the open Poet Laureate position for the 2020-2021 term. Recommend program improvements, as needed. 5.$: As available, receive update and action items from the working group or Cupertino Library Foindation to support the addition of a cornrnunity room inside the Cupertino Library. NEW BUSINESS 6. l: Review and provide feedback on the draft ethics protocol. Page I Library Commission DRAFT Ethics Protocol Agenda Novembet 6, 2019 ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7.$: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Ctipertino Community Librarian County Librarian Monthly Update Library Expaiision Working Group Friends of the LibrAry , ' . Cupertino Library Eoundation Cornrnissioners Poet Laureate Staff 8. $: Discussion of Cornrnissioners attendance at upcorning meetings and commiu"iity events. ADJOURNMENT I;+z compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plamirtg to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearirtg impaired or has arty disability that needs specia7 assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, 'm advartce, by a person with a disab'dity, meeting agendas a;nd writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Arso upon request, in advance, art assistive listening device can be made avai(able for use during the meeting. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda zoil7 be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerlc's Office in City Hal7 Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissiorxers or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supp(ementa7 material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the puMic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do riot wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pub(ic are entitled to address the members concerrxing any item that is described'm the rtotice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideratiort of that item. If you zoish to address the members ort any other item not o;n the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 Library Commission Agenda Page 3 November 6, 2019 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA C UPE RTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, October 2, 2019 CALL TO ORDER MENT, STATE UNDER PENALT.Y OF D"" tlkeS POSTED THE NOTI EN A ON THE BULLETIN BO HALL. RO[L CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS S NATURE This portion of the meetivtg is reserved for persons wishivxg to address the commission on any matter not on the agertda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. h most cases, State law w'd7 prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the ageryda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: DiscusS and Recommend to Code Enforcement Staff the Finalized Verbiage for the A-Frame Sign to Discourage Long Term Parking in the 4 Minute Parking Stalls 3.$: Continue to Discuss Recruitment Tasks and Timeline for Selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. Consider All Options for Filling the Open Poet Laureate Position for the 2020-2021 Term. Recornrnend Program Improvements, as Needed. 4. $: Discussion about Adding a Youth Representative to the Library Commission 5. $: As Available, Receive Update and Action Items from the Working Group or Cupertino Library Foundation to Support the Addition of a Community Room Inside the Cupertino Library. NEW BUSINESS Page I LibraryCommission Agenda ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS October 2, 2019 6. r $: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Library Expansion Working Group Friends of the Library Cupertinq'I'ibrary Foun4atior< Commissioners Poet Laureate Staff 7. $: Discussion of C6rnmissioners' Attendance at Upcorning Meetings and Comrnuruty Events ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans voith Disab'dities Act (ADA), artyone who is planning to attertd the next meeting who is p:suqlly or73eq'pjnz impai7ed or has any disability that needs special assistance = should call the City (Jerk's Office at 408-77-7-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeti;ng agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeting that are pubdic records will be made avai7ab7e in the appropriate a7ternative format. A7S0 upo;n request, in advance, an assistive listenirtg device can be made ava'dable for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majorih) of the members after publication of the agenda w'dl be made available for pub1ic inspectiorr. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirtg normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Murticipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communicatiorts sent to the Cupertirto Cih) Council, Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter on the agenda are'mcluded as supplementa7 material to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished rxot to'mc)ude arty personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the'mformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members ort any other item not ort the agenda, you may do so during the puMic comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 'rorreSX4;urQ*nQ Wednesday,Se 2s F,M-PLOY ITY OF CUPERTINO CALLTOORDER DEPART MENT. S'I'ATE UNDER PENA,L,T% OF APPROVAL oF MINUTEs pos'rbo 'mJ NOTI EN ON 'ms 1. $: Regular Meeting of August 7, 201V IIUL'ETIN Bo POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from mak'mg any decisiorts with respect to a matter not listed 07? the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.$: Update of the Action Plan to Address Parking Scarcity and Abuse of the 4 Minute Parking Located Near the Book Return. Discussion of Options to Improve Patron Safety and Traffic Flow During Drop-off and Pick-up at the Library. Discussion of Opportunities, if Any, for Offsite Parking at Nearby Saiool During Peak Weeknight and Weekend Hours. 3. $: Continue to Discuss Recruitment Tasks and Tirneline for Selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. Consider All Options for Filling the Open Poet Laureate Position for the 2020-2021 Term. Recommend Program Improvements, as Needed. 4. J: As Available, Receive Update and Action Items from the Working Group or Cupertino Library Foundation to Support the Addition of a Community Room Inside the Cupertino Library. NEW BUSINESS Page I Library Commission Agenda September 4, 2019 5. $: Discussion about Adding a Youth Representative to the Library Commission 6. : Discussion and Review of the Existing Ardfftectural Plans for the Addition of the Program/Community Meeting Room. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Receive MonthIy Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Lib:t'arian I,ibrary Expansion Working Group Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate Staff 8. $: Discussion of Commissioners' Attendance at Upcorning Meetings and Cornrnunity Events ADJOURNMENT by compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone zoho is p7anrting to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meet'mg that are pub(ic records wi(( be made availab(e in the appropriate a(ternative format. Also upon request, irt advance, an assistive listening device can be made avai7able for use during the meetirtg. A723/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda will be made available for public inspection. P(ease contact the City Clerk's Office'm City Hal7 Located at 10300 Torre Averxue during norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 writtert commurtications sertt to the Cupertirxo City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemerxtal material to the agendized item. These written commtmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private'mformation in writtert communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the i4ormation provided to the City. Page 2 Library Commission Agenda September 4, 2019 Members of the puMic are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA [IBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, August 7, 2019 7:00 PMSTATE OF CALIFORNIA CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Special Meeting of July 10, 2019 Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS EMPL,OYEE OF THE CITY OF CUPER',. [NO BULLETIN BOARD AT CIT\ HALL. This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the commission 07? any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are (imited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Jaw wiu prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed 072 the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.$: Discuss ' Recruitment Tasks and Tirneline for Selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. Consider All Options for Filling the Open Poet Laureate Position for the 2020-2021 Term. Review Guidance Received from the Current Poet Laureate on 7/10/2019 to Improve the Support and Operation of the Poet Laureate Program. Recornrnend Program Improvements, as Needed. 3. $: As Available, Receive Update and Action Items from the Working Group or Cupertino Library Foiu"idation Regarding the Addition of a Community Room Inside the Cupertino Library, As Available. 4. $: Discuss, Edit, and Recort'unend Approval of FY 2019-2020 Library Commission Work Plan Items to Submit fot City Council Approval. Library Cornm Draft Work Plan 07.11.19 NEW BUSINESS Page I Libtary Commission Agenda August 7, 2019 ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 5.$: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Library Expansion Working Group Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate Staff 6. $: Discussion of Commissioners' Attendance at Upcoming Meetings and Community Events ADJOURNMENT Irt comp(iance zoith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone toho is planning to attend the mxt meeting zoho is visuauy or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabilih), meeting agertdas arid writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, 'm advance, an assistive Iistenirtg device cart be made ava'dable for use durirtg the meetirtg. Arty writ'mgs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Had( (ocated at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerrt'mg a matter on the agenda are'mcluded as supplementa7 materia7 to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the'mformation provided to the City. Members of the pub7ic are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members on any other item riot on the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 2 CUPERTINp CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, Story Room Wednesday, July 10, 2019 7:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Library Commission is hereby called for Wednesday, July 10, 2019, commencirtg at 7:00p.m. at the Cupertino Library, Story Room, 10800Torre Ave., Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meetmg shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting". SPECIAL MEETING ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES STATE OF CALIFORNIA POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COCATIONS BULLETIN BOA Z4,L,:',, This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirtutes. bt most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page 1 Library Commission AGENDA July 10, 2019 3. : As Available, Receive Update and Action Items from the Working Group or Cupertino Library Foundation to Support the Addition of a Community Room Inside the Cupertino Library. 5. : Receive Update of the Current Process Library Staff Follows to Reserve Community Hall for Library Programming Today and, If Applicable, in the Future as the Result of a Possible New Community Hall Use Agreement 6. : Discuss, Edit, anda'Decide the Future Library Commission Work Plan Items to Submit for City Council Approval for FY 2019-2020. Library Comm Work Program Draft 7. : Receive Update for the Closure of the Data Gathering Phase for the SCCL 2019 Customer Satisfaction Survey. SCCLD Post-Survey'Memo NEW BUSINESS 8. : Receive Update from Poet Laureate Kaecey McCormick About Items of Special Interest to the Poet Laureate Program. Discuss Recruitment Tasks and Timeline for Selecting the 2020-2021 Poet Laureate. STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page 2 Library Commission AGENDA July 10, 2019 : Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate Staff 10. : Discussion of Commissioners' Attendance at Upcoming Meetings and Community Events Page 3 ADJOURNMENT Library Commission AGENDA July 10, 2019 bi compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabiliffl that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, arx assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication o) public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff coricerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 4 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, June 5, 2019 CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. : Regular Meeting of May 1, 2019 Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS 7:00P'!TATEOFCALIFORNIA P'C).5-)ED THE NOatrCEjAGENDA ON T-F-JE BULLETNN BOARD AT CI2'Y HALL DATE SIGNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from marring any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMCATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.: Discussion of the City Council Work Program Item "Library Community Room Addition". Consider Immediate Action to Show Support for the Addition of a Community Room Inside the Cupertino Library. Receive Update from the Cupertino Library Forindation, as Available. 3.: Discussion of a Marketing Plan and Scheduling of Outreach Events to Promote the Tri-Annual Library Survey. The Survey Opened on 5/22/2019. Follow Up with Library District Staff to Learn To-date Participation Numbers, if Available. Determine if Individual Efforts to Promote the Survey are Sufficient OR if Organized Outreach is Necessary to Boost the Participant Total to the Preferred Target Number Page 1 Librai7 Commission AGENDA June 5, 2019 4. $: Receive Update on tl'ie Current Process Library Staff Follows to Reserve Community Hall for Library Programming and Recommendations for h'nprovement As of 5/1/2019, the Library District Had Stopped Booking Library Progranns at Community Hall Due to Unacceptable Terms Identified in the Indemnity Portion of the Reservation Application. Consider Actions to Show Support for an Efficient and Unambiguous Reservation Process that Ensures ff Timely Confinnation of Each Priority Use of Corninunity Half by the Library 5. ' $: Discussion of Future Library Coinmission Work Plan Items to Submit -' forCi6CouncilApprovalforFY20l9-2020 Draft Work Plan a NEW BUSINESS 6.$: Discussion of Environmental Factors, Such as Seating, Noise Level, Tutoring Activity, Affecting Patron Satisfaction and Library Use. Update on the Plan'to Redesign Seating and Study Spaces 7. J: Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate 8. %: Discussion of Commissioners' Attendance at Upcoming Meetings and Community Events ADJOMNT Page 2 Library Commission AGENDA June 5, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabiliffl, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ttpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members afler publicatiort oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business I)Vff'ORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comwmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. Yovi are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the Ciffl that you do not wish to make public; doirzg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the infomation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, May 1, 2019 7:00 @iA-ITE OF CALilF;, r.l".iJy-'i PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS DAI'E GNATUF.-E This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMTJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Discussion of a Marketing Plan for the Tri-Annual Library Survey 3. NEW BUSINESS Page 1 Library Commission AGENDA May 1, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 8. : Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Cotnmissioners Poet Laureate 9. : Discussion of Commissioners' Attendance at Upcorning Meetings and Community Events ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Library Commission AGENDA May 1, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting'Hlho is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. an assistive listening device can be made available forAlso upon request, in advance, use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall (ocated at HOURS, majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter 07? the agenda are inchtded as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arty item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is resers>ed for persom wishing to ciddress the cori'tmission on mqy matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mimites. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission firoin making cmy decisions yvith respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Discussion of a Marketing Plan for the Tri-Annual Libraiy Swvey 3. NEW BUSINESS 4.7: Discussion of Observations and Lessons Learned from "Root Carises of Pain" Coinmunity Outreach and Social Media Campaign, to Identify an Upcoming Program to Protnote, and/or Setup a Promotion Strategy to Test in April, 2019 Prrge / Library Commission AGENDA April 3, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 5. : Receive Monthly Update Reports from: Cupertino Community Librarian County Librarian Friends of the Library Cupertino Library Foundation Commissioners Poet Laureate 6. : Discussion of Commissioners' Attendance at Upcoming Meetings and Community Events ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Library Commission AGENDA April 3, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format.Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication o)the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the CityClerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal businesshours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuartt to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commurzications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included assupplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information irt writtencommunications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the =formation provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arxy item that xsdescribed in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration ojthat item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, youmay do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank CALL TO ORDER ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Wednesday, Mai;c.5 <ii,2o!.2 n (,§h Draft Minutes CEREMONIAL MATTERS AND PRESENT ATIONS 2. : Brown Act Presentation POSTPONEIMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission07? any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. : Proposed Questions, Marketing Plan, and Incentive Programs 4. : Library Commission Work Plan Items City Manager's Staff Repoit.pdf Priority Setting Work Program Ideas.pdf Priority Setting Ranking bv Priority.pdf Priority Setting Ranking bv Department/Division.pdf Page I Library Commission AGENDA March 6, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wilL be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Mhmicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concernirxg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described !!7? the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CuPIRTIN@ CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, February 6, 2019 7:00 PM Amended Regular Meeting POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on arxy matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. $: Survey - Proposed Questions and Incentive Program 4. : Library Commission Work Plan Items NEW BUSINESS Page I Library Commission AGENDA February 6, 2019 : Book Recommendations STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Cupertino Community Librarian Report County Librarian Report Friends of the Library Report Cupertino Library Foundation Report Commissioner Report Poet Laureate Report Staff Report Calendar Review ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Library Commission AGENDA February 6, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarming to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and viiritirxgs distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members afler publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hail (ocated at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as srtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City, Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerriing any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Ave, 2nd Floor ThinkTank Wednesday, February 6, 2019 7:00 PM STATE OF CALIFORNTA CALL TO ORDER APPROV AL OF MINUTES BULLET [N B J, AT CITY L L 2. : Special Meeting of January 9, 2019 II gl 1 ('l ', ROLL CALL POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. : Survey - Proposed Questions and Incentive Program Survey 4, : Library Commission Work Plan Items NEW BUSINESS 5. : Survey on Improving Council-Commissions Communications Page I Library Commission AGENDA February 6, 2(119 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda wil) be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mrinicipal Code 2.08.l00written comrrumications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oJ that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, J,'OZ/ may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LIBRARY COMMISSION Cupertino Library, 10800 Torre Avenue, Think Tank Wednesday, January 9, 2019 7:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO LIBRARY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Library Commission is hereby called for Wednesday, January 9, 2019, commencing at 7:00p.m. at the Cupertino Library, Second Floor Think Tank, 10800Torre Ave, Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, 'Special Meeting". CALL TO ORDER SPECIAL MEETING STATb' 0 F" C'A yk-" E t,. 2 . ' i.-X ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Draft Minutes BOARD AI' CITY HAI3ULLETNN POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter rxot listed on the agertda WRITTEN COMMtJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page I Library Commtssion AGENDA January 9, 2019 2. : Library Corninission Work Plan Items Staff Repoit A - Library Coininission Work Plan Discussion Iteins.docx NEW BUSINESS 3. : Cupertino Libraty Extended Hours Staff Reiioit A - Letter froi'n Joint Powers Autliority Board.pdf B - Cupeitino Library Options Repoit.pdf C - Go Go Biblio Flyer.pdf STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Cupertino Community Librarian Report County Librarian Report Friends of the Library Report Cupertino Library Foundation Report Commissioner Report Poet Laureate Report Staff Report Calendar Review ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Library Commission AGENDA January 9, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. an assistive listening device can be made available forAlso vtpon request, in advance, use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office m City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that prirsuant to Crq:>ertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cttpertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemerttal material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written commtmications to the City that you do not wish tq make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the i4ormation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that zs described in dhe nrp!ice br agendct for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the pub(ic comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO SUST AINABILIT%%,@,%ISSION '.T PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV At OF MINUTES MENT, S'-ATi a PEP'J ''RY T Hy'xf" C.r:"' (TNlv2 E) POO"rafL==DTHLl"%'J)l'+ocll--IL(-- BUI-LETu'! BOARi) ;'y'2 C l i' { 1.$: Minutes from November 21, 2019 Recornrnended Action: Approve minutesnffiT%ENovember 21, 2019 A - Draft Minutes SIGNATURE POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS S'r'ATE OF CALIFORNIA WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS th'oit-r DULLE''C{N Be E Y H."!LL. NEWBUSINESS lNll!4'i 2. $: Update from Environrne41-iEPrograms Divisio staa'Go!VA-!hold OLD BUSINESS Hazardous Waste Program and Recology's recycling processing cost increase Recommended Action: Receive update and provide any feedback 3.$: Staff update on Buy Clean California Act policy development and Bay Arealow carbon concrete codes initiatives Recommended Action: Receive update and provide any feedback Staff Report 4, 2: Sustainability Commission Proposals for FY 2020-21 City Work ProgramRecommended Action: Provide a list of proposed City Work Program items,identifying the top three proposals Page I Sustainability Commission Staff Report Agenda December 19 2019 5. %: Sustainability Speaker Series planning Recommended Action: Discuss and decide next steps for Sustainability Speaker Series ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT h compliance with the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone zoho is p7aw'mg to attertd the next meeting zoho is visually or hearirtg impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should ca71 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Llpon request, in adva;nce, by a person with a disability, meeting agertdas artd zorit'mgs distributed for the meetirxg that are public records wil'L be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made avai[able for use duririg the meetirtg. - A72:!/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after pub(ication of the agerida wil7 be magle avai[able for pub(ic inspection. Please corxtact the City Clerk's Office in City Hau Located at 10300 Torre Avertue d'iirirtg normal bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P4ease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 writtert commtoticatiorts sent to the Cupertino City Cotmcil, Commissiorters or City staff concern'mg a matter 072 the agenda are irtcluded as supplemental materia( to the agendized item. These writtert communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irtclude any personal or private'mformation irt written communications to the City that you do not wish to make pub1ic; doing so sha(( constitute a zoaiver of any privacy rights -you may have on the information provided to the City. a'Members of the public are entitled to address the members co;ncerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not ort the agenda, you may do SO during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, November 21, 2019 4:00 PM Amended Special Meeting NOTICE AND CAtL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, November 21, 2019 commencing at 4:00 p.m. at the Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, CA 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING Amended on 11/18/19 at 4:50 p.m. to add call for 8 @,glp$H,H,4 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE CO I, EMP 1. APPROV AL OF MINUTES ROtL CALL POSTPONEMENTS SIGNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meet'mg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agertda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mimttes. bt most cases, State law wiu prohibit the commission firom making any decisions witli respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page I Sustainability Commission Agenda November 21, 2019 2. l: Discuss November 19th City Coiu"icil Study Session on building electrification policy and reach codes adoption process Recommended Action: Discuss reach codes process and provide any feedback to staff A - November 19, 2019 City Council Agenda NEW BUSINESS 3.