CC Resolution No. 11-044 Development Agreement, 10292 Orange Avenue, APN 357-19-030_revised 8.30.23RESOLUTION N0. 11-044 A RESOLUTION OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO AUTHORIZING EXECUTION OF AN DEVELOPMENT AGREEMENT BETWEEN THE CITY AND DEVELOPER, MIMI TSUI, 10292 0RANGE AVENUE, APN 357-19-030 WHEREAS, there has been presented to tlie City Council a proposed development agreement between tlie City of Cupertino and developer, Mimi Tsui, for the installation of certain municipal improvements at 10292 0range Avenue, and said agreement having been approved by tlie City Attorney, and Developer having paid the fees as outlined in the attached Exliibit A; NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED THAT the Mayor and the City Clerk are liereby autliorized to sign the aforementioned agreement on behalf of the City of Cupertino. PASSED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino tliis 5tli day of April, 2011, by tlie following vote: Vote AYES: NOES: ABSENT: ABST AIN: Members of the City Council Wong, Santoro, Chang, Mahoney, Wang None None None ATTEST:APPROVED Resolution No. 11-044 Page 2 EXHIBIT "A" SCHEDULE OF BOND, FEES, AND DEPOSITS DEVELOPERS: LOCATION: MIMI TSUI 10292 0RANGE AVENUE, APN 357-19-030 PARTA PARTB PARTC. PARTD. PARTE. PARTF. PARTG. PART H. Faitl'iful Performance Bond: 110 2211 Labor and Material Bond: 1102211 Clieckii'ig and Inspection Fee: 110 4538 Development Maintenance Deposit: 110 2211 Storm Drainage Fee - Basin 3 215 4072 Street Liglit - One-Year Power Cost: 110 4537 Map Clieclcing Fee: IIO 4539 Park Fee - ZONE II 280 4082 $ 15,000.00 $ 15,000.00 $ 2,468.00 $ 1,000.00 $ 185.98 N/A N/A N/A PART I.Reimbursement Fee:N/A AGREEMENT 10292 0range Avenue APN: 357-19-030 and between the CITY OF CUPERTINO, a municipal corporation of the State of California, hereinafter designated as CITY, and Mimi Tsui, Trustee of the Mimi Tsui Living Trust dated May 202010, hereinafter designated as DEVELOPER. WITNESSETH WHEREAS, the DEVELOPER has made application to the CITY to secure a Building Permit to construct a single family dwelling liereinafter referred to as "Project". WHEREAS, CITY hereby approves the in'iprovement plans and specifications prepared for the Project by :E, J. Hahamian, Civil Engineer, a true copy of which improvement plans and specifications are on file in the office of the City Engineer of Cupertino; and WHEREAS, the same are incorporated l'ierein by reference, the same as though set out in full; NOW, THEREFORE, said improvement plans and specifications sliall be hereinafter called the "Plans", and the work to be done under the Plans shall be called the "Work". WHEREAS, pursuant to the provisions of this AGREEMENT, tl'ie CITY l'iereby established the amounts of Bonds, Fees, and Deposits as set fortli in the following scliedule: SCHEDULE OF BONDS, FEES, AND DEPOSITS Street Iinprovement Category: PART A. Faitliful Performance Bond: 110-2211 $15,000.00 PART B.Labor and Material Bond: 110-2211 $15,000.00 PART C. PART D. Checking and Inspection Fee: 110-4538 Development Maintenance Deposit: 110-2211 $2,468.00 $1,000.00 PART E.Storm Drainage Fee - Basin 3 215-4073 $185.98 PARTF.Street Light - One-Year Power Cost: 110-4537 N/A PART G.Map Cliecking Fee: 110-4539 N/A PARTH. PART I. Park Fee: Zone III 280-4083 Reimbursement Fee N/A N/A Page2ofll NOW, THEREFORE, IT IS F-IEREBY MUTUALLY AGREED by and between the parties hereto as follows, TO WIT: DEDICATION A. The DEVELOPER offers to dedicate tlie real property sliown on Exhibit "A", whicli is attached hereto and made a pait hereof by reference. Said dedicated property shall be free and clear of all liens or encumbrances except those, whicli the CITY shall waive in writing. The DEVELOPER agrees not to revolce said offer of dedication, and to keep said offer open until the CITY accepts offer by resolution. B. Upon execution of this AGREEMENT, the DEVELOPER agrees to deliver a properly executed grant deed to tlie CITY of tlie real propeity described in Exhibit "A", and such other executed conveyances, or instruments necessary to convey clear title as herein required. The DEVELOPER shall provide, at the DEVELOPER'S sole cost and expense, to the City: i. A preliminary title report