CC 12-21-2021 Oral Communications_Written CommunicationsCC 12-21-21
Written Comments
From:Jenny Griffin
To:City of Cupertino Planning Commission; City Clerk
Subject:Fwd: Housing Element and Role of ABAG, MTC and HCD
Date:Thursday, December 9, 2021 10:40:53 AM
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FYI. Please include in the Public Record. Thank you very much.
-------- Original Message --------
Subject: Housing Element and Role of ABAG, MTC and HCD
From: Jenny Griffin <>
Sent: Thursday, December 9, 2021, 10:38 AM
Dear City Council:
I think it is important for the city to start asking questions about the role of ABAG,
HTC and HAD in the new Housing Laws and RHNA and the Housing Element.
As we roll into the Housing Element, it is important to try to examine the issues of
The CASA Compact and Plan Bay Area and how they have influenced or are influencing
The RHNA numbers etc.
There has been a lot that has been hidden or not discussed about the role of these entities
In the Housing Laws and the inflation of the RHNA numbers. I will imagine much of
This will come out in the examination of the Housing Element, but it needs to be
Discussed in the open because it influences everything that is happening in this
I fully expect that next year there will be bills introduced and passed that will eliminate
Parking in the state and will not allow people to drive. The public will have no
Say in this.
This type of government in this state cannot continue. The public has to be included in
The discussion or else it is time to get a new government or vote out current state level
Politicians because not all of the public are leaving the state which is the message
The current state level politicians and the governor sending. If you leave in the state
Now, leave. You are not wanted here.
This is the message the current state government is sending with the Housing Laws,
Elevated RHN A and behavior of HCD, ABAG and MTC: current residents, leave the state.
Probably time to get new state government and new state level politicians.
Thank you.
Jennifer Griffin