LRC 03-24-2022 Searchable PacketCITY OF CUPERTINO
This will be a teleconference meeting without a physical location
Thursday, March 24, 2022
11:00 AM
In accordance with Government Code 54953(e), this will be a teleconference meeting
without a physical location to help stop the spread of COVID-19.
Members of the public wishing comment on an item on the agenda may do so in the
following ways:
1) E-mail comments by 10:00 a.m. on Thursday, March 24 to the Committee at These e-mail comments will be received by the Committee members
before the meeting and posted to the City’s website after the meeting.
2) E-mail comments during the times for public comment during the meeting to the
Committee at The staff liaison will read the emails into the record,
and display any attachments on the screen, for up to 3 minutes (subject to the Chair’s
discretion to shorten time for public comments). Members of the public that wish to share a
document must email prior to speaking.
3) Teleconferencing Instructions
Members of the public may observe the teleconference meeting or provide oral public
comments as follows:
Oral public comments will be accepted during the teleconference meeting. Comments may
be made during “oral communications” for matters not on the agenda, and during the
public comment period for each agenda item.
To address the Committee, click on the link below to register in advance and access the
Please click the link below to join the webinar:
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Legislative Review Committee Agenda March 24, 2022
Dial: (669) 900 6833 and enter Webinar ID: 940 4627 8258 (Type *9 to raise hand to speak)
Unregistered participants will be called on by the last four digits of their phone number.
Or an H.323/SIP room system:
H.323: (US West) (US East)
Meeting ID: 940 4627 8258
After registering, you will receive a confirmation email containing information about
joining the webinar.
Please read the following instructions carefully:
1. You can directly download the teleconference software or connect to the meeting in your
internet browser. If you are using your browser, make sure you are using a current and
up-to-date browser: Chrome 30+, Firefox 27+, Microsoft Edge 12+, Safari 7+. Certain
functionality may be disabled in older browsers, including Internet Explorer.
2. You will be asked to enter an email address and a name, followed by an email with
instructions on how to connect to the meeting. Your email address will not be disclosed to
the public. If you wish to make an oral public comment but do not wish to provide your
name, you may enter “Cupertino Resident” or similar designation.
3. When the Chair calls for the item on which you wish to speak, click on “raise hand.”
Speakers will be notified shortly before they are called to speak.
4. When called, please limit your remarks to the time allotted and the specific agenda topic.
NOTICE IS HEREBY GIVEN that a special meeting of the Legislative Review Committee is
hereby called for Thursday, March 24, 2022 commencing at 11:00 a.m. In accordance with
Government Code 54953(e), this will be a teleconference meeting without a physical
location to help stop the spread of COVID-19.Said special meeting shall be for the purpose
of conducting business on the subject matters listed below under the heading, “Special
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Legislative Review Committee Agenda March 24, 2022
In order to make the most efficient use of outside consultant time, Committee members will review and
discuss items on the agenda to assist in developing priorities and strategy for formal consideration of
those items when the consultant is present later in the meeting. No action will be taken on any agenda
items in this portion of the meeting.
1.Subject: Consider approving the February 17, 2022 Legislative Review Committee
Recommended Action: Approve the February 17, 2022 Legislative Review Committee
A - Draft Minutes
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on any matter
within the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3)
minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect
to a matter not on the agenda.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Including comments on all agenda items)
This portion of the meeting is reserved for persons wishing to address the Committee on any matter
within the jurisdiction of the Committee and not on the agenda. Speakers are limited to three (3)
minutes. In most cases, State law will prohibit the Commission from making any decisions with respect
to a matter not on the agenda.
2.Subject: Legislative Update
Recommended Action: Receive legislative update and provide any input
A - Legislative Update
B - Cupertino Bill Positions and Other Bills of Interest
C - 2022 Cal Cities State Budget and Legislative Update
3.Subject: Update on positions taken by the League of California Cities (League), the
American Planning Association (APA), the Cities Association of Santa Clara County
(CASCC), the League of Women Voters of California (LWVC), and the Sierra Club
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Recommended Action: Receive update on positions taken by the League, APA,
CASCC, LWVC, and the Sierra Club and provide any input
A – League, APA, CASCC, LWVC, and Sierra Club Bill Positions
4.Subject: Discuss Prioritizing the Legislative Platform
Recommended Action: Discuss Prioritizing the Legislative Platform and provide any
A - Cupertino Legislative Platform 2022
5.Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 1603 (Salas) Theft: Shoplifting
Recommended Action: Adopt a watch position on AB 1603
A - AB 1603 Summary Report
6.Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 2449 (Rubio) Local Agencies:
Recommended Action: Adopt a support position on AB 2449 and authorize the Mayor
to send letters to the state legislature
A - AB 2449 Summary Report
7.Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 1944 (Lee and Garcia) Local
Government: Open and Public Meetings
Recommended Action: Adopt a support position on AB 1944 and authorize the Mayor
to send letters to the state legislature
A - AB 1944 Summary Report
8.Subject: Consider adopting a position on Senate Bill 1100 (Cortese) Open Meetings:
Orderly Conduct
Recommended Action: Adopt a support position on SB 1100 and authorize the Mayor
to send letters to the state legislature
A - SB 1100 Summary Report
9.Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 2762 (Bloom) Housing: Parking
Recommended Action: Adopt an oppose position on AB 2762 and authorize the Mayor
to send letters to the state legislature
A - AB 2762 Summary Report
10.Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 2164 (Lee) Disability access
Recommended Action: Adopt a support position on AB 2164 and authorize the Mayor
to send letters to the state legislature
A - AB 2164 Summary Report
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11.Subject: Consider adopting a position on the California Plastic Waste Reduction
Regulations Initiative
Recommended Action: Adopt a support position on the California Plastic Waste
Reduction Regulations Initiative and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state
A - California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative Summary Report
12.Subject: Discuss Special LRC Meeting: Legislative Process 101
Recommended Action: Discuss Special LRC Meeting: Legislative Process 101
In compliance with the Americans with Disabilities Act (ADA), anyone who is planning to attend this
teleconference meeting who is visually or hearing impaired or has any disability that needs special
assistance should call the City Clerk's Office at 408-777-3223, at least 6 hours in advance of the
meeting to arrange for assistance. In addition, upon request, in advance, by a person with a disability,
meeting agendas and writings distributed for the meeting that are public records will be made available
in the appropriate alternative format.
Any writings or documents provided to a majority of the members after publication of the agenda will
be made available for public inspection. Please contact the City Clerk’s Office in City Hall located at
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California 95014, during normal business hours.
IMPORTANT NOTICE: Please be advised that pursuant to Cupertino Municipal Code section
2.08.100 written communications sent to the Cupertino City Council, Commissioners or City staff
concerning a matter on the agenda are included as supplemental material to the agendized item. These
written communications are accessible to the public through the City’s website and kept in packet
archives. Do not include any personal or private information in written communications to the City
that you do not wish to make public, as written communications are considered public records and will
be made publicly available on the City website.
Members of the public are entitled to address the members concerning any item that is described in the
notice or agenda for this meeting, before or during consideration of that item. If you wish to address the
members on any other item not on the agenda, you may do so during the public comment.
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Agenda Item
22-10621 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 1.
Subject: Consider approving the February 17, 2022 Legislative Review Committee minutes
Approve the February 17, 2022 Legislative Review Committee minutes
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Legislative Review Committee Draft Minutes February 17, 2022
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Thursday, February 17, 2022
11:00 AM
The meeting was called to order at 11:00 a.m.
Present: Vice Mayor Chao, Councilmember Moore, Deputy City Manager Katy Nomura,
Gonsalves & Son (G&S)
There were no changes to the Orders of the Day.
1. Subject: Consider approving the January 21, 2022 Legislative Review Committee
Recommended Action: Approve the January 21, 2022 Legislative Review Committee
Vice Mayor Chao motioned to approve the January 21, 2022 Legislative Review
Committee minutes. Councilmember Moore seconded. The motion carried
Jennifer Griffin is concerned about the housing bills.
PUBLIC COMMENTS (Including comments on all agenda items)
This item was not conducted as the Chair decided to take public comments on agenda
items when the agenda items were discussed.
2. Subject: Legislative Update
Recommended Action: Receive legislative update and provide any input
Joe A. Gonsalves & Son (G&S) were introduced as the City’s new legislative support
firm. They are a third-generation lobbyist firm with experience representing many small
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and medium-sized cities in California since 1975.
G&S are not entirely new to Cupertino as the firm successfully sponsored legislation
(AB117, Chapter 342, statutes of 2006) for Cupertino and Santa Clara County's other 3
TEA (Tax Equity Allocation) cities to increase the TEA property tax share from 4% to
7%. They were selected to represent Cupertino through a Request for Proposal process
and are excited to represent the City once again.
G&S explained that the deadline to introduce all bills is Friday, February 18. About 1,000
bills have already been introduced and the number is expected to double by the
deadline. Most of the bills are spot bills, which means they only state the intent of the
legislature to address an issue. Constitutionally the bill has to be in print for 30 days
before it can be considered. Over the next 30 days, the intent stated in the spot bill will
morph into legislative language and more specific statutory direction.
The Governor and the legislative leaders passed a number of trailer bills to implement
an additional $1.9 billion in COVID relief that will go towards paid sick leave and tax
breaks and incentives for small businesses. G&S expects this to be an ongoing priority
for the Governor and the Legislature.
Housing and affordable housing continues to be a priority for the Governor and the
Legislature. The Governor commented that he hopes to work more collaboratively with
local governments on housing. Last year when G&S fought SB 9, it revealed that our
traditional allies (builders, realtors, local government groups) supported the bill, while
some atypical allies joined us in the opposition.
The Legislature is also prioritizing public safety related bills in order to combat smash-
and-grabs and retail theft. Bills that typically wouldn’t have a strong chance of passage
to enhance penalties are being introduced. G&S expects the revival of bills to combat
retail theft and proposals to amend propositions for misdemeanors versus felonies.
Year 2022 is an election year and a reapportionment year. Five Democrat legislators
resigned, and special elections have begun. Before, Democrats had a 60-20 majority, now
it’s down to 55. Also 20 legislators won’t be seeking reelection. After the November 2022
election, there will be over 27 new legislators.
Councilmember Moore is interested in AB 1603, the misuse of Density Bonus Law and
SB 35, the California Plastic Waste Reduction Initiative for 2022, and is concerned about
spot bills being gut and amended. G&S explained that more and more legislation is now
done through Budget Trailer Bills. They have to be in print for 72 hours before they can
be acted upon, but they take effect immediately upon the Governor’s signature.
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Councilmember Moore asked about AB 1091, which impacts VTA Board composition.
G&S explained that AB 1091 failed to pass in two years so it’s now dead.
Assemblymember Berman has now introduced AB 2181, which is the same as AB 1091.
Vice Mayor Chao asked about most effective way is to communicate with all legislators
and their teams. G&S said any time the City takes a position on any bill, G&S represents
that position throughout the process. She also asked about the City’s need for state
funding for affordable housing. G&S explained that they can work with City
management to communicate these priorities to the Governor’s office.
Councilmember Moore is interested in establishing legislative priorities (like housing,
transit, environment, recycling, safety) to provide direction to G&S.
Councilmember Moore is also interested in funding for affordable housing and ACA 7.
She mentioned that the Cal Cities subcommittee working group adopted a No position
on ACA 7. She also asked about the Local Land Use Initiative and G&S explained that
the deadline to submit signatures for the initiative is May 2, but signature-gathering
seems to have halted. Similarly, ACA 7 has been in print since the start of 2021 and
hasn’t moved.
G&S explained that the Taxpayer Protection Act initiative that limits the local
government’s ability to adopt and propose fees. It’s very contentious with opposition
from local governments and labor unions. This past week, a complaint was filed with
FPPC (Fair Political Practices Commission) that proponents may be laundering
government funds through their organization. Currently, there are now 37 (thirty-seven)
initiatives proposed or pending.
Public Comment
Jennifer Griffin is concerned with the state legislature and the amount of housing bills
that are being signed into law. She is also concerned about getting a new Senator.
3. Subject: Update on positions taken by the League of California Cities (League), the
American Planning Association (APA), and the Cities Association of Santa Clara County
Recommended Action: Receive update on positions taken by the League, APA, and
CASCC and provide any input
G&S explained that 90% of the bills in the attachment have either been chaptered,
vetoed, or failed passage by the January 31 deadline. With the new upcoming bills, this
list will change considerably, and many may get reintroduced.
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Councilmember Moore asked about ACA 1. G&S explained that ACA 1 was introduced
in late 2020 and has not moved. They ceased signature-gathering because it was too
costly to continue pursuing it. However, the clock has not officially run out yet.
Based on the previous LRC meetings, G&S added the priorities of the League of Women
Voters but after the bills moved out of the house of origin on January 31, a lot of those
bills failed passage. The list will change and will be updated as the bill introduction
deadline passes.
Vice Mayor Chao asked about SB 82, which downgrades some crimes to a misdemeanor.
G&S explained that the bill failed to pass and could be reintroduced. G&S mentioned
that Governor Newsom’s approval rating and voters’ confidence dropped by 19% since
September, with public safety being a leading factor.
Public Comment
Jennifer is interested in following bills supported by SPUR (non-profit think tank
focused on regional planning and public policy based in San Francisco). She also raised
concerns about ADU height and distance from property line.
Councilmember Moore agrees with looking into SPUR sponsored bills. Last year they
supported AB 1174, SB 9, and SB 10. She would also want to follow the Association of
Environmental Professionals and the Sierra Club.
4. Subject: Discuss Special City Council Meeting with Local Legislators
Recommended Action: Discuss and provide input on Special City Council Meeting
with Local Legislators.
Deputy City Manager, Katy Nomura, explained that this meeting is scheduled for
February 23 at 6:30 pm with Assemblymember Low and Senator Cortese.
Assemblymember Berman also received an invitation to attend. The purpose of the
meeting is for the full Council and the state legislators to discuss their respective
legislative priorities.
Public Comment
Jennifer Griffin asked if Senator Becker can attend to talk about reapportionment.
The next LRC meeting is set for March 24 at 11 a.m. The public legislative process 101
will be held on March 29 at 6 p.m.
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The meeting was adjourned at 12:52 pm.
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Agenda Item
22-10622 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 2.
Subject: Legislative Update
Receive legislative update and provide any input
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
February 18th was the bill introduction deadline for introducing new legislation. This year, the Assembly
introduced 1,361 new bills and the Senate introduced 660 new bills, for a total of 2,021 newly introduced
bills for the 2022 legislative session.
All new bills must be in print for 30 days before they can be heard in committee. There were a total of
421 Assembly bills and 218 Senate bills that were “intent” or “spot bills”, meaning they currently do not
contain substantive language. The figures above only include bills; they do not include resolutions or
constitutional amendments.
2022 is an election year for all members of the State Assembly and half of the State Senate. This, coupled
with reapportionment, has caused a mass exodus from the legislature. Five legislators have resigned and
over 20 legislators have announced they will not be seeking reelection.
State Senate
Half of the State Senate seats are up for reelection every two years. Seven Senators are termed out in
2022, which includes Senator’s Bates, Hertzberg, Hueso, Melendez, Nielsen, Pan, and Wieckowski.
Three Senators are not running for reelection, which includes Senator’s Borgeas, Kamlager, and Leyva.
Six Senators are running for reelection this November for their final 4-year term, which includes
Senator’s Allen, Caballero, Grove, Jones, McGuire, and Umberg.
10 Senators will be termed out in 2024, which include Senator’s Atkins, Bradford, Dahle, Dodd, Eggman,
Glazer, Portantino, Roth, Skinner, and Wilk.
State Assembly
All State Assembly seats are up for reelection every two years. There are no Assemblymembers who will
be termed out in 2022. Nine assemblymember’s have decide to retire and not seek reelection, which
includes Assemblymember’s Bigelow, Bloom, Cunningham, Mayes, Medina, Nazarian, O’Donnell,
Quirk, and Stone. Only eight Assemblymembers are running for reelection in 2022 for their final term,
which includes Assemblymember’s Cooley, Holden, Jones-Sawyer, Maienschein, Patterson, Rendon,
Rodriguez, Ting, and Waldron.