issued by a title insurance company relating to the property offered for dedication. ii. A standard policy of title insurance issued by a title insurance con'ipany and insuring tlie CITY in the sum of N,/A and which sliall show said property free and clear of all liens or encumbrances except those as the CITY sliall expressly waive in writing; said policy shall be furnished at the time of acceptance of dedication and recordation of deed. C. UPOII tlie condition precedent that the DEVELOPER shall perfornn each and every covenant and condition of this AGREEMENT, tl'ie CITY agrees to accept said real propeity offered for dedication. INST ALLATION OF WORK It is further agreed that: A. The DEVELOPER sliall install and complete the Work within one (1) year from the date of execution of tliis AGREEMENT, or sucli longer period as may be specifically autliorized in writing by the City Engineer. In tlie event tlie DEVELOPER fails or refuses to complete the Work within tlie specified period of time, tlie CITY, at its sole option, shall be autliorized to complete the Work in whatever mariner the CITY shall decide. In the event the CITY completes the Work, the CITY may recover any and all costs incurred thereby from the DEVELOPER or the DEVELOPER'S surety or both. No final inspection shall be granted or street improvements sliall not be accepted unless all the requirements for safety prirposes are installed, such as sidewalks, liandicap ramps, street lights, etc. B. The DEVELOPER sliall install and complete tlie Work in a good and workinanlike manner in accordance with tlie plans as approved by the City Engineer of Cupertino. The Page3ofll Work shall be done in accordance with existing ordinances and resolutions of tJie CITY and in accordance with all plans, specifications, and standards approved by tlie City Engineer. The Work sliall be done in accordance with all State and County Statutes applicable liereto, The decision of the City Engineer shall be final as to whether any material or workmanship meets the plans, specifications, and standards as set fortli. C. It is further agreed tliat tlie Work shall be done in accordance witli the most current Standard Specificatioi'is of tlie Deiiartment of Public Works, California Department of Transportation, State of Califomia, and in accordance with the specifications of the Cupertino Sanitary District where applicable. D. Wlierever tlie words "State" or "Califori'iia Division of Highways" are mentioned in tl'ie State Specifications, it shall be considered as referring to the City of Cupertino; also wlierever tlie "Director" or "Director of Public Works" is mentioned, it sliall be considered as referring to the City Engineer. E. In case of conflict between the State Specifications and tlie specifications of the CITY, and/or the Cupeitino Sanitary District, the specifications of the CITY and/or the Cupertino Sanitary District shall take precedence over and be used in lieu of sucli conflicting portions. QUITCLAIM DEED It is further agreed that the DEVELOPER, when requested by tl'ie CITY, shall quitclaim all liis/lier rights and interests in, and shall grant to CITY authorization to extract water from the underground strata lying beneath said project. DEVELOPER agrees to execute a "Quitclaim Deed and Autliorization" in favor of CITY, when presented to him/her for signature. BONDS AND OTHER SECURITY A. Upon the execution of this AGREEMENT, tlie DEVELOPER shall file with the CITY a faitliful perfon'nance bond to assure his/her full and faitlifial perfori'nance of this AGREEMENT. Tlie penal sum of said faithful perforinance bond is as set fortli in Part A of the SCHEDULE OF BONDS, FEES AND DEPOSITS. In the event that improvements are to be made under this AGREEMENT, the DEVELOPER shall, in addition to said faitliful perforinance, file with the CITY, a labor and materials bond in a penal sum as set forth in Part B of the SCHEDULE OF BONDS, FEES AND DEPOSITS. Said bonds sliall be executed by a surety company authorized to transact a surety business in tlie State of California and liave been approved by the City Attorney as to fori'n and by the City Engineer as to sufficiency. In the event that the DEVELOPER shall fail to faithfully perform tlie covenants