AC 07-01-2022Page 1
City of Cupertino
Audit Committee Regular Meeting
July 1, 2022
At 4:00 p.m., Chair Moore called the regular meeting to order. This was a teleconference meeting
with no physical location.
Committee Members Present: Chair Kitty Moore, Vice Chair Angela Chen, Mayor Darcy Paul,
Committeemember Hammer
City Staff Present: Dianne Thompson, Kristina Alfaro, Thomas Leung, Beth Viajar
Absent: Committeemember Song
6. Consider the Monthly Treasurer's Report for May 2022
Leung provided an overview of the report. No public comment. Chair Moore requested to have
explanations of the journal transfer included in the staff report and a link to what each fund is.
Chair Moore noted, in particular, that there are three items under Special Revenue Funds – the
Storm Drain Improvement, Storm Drain AB 1600, and the Environmental Management Clean
Creek Storm Drain Fund— that she could not locate an explanation for and that one was missing
in the budget book. Chair Moore also noted that there is a Tree Fund, and she does not know
what it is for and does the $138k mean that there is potential to increase tree canopy in the city.
Vice Chair Chen moved to approve. Committeemember Hammer seconded. Motion carried
unanimously by all members present. Committeemember Song absent.
7. Consider an update on the FY 2021-22 Audit and AUP Engagements
Leung provided an update on the audit and AUP engagements. He noted that Korach mentioned
in December that staff would be conducting an RFP for external audit services in July or August
of 2022. Chair Moore asked if the subcommittee needs to be formed now. Leung confirmed the
subcommittee will be formed either in July or August. Committeemember Hammer asked if it
would consist of members from this committee. Leung confirmed. Chair Moore asked who made
up the previous subcommittee. Leung noted it included the Chair, one committee member, and
the Finance Manager. Chair Moore asked if there is a historical preference to include
councilmembers. Director Alfaro noted that the committee generally nominates the
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subcommittee members. There are no limiting rules other than that the individual has to be on
Audit Committee.
8. Consider an update on Budget Format Review
Leung noted that staff has gathered data and will present the information at the next meeting. He
added that any input from the budget format review subcommittee will be brought to an audit
committee meeting. Chair Moore noted that she has a late addition requesting that the previous
budget format comments be included when we are looking at this item in the future. Chair Moore
noted that the subcommittee needs to get together and provide comments so that they can be
available at the July meeting.
9. Consider the Audit Committee 2022 Schedule and Work Plan
Leung shared the 2022 schedule and work plan and welcomed comments. Chair Moore wanted
to know how accounting for special projects is handled as carryovers have designated monies for
specific projects and she is unsure how they are tracked. Leung noted that staff will look into that
and will bring an update on Special Revenue Funds as well as a demonstration of how to use
OpenGov to view the budget versus actuals for special projects. Chair Moore wanted staff to
explain the Development Impact Fee report on the budget webpage and if there is a way to track
those fees. Mayor Paul noted it would be good to get clarity on the Park Dedication Fee and BMR
Housing Mitigation Fee and is not sure what form of deliverable it would be and whether it is
within the scope of the Audit Committee. Chair Moore noted that the grants could be included
in the budget format review and asked if we could have the HUD audit as an update item moving
forward. Acting City Manager Thompson noted that it may not be an audit committee role, and
more about the staff providing information as a check-in with Council as needed. Acting City
Manager Thompson would check with finance staff and notes that grants are spread across the
Director Alfaro noted that Council did fund $100,000 contracts in administrative services and
worked with the City Manager and Department Heads to develop a centralized process and
policy and procedures around grants. She added that the HUD and CDTFA audit would not fall
within the current duties and responsibilities of the audit committee because those are specific to
the internal and external auditor, so there needs to be an action to go back and update the Audit
Committee code if that was a report the committee wants to receive. Mayor Paul asked if we are
anticipating an internal review process that would generate a written report deliverable and why
wouldn't the Audit Committee be a part of the process. Director Alfaro noted that it is not
considered an internal audit as it is done by an external agency.
Chair Moore noted that they should start with the budget format mission in July and slide the
fund balance policy and OpenGov to the August meeting. She would also like the agenda packet
to include previous comments that were collected in February and the last couple of years of
budget format comments. Mayor Paul noted that the Commissioners and Committees handbook
is being revised and believes that Chair Moore has the unilateral right to add items, and two
committee members can ask for items to be placed.
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Mayor Paul asked if the July meeting could be moved to 2:30pm. Present members noted that
they are available.
The meeting adjourned at 5:15 p.m.
Recording Secretary:
Janet Liang, Administrative Assistant