$: Review City of Cupertino Draft Ethics Protocol Recommended Action: Review Draft Ethics Protocol and provide any written feedback to staff A - Draft Ethics Protocol 4. $: Discuss if limitations can be applied to natural gas usage in nonresidential facilities via a fee structure or licensing process by the City Recommended Action: Decide if the Commission wishes to address this topic as a Work Program item 5.l: Disa'iss Protected Trees Ordinance (Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 14.18) and staff update on recent assessment of Cupertino's tree canopy Recommended Action: Receive update and consider if this subject is of interest to the Commission for future discussion ,r A - November 18, 2014 City Council Staff Report . B - December 2, 2014 City Council Staff Report C - Cu'pertino Municipal Code Chapter 14.18: Protected Trees D - 2029 Cupertino Tree Canopy Assessment Report 6. $: Review submitted applications for 2019 Sustainabffity Grants for Students program "Recommended Action: Review applications, select program awardees, and decide grant amounts for each awardee A - Sustainability Grants Applications Cover Page ST APF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 77? compliance with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting roho is visualLy or hearing impaired or lias a;ny disability that needs special assistance should can the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 liours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi)%, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wiLL be made available iri the appropriate aLter;native format. Also upon request, inn advance, an assistive liste;nirtg device can be made avai7able for use during the meeting. Page 2 Sustainability Commission Agenda November 21, 2019 An3/ writ'mgs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publicatioyi of the agenda will be made available for public inspectio;n. Please contact the City CLerk's Office in City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg yqorma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communicatiorts sent to the Cupertirio City Cormcil, Commissioners or City staff cortcern'mg a matter on the ageyida are'mcluded as supplementa7 materia7 to the agendized item. These written comm;imications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept i'n packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona( or private information in written communications to the City that you do riot wish to make pub(ic; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entit(ed to address the members concerning any item that is described'm the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 07? any other item yiot 07? the agenda, you may do so duriyig the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Ce@[7gg§)4@,i4 Thursday, November 21, 2019 ') SS- :00 iI F!ANh',,A\,,C ) , AN EMPLO - OF E C TY OF CUPEFaTXO PLEDGEOFALLEGIANCE S DEPr!RT- ROLL MENT, S'l" TE UNDER PEN,4Ll'p OF POSTED TI-IE NON E ON TI-[E 1. Subiect: MinutesfromOctober24.20l9 BULLETIN BOAR I'E'Y HALL. Recommended Action: Approve minutes froWldlt\Wer 24, 2019 POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons zoishing to address the commission 07? any matter not 07? the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. Irt most cases, State law wiu prohibit the commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed 07';1 the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.l: DiscusS November 19th City Council Study Session on building electrification policy and reach codes adoption process Recommended Action: Discuss reai codes process and provide any feedback to staff A - November 19, 2019 City Coincil Agenda NEW BUSINESS 3.$: Review City of Cupertino Draft Ethics Protocol Recommended Action: Review Draft Ethics Protocol and provide any written feedback to staff A - Draft Ethics Protocol 4. l: Discuss if limitations can be applied to natural gas usage in nonresidential facilities via a fee structure or licensing process by the City Page I Sustainability Commission Agenda November21,2019 Recommended Action: Decide if the Commission wishes to address this topic as a Work Program item $: Discuss Protected Trees Ordinance (Cupertino Municipal Code Chapter 14.18) and staff update on recent assessment of Cupertino's tree canopy Recornrnended Action: Receive update and consider if this subject is of interest to the Cornrnission for future discussion A - November 18, 2014 City Coini Staff Report B - December 2, 2014 City Corincil Staff Report C - (upertino Minicipal Code Chapter 14.18: Protected Trees D - 2019 Cupertino Tree Canopy Assessment Report 6. $: Review sqb:tted applications for 2019 Sustainability Grants for Students program Recommended Action: Review applications, select program awardees, and decide grant amounts for eadi awardee A - Sustainability Grants Applications (o6er Page ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT 772 compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disabilih) that rteeds special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advartce of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Upon request, irt advance, by a person roith a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made ava'dable'm the appropriate a7ternative format. Also upon request, inn advance, an assistive listen'mg device can be made availab7e for use durirtg the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wil[ be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office'm City Hail 7ocated at 10300 Torre Avertue dur'mg ryormal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: r4ease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written commurtications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Council, Commissioners or City staff concernirtg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These roritten commurtications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to iriclude any personal or private information in written commtmicatiorts to the City that you do riot wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irtformation provided to the City. Page 2 Sustainability Commission Agenda November 21, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members own any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the pub(ic comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Envitonmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, October 24, 2019 4:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, October 24, 2019, commencing at 4:00 p.m. at the Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below, f@%t5,OeyImHMtXeeting. ) SPECIAI.w-r'p-run )SS. 41,IJUN'l,YV:'S7#!eP,A ) AlPLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. POSTPONEMENTS NATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not iisted orx the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Discuss policy options on green building code local amendments, including regional building electrification reach codes and consideration of CALGreen Tier I and 2 options Page I Sustainability Commission Agenda October 24, 2019 Recommended Action: Recommend that City Council adopt the proposed policies on green buildiiig reach codes A - Staff Report 9.10.19 Planning Commission Meeting B - Staff Presentation 9.10.19 Planning Commission Meeting C - SVCE Presentation 8.29.19 Sustainability Commission Meeting NEW BUSINESS 3. $: Presentation from staff on draft Climate Action Plan progress report Recommended Action: Receive presentation and provide any input to staff on draft report ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In(compliartce voith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting'yoho is visual7y or hearirtg impaired or has any disabi(ity that needs specia( assistance shou'ld call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a persort with a disabilify, meet'mg agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meetirxg that are public records w'dl be made availab(e in the appropriate a(ternative format. Mso upon request, irt advance, an assistive listenirtg device can be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Any roritings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publicatiort of the agertda will be made available for public inspection. r4ease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hail located at 10300 Torre Avenue dur'mg norrru;tl business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cuperti;+zo Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertirto City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inc(uded as supplemental material to the agertdized item. These zoritten communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept'm packet archives. You are hereby admonished rtot to include any persona7 or private'mformation irt written communications to the City that you do not roish to make pub(ic; doing so sha77 constitute a r.oaiver of any privacy rights you may have ort the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members 072 any other item not on the agertda, you may do so durirxg the public commertt. Page 2 o"az"+'JIaEC)F"ca'-V:XLJR'-i'i"::"'rri.A CITY OF CUPER-t INO 10300 TORRE AVENUE TELEPHONE: (408) yij-ax:s -:FAx: 74og CUPERTINO.ORG ' "7'=Y'f::,'.TG.'i J::."=1 a\\-S'8 I : : !' :7' a " - 1' X E: l""l '( ' :' :" s '.' ;'J NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Cupertino Sustainability Commission Public Meeting will be held on October 16, 2019 at 6:00 p.m. regardiitg the fonowing: Building Reach Code Community Workshop. The Sustainability Commission and City staff invite you to attend a public workshop on buildii"ig reach codes for new construction. Reach codes are enhancements tothe California Building Standards Code that require higher environmental or energy performance for new buildings seeking construction permits. At thisworkshop we will discuss options for the City's building reach code andreceive priblic feedback on the draft ordiriances. Sustainability Commissioner Meera Rarnanathan and Commissioner Vignesh Swaminathan will host theevent supported by City staff. Other Sustaiiiability Commissioners may alsoattend. Members of the public may submit written questions during the meeting.Members of tl-ie public may also speak directly onthis topic during interactive breakout sessions. The meeting will be held in Community Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue,Cupertino, California. Dated tl"ffls 3'd day of October 2019. Gilee Corral Sustainability Program Coordinator CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center 22221 McClellan Road ha"IlX,A POSTED TH-E I'J-OTIC DA ON THE 1. : Minutes from August 29, 2019 BULLETIN BOAR ARecDormafmtMel.nnduteedS Action: ApproveminuteLsA!E!Hgust29l2 IGNATU'-ffiRB POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portioyi of the meet'mg is reserved for persoy-is wishiyig to address the commission 07'l any matter not oyi the agenda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) mimttes. 77? most cases, State law w'dl proliibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.l: Staff update on reach building codes adoption process, continue discussion on electrification reach codes and CALGreen Tier I and 2 options, and provide any feedback to staff Recommended Action: Receive update, discuss reach codes, and provide any input A - Staff Report from September 10, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting B - September 10, 2019 Planning Commission Meeting video recording link 3.l: Sustainability Speaker Series Zero Waste home event update and planning for next event Recommended Action: Receive update and discuss ideas for next Sustainability Speaker Series event 4. $: Student Green Grants project planning Recommended Action: DiScuss Green Grants project planning Page I SustainabilityCommission Agenda A - Draft Sustainabilitv Grants for Students Application September 19, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 5. l: Presentation from Public Works staff on Recology's recycling processing cost ,mcrease Recommended Action: Receive presentation and provide any input ST AFF AND COMMISSION REP'ORTS ADJOURNMENT J7? comp(iance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), ctnyone who is planning to attend the next meeting wJio is visuauy or hearing impaired or has any disability that ;needs special assistance ,'shotdd.cal7.tlie City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meet'mg to arra;nge for assistance. -Upon request, in advance, by a persort with a disabi(ity, meeting agendas and writings .distributed for the peetipg tha.t.are public.'re,cords will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upo;n request, in advance, an- assistive Listening device can be made available for use during the meet'mg. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publicatioyq of the agenda zoill be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertiyzo Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter o;q the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commvmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admoyiished yqot to include any personal or private information in writtert commrmications to the City that you do not zoish to ynake public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the pubdic are eyititled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of tliat item. If you wish to address the members 07? any other item riot 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABII,ITY COMMISSION Fnvirnnmpnt*l Educaiian Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, August 29, 2019 4:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CA[L FOR A SPECIA[ MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUST AINABII,ITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, August 29, 2019, commencing at 4:00 p-m- in Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, McClellan Ranch Presetve, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1.$: Minutesfro&Augustl5,2(f'l') "" ')-:J"('='-'h""2 Recommended Acfio0:=Appmve mir;ute4 from August45; 2019 A - Draft Minutes* ' POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meet'mg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. by most cases,' State (aw w'd7 prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Page I SustainabilityCommission Agenda August29,2019 2. $: Presentation on draft 2018greenhouse gas emissions inventory with consultant DNV GL and staff update on Climate Action Plan report 3. $: Receive presentation by Silicon Valley Clean Energy on model building reach codes and provide any input to staff 4. $: Discuss CALGreen Tier 1 and Tier 2 options with Building and Sustainabihty staff and consultant Raimi & Associates and provide any input to staff $: Discuss model reach building codes and CALGreen Tier 1 and 2 options, reach code adoption process planning, and provide recommendations to staff on next steps A - Process for Reach Code Development & Adoption from BayREN Codes & Standards website B - Silicon ValIey Clean Energy model reach code documents STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA COUMY OF ThYEE OE THE CITY OF CUPERTINO BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY HALL. Pay 2 Sustainability Commission Agenda August 29, 2019 In comp(iance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is pianning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has a;ny disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeti'ng to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabilih), meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive Listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any witings or documents prmided to a jority of the members after publication of the agenda mill be made available for public impectim. Please cmtact k City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business rs. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Piease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mymicipal Code 2.08.100 written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerni;rig a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessib(e to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private i;nformation in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal( constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 071 the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is descr'ibed in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address k members on any 6ther item not on the agenda, you y do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, August 15, 2019 4:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CAt[ FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, August 15, 2019 commencing at 4:00 p.m. in Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, McClellan Ranch Preserve, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the putpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." PLEDGE OF AL[EGIANCE SPECIAL MEETING STATE OF CALIFORNIA ROLL CAL[ APPROV AL OF MINUTES UNDER PENALTY PERSONALLY 1. $: Minutes from July 18, 2019 M ENal S'A E . . !'R'R.UJ,RYTRecommended Action: Approve mtnutes 1zz3,gy i8, .y y ulvi [,l A-DraftM"mltes POSTED THE NOTIC BULLETIN BOARD POSTPONEMENTS DEPART- OF G DA ON THE I HALL. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SIGNATURE This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorxs wishing to address the commissio;n on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State lazo wiL7 prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed oyi the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS O[D BUSINESS 2. $: Sustainability Speaker Series Subcommittee update and plaru"iing for Zero Waste event Page I Sustainability Commission Agenda August 15, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 3.l: Presentation from City staff and consultant on Green Stormwater Infrastructure (GSI) and the City's Municipal Regional Permit (MRP) requirement to adopt a long term GSI Plan A - Cupertino Green Stormater Infrastructure Draft Plan 4. l: Update from Public Works staff on Household Hazardous Waste Program 5. $: Fall Festival tabling planning 6. l: Student Green Grants project planning ST AJF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyoyie who is plamting to attend the mxt meeting zoho is visucdly or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shotdd ca(l the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advarxce of the meeting to arrange for as!sistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person toith a disability, meeting agendas arxd writings distributed for the.m.eet.in, g,that.qre.p, u,blic records zo'd7 be made available in the appropriate a[terriative format. Also uport-rtqrte!:t; in'adriance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meetingi ,...... :i,f, i ,,, ;%y'fnritiyigs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publicatioyi of the agenda wi77 bee' rriade available for public ipspectioyi. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hal7 Located at 10300 Torre Averdie during y;ormal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P(ease be a;lvibedqthat pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 ynritten compu,fiications sefit to fhe-CApertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplementa7 material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet,archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written coriwuryications to the City that you do no-t wish to make public; doing so shal( constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irtformation provided to t7ie City. Members of the public are eyitit7ed to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McC1ellan Road Thursday, July 18, 2019 4:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUSTAINABILITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, July 18, 2019, commencing at 4:00 p.m. in Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, McClellan Ranch Preserve, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the liurpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. Draft Minutes 6.20.2019 Meeting POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissxon orb any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minmes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agertda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page / Sustainability Commission AGENDA July 18, 2019 Subject: DiscusS Green New Deal legislative efforts on the federal and state level and consider making a recommendation to the City Council to sign a resolution in support of H.R. 109 (Representative Ocasio-Cortez) and S. Res. 59 (Senator Markey) and AB 1276 (Assemblymember Bonta) Green New Deal Bill H.Res.l09 Draft Cupertino Green New Deal Resolution City Cotuicil 2019 Legislative Platform 3. Subject: Sustainability Speaker Series Planning 4. Subject: Discuss and select agenda topics for upcoming Sustainability Commission meetings Subject: Staff update on Buy Clean California Act policy development and Bay Area low carbon concrete codes initiatives NEW BUSINESS Subject: Presentation on greenhouse gas emissions inventory metrics with consultant DNV GL ,.ST&F AND CON/iMISSION REPORTS a oAD,TO[TRNMENI' P2 Susbiinability Commission AGENDA July 18, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), arxyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distribvited for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents prosiided to a majority of the iriembers afler publicatiori q7 the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office irx City Hail located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuarit to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commumcations serit to the Cgtpertino City Covmcii, Commissioners or City staff concernirig a matter on the agenda are included as sytpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Ci>'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirxg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the in.formation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernmg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or durirzg consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on arty other item not on the agenda, JIOZ/ may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, June 20, 2019 PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Draft Minutes 5.16.2019 Meeting POSTPONEMENTS 4:00 PM ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on arty matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2. SC 6-20-19 Written Communications OLD BUSINESS 3.Subject: Staff update on Buy Clean California Act policy development and Bay Area low carbon concrete codes initiatives NEW BUSINESS Page I Sustainability Commission AGENDA June 20, 2019 Subject: Discuss Green New Deal legislative effoits on the federal and state level and consider making a recommendation to the City Council to sign a resolution in support of H.R. 109 (Representative Ocasio-Cortez) and S. Res. 59 (Senator Markey) and AB 1276 (Assemblymember Bonta) rtem 4-1 Written Communications 5. Subject: Staff overview of Climate Action Plan metrics 6. Subject: Sustainability Speaker Series planning 7. Subject: Discuss and select agenda topics for upcoming Sustainability Commission meetings STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Al)JOURN!VIENT Page 2 Sustainability Cotmntssion AGENDA June 20, 2019 It? compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office izz City Hall located at hours. majority of the members afler publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as stqpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website arid kept itq packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, May 16, 2019 4:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUSTAINABn,ITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, May 16, 2019, commencing at 4:00 p.m. in Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, McClellan Ranch Preserve, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. Draft Mimites 3.21.2019 Meeting POSTPONEMENTS SPECIAL MEf2IN"-1)'3 0F CALI F" ( ' "I " 'X-.- '. a ai 'i LE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making arty decisions with respect to a matter riot listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMtJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page 1 Sustainability Commission AGENDA May 16, 2019 2.Subject: 2019/2020 Work Program and Council Presentation Sustainability Commission Work Program 3. Subject: Clean Water & Storm Protection Initiative/Proposed Fee Update NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the Ciffl Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas arid writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made availab(e in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advarice, an assistive listening device can be made available' for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hal7 located at hours. majority of the members after publication of public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: PLease be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concermng (Z/?J,' item that I,S' described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, February 21, 2019 4:00 PM PLEDGE OF AlLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Draft Minutes 1.17.2019 Meeting POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS 'E This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. Subject: 2019/2020 Workplan 3. Subject: Clean Water Storm Drainage Initiative Update NEW BUSINESS 4.Subject: Survey on Irnproving Council-Commission Communications Survey Work Program Flow Chart STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page I Sustainability Commission AGENDA February 21, 2019 ADJOURN'MENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter ort the agenda are included as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that I,S' described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 C UPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road Thursday, January 17, 2019 4:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO SUST AINABILITY COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Sustainability Commission is hereby called for Thursday, January 17, 2019, commencing at 4:00 p.m. in Environmental Education Center, 22221 McClellan Road, McClellan Ranch Preserve, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. Draft Minutes 11. 15.20 18 Meeting POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMTJN[CATIONS SPECIAL MEETING This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS CONSENT Fbge I Sustainability Commtsston AGENDA January 17, 2019 OLD BUSINESS 2. 3. 4. Student Essay Contest NEW BUSINESS 5. : Chair and Vice Chair Appointments 6. : Frequency of GHG Inventory with Guest Bruce Karney Santa Clara County Climate Reality Project 7. : 2019 Workplan Process and Planning 8. Green Building Codes STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Sustainability Commission AGENDA January 17, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning'r' dte' " "-"t meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arxy disabilityf7'laf m?etrb'-S:rl'e(Cja7f"=Ss (ance' "Lyi.tld call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48F'lOllrS m a(lVanCe of The rYOe'J'jCTK!!' t(EA gr(jtesa for assistance. Upon request, in advance,by a person with a disability, meeting ager4v>' ctnd isxritingg distribrited for the meetingthat are public records viill be made available in the qprqprjg €e alternative format.Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available forvtse during the meeting. Ar4y wiritings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the Ciff10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino MunicipalCode 2.08.l00written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Courtcil,Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are 'mcluded assupplemental material to the agerxdized item. These written comrmmications areaccessible to the puMic through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You arehereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in writtencommunications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shallconstitute a waiver of any privacy rights J,'OZ/ may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xsdescribed in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration ojthat item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, youmay do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE APPROV AL OF MINUTES - lz l/ l('l 1. $: Approval of Minutes - November 13th, 2019 A - Draft Minutes 11.13.19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the commission 07;! arty matter not orx the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. In most cases, State Law wil7 prohibit the commissiort from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agertda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : <hack> Cupertino 2020 3. $: If I Were Mayor Contest 4. $: Commission Meeting Sign-Ups NEW BUSINESS 5.$: Commission Proposals for FY 2020-21 City Work Program A - City Work Program Flow Chart B - Guidance on Commission Proposals for City Work Program C - 2019-2020 Teen Commission Work Program Staff Report Page I Teen Commission Agenda December 11, 2019 ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte who is plarming to attertd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance shouU call t'k;e City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours inn advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistartce. Upon request,'irt advance, by a person with a disabilify, meetirtg agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeti'ng that are public records wil7 be made ava'dable irt the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made ava'dab7e for public inspectiort. Please corxtact the City Clerk's Office in City Hail )ocated at 10300 Torre Aveme during norma7 bus'mess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the age;nda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communicatio;ns are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rtot to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall cortstitute a zoaiver of arty privacy rights you may have on the informatimt provided to the City. Members of the public are e;ntitled to address the members co;+xcerning any item that is described irt the rtotice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPE RTiNO TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, November 13, 2019 18:00 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.l: Approval of Minutes - October 23, 2019 A - Draft Minutes 10.23.19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirtg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from making any decisiorts roith respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Teen Workshops Proposal Review A - Chamber Music Workshop Applicaiton & Prgp:Aspl%!