and conditions of this AGREEMENT, or to make any payment, or any dedication of land, or any improvements herein required, the CITY sliall call on the surety to perform tliis AGREEMENT or otlierwise inden'inify the CITY for the DEVELOPER'S failure to do SO. Page4ofll B. In lieu of a surety bond, the DEVELOPER may elect to secure this AGREEMENT by depositing witli tlie CITY: Cash; or, ii. A casliier's clieck, or a ceitified clieck payable to the order of the City of Cupertino; or, iii. A certificate of deposit, or instrument of credit meeting tlie requirements of Govemment Code Section 66499 (b) or (c). C. The amount of said casli, cliecks, ceitificate of deposit, or instrument of credit shall be as designated by the City Engineer, and sliall be the equivalent to that wliicli would liave been required had the DEVELOPER furnished the CITY with a faitliful performance surety bond. In the event that the DEVELOPER shall fail to faithfully perfonn the covenants and conditions of tliis AGREEMENT, or to make any payment, or any dedication of land, or any improvements herein required, the CITY may apply the proceeds of said security tliereto. D. No release of surety bond, cash deposit, check or certificate of deposit shall be made except upon approval of the City Council. Schedule for bond and insurance release for paper bonds are as follows: i. Release of 90 percent of the faithful performance bond upon acceptance by City Council. ii. Release of tlie remaining 10 percent of the performance bond at one year from acceptance after all deficiencies have been corrected and in tlie absence of any claim against such bond. iii. Release of tlie entire labor and material bond at six montlis from acceptance after all deficiencies have been corrected and in the absence of any claim against such bond. iv. Liability insurance, provided by tlie DEVELOPER to hold the CITY harmless in the event of liability arising from the project, to be retired at the end of one year if all deficiencies liave been corrected and in the absence of any claim against such insurance. CHECKING AND INSPECTION FEE It is further agreed that the DEVELOPER shall pay any and all necessary direct expenses for inspection, checking, etc. incurred by CITY in connection with said Project, and that DEVELOPER shall liave deposited with CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, the amount as set forth herein at Page 2 (Part C). Should construction cost vary materially from tlie estimate from wl'iich said sum is calculated, the City Engineer shall notify DEVELOPER of any additional sum due and owing as a result thereof. Page 5 ofll DEVELOPMENT MAINTENANCE DEPOSIT It is further agreed that the DEVELOPER shall pay to the CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, the amount set fortli herein at Page 2 (Part D) as a development maintenance deposit. The deposit may be used at the discretion of the City to correct deficiencies and conditions caused by tlie DEVELOPER or his/her contractor that may arise during or after the construction of tlie development. The deposit shall also be used for copies of approved plans for the CITY's files. If tlie cost exceeds tlie amount deposited tlie DEVELOPER is required to pay achial overage prior to return of original plans. Any unexpended amount will be returned to tlie DEVELOPER at tlie time all bonds are released in accordance with paragrapJi 4 of this agreement. STORM DRAINAGE FEE It is further agreed that tlie DEVELOPER sliall deposit with the CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, a storm drainage cliarge in connection with the said Pro3ect in accordance with tlie requirements established in Resolution 4422, March 21, l977, in the amount as set foith herein at Page 2 (Part E). STREET LIGHT - ONE YEAR POWER COST It is furtlier agreed tliat the DEVELOPER shall pay to the CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, the amount as set fortli lierein at Page 2 (Part F), which amount represents the power cost for street lights for one year. MAP CHECKING FEE It is further agreed that the DEVELOPER shall deposit with CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, for office checking of final map and field checking of street monuments, in compliance with Section 4:1 of Ordinance No. 47 (Revised 12/04/61) of CITY, the amount as set forth l'ierein at Page 2 (Part G). 