U-1991-01b Cit� af Cupertiro 70300 Torre Avenue P'�'BOi� Cupertino,CA 95014dZ55 Cupertino,CA 95075ASB0 Teiephone:I�1 252-1505 FAX:I<OB1252A79 � DEPARTtvtENT OF THE CITY CLERK ' Apri2 16, 1991 Qaiq Bak,er 21680 Lcmi.ta Avernle Cupertino, California 95014 CTi'Y OQ]NCIL ACPI�I - 1-U-91 -USE PFIII�Y TO OPERATE AN AUPQ�'Y7PIVE REPAgt SF�P IN AN F•7�STIrIG �)IZaING Q]RRF2li3,Y IACATID Wt�III1 THE OOIJNPY OF SANPA CLAFtA; IpC�TID AT lOZBO TMa�tTAT.p��C7E At theis regtllar teeetincJ of z�1 15� 1991, the Q�pertiTyo City Council qranted a negativa declaratioas ancl apprwed Application 1-U-91 per Plazmirig Camntssion Resolution No. 4335 (amended) with the follawing coryditions: SECPION IZI OONDITIONS ALI�IINI9fII�ID BSt Tf� R]BISC WORKS DEPA�IJr • 1. CVIrDE-SAC DIDICATION � P�operty v,mer shall dedicate to tha City of Qipertino larid to pulgill the Monta Vista Specific Plan cul�e-sac, planned for the front portion of said pazeel. �e dedication shall be ccmplated prior to occupatio� of tha buildirrf. 2he dedication shall be provided in aocoxdarre with City Staix9anis ar�d specifications and as required bY the City F�xJir�eer. SECPION IV OdNDITiONS AI.t�IINiSTEFtED HY THE O�MltR1ITY OEVELAH�I�Tr I7EFT 2. APPRWID E}ffiIHTTS 2he x�eridation of approval is ba-sed am Site Plan 1-A, dated April 1, 1991, except as may be attwsyd�ad bY the cot�ditions oor[tained in tr,fa resolution. 3. NE�DIF'ICATIOPI OF APPRAVID DEVELl�FMFNP FLAN In the event that the applicant or subsenuesit pzoperty a,mer shall desire to make any mix�or c1�xJes, alterations or amer�nent of the approved cievelopdent plan, a written request or revised develc�snent plan shall be submitted to the Director of Plazuzing and Developnent. IP tha Director makes a findi� that the changes ara mirior arYi do not , result in a material efPect upon tha appearance or Ru�ctian of the � Project,� said c2�ir�ges may ba certified on the ravised plan. If apprwal of said chan4es is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the P1aruLirig O�issiam. If the Dix+ector find.s that the requested chaixJes az'e material, suc'h clx�nges shall be referred to the Planning Camaissian for appzwal. if the chanqes are denied by the Planning C�mnission, the applicant may appeat to }fip City �au�cil as provided in City Otdinance No. 652. 4. t�4�SONRY�'IALd+ A masoniy wall shall be pzwided om the project's mutual vau�dazy with the �psie�.+�ia�ly yoned pzvpexty sulth. 'II�e wall sha7.1 extenl the � entire length oP the south px+operty line. Said�.rall shall be at least six feet in heic�t as „w�Q1,,� fxran hiqhest adjoinit�g grade. Zhe �rall shall be painted to blend in with tha building. Zhe color st�all ba appxwed by the P,rrhitectuz-al ard Site Approval C�tttee. 5. �� pyr}cinq shall be p�vvided at a ratio of 1 space for every 450 gross square feet of builditx� area, with a miniimm► of 6 on-site parkinq spaces. No ofP-site garkir�g is alla�red for ee�loyees or vehicles baix�g sezvioed at the shop. Vehicles being stored on-site overnight shall ba placed within the builcliixJ. 