§y5a,)x,islALJF o R NI A 4. $: If I Were Mayor Contest EMPI,O DEPARI': NEWBUSINESS MENT, A"['E UNDER PENl=AuTY OF A - 2015 Teen Center Relocation Survey Results P OSTED NOTIC A TI-HE BULLETIN BOA ITY 6. $: Holiday Meetings SIGNATURE Page I Teen Commission Agenda November 13 2019 ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans rnith Disabi7ities Act (ADA), anyorte who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assista;nce shotdd call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistarxce. Upon request, irt advance, by a person with a disability, meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advartce, an assistive Listening device can be made available for use durirtg the meetirtg. Any writings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after pub7ication of the agenda will be made avai[able for public inspection. P(ease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Ha77 located at 10300 Torre Avenue durirtg normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissiorters or Cih) staff concerrting a matter ort the agenda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agertdized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc(ude any persona7 or private information in written communications to the City that you do riot wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 072 the informatiort provided to the Cih). Members of the puMic are entit7ed to address the members cortcerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 072 the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA 1.l: Approval of Minutes - October 9, 2019 A - Draft Minutes 10.9.19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) mirtutes. In most cases, State 7aw will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2.$: Teen Workshops Proposal Review A - Chamber Music Workshop Applicaiton & Proposed Syllabus B - Physics of the Universe Workshop Application & Proposed Syllabris C - Intro to Li-ion Rechargeable Batteries 3. $: <hack> Cupertino 2020 NEW BUSINESS 4.$: Ethics Protocol A - DRAFT Ethics Protocol ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page 1 Teen Commission Agenda October 23 2019 ADJOURNMENT by compliance with the Americans. rpith Disabi7it;4qs Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the ,nelt meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance " sho,ul-d acall-'the'City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irt advance of the meet'mg to arrange for assistartce. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabilih), meeting agendas and writirxgs distributed for the meetirtg that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. Adso upori request, in advance, an assistive Listening device cart be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda wil7 be made, available for public irtspection. P4ease corttact the Cih) Clerk's Office in City Hair Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT' NOTICE: Please be advisaed that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.100 written commurxications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff cortcerning a matter on the age;nda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These zoritten communicatiorys are accessible to the public through the City's website artd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rtot to include a;ny personal or private informatio;n in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 cortstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entit'ted to address the members concerning any item that is described'm the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or duritzg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so durirtg the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan ('nmmnnityCentc4 10185 N. StellingRd. Wednesday, October 9, 2019 18:00 CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APflOVAL OF i $: Approval of Minutes - Septemhec 24, 20{9 Draft Minutes 9.24.19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS T?ns port#n of the meeting is restroedforpemm wishing to address the cmnmissim on my tter tgit (??1 the agenda. Speakers we limited to three (3) minutes. In most cmes, Stak law uffll prohibit the cmnmission from making guy decisions with respect to a matter not listed m the agemla WRITIEN COfflCATIONS OLD BUSINESS STATE OF CALIFORNIA BULLETIN BOAR[i ,"ir Cl'l"Y HALL. /o -'l dl DAI'E Page I Teen Conunission Agenda October9, 2019 : Dmuss policy options to prevent youth ass to tobami products, induding flavored toba products, and to redua= the density of tobaav ers- Recommended AcUqn: Recommend that Couni adopt the proposed toba poh to prevent youth access to tobacay products- A - Tobacco Free Communities Policies Santa Clara County B - Heatthy Cities Program 2018 Cupertino Dashboard C - American Lung Asso6ation Report Card D - Letter to Cupeo City Council from FUHSD E - FUHSD Resolution 1819-21 F - Matm of 35 Loffl Ordinances Restricting Flavored Tobacco G - Healthy Stores for a Healthy Communitv 2016 Survey H - Tough 0uestions on Flavored Tobacco Products StaffReoort NEWBUSINESS 4. : Commission MeeUng Sign-Ups 5. : <hadp Cupertino 2020 STAFF AND CnMMISSlON RnRTS ADJOURNMENT Page2 Teen Commission Agenda Octobe 9, 2019 In ampliance ufith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), myone mho is pning to attend the next meeting mho is visually ff hegring impmed or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advana of the meeting to mange for assistgnce. upon request, in mlvgnce, by a person with a disability, weting agendas and voritmgs &>trUMed /'o'r the meeting thgt ie public remds mll be made goailable in the gpprte alternative fonrmt. Also upon request, in advance, gn assishe listening device airi be made goailable @ use during die meefing. Any writings or dncumerds prmided to a rtu4ority of Ute members after publicafimt of the agenda uil be made available @ puhlic impectim- Plume cmtact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Tme Avenue during nmnal busiruss hmrs. IMPORTAMI' NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant b Cupertirio MunLipal Code 2.08.100 written cmnmunimtions rmt to k CuperHno City Council, Commissinrurrs ma City st4ooncerning a mmer m the agerida gre induded gs supplemental makrml m k agendized ikm. Thtwe witten cmnmunicatims gre gcess'ible to the public kmigh the City's websik and kept in padzt archives. You are hereby admonished ru:it ki ude any persmud mrprivak infuvtnatinn in mritten amxmunmtiom ki the City that you do not wish ki make public; Mng so shall constitute a mg of my privacy rights ymi may have on the infgrmation prmMed to the City. Members of the public gre entitled to address the members conarrn'mg any itm thgt is descrfbed in the mtice or agertda for this meehng, bare or during considerafign of twit item. If you wish to address the members on gny other item wton the agenda, you may do so during the public cmiment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. 6:00PM ")SS. Ei'- 0 (f r Y OF CU} ERHKNO BULLETiN BOARD AT CiTY HALL. DATE SIGNATURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons atmshing to address the commission on any rmtter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law rmll proh'Uiit the commission from making any decisioris #th respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Bobateeno - Event Debrief NEW BUSINESS 3. §: #YouthVoice[ive2020! 4.%: Teen Workshops Proposal Review A - Chamber Music Workshop Applicaiton & Proposed Syllabus B - Physics of the Universe Workshop Application & Proposed Syllabus C - Unfolding Creativity Workshop Application & Proposed Syllabus 5. $: Commission Subcommittees ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Page I Teen Commission Agenda September 25, 2019 ADJOURNMENT In comp(iance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone roho is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disabilih) that rteeds special assistance should call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. lIpon request, in advance, by a person zoith a disabi(ity, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are pxiblic records wiu be maae availab(e in the appropriate a(ternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any voritings or documents prmided to a majority of the rnmbers after publication of the agenh mill be de goailable for public impection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue durmg ru:irmal business hnurs. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideratio;n of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 STATE OF CALIFORNI A CUPERTINO SPECIAl MEETING NOTICE AND CALI, FOR A SPECIAL, MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO TEEN COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that a specia7 meeting of the Cupertino Teert Commission is hereby called for Tuesday, September 24, 2019 commencirxg at 6:00 p.m. 'm the Conference Room of the Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stell'mg Rd., Cupertino, CA. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting bus'mess OF;2 the subject matters listed belo'vo urtder the headirtg, "Special Meeting". CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROtI, CALt APPROV AL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State 7aw wig( prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed orx the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS Page I Teen Commission Agenda September 24, 2019 $:. Discuss pohcy options to prevent youth access to tobacco products, including flavored tobacco products, and to reduce the density of tobacco retailers. Recommended Action: . Provide input on policy options to prevent youth access to tobacco products, incIuding flavored tobacco products, and to reduce the dens% of tobacco retailers. A - Tobacco Free Commtinities Policies Santa Clara Cointy B - Healthy Cities Program 2018 Cupertino Dashboard C - American Lung Association Report Card D - Letter to Cupertino City Cou'icil from FUHSD E - FUHSD Resolution 1819-21 ' F - Matrix of 35 Local Ordinances Restricting Flavored Tobacco G - Healthy Stores for a Healthy Comrninity 2016 Survey H - Tough 0uestions on Flavored Tobacco Prodricts Staff Reoort ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Teen Commission Agenda September 24, 2019 ht compliance zoith the Americarts voith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyorte zoho is planning to attend the;next meetirtg who is visually or hearing i'irtpaired or has arzy disability that needs special assistartceshould call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange forassistarxce. Uport request, in advance, by a perso;n with a disabilih), meeting agendas and zorit'mgsdistributed for the meeting that are public records wi77 be made available in the appropriate alternativeformat. A7SO upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for useduring the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members afier publication of the agertda wi77be made available for pub(ic inspectiort. Please contact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hall located at10300 Torre Avertue during normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100written communications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Council, Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning amatter 072 the agenda are irtcluded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These writtencommunications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept'trt packet archives. Youare hereby admonished rtot to include arty persona7 or private information in written commurtications tothe Cih) that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rightsyou may have 072 the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concerrt'mg any item that is described irx thenotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideration of that item. If you wish to address themembers on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the pub7ic comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, September 11, 2019 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MIMS 1. $: Approval of Minutes - August 28th, 2019 A - Draft Minutes 8.28.19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This porkn ofthe meeting is resmed fmpersom hing to address the commission on arty matter not Off the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minks. In most cases, State law will prohht the commission from making any decisions rmth respect to a tter not listed on the agenda WRIffEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Bobateeno 4. $: Teer4 Commission's Role & City Communication Policies 5. $: Newa C'omrriissioner Orientation - Policies, Procedures, and FY 2019-2020 Work Program : 6. $: Selection of 2019-2020 Chair & Vice Chair Page I Teen Commission Agenda September 11, 2019 STjVF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliartce uATh the Americans uffth Disabilities Act (ADA), anyox who is pknning to atted the next meeting who is visually or hegring impaired or has any disability thd needs speaal assistana should call the City Ckrk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advarwe of the meeting to arrmge fm assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person *th a disability, meeting ageruias md writings distributed fm the tneeting that are public records m[[ be made available # the qpupriate alfive fgrmat. Also upm request, irt advartce, an assistive listening device can be made wailable fiat use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majmity of the mmbers afir publication of the agenda will be trmde available pr public impection. Please contact the City Clerk's Offiar in City Hal[ loaxted at 10300 Torre Avmue during tuyrrnal bu@iness hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.I00 rri&'n communiaitimxs sertt to the Cupertino City Council Cnmmissionm or City staff mricerning a matter mt the agenda are included as supplemerih/ material to the agemjHzed ibem. T7gse vnritten cmnmunixtims gre acr:essible to the public through the City's vnebsite md kept in packet grchives- You gre hereby admmished me to include any persoml or private infortion in written communica kz the City tM ygu do not uih to make public; doing so shall constihite a uiaiver of any privacy rights you mgy hgoe an the in@rmatin prmided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the ru:itice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. STATE OF CALIFORNIA C TY EMP$OYEB O,F THE CITY OF CUPERTINO MENT, /STATE UNDER PENALTY OF BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY HALL. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Commumty Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, August 28, 2019 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. $: Approval of Minutes - August 14, 2019 Draft Minutes 8.l4.l9.pdf POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of tlie meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter noton the agenda. Speakers are timited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit thecommission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed 071 the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. $: Bobateeno 2019 NEW BUSINESS 3. : 2018-2019 Term Debrief ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT STATE OF CALIFORNIA ThYEE QF, T'FIE CITY OF CUPERTINO MENT, 8TATE UNDER PENALTY OF POSTED THE NOTTCE;AGENDA ON THE BULLETIN BOARD AT CIT\ HALL. Page 1 Teen Commission Agenda August 28, 2019 In comp(iance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the ;next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. llpon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assisHve listerting device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made avai(abie for pub(ic inspection. Please contact the City C(erk's Office in City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue during norma( business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipar Code 2.08.100 written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplementa[ materia[ to the agendized item. These written communications are accessib(e to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persona( or private information inn written communications to the City that you do not wish to make pub(ic; doing so shal( constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the merrdiers concerning any item that is descn?yed in the notice or agertda for this meetirxg, before or during comideration of that itm. If you wish to address k members on any other item not on the agemla, you may do so duringthe public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTINO TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, August 14, 2019 6:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPEgTINO TEEN COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that a specia7 meeting of the Cupertino Teen Commission is hereby called for Wednesday, August 13, 2019 conmxencing at 6:00 p.m. in the Conference Room of tlie Quirdan Community Center, 10185 N. Steuing Ave., Cupertino, CA. Said special meeting sham) be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters Listed below under the heading, "Specia7 Meeting." CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL !'u rP APPROV AL OF MINUTES Draft Minutes 6.26.l9.pdf P' OST ED THE NOTIC ON THE BULLETIN BO HALL. ORALCOMMUNICATIONS %\@)t4 This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wisWFtg'f3 address tlie commission Eat any master ;tot 07? the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State Jaw wi'tl prohibit the commission from making any decisions zoith respect to a matter not Listed 07? the agenda STATE OF CALIFORNIA WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Bobatino 2019 Page 1 Teen Commission Agenda August 14, 2019 3. l: Safe Routes to School Collaboration Projects NEW BUSINESS 4.$: Teen Commission Workshops - Violin Workshops Workshop Proposal.pdf ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In comp(iance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visuauy or hearing impaired or has any disabilih) that meds special assistance should call the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours'm adva;nce of the meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, an assistive listerting device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majorih) of the members after publication of the agenda wil7 be mMe avai7able for ;'tblic inspection. Please contact the Cih) Clerk's Office in City Ha(I located at al0300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mrmicipa( Code 2.08.100 written communicatt6Qs';eAt':to thj Cupertino Cih) Council Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter orb the agertda are included as supp(emertta( materia7 to the agendized item. These zorittert communications are accessible t,o'4he pub(ic through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc7Qtde any persona7 or private information in written communications to the Ci% that -you -dr> not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy riglits you may have on the information provided, to the City. Members of the public are entitled to addr'ess the'members concerning arxy item that is described in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not on tJie agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTIN0 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, June 26, 2019 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Approval of Minutes - May 22, 2019 Draft Minutes 5.22.l9.pdf POSTPONEMENTS STz"JE OF CALIFORNiA C (-3{1NTY OF sANalA CLARA ORAL COMMTJNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : TEDx Event - Debrief 3. : If I Were Mayor Contest 4. : Safe Routes to School Collaboration Projects NEW BUSINESS 5. : Bobatino 2019 Page 1 Teen Commission AGENDA June 26, 2019 6. : 2019-2020 Work Program Presentation - July 16 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability 'that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting . that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. ,4723) writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in C'Uy Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa[ Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City stajf concernirxg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to indude arty personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a wagver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If yori wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, June 12, 2019 6:00 PM DATE SiCtr-4,-!TURE ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not ort the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : TEDx Event - Debrief 3. : Safe Routes to School Collaboration Projects 4. : If I Were Mayor Contest NEW BUSINESS 5. : Bobatino20l9 Page I Teen Commission AGENDA June 12, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS An)JOURNMENT In compliance with the Americarts with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarining to attend the next meetirtg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oJ the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at I0300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commvmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the riotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, May 22, 2019 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CAI,L APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meeting is reserved for persoris wishing to address the comwussxori on any matter rtot on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making arxy decisions with respect to a matter not (isted 07? the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS STATE OF CALIFORN[A OLD BUSINESS 2. : 2019-2020WorkProgram 3. : TEDx Event SIGN.'TURE Page ) Teen Commission AGENDA May 22, 2019 4. : If I Were Mayor Contest 5. : Safe Routes to School Collaborations 6. : Cupertino Cafe NEW BUSINESS 7. : Teen Commission Characteristics Activity 8. : Summer Meetings STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page2 Teen Commission AGENDA May 22, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability. that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas arid writings. distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or doc't.tments provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspectiorz. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mvmicipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as sttpp[emental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; .doing so shall constitute a vvaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, May 8, 2019 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. $: ApprovalofMinutes-April24,2019 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the yneeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mimttes. In mostcases, State law will prohibit the conwission froin ma1cing any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : 2019-2020WorkProgram A - Connnission Work Program Flow Chart B - Coinmission Work Program Template C - FY 2019-20 City Work Program D - Guidatice on Commission Work Programs STATE OF CALIFORNIA SS. E Hb 9 CITY o# tU"r;mp#tRr6 PO.STED T[-IE NCYf{CE,jj>xGENDA ON Th'[-IE-BtJLLETkN BOARD AT CNT\ HALL. 3. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Bridge 5- ?,/ 7 4. 7: TEDxEvent ")"<rE 5. : If I Were Mayor Contest Page I Teen Commission AGENDA May 8, 2019 6. : Potential collaborations with Safe Routes to Scliool Program 7. $: Cupertino Cafe NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJO[TRNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), an)ione who is planning to attend the next meeting who is siisuaiiy or hearing impaired or hcts an)i disability that needs special assistance should call the City Cierlc's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon reqvtest, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distribt;ted for the meet'mg that are public records will be made asiai[abie in the appropriate alternative format. Also ztpon request, in advance, an assistive [istemng device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a ynajority of the members after pyibiication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in (.'ity Hail located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. qrfPORTANT AfOTICE: Please. be advised that pursuant to Ct.tpertino Mmicipal .:" Co,4q,,,,, 2,,,08.I00written comnnmications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Co'tnmissiorrers or City staff concerning a yrtatter on the agenda are inch.tded as 'svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written comwmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept irx packet archives. You are herebv admonished not to inchtde any personal or private irzformation in written communications to the City that yort do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitt.tte a wa'tver of ariy prisiacy rights you may have on the information prosiided to the City. Members of the pt.tbiic are erititled to address the mernbers concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public conwent. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, April 24, 2019 6:00 PM CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAI, OF MINUTES POSTED THE NO.TICEt'AGENDA ON THE ApprovalofMinutes-Aprill0,2019 BULLETiN BOARD CITY HALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the commission on any matter not on the.agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mMutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed 07;! the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Bridge 3. : Teen Commission & Cupertino Library Collaboration 4. : If I Were Mayor Contest 5. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 Page 1 s Teen Commission AGENDA April 24, 2019 6. : Potential collaborations with Safe Routes to School Program NEW BUSINESS 7. 8. : Commission Work Program Procedures A - Commission Work Program Flow Chait B - Commission Work Program Template C - FY 2019-20 City Work Program D - Guidance on Commission Work Programs STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page2 Teen Coinmission AGENDA April 24, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format, Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commurxications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Ptrge 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quin}ail Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, April 10, 2019 6:00 PM ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persoris wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) miwtes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 3. : If I Were Mayor Contest 4. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Communication Bridge 5. : Teen Commission & Cupertino Library Collaboration NEW BUSINESS Page 1 Teen Commission AGENDA April 10, 2019 6. : Potential collaborations with Safe Routes to School Program 7. : Pilot City Shuttle Program STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p(anning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance.' Upon request, in advance, 6y a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writirigs distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, irx advartce, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during rtormal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuarit to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agerida are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admorxished not to irtclude any personal or private information in written communications to the CUy that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members corxcermng any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meetirtg, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, March 27, 2019 6:01 PM Special Meeting SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE & CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO TEENCOMMISSION PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS Page 1 Teen Commission AGENDA 2. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 3. : If I Were Mayor Contest 4. