CC Resolution No. 21-089 establishing a Suicide Prevention PolicyRESOLUTION NO. 21-089A RESOLUTION OF THE CUPERTINO CITY COUNCIL ESTABLISHING A SUICIDE PREVENTION POLICY WHEREAS, the City of Cupertino recognizes suicide as a public health
issue, evidenced by Santa Clara County Behavioral Health Services data which
shows that after a three-year decline in the suicide rate in the County, suicide rates
increased in 2018 and 2019; and
WHEREAS, the Suicide Prevention Policy seeks to support the strategies
recommended by the Santa Clara County Suicide Prevention Strategic Plan; and
WHEREAS, educating the community on suicide risk factors, warning
signs, how to report threats of suicide or those showing signs of becoming at risk,
and removing the stigma about mental health treatment, recovery, and resiliency,
is good public policy; and
WHEREAS, the Suicide Prevention Policy formalizes a process by which
general resources are shared and safe messaging best practices are followed when
communicating with employees and the community; and
NOW, THEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED that the City Council of the City of
Cupertino adopts and approves the attached Suicide Prevention Policy, as the
official suicide prevention policy of the City of Cupertino.
PASS ED AND ADOPTED at a regular meeting of the City Council of the City of
Cupertino this 21st day of September 2021, by the following vote:
Vote Members of the City Council
AYES: Paul, Chao, Moore, Wei, Willey
NOES: None
Resolution No. 21-089
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Darcy Paul"Mayo
City of Cupelti o
K sten Squarcia, City Clerk
This policy reflects an ongoing commitment to increase awareness of suicide as a public health
problem. The framework in this policy promotes the planning, implementation and evaluation
of strategies for suicide prevention and intervention, as well as encouraging mental health care.
This policy shall advance current strategies and best practices of the Santa Clara County
Behavioral Health Services, National Council for Behavioral Health, National Alliance on
Mental Illness, and the World Health Organization.
This policy shall call for the collaboration between the City of Cupertino and local and
regional organizations, to provide information to employees and residents to gain a better
understanding of the causes of suicide, learn the appropriate methods for identifying those
at risk, and learn how to report threats of suicide or those showing signs of becoming at risk
to the appropriate authorities.
The City will promote strategies and resources provided by the County as well as the Suicide
Prevention Resource Center' under the following guiding framework:
City Employees
Annually, the City Manager or designee will share with its current employees
information that helps staff and gain a better understanding of the causes of suicide
and learn the appropriate methods for identifying and preventing the loss of life. The
Human Resources Division will work with the County's Behavioral Health Services
Suicide Prevention Program to ensure that information shared reflects current
research. The City shall provide a copy of this policy to all employees.
City Facilities
The City Manager or designee will develop public safety protocols governing a
response to a suicide attempt on City facilities and will ensure that those protocols
are reviewed annually. This review of protocols will seek to update internal
procedures and address any needed support for employees that may witness such
events. The City Manager or designee will further ensure an appropriate
communications strategy is in place if a suicide attempt occurs in a City facility. The
Resolution No. 21-089
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communication strategy will reflect best practices for reporting on suicide, as
provided by the County.
City Residents
The City will link to the County's Behavioral Health Services webpagez and actively
collaborate with the County to disseminate information including event information
and resources as they become available. The City Council will also raise awareness
by recognizing National Suicide Prevention Month annually in September and
support state and/or federal legislation aimed at increasing awareness and reducing
deaths by suicide.