6. IAI�7IlSCAPE REVg47 The applicant shall sulanit a ccanprehensive larrLScape ani irrigatiom x plan to tha Architectural ar�d Site Approval Camaittze for review ar�d approval. Zhe applicant shall provide drouc�t resistant, a�ature plantinq material,, oa�atible with the City of Q�pertino XexiscaPe c�idelir�es. 7he installation shall ba prior to initiation of said Usa Pertnit. �. usE Ln�rAzzoNs Zhe zpplicarst is approved for a mirror autc�otive repair shoP. includi�: brake z�epaix'. t�e ups� o� �XJes, electrical work, qea�era� mairstes�az�oe and light engine z'epair. All repair operations. air �ressor machinery arid similar davices shall be restrictsd to the irrt.esior of the buildinq. Zhe s1�oP may oper1 at 7:00 a.m. with no w�ork �;*� d,one befora 8:00 a.m. All wcrk must stap at 5:30 p.m., but �nploy�e�es taay stay �til 6:30 p.m. �era shall be rso work doa�e on SatuxdaY ard S�mdaY. �e usa of powex' tools shall not occur before 5:00 a.m. or after 5:30 p.m. Outdoor storaga of pazts, tools ar supplies is pmhibited. S. LIC�iPIl'iG 'Ihe dFolicattt shall pZovlde a lightitx! Plan, with plotted 1»+^inaira data� plotted bl' a lightit�CJ �n�ltattt, for review and approval bi' the �- Archit,�al arid Site Approval oa�tttee. 4ha lightiixJ shwld not intrude oarto the adjoining pxoperties scuth arrl west. The purno�e oP the �i�m3� is to Provide adequate ligiit for the parkitxJ lot duriryg busin�s nwxs. 9. AR��TF�I[7RE �he a�llcam st�a11 pzcvide a daible row of colored tiles arau�d the rooflir�e. 'Ihe exict Plac�nent arid color of both awnin4�ttee. The + appzweci by the Prchttectural and Site Approval ir��tallrtiGR1 of the tiles ard awnirygs shall be oanpleted prior to initiatsn of the �ject use �*�+n;t. l0. GARBAG� �CL�[71� �he pr�oe,ed location of tiva gaziaage bin im�st be revie�sad ard approved � by the Zos Altos GarbaYe Ca�anY for accessibility. Zf the bin is to be mwa3 towazd the street, an es�closure must be constructed of concrete block material with a scree��ed 4ate. �e exict material type arid lxr`t.ion shall be approved bY staff. 11. GATE If P�tc.'z'e enttance 4atin9 is P�� the placen�tt, material type. calor �d coaifo=ma�e with Central Fire District requix�nents shall be reviewec: and appxwed fi' s�ff. 12. VALIDITY UPON Atalf��,TI�I 'Ihe subject tisa permit shall becane effective u� the date on which annexition of tha subject site to tha City oE Npertino is certified. Business activity shall not cmaner�oe prior to that date. 13. H[TZLaING F�IIT � . Zhe applicartt shall work with the Huilding De�artinerst arrd the Central .. Fire District in obtaining building �*�+nits for the peraianent closure of wir�dow openirr�s alo� the south wall plane. Please xavie�► oa�3itims caxe_t+,�ly. If you have anY q�tians LEgaid�rxJ t2�e omditi.cas oP appmoval R1e�5e o�tact the Depar�ent oE �mitY Devela�ent staff m�Uexs fo� clarificatirn. P`ailtse to inoo�pmate aondit3,ms inta yots glan set will �lt in delays at the p11n c�eGct� stac3e. IP devela�att oQxiitims =equire tree p�+�ecvatia�s. do mt clear the site tmtil x�ec;uirefl tr+ee�f�*a�• detrioes aza installed. The expiration date for the use �*+�it is April 15, 1993 (Section 6.4 of oaiinance No. 652 as revised by Ordinanoe No. 1136). S y, ��¢� DOlY�iY , QHC CrTY CLF1tFC cc: r��ar+„w;,t of CY�mmity Develqsnpnt Depart�ent of Pub11c Works � .