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Due to the vacancies from the resignation of Assemblymember’s Burke, Chau, Chiu, Frazer, and
Gonzalez, 5 special elections will be held in 2022 to fill vacancies. Mike Fong has already taken
Assemblymember Ed Chau’s seat; so, four vacancies remain to be filled this year.
Legislative Turnover Summary:
2022 marks one of the biggest turnovers in the California Legislature since 2012, when the first group of
12-year term limit legislators entered office. It is likely that 30 Senators will continue in 2023, assuming
reelection of those on the ballot in November. This means that 25% of the Senate will be new to the
legislature in December.
It is likely that 57 Assemblymembers will continue in 2023, assuming reelection of those on the ballot in
November. This number does not count the five who will be elected to office in special elections this
year. Therefore, 29% of the Assembly will be new legislators in December.
With at least 33 new legislators being elected to the California Legislature in November, the start of the
2023-24 Session will have a lot of new faces – at least 27% of the 120-member Legislature.
The following are relevant dates and deadlines for the 2022 Legislative session:
February 18, 2022: Last day for new bills to be introduced.
April 7-18, 2022: Spring Recess.
April 29, 2022: Last day for policy committees to hear and report to fiscal
committees, fiscal bills introduced in their house.
May 6, 2022: Last day for policy committees to hear and report to the
floor, nonfiscal bills introduced in their house.
May 13, 2022: Last day for policy committees to meet prior to May 31.
May 20, 2022: Last day for fiscal committees to hear and report to the floor bills
introduced in their house. Last day for fiscal committees to meet prior to
May 31.
May 27, 2022: Last day for each house to pass bills introduced in that house.
June 15, 2022: Budget Bill must be passed by midnight.
June 30, 2022: Last day for a legislative measure to qualify for the Nov. 8, 2022
General Election ballot.
July 1, 2022: Last day for policy committees to meet and report bills.
July 1- August 1, 2022: Summer Recess.
August 12, 2022: Last day for fiscal committees to meet and report bills.
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August 15 – 31, 2022: Floor session only. No committee may meet for any purpose except
Rules Committee.
August 25, 2022: Last day to amend bills on the floor.
August 31, 2022: Last day for each house to pass bills. Final Recess begins upon
As of March 14, 2022, 37 ballot initiatives have cleared for circulation. Of those 37, four have qualified
for the ballot in California for elections in 2022. Below are the summaries of three of the four initiatives,
the fourth initiative will be presented as a separate item:
1. California Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative
The California Legalize Sports Betting on American Indian Lands Initiative has qualified for
the ballot in California as a combined initiated constitutional amendment and state statute for November
8, 2022.
The ballot measure would legalize sports betting at American Indian gaming casinos and licensed
racetracks in California. The ballot measure would define sports betting as wagering on the results of
professional, college, or amateur sport and athletic events, with the exception of high school sports and
events featuring a California college team. Individuals would need to be 21 years of age to engage in legal
sports betting.
The ballot measure would enact a tax of 10% on profits derived from sports betting at racetracks. The
state government would be required to distribute the revenue as follows:
(a) 15% to the California Department of Health for researching, developing, and implementing
programs for problem gambling prevention and mental health and providing grants to local
governments to address problem gambling and mental health;
(b) 15% to the Bureau of Gambling Control for enforcing and implementing sports wagering and
other forms of gaming within the state;
(c) 70% to the General Fund.
The ballot measure would also legalize roulette and dice games, such as craps, at tribal casinos; however,
tribal-state compacts would need to be amended before these games can be offered.
A "yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to (i) legalize sports betting at American Indian gaming casinos
and licensed racetracks in California; (ii) tax profits derived from sports betting at racetracks at 10%; and
(iii) legalize roulette and dice games, such as craps, at tribal casinos.
A "no" vote opposes this ballot initiative, thus continuing to prohibit sports betting in California and
roulette and dice games at tribal casinos
Fiscal impact:
This initiative would produce increased state revenues, potentially reaching tens of millions of dollars
annually, from payments made by facilities offering sports wagering and new civil penalties authorized
by this measure. Some portion of these revenues would reflect a shift from other existing state and local
revenues. There would also be increased state regulatory costs, potentially reaching the low tens of
millions of dollars annually. Some or all of these costs would be offset by the increased revenue or
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reimbursements to the state. There would also be an increased state enforcement cost, related to a new
civil enforcement tool for enforcing certain gaming laws.
The Coalition to Authorize Regulated Sports Wagering is leading the campaign in support of the ballot
initiative. The coalition is supported by several American Indian tribes, including the top donors to the
campaign—the Pechanga Band of Luiseno Indians, Yocha Dehe Wintun Nation, Federated Indians of
Graton Rancheria, San Manuel Band of Mission Indians, and Agua Caliente Band of Cahuilla Indians.
The campaign has raised $12.93 million.
Supporting American Indian Tribes:
• Agua Caliente Band
of Cahuilla Indians
• Barona Band of
Mission Indians
• Big Valley Band of
Pomo Indians
• Dry Creek Rancheria
Band of Pomo
• Federated Indians of
Graton Rancheria
• Mechoopda Indian
Tribe of Chico
• Middletown
Rancheria of Pomo
Indians of California
• Morongo Band of
Mission Indians
• Pechanga Band of
Luiseño Indians
• Rincon Band of
Luiseño Indians
• San Manuel Band of
Mission Indians
• Santa Rosa
Rancheria Tachi-
Yokut Tribe
• Santa Ynez Band of
Chumash Indians
• Shingle Springs Band
of Miwok Indians
• Sycuan Band of the
Kumeyaay Nation
• Viejas Band of
Kumeyaay Indians
• Wilton Rancheria
• Yocha Dehe Wintun
Supporting Organizations:
• California Thoroughbred Breeders Association
Taxpayers Against Special Interest Monopolies is leading the campaign against the proposal. The
campaign, along with a terminated PAC No on the Gambling Power Grab, raised $25.29 million. The top
donors to the opposition were gambling-related companies, including the California Commerce Club,
Hawaiian Gardens Casino, Park West Casinos, The Bicycle Hotel & Casino, PT Gaming LLC, and
Knighted Ventures LLC.
Opposing Corporations:
• Bicycle Casino
• Elevation
Entertainment Group
• Hawaiian Gardens
• Hollywood Park
• Knighted Ventures
• PT Gaming LLC
• Parkwest Casinos
2. California Changes to Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Cap Initiative
The California Changes to Medical Malpractice Lawsuits Cap Initiative has qualified for
the ballot in California as an initiated state statute for November 8, 2022.
The ballot initiative would increase California's cap on noneconomic damages in medical malpr actice
lawsuits based on changes in inflation since 1975, which is when the cap on noneconomic damages was
enacted. In 1975, the cap was set at $250,000. The ballot initiative would require an annual adjustment of
the cap based on inflation.
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The ballot initiative would allow judges and juries to award damages above the cap for catastrophic
injuries, defined as death, permanent physical impairment, permanent disfigurement, permanent
disability, or permanent loss of consortium. The ballot initiative would also replace language about
noneconomic damages with quality-of-life damages and survivor damages.
A "yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to increase California's $250,000 cap on noneconomic damages
in medical malpractice lawsuits based on changes in inflation since 1975 and allow judges and juries to
award damages above the cap for catastrophic injuries.
A "no" vote opposes this ballot initiative, therefore keeping California's cap on noneconomic damages in
medical malpractice lawsuits at $250,000.
Fiscal Impact:
Increased state and local government health care costs predominantly from raising or removing the cap on
noneconomic damages in medical malpractice cases, likely ranging from the low tens of millions of
dollars to the high hundreds of millions of dollars annually.
The Fairness for Injured Patients Act Coalition is leading the campaign in support of the ballot initiative.
Through December 31, 2021, the campaign received $5.41 million, including $3.81 million from trial
lawyer Nicolas Rowley and $500,000 from Trial Lawyers for Justice.
• Former U.S. Senator Barbara Boxer
• Consumer Watchdog
• Trial Lawyers for Justice
• Nicolas Rowley
Californians to Protect Patients and Contain Health Care Costs is leading the campaign in opposition to
the ballot initiative. Through December 31, 2021, the campaign received $29.70 million, including $6.15
million from The Doctors Company and $5.00 million from Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
• Medical Insurance Exchange of California
• The Doctors Company
• California Medical Association
• Kaiser Foundation Health Plan, Inc.
3. California Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum
The California Flavored Tobacco Products Ban Referendum is on the ballot in California as a veto
referendum on November 8, 2022.
Proponents of the veto referendum seek to overturn Senate Bill 793 (SB 793), which was signed into law
on August 28, 2020. SB 793 was designed to ban the sale of flavored tobacco products and tobacco
product flavor enhancers, with exceptions for hookah tobacco, loose leaf tobacco, and premium cigars.
Retailers would be fined $250 for each sale violating the law.
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The California State Legislature passed SB 793 in August 2020. The legislation received support from
most legislative Democrats (84 of 89) and a quarter of legislative Republicans (8 of 30). One legislator
voted against the bill, and the remaining legislators were absent or abstained.
A "yes" vote is to uphold the contested legislation, Senate Bill 793 (SB 793), which would ban the sale of
flavored tobacco products.
A "no" vote is to repeal the contested legislation, Senate Bill 793 (SB 793), thus keeping the sale of
flavored tobacco legal in the state.
Fiscal Impact:
There is no fiscal impact related to this initiative.
The California Fuels & Convenience Alliance, which opposed SB 793, described the flavored tobacco
ban as "misguided policy that will do more harm than good" and "hurt small businesses, eliminate
necessary tax revenue, and perpetuate dangerous and avoidable police interactions in our communities.
The California Coalition for Fairness is campaigning for the veto referendum to repeal SB 793. Through
December 31, 2021, the campaign received $21.16 million, including $10.33 million from R.J. Reynolds
Tobacco Co. and $9.83 million from Philip Morris USA.
Supporting Corporations
• ITG Brands, LLC
• Philip Morris USA, Inc.
• R.J. Reynolds Tobacco Company
• Swedish Match North America, LLC
Supporting Organizations
• National Association of Tobacco Outlets
State Sen. Jerry Hill (D-13), the legislative sponsor of SB 793, said, "Using candy, fruit and other alluring
flavors, the tobacco industry weaponized its tactics to beguile a new generation into nicotine addiction
while keeping longtime users hooked. SB 793 breaks Big Tobacco’s death grip."
• Governor Gavin Newsom
On March 10, 2022, the California Tax Foundation released their “Tax and Fee Report.” The report found
that during the first two months of 2022, state lawmakers considered raising annual taxes and fees by
more than $190 billion. Despite the state’s reserves of more than $34.6 billion, a windfall of unexpected
tax revenue (nearly $16 billion above projections during the first seven months of the 2021-22 fiscal year
alone) and a projected surplus of $45.7 billion, there were a total of 39 proposals with higher taxes or
fees. Although the cost to taxpayers cannot be quantified for 31 of the measures, the remaining eight
represent a cumulative total of $190 billion in additional taxes and fees if all were approved.
The following link will provide you with a copy of the report: Tax and Fee Report1.
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Below are bills that may be of interest to the City. The summaries of the following bills can be found in
Attachment A, Cupertino Bill Positions and Bills of Interest.
• AB 1014 (McCarty): Cannabis retailers, delivery vehicles
• AB 1445 (Levine): Planning and housing need allocation, climate change impacts
• AB 1985 (Rivas, Robert): Organic waste, list available products by zip code
• AB 2181 (Berman): Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority Board of Directors
• SB 54 (Allen): Plastic pollution producer responsibility act
• SB 379 (Wiener): Residential solar energy systems permitting
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Cupertino Bill Positions and Other Bills of Interest
AB 71 (Rivas, Luz D) Homelessness funding: Bring California Home Act.
Current Text: Amended: 5/24/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 5/24/2021
Status: 2/1/2022-Died on inactive file.
Location: 2/1/2022-A. DEAD
Dead Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Personal Income Tax Law, in conformity with federal income tax law, generally defines
gross income as income from whatever source derived, except as specifically excluded, and provides
various exclusions from gross income. Current federal law, for purposes of determining a taxpayer's
gross income for federal income taxation, requires that a person who is a United States shareholder of
any controlled foreign corporation to include in their gross income the global intangible low-taxed
income for that taxable year, as provided. This bill, for taxable years beginning on or after January 1,
2022, would include a taxpayer's global intangible low-taxed income in their gross income for purposes
of the Personal Income Tax Law, in modified conformity with the above-described federal provisions.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 377 (Rivas, Robert D) Water quality: impaired waters.
Current Text: Amended: 4/13/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/1/2021
Last Amend: 4/13/2021
Status: 2/1/2022-From committee: Filed with the Chief Clerk pursuant to Joint Rule 56.
Location: 1/21/2022-A. DEAD
Dead Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would require, by January 1, 2023, the State Water Resources Control Board and regional
boards to prioritize enforcement of all water quality standard violations that are causing or
contributing to an exceedance of a water quality standard in a surface water of the state. The bill
would require the state board and regional boards, by January 1, 2025, to evaluate impaired state
surface waters and report to the Legislature a plan to bring all water segments into attainment by
January 1, 2050. The bill would require the state board and regional boards to update the report with
a progress summary to the Legislature every 5 years. The bill would create the Waterway Recovery
Account in the Waste Discharge Permit Fund and would make moneys in the Waterway Recovery
Account available for the state board to expend, upon appropriation by the Legislature, to bring
impaired water segments into attainment in accordance with the plan.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 988 (Bauer-Kahan D) Mental health: 988 crisis hotline.
Current Text: Amended: 6/22/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 6/22/2021
Status: 9/10/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(15). (Last location was E. U., & C. on
6/24/2021)(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 9/10/2021-S. 2 YEAR
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk 2 year Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law, the Warren-911-Emergency Assistance Act, requires every local public agency,
as defined, to have an emergency communication system and requires the digits "911" to be the
primary emergency telephone number within the system. Current federal law, the National Suicide
Hotline Designation Act, designates the 3-digit telephone number "988" as the universal number
within the United States for the purpose of the national suicide prevention and mental health crisis
hotline system operating through the National Suicide Prevention Lifeline maintained by the Assistant
Secretary for Mental Health and Substance Abuse and the Veterans Crisis Line maintained by the
Secretary of Veterans Affairs. This bill would require 988 centers, as defined, to, by July 16, 2022,
provide a person experiencing a behavioral health crisis access to a trained counselor by call and, by
January 1, 2027, provide access to a trained counselor by call, text, and chat.
Organization Position
Cupertino Support
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AB 989 (Gabriel D) Housing Accountability Act: appeals: Office of Housing Appeals.
Current Text: Amended: 8/18/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 8/18/2021
Status: 9/10/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(15). (Last location was INACTIVE FILE on
9/10/2021)(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 9/10/2021-S. 2 YEAR
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal 2 year Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Housing Accountability Act prohibits a local agency from disapproving, or conditioning
approval in a manner that renders infeasible, specified housing development projects, including
projects for very low, low-, or moderate-income households and projects for emergency shelters that
comply with applicable, objective general plan, zoning, and subdivision standards and criteria in effect
at the time the application for the project is deemed complete, unless the local agency makes specified
written findings based on a preponderance of the evidence in the record. This bill would, until January
1, 2029, establish an Office of Housing Appeals (office) within the department, administered by the
director of the department, to review housing development projects that are alleged to have been
denied or subject to conditions in violation of the Housing Accountability Act. The bill would establish
housing appeals panels, consisting of administrative law judges with specified qualifications, within the
Organization Position
Cupertino Oppose
AB 1014 (McCarty D) Cannabis: retailers: delivery: vehicles.
