CC Resolution No. 8885 RESOLUTION NO. 8885 OF THE CITY COUNCIL OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO ADOPTING A COMPREHENSIVE AMENDMENT OF THE LAND USE, HOUSING, TRANSPORTATION, ENVIRONMENTAL RESOURCES, PUBLIC HEALTII AND SAFETY, IMPLEMENTATION ELEMENTS OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO GENERAL PLAN. SECTION I: FINDINGS: WHEREAS, the City Council has held public hearings and considered public testimony from citizens, and from representatives from other public agencies and interested groups; and WHEREAS, the City Council considered the Environmental Impact Report wlùch evaluated the potential significant impacts that the General Plan amendment may have on the environment; and WHEREAS, said Environmental Impact Report reflects the independent judgment of the City Council; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that certain potential environmental effects resulting from adoption of the project may cause a significant effect upon the environment, but that changes have been incorporated into the project to avoid or substantially lessen the significant environmental effect as identified in the final ErR. Said significant effect and mitigation means to avoid or lessen the significance are described in Exhibit H; and WHEREAS, the City Council determined that some significant adverse environmental effects of the project can not be reduced to a level of insignificance and that in those instances, a statement of overriding considerations has been made as described in Exhibit H. The specific findings for the statement of overriding consideration are described in Exhibit H and are supported by substantial evidence in the record. The following general project goals are also submitted as findings of overriding consideration: 1) Strengthen hillside preservation by reducing residential densities and developing standards to improve aesthetics, preserve natural resources and avoid hazardous areas. 2) Provide for the fiscal health of the City by allowing the major companies to expand in the City without adverse traffic and housing impacts. 3) Provide additional housing opportunities, particularly affordable housing. 4) Address imbalances in the development potential levels for commercial, office and industrial land uses, while maintainillg traffic level of service (LOS) "D" for all intersections except Stevens Creek and DeAnza Boulevards and DeAnza Boulevard and Bomnger Road, where Level of Service "E+" (45 seconds weighted delay) is acceptable to implement the "Heart of the City" concept. 5) Develop a "Heart of the City" wlùch would have the combination of land uses and built environment to service as a memorable gathering place for residents. Resolution No. 8885 Page -2- 6) Provide additional measures to protect existing neighborhoods from land use and development incompatibilities. WHEREAS, the City Council determined that the housing element substantially complies with Section 65583 of the Government Code finding that: I) Adequate sites are provided to meet regional needs and will be specifically identified in specific plans; 2) Opportunities for affordable housing are provided through higher density housing sites in the wban core area; 3) An innovative housing mitigation program assures the construction of 1007 UIÚts, 480 of which would be affordable, if new development occurs; 4) The City maintains an aggressive program to ellcourage affordable housing proposals, including conveuing an Affordable Housing Committee; 5) Other programs exist which are specifically quantified and identified in pages H2O to H44 of the proposed General Plan. WHEREAS, the City Council adopted City Council Resolution No. 8885 certifying the Environmental Impact Report to be complete and in compliance with the California Environmental Quality Act and the CEQA Guide1ines. NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: That the City Council hereby adopts the General Plan entitled "The City of Cupertino General Plan March 1993" and Changes (Exhibit C). INTRODUCED AND ENACTED at a special meeting of the City Council of the City of Cupertino on this 1 s t day of June . 