• Bill McBee �1�e.rtino Sanitary District 20065 Stevens Cree.k Boule�raYd Qipertino, CA 95014 R�CIc EYdt�T�rar�al i 20686 Rcdrigu�s Avenue Q�ex�tit�o, CA 95014 " 1�J-91 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 To�re Av�n�e Q�peitjno, California 95014 gF5pLL7IZCN No. 4335 OF � PiAHI1ING OCI�IISSI�N OF� CrP7f OF WP�IIJO APPRO�Ta1G A USE PFIdZPT R� OPFRATE AN AUICI'DTNE RFPAIR FACIISTY WI�f�AN F�STING 2,614 9Q.FT. BUIIDING cEr_rrQ7 I• F�iDII�CS FII�tFAS, t2�e Platuli� amnission of the City oP G�pertino reoeived en application fcs a Use Permit, as d�;ct'ibed a► Paqe 2 of thi.s F�esolutfon; and WF�S, the applicant has met the kxmdes of �Sroof required to a�ppcst said application.; and , �S, the Planning Ocnmissi� firxLs that the apQlicatirn meets the _ folla�rir�g re�,;*-��*a; a) 'ihat the use c¢� uses are in oanfo�uanoe with the C,e�ezal Plan of the City of CUpertim. b) �at the pr'opetty irnolved is adeqaate in size arxi shape to aoc�oclate the pt�oposed use. c) �at the �q�osed use will mt 4e�ate a level of traffic over and above that of the capacity of the existinq stx+eet syst�• d) '�at the �oposed use 3s athezwise not detrimental to the health, ��j,� �s ard gerrral welfare of pere,a'ss residirq ar war'kin4 in the neighbo�t►ood of sudi �Snpcsed uses, ns injtsiws to �Soperty and inp�oveaents in the nei�boarhood. NpW, ��CfftE. BE TT RF50L�7tD: 'Ihat after cazeful oorv^ideratirn of maps� facts, e�ibits, testimaiy and otr�es' evidenCe su�3ttecl iTi this In3ttesr the aPPliCatio[i fo� Use Pesmit is t,ereb�, reamoenaea fo� ap�wal, subiect to tr�e ocna3.tiocs which are era�erated in thts Ftasolutirn be4innin4 m P� 2 thereof; and 'Ihat tl�e suboa�clusiazs upai which the fir�din9s a�l oaxiiticc�s specified in this �e�-.�oluticn are based ard oa�tainad in the Public Heari�rnccQd �ernin? APPlication 1-CT-91 as set fo�th in the Minutes of tY�e P1a�iixJ . cr.,*�;�cirn Meeting of AFsil 8, 1991, and are iryoorcpo�ated bY refer�e as thoix�s fully set f�tYi herein. �� � F�olutial No. 4335 (1-i3-91) pq���yl F�age -2- SDGTICN IZ• PRi17DCT DFS�'IZON Applfcation rro: �-IS-gl AppliCant: �aia BakPr PL'OpL'L'ty Of+7fe2': �� FYa axamol i Iocation: �1680 7tmita Av�mie SDCPIGt1 III: �7D'�'r�[JS A[Ma�fZ�n.ID BY � PL�TC a n�nmw�,m 1. CUfrDE-SAC DIDICATION � P�P�s'tY �-t shall dedicate to the City of CUpettino land to fiilfill the Monte Vista SZ�acific Plan cul-de-sac. Planned fo� tt�e frait po�tion of said parcel. 'Ihe dedicat,irn shall be oca�leted �iar to ooaipation of the building. �e dedication shall be prc�ovided in aazQdarne with City sra�„�� arri s�eCificati�s and as x�equjred bY the City F]�gineet�- _ SDLTIa7 N:OONDITIONS AII�IINISPII2ID BY OQ�1[.iNITY DEVF��DPMENP DFPAKIMFNP 2. A�'P�7VFD F�� *�PS �e reoc�er�datirn of apFsoval is kx�sed on Site Plan 1-A, dated 1�2V�sed A�sil i, 1991, eJa7ept as ID3Y bE �eiY]03 b�r the pp�ditjoc� oontair►ed in this Re�-�olutim. CITl' INGINFS�12'S ��CATE OF ACl:�'1�2JCE OF FNGINEERING/SCIl�7EYING Q;.t�IDITICNS (Sectim 66474.10 CA. Gov't. O�de) 2 herek� �ertifY that the en4ineesfng