Current Text: Amended: 1/24/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 1/24/2022
Status: 2/1/2022-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 2/1/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: MAUCRSA establishes the Department of Cannabis Control for the administration and
enforcement of its provisions. MAUCRSA requires the department to establish a track and trace
program for reporting the movement of cannabis and cannabis products throughout the distribution
chain that utilizes a unique identifier and is capable of providing specified information. MAUCRSA
requires the track and trace program to include an electronic seed to sale software tracking system
with data points for the different stages of commercial activity, including, but not limited to, cultivation,
harvest, processing, manufacturing, distribution, inventory, and sale. This bill would also require the
electronic seed to sale software tracking system to include delivery.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 1091 (Berman D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority: board of directors.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Status: 2/1/2022-Died on inactive file.
Location: 2/1/2022-A. DEAD
Dead Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law creates the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) with various
powers and duties relative to transportation projects and services and the operation of public transit
in the County of Santa Clara. Current law vests the government of the VTA in a 12-member board of
directors whose terms of office are two years. Under existing law, only members of the county board of
supervisors and city council members and mayors of cities in the county are authorized to serve on the
board. Current law provides for the appointment of the board members by those local governments,
as specified. This bill, on and after July 1, 2022, would reduce the size of the board to 9 members,
increase their terms of office to 4 years, and provide for residents living in the county, rather than local
officials, to serve on the board, as specified.
Organization Position
Cupertino Oppose
AB 1401 (Friedman D) Residential and commercial development: remodeling, renovations, and additions:
parking requirements.
Current Text: Amended: 7/5/2021 html pdf
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Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 7/5/2021
Status: 8/27/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(12). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE
FILE on 8/16/2021)(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 8/27/2021-S. 2 YEAR
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy 2 year Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would prohibit a public agency in a county with a population of 600,000 or more from
imposing a minimum automobile parking requirement, or enforcing a minimum automobile parking
requirement, on residential, commercial, or other development if the development is located on a
parcel that is within1/2 mile, as specified, of public transit, as defined. The bill would prohibit a public
agency in a city with of 75,000 or more located in a county with a population of less than 600,000 from
imposing a minimum automobile parking requirement, or enforcing a minimum automobile parking
requirement, on residential, commercial, or other development if the project is located within 1/4 mile,
as specified, of public transit, as defined. The bill would create authorizations in this regard for a city or
a county to which these prohibitions do not apply.
Organization Position
Cupertino Oppose
AB 1445 (Levine D) Planning and zoning: regional housing need allocation: climate change impacts.
Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 1/3/2022
Status: 2/1/2022-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 2/1/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would, commencing January 1, 2025, require that a council of governments, a delegate
subregion, or the Department of Housing and Community Development, as applicable, additionally
consider among these factors emergency evacuation route capacity, wildfire risk, sea level rise, and
other impacts caused by climate change.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 1603 (Salas D) Theft: shoplifting: amount.
Current Text: Introduced: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 1/3/2022
Status: 3/8/2022-In committee: Set, first hearing. Hearing canceled at the request of author.
Location: 1/14/2022-A. PUB. S.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/22/2022 9 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 126 ASSEMBLY PUBLIC SAFETY, JONES-SAWYER,
Summary: Proposition 47 requires shoplifting, defined as entering a commercial establishment with
the intent to commit larceny if the value of the property taken does not exceed $950, to be punished
as a misdemeanor. Under current law, entering a commercial establishment with the intent to take
property exceeding $950 is burglary, punishable as a misdemeanor or a felony. This bill would amend
Proposition 47 by reducing the threshold amount for petty theft and shoplifting from $950 to $400. The
bill would provide that it shall become effective only when submitted to, and approved by, the voters of
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 1985 (Rivas, Robert D) Organic waste: list: available products.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/10/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/10/2022
Status: 3/21/2022-VOTE: Do pass and be re-referred to the Committee on [Appropriations] with
recommendation: To Consent Calendar (PASS)
Location: 3/21/2022-A. APPR.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law requires, no later than January 1, 2018, the State Air Resources Board to
approve and begin implementing a comprehensive short-lived climate pollutant strategy to achieve a
reduction in statewide emissions of methane by 40%, hydrofluorocarbon gases by 40%, and
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anthropogenic black carbon by 50% below 2013 levels by 2030. Current law requires the methane
emissions reduction goals to include a 50% reduction in the level of the statewide disposal of organic
waste from the 2014 level by 2020 and a 75% reduction by 2025. Current law requires the
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, in consultation with the state board, to adopt
regulations to achieve these organic waste reduction goals, including a requirement intended to meet
the goal that not less than 20% of edible food that is currently disposed of be recovered for human
consumption by 2025. This bill would require the department to compile and maintain on its internet
website a list, organized by ZIP Code, of information regarding persons or entities that produce and
have available in the state organic waste products and update the list at least every 6 months.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 2164 (Lee D) Disability access: funding.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2022
Status: 2/24/2022-Referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 2/24/2022-A. JUD.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/22/2022 9 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 437 ASSEMBLY JUDICIARY, STONE, Chair
Summary: Current law establishes a Disability Access and Education Revolving Fund, a continuously
appropriated fund, within the Division of the State Architect for purposes of increasing disability access
and compliance with construction-related accessibility requirements and developing educational
resources for businesses to facilitate compliance with federal and state disability laws, as specified.
This bill would expand the purpose of the fund to include providing financial assistance to small
businesses for construction of physical accessibility improvements. By expanding the purpose of a
continuously appropriated fund, this bill would make an appropriation.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
AB 2181 (Berman D) Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority: board of directors.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/15/2022
Status: 2/24/2022-Referred to Com. on L. GOV.
Location: 2/24/2022-A. L. GOV.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law creates the Santa Clara Valley Transportation Authority (VTA) with various
powers and duties relative to transportation projects and services and the operation of public transit
in the County of Santa Clara. Current law vests the government of the VTA in a 12-member board of
directors whose terms of office are 2 years. This bill, on and after July 1, 2023, would increase the
directors’ terms of office to 4 years.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
ACA 1 (Aguiar-Curry D) Local government financing: affordable housing and public infrastructure: voter
Current Text: Introduced: 12/7/2020 html pdf
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Status: 4/22/2021-Referred to Coms. on L. GOV. and APPR.
Location: 4/22/2021-A. L. GOV.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Constitution prohibits the ad valorem tax rate on real property from
exceeding 1% of the full cash value of the property, subject to certain exceptions. This measure would
create an additional exception to the 1% limit that would authorize a city, county, city and county, or
special district to levy an ad valorem tax to service bonded indebtedness incurred to fund the
construction, reconstruction, rehabilitation, or replacement of public infrastructure, affordable housing,
or permanent supportive housing, or the acquisition or lease of real property for those purposes, if the
proposition proposing that tax is approved by 55% of the voters of the city, county, or city and county,
as applicable, and the proposition includes specified accountability requirements.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
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ACA 4 (Kiley R) Elections: initiatives and referenda.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/17/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/17/2021
Status: 2/18/2021-From printer. May be heard in committee March 20.
Location: 2/17/2021-A. PRINT
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Constitution provides that the electors may propose a statute or an
amendment to the California Constitution by initiative and approve or reject a statute by referendum.
An initiative measure may be proposed by presenting to the Secretary of State a petition that sets
forth the text of the proposed statute or amendment to the Constitution and is certified to have been
signed by the required number of electors, as prescribed. A referendum measure may be proposed by
presenting to the Secretary of State a petition that sets forth the statute or part of the statute to be
submitted to the electors, and is certified to have been signed by the required number of electors.
Before the circulation of an initiative or referendum petition for signatures, the California Constitution
requires that a copy of the petition be submitted to the Attorney General, who must prepare a title
and summary of the measure. Existing statutory law also directs the Attorney General to prepare the
ballot label and the ballot title and summary that is included in the state voter information guide for
each measure that appears on a statewide ballot.This measure would transfer from the Attorney
General to the Legislative Analyst the duty of preparing the title and summary for a proposed initiative
or referendum. The measure would also require, for each measure that appears on a statewide ballot,
the Legislative Analyst to prepare the ballot label and the ballot title and summary for the state voter
information guide.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
ACA 7 (Muratsuchi D) Local government: police power: municipal affairs: land use and zoning.
Current Text: Introduced: 3/16/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 3/16/2021
Status: 3/17/2021-From printer. May be heard in committee April 16.
Location: 3/16/2021-A. PRINT
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would provide that a county or city ordinance or regulation enacted under the police power
that regulates the zoning or use of land within the boundaries of the county or city would prevail over
conflicting general laws, with specified exceptions. The measure, in the event of the conflict with a
state statute, would also specify that a city charter provision, or an ordinance or regulation adopted
pursuant to a city charter, that regulates the zoning or use of land within the boundaries of the city is
deemed to address a municipal affair and prevails over a conflicting state statute, except that the
measure would provide that a court may determine that a city charter provision, ordinance, or
regulation addresses either a matter of statewide concern or a municipal affair if it conflicts with
specified state statutes. The measure would make findings in this regard and provide that its
provisions are severable.
Organization Position
Cupertino Support
SB 6 (Caballero D) Local planning: housing: commercial zones.
Current Text: Amended: 8/23/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 8/23/2021
Status: 9/10/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(15). (Last location was H. & C.D. on
8/23/2021)(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 9/10/2021-A. 2 YEAR
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk 2 year Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Planning and Zoning Law requires each county and city to adopt a comprehensive,
long-term general plan for its physical development, and the development of certain lands outside its
boundaries, that includes, among other mandatory elements, a housing element. This bill, the
Neighborhood Homes Act, would deem a housing development project, as defined, an allowable use
on a neighborhood lot, which is defined as a parcel within an office or retail commercial zone that is not
adjacent to an industrial use. The bill would require the density for a housing development under
these provisions to meet or exceed the density deemed appropriate to accommodate housing for
lower income households according to the type of local jurisdiction, including a density of at least 20
units per acre for a suburban jurisdiction.
Organization Position
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Cupertino Oppose
SB 15 (Portantino D) Housing development: incentives: rezoning of idle retail sites.
Current Text: Amended: 5/20/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 5/20/2021
Status: 7/14/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was DESK on 6/1/2021)
(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 7/14/2021-A. 2 YEAR
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor 2 year Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law establishes, among other housing programs, the Workforce Housing Reward
Program, which requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to make local
assistance grants to cities, counties, and cities and counties that provide land use approval to housing
developments that are affordable to very low and low-income households. This bill, upon appropriation
by the Legislature in the Budget Act or other act, would require the department to administer a
program to provide incentives in the form of grants allocated as provided to local governments that
rezone idle sites used for a big box retailer or a commercial shopping center to instead allow the
development of housing, as defined.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
SB 54 (Allen D) Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act.
Current Text: Amended: 2/25/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 2/25/2021
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 29. Noes 7.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would establish the Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act, which would prohibit
producers of single-use, disposable packaging or single-use, disposable food service ware products
from offering for sale, selling, distributing, or importing in or into the state such packaging or products
that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2032, unless they are recyclable or compostable.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
SB 99 (Dodd D) Community Energy Resilience Act of 2021.
Current Text: Amended: 7/5/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 12/28/2020
Last Amend: 7/5/2021
Status: 8/27/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(12). (Last location was APPR. SUSPENSE
FILE on 8/19/2021)(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 8/27/2021-A. 2 YEAR
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy 2 year Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law establishes within the Natural Resources Agency the State Energy Resources
Conservation and Development Commission. Current law assigns the commission various duties,
including applying for and accepting grants, contributions, and appropriations, and awarding grants
consistent with the goals and objectives of a program or activity the commission is authorized to
implement or administer. This bill, the Community Energy Resilience Act of 2021, would require the
commission to develop and implement a grant program for local governments to develop community
energy resilience plans and expedite permit review of distributed energy resources by local
Organization Position
Cupertino Support
SB 379 (Wiener D) Residential solar energy systems: permitting.
Current Text: Amended: 1/12/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/10/2021
Last Amend: 1/12/2022
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 31. Noes 1.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
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Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law requires a city or county to approve administratively applications to install solar
energy systems through the issuance of a building permit or similar nondiscretionary permit. Current
law requires every city, county, or city and county to develop a streamlined permitting process for the
installation of small residential rooftop solar energy systems, as that term is defined. Current law
prescribes and limits permit fees that a city or county may charge for a residential and commercial solar
energy system. Current law creates the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Commission (Energy Commission) in the Natural Resources Agency and prescribes its duties, which
include administering programs for the installation of solar energy systems.This bill would require every
city, county, or city and county to implement an online, automated permitting platform that verifies code
compliance and issues permits in real time for a solar energy system, as defined, that is no larger than
38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating and an energy storage system, as defined, paired
with a solar energy system that is no larger than 38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
SB 477 (Wiener D) General plan: annual report.
Current Text: Vetoed: 10/5/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/17/2021
Last Amend: 8/30/2021
Status: 1/27/2022-Stricken from file. Veto sustained.
Location: 10/5/2021-S. VETOED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Planning and Zoning Law requires a city or county to adopt a general plan for land use
development within its boundaries that includes, among other things, a housing element. That law
requires the planning agency of a city or county to provide, by April 1 of each year, an annual report to,
among other entities, the Department of Housing and Community Development that includes, among
other specified information, the number of applications submitted, the location and total number of
developments approved, the number of building permits issued, and the number of units constructed
pursuant to a specific streamlined, ministerial approval process. This bill would, commencing January 1,
2024, require a planning agency to include in that annual report specified information on costs,
standards, and applications for proposed housing development projects and specified information on
housing development projects within the jurisdiction.
Organization Position
Cupertino Oppose
SB 556 (Dodd D) Street light poles, traffic signal poles: small wireless facilities attachments.
Current Text: Vetoed: 10/4/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 6/28/2021
Status: 1/27/2022-Stricken from file. Veto sustained.
Location: 10/4/2021-S. VETOED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Wuld prohibit a local government or local publicly owned electric utility from unreasonably
denying the leasing or licensing of its street light poles or traffic signal poles to communications service
providers for the purpose of placing small wireless facilities on those poles. The bill would require that
street light poles and traffic signal poles be made available for the placement of small wireless facilities
under fair, reasonable, and nondiscriminatory fees, as provided. The bill would authorize a local
government or local publicly owned electric utility to condition access to its street light poles or traffic
signal poles on reasonable terms and conditions, including reasonable aesthetic and safety standards.
Organization Position
Cupertino Oppose
SB 612 (Portantino D) Electrical corporations and other load-serving entities: allocation of legacy
Current Text: Amended: 5/20/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 5/20/2021
Status: 7/14/2021-Failed Deadline pursuant to Rule 61(a)(11). (Last location was U. & E. on
6/10/2021)(May be acted upon Jan 2022)
Location: 7/14/2021-A. 2 YEAR
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Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk 2 year Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would require an electrical corporation, by July 1, 2022, and not less than once every 3
years thereafter, to offer an allocation of certain electrical resources to its bundled customers and to
other load-serving entities, including electric service providers and community choice aggregators, that
serve departing load customers who bear cost responsibility for those resources. The bill would
authorize a load-serving entity within the service territory of the electrical corporation to elect to
receive all or a portion of the vintaged proportional share of those legacy resources allocated to its
end-use customers and, if it so elects, would require it to pay to the electrical corporation the
commission-established market price benchmark for the vintage proportional share of the resources
Organization Position
Cupertino Support
SB 617 (Wiener D) Residential solar energy systems: permitting.
Current Text: Amended: 5/4/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 5/4/2021
Status: 2/1/2022-Returned to Secretary of Senate pursuant to Joint Rule 56.
Location: 1/21/2022-S. DEAD
Dead Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would require every city and county to implement an online, automated permitting platform
that verifies code compliance and instantaneously issues permits for a solar energy system that is no
larger than 38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating and an energy storage system paired
with a solar energy system that is no larger than 38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating,
as specified. The bill would require a city or county to amend a certain ordinance to authorize a
residential solar energy system and an energy storage system to use the online, automated
permitting platform. The bill would prescribe a compliance schedule for satisfying these requirements,
which would exempt a county with a population of less than 150,000 and all cities within a county with
a population of less than 150,000.
Organization Position
Cupertino Support
SB 792 (Glazer D) Sales and use tax: returns: online transactions: local jurisdiction schedule.