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Communication Bridge NEW BUSINESS 5. : Vaping Ordinance 6. : Youth Engagement & City Budget 7. : Teen Commission & Cupertino Library Collaboration STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 March 27 2019 Teen Commission AGENDA March 27, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plawing to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Uporr request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format, Also vtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office zn City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. YOZ/ are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communicatiorxs to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quin}an Community Center, Q85 N. Stelling Rd. BULLETIN BOARD :[ }'IA'L'[LL.' A - Draft Minutes 3. 13.l9.pdf ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter rxot on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 3. : If I Were Mayor Contest 4. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Cornrnunication Bridge NEW BUSINESS 5. : Vaping Ordinance Page 1 Teen Commtssion AGENDA March 27 2019 6. : Teen Commission & Cupertino Library Collaboration STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia[ assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advartce, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please coritact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written com'tmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to irtclude any personal or private information in written commtmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO ""'!+A.TE OF CALIFORrQ!A CUPERTINO NOTICE AND CALL COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the herby called for Wedensday, March 13, 2019, commencing Room of the Quinlan Community Center, 10185N. Sterling Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting matters listed below under the heading, 'Speclai Meeting". Cupertino Teeri Commission is at 6:01 p.m. in the Conference Rd., Cupertino, CA 95014. business on the subject CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commxssxon on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS Page I Teen Commission AGENDA March 13, 2019 OLD BUSINESS 2. : If I Were Mayor Contest 3. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 4. : City of Cupertino & F{JHSD Communication Bridge NEW BUSINESS 5. : Teen Commission and Cupertino Librag Collaboration 6. : ComrnunityInvolvement STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Teen Commission AGENDA March 13, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, in advarice, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IAdPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupert=o Mvmicipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concernirtg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the Ciffl that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that gs described m the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the commissionon any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. 17? mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : If I Were Mayor Contest 3. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 NEW BUSINESS 4. : Teen Commission and Cupertino Library Collaboration 5. : Community Involvement Page I Teen Commission AGENDA March 13, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance,by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writirxgs distributed for the meetingthat are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format.Also vtpon request, itz advance, an assistive listening device can be made available foruse during the meeting. Any writings or documerxts provided to a majority of the members after publication oJthe agertda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the CityClerk's Offjfice in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal businesshours. IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cvtpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agetxda are included assttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications areaccessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private informatiort in writtencommunications to the City that you do not wish to make pub(ic; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided tothe City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerriing any item that isdescribed m the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration ojthat item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, youmay do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, February 27, 2019 SS. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS : <hack> Cupertino 2019 : If I Were Mayor Contest : Signing-up for Commission Meetings NEW BUSINESS Page ] Teen Commission AGENDA February 27, 2019 STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance sho;idd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrarxge for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also vtpon request, irx advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the Ciy Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cttpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cttpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inchtde any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the Ciiy that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. CALL TO ORDER PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES Wednesday, January 23, 2019 1. ORAL COMM{JNICATIONS . . : ' l' al . i l'. L:.- This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMtJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 3. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Communication Bridge 4. : 2018-2019WorkPlan A - 18-19 Workplan (adopted 11.7. 18).pdf B - 2018-2019 City Work Program Updates. 10. 16. 18 clean.pdf C - 17-18 Teen Coinmission Workplan (FINAL).pdf 5. : If I Were Mayor Contest Page 1 Teen Commission NEW BUSINESS 6. : California Decoy Program STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT AGENDA January 23 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabiliy that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Ofjfice at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as svtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information irt written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, January 9, 2019 6:00 PM Amended Regular Meeting ORAL COMM{JNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMtJNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 2. : Teen Commission Workshop Proposal Review - Mastering iMovie 3. : City of Cupertino & FUHSD Communication Bridge 4. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 Page 1 Teen Commission AGENDA January 9, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 5. 6. : If I Were Mayor Contest 7. : Upcorning City of Cupertino Parks & Recreation System Master Plan STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Teen Commission AGENDA January 9, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plawing to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shordd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meetirxg agendas arxd writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agertda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cttpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cvtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as srtpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall conshtute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TEEN COMMISSION Quinlan Community Center, 10185 N. Stelling Rd. Wednesday, February 13, 2019 2. : Approval of Minutes - Janaury 23, 2019 A - Draft Minutes l.23.l9.pdf ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commissionon any matter not 07'2 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In mostcases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect toa matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS 3. : Survey on Improving Council-Commissions Communications A - Survey Questions FIN.Aa.,.PDF B - Commission Work Program Flow Chait.pdf 4. : If I Were Mayor Contest 5. : <hack> Cupertino 2019 Page l Teen Commission AGENDA February 13, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 6. : Area Youth Ministry Presentation 7. : Teen Coininission Schedule STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS ADJOUflNT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shovdd call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arratxge for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as sttpplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that gs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oJ that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA CUPERTlNO TICC 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Thursday, December 19, 2019 7:00 PM SPECIAL MEETING NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TECHNOLOGY, rNFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GrVEN that a special meetirtg of the Tec7mology, Information, and Communications Commissiorx is hereby called for Thursday, December 19, 2019, commenc'mg at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Co4erence Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said specia7 meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business ort the subject matters listed' belozo under the head'mg, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons roishing to address the commissiort on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. In most cases, State Law zoill prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed orx the agenda NEW BUSINESS 1. $: Receive Google presentation on Internet of Things (IoT) and Cloud Services. Recommended Action: Receive and File presentation. 2. $: Finalize the 2020 TICC Commission Work plan. Recommended Action: Finalize the 2020 TICC Cornrnission Workplan and make a recommendation to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT In compliance zoith the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone roho is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arxy disability that needs special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for Page I TICC Agenda December 19, 2019 assistance. Upo;n request, in advance, by a person zoith a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are put:dic records wi(l be made available'm the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advarxce, art assistive listen'mg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writirtgs or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publication of the ageryda will be made available for public inspection. P7ease corttact the Cih) Clerk's Office irt City Hal7 located at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sergt to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written commu;nications are accessible to the public through the CihJs website arid kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished rtot to include any persona7 or private irtformatiort i'n written commurtications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirtg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the i4ormation provided to the City. Members of the public are etttitled to address the members concerrxing any item that is described in the notice or age;nda for this meeting, before or during cortsideratiort of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 072 the agertda, you may do so durirtg the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TICC 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, December 4, 2019 7:05 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAl MEETING OF THE TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Technology, Information, and Communications Commission is hereby called for Wednesday, December 4, 2019, commencing at 7:05 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.$: Approve Minutes from the November 6, 2019 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes from the November 6, 2019 regular meeting. Draft Minutes 11-6-19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not ort the agerxda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirtutes. In most cases, State 7aw voill prohibit the commission from making any decisio;ns with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda 2. IRecO:RenedveiedwAICetttlOenrs fRroemCel.AveT:Tddfa,teeaI',T:Tt;+"+,erTssi t. : . ty r :rhA'.+. 3- SublaeCta-DlaSCtlSSCC)lIIlnnlaSSlaOnWOrkplaIl'n"u"aiaa-rih--no' oyy I4ALL STATE OF CALIFOF?.NTA Page 1 l DAr SI-GNATU RE TICC Agenda December 4, 2019 1. Smart Cities and 5G Recommended Action: Discuss the Commission Workplan and Consider making a recommendation to the City Council. A - 2019 TICC Work Plan $: Discuss the Subcommittee Reports - Wireless Masterplan - 5G Education Recommended Action: Receive the Subcommittee Reports and consider making a recommendation to the City Council. NEW BUSINESS $: Appoint Cornrnissioner to judge <hack> Cupertino 2020. Recommended Action: Discuss and appoint Commissioner to judge <hack> Cupertino on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Exhibit A - Request to TICC from the Teen Commission $: Review and Cornrnent on the proposed Draft Ethics Protocol. Recornrnended Action: Discuss the proposed Draft Ethics Protocal and consider making a recomendation to the City Council. Exhibit A - DRAFT Ethics Protocol $: Discuss an optional date for the January 2020 Special Meeting. Recommended Action: Make a reccornmendation to have a Special Meeting in January 2020 since the January Regular meeting scheduled for January I will be canceled due to lack of business. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 8. $: Cornrnissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting. Recornrnended Action: Receive Commissioner Report from the Mayor's meeting. 9. $: Commissioner Updates Recornrnended Action: Receive Commissioner Updates 10. $: Review Action Items Lists. Recornrnended Action: Review and File Action Items List. 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT Page 2 TICC Agenda December 4, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plann'mg to attend the next meet'mg who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, inn advance, by a person zoith a disabilify, meeting age;ndas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available 'm the appropriate alternative format. Mso uporx request, in advance, an assistive listen'mg device can be made ava'dable for use during the meetirtg. Arty zoritings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wil7 be made ava'dable for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avenue during norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 zoritten communications sent to the Cupertirto City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter 072 the agenda are included as supp7emental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persortal or private irtformatiort irx writtert communications to the City that you do riot wish to make pub7ic; doing so shall constitute a roaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. uembers of the public are erttit7ed to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or age;nda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the age;nda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 3 SS. DAI'E I iGN%I'URE $: Approve Minutes from the November 6, 2019 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes from the November 6, 2019 regular meeting. Draft Minutes 11-6-19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the commissiort on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2.$: Review letters from AT&T dated November 13 and 14, 2019. Recommended Action: Receive and file AT&T letters. Exhibit A - Letter from AT&T dated 11-13-19 Exhibit B - Letter from AT&T dated 11-14-19 OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 3.$: Appoint Commissioner to judge <hack> Cupertino 2020. Recommended Action: Discuss and appoint Commissioner to judge <hack> Cupertino on Saturday, March 21, 2020. Exhibit A - Request to TICC from the Teen Commission 4.$: Review and Comment on the proposed Draft Ethics Protocal Recornrnended Action: Discuss the proposed Draft Ethics Protocal and consider making a reccomendation to the CIty Council. Exhibit A - DRAFT Ethics Protocol Page I Agenda December 4, 2019 $: Discuss an optional date for the January 2020 Special Meeting. Recornrnended Action: Make a reccommendation to have a Special Meeting in January 2020 since the January Regular meeting sieduled for January I will be canceled due to lack of business. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. $: Commissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting. Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner Report from the Mayor's meeting. 8. $: Commissioner 3Updates Recommended Action: Receive'Comrnissioner Updates 9.$: Review Action Items Lists. Recommended Action: Review and File Action Items List. 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT In compliance vnith the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p7artning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours 'm advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. llpon request, in advance, by a person with a disabilih), meeting agertdas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available irt the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listenirtg device can be made availab(e for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda will be made avaiLab(e for public inspection. Please contact the City C7erk's Office in City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avertue dur'mg norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 writtert commurtications sent to the Cupert'mo City Council Commissiorters or City staff concerning a matter 07'l the agertda are included as supplemerttal materia7 to the agendized item. These written commtmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished rtot to include a;ny personal or private i4ormatiort in written communicatio;ns to the City that you do not wish to make public; do'mg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the Cih). Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arty item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration of that item. If you zoish to address the Page 2 TICC Agenda December 4, 2019 members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the pub7ic comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO INNOV ATION AND TECHNOLOGY DEPARTMENT CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION NOTICE OF SPECIAL MEETING CANCELLATION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that the Special Meeting of the TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION scheduled for Thursday, November 14, 2019 at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 5014 was cancelled due to a lack of business. Dated this 13th day of November 2019 /S/ Prabir Mohanty Commission Chair BULLETNN /,3 DATE CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TICC 10300 Torre Avenue, City Half Conference Room C Thursday, November 14, 2019 7:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Technology, Information, and Communications Commission is hereby called for Thursday, November 14, 2019, commencing at 7:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIA[ MEETING ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meetirzg is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission 07'! any matter rtot 07? the agertda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) mirtutes. 17? most cases, State rare vo'd7 prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda NEW BUSINESS 1.%: Review and Cornrnent on the proposed Draft Ethics Protocal Recommended Action: Discuss the proposed Draft Ethics Protocal and consider making a reccomendation to the City Council. DRAFT Ethics Protocol 2. ADJOURNMENT Irt compliarxce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plannirtg to attend the Page I TICC Agenda Novemberl4,2019 next meet'mg who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disabi(ity that needs specia7 assistance should cal7 the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistartce. Uport request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are pub7ic records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, art assistive listerxing device can be made ava'dable for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda w'd[ be made available for public irtspectiort. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hau located at 10300 Torre Avenue duri;ng'normal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written comm'tmications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Co'tmcil Commissioners or City staff concern'mg a matter 072 the agenda are incruded as supplementa( material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website arid kept in packet archives. You are hereby admo;nished not to include any personal or private i4ormation in written commtmicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirtg so shall constitute a waiver of arty privacy rights you may have orx the'mformatiory provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning arty item that is described'm the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or durirtg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item rtot on the agertda, you may do so durirtg the puMic commertt. STAJ'E OF CALIFOR.N[A Page 2 1.$: Approve Minutes from the October 2, 2019 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes from the October 2, 2019 regular meeting. Draft Minutes 10-02-19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the comynission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State (aw wig( prohibit the commission from making any decisions toith respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2.$: Review Letter from AT&T dated October 10, 2019. Recommended Action: Receive aiid file AT&T Letter. AT&T Letter dated October 10, 2019 OLD BUSINESS 3.$: Discuss Commission Workplan 1. Wireless and Master Fiber Plan 2. Smart Cities and 5G Recommended Action: Discuss the Commission Workplan and consider making a reccommendation to the City Council. A - 2019 TICC Work Plan 4. $: Discuss the Subcommittee Reports Wireless Master Plan Internet Needs in Cupertino 5G Education Page I TICC Agenda November 6, 2019 Recoinmended Action: Receive the Subcommission reports and consider making a reccornmendation to the City Council. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 5. $: Commissioner Report from the Mayor's meeting Recommended Action: Receive Cornrnissioner Report from the Mayor's meeting 6. $: Cornrnissioner Updates Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner Updates 7.$: Review Activities Calendar Recommended Action: Review and File Activities Calendar 2019 Activities Calendar 8.$: Review Action items List Recommended Action: Review and File Action Items List 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americcms with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plawing to attend the next meeti;ng who is visual7y or heari;ng impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance shou(d ca(l the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi(i%, meet'mg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made avai[able in the appropriate alternative format. A7SO upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Art:!/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after pub7icatio'n of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in Cih) Hag( (ocated at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written comrmmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerni;ng a matter on the age;nda are inc(uded as supp(ementa( materia( to the agendized item. These written commtmications are accessible to the public through tlie City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the Cifiy that you do not wish to malce public; doing so shall constitute a zoaiver of any privacy rights you may liave on the information provided to the City. Page 2 TICC Agenda November 6, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any itm that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not gn the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITYOF )SS APPROV AL OF MINUTES $: Approve Minutes from the September 4, 2019 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve Minutes from the September 4, 2019 regular meeting. Draft Minutes 09-04-19 ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirxg to address the commission 072 any matter not ort the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) mirtutes. by most cases, State Law wil7 prohibit the commission from mak'mg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS $: Review Letter from AT&T dated September 12, 2019. Recornrnended Action: Receive and file AT&T lettter. AT&T Letter dated 09-12-19 OLD BUSINESS $: Discuss Commission Workplan 1. Wireless and Master Fiber Plan 2. Smart Cities and 5G Recommended Action: Discuss the Cornrnission Workplan and consider making a reccornrnendation to the City Council. 2019 TICC Work Plan $: Discuss the Subcommittee Reports: Wireless and Fiber Masterplan Intemet Needs in Cupertino 5G Education o Video Intelligence o Privacy Concerns Page I r " TICC Agenda October2,2019 '- Recommended Action: Receive the Subcommittee reports and consider making a reccomrnendation to the City Coiu'icil. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS $: Commissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting Recommended Action: Receive Comrnisssioners Reort from the Mayor's Meeting $: Commissioner Updates Recomt'pended Action: Rece'ive Commissioner updates $: Review Activities Calendar Recommended Action: Review and File Activities Calendar 2019 Activities Calendar $: Review Action Items List Recommended Action: Review and File Action Items List 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT Irx compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plartning to attend the next meetirtg who is visual(y or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance should cau the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advaryce of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Uport request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas arxd writings distributed for the meeti;ng that are public records w'dl be made avai7ab(e in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listerting device cart be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made availaMe for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office iry City Hall located at 10300 Torre Avertue during normar business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Cotozcil Commissiorters or Cih) staff concerning a matter on the agenda are irtcluded as supplemerttal material to the agendized item. These written commwications are accessible to the public through the Cih)'s website artd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admortished not to include any persorta( or private informatiort iry written commuryications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirtg so shal( constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have ort the information provided to the City. Page 2 TICC Agenda Octobet 2, 2019 Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described'm the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or dur'mg consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so dur'mg the pub7ic comment. Page 3 Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meetirig #39 Hosted: September 17'h, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cuper5no.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes % j / Ib I I ill @* CUPERTINO GREEN - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 5 minutes 2. Public Comments 5 minutes 3. FAQ Ftom the Ftont Lines David Stillman, Transportation Ma'nager, Cih) of Cupertino 5 minutes 4. Partner Highlight: Community Cycles Collirt Bruce, Co-Fourtder and CEO, Commurtih) Cydes of Califorrxia 15 minutes 5. Brainstorms Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coordinator, City of Cupertino a. How to Recruit and Retain Champions from More Schools b. Bike Rodeo Nomenclature and Purpose 6. Cupertino Safe Routes to School Updates Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coordinator, Cih) of Cupertino a. Palo Alto Bike Rodeo observation: Sept 18 b. Bike Fest: Sept 28 c. Ped Ed Pilot: this Fall d. Cupertino Bike Infrastnucture Ride with SVBC: October 4th e. Teen Commission Collaboration f- SfreefLx'gMBannerUpdafe STA,TEOFCALff-ORN;h 15 minutes 5 minutes 7. Reminders and Closing Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #39 Hosted: September 17", 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cuperhno.org www.aipertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarming to attend the next meeting who is visually or heating impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive Iistening device can be made available for use auring @ie meeting. Members of the public @re entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda four this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public c.ornrnent portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to thtee (3) minutes or less. CUPERTINO M- S /\FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL CITY OF CUPERTINO STATE OF CALNFORNTA AcE'uB6n ROLL CALL APPROVArOFMINUTES DAI'E SNGNATURE 1.