07050152Cr y o c�,p xTivo CUNTR C" OR TNkORM 'TIfJ
�""'�'cifffff&'ITE LF NOVO CONSTRUCTION 07050152
OWNER'S NAME. 0 6/ G 812 0 0 7
......,..,_._ SANITARY NO. CONTROL 140.
P1ioN>r — (6 5 0) 70 1 -150 0
X2 C10ENsE6 saki-uczaas asCL ARAMOr+ Job Description
r 9 (cnm
1 AxtDy ttttirm ghat I am listened uraatr' prMLsitxaII 01 Cbapner' =racing
Z��vithSchm"%T)ofDiLdon3afJteBuinescanOProfoasshituuCodc.udmyhccaaeit REVISIOL�7-REPLACE E FIRE CURTAIN W/1 HIR 1 'I'1✓D
K A fait [«et and tLTeet 8 LIE. » � 2 -- WALL.
2 Liven,-. CIM -- r
''q'q Dare �'� Ot '-�` --- ORIG #07020D25 NO NEE FERMI,
as pubik rcor +"b
t� r Lice d
O S ! Z2I Oat I 'ILO FR Cf,Cta R4TLOJV
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:� I lacxoy nlFlrm Dal L tarmpt ,mm the t ���• lictnac Uw for liar
d IOlinvrin` rcam. (S.Y'_a^ 1(r3 t.5, Buaacss and WaLsiorA Cod..' Any ch) at tawny
bj which requires a permit ro ccrosucrq, Aller. Lmprm,.'enTM><l<h a mrair any ansctura Valuation
. prkT to is wusnce, also roguiras Lk sppltu.ne for suct pemiI to file a sigmd atalaJnesu Sq.Ft. Floor Area � 0
du. he is licc-Aed pwrman� ro the•. p ttiisiona of drt Corarv_t s Lima= L.aw (Cll p 9
(comaxerela, with Sccsion )JOO) of I)i ii ,)n 3 a dre Basi. ui � ��ibn of
5 i drat be is eoapt the"flom b'd the Suis fa m dLe�cd ge -- jULn L C1CC13PanCj�
;:ectLoat 7611.+ by any awica-nt for a permit mbjmtt SBe apphcaA to a ci i; paiany of 3 6 lr} 21.0 6 ��
aa. tome dun five ktU?K W dalian 15106).---
1, u gvitet r;f the ptrope. ry, toe tri aployea WA "gum thea sole emptasatlm, ..r. —
do tAe+rucb, and 0e tcvcttne is to *waded or clfiannd for are (Sce. 70", Business Required In -pecti on s
e rd Pro eseioaa t:ode: the ContMAWS LX== U v does ad �y to as owner of
: property sfio builds a improrr" tAerean, bvd who de" _Alclt soar titnaeHar tmoatA A.4
owe catpLeyas, pnevide4 thal saeeA improrc*`wne ae aiK LrttendeR or ratfeeed for saw if,
Awre�, tha btaldint w in?mvefum u KAd "aa nae. yav 0(oompdiauoa. the oawm_
builder wi6ltays list tnrrdest of prtrnat mat b: did aw badLd ,x ®prove far. oaipoW Well
tate. )...:..
[] 1. u apnea :sf "lepraptrty. arra er IUW,,*iy cows=vAl Willa kwued OW&Ctotm W
cnrtstroci the xojec'. (Sac. 7W4t. Bwi xis atoll Protaslaeas Codd ire Cat:aroe's E.S.
came Lav dog INA a0piy to an Mmes of Proust nbu builds or impr\wea r6neon. sttd
who cnnurios !of Svc%pwjecm with a tmtroctor4l ltcenxd pant W il>t Caaractm't
Lieaaaa I". B i nentp i under SatP C ;ar tills easrr
❑ (
to . --
WORKLws COMFNs—,k7N3!1 rJECiP�tl'LON
L btrttsy ar.Ur under prnatty W p4rjwl lire of US' l0lkvren4 d4c"Nv*xm
[] r hart and will m.iarain a covifiNc of Ctmrrnt b sdf •Ltwrc for WaSc!s Coenpur
tatia>, n prwtdsil fc+ by Section 1100 or Lhe uba Co& fa tlae pt.Aonnance of ::te
f{vlor:n's�'aswtrpeuuimtinwranca�wmcOft on Sasaarwk b te+Iwermiy "Stromveandwillm;irisinWatta>Com ,_jaw avrk fa x4kA tmq redb usatrA.
Poi' r,umia L.,� f o r
Carrie:L � R S t __ Pa "Ky
('il,ia 3rctann aced no-. tie cur pfeted If ;be pct,.. it is ,arra hundred 69&m ($;00)
or kA)
1 cuify ih.t in We paiormarrec of :he wort to wAtCh mis permit is iatued, l shall ram
emptay asy person many mannersa as to Arrau subject toter WurYui C0mpensasian
7.avnofCa1it0mia.Data --.-- _- .— -
Appikam -
N1t_7nCETO APPIJCANT: jr. shrr makint; th4Cc.tirrcaa of Eiternptiw. you ah-WId
ha:wne sublcct w ire Worker's Compcnaari: prc+visaona a tk l.abm Cox you must
7 p foellawith comply w{a tach prtsrisiMn toe chit pomtit sbdl be ds:rscd xrtked.
L *+ C()?gS7RUCMON L 4Ufl', ti AGLNCY
t hemby lim m ;het there is t coratrw: it.n k.sdanf ap" Ttx t!x patformantz u(
y„ > the mil for whirh this pctsnit u wucd (Sec.. )09?. Civ. Q
T.I QL..endefs
D 'Lli"taa sod itatc dttt d>v mtow iolonnatiun ii
l ctN y Mat [ham read gk and apL
O comet 1 ajrrr ocomply wt+h sl t y sour.:; trtnnrc<trio alae Irws stearin$ to
i U twildilstonstrvcuo'.and herebyautAx.'t epstsss�
aat.rot :6.rrsysacntoru7snndrc fj
ahcta mcnratacd t:ropany for iruyx�cuon IwT=&
Einer ague to save, inder*.dfy sed me; htaaattes'tik City Of Cupertino ateirut f /-
t VJ LiaDilirx. jwdrmens, cote ark erpenm wbxh nay ut any way scout atllnst sttfa City U1_
Z in rwsequien Y of dtt RST, ng0tdtis (►.snit Date l
gWaD�kuat stType of motif
Will tits or fuMrW S ftAl>�LALS Disfl0.S1'TtE or aataAus art a handlus e humouMaterial
dei ted i•y Utek nes optt tlepbCx 9.k1 and alae width anu safay
ale,Scetiaasssl {a>7 All roofs shall be Jnspec�ed prior to any rooFing material being installed.
tjYen `� If a roof is installed withcwt First tobtriining an inspection. I agree to remove
will the appiA•ans of futurr f►ridem tin uu ea;auMtteos tv dtvic"s .Mfcla
emit hriYdnus air cnrtaminaw at d9fWd by die Bay Arta Air Quality Maraagemaat ate new materials, for inspection.
rJ Yea kv.
i iuvc rvaJ Coe hvatdsucws umkr f--jal,wen 6.95 0f the Califs -.
polka:tR 8c Safe:yCat:. Stxtirvn:.AC 1S5),t r�w: 5514. i awlervAtA if he buftill
does not i•. WMr ily hart a wnar& sat to { xy l%X%N sft.riny b ant• fy the occuP►m aE dr • - - Date
w whish muss be rna"w aaaaati• or a ccniGaalc of Occv�y. Signature of Applicant
Ali roof ec,verings to be Class "Bi, or better