Current Text: Vetoed: 10/4/2021 html pdf
Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 8/26/2021
Status: 1/27/2022-Stricken from file. Veto sustained.
Location: 10/4/2021-S. VETOED
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law authorizes the Department of Tax and Fee Administration to require the filing of
reports by any person or class of persons with information relating to sales of tangible personal
property, the storage, use, or other consumption of which is subject to the use tax, as specified.
Current law requires a retailer or purchaser subject to the sales and use tax to file, on or before the
last day of the month following each quarterly period, a return for the preceding quarterly period. This
bill, for reporting periods beginning on or after January 1, 2022, would require a qualified retailer,
defined as a retailer whose annual qualified sales of tangible personal property transacted online
exceeded $50,000,000 for the previous calendar year, to include with each tax return a schedule that
reports for each local jurisdiction the gross receipts from the qualified sale of tangible personal
property shipped or delivered to a purchaser in that jurisdiction.
Organization Position
Cupertino Oppose
SB 1100 (Cortese D) Open meetings: orderly conduct.
Current Text: Amended: 3/21/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/16/2022
Last Amend: 3/21/2022
Status: 3/21/2022-Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on JUD.
Location: 3/17/2022-S. JUD.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 4/5/2022 1:30 p.m. - 1021 O Street, Room 1200 SENATE JUDICIARY, UMBERG, Chair
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Summary: Current law authorizes the members of the legislative body conducting the meeting to
order the meeting room cleared and continue in session, as prescribed, if a group or groups have
willfully interrupted the orderly conduct of a meeting and order cannot be restored by the removal of
individuals who are willfully interrupting the meeting. This bill would authorize the presiding member of
the legislative body conducting a meeting to remove an individual for willfully interrupting the meeting.
The bill, except as provided, would require removal to be preceded by a warning by the presiding
member of the legislative body that the individual is disrupting the proceedings, a request that the
individual curtail their disruptive behavior or be subject to removal, and a reasonable opportunity to
cease the disruptive behavior. The bill would similarly require a warning, a request that the individual
curtail their disruptive behavior or be subject to removal, and a reasonable opportunity to cease the
disruptive behavior before clearing a meeting room for willful interruptions by a group or groups. The
bill would define “willfully interrupting” to mean intentionally engaging in behavior during a meeting of
a legislative body that substantially impairs or renders infeasible the orderly conduct of the meeting in
accordance with law and applicable rules, as specified.
Organization Position
Cupertino Watch
Total Measures: 26
Total Tracking Forms: 26
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Strengthening California Cities
through Advocacy and Education
2022 State Budget and
Legislative Update
March 18, 2022
Jason Rhine, Assistant Director, Legislative Affairs
League of California Cities
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2022 Action Agenda
1.Secure funding to increase the supply and affordability of
housing and reform state housing laws to retain local authority.
2.Attain investments to strengthen and sustain critical
3.Secure increased funding and resources to prevent
homelessness and assist individuals experiencing homelessness.
4.Strengthen disaster preparedness, resiliency, and recovery from
climate change impacts through improved collaboration and
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Legislature Kicks into High Gear
•Nearly 1,000 new bills have been introduced since Jan. 3rd.
•Several hundred are still “spot bills”.
•Dozens of bills focused on limiting or overriding local decision
making with regard to land use.
•Policy Committees and Budget Subcommittees are meeting daily.
•Revenue projects continue to climb.
•Wild card –27 Assembly Members have left or will not return next
•Election year.
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Our State
In California, the legislative body is called the State Legislature and is divided into two houses (bicameral) -the State Assembly and the State Senate.
There are 40 members of the State Senate and 80 members of the State Assembly, for a total of 120 legislators.
Assembly Members are elected or re-elected every two years, and one-half of Senators are elected or re-elected every two years. Term limits apply.
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Our State
The Assembly has 33 standing committees, the Senate has 22. They range from agriculture to labor, public employment and retirement, and everything in between!
Both houses have budget subcommittees and a litany of special, select, joint and other committees.
Committees play a critical role in the fate of a bill and how it is analyzed.
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How Does a Bill Become a Law in California?
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‘Typical’ Process for a Bill –SB 109 (Dodd, 2021)
1. SB 109 is introduced on
1/6 by Senator Dodd;
2. Referred to the Senate
Organization committee
on 1/28;
3. Set for a hearing in
Senate GO on 3/9; Passed
and referred to Senate
Appropriations Committee
4. Placed on the ‘Suspense
File;’ then passed out of
Senate Appropriations on
5. Voted on by full Senate
on 6/1 –passes; Then sent
to the Assembly
6. Referred to the Assembly
Emergency Management
on 6/10; set for hearing on
7/5 -passes and referred
to Assembly
Appropriations; referred to
suspense file, then passed
on 8/26
7. Voted on by full
Assembly on 9/1 -passed;
then back to Senate for
concurrence vote on 9/2 –
8. Presented to the
Governor on 9/9 and
signed by Governor on
9/23; Becomes law
Jan 1., 2022
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Strengthening California Cities through Advocacy and Education @calcities @calcities
10 Tips for Cities Lobbying the California Legislature
1.Become engaged in the state level political process by appointing a legislative liaison within your city to track key legislation and work with your regional public affairs manager. Visit the Cal Cities regional division webpage to locate contact information for your regional public affairs manager.
2.Use Cal Cities as a resource. Visit the Cal Cities advocacy page to access Cal Cities
priority bills, city sample support and opposition letters, legislative contacts, and use
our online bill search feature to track bills’ progress.
3.Read and subscribe to the Cal Cities Advocate, Cal Cities’ online newsletter, to stay
current on important legislation and stories.
4.Develop relationships with your Senate and Assembly representatives as well as their Capitol and district office staff. Make sure to look up who your local state elected official is.
5.Get to know members of your local press and educate them on legislative issues affecting your city.
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10 Tips for Cities Lobbying the California Legislature
6.Understand how state decisions impact your city’s budget by attending Cal Cities educational conferences, policy committee meetings, and regional division events.
7.Build networks and collaborate with other stakeholders, such as non-profits,
businesses, or your county, in your community on key legislative issues.
8.Organize an internal process within your city for developing and proposing changes
to both state and federal laws that will help your city.
9.Adopt local policies on legislation that enable your city to react quickly to the legislative process and respond to Cal Cities action alerts.
10.Write letters on legislation featured in the Cal Cities Advocate. City sample support and opposition letters can be found using the Cal Cities bill search feature and entering the bill number or bill author.
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Strengthening California Cities through Advocacy and Education @calcities @calcities
Budget Overview
•$286 billion budget follows through on previous commitments.
•Projected $45.7 billion surplus: $20.6 billion for discretionary purposes.
•Prioritizes COVID-19, climate change, homelessness, the cost of
living, and keeping our streets safe.
•Many investments of interest for cities are one-time investments or
expansions of existing programs.
Ongoing state funding and sustained financial partnership is
crucial for cities to address California’s biggest challenges.
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Community Services
2022-23 budget proposal largely follows through on the prior
budget’s homelessness commitments.
•Homelessness: $8 billion
•Childcare: $5.8 billion for childcare programs
•Parks: $756.9 million for the Department of Parks and Recreation
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Environmental Quality
2022-23 budget proposal largely follows through on the prior
budget’s climate commitments.
•Wildfires: $1.2 billion,over two years
•Drought: $750 million
•Water Infrastructure, Federal Dollars: $3.725 billion over the next
five years
•Extreme Heat: $175 million
•Coastal Issues: $400 million
•Climate Resilience: $325 million
•Clean Energy: $2 billion over the next two years
•Circular Economy: $65 million
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Governance, Transparency, and Labor Relations
2022-23 budget proposal continues to focus on COVID-19
response and recovery.
•Pandemic Response:
$1.4 billion in early action to maintain and expand COVID-19
mitigation efforts
$1.3 billion for 2022-23 to continue COVID-19 mitigation
•Unemployment Insurance Debt: $3 billion General Fund over two
years to pay down a portion of the debt
•Unfunded Pension Liabilities:$3.5 billion supplemental payment
to CalPERS for the state plan
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Housing, Community, and Economic
2022-23 budget proposal builds off last year’s commitments.
•Infill Infrastructure Grant Program: $500 million over two years
•Affordable Housing and Sustainable Communities Program: $300
million over two years
•Expand Affordable Housing on State Excess Land: $100 million
over two years
•Low-Income Housing Tax Credit Program:$500 million
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Public Safety Budget
2022-23 budget proposal outlines resource allocations to combat
organized retail theft, increase emergency preparedness and
response, and address the State’s cannabis tax structure.
•Organized Retail Theft: $285 million over three years
•Firefighting: $248.4 million
•California Office of Emergency Services: $2 billion
•9-8-8: $7.5 million one-time and a commitment of $6 million
•Cannabis Tax Reform
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Revenue and Taxation
Over $6 billion in state tax revenue impacts proposed.
•Eliminates the usage limits of net operating losses (NOLs).
•Maintains the State and Local Tax (SALT) deduction
workaround through a passthrough entity tax; makes statutory
changes to improve access by various entities.
•Proposes to pause the annual gas tax inflation
adjustment.The Administration intends to hold local
revenues harmless.
•Provides tax liability flexibility for working families.
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Transportation, Communications, and Public Works
2022-23 budget proposal seeks to strengthen the state’s position to
meet zero-emission targets.
•State Highway Operations: $21.8 billion for the next five years
•Federal Infrastructure Funding: $14 billion additional funding over next five years
•SB 1 Indexing: Suspended
•General Fund:$9.1 billion over the next two years
High-speed rail: $4.2 billion
Transit and rail: $3.5 billion
Active transportation:$750 million
•Zero-Emission Vehicles:$6.1 billion
•Supply Chain: $2.3 billion
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
SB 1466 (Stern) Affordable Housing and Community Development Investment ProgramThis measure would create a local-State partnership to provide up to $2
billion annually to fund State approved affordable housing,
infrastructure, and economic development projects that also support
State policies to reduce greenhouse gas emissions, expand transit
oriented development (TOD), address poverty, and revitalize
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
SB 897 (Wieckowski) Accessory Dwelling UnitsThis measure would make numerous changes to existing ADU law. Most
notably, SB 897 would require local governments to allow ADUs to be
constructed with a height of up to 25 feet.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
SB 1067 (Portantino)/AB 2097 (Friedman) Parking RequirementsThese two measures would significantly restrict parking requirements
within one half mile of public transit. Public transit is defined as 1) a
high-quality transit corridor with 15 minute headways; 2) major transit
stop –ferry terminal, rapid transit stop, or the intersection of multiple
major bus routes with 15 minute headways.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
SB 1369 (Wieckowski) Adaptive Reuse. By-RightThis measure would require local jurisdictions to approve “adaptive
reuse projects” by right in all areas regardless of the zoning of the site.
“Adaptive reuse project” means any commercial, public, industrial, or
office building or structure that has 25-percent occupancy or less,
which is converted into a housing development project. “Adaptive
reuse project” does not include a project to convert an industrial
building that is adjacent to active industrial uses on three or more sides
of the building.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2179 (Grayson) Impact Fee DeferralThis measure would prohibit a noncompliant local agency that imposes
any fees or charges on a housing development from requiring the
payment of those fees or charges until 20 years from the date of the
final inspection, or the date the certificate of occupancy is issued.
Essentially, the local agency must pay the fees upfront and the
developer will pay them back in 20 years.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2179 (Grayson) Impact Fee DeferralA “noncompliant local agency” means a local agency that did not
meet its regional housing needs during the most recently completed
regional housing needs assessment cycle; and for the current regional
housing needs assessment cycle, the local agency meets either of the
(A) The local agency has not submitted its latest production report to
the department by the deadline
(B) The local agency has submitted its latest production report to the
department by the deadline and that production report reflects that
there were fewer units of low-or moderate-income housing issued
building permits than were required for the regional housing needs
assessment cycle for that reporting period.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 1748 (Seyarto) Surplus Lands ActThis measure would exempt the following from the Surplus Lands Act:
•Land that is zoned for a density of up to 30 residential units and that is
owned by a city or county that satisfies either of the following
The annual progress report submitted by the city or county demonstrates:
The total number of housing units built within the city or county meets or
exceeds the total overall number of housing units needed to meet the city’s
or county’s share of regional housing need, regardless of income category, in
the immediately preceding or current housing element cycle.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 1748 (Seyarto) Surplus Lands ActThis measure would exempt the following from the Surplus Lands Act:
The annual progress report submitted by the city or county demonstrates:
The city or county is making proportionate progress towards meeting its share
of regional housing need for each income category on an annual basis for
the current housing element cycle.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 1748 (Seyarto) Surplus Lands Act
•The city or county has been designated as prohousing by the
Department of Housing and Community Development pursuant to
Section 65589.9.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 1945 (Aguiar-Curry) Affordable Disaster Housing Revolving Development and Acquisition ProgramThis measure would, upon appropriation by the Legislature, establish
the Affordable Disaster Housing Revolving Development and
Acquisition Program. This program would expedite relief funding for the
development or preservation of affordable housing in the state’s
declared disaster areas.
Community Development Financial Institutions (CDFIs) would provide
short-term loans—including loans to local agencies—with favorable
terms and conditions until federal assistance arrives. Federal funds
would then be used to repay the short-term assistance.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2053 (Lee) Social HousingThis measure would enact the Social Housing Act and would create the
California Housing Authority, as an independent state body, the mission
of which would be to produce and acquire social housing
developments for the purpose of eliminating the gap between housing
production and regional housing needs assessment targets.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2063 (Berman) Density BonusThis measure would This bill prohibit affordable housing impact fees,
including inclusionary zoning fees, in-lieu fees, and public benefit fees,
from being imposed on a housing development’s density bonus units.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2234 (Rivas, R) Planning. Housing. Post-entitlement Phase PermitThis measure would, no later than January 1, 2024, require a public
agency to allow post-entitlement phase permits to be applied for,
completed, and stored through a publicly available process on its
internet website. Until the public agency has established this process on
its internet website, it shall accept applications for permits and any
related documentation by electronic mail.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2295 (Bloom) School Property. HousingThis measure would, notwithstanding any inconsistent provision of a
city’s or county’s general plan, specific plan, zoning ordinance, or
regulation, require that a qualified housing development on land
owned by a local educational agency be an authorized use if the
housing development complies with certain conditions.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2428 (Ramos) Impact FeesThis measure would require a local agency to expend fees collected to
defray the cost of public facilities related to the development project
within 5 years of the charge. Any fees for improvements that are
collected and that are not expended within this period shall be
returned to the applicant.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2536 (Grayson) Connection and Capacity Charges. StudiesThis measure would impose new standards and practices for
determining the reasonable cost of providing sewer and water service.
Additionally, before the adoption of a fee or capacity charge, a study
to support the estimate of the reasonable cost of providing the service
shall be adopted.
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Key Legislative Proposals: Housing and Land Use
AB 2705 (Quirk-Silva) Very High Fire Hazard Severity Zones This measure would prohibit a city or county from approving a
discretionary entitlement that would result in a new residential
development project being located within a very high fire hazard
severity zone, unless the city or county finds that the residential
development project will meet new standards intended to address
wildfire risks.
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Important Upcoming Events
•Webinar: 2022 Legislative Briefing –Bill Introduction, March 24th
•City Leaders Summit: May 11-13, 2022, Sacramento, CA
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through Advocacy and Education @calcities @calcities
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Agenda Item
22-10623 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 3.
Subject: Update on positions taken by the League of California Cities (League), the American
Planning Association (APA), the Cities Association of Santa Clara County (CASCC), the League of
Women Voters of California (LWVC), and the Sierra Club
Receive update on positions taken by the League, APA, CASCC, LWVC, and the Sierra Club and
provide any input
CITY OF CUPERTINO Printed on 3/22/2022Page 1 of 1
powered by Legistar™65
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March 2022
AB 682 (Bloom D) Planning and zoning: density bonuses: cohousing buildings.