10.THE INSTALLATION OF STREET TREES It is further agreed that the DEVELOPER shall, at such time as deemed appropriate by the City Engineer, plant street trees in conformance with the standards of the City of Cupertino. Variety of tree shall be selected from the CITY approved list. 11.PARK FEES It is fuitlier agreed that the DEVELOPER sliall pay sucli fees and/or dedicate sucli land to the CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, as is required witliin Section 18-1.602, Park Land Dedication, Cupertino Municipal Code, and whicl'i is further stipulated lierein at, Page 2 (Part H). Fees are also in accordance with action adopted by the City Council on March 19, 1991 and Cliapter 14.05 or Section 18-1.602 of the Cupertino Municipal Code. Page6ofll 12.REIMBURSEMENT FEE It is furtlier agreed that the DEVELOPER sliall deposit with the CITY, prior to execution of this AGREEMENT, a reimbursement fee for the street improvements that liave been installed by tlie City, or by another propeity owner. Developer sliall pay the City for tlie cost of the land at the cost to tbe City, or another property owner, and sliall pay a street improvement reimbursement charge for the improvements whicli tl'ie City or another property owner, installed on the street abutting or included in the benefited property, in an amount equal to tlie total improvement costs for each particular benefited property as set forth in a reimbursement agreement, in the amount as set forth herein at Page 2 (Part I). Payments for both land and improvements shall include simple interest in tlie amount of seven percent per year, to be calculated in the following manner: A. Land Cost. Interest to accrue from the date the street improvements are accepted by the City to tlie date the street improvements reimbursement cliarge is paid, or if the land is purchased by the City for a City project, from the date of purchase to the date the charge is paid. B. Improvement Cost. Interest to accrue from the date the street improvements are accepted by the City to the date the street improvement reimbursement charge is paid, or if installed by the City, from the date installation commenced to the date tlie charge is paid. C. Provided, l'iowever, tliat the interest shall be waived if the adjoining property owner dedicates or has dedicated to tl'ie City land necessary for the street improvements, or where no such dedication is necessary. 13.MAINTENANCE OF WORK It is fuither agreed that the DEVELOPER sliall maintain the Work until all deficiencies in the Work are corrected to confornn to the Plans and the City Standards and Specifications for the Work, The DEVELOPER sliall, upon written notice thereof, immediately repair or replace, without cost or obligation to the City of Cupertino, and to the entire satisfaction of said CITY, all defects and imperfections arising out of or due to faulty worki'nansliip and/or n'iaterials appearing in said Work. 14.SANIT ARY DISTRICT It is fuither agreed tliat the DEVELOPER shall file with tlie CITY, upon execution of this AGREEMENT, a letter from the Cupertino Sanitary District stating that tlie DEVELOPER has submitted plans for review by the District and that sanitaiy sewers are available to serve all lots witliin said Project. Page7ofll 15.GOVERNMENT COSTS It is fuitlier agreed tbat the DEVELOPER sliall file with the CITY, upon execution of this AGREEMENT, substantial evidence that all provisions of Section 66493, Article 8, Cliapter 4 of the Govenunent Code, pertaining to special assessments or bonds, have been complied witli, 16.PACIFIC GAS AND ELECTRIC/ AT &T It is furtlier agreed that the DEVELOPER shall pay to Pacific Gas and Electric Company and/or to AT&T, any and all fees required for installation of overhead and/or underground wiring circuits to all electroliers within said property and any and all fees required for undergrounding as provided in Ordinance No. 331 of CITY wlien the DEVELOPER is notified by either the City Engineer or Pacific Gas and Electric Company and/or AT&T that said fees are due and payable. 