$: Approve minutes from the August 7, 2019 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve minutes from the August 7, 2019 regular meeting. A - Draft Minutes 08-07-19 POSTPONEMENTS ORA[ COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for perso;ns wishirtg to address the commissiort 077! any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) m'mutes. In most cases, State Law will prohibit the commission from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2.$: Review Letters from AT&T dated June 13 and August 15, 2019. Recommended Action: Receive and file AT&T letters. A - AT&T Letter dated June 13, 2019 B - AT&T Letter dated August 15, 2019 3.$: Review 5G written communications dated August 26, 2019. Recommended Action: Receive and Discuss letter. A - Written Comrmu"fflcations dated August 26, 2019 OLD BUSINESS 4.$: Discuss Cornrnission Workplan 1. Wireless and Master Fiber Plan 2. Smart Cities and 5G Recommended Action: Disscus the Commission Workplan and consider making a reccomendation to the City Council. Page I Technology, Information, and Communications Commission Agenda September 4, 2019 A - 2019 TICC Work Plan 5.$: '['2scuss the Subcommittee Reports: - Wireless and Fiber Master Plan h"iternet needs in Cupertino 5G Education Recommended Aetion; Receive the Subcommittee reports and consider making a reccomendation to the City Council. NEW BUSINESS 6.$: Discuss Staff tiason Bill Mitchell's upcoming October Meeting absence Recommended Action: Discuss Staff Liason Bill Mit*ell's upcoming October Meeting absence. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. $: Commissioner report from the Mayors Meeting Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners report from the Mayors meeting. 8. $: Commissioner Updates Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner Updates 9.$: Review Activities Calendar Recommended Action: Review and file Activities Calendar A - 2019 Activities Calendar 10. $: Review Action items List Recommended Action: Review and file Action Items List A - 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT Irx comp7iartce with the Americans voith Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is plarming to attend the next meeting who is visual7y or hearirtg impaired or has any disabilify that needs specia7 assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meetirtg to arrange for assistance. Uport request, irt advance, by a person with a disabi(ify, meeting agendas and writirtgs distributed for the meeting that are public records roi[[ be made avairabre'm the appropriate a(ternative format. A7S0 uport request, in advance, art assistive listert'mg device can be made available for use durirtg the meeting. Page 2 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission Agenda September 4, 2019 Ataty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office'm City Hall 7ocated at 10300 Torre Avertue during rtormal busirtess hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 zoritten communications sent to the Cupertino Cih) Courtcil Commissiorxers or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessiMe to the public through the Cih)'s website and lcept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to iryc7ude any persoyia7 or private i4ormation in writte;n communications to the City that you do not wisli to make puMic; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerrtirtg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during cortsideration of that item. If you zoish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA (5p5J- OLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, August 7, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CAI,L APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. l: Approve minutes from the June 5, 2019 regular meeting. Recommended Action: Approve minutes from the June 5, 2019 regular meeting. A - Draft Regular Meeting Minutes 06-05-2019 2.$: Approve minutes from the June 24, 2019 special meeting. Recornrnended Action: Approve minutes from the June 24, 2019 special meeting. A - Draft Special Meeting Minutes 06-24-2019 B - Exhibit A: Fiber Conduit Presentation POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons zoishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agertda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law w'dl prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 3.l: Receive letter from AT&T dated July 11, 2019. Recommended Action: Receive and file AT&T letter. A - AT&T Letter dated July 11, 2019 OLD BUSINESS 4.$: Discuss Cornrnission Workplan 1. Wireless Master Plan 2. Smart Cities and 5G * Sprint Presentation Update 3. City Owned Fiber Network Page I Techology, Information, and Communications Commission Agenda August 7, 2019 Recommended Action: Discuss the Commission Workplan and consider making a reccomendation to the City Council. A - 2019 TICC Work Plan 5. $: Subcommittee Report Recommended Action: Receive the Subcommittee Report and consider making a reccomendation to the City Council. ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 7. l: Commissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting Recommended Action: Receive Commissioners report from the Mayor's Meeting 8. $: CommissionerUpdates Recommended Action: Receive Commissioner Updates 9.$: Review Activities Calendar Recommended Action: Review and File Activities Calendar A - 2019 Activities Calendar 10. $: Review Action Items List Recommended Action: Review and File Action Items Lists A - 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT by complia;nce with the Americans roith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone voho is planning to attertd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should cau the Cih) Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Upon request, irt advance, by a person zoith a disability, meeting agendas and roritings distributed for the meeti;ng that are pub7ic records zuill be made avai7ab7e in the appropriate alternative format. Mso upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. A72!/ writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda wiu be made avai7able for public inspection. P4ease contact the City Clerk's Office in Cih) Hail located at 10300 Torre Avenue during norma( business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P4ease be advised that pursuant to Cupert'mo Municipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerrxing a matter on the agertda are irtcluded as supp7ementa7 materia7 to the agendized item. These writtert Page 2 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission Agenda August 7, 2019 communications are accessible to the public through the Cihjs website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to inc(ude any personal or private information'm written communications to the City that you do not zoish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatio;n provided to the Cih). Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described irt the rxotice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on arty other item rtot on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. C.'lTY, Hz-!LL-. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Monday, June 24, 2019 7:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE TECHNOLOGY, mFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION NOTICE Information, 24, 2019, commcnrmg Avenue, Cupertino, California purpose of conducting business on the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is on any matter not on the agenda. cases, State law will prohibit the a matter not listed on the agenda to aaar 1(4Md:,M three (3) minutes. In most decisions with respect to NEW BUSINESS 1.: Receive a presentation from Tony Batalla, Chief Technology Officer with the City of San Leandro, on their Journey to a Fiber Network. Recommended Action: Receive Presentation and provide any input to Staff and consider making a reccommendation to the City Council. OLD BUSINESS 2. : Discussion with Cupertino's City Engineer, Chad Mosley, regarding a Page 1 Technology, Information, and Communicattons Commission AGENDA June 24, 2019 Public-Private-Partnership with Verizon Wireless, to obtain City-owned conduits. Recommended Action: Discuss a Public-Private-Partnership and provide any reccommendation to Staff and consider making a reccommendation to the City Council. ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, iri advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alterrxative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listenirtg device can be made available for use during the meeting. .' Any writirtgs or documents provided-to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental mate4'ia7 to the agendized item. These written commtmications are accessible to the public through the C'Uy's website and kept in packet archives. You are ,hereby admonishM' nota to a'include any' personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waxver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room C Wednesday, June 5, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CALL AJ'PROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Approve minutes from the May I, 2019 meeting. Draft Minutes 05-01-2019 A - 5G Public Private Paitnership PowerPoint B - 2019 Action Items POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMTJNICATIONS A - Letter from AT&T ) sS' 4. Internet Satusfaction Survey A - 2019 TICC Work Plan Page 1 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA June 5, 2019 NEW BUSINESS 5. : Receive a 5G Presentation from Sprint Management 7. : Discuss request for a TICC Technology Policy STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS Subject: Commissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting 9. : Commissioner update (General comments) 10. : Review Activities Calendar A - 2019 Activities Calendar 11. : Review Action Items List A - 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGF,NDA June 5, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also rtpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office m C'Uy Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oJ public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal[ constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that IS described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 (!)81i:N:i;6: Margaret Abe-Kog=i, Cliair City ofMountain View Howard Millei, Vice Chair City of Sai atoga Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, May 8, 2019 7:00 pm Liz Gibbons City ofCampbell Cupertino Community Hall 10350 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA Rod Smlts City of Cupertino AGENDA Fred IvL Tovar City ofGilroy Call to Order Jeanme Brunis City of Los Altos Roll Call Courtenay C Comgan 'Town of Los Altos Hills Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are 'limited to 3 minutes each. Bob Nunez City of Jvlilpitas laved Ellaliie City ofMonte Sereno Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the April 10, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting Ib) Receive March 2019 Treasurer Report Yvonne Illartmez Beltran City ofMorgan Hi Susan Ellenbeig County ofSanta Clara lc) Adopt Resolution to Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute 1) Cost-Sharing And Reimbursement Agreement Between The Peninsula ' Clean Energy Authority, The Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority, City of San Jose, Administrator of San Jose Clean Energy, The East Bay Community Energy Authority and Monterey Bay Community Power Authority; and 2) An Addendum for Resource Adequacy Services with Nancy Srmth City of Sunnyvale The Alliance for Cooperative Energy Services Power Marketing LLC ld) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with Strategic Energy Innovations for Climate Corps Bay Area Fellows svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Rea Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) SVCE and Monterey Bay Community Power 2019 Joint Request for Proposals for Carbon-Free Renewable Resources Update (Discussion) 4) Interim Update on Built Environment and Mobility Programs (Discussion) Page I of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (!)8!ii(8N:i;i: Margaret /Sbe-Koga, Chair City of Mountam View Howard fvlillei, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbel Rod Sinlts City ofCupertnio Fred M Tovar City of Gilroy Jeannie Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Corrigan 'Town of L.os Altos Hills Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos Bob Nu-ez City f Milpitas laved Ellahie City ofMonte Sereno Yvonne Martinez Beltran City ofiVlorgan H Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sbinnyvale 5) Bike to the Future 2019 Recap (Discussion) 6) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) 7) Finance and Administration Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) 9) Audit Committee Report (Discussion) Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Adiourn WY'=E,,Q F eupr,g#r;6 BULLETIN BpARD AT CJTY HA-L-L-. DATE STCa'st,"i'URn svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Rea! Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 722-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, May 1, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES 1. : Approve minutes from the April 3, 2019 meeting. Draft Minrites 04-03-2019 Exhibit A - Coverage Propagation Map Exhibit B - Photo Simulations POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2. OLD BUSINESS 3. : Discuss Commission Work Plan 1. Wireless Master Plan 2. Teen Hackathon 3. Smart Cities and 5G 4. City owned Fiber Network 5. Inteniet Satisfaction Survey 6. Partner with all Commissions STATE OF CALIFORNIA MNEI-=rT'i ST TE UNDER PEN,,ALTIX OF (f'4 BULLETIN BO HALL. Page 1 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA 2019 TICC Work Plan NEW BUSINESS ST AFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS 5. : Comi'nissioner Report from the Mayor's Meeting 6. : Commissioner update (General comments) 7. : Review Activites Calendar 2019 Activities Calendar 8. : Review Action Items List 2019 Action Items ADJOURNMENT Page 2 May 1, 2019 Technology, Infortnation, and Communications Commission AGENDA May 1, 2019 Iri compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p(arining to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance shou(d call the City Clerlc's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in Ciffl Hall 7ocated at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cttpertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include art)i personal or private i4ormation in written commvmicatiorts to the City that you do not wish to malce public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have Of! the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, April 3, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COCATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS : Discuss Commission Work Plan 1. Wireless Master Plan 2. Makerspace for Teens and Seniors 3. Teen Hackathon 4. Smart Cities and 5G 5. City owned Fiber Network 6. Internet Satisfaction Survey 7. Partner with all Commissions A - 2019 TICC Work Plan : Subcommittee Report SS. COUNTY OF CLARA EMPLOY OF T CITY OF CUPERT}NO DEPART- MENT, S"l' TE UNDER PENALTY OF POSTED THE NOTICE/ NDA ON THE BULLETIN BOARD C HALL. *lnliOl DATE SIGNATURE Page I Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA 1. Internet Needs in Cupertino 2. Education NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS : Commissioner Report form the Mayor's Meeting : Cornrnissioner Update - General Comments ADJOURNMENT April 3, 2019 Page 2 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA April 3, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agertda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crq:iertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Covmcil, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communicatiorxs are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doirxg so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the irrformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that IS described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item rxot on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, March 6, 2019 7:00 PM ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorts wishing to address the commission org any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS OLD BUSINESS : Discuss Commission Work Plan 1. Wireless Master Plan 2. Makerspace for Teens and Seniors 3. Teen Hackathon 4. Smart Cities and 5G 5.City owned Fiber Network 6. Internet Satisfaction Survey 7. Commission Partnerships A - 2019 TICC Work Plan BULLETIN BOARD AT i Page I Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA NEW BUSINESS STAFF AND COMMISSION REPORTS : Commissioner Report from the March Mayor's Meeting : Commissioners Update - General Comments Al)JOURNMENT March 6, 2019 Page 2 Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA March 6, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advarxce of the meeting to arrange for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alterrtative format. Also vtpon request, in advartce, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crtpertino Mrmicipal Code 2.08.l00written com'tmmications sent to the Cvtpertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agertda for this meetirtg, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 CljPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA TECHNOLOGY, INFORMATION, AND COMMUNICATIONS COMMISSION ROLL CALL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall Conference Room A Wednesday, Febrifh'F')k?p@n CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS DI!BillQ ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the commission on any matter not ort the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the commission from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda WRITTEN COMMUNICATIONS 2. OLD BUSINESS 3. : Survey on Improving Council-Commissions Communications 4. 5. Page I Technology, Information, and Communications Commission AGENDA February 6, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for C(erk's Office in City Hall [ocated at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE.' Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written commtmications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 SILICON VALLEY CLEAN ENERGY STATEOFCALIFORNIA d,l,,V,lCh, ,%%ME'i""prSrh7'tp-ulneb-p:pbrs4"54,'i-:p'c; HaN i I l " uiuuu"b !uwttmo - - ' r ' l '-"' City of Campbell B Uf'fjj:i [. BO (' tJ A r r( s, xxrszy. ROdS,Inks oirector Gibbons.will attend by telec$!from ita ilton, IOOI r6" Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy AGENDA leanme Bruins City of Los Altos Call to Order Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los Altos Hills Roll Call Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Carmen Montano City of Milpitas Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the November 13, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting lb) Receive September 2019 Treasurer Report lc) Receive Non-Standard Pricing Policy Performance Update ld) Receive Customer Resource Center Follow Up Information Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale le) Approve and Authorize Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with School of Thought for Website Design and Marketing Services for Online Customer Resource Center lf) Adopt Resolution to Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute a Service Agreement with Energy and Environmental Economics and to Amend Approved Master Agreements Ig) Approve SVCE Advance Metering Infrastructure (AMI) Data Privacy and Security Policy svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Rea Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Ih) Adopt Resolution Approving Amendments to SVCE Operating Rules and Regulations li) Receive Employee Health and Welfare Benefits Enhancements Report 5) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report lk) Finance and Administration Committee Report Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (g)S:l(,O,,%$ Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) Adopt Re:solution to Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute the PG&E Energy Confirmation with Non-Substantive Changes Comprised of Allocated Carbon-Free Attributes Including Attributes Generated by Hydroelectric Faailities and Diablo Canyon Power Plant ("DCPP") for 2020 aOn!y and to' Sell"Carbon-Free Attributes Associated with DCPP (Action) Rod Sinks -City of Cupertino 4) Approve and Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute a Contract - -- " Exte;s'i6'n with Cjlpine Energy Solutions for Data Management Services (Action) Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy 5) Discuss Options for Board Input on Legislative and Regulatory Matters (Discussion) leanme Brums City of Los Altos 6) SVCE Board Succession Planning (Discussion) Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los Altos Hills Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos 7) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Audit Committee Report (Discussion) 9) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Negotiate and Execute an Office Lease Agreement (Action) Carmen Montano City of Milpitas Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Javed ElJahte City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Martmez Beltran City ofMorgan Hill Public Comment on Closed Session The public may provide comments regarding the Closed Session item(s) just prior to the Board beginning the Closed Session. Closed Sessions are not open to the public. Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale Conference with Real Property Negotiators Property: 333 W. EI Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA Agency Negotiator: Girish Balachandran, CEO Negotiating Parties: Newmark Knight Frank Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment svcleanenergy.org Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Name of Case: In re Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Debtor, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 19-30088 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Report from Closed Session Adiourn Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). MM'i.TTEE II NOTICE AND CAtt FOR A SPECIA[ MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO LEGIStATIVE COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Thursday, December 5, 2019 commencing at 9:00 a.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAt MEETING ROLL CALL APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1.l: Minutes from November 19, 2019 Recommended Action: Approve minutes from November 19, 2029 A - Draft Minutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persorts wishing to address the members ort any matter not on the agertda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions roith respect to a matter not 7isted ory the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (including comments on all agenda items) This portion of the meet'mg is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on any matter on the agertda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mirtutes for any particular agenda item. AGENDA REVIEW Fry order to make the most efficient use of outside cons'tdtant time, Committee members will review arxd discuss items ort the agenda to assist in develop'mg priorities arxd strategy for formal consideration oj those items wherx the cortsultant is present later in the meeting. No action will be takert on any agenda Page 1 Legislative Review Committee items in this portion of the meeting. Agenda December 5 2019 ACTION ITEMS 2.$: Discuss the City's draft 2020 Legislative Platform Recommended Action: Discuss the draft 2020 Legislative Platform and recommend for City Council's adoption A - 2020 Proposed Legislative Platform - Redline Draft 3. $: Discussion of fiiture meetings and agenda topics Recornrnended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics ADJOURNMENT In compliartce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plam'mg to attend the next meetirtg who is visua71y or hearirtg impaired or has arty disab'dih) that rteeds special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. upon request, in advance, by a person with a disabi7ih), meetirtg agendas and voritings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also uport request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use dur'mg the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for pub7ic'mspectiort. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hal7 located at 10300 Torre AvenueAuring norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Murticipal Code 2.08.100 written communications sertt to the Cupertino City Co'tmcil, Commissioners or Cih) staff concerrting a matter O?2 the age;nda are included as supp7eme;ntal material to the agendized item. These written commurtications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include (!7?3/ personal or private i4ormatiort'm written communications to the City that you do not voish to make public; doing so shall cortstitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are erytitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item riot on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95014-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG SPECIAL CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL TOWN HALL MEETING NOVEMBER 20, 2019 AT 6:30 PM NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a Special Cupertino City Council Town HalI Meeting will be held on November 20, 2019 at 6:30 p.m. regarding the following: Building Community: Service and Quality-of-Life Issues. Councilmember Darcy Paul will moderate the event. Other City Councilmembers may also attend. Members of the public may speak directly on this topic during the meeting. The meeting will be held in Cornrnunity Hall, 10350 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California. Dated this 19th day of November 2019. STATE OF CALIFORNIA ) ) SS. RTlE CITY OF CUPERTINO MENT. STATE UNDER P OF POSTED THE NO 7AGEThJDA ON THE BULLETIN B CI HALL. w,stvgt Grace Schmidt City Clerk CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Confet'ence Room C Tuesday, November 19, 2019 10:00 AM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, November 19, 2019 commencing at 10:00 a.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting busines:gfasq ihe)@up%,t; z3t4e4"(;,4isted below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLt CALL 1. APPROV AL OF MINUTES 'kl (!ir (1 y J9',-T'E ORAL COMMUNICATIONS S' t" 'Cl i"j U l-':. E This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons roishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State law wi[7 prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted 07? the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (including comments on all agenda items) This portion of the meet'mg is reserved for persons zoishing to address the Committee ori any matter 07'l the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes for ayiy particular agenda item. AGENDA REVIEW In order to make discuss items on the most efficieyit use of outside constdtayqt time, Committee members will review and the agenda to assist in developing priorities and strategy for forma7 co;nsideration o7 Page I November719, 2019Legislative Review Committee Agenda those items when the consultant is present Later in the meeting. No action wil7 be taken 07? any agenda items in this portion of the meeting. ACTION ITEMS 2.Discussion of possible City sponsored legislation regarding state housing law for 2020 to recommend to CounciI Recommended Action: Discuss possible City sponsored legislation regarding state housing law for 2020 and consider recommending that City Council authorize the City Manager to work with the Legislature on the proposed legislation 3. l: Discussion of future meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics ADJOURNMENT In compliayice with the Americarts voith Disabilities Act (ADA), ayqyone wlio is p7arming to attertd the next meeting who is visuauy or hearing impaired or has arty disabi(ity that needs specia7 assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advarice of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request,'. in advapce, by a person with a disability, meetiyig agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wi77 be made avai(able in the appropriate a7ternative format. Arso itpon r'equest, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after pub(ication of the ageyzda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact tlie City Clerk's Office in City Hall Located at Ip 300 Torre Avertue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuayit to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on tlie agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the pubric through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admoyiished not to'mclude any personal or private information in written commu;nicatiorxs to the City that you do not roish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a voaiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiort provided to the City. Meyrtbers of the public are erttitled to address the members conceryiing any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meetiyig, before or during consideratiort of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not 07? the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 Date: Time: Location: Santa Clara County Abandoned Vehicle Abatement ServiceiAuthopity DA-iE SIGiNATURE Meetirig Agenda Thursday, November 21, 2019 10:00 a.m. City of Campbell Campbell Community Center I W. Campbell Ave, Campbell 1.Opening Comments Captain Nuno Ribeiro * Introduction of Board Members Present * Introduction of Agency Representatives and Guests 2.Unscheduled Appearances Captain Nuno Ribeiro Any person may address the Authority on any subject matter within the jurisdiction or responsibility of the Authority at the beginning of the meeting; or may elect to address the Authority on any agenda item at the time the item is called by the Chair, but before the matter is acted upon by the Authority. Speakers are asked to provide their name and address for the record. Each person wishing to speak on an item before the Authority shall be permitted to be heard once for a maximum of five minutes. The Authority may not respond to a new issue(s) brought foyard, but may request that the matter be placed on the agenda of a future meeting. 