Current Text: Amended: 1/13/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/24/2022 Assembly Floor Analysis (text 1/13/2022)
Introduced: 2/12/2021
Last Amend: 1/13/2022
Status: 1/27/2022-Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. In Senate. Read first time. To Com.
on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 1/27/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law, commonly referred to as the Density Bonus Law, requires a city or county to
provide a developer that proposes a housing development within the city or county with a density
bonus and other incentives or concessions, as specified, if the developer agrees to construct, among
other options, specified percentages of units for moderate-income, lower income, or very low income
households and meets other requirements. This bill would additionally require that a density bonus be
provided under these provisions to a developer who agrees to construct a housing development that
is a cohousing building, as defined, that meets specified requirements and will contain either 10% of
the total square footage for lower income households, as defined, or 5% of the total square footage
for very low income households, as defined.
Organization Position
AB 1014 (McCarty D) Cannabis: retailers: delivery: vehicles.
Current Text: Amended: 1/24/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/25/2022 Assembly Floor Analysis (text 1/24/2022)
Introduced: 2/18/2021
Last Amend: 1/24/2022
Status: 2/1/2022-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 2/1/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: MAUCRSA establishes the Department of Cannabis Control for the administration and
enforcement of its provisions. MAUCRSA requires the department to establish a track and trace
program for reporting the movement of cannabis and cannabis products throughout the distribution
chain that utilizes a unique identifier and is capable of providing specified information. MAUCRSA
requires the track and trace program to include an electronic seed to sale software tracking system
with data points for the different stages of commercial activity, including, but not limited to, cultivation,
harvest, processing, manufacturing, distribution, inventory, and sale. This bill would also require the
electronic seed to sale software tracking system to include delivery.
Organization Position
AB 1307 (Cervantes D) County of Riverside Citizens Redistricting Commission.
Current Text: Amended: 1/13/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/24/2022 Assembly Floor Analysis (text 1/13/2022)
Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 1/13/2022
Status: 1/27/2022-Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. In Senate. Read first time. To Com.
on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 1/27/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would establish the Citizens Redistricting Commission in the County of Riverside, which
would be charged with adjusting the boundary lines of the districts of the Board of Supervisors of the
County of Riverside. The commission would consist of 14 members who meet specified qualifications.
This bill would require the commission to adjust the boundaries of the supervisorial districts in
accordance with specified criteria and adopt a redistricting plan, which would become effective 30 days
following its submission to the county elections official.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
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AB 1416 (Santiago D) Elections: ballot label.
Current Text: Amended: 1/27/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/28/2022 Assembly Floor Analysis (text 1/27/2022)
Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 1/27/2022
Status: 2/1/2022-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 2/1/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law defines the ballot label as the portion of the ballot containing the names of the
candidates or a statement of a measure. For statewide measures, current law requires the Attorney
General to prepare a condensed version of the ballot title and summary, including the fiscal impact
summary prepared by the Legislative Analyst that is printed in the state voter information guide. This
bill would additionally require the ballot label for statewide measures, and, at the option of a county,
the ballot label or similar description on the ballot of county, city, district, and school district measures,
to include a listing of nonprofit organizations, businesses, or individuals taken from the signers or the
text of ballot arguments printed in the voter information guide that support and oppose the measure,
as specified. The bill would require a nonprofit organization, business, or individual to meet certain
criteria before being listed on the ballot label or similar description of the measure on the ballot.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
AB 1445 (Levine D) Planning and zoning: regional housing need allocation: climate change impacts.
Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/24/2022 Assembly Floor Analysis (text 1/3/2022)
Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 1/3/2022
Status: 2/1/2022-In Senate. Read first time. To Com. on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 2/1/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would, commencing January 1, 2025, require that a council of governments, a delegate
subregion, or the Department of Housing and Community Development, as applicable, additionally
consider among these factors emergency evacuation route capacity, wildfire risk, sea level rise, and
other impacts caused by climate change.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
AB 1551 (Santiago D) Planning and zoning: development bonuses: mixed-use projects.
Current Text: Amended: 1/13/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/18/2022 Assembly Appropriations (text 1/13/2022)
Introduced: 2/19/2021
Last Amend: 1/13/2022
Status: 1/27/2022-Read third time. Passed. Ordered to the Senate. In Senate. Read first time. To Com.
on RLS. for assignment.
Location: 1/27/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Density Bonus Law requires a city or county to provide a developer that proposes a
housing development within the city or county with a density bonus and other incentives or
concessions, as specified, if the developer agrees to construct specified percentages of units for lower
income, very low income, or senior citizen housing, among other things, and meets other
requirements. Previously existing law, until January 1, 2022, required a city, county, or city and county
to grant a commercial developer a development bonus, as specified, when an applicant for approval of
a commercial development had entered into an agreement for partnered housing with an affordable
housing developer to contribute affordable housing through a joint project or 2 separate projects
encompassing affordable housing. This bill would reenact the above-described provisions regarding
the granting of development bonuses to certain projects. The bill would require a city or county to
annually submit to the Department of Housing and Community Development information describing an
approved commercial development bonus. The bill would repeal these provisions on January 1, 2028.
Organization Position
AB 1599 (Kiley R) Proposition 47: repeal.
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Current Text: Amended: 3/1/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/07/2022 Assembly Public Safety (text 3/1/2022)
Introduced: 1/3/2022
Last Amend: 3/1/2022
Status: 3/9/2022-Coauthors revised.
Location: 1/14/2022-A. PUB. S.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, enacted as an initiative statute by Proposition
47, as approved by the electors at the November 4, 2014, statewide general election, made various
changes relating to theft and the possession of controlled substances, including by, among other
things, generally reducing the penalty for those crimes, including reducing the penalty for possession
of concentrated cannabis, establishing a procedure by which individuals convicted of those crimes prior
to the passage of the act may petition for resentencing under the act, and creating the crime of
shoplifting. This bill would repeal the changes and additions made by Proposition 47, except those
related to reducing the penalty for possession of concentrated cannabis.
Organization Position
AB 1702 (Levine D) Sales and Use Tax Law: exemptions: COVID-19 prevention and response goods.
Current Text: Introduced: 1/26/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/18/2022 Assembly Revenue And Taxation (text 1/26/2022)
Introduced: 1/26/2022
Status: 3/14/2022-In committee: Hearing postponed by committee.
Location: 2/3/2022-A. REV. & TAX
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current sales and use tax laws impose taxes on retailers measured by the gross receipts
from the sale of tangible personal property sold at retail in this state, or on the storage, use, or other
consumption in this state of tangible personal property purchased from a retailer for storage, use, or
other consumption in this state, and provides various exemptions from the taxes imposed by those
laws. This bill would exempt from those taxes, until January 1, 2025, the gross receipts from the sale
of, and the storage, use, or other consumption of, COVID-19 prevention and response goods, as
Organization Position
AB 1830 (Seyarto R) Department of Housing and Community Development: annual report: Homeless
Housing, Assistance, and Prevention program.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/7/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/7/2022
Status: 2/18/2022-Referred to Com. on H. & C.D.
Location: 2/18/2022-A. H. & C.D.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law establishes the Homeless Housing, Assistance, and Prevention (HHAP) program
for the purpose of providing jurisdictions, as defined, with one-time grant funds to support regional
coordination and expand or develop local capacity to address their immediate homelessness
challenges, as specified. Under current law, grants under the HHAP program are allocated in 4 rounds
of funding, administered by the Homeless Coordinating and Financing Council, as provided. Current law
requires the Department of Housing and Community Development to submit an annual report to the
Governor and both houses of the Legislature on the operations and accomplishments during the
previous fiscal year of the housing programs administered by the department. Current law requires
that the report include, among other things, the number of units assisted by those programs and the
number of individuals and households served and their income level.This bill would additionally require
that this report include an assessment of the HHAP program.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
AB 1965 (Wicks D) California Antihunger Response and Employment Training Act of 2022.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/10/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/18/2022 Assembly Human Services (text 2/10/2022)
Introduced: 2/10/2022
Status: 2/18/2022-Referred to Com. on HUM. S.
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Location: 2/18/2022-A. HUM. S.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/22/2022 1:30 p.m. - State Capitol, Room 437 ASSEMBLY HUMAN SERVICES, CALDERON,
Summary: Would require the State Department of Social Services to establish the California
Antihunger Response and Employment Training (CARET) program to provide benefits to a person who
has been determined ineligible for CalFresh benefits, or for whom CalFresh benefits have been
discontinued as a result of the ABAWD time limit, and who also is ineligible for the discretionary
exemption described above. The bill would require the person to receive the same amount of benefits
under the CARET program that they would have received under the CalFresh program if the ABAWD
time limit did not make them ineligible. The bill would also make a CARET program recipient eligible for
CalFresh EandT program benefits, and would make a CalFresh EandT provider serving a CARET
recipient eligible to draw down a state-funded reimbursement in the same amount that the provider
would have been eligible to receive for allowable CalFresh EandT services for a CalFresh recipient. The
bill would require the issuance of CARET benefits through a state-administered and state-funded
electronic benefits transfer system, as specified.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
AB 1985 (Rivas, Robert D) Organic waste: list: available products.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/10/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/18/2022 Assembly Natural Resources (text 2/10/2022)
Introduced: 2/10/2022
Status: 3/21/2022-VOTE: Do pass and be re-referred to the Committee on [Appropriations] with
recommendation: To Consent Calendar (PASS)
Location: 3/21/2022-A. APPR.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law requires, no later than January 1, 2018, the State Air Resources Board to
approve and begin implementing a comprehensive short-lived climate pollutant strategy to achieve a
reduction in statewide emissions of methane by 40%, hydrofluorocarbon gases by 40%, and
anthropogenic black carbon by 50% below 2013 levels by 2030. Current law requires the methane
emissions reduction goals to include a 50% reduction in the level of the statewide disposal of organic
waste from the 2014 level by 2020 and a 75% reduction by 2025. Current law requires the
Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, in consultation with the state board, to adopt
regulations to achieve these organic waste reduction goals, including a requirement intended to meet
the goal that not less than 20% of edible food that is currently disposed of be recovered for human
consumption by 2025. This bill would require the department to compile and maintain on its internet
website a list, organized by ZIP Code, of information regarding persons or entities that produce and
have available in the state organic waste products and update the list at least every 6 months.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
AB 2142 (Gabriel D) Income taxes: exclusion: turf replacement water conservation program.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/15/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/18/2022 Assembly Revenue And Taxation (text 2/15/2022)
Introduced: 2/15/2022
Status: 2/24/2022-Referred to Com. on REV. & TAX.
Location: 2/24/2022-A. REV. & TAX
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law, in conformity with federal
income tax law, generally defines "gross income" as income from whatever source derived, except as
specifically excluded, and provides various exclusions from gross income. Current law provides an
exclusion from gross income for any amount received as a rebate or voucher from a local water or
energy agency or supplier for the purchase or installation of a water conservation water closet, energy
efficient clothes washers, and plumbing devices, as specified. This bill would, for taxable years
beginning on or after January 1, 2022, and before January 1, 2027, under both of these laws, provide
an exclusion from gross income for any amount received as a rebate, voucher, or other financial
incentive issued by a local water agency or supplier for participation in a turf replacement water
conservation program.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
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AB 2632 (Holden D) Segregated confinement.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2022
Status: 3/10/2022-Referred to Com. on PUB. S.
Location: 3/10/2022-A. PUB. S.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 4/5/2022 9 a.m. - State Capitol, Room 126 ASSEMBLY PUBLIC SAFETY, JONES-SAWYER,
Summary: Existing law establishes the state prisons under the jurisdiction of the Department of
Corrections and Rehabilitation. Existing law places county jails under the jurisdiction of the sheriff for
the confinement of persons sentenced to imprisonment for the conviction of a crime. This bill would
require every jail, prison, privately operated detention facility, and any facility in which individuals are
subject to confinement or involuntary detention to develop and follow written procedures governing
the management of segregated confinement, as specified.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
AB 2808 (O'Donnell D) Elections: ranked choice voting.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/18/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2022
Status: 3/17/2022-Referred to Com. on ELECTIONS.
Location: 3/17/2022-A. ELECTIONS
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law specifies various procedures for conducting statewide and local elections. This
bill would prohibit the use of ranked choice voting, a method of voting that allows voters to rank
candidates in order of preference, in state and local elections. This bill contains other related
Organization Position
LWVC Oppose
SB 38 (Wieckowski D) Beverage containers.
Current Text: Amended: 2/14/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 06/02/2021 Senate Floor Analyses (text 5/26/2021)
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 2/14/2022
Status: 2/14/2022-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-
referred to Com. on NAT. RES. (Amended 2/14/2022)
Location: 7/14/2021-A. NAT. RES.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would require beverage manufacturers, as defined, in the state to form a beverage
container stewardship organization. The organization would be required to develop and submit to the
department a plan, annual report, and budget for the recovery and recycling of empty beverage
containers in the state similar to that described in the Used Mattress Recovery and Recycling Act. The
bill would require the organization to establish a stewardship fee, to be paid by beverage
manufacturer members of the organization, to assist in covering the costs of implementing the
beverage container stewardship program. The bill would require the organization to reimburse the
department for the department’s costs of enforcing the program. The bill would require the department
to deposit all moneys submitted for reimbursement into the Beverage Container Stewardship Fund,
which the bill would create in the State Treasury.
Organization Position
SB 45 (Portantino D) Short-lived climate pollutants: organic waste reduction goals: local jurisdiction
Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/21/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/3/2022)
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 1/3/2022
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 36. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
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Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law requires the Department of Resources Recycling and Recovery, in consultation
with the State Air Resources Board, to adopt regulations to achieve the organic waste reduction goals
established by the state board for 2020 and 2025, as provided. Current law requires the department,
no later than July 1, 2020, and in consultation with the state board, to analyze the progress that the
waste sector, state government, and local governments have made in achieving these organic waste
reduction goals. This bill would require the department, in consultation with the state board, to provide
assistance to local jurisdictions, including, but not limited to, any funding appropriated by the
Legislature in the annual Budget Act, for purposes of assisting local agencies to comply with these
provisions, including any regulations adopted by the department.
Organization Position
APA Support
SB 49 (Umberg D) Income taxes: credits: California Fair Fees Tax Credit.
Current Text: Amended: 5/11/2021 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/13/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 5/11/2021)
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 5/11/2021
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 36. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The Personal Income Tax Law and the Corporation Tax Law allow various credits against
the taxes imposed by those laws. This bill would allow a credit against those taxes for each taxable
year beginning on or after January 1, 2021, and before January 1, 2026, to a taxpayer that meets
certain criteria, including that the taxpayer temporarily ceased business operations for at least 30
consecutive days during the taxable year in response to an emergency order, as defined. The amount
of credit would vary based on the number of consecutive days the qualified taxpayer has ceased
business operations during the taxable year, with a maximum amount of $6,000 if the qualified
taxpayer has temporarily ceased business operations for at least 180 consecutive days, as provided.
Organization Position
SB 54 (Allen D) Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act.
Current Text: Amended: 2/25/2021 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/24/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 2/25/2021)
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Last Amend: 2/25/2021
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 29. Noes 7.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would establish the Plastic Pollution Producer Responsibility Act, which would prohibit
producers of single-use, disposable packaging or single-use, disposable food service ware products
from offering for sale, selling, distributing, or importing in or into the state such packaging or products
that are manufactured on or after January 1, 2032, unless they are recyclable or compostable.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
Sierra Club Support
SB 245 (Gonzalez D) Health care coverage: abortion services: cost sharing.
Current Text: Enrollment: 3/21/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/18/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 2/14/2022)
Introduced: 1/22/2021
Last Amend: 2/14/2022
Status: 3/21/2022-Assembly amendments concurred in. (Ayes 28. Noes 7.) Ordered to engrossing and
Location: 3/21/2022-S. ENROLLMENT
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
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Summary: Would prohibit a health care service plan or an individual or group policy or certificate of
health insurance or student blanket disability insurance that is issued, amended, renewed, or
delivered on or after January 1, 2023, from imposing a deductible, coinsurance, copayment, or any
other cost-sharing requirement on coverage for all abortion and abortion-related services, as specified.