17.EASEMENTS AND RIGHT-OF-WAY It is furtlier agreed that axiy easement and right-of-way necessary for completion of the Project shall be acquired by the DEVELOPER at his/her own cost and expense. It is provided, liowever, that in the event eminent domain proceedings are required, tlie CITY for tlie purpose of securing said easement and right-of-way, that tlie DEVELOPER shall deposit with CITY, a sum covering the reasonable market value of tlie land proposed to be taken and, to be included in said sum, shall be a reasonable allowance for severance damages, if any. It is furtlier provided that in addition tliereto, such sums as may be required for legal fees and costs, engineering, and other incidental costs in such reasonable amounts as the CITY may require, shall be deposited with tl'ie City of Cupertino. 18.HOLD HARMLESS It is further agreed that, commencing with the performance of the Work by tlie DEVELOPER or his/lier contractor and continuing until the completion of the maintenance of the Work, the DEVELOPER shall indemnify, hold harmless and defend the CITY from and against any or all loss, cost, expense, damage or liability, or claim thereof, occasioned by or in any way arising out of the performance or nonperformance of the Work or the negligence or will'Jul misconduct of the DEVELOPER or the DEVELOPER'S agents, employees and independent contractors, except to the extent any of the foregoing is caused by the negligence or willful misconduct of the CITY or tlie CITY'S agents, employees and independent contractors. 19.INSURANCE It is furtlier agreed that: tlie DEVELOPER sl'iall take out, or shall require any contractor engaged to perform the Work to take out, and maintain at all times during tlie perfori'i'iance and maintenance of the Work called for or required to be done liereunder, a policy of Page8ofll insurance naming the (ITY and members of the City Council of tlie City of Cupertino individually and collectively, and the officers, agents and employees of the CITY individually and collectively, as insured. Said separate policy sliall provide bodily injury and property damage coverage to tlie foregoing named CITY and individuals covering all the Work performed by, for, or on behalf of said DEVELOPER. Both bodily injury and property damage insurance must be on an occurrence basis; and said policy or policies sliall provide that tlie coverage afforded thereby shall be primary coverage to the full limit of liability stated in the declarations, and if tlie CITY, its members of tlie City Council individually and collectiyely, and the officers, agents and employees of the CITY, individually and collectively, have other insurance against tlie loss covered by said policy or policies, that other insurance shall not be called upon to cover a loss under said additional policy. The insurance carrier shall provide proof of their ratings. All ratings should be Best's Guide Rating of A, Class VII or better or that is acceptable to tlie CITY. A. Eacli of said policies of insurance shall provide coverage in tlie following minimum amounts: for general liability for bodily injury, personal injury and property damage $1,000,000 each occurrence, witl'i an aggregate limit of not less tlian $2,000,000. B. The DEVELOPER shall file with the City Engineer at or prior to the time of execution of this AGREEA4ENT by the DEVELOPER such evidence of said foregoing policy or policies of insurance as shall be satisfactory to said City Engineer. Each such policy or policies shall bear an endorsement precluding the cancellation or reduction in coverage without giving the City Engineer at least ten (10) days adyance notice thereof. The CITY sl'iall be shown as additionally insured on a separate "Additional Insured Owners, Lessees or Contractors" (Form A) or (Form B) Endorsement provided along with the evidence of said foregoing policy of policies of Insurance. C. In the event that the Project covered herein should be mutually situated in or affect the area of jurisdiction of a separate municipality or political subdivision of the State of California, the policies of insurance required herein and above shall co-name such municipality or political subdivision and the provision set forth herein and above for tlie protection of the CITY shall equally apply to municipality and political subdivision. D. DEVELOPER to use City supplied forms for proof of insurance and endorsements to policy as specified above. 