and su.veying occditions specified in Seation IV of this Ftesolution oonfa�m to ger�erallY aooePt',ec1 en3ineex'incl practioes. ' !s/ Travice FhLttp.n Travioe Fh�itten, Deputy Dir. Of Public Wo�ks 3. bDDIFICAZZCN OF APPfiOVID D�IIOPMFNP PIAN In the event that the apQlicant o� su�equent ProPertY owner shall de.sira to make arty mirr_� d�n7es, alterations o� mner�nt of the aPFa�'�1 develoFs�ent plan, a written requ�st or revised deve.la�er�t plan shall be �itted to the Direeto� of Plaraiing and Develo�ettt. If the Dinectar makes a finding that the d�vx� are mitxs and do not result in a material affect upai the appeararyoe o� fw�ctim of the groject, said ctsarx3es msy be certified m the revised plan. If ap�rcoval of said d� is withheld, the applicant may appeal to the Planning ;�=im. /8"-S Fesolutian No. 4375 (1-�i3-91) 04/OB/91 Page -3- If the Directar fi�s that t1►e requested c3�arr�s are,mat.erial, sudi d�an,7es shall be referred to the Plannirig �;SGion Pcs app�wal. If the d�anges are dented by the Plarutirig rrmn;s�io�, the apQlicant may appeal to the City Cviuicil as prwided in City ordinanoe No. 652. 4. ?949Ct1�Y T��, A masoruy�ral.l shall be �wided rn the p�oject's m�tual boiu�daty with the residerrtially zor�ecl prc�oQerty South. Rhe wall shall extend the entix�e ler�th of the soutn prcoQerty ltne. saia vall shau bae at least six feet in heic�t as meaased fz^� hic,�t adjoini� cgade. Zhe wall' St�au be pa�ntea to bles,a it w�tn rr�e tuilair�g. �e oolo� sY�all t�e aPP�wed bY the Axr3sitect�l & Site Ap�swal 0.�mittee. 5. � TIIC Parking shall be p�ovided at a ratio of 1 space fo� eveiy 450 gro�s _ 9(�Udt"0 f�t Of bl7�ld�7K) a7.^E�� w�t21 d minimrm Of 6 OC!-s].tE+ paz'kI.TY� 9 spaoes. No off-site parlcirg is alla,aecl fo� �Qloyees cs vehicles being setvioed at the shop. Vehicles beir�g skoa.�ed arsite ovemight shall be plaoed within the buildir�g- 6. �e apQli�ar►t shall sulmit a onnp�er�sive �a„��� and irrigatirn � plan to the Ardiitectxual and Site ApQ�o�rdl Oc�ittee fo� review at�d apF�oval. 'ihe applicattt shall prwide drouc}ht resiste�tt� matase P��J material, o�ati.ble with the City of Npertino Xeriscape cUideli�s. �a i�-t�ation shall be �ior to initiation of said Use Permit. 7. USE LII�IITAATIONS - � 'Ihe applic�vit is app�'wed for a minar aut�otive reQair sl�oQ, inCludinq: lY'3ke Iepaiti'r ttime upsr oil chan3es� elec.�tric31 Wo�'k� ge�exal maintenat'�oe arri light engine r�epair. All x�epair operations, air o�Ss� mad�inery and similiar devioes shall be restrict.ed to the interio� of the buildirg. �he use of pow�er tmis sha..al.�l not ooaa' befare 8:00 a.m. cs after 5:30 p.m. Out.cloo� sto�'age of paL.�, tooLs o�' st�lies is prcohibited. 