The bill would prohibit a health care service plan and an insurer subject to these requirements from
imposing utilization management or utilization review on the coverage for outpatient abortion services.
The bill would require that for a contract, certificate, or policy that is a high deductible health plan, the
cost-sharing prohibition would apply once the enrollee’s or insured’s deductible has been satisfied for
the benefit year. The bill would not require an individual or group contract or policy to cover an
experimental or investigational treatment. The bill’s requirements would also apply to Medi-Cal
managed care plans and their providers, independent practice associations, preferred provider groups,
and all delegated entities that provide physician services, utilization management, or utilization review.
The bill would require the Department of Managed Health Care and the Department of Insurance to
adopt related regulations on or before January 1, 2026.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
SB 260 (Wiener D) Climate Corporate Accountability Act.
Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/21/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/3/2022)
Introduced: 1/26/2021
Last Amend: 1/3/2022
Status: 1/26/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 23. Noes 7.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/26/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would require the State Air Resources Board, on or before January 1, 2024, to develop and
adopt regulations requiring United States-based partnerships, corporations, limited liability companies,
and other business entities with total annual revenues in excess of $1,000,000,000 and that do
business in California, defined as "reporting entities," to publicly disclose to the Secretary of State, and
verify, starting in 2025 on a date to be determined by the state board, and annually thereafter, their
greenhouse gas emissions, categorized as scope 1, 2, and 3 emissions, as defined, from the prior
calendar year, as provided. The bill would require reporting entities to disclose their greenhouse gas
emissions in a manner that is easily understandable and accessible to residents of the state.
Organization Position
Sierra Club Support
SB 286 (Min D) Elections: Orange County Board of Education.
Current Text: Amended: 1/13/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/21/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/13/2022)
Introduced: 2/1/2021
Last Amend: 1/13/2022
Status: 1/26/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 30. Noes 7.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/26/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law authorizes, and in some circumstances requires, a political subdivision to
consolidate its elections with statewide elections.This bill would require an election for Orange County
Board of Education that is determined by the plurality of the votes cast for that office, with no
possibility of a runoff, and is consolidated with a statewide election to be consolidated with the
statewide general election in November.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
SB 379 (Wiener D) Residential solar energy systems: permitting.
Current Text: Amended: 1/12/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/21/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/12/2022)
Introduced: 2/10/2021
Last Amend: 1/12/2022
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 31. Noes 1.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
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Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law requires a city or county to approve administratively applications to install solar
energy systems through the issuance of a building permit or similar nondiscretionary permit. Current
law requires every city, county, or city and county to develop a streamlined permitting process for the
installation of small residential rooftop solar energy systems, as that term is defined. Current law
prescribes and limits permit fees that a city or county may charge for a residential and commercial solar
energy system. Current law creates the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Commission (Energy Commission) in the Natural Resources Agency and prescribes its duties, which
include administering programs for the installation of solar energy systems.This bill would require every
city, county, or city and county to implement an online, automated permitting platform that verifies code
compliance and issues permits in real time for a solar energy system, as defined, that is no larger than
38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating and an energy storage system, as defined, paired
with a solar energy system that is no larger than 38.4 kilowatts alternating current nameplate rating.
Organization Position
SB 387 (Portantino D) Pupil health: school employee and pupil training: youth mental and behavioral
Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/21/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/3/2022)
Introduced: 2/11/2021
Last Amend: 1/3/2022
Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 36. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law, contingent on an appropriation made for these purposes, requires the State
Department of Education, on or before January 1, 2023, to recommend best practices and identify
training programs for use by local educational agencies to address youth behavioral health, including,
but not necessarily limited to, staff and pupil training, as specified. Current law defines a local
educational agency for purposes of these provisions to mean a county office of education, school
district, state special school, or charter school that serves pupils in any of grades 7 to 12, inclusive.
This bill would require, on or before January 1, 2025, those local educational agencies to certify to the
department that 75% of both its classified and certificated employees have received that youth
behavioral health training, as specified.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
SB 504 (Becker D) Elections: voter registration.
Current Text: Amended: 3/21/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 02/17/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/14/2022)
Introduced: 2/17/2021
Last Amend: 3/21/2022
Status: 3/21/2022-Read third time and amended. Ordered to third reading.
Location: 3/17/2022-A. THIRD READING
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law requires elections officials to mail a ballot to every registered voter for each
election. Current law permits a person to apply for permanent vote by mail status while registering to
vote, and requires elections officials to include an application for a vote by mail ballot with each voter
information guide mailed to voters. This bill would repeal these provisions regarding applications to
vote by mail to account for the requirement that every registered voter receive a vote by mail ballot for
each election.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
SB 513 (Hertzberg D) Homeless shelters grants: pets and veterinary services.
Current Text: Amended: 1/3/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/21/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 1/3/2022)
Introduced: 2/17/2021
Last Amend: 1/3/2022
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Status: 1/24/2022-Read third time. Passed. (Ayes 36. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly.
Read first time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/24/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law establishes the California Emergency Solutions and Housing Program, under
the administration of the Department of Housing and Community Development and requires the
department to, among other things, provide rental assistance and housing relocation and stabilization
services to ensure housing affordability to people who are experiencing homelessness or who are at
risk of homelessness. This bill would require the department, subject to an appropriation in the annual
Budget Act, to develop and administer a program to award grants to qualified homeless shelters, as
described, for the provision of shelter, food, and basic veterinary services for pets owned by people
experiencing homelessness.
Organization Position
LEAGUE Support
SB 830 (Portantino D) Education finance: supplemental education funding.
Current Text: Amended: 3/9/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 1/3/2022
Last Amend: 3/9/2022
Status: 3/9/2022-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-
referred to Com. on ED.
Location: 1/19/2022-S. ED.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law establishes a public school financing system that requires state funding for
county superintendents of schools, school districts, and charter schools to be calculated pursuant to a
local control funding formula, as specified, that includes average daily attendance as a component of
that calculation for these local educational agencies. Current law requires the Superintendent of Public
Instruction, on or before February 20 of each year, to make a first principal apportionment of funds
and, on or before July 2 of each year, to make a 2nd principal apportionment of funds to each local
educational agency. This bill would define “average daily membership” as the quotient of the
aggregate enrollment days for all pupils in a school district, county office of education, or charter
school, from transitional kindergarten to grade 12, inclusive, as applicable, divided by the total number
of instructional days for the local educational agency in an academic year. The bill would require a local
educational agency’s average daily membership to be calculated using data from the same fiscal year
or years that the local educational agency used to calculate its average daily attendance for purposes
of state apportionment, as provided.
Organization Position
SB 833 (Dodd D) Community Energy Resilience Act of 2022.
Current Text: Amended: 3/21/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/11/2022 Senate Energy, Utilities And Communications (text 1/4/2022)
Introduced: 1/4/2022
Last Amend: 3/21/2022
Status: 3/21/2022-Read second time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on APPR.
Location: 3/14/2022-S. APPR.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law assigns the State Energy Resources Conservation and Development
Commission various duties, including applying for and accepting grants, contributions, and
appropriations, and awarding grants consistent with the goals and objectives of a program or activity
the commission is authorized to implement or administer. This bill, the Community Energy Resilience Act
of 2022, would require the commission to develop and implement a grant program for local
governments to develop community energy resilience plans that help achieve energy resilience
objectives and state clean energy and air quality goals.
Organization Position
SB 852 (Dodd D) Climate resilience districts: formation: funding mechanisms.
Current Text: Amended: 3/9/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 1/18/2022
Last Amend: 3/9/2022
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Status: 3/9/2022-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-
referred to Com. on GOV. & F.
Location: 1/26/2022-S. GOV. & F.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/31/2022 Upon adjournment of Session - 1021 O Street, Room 2200
Summary: Current law authorizes certain local agencies to form a community revitalization authority
(authority) within a community revitalization and investment area, as defined, to carry out provisions of
the Community Redevelopment Law in that area for purposes related to, among other things,
infrastructure, affordable housing, and economic revitalization. Current law provides for the financing
of these activities by, among other things, the issuance of bonds serviced by property tax increment
revenues, and requires the authority to adopt a community revitalization and investment plan for the
community revitalization and investment area that includes elements describing and governing
revitalization activities. This bill would authorize a city, county, city and county, special district, or a
combination of any of those entities to form a climate resilience district for the purposes of raising and
allocating funding for eligible projects and the operating expenses of eligible projects. The bill would
define “eligible project” to mean projects that address sea level rise, extreme heat, extreme cold, the
risk of wildfire, drought, and the risk of flooding, as specified.
Organization Position
APA Support
SB 921 (Newman D) Political Reform Act of 1974: digital political advertisements.
Current Text: Amended: 3/16/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/3/2022
Last Amend: 3/16/2022
Status: 3/17/2022-Withdrawn from committee. Re-referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 3/17/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/28/2022 9 a.m. - 1021 O Street - Room 2200 SENATE ELECTIONS AND CONSTITUTIONAL
Summary: Would enact the Digital Advertisement Transparency and Accountability Act, or DATA Act. The
bill would, 60 days after the Fair Political Practices Commission certifies a system for accepting and
maintaining digital advertisements, as defined, require an online platform that disseminates those
advertisements to submit to the commission a record of any digital advertisements disseminated on
the online platform by a committee that purchased $500 or more in advertisements on the online
platform during the preceding 12 months. The bill would require a record to contain, among other
things, a digital copy of the advertisement, the approximate number of views generated from the
advertisement, and the name and identification number of the committee that paid for the
advertisement, as specified. The bill would require the information to be submitted to the commission
by the 5th day of each month for digital advertisements disseminated on the online platform in the
previous calender month. The bill would require the commission to make information submitted
pursuant to this act available in a centralized and publicly accessible online format, as specified.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
SB 922 (Wiener D) California Environmental Quality Act: exemptions: transportation-related projects.
Current Text: Amended: 3/16/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/3/2022
Last Amend: 3/16/2022
Status: 3/16/2022-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-
referred to Com. on E.Q.
Location: 2/16/2022-S. E.Q.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/28/2022 9 a.m. - 1021 O Street, Room 2100 SENATE ENVIRONMENTAL QUALITY, ALLEN,
Summary: The California Environmental Quality Act (CEQA), until January 1, 2030, exempts from its
requirements bicycle transportation plans for an urbanized area for restriping of streets and highways,
bicycle parking and storage, signal timing to improve street and highway intersection operations, and
related signage for bicycles, pedestrians, and vehicles under certain conditions. This bill would extend
the above exemption indefinitely. The bill would also repeal the requirement that the bicycle
transportation plan is for an urbanized area and would extend the exemption to an active
transportation plan or pedestrian plan, or to a feasibility and planning study for active transportation,
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bicycle facilities, or pedestrian facilities.
Organization Position
CASCC Support
SB 932 (Portantino D) General plans: circulation element: bicycle and pedestrian plans and traffic
calming plans.
Current Text: Introduced: 2/7/2022 html pdf
Current Analysis: 03/14/2022 Senate Governance And Finance (text 2/7/2022)
Introduced: 2/7/2022
Status: 3/17/2022-VOTE: Do pass as amended, but first amend, and re-refer to the Committee on
[Transportation] (PASS)
Location: 3/17/2022-S. TRANS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Current law states the Legislature’s intention that a county or city general plan and the
elements and parts of that general plan comprise an integrated, internally consistent and compatible
statement of policies for the adopting agency.This bill would emphasize the intent of the Legislature to
fight climate change with these provisions.
Organization Position
SB 1439 (Glazer D) Campaign contributions: agency officers.
Current Text: Amended: 3/16/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 2/18/2022
Last Amend: 3/16/2022
Status: 3/16/2022-From committee with author's amendments. Read second time and amended. Re-
referred to Com. on E. & C.A.
Location: 3/9/2022-S. E. & C.A.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Calendar: 3/28/2022 9 a.m. - 1021 O Street - Room 2200 SENATE ELECTIONS AND CONSTITUTIONAL
Summary: The Political Reform Act of 1974 prohibits an officer of an agency from accepting, soliciting,
or directing a contribution of more than $250 from any party, participant, or a party or participant’s
agent, while a proceeding involving a license, permit, or other entitlement for use is pending before
the agency and for 3 months following the date a final decision is rendered in the proceeding, if the
officer knows or has reasons to know that the participant has financial interest, as defined. The act
also prohibits a party, participant, or participant’s agent from making a contribution of more than $250
to an officer of the agency during the proceeding and 3 months following the date a final decision is
rendered. The act defines “agency” for these purposes to mean any state or local government agency,
except certain entities, including local government agencies whose members are directly elected by the
voters. This bill would remove the exception for local government agencies, thereby subjecting them to
the prohibition described above. The bill would extend the prohibition on contributions from 3 to 12
months following the date a final decision is rendered in the proceeding.
Organization Position
LWVC Support
SCA 2 (Allen D) Public housing projects.
Current Text: Introduced: 12/7/2020 html pdf
Current Analysis: 01/05/2022 Senate Floor Analyses (text 12/7/2020)
Introduced: 12/7/2020
Status: 1/26/2022-Read. Adopted. (Ayes 37. Noes 0.) Ordered to the Assembly. In Assembly. Read first
time. Held at Desk.
Location: 1/26/2022-A. DESK
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: The California Constitution prohibits the development, construction, or acquisition of a low-
rent housing project, as defined, in any manner by any state public body until a majority of the
qualified electors of the city, town, or county in which the development, construction, or acquisition of
the low-rent housing project is proposed approve the project by voting in favor at an election, as
specified. This measure would repeal these provisions.
Organization Position
APA Support
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LWVC Support
SCA 6 (Newman D) Elections: recall of state officers.
Current Text: Amended: 3/17/2022 html pdf
Introduced: 1/3/2022
Last Amend: 3/17/2022
Status: 3/17/2022-Referred to Com. on RLS. From committee with author's amendments. Read second
time and amended. Re-referred to Com. on RLS.
Location: 1/3/2022-S. RLS.
Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Desk Policy Fiscal Floor Conf.
Conc.Enrolled Vetoed Chaptered1st House 2nd House
Summary: Would provide, in the event an officer is removed in a recall election, for the office to remain
vacant until a successor candidate to hold the unexpired term of the office receives a majority of votes
at a special election, or for the office to remain vacant for the remainder of the term if the nomination
period for the subsequent term of that office has closed. The measure would allow an officer who was
the subject of the recall election to be a candidate in the special election. The measure would require
the Legislature to enact laws providing for the election of a successor. This bill contains other existing
Organization Position
LWVC Support
Total Measures: 34
Total Tracking Forms: 36
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Agenda Item
22-10631 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 4.
Subject: Discuss Prioritizing the Legislative Platform
Discuss Prioritizing the Legislative Platform and provide any input
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
The 2022 Legislative Platform is comprised of guiding principles that provide a framework for
the City of Cupertino’s regional, state, and federal legislative priorities. Adopted annually, the
City’s Legislative Platform serves as a reference guide for legislative positions and objectives that
provides direction for the City Council, the Legislative Review Committee, and staff throughout
the year. The Legislative Platform is the foundation of a focused advocacy strategy.
Guiding Principles
I. Fiscal Responsibility
The City of Cupertino has a fiduciary responsibility to its residents to ensure assets and resources
are properly safeguarded and deployed in a fair, prudent, and efficient manner. As such, the City
supports the protection of existing federal, state, and local funding sources and the authorities
that provide revenues to the City. Likewise, the City has an interest in the solvency of public
entities that provide resources to the City. The City opposes any new mandates that are unfunded
or inadequately funded, and supports efforts to eliminate, or provide funding for currently
unfunded mandates.
II. Local Control
The City supports local decision-making authority and opposes preemption of local control.
Cities are voluntarily created by the residents of a community to provide local self-government
and to make decisions at a local level to best meet the needs of the community. Each community
has unique needs and characteristics that are best met by policies set by its local governing body.