20.MAPS AND/OR IMPROVEMENT PLANS It is further agreed tliat tlie CITY shall obtain tlie following map and/or plans at the DEVELOPER'S expense: A. A mylar blackline and five (5) prints of fiilly executed parcel map. B. A mylar blackline and twelve (12) prints of fully executed improvement plans. Page9ofll C.A scan in raster format of all executed improvement plans and map. D. One (1) % size prints of fully executed plans and map. The DEVELOPER agrees to pay the CITY from the development maintenance deposit the cost for all prints of plans and maps. If costs exceed the amount deposited the DEVELOPER is required to pay actual overage prior to return of original plans. Page 10 of 11 21.SUCCESSORS This AGREEMENT shall bind the heirs, administrators, executors, successor, assignee and transferees of tlie DEVELOPERS. The assignment of this AGREEMENT shall not be made without approval by the City Council of the City of Cupertino. IN WIaINESS WHEREOF, CITY has caused its name to be liereunto affixed by its Mayor and City Clerk, tliereunto duly authorized by resolution of the City Council and said DEVELOPER has hereunto caused their name to be affixed the day and year first above written. CITY OF CUPERTINO: -Maa=7ee roved as to form: aZk-,l City Attorney City Clerk DEVELOPER: Mimi Tsui Attach Notary acknowledgement Page 11 of 11 CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE CERTNFICATE OF ACKNOWLEDGMENT State of Califomia County of 'F>ri v'Aft ( IA{Cl CCfv'ia-!raajl)J /A,,,]r2'fMv ('t,)'bJVr (E-Iere insert nainc and til!lc of tlic officer) / who proved to me on the basis of satisfactory evidence to be tlie personp-) yvhose nameo-0 is/gmubscribed to the within insh-un'ient and aclcnowledged to xi'ie tliat he/sheAhey executed the same irr-Ms/her/tl; authoi-ized capacity(, and tl'iat by /lier/t=mir signature) on tlie instrument the persoiQ, or tlie entity upon belialf of whicli tl'ie person(->) acted, executed tlie instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJUR\ under the laws of the State of Califoi'iiia that the foregoiiig paragrapl'i is true and correct. WITNESS LIIY liand arid official,seal. (Notary Seal) I "l ii i i i ADDITIONAL OPTIONAL INFORMATION DESCRIPTION OF THE ATT ACHED DOCUMENT Pitlc or dcscription of attachcd documcnl) Nun"iberofPages A22 Docun'ientDate nh6h) (Additional infonnalion) CAPACITY CLAIMED BY THE SIGNER [1] Individual (s) € Coi'porate Officer € € € € (Titlc) Panner(s) A(tomey-in-Fact Trustee(s) Other INSTRUCTIONS FOR COMPLETING THIS FORM An)i acbr:isvled5pnen[ conypleled in C4rnia ywsf conlain verbhnge exad)i as appta:rrs abrive in rhe riomry secrion or a separare ack'no'ivledgmenrfonn rmrsi be pr'opeS)i complered and anached ro rhar docmnent. The onl)i exceprron is d a document is to be r'ecrir'ded outside of Ct'rldoinia. Insuc)i mstmyces, mr)i altenyarisie ada'rowledgment ver'biage as ma,si be prMed on suc)i a documem so long as rhe verbiage does riot requrre rlie notary /o dosmnet)ying rhat is H7egal ftw a riorary in CaHfor'ina (r.e. cerlrf)'rng the authorrzed capt'icrr)' of rhe signet ;). /" tease check rhe documenr car4ul1s4or proper nriiarial ixoordrrig (111(/ arlacli ilyis,ftirm %f required. Stale and County inf'onnalion must be tlie State and County where tl'ic documcnt signcr(s) pcrsonally appcarcd before the notary public for acknowledginent Daiti of nolarization musl be the date that IIIC sigrner(s) personally appeared wliicli must also be the same datc tlic acknowlcdgmcnt is complclcd. The notary public must print his or hcr name as it appears svilhin his or her commission rolloived by a comma and Ilien your title (notary public). Print the name(s) of docuinciit signcr(s) who pcrsonally appcar at Thc timc of nolarizalion. Indicatc hc correct singular or plural fonns by crossing off incorrect foims (i,c. I*/shcAhey,- is /me ) or circliiig lbt. corrccl forms. Failure to correctly indicate this information may lead to i'ejcction of documcni rccording. Tlie notary seal impressioi'i must lie clcar and pbotoBrapliically rcproduciblc. tmpression must nt'if COVEY taxt Or lines. Tf scal impression