1993 by the following vote: Vote Members of the City Council AYES: NOES: ABSTAIN: ABSENT: Goldman, Koppel, Sorensen Dean, Szabo None None APPROVED: /s/ Nick Szabo Mayor City of Cupertino ATTEST: /s/ Dorothy Cornelius City Clerk g:\mm'mÎlolpnploo The official copy of the General Plan Land Use Map is kept at the Cupertino Community Development Department and is available for public view during all regular business hours. This LAND USE MAP is one of several General Plan diagrams that affect development in Cupertino. Street system classification, transit routes, bikeways, and trails are shown on separate diagrams. The Flood Zone and Geologic Hazard Zones maps, Noise Contour Map, and Vegetation Resources Map should also be consulted. The General Plan text itself is an integral art of the land use Ian for the City and must also be consulted. 9 P P tY This base map was adopted June 1, 1993 as part of the General Plan. The City of Cupertino is neither liable nor responsible for use of this map beyond its intended purposes. CITY OF CUPERTINO COUNTY OF SANTA CLARA Q•1MV�A Approved by Chair Planning Commission Resolution No. 4459. Adopted by City Council Mayor r Resolution No. 8885 on June 1, 1993. AMENDED BY CITY COUNCIL Date Resolution No. Mayor's Signature v i i /J The Monta Vista Planning Area : Residential 0 — 4.4 D.U./Gr. Ac. Residential 4.4 — 7.7 D.U./Gr. Ac. Residential 4.4 —12 D.U./Gr. Ac. Neighborhood Commercial / Residential Commercial and "Store Front"/ Residential / Industrial Mix Light Industrial / Residential ■ w m m Study Area Boundary 1 "= 600' —2 Foothill t 5 0 Acre c e S/D Formula \a n .Jose ,k.0 \Diocese, rE^r�5 Lands See Note 'rr3 .ii{k97.=:�Y: j>icz Development Area\ • •- Development-• 1-25 ,\ HOMESTEADROAD Subject to 5-20 Acre rA \ \`SEEN . .. !004 Residential Developmentiuni�\ Ly P. • 1 11 Z • ® � _ — / 11111111111111 �� � \� 11111111111111 - � 11111111111111� I 11111111'11111 m 111111111/11N� �1�1�1■�����,�11/►11111111� 11111 _ 1111t • - �� � i i i i i � 1,1�1�1T1 1,1,1,1,� �' � i i i i i N1111 11111 11111 111N 111111 ►1111 ►1ii►i►i►i ►►i►ilili n ►1i1i�i�i�i i�i�ilili 11111 1111i 111111 �1111 • ii i ii i 11111 1111; m .. i i 111111 11111 11111 1111; / 1111; ►.001„ :♦:c+�� o.��f®����� ` r� _ - ' • • . • • ....................... -- -- -- -- -- -- - -- -- -- r ` 1 /C I ♦ t �c .t" 1 �� ♦♦N -------------- 0-1 dT ♦ ,m Monta��i �i♦! ®Vista(See Inset Map) ��♦♦♦♦� ♦♦♦� eeae�•�� ♦ ® •1 San tag:: II ' Luc' ' k3 t 7} Hi >} ft, �...3: I ':h Yi •T1 '� ' r, r, .J :O C .+ 1 31•ri` ' 3 - k k 2 , A f f L L Ins iratiori �• r, w r. •1 �, <, Hei hts• .�' .J .J S^- .. r, rJ �::::: -^ .t — �•, :y;: c+c• cJ. •Q ) ) LL ................................................. 1.•;r^ryy 7 3(,J+ r 2 rt , t ' O 3. c i)i .) ,); ..�' •'$^Mau r M } J J r)r) ,.yJ �J: •W ) ) J :Note: .♦ • O tJ:. fi J. fi •�.�A �K. 1 •m• :Land Use Densities for : .:W" My t -IncorporatedLands ds r i• 5ffi.. c c Z­Wizr. r ' t. ^Ma•,O.^ER.. 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Cr Q co 5 I G a- 1 I 1 / I RAINBOW DRIVE al r� 1 1 1 1 1 South 1 Saratoga- 1 1 Y Sunn vale Road Area: PROSPECT ROAD 5-10or 10 - 20 / Comm w Z) Z Lu > Q Cr w J _J I ill=12 00 • The City of Cupertino L nd se MaP. ADOPTED BY THE CITY COUNCIL ON JUNE 1, 1993 8198 Residential: ® Commercial / Residential Very Low: Foothill 5-20 Acre S/D Formula Office /Industrial / Commercial / Residential Very Low Foothill 1/2 Acre S/Dfied Formula ® Commercial / Office / Residential Low FooVery tFormhill oaified S/D Industrial / Residential Low: 1-5 D.U./Gr. Ac. ® Office Med./Low: 5-10 D.U./Gr. Ac. Lamm Med./High: 10-20 D.U./Gr. Ac. ------- Urban Service Area Boundary High: 20-35 D.U./Gr. Ac. " City Limits Boundary C Private Open Space Public Open Space Quasi -Public / Institutional Private Recreational Parks Public Facilities Q Fire Station ......••......••••••• Special Planning Area NOTE: REFER TO TEXT FOR SPECIAL LAND U81E POLICIES I '