Efforts to remove the ability to set policy at the local level should be opposed, while promoting
legislation that incentivizes and allows flexibility in the City's effort to cost-effectively meet local
III. Sustainability
The City of Cupertino is a leader in embracing sustainability efforts in response to current and
anticipated environmental challenges. The City continuously looks for innovative strategies to
reduce its carbon footprint and adapt to the impacts of climate change. The City supports
environmentally friendly legislation and urban sustainability consistent with our Climate Action
Plan (CAP). As such, the City supports environmentally friendly legislation and urban
sustainability consistent with our CAP goals.
IV. Infrastructure and Mobility
The City seeks to maintain existing infrastructure and enhance the safety and accessibility of
sustainable, alternative mobility options for our residents and businesses. The City can
accomplish this by supporting legislation that increases funding for transportation,
infrastructure, operations, and maintenance in Cupertino.
The City seeks to upgrade and maintain municipal facilities so that they operate at peak energy
and water efficiency. In addition, Cupertino seeks to enhance the provision of carbon-free
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
services, such as electric vehicles and buildings that are free of fossil fuels. Cupertino supports
legislation or rulemaking that enhances the City’s ability to procure and implement fuel-
switching, on-site renewable energy deployment, and low-carbon or carbon-free critical power
backup services.
V. Healthy, Safe and Resilient Community
One of the City’s primary goals is to provide a healthy and safe environment for our residents.
The City supports legislation that protects and enhances services to the City’s most vulnerable
populations, such as the economically disadvantaged, elderly, homeless, and disabled. In
addition, the City supports federal and state assistance for local law enforcement, as well as any
measures that would help contribute to local public safety and mental well-being, such as support
for parks and open spaces. In order to foster a resilient community, the City supports legislation
that strengthens local disaster preparedness, emergency planning and response activities, as well
as programs that invest in climate adaptation planning and deployment of adaptation strategies.
VI. Education
The City understands that access to quality education is a key factor in maintaining a strong and
vibrant community. The City supports state efforts to ensure that California schools have
adequate funding to ensure that every child has access to a quality education and all schools have
the personnel and materials needed to create an environment where children can succeed.
City of Cupertino - 2022 Federal Legislative Priorities
1. Support the preservation, or increase, of funding for the CDBG
2. Support increased flexibility in how CDBG funds can be utilized.
1. Support amendments to the EB5 Visa Program to ensure that
investments are concentrated in target employment areas, such
as Qualified Opportunity Zones, that would most benefit from
economic development.
2. Support efforts to mitigate the economic impacts on the City,
and its businesses, from the coronavirus pandemic.
EDUCATION 1. Support education funding to include support for special needs
1. Support legislation that assists regional and local governments
in development and implementing energy efficiency, renewable
energy, and conservation strategies. Ensure that states and local
governments can continue, and not be preempted in, their efforts
to achieve economic improvements through increased energy
efficiency, renewable energy and conservation plans that seek to
decrease carbon emissions.
2. Advocate for funding for projects for potable water reuse
projects, nonpoint source pollution control, and watershed
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
City of Cupertino - 2022 State Legislative Priorities
1. The City embraces efforts to support legislation or obtain
funding for economic development initiatives, including
planning and implementation of regional transportation and
traffic congestion relief projects, the creation of affordable
housing, and social services.
2. Work with elected representatives to secure funding through the
State Budget for priority projects and programs in the City.
3. Support legislation that would provide workers with a living
4. Support legislation and funding for workforce development and
skills training programs, including those developed with
business and education partners.
management. Accelerate authorization for indirect and direct
potable reuse projects. Support legislation that generates
additional revenue for water infrastructure improvements,
provides for the funding of programs mandated for compliance,
and addresses drought resilience.
1. Support legislation to provide services to those experiencing
domestic violence, addiction, or mental health issues, including
mental health services for youth.
2. Support legislation to aid local governments in the preparation
for, and response to, public health emergencies.
3. Monitor legislation related to the public’s right to protest, as well as
legislation related to standards on appropriate law enforcement
response to public protests, including use of force levels.
1. Oppose legislation, and regulatory efforts, that would diminish
or eliminate the authority of cities to zone and plan for the
development of telecommunications infrastructure, including
the siting of cellular communications towers or transmission
1. Oppose preemption of local authority.
2. Oppose new program mandates that are unfunded or
1. Support adoption of a long-term federal transportation
authorization that provides a stable and reliable funding stream
for transportation with focus on maintenance and preservation,
and funding for roads, bridges, and transit.
2. Support legislation that generates funding to support all modes
of transportation, including transit, bicycles, and pedestrians.
3. Support legislation that generates funding for storm drain
capacity and maintenance projects.
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
5. Oppose legislation that would increase local costs related to
public employee retirement.
6. Oppose legislation that limits the City’s ability to collect
Transient Occupancy Taxes.
7. Oppose legislation that would burden local rate payers with
increased state utility costs and mandates.
8. Monitor legislation that would provide local governments with
additional tax-increment based economic development tools,
such as Enhanced Infrastructure Financing Districts or tax
increment financing districts.
9. Oppose legislation that would amend sales tax distribution
formulas in a manner that negatively affects the City.
10. Monitor legislation that would amend the definition of independent
1. The City understands that access to quality education is a key
factor in maintaining a strong and vibrant community. The City
supports state efforts to ensure that California schools have
adequate funding to ensure that every child has access to a
quality education and all schools have the personnel and
materials needed to create an environment where children can
2. Support legislation that ensures full funding of the State’s
Proposition 98 guarantee.
3. Support legislation that would increase funding for schools for
programs and salaries.
4. Support legislation that would amend the Leroy F. Greene
School Facilities Act to ensure that facilities funding is sufficient
to cover all costs of new facilities, including the acquisition of
5. Support legislation that provides students access to educational
resources and technology needed to be prepared for higher
education or the modern workforce.
6. Monitor legislation that clarifies square footage-based parcel
1. The City supports legislation that encourages and expands civic
engagement and voter participation in elections.
2. Oppose legislation that weakens voters’ right to petition through
the initiative and referendum processes.
3. Support legislation that provides resources and support for
municipal elections.
4. Monitor legislation that affects the California Voting Rights Acts.
5. Monitor legislation that lowers the voting requirements for
passage of local special purpose agency funding propositions.
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
1. Support legislation that provides funding for local emergency
preparedness planning.
2. Support legislation that provides reimbursement for costs
associated with public safety power shutoffs and other
emergency response efforts.
3. Support legislation that provides or incentives for retrofitting,
and other seismic preparedness activities.
4. Support legislation that would ensure the City, as well as
businesses and residents, have access to communications during
emergency events.
5. Support specific funding opportunities to address natural
disaster mitigation and evacuation planning.
6. Monitor legislation regulating the use of drone aircraft by public
agencies for use in emergency response, or other capacities.
1. The City supports legislation and policies that emphasize
sustainable development, improve environmental standards and
the regulatory process, and promote sustainable energy policies.
2. Support legislation that provides incentives and financial
support for preservation of natural resources, organic waste
recycling, and landfill diversion.
3. Support sustainability efforts that are consistent with the City’s
Climate Action Plan.
4. Support legislation that assists local governments in the
development and implementation of energy efficiency,
renewable energy, and conservation strategies.
5. Oppose legislation that would preempt local government efforts
to achieve economic improvements through increased energy
efficiency, renewable energy, and conservation plans that seek to
decrease carbon emissions.
6. Support increased funding for green buildings, electric vehicle
charging stations, and related infrastructure, including
residential homes.
7. Support legislation to reduce plastic waste and single-use
plastics, such as plastic bags and containers.
8. Oppose legislation that weakens environmental review policy or
9. Support legislation that expands, promotes, or incentivizes
water conservation practices and programs, including the
expanded use of local water resources such as recycled water,
graywater, and rainwater harvesting.
1. The City supports government transparency, public access to
required meetings and records, and legislation that facilitates
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
these principles while still allowing for necessary municipal
operations and services.
2. Oppose legislation that impacts the ability of special districts and
joint powers authorities to self-regulate.
3. Oppose legislation that expands the Public Records Act without
funding to carry out the new requirements.
4. Support legislation that improves the ability of local
governments to utilize digital communication and archiving.
1. The City values public health and social services. The City
supports legislation and policies to access resources that provide
high quality police, fire, emergency management, and
emergency medical services.
2. Support legislation to provide services to those experiencing
domestic violence, addiction, or mental health issues, including
mental health services for youth.
3. Support legislation to provide funding and services for
vulnerable populations.
4. Support legislation that allows for local ordinances related to
commercial and recreational drone usage.
5. Support legislation to regulate vaping devices and other e-
cigarettes and their packaging, advertisement, and promotion to
6. Support legislation to regulate the potency, packaging, and
advertisement of recreational cannabis products.
7. Oppose legislation that restricts the ability for the City to adopt
ordinances regarding the purchase, distribution, consumption
and cultivation of cannabis.
8. Monitor legislation related to organized retail theft, as well as
modifications to the definition of petty theft and petty theft value
9. Monitor legislation related to standards on appropriate law
enforcement response to public protests, including use of force
1. Support legislation that provides funding to create pathways to
permanent housing and supportive services.
2. Support legislation and funding to help facilitate and promote
regional efforts to address homelessness.
3. Support legislation to address issues affecting the homeless
population, including mental health and substance abuse.
4. Support legislation that provides resources for job training,
financial counseling, and skills development for those
experiencing homelessness, or at risk of becoming homeless.
1. The City acknowledges that California is currently facing
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
dramatic job-housing imbalance, severe income disparity and
lack of transit options to affordable areas. The rising cost of
housing is one symptom of the deeper economic problem,
which can only be solved by addressing the excessive job
growth, housing affordability, and lack of transit options
together. The City supports legislation that addresses the root
causes of these problems and positively addresses housing
shortages in communities.
2. Oppose legislation that may reduce municipal authority, with
an emphasis on land use policy, local review, and design
3. Oppose efforts to erode local decision making over the
appropriate location, scale, and character of residential
development or that may reduce public hearing or oversight.
4. Support legislation that gives local municipalities credit and
incentives for actions under their direct control, including the
approval of housing developments.
5. Support legislation that provides state funding for the
construction of affordable housing, including Extremely Low
Income, Very Low Income, Low Income, and Moderate-Income
6. Oppose legislation that would impact the ability of a local
municipality to regulate ADUs.
7. Support legislation that promotes the construction of parks,
affordable housing, and other community facilities, instead of
allowing in-lieu fees in place of actual facilities.
8. Support legislation to address issues that lead to gentrification,
the displacement of long-time residents, the lack of housing for
full-time students, and homelessness.
9. Monitor legislation that would impact the rental market and
tenant protections.
10. Oppose legislation that provides for by-right up-zoning.
11. Support legislation that requires employers to contribute to the
funding of affordable housing to keep pace with job growth.
12. Support legislation to assert local authority to regulate the use
of public right of ways.
13. Oppose legislation that erodes the ability of cities to condition
and deny projects that inadequately mitigate impacts to the
community, including infrastructure, public safety, and
14. Support legislation that would incentivize community colleges
to provide housing to students and faculty.
15. Support legislation that would provide streamlined projects
with minimum density requirements.
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
16. Oppose legislation that provides the State with additional
powers to overturn local planning decisions.
17. Monitor legislation that modifies previously enacted
legislation, such as the Housing Accountability Act, Housing
Crisis Act, Affirmatively Furthering Fair Housing, Density
Bonus Law, and SB 35 project streamlining.
1. The City values its ability and authority to make policies tailored
to diverse local needs, enable excellent public services, and
protect and enhance the quality of life for Cupertino residents
and businesses.
2. Support legislation that would provide local funding for
libraries, arts and cultural expression in Cupertino.
3. Support legislation and initiatives that provide funding for
vibrant parks, trails, and visitor amenities.
4. Monitoring legislation that affects immigration and the rights
and benefits of immigrants.
5. Oppose legislation that includes unfunded or underfunded
1. The City supports legislation and policies that support and fund
transit solutions that increase the speed and frequency of
2. Support new statewide funding opportunities for maintenance
and repair of local roads and highways.
3. Support investments in the maintenance and rehabilitation of
aging infrastructure and allow for system capacity expansion to
support smart growth principals.
4. Support legislation that allows for the planning of on-site parking
and other planning tools that can increase safety for pedestrians
and bicycles.
5. Support legislation that ensures cap and trade funds derived
from transportation fuels be used for transportation purposes.
6. Support legislation and initiatives to address regional
transportation congestion.
7. Support legislation that generates funding for wastewater
infrastructure, storm drain capacity and maintenance.
8. Oppose legislation that limits or reduces local impact fees that
fund local infrastructure, including those associated with lot
splits or the addition of a second unit on a parcel.
9. Oppose legislation that would impact local authority of cities to
zone and plan for the development of telecommunications
10. Support legislation that enhances the City’s ability to procure and
implement fuel-switching, on-site renewable energy
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City of Cupertino 2022 Legislative Platform
deployment, and low-carbon or carbon-free critical power
backup services.
11. Oppose legislation that would reduce access to, or otherwise
condition the receipt of, local streets and roads funding.
12. Support legislation that would allow flexibility for public
contracting associated with routine public works projects.
13. Oppose legislation that would increase taxes on businesses and
residents without providing a direct tangible benefit to
14. Support legislation and funding to provide free or reduced-price
access to public transit to low-income individuals.
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Agenda Item
22-10625 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 5.
Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 1603 (Salas) Theft: Shoplifting
Adopt a watch position on AB 1603
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Bill Information:
The official text of AB 1603 can be found here 1:
The Safe Neighborhoods and Schools Act, was enacted as an initiative statute by
Proposition 47, as approved by the electors at the November 4, 2014, statewide general
election. This law makes the theft of money, labor, or property petty theft punishable as a
misdemeanor, whenever the value of the property taken does not exceed $950. Under
existing law, if the value of the property taken exceeds $950, the theft is grand theft,
punishable as a misdemeanor or a felony. Under this existing law, entering a commercial
establishment with the intent to take property exceeding $950 is burglary, punishable as a
misdemeanor or a felony.
This bill would amend Proposition 47 by reducing the threshold amount for petty theft
and shoplifting from $950 to $400. The bill would provide that it shall become effective
only when submitted to, and approved by, the voters of California.
According to the California District Attorneys Association, “California is suffering from
an unprecedented increase in all types of thefts, including organized retail theft, smash
and grabs, and vehicle theft, which negatively affects all Californians, including crime
victims, consumers, and business owners. Lowering the threshold amount so that felony
grand theft may be charged for thefts that exceed $400, instead of misdemeanor petty
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theft, will permit convicted thieves, especially repeat offenders, to be held properly
accountable by authorizing judges to impose appropriate punishment.”
Registered Supporters Include: Arcadia Police Officers Association, Association for Los
Angeles Deputy Sheriffs, Burbank Police Officers' Association, California District
Attorneys Association, California Retailers Association, California State Sheriffs'
Association, City of Camarillo, City of Santa Clarita, Claremont Police Officers
Association, Corona Police Officers Association, Culver City Police Officers'
Association, Fullerton Police Officers' Association, Inglewood Police Officers
Association, Los Angeles School Police Officers Association, Newport Beach Police
Association, Palos Verdes Police Officers Association, Peace Officers Research
Association of California (PORAC), Placer County Deputy Sheriffs' Association,
Pomona Police Officer Association, Riverside County Sheriff's Office, Riverside Police
Officers Association
According to the Californians for Safety and Justice, “Prop. 47 does not prevent
prosecutors from charging those who participate in organized retail theft with felonies.
Political rhetoric notwithstanding, California’s current theft laws are in fact harsher than
those in many other states. In at least 25 states, the threshold for charging a felony
shoplifting is $1000 or higher. In South Carolina and Texas, states not known for being
“soft on crime”, theft cannot be charged as a felony unless the amount of loss is at least
$2,000 or $2,500 respectively. It is also important to note that less than 10% of all thefts
are cleared by the arrest and conviction of the suspect.
