11112 Firethorn Drive Podocarpus report Commercial Tree Care
Community Developm#7intoArborist
ent2025 Stone Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Planning Division Letter
Case# Site LoccTt022-002
1112 FifeMlwtff NS�F"geer�(s)
Approva I Boayerbirector9/ Staff
Approva I Dp __ 0,4L?Z122
Signature KPvWiMrghHarkousha
ISA CertifieG'XM %TWE-5190A
Commercial Tree Care
December 30, 2021
My assignment was to perform a health and structural analysis of one Podocarpus gracilior
(common name - Fern Pine) that is located on the left hand side of the HOA driveway entrance
near the back corner of Unit # 11112 Firethorn Drive. I was also to provide a recommendation.
The evaluation was done from the ground and the trees were not climbed. No tools or
equipment were used to penetrate into the trees and no soil or tissue samples taken. No scans,
such as tomography scans, were used during the evaluation.
Evaluation Methods
The tree was evaluated in August 2021. The evaluation procedure consisted of the following:
1. Evaluate the health of the foliar canopy
2. Evaluate the viable rooting space
3. Evaluate the balance of the foliar canopy
4. Provide recommendations
Tree Description
Common name: Fern Pine
Botanical name: Podocarpus gracilior
Circumference: 59"
Height: 35'
Canopy/Spread: 20'
Health Status: "good"
Replacements: 2-24-inch box Podocarpus macrophyllus
Commercial Tree Care
Community Developm#7intoArborist
ent2025 Stone Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Planning Division Letter
Case# Summar2
The onLAPPW1 i tFbe is in relatively in good health and canopy is balanced. The tree trunk
meas es 19 in s ❑❑BH or 59 inches circumference and is generally fully grown at 35 feet tall
Approva I Bcj�y: irect r/c taft
0 e t iven the trees' limited growing space near the driveway entrance. It is located
Approva I Dw 11 �4u,v ;u;-d NluI«.;;trip outside the perimeter wall of the HOA; approximately 1
Signature fnn$fjopn2ELi2��r wall fnundatinn- approx... 8 feet away from the building structure; 3 feet
from the p6blT& W%alk.
The tree has started to cause an infrastructure issue with the perimeter wall as depicted below,
i.e. the concrete wall seam is visibly separating seen from outside the wall; presumably from
the tree roots. There is a concern that the tree has also grown under the wall foundation and
could potential undermine the wall in the future.
This gracilior specie of Podocarpus is the largest of the three that is typically seem growing in
the South bay The gracilior species has the potential to reach 60 feet tall &40 feet wide under
the best growing conditions. This particular species of Podocarpus requires a large growing
space for this tree to get to its normal size. A trees ability to grow in a healthy manner is largely
dependent on the available rooting space. A healthy tree can grow roots twice the length of the
width of the canopy. Due to the confined rooting space the roots are forced to grow under the
concrete creating uplifted areas, infrastructure damage and liability hazards for the residents
and public.
Description of the Podocarpus gracilior
The specie of Podocarpus is considered to be a rapid grower; which can grow up to 3 feet in
one year. It is often planted by landscape architects not realizing its extensive root & crown
growth potential. Even though a Podocarpus gracilior is very beautiful tree, it is not ideal for a
limited growing space. Even in "average" soil conditions, a Podocarpus gracilior can quickly
overwhelm a surrounding area clogging drains, damaging sidewalks, causing cracks in dwelling
units and uplifting concrete. This tree has managed to do damage to the adjacent perimeter
wall as evidence of the crack shown in picture below. This subject tree has reached a size that
is detrimental to the wall.
Prognosis and Recommendations:
Given the growth habit of the podocarpus gracilior; the existing trees limited growing space and
the existing infrastructure damage it is recommended to remove this tree and replace with the
smaller specie of Podocarpus called macrophyllus —common name Yew Pine in keeping with
the association's planting of the podocarpus gracilior specie on site.
Respectfully submitted,
Xsp' I.S.A. Certified Arborist#WE-5190A
Commercial Tree Care
Community Developm#7intoArborist
ent2025 Stone Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Planning Division Letter
Case# urTg4;Z-4 r,tr.A,,t6ir
Approval Body.
Approva I Date £ ` a ��
Signature BAP it
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Concrete wall damage
from encroaching tree
roots "tree A"
11112 Firethorn Drive
Commercial Tree Care
Community Developm#7intoArborist
ent2025 Stone Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Planning Division Letter
Case# TR-2022-002 - T-
Appkation Numhelfs #
Approval Body: Director/ Staff _
Approva I Date - 04/27/"-,-
Signature Brianne Harkoush,
Case Manager
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11112 Firethorn Drive
Commercial Tree Care
Community Developmtz��
ment2025 Stone Ave, San Jose, CA 95125
Planning Division Arborist Letter
Case # TR-2022-002 _
Application Nuniber(s)
Approval Body: Director/ Staff JIB g �
Approval Date 04/27/22 i�= o
Signature Brianne Harkousha 2 -24 inch box
Case Manager p
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11112 Fir th rn Drive