Teen 03-15-06 I- CUPEIQ1NO T ee,n Commis;çion Wedne.s;day, March 15,20066:00 'PM Cupe.rtino ~ports; Ce.nte.r, Confe.re.nœ 'Room 21111 ~te.ve.ns; Cre,e,k 'Blvd., Cupe.rtino Approved Minutes: CALL TO O'RDE'R Mœting Called to orde.r at 6:06 by'Rahgozar 'PLEDGE OF ALLEGIANCE 'ROLL CALL Commissione.rs 'Pre.sent: Gupta, Jiang Ke.ng. Kim, Un, 'Rahgozar, 'Rajagopal, Ç;ahay, ygle.sias Commissione.r Abse.nt: Fung. Grossman, Zafar Ç;taff'Pre.se.nt: Fre.y MINUTEÇ; FROM 'P'REVlOUÇ; MEETINGÇ;- March I, 2006 Gupta motioned to approve. the. minute.s: Ç;ahay se.conds, motion passe.s. COMMUNICA 1l0NÇ; a) Oral- 'Rick Krtson - surve.y tœns in Cupertino about technology use.. b) Wrrtte.n- KGO mœting on March 23, 7:30-qpm OLD 'BUÇ;INEÇ;Ç; a) T œn Lounge. Night - Friday, March 17, 0-11 pm b) Yak Attack - Ç;aturday, March 25, qam - 3pm, Driving c) 'Rock the. ..jouse. - 'PublicITy, 'Band - Gupta motions to change. date. and location of 'Rock the. house. to May 13 at Community ..jail if available.. Un se.conds. Motion passe.s. d) Communications - We.bsrte. - Un motions to use. the. darke.r format for the new we.bsrte.. Gupta se.conds. Motion passe.s. NEW'BUÇ;INEÇ;Ç; a) MIÇ;CELLANEOUÇ;-NO AC1l0N 'REQUI'RED a} Commission 'Re.port b} Ç;taff re.port ADJOU'RNMENT - Mœting adjourned at 7:56 pm to T e.e.n Commission mœting of Aprii 5, 2006. 'Re.spectfully Ç;ubmrtted: ~!AA~_ Kim Fre.y. 'Recreation Coordinátor - . ð