3.Chief Executive Officer's Comments Robert L. Cushing * Approval of Previous Meeting's Minutes * Any Open Issues Carried Over From Previous Meeting 4.Chief Financial Officer's Report Joseph F. Kirby * 4th Quarter FY2019 Report * FY2019 End-of-Year Report * Start of Annual Audit for FY2019 * Proposed Revision of Reimbursement Claim Form 5.Round Table - Open Discussion - New Business Captain Nuno Ribeiro 6.Set Next Meeting Date and Location - Closing Comments - Adjournment Captain Nuno Ribeiro (!)2L6SEWY Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Silicon STATE OF CALIFORNIA Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino AGENDA SIGNATURE Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy Call to Order Jeannie Brums City of Los Altos Roll Call Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los Altos Hills Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Carmen Montano City of Milpitas Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Ivlartinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the October 9, 2019, Board of Directors Special Meeting lb) Approve Minutes of the October 9, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting lc) Receive SVCE Rates Corresponding with PG&E"s New Commercial 'B' Rate Schedules, Effective November 1, 2019 ld) Review Proposed Amendments to SVCE Operating Rules and Regulations Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale le) Adopt Reaffirmation Resolution Certifying Representatives on River City Bank Loans If) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute an Amendment to the Agreement with Aaron Read & Associates, LLC for Lobbyist Services Ig) Adopt Resolution Amending the Authority's Conflict of Interest Code to Add Rates Manager and Senior Rates Analyst Positions to the List of Designated Positions for Filing svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 lh) Finance and Administration Committee Report li) Audit Committee Report Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (!)8:i(8N:ii$ Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of M6u,ntain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy leannie Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los Altos Hills Reqular Ca'lendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) SVCE Information Related to 2020 SVCE Board Elections (Discussion) 4) Utility Restructuring in Northern California - Discussion and Direction (Discussion) 5) Approve Update to SVCE's Legislative Platform (Action) 6) Customer Resource Center Program Update (Discussion) 7) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Public Comment on Closed Session Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos Carmen Mortano City of Milpitas The public may provide comments regarding the Closed Session item(s) just prior to the Board beginning the Closed Session. Closed Sessions are not open to the public. laved Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Martmez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Conference with Real Property Negotiators Property: 333 W. EI Camino Real, Sunnyvale, CA 910 Hamilton Avenue, Campbell, CA 1919 Bascom Avenue, Campbell, CA 2105 South Bascom Avenue, Campbell, CA 100 Mathilda Avenu,e, Sunnyvale, CA Agency Negotiator: Girish Balachandran, CEO Negotiating Parties: Newmark Knight Frank Under Negotiation: Price and Terms of Payment Report from Closed Session svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Adiourn Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title 11). Cupertino Safe Routes 2 Sohool Working Group Meeting #41 Hosted: November 13'h, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org wwvv.cupertino.org/saferoutes - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Public Comments 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David Stillmart, Transportation Manager, Cih) of Cupertino 4. Bike Safety Solution Proposals First Lego League Competition Participants 5. School Highlight - Lawson Walk and Roll Day Seema L'mdskog, Parent Champion, Lawson Middle Schoo2 6. Cupertino Safe Routes to School Update Matt Schroeder, SR2S Coordinator, City of Cupertino 7. Reminders and Closing jll CUPERTINO GREEN 5 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes NOTES - STATE OF CALIFORNIA ( 1X7 T":' r': rS IT al' T T TT r 1 T'T 17 /'1 T; /'T T TI T' TI'T T % T/l L.a - i _. l_} it u__i s_ raV'"hQ"a'-" "'5..',:;,6-'; Th./0=':!il- STAJ "E [_.iN'DER PEN4LTY OF F t=..:.tt fRY THA1 0N (DATE) }}.t4 ln ('ii:-',) 4-,'U ) ._(-1, Pt_,t-'-'SOj!,LALLY -' _ . . . . # T-. " - ##-+ y"l 'l , + + rK.Ui{GV in ""rF"r Y xrrt-t i_,n rlN) L%)Tl, lT_,'c.Jf/ 14-S ., T'<Ty'lTiTB TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes 2 Sffiool Working Group Meeting #41 Hosted: November 13kh, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special ". assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and -writings dist';ributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during:the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in tM notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. cu#csriso M SAFE ROUTES TO SCHOOL CUPERTINO STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF CUPERTINO aa COUNTY OF3ANTA CLARA pp. ti,l [,, 10300TorreAvenue,City c4 A . y nr!solyy.stry 5:00 pLLETiN BO GNAI'URE NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, October 29, 2019 commencing at 5:00 p.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. $: Approve the August 27th Legislative Review Committee minutes Recommended Action: Approve the August 27th Legislative Review Committee minutes A - Draft Minutes POSTPONEMENTS ORAI, COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members 07? any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law w'd7 prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed 072 the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (including comments on all agenda items) AGENDA REVIEW In order to make the most efficient use 6f outside consultant time, Committee members wi(( review and discuss items on the agenda to assist in developing priorities and strategy for formal consideration of t7iose items whert the consultant is present later in the meeting. No action will be taken 07? any agenda items 'm this portion of the meeting. ACTION ITEMS Page I Legislative Review Committee Agenda October 29, 2019 2. $: 2019 Legislative,overview of sigited, vetoed, and two-year bills Recornrnended Action: Receive legislative overview and provide input Staff Report A - Cupertino Bill Positions 3.l: Discussiori of possible sponsored legislation for 2020 Recommended Action: Discuss and provide input on possible sponsored legislation for 2020 4. $: Discussion of future meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics ADJOURNMENT 77? complia'nce with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is plart;ning to attend the next meeting who is visually or liearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should cal7 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advartce of the meeting to arrange for assistartce. U7707? request, in advayice, by a person with a disabi7ity, meetiyig agendas and writ'mgs distributed for the yrteeting that are public records wil7 be made available in tlie appropriate alternative format. A7S0 upon request, in advance, a;n assistive 7isterting device can be made available for use during the meeting. Arty roritings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publicatio;n of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. PLease contact the City Clerk's Office in City Ha77 Located at 10300 Torre Avenue durirtg norma( business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised tliat pursuant to Cupertino Mtmicipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Co'imcil Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter 072 the agenda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These writtert commuyiications are accessible to the public through the City's website arid kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private irtformation in writtert commtmications to the City that you do not zoish to make public; doing so shau constitute a zoaiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the'mformatiory provided to the City. Members of the public are erttitled to address the members conceryiing any item tliat is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members ort any other item not O?? the agertda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #40 Hosted: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 5 minutes 2. Public Comments 5 minutes 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David StiL1man, Transportation Manager, City of Cupertino 4. Brainstorm: How to Recruit and Retain Champions from More Schools Cherie Wag!cowialc, SR2S Coordinator, Cih) of Cupertino 5. Presentation: International Walk and Roll Day, San Jose Cherie Wa(kowialc, SR2S Coordinator, Cih) of Cupertino 6. Cupertino Safe Routes to School Update Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coordinator, Cih) of Cuperti'no 7. Reminders and Closing a. Suggestions for next time? 5 minutes 15 minutes 15 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes NOTES - TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #40 Hosted: Wednesday, October 9, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5PM saferoutes@cuperhno.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CuPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearitig impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetiitg that are public records will be made available in the appropriate altemative format. Also upon request, in advaitce, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comi'nent portion of the meetir+g. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. STATE OF CALIFORNTA @8%:i(,0,,fSJ,%ij%: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Millei-, Vice Chaii- City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Fred Tovar Clty of Gilroy Jeannie Bruins City of Los Altos Call to Order Roll Call Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Special Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 2019 4:30 pm Cupertino Community Hall 10350 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA AGENDA Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los Altos Hills tv1arico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Carmen Montano City of Milpitas laved Ellahie Clty of Monte Sereno Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Reqular Calendar 1) SVCE Workshop Part Two - Outlining Policy Options and Providing Background Related to Carbon-free Power and SVCE Integrated Resource Plan Continued (Discussion) Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Adiourn STATE OF CALJFORNrA r4IAG , Page 1 of 1 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). @S:l(,%fSJ,%LL: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View 11) Finance and Administration Committee Report Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) SVCE Workshop - Outlining Policy Options and Providing Background Related to Carbon-free Power and SVCE Integrated Resource Plan Debrief (Discussion) Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Item Frerl M. Tovar City of Gilroy leannie Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los Altos Hills Marico Sayoc Town oF Los Gatos Carmen Montano City of Milpltas laved Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale Adiourn STATE C)F CALNFC'R..D-i[A BULLE['rN BOARD AT C171-Y HALL. svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). @S:l(,%fSJ,'l:Lji$ Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, October 9, 20al9 7:00 pm Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Cupertino Community Hall 5 0350 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA Rod Sinks City of Cupertino AGENDA Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy Call to Order leannie Bruins City of Los Altos Roll Cal! Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los Altos Hills Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may provide comments O/7 any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Consent Calendar (Action) Carmen Montano City of Milpitas la) Approve Minutes of the September 11, 2019, Board of Directors Special Meeting ]aved Ellahie Clty oT Monte Sereno Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hlll Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale lb) Approve Minutes of the September 11, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting lc) Receive August 2019 Treasurer Report ld) Approve Scholarship Funds for 2020 Bike to the Future Competition le) Receive Q3 Update of the Decarbonization Strategy and Programs Roadmap If) Receive Innovation Programs Update and Approve Cash Prizes for 2020 Hackathon Ig) Adopt Resolution Approving Addition of New SVCE Rate Schedules and Rates, to CorresponrJ with New PG&E Commercial and Industrial "B" Rates svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 lh) Adopt Resolution Certifying Representatives on River City Bank Loans li) Audit Committee Report 5) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report lk) Executive Committee Report Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). @2i:iiWY Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campmll Rod Sinks City of aipertino Fred Tovar City of Gilroy Jeannie Bruins City of Los AJtns Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of LJ)S Altos Hills Silicon ValJ Clean Energy Authority Boam of Djredors Spemal affleeUng Wednesday, September 11, 2019 6:m pin Cuperlino Commun$ Hall 10350 Tone Avenue Cupertino, CA AGENDA Call to Order Roll Call Public Comment on Matters Not ljsted on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may pmvide commerds on any imm not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minubes each. Carmen Montano City of Milpitad Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Reqillar Calendar 1) SVCE Workshop - Outlining Policy Options and Pmviding Backgmund Related to Carbon-free Power and SVCE Integrated Resource Plan Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Adiourn STATE OF CALIFORNIA BULLETIN "1-4jg-r;, DATE Page 1 of 1 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (!)2L6E"':EUY STATE OF CALIFORNIA Margaret City of Siliabn Valley Clean Energy Authority Directors Meeting HowardMil : DEPARTa 7:00pm RdS,k BULLETIN BOARD AT CITY HALL. FredM."rova7"AarE S[GNATURb' C"'I ofGikoY Call to Order COUN oga, OF SAN EMPLO' E OF Jeannie Bruins City of Los Altos Roll Call Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of LO5} AHX)S Hills Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town d Los Gatos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Carmen Montano City of Milpitas Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the August 14, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno lb) Approve Minutes of the August 14, 2019 Board of Directors Special Meeting Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara lc) Receive July 2019 Treasurer Report ld) SVCE 2018 Annual Power Source Disclosure Report Attestation le) Approve Renewal of $35 million Line of Credit with River City Bank lf) Approve Amendment No. 2 to Employment Agreement for Chief Executive Officer Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale Ig) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with Maher Accountancy for Accountant Services lh) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with Braun Blaising Smith Wynn p,c, ("BBSW") svcleanenergy.org li) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with Pacific Printing for Printing Services 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 lj) Adopt Resolution to Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Amend Approved Master Agreement with NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (98:iC,%N:ii$ Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View lk) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with Pacific Energy Advisors f6r Technical Consulting Services Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy leannie Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los Altos Hills Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gab:is Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Qiscussion) 3) Finance and Administratio'n Committee Membership (Action) 4) Adopt Fiscal Year 2019-20 0perating Budget and Resolution Amending the Positions Chart, Job Classifications, and Salary Schedule (Action) 5) Approve the Electric Vehicle Infrastructure Joint Action Plan (Action) 6) Executive Committee Meeting Report (Discussion) 7) Finance and Administration Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) Board Member Announa,ments and Direction on Future /!Jenda Items Public Comment on Closed Session airmen Montano City of Milpitas Javed El)ahie City of Monte Sereno The public may provide comments regarding the Closed Session item(s) just prior to the Board beginning the Closed Session, Closed Sessions are not open to the public. Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Elfenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: Chief Executive Officer Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Representative: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair, Board of Directors Unrepresented Employee: Chief Executive Officer Report from Closed Session Adiourn svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Ad, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). C UPERT1N0 COUNTY OE C AG ,AN o -LLE.TIN BOA CIT HALL. DATE SiGNATURE Amended on 8/29/19 at 4:45 p.m. to revise item 2 subject. NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE tEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, September 3, 2019, commencing at 9:30 a.m. in City Hall EOC, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING APPROV AL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wish'mg to address the members on any matter not ort the agertda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. Irt most cases, State lava will prohibit the members from making aryy decisions roith respect to a matter not Listed on the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (INCLUDING COMMENTS ON ALL AGENDA ITEMS) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on any matter ort the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes for any particular agenda item. AGENDA REVIEW Irt order to make the most efficient use of outside constdtant time, Committee members wil7 review and discuss items 072 the agerxda to assist in developing priorities arid strategy for formal cortsideration oj those items when the consultant is present Later in the meeting. No action will be taken 072 arty agenda items'm this portion of the meetirtg. ACTION ITEMS Page I ,/ L'gislative Review Committee Agenda September 3, 2019 1. ' - '- $: Consider adopting a position on AB 1487 (Chiu) - San Francisco Bay Area housing'aeveldpment: Recommended Action:Consider adopting a position on AB 1487 and authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to the State Legislature A- Bay Area Metro Simmary of Amendments B - AB 1487 Bill Text 2. 3. $: hDiS:SS SB 268 (Wiener) - Ballot Measures: Local Taxes Recommended Action: Discuss SB 268 $: Consider adopting a position on AB 113 (Ting) - Housing Recommended Action: Consider adopting a position on AB 113 and authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to the State Legislature ADJOURNMENT by compliance with the Americans with Disab'dities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hear'mg impaired or has any disab'dity that needs specia7 assistartce should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours irx advance of the meeting to arrartge for assistance. Uport request, irt advance, by a person with a disabi7ity, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records zo'dl be made availab(e 'm the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, art assistive Listening device cart be made avai7able for use during the meeting. Arty writirtgs or documents provided to a majority of the members after publicatiort of the agenda wil7 be made available for public inspection. Please co;ntact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall Located at 10300 Torre Avertue during norma7 busi;ness hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: P4ease be advised that pursuartt to Cupertiryo Murticipa7 Code 2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Cotmcil Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter ort the agertda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admo;nished not to irtc7ude arty personal or private'mformation in written communicatiorts to the Cih) that you do riot wish to make puMic; do'mg so shall corystitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agertda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members ort a;ny other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public commertt. Page 2 Vellue, Septe40-j0 BULLEaN'NN BOA CiTY HALL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, September 3, 2019, commencing at 9:30 a.m. in City Hall EOC, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING APPROV AL OF MINUTES ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter ryot 072 the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. 17? most cases, State Law wiu prohibit the members from making any decisio'ns zoith respect to a matter not listed ory the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (INCLUDING COMMENTS ON ALt AGENDA ITEMS) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishi;ng to address the Committee on any matter on the agenda. Speakers are limited to tliree (3) minutes for any particular agenda item. AGENDA REVIEW 77? order to make the most efficient use of outside cons'tdtant time, Committee members wi77 review and discuss items 07? the agenda to assist'm developing priorities and strategy for forma7 consideration oj those items when the coyisultant is present 7ater in the meeting. No action will be taken on any agenda items'm this portion of the meeting. ACTION ITEMS 1. l: Consider adopting a position on AB 1487 (Chiu) - San Francisco Bay Area housing development Page I Legislative Review Committeeive Review Committee Agenda September 3, 2019 Recommended Action: Consider adopting a position on AB 1487 and authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to the State Legislature Staff Report A - Bay Area Metro Summary of Amendments B - AB 1487 Bill Text 2.Ballot Measures: Local Taxes Recommended Action: Discuss SB 268 3.$: Consider adopting,a posftion on AB 113 (Ting) - Housing Recommended Action: Consider adopting a position on AB 113 and authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to the State Legislature ADJOURNMENT 77? compliance with the Americans voith Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is p7a;nni;ng to atte;nd the next meeting who is visuauy or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs specia7 assistance should call the City C'Lerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meetiyzg agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, 'm advance, an assistive 7isterting device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any zoritings or documertts provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agertda wi77 be made available for public'mspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office irt City Hal7 located at 10300 Torre Avertue durirtg normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Murticipa[ Code 2.08.I00 written commtozications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These writteri comrmmications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to include any persona7 or private information in written commtmications to the City that you do not zoish to make public; doing so shall constitute a roaiver of any privacy rights you may have ort the iriformation provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agertda for tliis meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 072 any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 2 CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION (FINANCIAL REPRESENT ATIVE) SPECIAL NOTICE OF VACANCY Notice is hereby given that the City of Cupertino is accepting applications for one unscheduled vacancy on the Housing Commission (as the Financial Representative). The vacancy occurred when Commissioner Poonam Goyal resigned. The (partial) term of this vacancy expires on 1/30/22 and will count as a full term. The Financial Representative must represent a financial institution that is located in Cupertino to be eligible. This position is open until filled. The Cupertino Housing Commission consists of five members appointed by the council to four-year terms. One must be a representative from a Cupertino financial institution and another from a Cupertino business. Housing Commission members who are representatives of a financial institution or a business are not required to be Cupertino residents, but the financial institution and the business represented must be located in Cupertino. The three remaining community members must be residents of Cupertino. The commission assists in developing housing policies and strategies, recommends policies for implementation and monitoring of affordable housing projects, helps identify sources of funding for affordable housing and performs other advisory functions authorized by the City Council (also see Municipal Code Chapter 2.86.100 Duties- Powers-Responsibilities). The Cupertino Housing Commission falls under the Political Reform Act of 1974 and financial disclosure is required. Regular meetings are held at 9:00 a.m., the second Thursday of the month at City Hall, Conference Room C. For more information, contact staff liaison Kerri Heusler at KerriH@cupertino.org or (408) 777-3251. Applications can be downloaded or completed via the Online Advisory Appointment Application at www.cupertino.org/vacanaes. For more details, please see the website or call the City Clerk's Office at (408) 777-3223. 'o" o' a!"NOW\'LIFORNIA SS. CUPERTINO LEGISLATIVE R ITY OF CUPERTINO Ea'J BULLETiN B ; CL HALL. Special Meeji,g NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, August 27, 2019, commencing at 9:30 a.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California, 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the headirig, "Special Meeting." SPECIAL MEETING APPROV AL OF MINUTES 1. $: Approve the June 25th Legislative Review Committee minutes (Continued from July 23rd meeting) Recommended Action: Approve the June 25th Legislative Review Committee minutes A - Draft Minutes 2. $: Approve the July 23rd Legislative Review Committee minutes Recommended Action: Approve the July 23rd Legislative Review Cornrnittee minutes A - Draft Minutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons r-oishing to address the members 072 any matter not O?? the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes. J7? most cases, State Law will prohibit the members from makiyig ayzy decisions with respect to a matter not 7isted 072 the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (including comments on all agenda items) This portion of the meeti;ng is reserved for persoyis wishing to address the Committee 07? any matter on the agenda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) minutes for any particular agertda item. AGENDA REVIEW Page I LegislativeReviewCommittee Agenda August27,2019 p . 