8. LSc3-II'ING 7Y�e applicarrt shall p�wlde a lic�tirx� plan, with plott.ed ltm�niwrP data, plotted by a lic�ttirr3 artisultant, fo� review azrl ap�wal by the Arrhitect.tisal & site Appraval GYmaittee. �e lightirg should mt irtttt�de ont.o the adjoini►xf p�operties Scuth and West. 7he pigpose of the lt9nting is the �oviae adern�ate light farc the parxi� lat aisirr3 busin�s hans. ���� F2�oltItia7 No. 4335 (1-U-91) 04/08/91 Page -4- 9. � 7he applicant shall pxrnide a dcxil�le row of oolo��ed tiles arauid the roofline. �e exict plaoenent and colar oP bath awninq and tile to be a�+ovad by the nrd►itect�sal arxl Site Apprcwal ammittee. Zhe irn-tallatiai of the tiles & awnings shall be cx�Qleted p�'ior to initiation of the sabject Use PeLmit. l0. �e p�opo�ed locatirn of the qarbage bin aust be reviewed & apFunved by the Los Altos Garba9e CXaQarty f�' aooessability. If the bin is to be mwed toward the street an e�clostu�e mtst be � to screen said can. Zhe enclosise stkill be oor�tructed of ooncrets block material with a screene�d qated. �e exict material type & location shall be apFu.ronned by staff. li. �, If futrrre Psrtranc,�e gatiix3 is �Sc�osed. 4he plao�erst, m3terial type, colcrc ard oonf�mar�oe with �al Fire Departmettt reqi�s^�e�rts st�all be revies.ed at�d appu_vvad by staff. 12. VALIDI'I'Y UPCN A1d7F94�TI0N 2he subject tJse Per�it shall beoc�e effeckive upon the date on which armexitiai of the subject site to the City of a�extino is oertified. Busines.s activity shall not oa�ence Fsio¢� to that date. ].3. HUIIDI2JG PF3d2IT �e apQlicant shall wo�k with the Building De�artrnent and the Oentral Fire District in obtai n;.,� buildir� petmits far the permanent clasin�e of window openings ala�g the scuth wall plane. PASSfD APID ADOPTID this 8th day of Ap�il, 1991 at a Regular Meeting of the pianninq �mi cciai of t21E City of �?T*+�*�ky the folloWing lroll cal7 wt.e: AYFS: QM'IIS.SIQZFRS: Al35t171r I"I�t�12yr 2�tII1 & Qlairman MdC�SP.21Zie NOFS: QT�l�ffSSICNFIiS: FazpY'1G ABSIAIN: Q:M3ISSICNFItS: AB.SFNP: CL'.M�IISSIQJfRS: ATI�SP: AP'Pf2�7ID: /s/ Robert cxxran /s/ Da�ald MarJce.nzie Robest Cb�ran Da�ald Mac3cenzie, Q�airaan Directar of Oonmmity Developmesct �pertim Plaruung ^^-�^;=-im pct�/i-LT-91 ��� CitH af C�+pertino r.o.ear seo 107(10 Torre Avenue ��p���i�o,CA 95D1S•0580 Cupc��ino,CA 9501�-3255 lclephune:NOB)252•4505 fA%:µ08)252-015] � � COMMUNITY DEVFIOPMENT � At�+,� 27, 1991 Craig Baker . 21680 Lanita Avenue � CUpettino, CA 95014 ' SUbject: Application 1-U-91 - f.Yai4 BalcPs . 'ri+ia letter will o�firm the decisiaa� of the Architec.t�al and Site Apprcnral �¢nitt.ee given at its regular meetirXJ of August 26, 1991. 4he subject apQlication yras app�oved per the oomditions specified in the enclosecl oopy of ASAC Resolution No. 1636. �e decision oE the Atr.hit�al arrl site Approval O�tittee is final unless a�ealed in writing, wi.thin five worki�days fz+an date of decision, to City Clerk's office. Sinoerely, . Rob lat�d� . Plaru�er II Fhclosure cc Rick FYatarcangeli asac/bakerlu9 - 1-U-91 RESpIdTPION N0. 1636 OF� ARC3�[kiAI+ ATID SITE APPIt�VAL OQ�II+IIT�E� OF 72� GTiSi OF GUPE�CiTNO REXJCY�PgSID1NG APPROVAL EL�R II�SCAPING, F.�TDCiVRAI.�DETAII6 AND LIQQ�JG FOR A P12F.'VIOUSLY APPFL�/FD RF�AIE2 SHOP. APPiSCANr: cxaig Baker. . PROPFT3�'Y 04d1IIi: Ric�c kYatarcar�geli AEyPLiCANP'S ADDFtES.S: 21680 Ianita AVernle, Q�pertira� CA. plb�7FJGT IpC�,TION: F�st side of Itcq�erial Avesnie, appxnximately 170 ft. sauth of Olive Avenue. FIlIDI2JGS: Zhe Arc3iitect�sal ard Site Approval oa�¢nittee firrLs as follc�ws with regard to thi.s application: 1) Zt�at the wlor of the masonry �rall, buildirg stripe, and awnir►g plaoezuent arrl color maet the are in good taste ard meet the ooa�ditions oE 1-U-91. 