“Significantly, rolling California’s felony theft threshold back to $400 would once again
dramatically increase incarceration rates, leaving the state vulnerable to falling out of
compliance with the prison system’s population cap mandated by the federal judiciary.
Increasing incarceration rates would also eliminate the more than $1 billion Prop. 47 is
expected to save each decade in perpetuity, savings that are required to be reallocated
back to local, community-based programs proven to more effectively prevent crime and
harm, like drug treatment, mental health services, re-entry services and programs that
help crime victims heal.
“AB 1603 nonetheless proposes to impose long prison sentences by reducing the amount
needed to charge a felony to $400. Such an attempt is not justified by actual crime data,
flies in the face of sensible criminal justice reform, and would force counties to shoulder
the cost of imprisoning more people for years, at great human and fiscal expense.”
Registered Opponents Include: A New Way of Life Re-entry Project, ACLU California
Action (UNREG), All of Us or None Los Angeles, Alliance San Diego, Anti Recidivism
Coalition, Aouon Orange County, Bend the Arc: Jewish Action, Blameless and Forever
Free Ministries, California Attorneys for Criminal Justice, California Calls, California
Coalition for Women Prisoners, California Public Defenders Association, Californians
for Safety and Justice, Californians United for A Responsible Budget, Center for Living
and Learning, Central Coast Alliance United for A Sustainable Economy, Chrysalis
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Center, the Communities United for Restorative Youth Justice (CURYJ), Congregations
Organized for Prophetic Engagement (COPE), Courage California, Dolores Huerta
Foundation, Ella Baker Center for Human Rights, Faith in The Valley, Friends
Committee on Legislation of California, Initiate Justice, Legal Services for Prisoners
With Children, Milpa (motivating Individual Leadership for Public Advancement),
National Institute for Criminal Justice Reform, Oakland Rising, Pico California, Root &
Rebound, Rubicon Programs, San Francisco Public Defender, Starting Over, INC.,
Strategic Concepts in Organizing and Policy Education, Underground Scholars Initiative
(USI) At UC San Diego, Underground Scholars Initiative At UC Riverside, Underground
Scholars Initiative UC Santa Barbara, Underground Scholars Initiative, University of
California Davis, Underground Scholars Initiative, University of California Los Angeles,
Urban Peace Movement, Wlcac Re-entry
AB 1603 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Public Safety.
Legislative Platform:
This bill falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Health & Public Safety
Section, page 6, item #8, “Monitor legislation related to organized retail theft, as well as
modifications to the definition of petty theft and petty theft value limits.”. It also falls
under page 2, Guiding Principle #5, “In addition, the City supports federal and state
assistance for local law enforcement, as well as any measures that would help contribute
to local public safety and mental well-being, such as support for parks and open spaces.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt a watch position on AB 1603
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Agenda Item
22-10626 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 6.
Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 2449 (Rubio) Local Agencies: Teleconferences
Adopt a support position on AB 2449 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state legislature
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Bill Information:
The official text of AB 2449 can be found here 1:
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Newsom originally issued a series of
Executive Orders to expand public access to meetings of local agencies by suspending
some of the restrictions on teleconferencing. The expiration of the Executive Orders
immediately gave way to the new AB 361 (Chapter 165, statutes of 2021), essentially
allowing for the teleconference provisions detailed in the Executive Orders to continue
during a period of emergency declaration. However, once an emergency declaration has
ended, local agencies will again be required to comply with the provisions of the previous
Existing law, until January 1, 2024, authorizes a local agency to use teleconferencing
without complying with those specified teleconferencing requirements in specified
circumstances when a declared state of emergency is in effect, or in other situations
related to public health.
AB 2449 would authorize a local agency to use teleconferencing without complying with
those specified teleconferencing requirements if at least a quorum of the members of the
legislative body participates in person from a singular location clearly identified on the
agenda that is open to the public and situated within the local agency’s jurisdiction. The
bill would impose prescribed requirements for this exception relating to notice, agendas,
the means and manner of access, and procedures for disruptions. The bill would require
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the legislative body to implement a procedure for receiving and swiftly resolving requests
for reasonable accommodation for individuals with disabilities, consistent with federal
AB 2449 will revise notice requirements to allow for greater public participation in
teleconference meetings of local agencies. The bill does not require teleconferencing,
rather it modernizes existing law to ensure greater public participation in meetings of the
legislative bodies who choose to utilize teleconferencing.
Since AB 2449 has not yet been set for hearing, an official list of supporters is not yet
Since AB 2449 has not yet been set for hearing, an official list of opponents is not yet
AB 2449 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Local Government.
Legislative Platform:
This bill falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Government
Transparency Section pages 5-6, Item #1, “The City supports government transparency,
public access to required meetings and records, and legislation that facilitates these
principles while still allowing for necessary municipal operations and services.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt a support position on AB 2449 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state
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Agenda Item
22-10627 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 7.
Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 1944 (Lee and Garcia) Local Government:
Open and Public Meetings
Adopt a support position on AB 1944 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state legislature
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Bill Information:
The official text of AB 1944 can be found here1:
In response to the COVID-19 pandemic, Governor Newsom originally issued a series of
Executive Orders to expand public access to meetings of local agencies by suspending
some of the restrictions on teleconferencing. The expiration of the Executive Orders
immediately gave way to the new AB 361 (Chapter 165, statutes of 2021), essentially
allowing for the teleconference provisions detailed in the Executive Orders to continue
during a period of emergency declaration. However, once an emergency declaration has
ended, local agencies will again be required to comply with the provisions of the previous
Existing law, until January 1, 2024, authorizes a local agency to use teleconferencing
without complying with those specified teleconferencing requirements in specified
circumstances when a declared state of emergency is in effect, or in other situations
related to public health.
AB 1944 would require local governments that elect to offer the option of virtual
participation in public meetings to provide a video stream to the public and the option for
public remote participation. In addition, the bill allows local governmental bodies that
meet remotely to waive a provision of the Brown Act that requires public officials to
disclose their private address if they intend to participate in meetings virtually.
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Since AB 1944 has not yet been set for hearing, an official list of supporters is not yet
Since AB 1944 has not yet been set for hearing, an official list of opponents is not yet
AB 1944 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Local Government.
Legislative Platform:
This bill falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Government
Transparency Section pages 5-6, Item #1 “The City supports government transparency,
public access to required meetings and records, and legislation that facilitates these
principles while still allowing for necessary municipal operations and services.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt a support position on AB 1944 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state
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Agenda Item
22-10628 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 8.
Subject: Consider adopting a position on Senate Bill 1100 (Cortese) Open Meetings: Orderly Conduct
Adopt a support position on SB 1100 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state legislature
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Bill Information:
The official text of SB 1100 can be found here1:
This bill would authorize the members of the legislative body conducting a meeting to
remove an individual for willfully interrupting the meeting. The bill, except as provided,
would require removal to be preceded by a warning by the presiding member of the
legislative body, a request that the individual curtail their disruptive behavior or be
subject to removal, and a reasonable opportunity to respond to the warning. The bill
would similarly require a warning, a request that the individual curtail their disruptive
behavior or be subject to removal, and a reasonable opportunity to respond to the warning
before clearing a meeting room for willful interruptions by a group or groups. The bill
would define "willfully interrupting" to mean intentionally engaging in behavior during a
meeting of a legislative body that substantially impairs or renders infeasible the orderly
conduct of the meeting.
Senator Cortese states, “This is for the safety of our public, and the safety of our public
officials, across California, public officials and attendees continue to deal with disorderly
conduct during meetings at such a high magnitude that critical business and the
legislative process as a whole has become significantly impaired.”
Assemblymember Low, a Principal Co-Author on SB 1100, stated: “It is critical for us to
have transparency in the legislative process while also ensuring that we maintain the
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safety of the public and our public officials who continue to support our community each
and every day”.
Registered Supporters Include: California State Association of Counties (CO-
SPONSOR), Urban Counties of California (CO- SPONSOR), California Special Districts
Association, Silicon Valley Clean Energy, Town of Los Gatos
Since SB 1100 has not yet been set for hearing, an official list of opponents is not yet
SB 1100 was heard on March 21 and was double referred to the Senate Judiciary
Legislative Platform:
This bill falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Government
Transparency Section, pages 5-6, Item #1, “The City supports government transparency,
public access to required meetings and records, and legislation that facilitates these
principles while still allowing for necessary municipal operations and services.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt a support position on SB 1100 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state
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Agenda Item
22-10629 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 9.
Subject: Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 2762 (Bloom) Housing: Parking Lots
Adopt an oppose position on AB 2762 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state legislature
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Bill Information:
The official text of AB 2762 can be found here1:
Existing law, the Planning and Zoning Law, requires each county and city to adopt a
comprehensive, long-term general plan for the physical development of the county or
city, and specified land outside boundaries, that includes, among other mandatory
elements, a housing element.
This bill would state that it is the intent of the Legislature to enact subsequent legislation
that would allow local agencies to build affordable housing on parking lots that serve
public parks and recreational facilities.
Since AB 2762 has not yet been heard, an official list of supporters is not yet available.
AB 2762 is overly generalized and indicates that subsequent legislation, hereto unknown,
would be created. Further the stated intent of the bill could create barriers to the
meaningful use of parks and open spaces by reducing the capacity of those facilities to
accommodate the public.
As local jurisdictions race to fulfill Regional Housing Needs Assessment (RHNA)
quotas, the parking lots of parks and open spaces could be misused or abused in order to
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meet housing plan obligations and run contrary to the state’s efforts to secure and expand
public access to parks and open spaces through the Parks and Water Bond Act,
Proposition 68, which was approved by the voters in June 2018.
Registered Opposition: City of Torrance
AB 2762 is pending referral to committee.
Legislative Platform:
This bill falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Housing & Community
Development Section, page 7, Item #2, “Oppose legislation that may reduce municipal
authority, with an emphasis on land use policy, local review, and design standards.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt an oppose position on AB 2762 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state
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Agenda Item
22-10632 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 10.
Subject:Consider adopting a position on Assembly Bill 2164 (Lee) Disability access
Adopt a support position on AB 2164 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state legislature
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Bill Information:
The official text of AB 2164 can be found here1:
AB 2164 proposes to increase certainty in ADA compliance and support for small
businesses in their efforts to remain accessible and avoid legal action.
Existing law states that, on and after January 1, 2018, and until December 31, 2023, any
applicant for an original or renewed local business license, equivalent instrument, or
permit, shall pay an additional fee of $4 for that license, instrument, or permit to the
jurisdiction that issued it. Commencing January 1, 2024, that fee will be reduced to $1.
Existing law requires the jurisdiction to collect and deposit the fees for specified purposes
related to disability access, including the Certified Access Specialist Program (CASp)
Certification and Training Fund, as well as the Division of the State Architect’s (DSA’s)
Disability Access and Education Revolving Fund.
AB 2164 would repeal the provision reducing the fee to $1 commencing January 1, 2024,
thereby extending the operation of this fee at the amount of $4 indefinitely.
Budgeting certainty is a critical element of local government decision-making on whether
to create or continue programs. By removing the uncertainty that the existing sunset date
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provides, AB 2164 would allow local governments to continue and improve their
Certified Access Specialist programs (CASp), thereby assisting more small businesses
and increasing overall compliance. Additionally, AB 2164 would reduce by 20% the
amount of funding required for administrative costs, which would instead be put towards
CASp certification and training, which puts money where it is most impactful and most
needed and would also benefit from increasing compliance and reducing lawsuits.
Registered Supporters Include: City of San Jose (sponsor), California Business Properties
Association, California Chamber of Commerce, Consumer Attorneys of California,
Cupertino Chamber of Commerce, Disability Rights California, Fremont Chamber of
Commerce, San Jose Chamber of Commerce
Since AB 2164 has not yet been heard, an official list of opponents is not yet available.
AB 2164 has been referred to the Assembly Committee on Judiciary and is scheduled to
be heard on March 22nd, which is the first policy committee hearing.
Legislative Platform:
This bill falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Health & Public Safety
Section, page 6, Item #3, “Support legislation to provide funding and services for
vulnerable populations.” It also falls under Guiding Principle #5 page 2, “The City
supports legislation that protects and enhances services to the City’s most vulnerable
populations, such as the economically disadvantaged, elderly, homeless, and disabled.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt a support position on AB 2164 and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state
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Agenda Item
22-10630 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 11.
Subject: Consider adopting a position on the California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations
Adopt a support position on the California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative and
authorize the Mayor to send letters to the state legislature
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DATE: MARCH 24, 2022
Initiative Information:
The California Plastic Waste Reduction Regulations Initiative has qualified for
the ballot in California as an initiated state statute for November 8, 2022.
Initiative Summary:
The ballot initiative would require the California Department of Resources, Recycling,
and Recovery (CalRecycle), in consultation with other agencies, to adopt regulations that
reduce the use of single-use plastic packaging and foodware, including:
• requiring producers to ensure that single-use plastic packaging and foodware is
recyclable, reusable, refillable, or compostable by 2030;
• requiring producers to reduce or eliminate single-use plastic packaging or
foodware that CalRecycle determines is unnecessary for product or food item
• requiring producers to reduce the amount of single-use plastic packaging and
foodware sold in California by at least 25 percent by 2030;
• requiring producers to use recycled content and renewable materials in the
production of single-use plastic packaging and foodware;
• establishing "mechanisms for convenient consumer access to recycling,"
including take-back programs and deposits;
• establishing and enforcing labeling standards to support the sorting of discarded
single-use plastic packaging and foodware; and
• prohibiting food vendors from distributing expanded polystyrene food service
The ballot initiative would also enact a fee, called the California Plastic Pollution
Reduction Fee, on single-use plastic packaging and foodware. CalRecycle would
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determine the fee amount with a maximum amount of one-cent per item of packaging or
foodware. Beginning in 2030, the fee would be adjusted based on changes in the
California Consumer Price Index.
A "yes" vote supports this ballot initiative to require CalRecycle to adopt regulations that
reduce the use of single-use plastic packaging and enact a maximum one-cent per item
fee on single-use plastic packaging and foodware, with revenue from the fee distributed
to CalRecycle, the California Natural Resources Agency, and local governments.
A "no" vote opposes this ballot initiative, thus not requiring CalRecycle to adopt
regulations that reduce the use of single-use plastic packaging nor enacting a fee on
single-use plastic packaging and foodware.
Fiscal Impact:
State revenue is likely to increase by a few billion dollars annually from new tax on
single-use plastic packaging and foodware. Revenues would be used to administer and
implement programs intended to reduce waste, increase recycling, and restore habitats.
The net effect on local governments is currently unknown. There would likely be
increased costs for waste collecting and sorting, which might be partially or fully offset
by new tax revenue payments from producers to support recycling, or lower costs
associated with a reduction in total plastic waste collected.
Revenue from the fee would be distributed to CalRecycle, the California Natural
Resources Agency, and local governments as follows:
• 50% to CalRecycle for implementing and enforcing the measure and providing
funds for statewide recycling, reduction, and composting efforts;
• 30% to the California Natural Resources Agency for state and local grants to
address the environmental impacts of plastic pollution, such as habitat restoration;
• 20% to local governments for recycling and composting programs and plastic
pollution mitigation.
Registered Supporters Include:
• State Assemblymember Luz Maria Rivas (D)
• Recology, Inc.
• Corn Refiners Association
• Natural Resources Defense Council
• Save The Bay
• Surfrider Foundation
• The Nature Conservancy
Registered Opponents Include:
• American Chemistry Council
The initiative has qualified for the November 8, 2022 ballot.
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Legislative Platform:
This initiative falls under Cupertino’s 2022 Legislative Platform in the Environmental
Protection Section, page 5, Item #7, “Support legislation to reduce plastic waste and
single-use plastics, such as plastic bags and containers.”
Recommended Action:
Adopt a support position on the initiative and authorize the Mayor to send letters to the
state legislature.
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Agenda Item
22-10624 Agenda Date: 3/24/2022
Agenda #: 12.
Subject: Discuss Special LRC Meeting: Legislative Process 101
Discuss Special LRC Meeting: Legislative Process 101
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