17? oider to make the most efficient use of outside cons'tdtant time, Committee members will review and discu,ss items on the ageyqda to assist in develop'mg priorities and strategy for forma7 cortsideration oj those items when the 6oAiiiltan.t:is present later in t7ie meeting. No action will be taken on any agenda items in this p6rtio;n of t7qe meetirtg. ACTION ITEMS 3.Legislative updates Recommended Action: Receive legislative update and provide input 4. ' $: Update on positions taken by the League of California Cities (League), American Planning Association (APA), and the Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC) Recommended Action: Receive update on positions taken by the League, APA, and CASCC and provide input A - APA Bill Positions B - CASCC Bill Positions C - League Bill Positions 5. $: Discuss a letter to the governor on the trailer bill process Recommended Action: Authorize the Mayor to send a Letter to the Governor on the trailet bill process 6.Consider adopting a position on AB 1210 (Low) - Crimes: package theft (Continued from July 23rd meeting) Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting Assembly Bill 1210 and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support to the State Legislature 7. . $: Discuss AB 101/SB 102 (Committee on Budget) - Housing Development and Financing Recommended Action: Discuss and provide input on AB 101/SB 102 Staff Report 8.l: Consider adopting a position on AB 1487 (Chiu) - San Francisco Bay Area housing development Recommended Action: Consider adopting a position on AB 1487 and authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to the State Legislature Staff Report A - MTC Bill Information Page 2 Legislative Review Committee Agenda August 27, 2019 9.$: Consider adopting a position on AB 1482 (Chiu) - Tenancy: rent caps Recommended Action: Consider taking a position on AB 1482 and authorizing the Mayor to send a letter to the State Legislature Staff Report 10. $: Consider adopting a position on SB 6 (Beall) - Residential development: available land Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting Senate Bill 6 and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support to the State Legislature Staff Reoort 11. $: Consider adopting positions on SB 54 (Allen) and AB 1080 (Gonzalez) California Circular Economy and Plastic Pollution Reduction Act Recommended Action: Adopt positions supporting Senate Bill 54 and Assembly Bill 1080 and authorize the Mayor to send letters of support to the State Legislature Staff Report 12. $: Future bill ideas Recommended Action: Discuss and provide input on future bill ideas 13. l: Discussion of future meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the yiext meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistayice sho'tdd ca71 the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meet'mg agendas and roriti;ngs distributed for the meet'mg that are public records wiu be made available in the appropriate alternative format. A7S0 upoyi request, in advance, an assistive 7isten'mg device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any voritings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda r.oill be made available for public inspectioyi. P(ease coiitact the City Clerk's Office'm City HaL7 located at 10300 Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertirto Municipal Code 2.08.100 writtert communications seyzt to the Cupert'mo City Council Commissioners or Cih) staff concerning a matter 07? the agenda are inchtded as supplementa7 materia7 to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept'm packet archives. You Page 3 Legislative Review Committee Agenda August 27, 2019 are hereby admonished not to include any persona( or private informatio;n in written comrmmications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so sha77 constitute a zoaiver of any privacy rights you may have 07? the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on ariy other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 4 (!)S%LI(,%% Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chau- City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy STATE OF CALIFORNIA 4LTY l'p"'efirn"oa oirectorBruins will attend by telFt'o'AMJT8roA HALL. Los Altos, CA 94024. Members of thq (u,blic may pro the oirector Martinez Beltran will att'b'rM'b';' teleconference from la72@!J'MbbTiMFgi Morgan Hill, CA 95037. Members of the public may provide testimony at the teleconference location. leannie Bruins City of Los AltoS AGENDA - Amended Call to Order Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los Altos Hills Roll Call Marico Sayoc Toiivn of Los Gatos Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Bob Nuriez City of (viilpitas The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Javed Ellal'ue City of Monte Sereno Public Comment on Closed Session Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill The public may provide comments regarding the Closed Session item(s) just prior to the Board beginning the Closed Session. Closed Sessions are not open to the public. Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: Chief Executive Officer Nancy Smith City or Sunnyvale Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Representative: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair, Board of Directors Unrepresented Employee: Chief Executive Officer svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Name of Case: In re Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Debtor, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 19-30088 Report from Closed Session Adiourn Page 1 of 1 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements toensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA DISASTER COUNCIL 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall EOC Thursday, August 15, 2019 2:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIA[ MEETING OF THE CUPERTINO DISASTER COUNCIL NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Cupertino Disaster Council is hereby called for Thursday, August 15, 2019, commencing at 2:00 P.M. in the EOC at City Hall, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." STATBOFCALIFORNIA E OTY OF CUPERT[NO DEPAPJ- PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE I, EMPLO o APPROVALOFMINUTES MENT, S ATE UNDER PENALTY ARecDormaftmMem.nudteedS Action: ApproveMinuteBULLFluETfN:&$,E'!BCINOA'DT%I a, GE [l)rAYON}IATLHLE ORALCOMMUNICATIONS DATE SIGNATURE This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishirtg to address the members oyi any matter not on the agertda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) m'mutes. In most cases, State lazo wil7 proJiibit the members from making any decisions zoith respect to a matter not listed on the agenda NEW BUSINESS 2.$: Proposed amendments to Chapter 2.40 (Disaster Council) of the Cupertino Municipal Code Recommended Action: Discuss proposed amendments to Chapter 2.40 (Disaster Council) of the Cupertino Municipal Code Staff Report A - Draft Municipal Code Amendments for Chapter 2.40 Page 1 Disaster Council Agenda August 15, 2019 3.Presentation to Adopt the City of Cupertino Annex to the Santa Clara County Community Wildfire Protection Plan (CWPP) as the City of Cupertino Community Wildfire Protection Plan. Recommended Action: Recieve presentation and adopt Resolution No. 19-hich adopts the City of Cupertino Annex to the Santa Clara County Community Wildfire Protection Plan as the City of Cupertino's Community Wildfire Protection Plan. A - Resolution Adopting the City of Cupertino Community Wildfire Protection Plan B - City of Cupertino Community Wildfire Protection Plan - Annex 7 C - Santa Clara County Community Wildfire Protection Plan 4. $: Discussion regarding Public Safety Power Shutoff (PSPS) ST AFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS 5.$: Report by the Santa Clara County Fire Department a. Emergency Management b. C;ommunity Education Recommended Action: Receive report by the Santa Clara County Fire Department liaison l: City o,f-Ch$pitinb,Office of Emergency Services (OES) Recommended Action: Receive report by the City of Cupertino OES liaison $: Report byaCitizen Corps Recommended Action: Receive report by the Citizen Corps liaison A - Citizen Corp,9 Report 6. 7. ADJOURNMENT i 17? compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the hiext meet'mg who is visua71y or hearing impaired or has ayiy disability that needs specia( assistayice should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meet'mg to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and roritings distributed for the meet'mg that are public records wil7 be made available in the appropriate aLterriative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive 7isterting device can be made availab7e for use during the meeting. Arty writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after puMicatioyi of the agenda wil[ be made available for public inspectioyi. Please coyitact the City Clerk's Office'm City HaL7 (ocated at 10300 Torre Avertue during normal business hours. Page 2 Disaster Council Agenda August 15, 2019 IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cuperti;no Municipa7 Code 2.08.100 written cortwunications sent to the Cupertino City Council Commissioners or City staff concerrting a matter 072 the agenda are irtchtded as supplemental materia7 to the agendized item. These written commuy-xications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are liereby admonislied not to include any personal or private informatioyi in written commrmications to the City that you do not wish to make pub'Lic; do'mg so shau constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the informatiori provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concern'mg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this'meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 07? any other item not ort the agertda, you may do so dur'mg the pub7ic comment. Page 3 @S%L6:LL: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair r2y of Maintain Vmw Howard Miller, Via Chair Oty of Saratoga Silicon Valley Cmui Envy AuUiomy Board of Diredors Spiral NeeUng Wednesday, August 14, 2019 5:30 pi Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Cupertino Community Hall 10350 Tome Aue Qipatino, CA Rod Sinks City of CuperUm AGENDA Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy Jeannie Bruins City of Los AJtos Call to Order' ROII Call Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los /Vns Hills Martai Sayoc Town d Lo Gmos Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are /Omited to 3 minutes each. Bob Nuriez (jty of Milp Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Public Comment on Closed 5ession The public may provide comments regarding the aosed Session ibm(s) just prior to j3oard beginning The aosed Session. aosed Sessions are not open eo the public. Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Public Employee Performance Evaluation Title: Chief Executive Officer Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Conference with Labor Negotiator Agency Representative: Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair, Board of Dicedors Unrepresented Employee: Chief Executive Officer Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Name of Case: In re Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Debtor, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 19-30088 svcleanenergy.org Report from Closed Session 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Adtourn Page 1 of 1 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority Bt (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). STATE OF CALIFORNIA BULLETIN BOARD AT CrTY HALL. J-'; % -I" E (!)2iSSiWY Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair CRy of Mountain View Howam Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons (Ay of Gimpbell Siliaxi Valley Clean Energy Aiaiority Board d Diredors WeeUng Wajnesday, Aia@ist 14, 2019 7:00 pm CuperUno Commun$ Hall 10350 Torre Aue CuperUm, CA Rod 5j(i35, City of CuperUno Director Gibbons will affend by teleconference from 55 Alder Lane, North Falmouth, MA 02556. Members of the public may provide testimony at the teleconference location. Fred M. Tovar aty of Gilroy Jeannie Bruins City of Los Abs Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los A Hilb Call to Order Roll Call AGENDA Marico Sayoc Town of Lo Gatos Bob Nuriez ay of Milpibis Public Comment on Matters Not usted on the Aqenda The public may pmvide comments on any imm not on the Agenda. Speakers are limi to 3 minutes eadi. Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Thiartinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Consent Cafendar (Adion) la) Appmve Minutes of the June 12, 2019, Board of Diredors Meeting lb) Receive May and June 2019 Treasurer Reports lc) Appmve Human Resources Policy 5, Paid Time Off Cash-Out Option Policy Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale ld) Receive Rate Update Effective August 1, 2019 le) Adopt Resolution to Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Master Agreements with NRG Power Marketing, LLC, Wellhead Power Exchange, LLC, and DTE Energy Trading, Inc. and to Amend Approved Master Agreement with TransAlta Energy Marketing (US) Inc. svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 lf) Approve Time Extension and Authorize Chief Executive Officer to Execute Second Amendment to Agreement with Calpine Energy Solutions, LLC Ig) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with Richards, Watson & Gershon for Legal Services Page I of 2 Pursuant tO the Americans With DiSabilitieS ACt, if 70u need special assistance in thiS meeting, please COntaCt the Clerk far the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). @8%L,,(8iji: Margam Abe-Koqa, Chair City of Mountain Vmw Howam Milkr, Via Chair Oty of Saratoga Liz Gibbons €Ay of Campbell lh) Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Amended Agreement Increasing the Not-to-Exceed Amount for Accounting Services with Maher Accountancy li) Receive Decarbonization Programs Update lj) Executive Committee Report lk) Audit Committee Report Rod Sinks aty of Qipertino Fred M. Tovar City of Gikoy Jeannm Bruins City of Ahs Courtenay C. Oomgan Town of Los Nus Hills Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) Appmve 2020 nme-of-Use Rate Transition for Residential Customers (Avon) 4) Pmposed PI 19-20 0perating Budget (Dm.ussion) 5) Reach Codes Update (Disaission) 6) Finance and AdminisbThon Committee Report (Discussion) 7) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) Boam Member Announcements and Diredion on Future Aqenda Items Bob Nuriez City of Milp%s Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Adiourn Yvonne Martinez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale STATE OF CALIFORN!A EE TF-IE CITY OF CUPERTINO ME'N!1STAT'E /U"'NDER PE,NA!"TEY" 01F BULLETIN BOARD AT CYrY HALL. svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 !-'7 -/ "':t DATE Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). Cupertiiio Safe Routes to Sffiool Working Group Meeting 38 Hosted: August 13', 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4:30PM-5:30 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferorites - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Ceremonial Matter: Street Light Banner Contest Matt Shroeder, SR2S Program Staff City of Cupertino 3, Public Comments 4. FAQ From the Front Lines David Stiuman, Transportation Manager, City of Cuperti;no CUPERTINO GREEN 5 minutes 15 minutes 20 minutes 10 minutes 5. ProgramUpdates 15minutes Cherie Wa7kowiak, SR2S Coordinator, City of Cupertino a. SRTS vs SR2S sunrey results b' The Year Ahead STATE OF CALIFORNIA ,i.Funding )ss. Encouragemen' COUNTY OE SANTA CLARA iii. Education 1, % 4J , AN 1. Ped Ed Pilot EMPL,OY'F,E OF lHtg,C!2"Y OF CUPERTINO 2-BlokeEd EINALTY POSTI;D Ti-{E NOT G DA ON THE 6. RemindersandClosing BULLETiN BOA 5&ffi !GNATURE CUPERTINO AAo S/\FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes to School Working Group Meeting 38 Hosted: August 13', 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4:30PM - 5:30 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.ci'ipertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN I[t' compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the' next meeting who js 'yigually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assisiance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting $dt.ye public records will be made available in the appropriate altetnative format. Also..upoBrequest, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. CUPERTINO uo€fflfS>o S/\FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL CUPERTINO CITY OF (:Ul!WMLiFORNIA hcb4B!!'TY EMPLOYEE OF LEGISLATIVE REVIEW CO NOTICE AND CAL[ FOR A SPECIAL COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, July 23, 2019, commencing at 9:30 a.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." APPROV At OF MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING 1.$: Approve the May 24th Legistrative Review Cornrnittee minutes Recommended Action: Approve the May 24th Legislative Review Committee minutes A - Draft Minutes ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portiort of the meet'mg is reserved for persons zoishing to address the members on any matter not on the agertda. Speakers are Limited to three (3) mirxutes. In most cases, State law wil7 prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed 07? the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (including comments on all agenda items) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons zoishing to address the Committee 07? any matter on the agertda. Speakers are 7imited to three (3) minutes for any particular agenda item. AGENDA REVIEW Iry order to make the m,ost efficient use of outside consultant time, Committee members will review and discuss items oyv the agenda to assist in develop'mg priorities and strategy for formal consideration of those items rohen the consultant is present Later in the meeting. No action zoil7 be takert on any agertda items in this portion of the meeting. Page I Legislative Review Co'mmittee ,- Agenda July 23, 2019 ACTION ITEMS $: Legislative updates Recommended Action: Receive legislative update and provide input Staff Report A - Cupertino Bill Positions l: Update on positions taken by the League of California Cities (League), American Planning Association (APA), and the Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC) , ,, Recommended Action: Receive update on positions taken by the League, APA, and CASCC and provide input A - CASCC Bill Positions B - League Bill Positions C - APA Bill Positions $: Consider adopting a position on AB 1210 (Low) - Crimes: package theft Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting Assembly Bill 1210 and authorize the Mayor to send a Ietter of support to the State Legislature Staff Report $: Consider adopting a position on H.R. 530 (Eshoo) - Accelerating Broadband Development by Empowering Local Communities Act and S. 2012 (Feinstein) - Restoring Local Control Over Public Infrastructure Act Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting HR 530 and S. 2012 and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support to the State Legislature Staff Report 6. l: Discuss the constitutionality of AB 1487, SB 330, and SB 592 Recornrnended Action: Discuss the constitutionality of AB 1487, SB 330, and SB 592 7. $: Future bill ideas Recornrnended Action: Discuss and provide input on future bill ideas 8. l: Discussion of future meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics ADJOURNMENT In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), artyorxe who is plarming to atterxd the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has arty disability that needs special assistance Page 2 Legislative Review Committee Agenda July 23, 2019 sliould call tlie City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistayice. upon request, in advance, by a persori with a disability, meeting agendas and writ'mgs distributed for tlie meeting that are public records 'zoiLl be made avai7able iyi the appropriate alternative format. Also upori request, in advayice, an assistive 7istening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Ha7l Located at 10300 Torre Avenue during norma7 business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised tliat pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.100 writtery communications serxt to the Cupertiyio City Courtcil, Commissioners or City staff concerrting a matter on the agerxda are included as supplemental material to the age;ndized item. 'niese writteyi communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any persoyqa7 or private informatioyi in writtert communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shal7 constitute a r.oaiver of any privacy rights you may have 072 the information provided to the Cih). Members of the public are erttitled to address the members concernirtg any item that is described irt the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members 07! any other item riot on the agerxda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 3 STATE OF CALIFORNJA CUPERTINO NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, June 25, 2019, commenring st 9:30a.m. in City Hall Conference Room A, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." APPROVAL OF MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING 1. ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mimttes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from makirtg any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda. PUBLIC COMMENT (including comments on all agenda items) This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on any matter 072 the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) mmutes for any particular agenda item. AGENDA REVIEW Page I Legislative Review Committee AGENDA June 25, 2019 In order to make the most efjficient use of outside consultant time, Committee members will review and discuss items on the agenda to assist in developing priorities and strategy for formal consideration of those items when the consultant is present later in the meeting. No action will be taken on any agenda items in this portiorx of the meetmg. ACTION ITEMS 2. 3. B - APA Positions 5-20-19 C - CASCC Legislative Positions 5-20-19 D - CASCC Legislative Guiding Principals 2019 4.Housing 5. 6. 7. Page 2 Legislative Review Coniniittee AGENDA June 25, 2019 Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting Senate Bill 23 and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support to the State Legislature Staff Repoit A - Draft SB 23 Support Letter s, : Consider adopting a position on SB 12(Beall) - Mental liealth services: youth Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting Senate Bill 12 and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support to the State Legislature Staff Repoit A - Draft SB 12 Suppoit Letter 9. : Consider adopting a position on SB 128 Recommended Action: Adopt a position supporting Senate Bill 128 and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of support to the State Legislature A - SB 128 Senate Floor Analysis 3.22. 19 10. : Consider adopting a position on AB 516(Clffri) Autliority to remove vehicles Recommended Action: Adopt a position opposing Assembly Bill 516and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of opposition to the State Legislature Staff ReIiort A - Draft AB 516 0pposition Letter 11. : Consider adopting a position 011 AB 1279(Bloom) Planning and zoi'iing: horising development in high resorirce areas Recommended Action: Adopt a position opposing Assembly Bill 1279and authorize the Mayor to send a letter of opposition to the State Legislature Staff Report 12. : Consider adopting a position on AB 68, AB 881, and SB 13 Recommended Action: Adopt positions opposing Assembly Bill 68, Assembly Bill 881, and Senate Bill 13 and authorize the Mayor to send Ietters of opposition to the State Legislature A - AB 68 Senate Housing Analysis 6.19. 19 B - AB 881 Senate Housing Analysis 6.13.19 C - SB 13 Assembly Housing and Communitv Development Analysis 6.1' 13. : Discuss tl'ie appointment of Chair and Vice Chair for tlie Legislative Review Comi'nittee (continued from May 24, 2019) Recommended Action: Appoint the Chair and Vice Chair for the Legislative Review Committee 14, : Discuss audio recording of Legislative Review Committee meetings (contimied from May 24, 2019) Page 3 Legislative Review Committee AGENDA June 25, 2019 Recommended Action: Provide direction on audio recording of Legislative Review Committee meetings 15. $: Discuss strategies for building relationships with local legislators Recommended Action: Provide input on strategies for building relationships with local legislators 16. : Adding members to tlie Legislative Review Committee (continued from May 24, 2019) Recommended Action: Provide recommendations regarding Legislative Review Committee membership Staff Report 17. : Public engagement regarding legislative affairs Recommended Action: Provide input on public engagement regarding legislative affairs 18. : Future bill ideas Recommended Action: Discuss and provide input on future bill ideas 19. $: Discussion of :aiture meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics ADJOURNMENT Page 4 Legislative Review Committee AGENDA June 25, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also ztpon request, in advance, an assistive listening device cart be made available for use during the imeting. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office in City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oj public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Crqyertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerning a matter on the agenda are inchtded as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written comrmmications to the City that you do rxot wish to make public; doing so shall constitgtte a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concernmg any item that xs described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Ptrge 5 (!)2L6SEG Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Fred M. Tovar City of Gilroy Jeanme Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los Altos Hills Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Meeting 7:00-p'rh Call to Order Roll Call Cupertino,iOA'.i '.tt i Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Bob Nunez City of Milpitas laved Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Mar5nez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the May 8, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting lb) Receive April 2019 Treasurer Report lc) Approve Establishment of SVCE EV-2A Generation Rate to Correspond with New PG&E Rate ld) Adopt Resolution Amending SVCE's Energy Risk Management Policy Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale le) Adopt Resolution to Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Service Agreements with 1) Sacramento Municipal Utility District; 2) Center for Sustainable Energy; and 3) ADM Associates, Inc. and Delegate Authority to CEO to Spend up to $1,000,000 in Aggregate through September 30, 2021 under Master Consultant Agreements lf) Innovation Onramp Program Update and Request to Authorize Chief Executive Officer to Execute Agreement with UtilityAPI for an Energy Data Exchange Platform Pilot in the Amount of $279,000 svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Rea Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Ig) Receive Automated Meter Infrastructure Audit Report from Abbott, Stringham and Lynch lh) Receive the Annual Information Technology Audit Results Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting 37 Hosted: June 12", 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN - AGENDA -.- 1. Welcome and Introductions 5 minutes 2. Public Comments7 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David Sti(lman, Transportation Manager, City of Cupertino 4. School Highlight -, Kennedy Bike to School-program Ashley Vaidez, Teacher, Kertnedy Middie School 5. School Highlight: Regnart Rodeo Barbara Frei-Jager, Specia( Programs Coordinator, Regriart Elemerttary Schoo( 6. Program Updates Cherie Wa(kowiak, SR2S Coordinator, City of Cupertino a. Evaluation: Spring Travel Tally Results for the City b. School Year Reflections 5 minutes 5 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 20 minutes 7. Reminders and Closing 5 minutes NOTES - GLb SA.FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting 37 Hosted: June 12", 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Han, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN STATE OF C.ALIFORNIA COUNTY OF MFNT : ATF, UNDF.R PF,NALTY OF (T![ME) : Z , I PERSONALLY BULLETIN DO,IRD ,{T CITY H,'rLL, ,.{o!41 DATE (.J3T(l%'mt,,,-e,ll:,<L\.,C;;3(';4.-7,iiL# In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a personwith a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Alsouponrequest, in advance, anassistive listening device can bemade available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in STATE OF CALIFORNIA CITY OF CU, I, AGEMPLO CUPERTINO LEGISLATIVE RE SIGNATURE, NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING OF THE LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Friday, May 24, 2019, commencing at lO:OOa.