2y �at the Lightin3 Plan as corriitianed herein meets the wr►dition of 1-U-91. It also provides an adecluate amau►t of light so to not intrude upon adjoining residents and provide e�xx� 3ic�►t far safety p�uposes. 3) 'II�at tl�e iarr3�pe p].at1 as �.[r3lcat'�d on the e�ibits meets the intent of the Xexiscape guidelines. 4) Zhat the colored barr'1 along the roof line js painted on instead of wlored tlles in order to coincide with fihe adjoiniTm building to the north. �1DITIONS: 1-8) Stanlard Architectural arcl Site Approval Crn�iittee cotr3itions to the exte.nt that they do not conflfet with tlie special corxiitions ; listed herein. In the eva�t of oar�flict, the specific conditions listed herein shall prevail_ 9) �e ap�roval is hased upon site plan revised Ap�il 1, 1991 and letter fmn CYaig Baker dat�ed Auqust i. 1991 except as may be amarv��xl ]�r �dit3oTL9 enimieSat.ed 2kerefh. 10) 2he applicant shall install two low wattage wall mounted lights along the samd wall alor�g the sarth gropeLty line. Ftesolutiaa� No. ASAC 1-U-91 Page -2- pp,SSID At�ID ApOPiRD this 26th day of August, 1991 at a reqular meetiri9 of the �xr2�itectaar'al and Site Approval C7cmnittee of the City of Npertino, State oP Califcunia, bY the follc�wirx! roll call vate: AYES: 1�ffiF�t.S: Jac]csor►� Hootsie, Lim� Weber� & Iavios NAYS: �RS: pigSI�II�I: �ffiFRS: ABSFNP: �ffiE�RS: ATPESP: �ID: /s/ �anas R. Rnhill�� _ /s/ tric a Jackson Zhaoas R. Robillatd PdtriCia Jack.son� Q�aizwc�an Plaru►er II Arc3i. & Sits Appz'vl. oce�¢nittee asac/resiu9l • OPiVING MAOIINE rCUPERTiNO �UTO SERVICE S T01YiNG 49� Z�� // �//�—��/ —pR1yATE RES�DENT �QITINfiDATA$UMMAfiV ���p� ��•A � Y 1i Y � I HIGH PRESSURE SODiUu TR���� 95 75 `.�0.� 50 SO WATTS 70 BIN 1¢IGMT 12 F1. �' ��' AqEA COVERED It300 SQ Fx J Js��':•.� J SL�TES �OIAMETER OF 120 FT, OFFICE s !—O fN AUTO RiPAIR ! _,____ COVERAGE $ERVICE � `� - . �_r��': .,'+.. �ay � , � - �11lDING D�TA �',1141A/ARY ' � /' iozeo ioz�o azeol ioz90 rosoo � � SITF �RF� 6725 SG.fT. � CO��C�.ETE INDUS' BIDG IMPERIAL AVE '� -- T676 5� FT - EUILDING AREA 2676 50.FL " 10261 � �028� ��z9� PAPK�NG REQUIRED I I/JS0�1 5.9 AUTO � PARKiNG PROVtDED I 10•SCREEN COAIPACTf33i1 3 . �, pLANTING REGULAR g OFFICE < H/C I , I " �- TOTAL 9 . W > U � N . � n' 65� � � � � CAR8INI ELECTRIC � CO�+CRETE �} � 3 INUUSf.9LOG� I i; 6� = PLANTER BOX U Y TY A PRIVATE RESiDENT �+ � 0 7 a m � OPENING CLOSED UP = 4 0 ¢ �v � N S u o 0 W I ---� � J 01 C) Y O � _-i 4 � cJ J V �p I �.; '�l r�.�� N i � ....; .---. �__.. � � z .� 1 � Y 3 • . _... � = i ---- '--• . _ . a � ,�� � iu u � LEFT ELEVATION (S ) �'� `° 2 9� �� � (3ACK ELEVATION �W� 9 = �' .__�_ ; � ,, � � U AWNING 5%2�X 2� . AWNING a X 2 X 2� _ � - - - _ - -� �' TRELUS I?'%10 OJ�.DOf.RS , a LE�T DOCH INOPERABLE viNE � �( _ _ _ ���_ _ _ T ;; � � _ � - � ' ��WALL II —' .__... ' --"_— R.I!•EkIAI 4V[ _�_ � � CUPERTINO AUTO SERVICE d TOWiNG FRONT FLEVATION � E) B = '" '�` RIGHT ELEVATION (N) _� SITE_PLAN B='" �~ �i�'i:-� � .`"' __ � �IA•••