iimudges, rc-scal if a sufficient arca pcrinlTs, OlhCrl'i'lSC COllThl:)IC{C a differCnt ac)cnoiii4cdgi'ncnl fOl'lll. Signature of tlic notary public must match llic signanirc on fig. willi thc office of the couniy clerk '> Additional information is not required lout Cal)ld llelp tO ensure thiS acknowlcdgmcnt is not inisuscd or attac]icd to a diffcicnt docuincnt. a> Indicatc litlc Or type of allaclied document, iiumber of pages and date. aha Indicate thc capncily claimcd by llic sj,,mcr. If tlic clain'ied capacity is a corporate officer, indicate the title (i.e. CEO, CFO, Secretary). Sccurcly attacli rliis documcnl lo the signed documcnt 2008 Version CAP."i vl2. 10.07 800-873-9865 uiti.iiv.NotaqiClasscs.com CALIFORNIA ALL-PURPOSE ACKNOWLED €eMENT 4$. GRACE SCHMID-T Commission #1923164 #5J Notary Public - California Santa Clara County N! CO Feb 21, 2015 who proved to me oi-i the basis of satisfactory evidence to be the person(Q whose nam$) is/d subscribed to the within instrument and acknowledged to me that he/le/tQy executed tlie same in his/h@i" r authorized capacity(p), and that by his$!r "r signature(Q on the instrument the person , or the entity upon behalf of which the person acted, executed the instrument. I certify under PENALTY OF PERJURY under the laws of the State of Califomia that the foregoing paragraph is true and correct. WITNESS my hand and official seal. Signature: 2 Place Notary Seal Above Signature oT Notary Public Though the information below rs not required by /aw, it may prove valuable to persons relying on the document and could prevent fraudulent removal and reattachment of this form to another document. Description of Attached Document Title or Type of Document: T)-Q!) 0A }r''iJo - Signer(s) Other Than Named Above: t')l t I'Vl Capacity(ies) Claimed by Signer(s) Signer's Name: € Corporate Officer - Title(s) € Individual € Partner - € Limited € General € Attorney in Fact € Trustee € Guardian or Conservator € Other: [!!TJ:7Jl;,ua!l- [6!!a &fimm. Top of thumb here a_5 W i Top of thumb here Signer Is Representing: li oiils ;,x-wbtatas Signer's Name: € Corporate Officer - Title(s): ] Individual L] Partner - € Limited € General € Attorney in Fact [) Trustee [i Guardian or Conservator [] Other: Signer Is Representing: @ 2009 National Notary Association x NationalNotary.otg a 1-800-US NOTARY (1-800-876-6827)Item #5907 uHIBIT " A" DESCRIPTION OFDEDICATTON FOR ROADWAYAND UnLIITKS PURPOSES TO [ CITY OFCUPERTINO. CALIFORNIA u thateerta €n real property situated m tbO City ofCupartino, COaty ofSantaaara,Stateoff'al €&rmis,N>eingtbewesterly fivefeetof Lot 5 ofTraetN*. 97, Noonan Su!h&"'o4 Uiait No. 1, a map ofwkieh was ffied on Apffl 3, 1939 in Boo33 of Maps a Page 43, in die Office of the Reeomer d said Comty, and bemg a five footmde strip of land described as fouow: Beginning at ffie northwesterly eoruerd said Lot on the easterly rightofway uned OrangeAvenue, 40 feetinwidth, as shown upon said Map; Thence huffing dae northerly line of uid Lot, South 89 deg. 58 mu. East S.OO feet; Theaiee paraUel with tbe eenterline of said Oi'a4eAvenue and distant therefrom 25 feet (rightangle measure) South 50.24 feetto The southerly ajne of said Lot; Theaee along said lie Norffa 89 deg. 58 mu. West5.00 feetto thesoutb- westerly corner of said Lot; Thence along thewesterly line thereof, North 50.24 feet to die pomtof beginning. Containing251.2 square feet, mnore erless. Referto KXHIWI' "B", PLAT, which As hereby made a part oftk's dauiption. Address: 10292 0rangeAve., Cupertino, CA APN 357-19.030 Date: January 12, 2011 Prepared by: Edward J. Hahgmfi*n, RrF, ,-P*. oF ffie5;(xrt=51 il I ' s89' s8 'E /30, oo/ i = -- ----=t- - - -- "- = -'!5I 126.ooo i De,d;caPioriAre.a- '. ,, , - i' < :'< z> * '!, ' ; go' N L O T S - '1 R A C T 97 t5," "' 3 MA P5 43 ;',ol* > ('.i*J 4 ss :i$ % Q ;,, 125.0Q/ i 5"sB'w"' l.a6.00' - "1. I 'ujla "'a 'u l S I < zl,]- ';C& '> I = 2_ @ : l\,O I '-a: a't5AFFERNANDO ME r E X H i e t aar 'ei"I ' 0=- "' =- ""' , r;=totc,,ari6t=,i PtpT pop ,eoaottvps/i A,A!D UTILI"[[E5 puR.PO5ESia B T(J: C!TY OF (::(.)P5RT/AJO,CA I ADDQE55: 102!a32 oRAuGE ,WE.ppu: ,5.57- is-ass@ DATE: J,AA/. 13,2071,, I . _ _ . _ ___ ___ . . 1111. , , % , ._... .,. . ... l' l- %lll'll l' I 1.1 'a'-a'.l'=l