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES SPECIAL MEETING 1. : Approve the May 14th Legislative Review Committee minutes Recornrnended Action: Approve the May 14th Legislative Review Committee minutes A - Draft Mintues POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from making any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda PUBLIC HEffiGS OLD BUSINESS Page I Legislative Review Committee 2. : Review Legislative Platform Action: Recommend Legislative PlatformRecommended Council A - Draft 2019 Legislative Platform B - 2018 Legislative Platfori'n AGENDA May 24, 2019 for adoption by City i: Updates on SB 50 and SB 330 Recommended Actiop: Rq,ceive update and provide comment A - SB 330 Senate Floor Analysis NEW BUSINESS C - CASCC Legislative Positions 5-20-19 D - CASCC Legislative Guiding Principals 2019 8. : Overviewoflandscapeoftransportationbillsfrom2017to2019 A - Assembly Transportation Committee Suinrnary of Bills 2017-18 B - Active 2019 Transportation Legislation 5-20-19 9. : Discussion regarding AB 1356 and other cannabis bills A - AB 1356 Assembly Floor Analysis 10. : Discussion regarding SB 5, SB 6,' SB 12, SB 23, SB 128, SB 582 Page 2 Legis}ative Review Committee AGENDA May 24, 2019 A - SB 5 Senate Floor Analysis B - SB 6 Senate Floor Analysis C - SB 12 Fact Sheet D - SB 23 Senate Floor Analysis E - SB 128 Senate Floor Analysis F - SB 582 Fact Sheet 11, : Legislative updates 12. : Future bill ideas 13. 4: Discuss strategies for building relationsliips witli local legislators Recommended Action: Provide input on strategies for building relationships with local legislators 14. : Public engagement regarding legislative affairs Recommended Action: Provide input on public engagement regarding legislative affairs 15, : Discussion of future meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics Page 3 AJ)JOURNMENT Legislative Review Committee AGENDA May 24, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that rteeds special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meetirtg. Any writings or documents provided to a the agenda will be made available for Clerk's Office irt City Hall located at hours. majority of the members after publication oJ public inspection. Please contact the City 10300Torre Avenue during normal business IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipa7 Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff concerriirxg a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website arrd kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished not to include any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public; doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the information provided to the City. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that IS described irt the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration oj that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment. Page 4 Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #36 Hosted: May 21", 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cuperhiio.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Intmductions 5 minutes 2, Puhlir (0mmpnt4 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David Stillman, Transportation Manager, City of Cupertino 5 minutes 5 minutes 4. School Higfflght: Collins' No Stopping Zone Steven Woo, Principal, Cog(ins E(ementary Schoo/ 10 minutes 5. Sdiool Highlight. Hyde's WOW Banner Contest Katriina Laihia, Parent Champion, H@ Middle Schm:if 10 minutes 6. Sdiool Highligbt Stevens Creek Bike Day Heidi Johnson, Parent Champion, Stevens Creek Elementary School 10 minutes 7. Program Updates Cherie Walkowialc, SR2S Coordi;nator, City of Cupertino a. Middle School Bike Skills Dates for this Summer b. Working Group Meeting Dates for 2019-20 c. High School Representative Applications for Working Group 10 minutes 8. Reminders and Closing 5 minutes NOTES - CUPERTINO 6%(3' TO SCHOOL Cupertiiio Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #36 Hosted: May 21a', 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cuperhito.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN STATE OF CALIFORNIASTATE OF CALIFORNIA DEPART- lit., . ' l BULLET!N BOARD AT CITY HALL. In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a personwith a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records wffl be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for tlns meetiitg, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so dtuaing the public comment portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. CUPERTINO ko S/\,FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO AGENDA LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C Tuesday, May 14, 2019 1:00 PM Special Meeting NOTICE AND CALL FOR A SPECIAL MEETING - OF THE LEGISLATIVE REVIEW COMMITTEE NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is hereby called for Tuesday, May 14, 2019, commencing at I:OOp.m. in City Hall Conference Room C, 10300Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014. Said special meeting shall be for the purpose of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, "Special Meeting." ROLL CALL APPROVAL OF MINUTES POSTPONEMENTS ORAL COMMUNICATIONS SPECIAL MEETING This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the members on any matter not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3) minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the members from marring any decisions with respect to a matter not listed on the agenda OLD BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS 1. : Overview of the Legislative Review Committee purpose, structure, and process A - Policv for Legislative Advocacy 2. : Discussion regarding the City contracting with a lobbying firm to support Page I I Legislative Review Committee AGENDA May 14, 2019 City priorities at the State level Recommended Action: Platform A - Draft 2019 Legislative Platform Discussion regarding topics and priorities for the City's 2019Legislative Provide guidance regarding the City's 2019Legislative 5. : Discussion of future meetings and agenda topics Recommended Action: Recommend future meetings and agenda topics STAFF AND COMMITTEE REPORTS ADJOURNMENT Page 2 Legislative Review Coinmittee AGENDA May 14, 2019 In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange. for assistance Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meetirig agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members afler publication oj the agenda will be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk's Office in City Hall located at 10300Torre Avenue during normal business hours. IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code 2.08.l00written communications sent to the Crtpertino City Council, Commissioners or Ciffl staff concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These written communications are accessible to the public through the City's website and kept in packet archives. You are hereby admonished riot to irtclude any personal or private information in written communications to the City that you do not wish to make public," doing so shall constitute a waiver of any privacy rights you may have on the iriformation provided to the City. Page 3 CITY OF CUPERTINO OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE - CUPERTINO, CA 95m4-3255 TELEPHONE: (408) 777-3223 - FAX: (408) 777-3366 CUPERTINO.ORG CITY OF CUPERTINO TEEN COMMISSION NOTICE OF ANNUAL VACANCIES Notice is hereby given that Cupertino teens are encouraged to apply for six vacancies on the Teen Commission. Applications are due in the City Clerk's office at City Hall § p.m. on Friday, May 10. Council will conduct interviews beginning at 3:30 p.m. on Tuesday, May 28 and Wednesday, May 29 (as needed). Council will also appoint at least two alternates to fill any unscheduled vacancies that may occur during the year. The commission consists ofnine members, with the intention if possible to include at least one person from each public middle school and public high school in Cupertino. Membership on the commission is limited to Cupertino residents. Members may attend schools outside of the city limits, or be schooled at home. Commissioners must be in P through IP grade. Teen Commissioners serve two-year staggered terms. The powers and functions of the Teen Commission are to advise the City Council and staff on issues and projects important to youth (also see Municipal Code 2.95.080 Powers and Functions). Regular meetings are held September through August, twice monthly (except December) for a total of 17 meetings on the second and fourth Wednesday at 6:00 p.m. at the Quinlan wCowmwmCunupietyrtm. COeOnrtegr/,alCOanl8C51esNF.OrSmtel01inregdeRtad,, !Ml ,icaCtimo %ns #can9k. Wbe dDoawmnlyoaded atMestizA, i SS.777-3120. - IC,O OF%LA ) EMPLOY OT C NDA DjE"l"SIGNATURE Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #35 Hosted: April lO'h, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Public Comments 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David Stillman, Senior Civil Engineer, City of Cupertino 4. School Highlight: Collision/Near Miss Reporting Lani Honma, Parent Champion, Homestead High School 7ennifer Shearin, Parertt Champion, Cupertino High School 5. School Highlight: Middle School Bike Workshop Seema Lindskog, Parent Champiort, Lawson Middle School CUPERTINO GREEN 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes 15 minutes 10 minutes 6. Banner Contest Update 5 minutes Ray Zhou, High Schoo7 Studertt Representative, Homestead High School Elliot vary Huijgevoort, High School Student Represerttative, Cupertino High School 7. Reminders and Closing NOTES - 5 minutes Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #35 Hosted: April 10th, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertmo.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabffities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed fot the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Alsoupon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of.that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. CUPERTINO TO SCI-100L @cSILLEICAONNEVNAELRL[GE\Y BULLETIN BOARD A'I' CI'l'Y HALL. AGENDA DATE S4GNATURE City of Los Altos Roll Call Courtenay C. Comgan Tovin or Los Altos Hills Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gaeos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. City or IVlilpitas Presentation of Resolution Recoqnizinq SVCE's Two Years of Service laved Ellaliie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Ma:-tu'iez Beltran City orMorgan Hi Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the March 13, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting Ib) Receive February 2019 Treasurer Report Susan Ellenberg County ofSarita Clara lc) Adopt Resolution Amending the Authority's Conflict of Interest Code to Add Finance and Administration Committee Member to the List of Designated Positions for Filing Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale ld) Approve the Cancellation of the August 21, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting and Reinstate August 14, 2019 Meeting Date svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Rea SuRe 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) Adopt Resolution to Approve SVCE Rate Schedules Effective May 1, 2019 and Authorize the CEO to Further Adjust Customer Generation Rates to be lo/o Below PG&E's Final Rates (Action) 4) Approve the Q1 2019 Update of the Decarbonization Strategy and Programs Roadmap with Revised Program Briefs and Adopt Resolution Page I of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (!)3;4HNH>>; Mai'garel: A5e-Koga, Cl-lall City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Cliair City of Saratoga L17 Gitibons City of' Campbel Rod Sinlcs City of Cupertino Fred M. Tcivar City of Gilroy Jeaivne Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Co+rigan Town of Los Altos Hills Marico Sayoc Town o( Los Gatos BOb Nurie= City of Milpitas ]aved Ellaliie City of Monte Sereno Yvonne Martinez BeRtan City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smitli City of Sunnyvale Approving the Budget Request for Workforce Development and Training Programs (Action) 5) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) . 6) Finance and Administration Committee Report (Discussion) 7) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Audit Committee Report (Diseussion) Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Adiourn svcleanenergy.org J33 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). (!)2L6SEWY Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino Fred Tovar City of Gilroy leanme Bruins City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Comgan Town of Los Altos Hills Call to Order Roll Call Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Meeting SS "11 Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. Bob Nut'iez City of Milpitas Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the February 13, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno lb) Approve Minutes of the February 23, 2019, Board of Directors Special Meeting Yvonne Martmez Beltran City of Morgan Hill Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara lc) Receive December 2018 Treasurer Report ld) Receive January 2019 Treasurer Report le) Approve Appointment of Maria Oberg, County Treasury Administrator, to Serve on the SVCE Finance and Administration Committee Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale lf) Adopt Resolution to Delegate Authority to Chief Executive Officer to Enter Into Certain Transactions Under Approved Master Agreements Pursuant to the Energy Risk Management Policy and Authorize the Chief Executive Officer to Execute Master Agreement with NextEra Energy Marketing, LLC svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Ig) Authorize CEO to Execute Agreement with EV Alliance for Developing a Joint Action Plan for Silicon Valley Clean Energy and its Member Communities to Pursue Electric Vehicle Charging Infrastructure Programs and Strategies Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). l:8LL$ Margaret Abe-Koga, Chair City of Mountain View Howard Miller, Vice Chair City of Saratoga Liz Gibbons City of Campbell Rod Sinks City of Cupertino lh) Authorize CEO to Execute Amendment to the Current Agreement with Richards, Watson and Gershon in an Amount Not to Exceed $185,000 for Legal Services li) Approve Amended Title for Energy Associate, Job Description Updates for Associate Energy Consultant and Energy Consultant Positions, Amendment to Salary Ranges for Senior Analyst and Senior Energy Consultant, and Mopt Resolution Renaming the Organization Chart as the Positions Chart and Amending the Approved Positions Chart, Job Classifications, and Salary Schedule Fred Tovar City of Gilroy Jeannie Brcnns City of Los Altos Courtenay C. Corrigan Town of Los Altos Hills Marico Sayoc Town of Los Gatos Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) Approve the FY 2018-19 SVCE Mid-Year Budget (Action) 4) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) 5) Finance and Administration Committee Report (Discussion) 6) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) 7) Audit Committee Report (Discussion) Bob Nuriez City of Milpitas Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Javed Ellahie City of Monte Sereno Adiourn Yvonne Martinez Bell:ran City of Morgan Hill . Susan Ellenberg County of Santa Clara Nancy Smith City of Sunnyvale svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Cammo Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #34 Hosted: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Public Comments 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David StilLman, Se;nior Civil Ertgineer, City of Cupertino 4. Safe Routes to School Update - State of the Program Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coordi;nator, Cih) of Cupertino 5. Maps for incoming elementary families Cherie Walkowiak, S.R2S Coord'mator, Cih) of Cupertino 6. Reminders and Closing CUPERTINO GREEN 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes () 0, CUPERTINO 9 I S /S.FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #34 Hosted: Wednesday, March 13, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org-/saferoutes CUPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should can the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meetiiig that are public records will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. CUPERTINO CITY OF CUPERTINO HOUSING COMMISSION (FINANCIAL REPRESENT ATIVE) SPECIAL NOTICE OF VACANCY Notice is hereby given that the City of Cupertino is accepting applications for one unscheduled vacancy on the Housing Commission (as the Financial Representative). The vacancy occurred when Commissioner Poonam Goyal resigned. The (partial) term of this vacancy expires on 1/30/22 and will count as a full term. The Financial Representative must represent a financial institution that is located in Cupertino to be eligible. This position is open until filled. The Cupertino Housing Commission consists of five members appointed by the council to four-year terms. One must be a representative from a Cupertino financial institution and another from a Cupertino business. Housing Commission members who are representatives of a financial institution or a business are not required to be Cupertino residents, but the financial institution and the business represented must be located in Cupertino. The three remaining community members must be residents of Cupertino. The commission assists in developing housing policies and strategies, recommends policies for implementation and monitoring of affordable housing projects, helps identify sources of funding for affordable housing and performs other advisory functions authorized by the City Council (also see Municipal Code Chapter 2.86.100 Duties - Powers-Responsibilities). The Cupertino Housing Commission falls under the Political Reform Act of 1974 and financial disclosure is required. Regular meetings are held at 9:00 a.m., the second Thursday of the month at City Hall, Conference Room C. For more information, contact staff liaison Kerri Heusler at KerriH@cupertino.org or (408) 777-3251. Applications can be downloaded or completed via the Online Advisory Appointment Application at www.cupertino.org/vacancies. For more details, please see the website or call the City Clerk's Office at (408) 777-3223. Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #33 Hosted: February 12'h, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5PM saferoutes@cupertu'to.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes CUPERTINO (IREEN - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 10 minutes 2. Public Comments 10 minutes 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David Stmman, Senior Civil Engineer, City of Cupertino 20 minutes 4. School Highlight: Walking School Bus Pilot at Garden Gate Joe Nuno, Pri;ncipal, Garden Gate 5 minutes 5. Discussion: Cupertino-Specific Topics to Teach Middle School Cydists? Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coordinator, City of Cupertino 10 minutes 6. Presentation: Program Updates Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coord'mator, City of Cupertino a. Engineering: i , Crossing Flag on Rainbow ii . New Yield Sign on Finch iii . Bulb-Out on Finch 10 minutes b. Education: i. Potential Middle School PE Curriculum ii. Palo Alto Bike Rodeo Observation c. Evaluation: i. Spring Data Collection Coming in April: April 22 - 26 Cupertino Safe Routes 2 Sffiool Working Group Meeting #33 Hosted: February 12'h, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes 7. Reminders and Closing NOTES - cupipvmoM S/(FE ROUTES CUPERTINO GREEN 5 minutes TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes 2 SCIIOOI Working Group Meeting #33 Hosted: February 12'h, 2019 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferorites CUPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public tecords will be made available in the appropriate alternative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public cornrnent portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. CUPERTINO M- TO SCHOOL City of Campbell City of Cupertino City of Gilroy City of Los Altos Town of Los Altos Hills Town of Los Gatos City of Milpitas Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, February 13, 2019 7:00 pm Cupertino Community Hall ) 5: 8 Roll Call City of Monte Sereno The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. City of Morgan Hill City Of Mountain VieW County of Santa Clara Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the January 9, 2019, Board of Directors Meeting lb) Approve Minutes of the December 12, 2018, Customer Program Advisory Group Meeting Ic) Customer Program Advisory Group Report City of Saratoga ld) Approve Amendment to Financial Policy 6 - Purchasing Policy to Grant the CEO the Authority to Execute Agreements Not to Exceed $500,000 in Response to Emergency Situations with the Prior Written Consent of Two Executive Committee Members City of Sunnyvale le) Authorize CEO to Execute Grant Agreement with Bay Area Air Quality Management District for FutureFit Heat Pump Water Heater Initiative svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Cammo Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 lf) Approve 2019 Updates to Exhibits C, Annual Energy Use, and Exhibit D, Voting Shares, of the SVCE Joint Powers Agreement Ig) Approve the Cancellation of the July 10, 2019 Board of Directors Meeting, and Move the August Board of Directors Meeting to August 21, 2019 Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). @2ii(,%N,%: City of Campbell lh) Approve Amendment to Credit Agreement and Other Related Documents with River City Bank to Increase the Line of Credit to $35 million, and Adopt Resolution Certifying Representatives on River City Bank Loans City of Cupertino li) Approve General and Administrative Policy 5 - Code of Ethics Policy City of Gilroy City of Los Altos Town of Los Altos Hills Town of Los Gatos City of Milpitas City of Monte Sereno Reqular Calendar 2) Receive Financial Audit Report from Pisenti & Brinker LLP (Action) 3) CEO Report (Discussion) 4) Appoint Board Committee Members (Action) 5) Electric Vehicle Supply Equipment Incentive Program (Action) 6) 2020 Time-of-Use Rate Transition for Residential Customers (Discussion) 7) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Finance and Administration Committee Report (Discussion) 9) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) 10) Audit Committee Report (Discussion) Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items City of Morgan Hill Public Comment on Closed Session City of Mountain View County of Santa Clara The public may provide comments regarding the Closed Session item(s) just prior to the Board beginning the Closed Session. Closed Sessions are not open to the public. City of Saratoga City of Sunnyvale Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Conference with Legal Counsel - Existing Litigation Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(1) Name of Case: In re Pacific Gas and Electric Company, Debtor, United States Bankruptcy Court, Northern District of California, San Francisco Division, Case No. 19-30088 Report from Closed Session svcleanenergy.org Adiourn 333 W EI Camino Real Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #32 Hosted: January 23'd, 2018 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes - AGENDA - 1. Welcome and Introductions 2. Public Comments 3. FAQ From the Front Lines David Stillma;n, Senior Civil Engi;neer, Cih) of Cupertino 4. Meet our High School Representatives Cherie Walkowiak, SR2S Coordinator, Cih) of Cupertino 5. Program Updates Cherie WaLkowiak, SR2S Coordinator, Cih) of Cupertino a. Website Update/Overhaul i. New Cupertino Safe Routes GIS map ii. Travel Tally posted b. School Meetings c. Banners d. Bike counts e. Bike Rodeos 6. Discussion: SRTS vs ST2S 7. Reminders and Closing CUPERTINO GREEN 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 10 minutes 5 minutes 5 minutes January 24' 6:30 - Carmen Road Bridge Public Meeting February 5' 6:45 pm - Junipero Serra Trail Feasibility Study Report at City Council February 12' 4pm - Working Group Meeting February 25' 6pm - Homestead Road Corridor Study Public Meeting April 13' llarn-3pm - Earth Day Festival and Pedal for the Planet Family Ride September 28th - 6'h Annual Fall Bike Fest CUPERTINO M S/\FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #32 Hosted: January 23"d, 2018 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferoutes NOTES - CUPERTINO M S/\FE ROUTES TO SCHOOL CUPERTINO GREEN Cupertino Safe Routes 2 School Working Group Meeting #32 Hosted: January 23'd, 2018 10300 Torre Avenue, City Hall, Conference Room C 4PM - 5 PM saferoutes@cupertino.org www.cupertino.org/saferorites CUPERTINO GREEN In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend the next meeting who is visuany or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, 48 hours in advance of the meeting to arrange for assistance. Upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability, meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available in the appropriate altemative format. Also upon request, in advance, an assistive listening device can be made available for use during the meeting. Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerg any item that is described in the notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment portion of the meeting. Please limit your comments to three (3) minutes or less. 5T;'if)"-'(-'iiir'C'..'-Xh'f'-i".)'.-:.'!'t--X AN 9 CUPERTINO M TO SCHOOL (!)2e:S#WY City of Campbel City of Cuperttno City of Gilroy 7) Legislative Ad Hoc Committee Report (Discussion) 8) Audit Committee Report (Discussion) Board Member Announcements and Direction on Future Aqenda Items Public Comment on Closed Session City of Los Altos The public may provide comments regarding the Closed Session item(s) just prior to the Board beginning the Closed Session. Closed Sessions are not open to the public. Town of Los Altos Hills Town of Los Gatos City of Milpitas City of Monte Sereno City of Morgan Hill City of Mountain View County of Santa Clara City of Saratoga City of Sunnyvale svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Rea Suite 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Convene to Closed Session (Community Hall Kitchen) Conference with Legal Counsel - Anticipated Litigation Significant exposure to litigation pursuant to Government Code Section 54956.9(d)(2) One Potential Case Report from Closed Session Adiourn J. :, , ' ,s l 1. 4 , r (lofty Page 2 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority Bt (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). City of Campbell Silicon Valley Clean Energy Authority Board of Directors Meeting Wednesday, January 9, 2019 7:00 pm City of Cupertino City of Gilroy Cupertino Community Hall 10350 Torre Avenue Cupertino, CA City of Los Altos AGENDA Town of Los Altos Hills Call to Order Town of Los Gatos Roll Call City of Milpitas Public Comment on Matters Not Listed on the Aqenda City of Monte Sereno The public may provide comments on any item not on the Agenda. Speakers are limited to 3 minutes each. City of Mr:rrr;)an Hill City of Mountain View Consent Calendar (Action) la) Approve Minutes of the December 12, 2018, Board of Directors Meeting lb) Receive November 2018 Treasurer Report lc) Appoint SVCE Treasurer/Auditor and Board Secretary for 2019 County of Santa Clara ld) Approve Amended Energy Risk Management Policy City of Saratoga le) Approve Amendment to Financial Policy 6 - Purchasing Policy to Grant the Authority of the CEO to Execute Contracts Implementing the Decarbonization Strategy and Programs Roadmap City of Sunnyvale svcleanenergy.org 333 W EI Camino Real Sulte 290 Sunnyvale, CA 94087 Reqular Calendar 2) CEO Report (Discussion) 3) Elect a Chair and Vice Chair of the SVCE Board of Directors for 2019 (Action) 4) Appoint Directors to the SVCE Executive Committee for 2019 (Action) 5) Executive Committee Report (Discussion) 6) Finance and Administration Committee Report (Discussion) Page 1 of 2 Pursuant to the Americans with Disabilities Act, if you need special assistance in this meeting, please contact the Clerk for the Authority at (408) 721-5301 xl005. Notification 48 hours prior to the meeting will enable the Authority to make reasonable arrangements to ensure accessibility to this meeting. (28 CFR 35.105 ADA Title II). CUPERTINO AFFIDAVIT OF POSTING PROPERTY POSTING FOR NOTICE OF INTENT TO VACATE 23500 CRISTO REY DRIVE ST ATE OF CALIFORNIA COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Kevin Rieden, being first duly sworn, deposes and says: That he is a citizen of the United States and over the age of twenty-one years; That at the instance of and for and on behalf of the City of Cupertino, he posted the Notice of Intent to Vacate on the front of the prope*y; that said posting was fully completed on the 'O day of December, 2019; that a copy of said notice is hereto attached and by reference made a part hereof. Kevin Rieden Public Works Inspector Subscribed and sworn to before me This 'Z3r4a day of December, 2019 Kirsten Squarcia, %11ty City Clerk