CC 11-02-2021 Study Session Item No. 1 SB 9 Objective Standards and Regulations_Written CommunicationsCC 11-02-21
Study Session #1
SB 9 Objective
Standards and
Written Comments
Cyrah Caburian
From:Jennifer Griffin <>
Sent:Tuesday, November 2, 2021 3:59 PM
To:City Council
Subject:SB 9 Study Session on November 2021
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Dear City Council:
I find SB 9 to be objectionable in every context and in every way
possible. There is no way this bill could ever be rewritten to make
it even usable, except as an example of how far gone the laws in
California have gone astray to allow a travesty like SB 9 to
be inflicted on the public of California.
The bill is insulting to the public and seems to be as if a communistic
entity had taken over the state in that sections of SB 9 are supposed to be
invoked ministerially and "by right" on the public, This type of approach
to the public is insulting and demeaning and acts as if the public has no
intelligence to recognize how much their rights are being taken away and
as well as their voice to be heard.
SB 9 as well as its fiendish cousin SB 10 are unconstitutional and makes
a mockery of the California legal system. So there are no public
hearings allowed under SB 9? Wow! What sort of Stalinistic group came
up with this baloney? Neighbors always have a right to ask what
is going on, especially when it comes to what is being built adjacent to
their property.
SB 9 is an example of Special Interests getting lots of money to pass
totally unconstitutional bills and making the California Legislature their
Private Play Ground.
The reason the public is being excluded from making comments on these
outlandish bills as SB 9 (and SB 10) is that, apparently, the public is the
only entity as a whole who can see through the fallacies of these bills.
That is why the authors of the bills don't want the public to be able
to say anything. These bills are a total give away to developers and
Special Interests and the areas being given away are the cities, the neighborhoods
and local control of California.
The public is bright enough to see SB 9 (and SB 10) for what they are, and the
public demands that SB 9 (SB 10) be rescinded.
SB 9 and SB 10 are an affront to every person in California and make a
mockery of any type of democratic legislation in this state.
Thank you.
Jennifer Griffin