U-1989-10b . . �, . Citt� of Cupertino IOIIXI �one Menue P.O. Oo� SBO Cupciuno, Caliloinia 9501i Cupenioo. C�lilmof� 95015 Icicphanc: (4081 252•4505 Atx�ust 17, 1989 Jc�hn Delmaz 0 rtariani �evelqinent corp. Fot1r Ma1n Stzeet Ins Altos, CA 94022 � QTY 00(JNQZ AC.'IT� - AP'PLICATION 10-U-89 - USE P'FTddIT 'Il� 0.'8JS'IRiJCT AND OGCST1�St 195 UNiTS, 4-SZL'1RY APA�Slr STF37CZURE AND 147 ZERA IAT LII� i ��S - SdUIIff'ASP QOIa7FR OF Il�l�?7ZA HOUIEi/AFtD AND FiCX'�STFAD FtL�D i i 'ihis will oonEitm tha action by the City Oauycil at their meetir�q of �� Atx�ust 7, 1989 at which your Application 10-U-89 was approved per the � following corrtitions: ODNDITIONS AR�fI5TERED HY 'IHE PUSLIC WURKS bEPAF1II�NP 1. STRF�P IMF�C7VQ�NIS & DEDICATION Street widenirg, i�rovenrnts, and dedications st�ll be in a000rrlanca with city sra�r,as � specifications arid as required by the city ' F]�qineer. � 2. UJRB AND G(T!'PE3t II�7VfM�lIS ��bs ard gutters, sidewalks and related stn�ctures shall be installed in a000zdv�ce with grades ar�d starx9ards as specified by the City F1�qineer. 3. LIC�I'II4G Street lightirg fixtures shall be installed as directed by the C1ty E7�girieer. All on and off-site lighting shall be designecl to in no way interfere with adjacent areas and shall be ro higher than the maxiim�n height permitted by the zone in which the property is locatecl• 4. FIRE FIYiS2ANP Fire hydrants shall ba located as required by the City. -1- a I 5. �'F�C C1�t1I'FtAL SICd�IS Traffic control signs shall ba placed at locations specitied by the City. 6. STF2E6T TREfS l Stre,at trees shall be planted withih tha public right oP t�ray and ahall _ be of a type approved by the city in aocoxdance with ozdir�.vios 12s. 7. G�AD�T1G Grading shall be as approved arid requ.ized by the City F]�gir�aer in a000zdance with Ordinarx�e 214 (a) . j � B . A.� � Drait�age she►11 k+e provide�d to the satisfacti� oP the City E7�gir�eer. 9. ZJN�lJND Z7I?LSZ'IFS Zhe applicant shall ba zespw�sible for oc�lying with the z�equix�nents of the Undez�n�u�d Utility Ordirtiama No. ]31 and oth,er related ord.inances ard regulati�s oP the City o! Gvpertino, and shall make _ the r�ecessary artaixJanents with the utility oa�anies imrolved for the installaticm oE said facilities. 2he applicant shall sukmit a detailed plan showirg utility w�det9tuu�d Provisia�s. (This plan �st have prior approval oE the utility ocEq�nies arxi the City Enginer+s. ) 10. �VFIg2�TP AGREII�Ni' Zhe applicarct shall be responsible for oa�letir�q the site as stuywn on apprwed plot plan arxl shall be required to enter into an i�rovement agre�ent with the City of Npertim providi� for payment of necessary fees, includirig but tnt limited to cY�eckin3 ard in.�pection fees, storm drain fee, arrl tuidergratnd utility fee. Said agt�eenent shall be execvted prior to ths issuarr�e of a builditig �*�+++i t. 11. TftANSFO� S�G Electrical and telepho�e transformers shall be ��ed with ferycing and landscaPin9� ar �de�9rau�ded, such hhat they are not visible frcan public stt�eet areas. -2- yI � 12. 5EISMIC AND GDCIIIJGIC HAZARU6 TY�e applicant sriall retain an �gineering geologist to evaluate arrl mitigate pote�tial seisaic arxl geologic hazazds. Said geoloqic irrvestigatican shall ba oa�Q�leted prior to release oP buildinq permits. 13. C�ICATION OF FU�TFR LINFS � Zhe develc�per shall dedicate to the City all �raterlines ard ap� installed to City S*a*+�a��+ at�d shall reach an aqr�eem�ent with the appropriate water oa�any Por �ra.ter servioe to the subject develq�ent. 14. IIJGRF�S/E�S FASII�TIS 1•I Zhe applicant st�all x�eooni an appropriate deed restrictic� arxi ' owenatTt nuutincj with the larxi subject to apprnval of the city Attorney, Por all paz�cels which share a oa�t privats drive or private roaciuray with ona or more other parcels. Said cleed restriction shall provide for neoessary reciprocal ingress ar�d egres.s easeznents to ard fran the affecked paLroels. Said eas�tts shall be z�eoozded at such time as int,ez�est in one or more oP the afEected paroela is initially sold or trangferred to another party. �. 15. OCt�4�CJN ARFA Zha davelopnerYt rights to the � Area shall be dedicated to the City of Qipert.is�o in advaryoe of reoordatio� of the firral svbdivision map to ensure that operi space area is available to the entire develo�nerrt. 16. P'RIt/ATE STRF�IS Al1 applicable subsec,-tions of Sections 13.5 ard 13.6 of the R1C Orsiinanoa (Ordinanoe No. 664) regardirlg street i�rovement requis�ments aixi owenants shall apply to the sub j ect developner�t. 17. FIFtE ACC�SS LAt�T�S F�aezge.ncy fire aocess lar�es shall be reoozded as fire lana easements om the firsal map and shall meet Cpsltrdl Fire District statxia�Ls. -3- u I 18. F�ME70WNFFS ASSOCIATION DOGLR�4'NI5 Zhe tianaowners Associatlon doc�ertts, enablinq clec.laratiozi and condaninitun plan shall be approved by the pepai o! Planning and Develc�nerit arYi by the City Attorney prior to reooZdatiozi. 19. PIDFSTRIAN FASF2�TlNr � Pedestrian easea�er�ts wer the sicie�ralk area shall be prepared by the daveloper, apProved bY the city Attorney and reoozded aqainst the subject pzvperty prior to iesuance of buildi�xJ parmits. 20. QON�DCrQNxUM DIVISIGN )•I �he propetity may ba divided into 356 or Pewer o�sd�amini� units at the � discc�etion oP the developer or owr�er. Zhere shall be at least a�e (1) additional lat held in � ownership for each develq.ment area. 7he exict placecnent of interior oa*+itione may be modified subject to staff appzwal. 21. ABANDOt�fED FD�TER WEId+� Zhe property owne.r shall seal abandoa�eci or �nised Frater wells if the City, after consultatian with the Santa Clara Valley Water District, i determiries that said abardoned or untised rrater wells have a patential to wntamis�ate the water supQly. 22. S'IREET II�'RfNII�I�lIS On site and off site street i�rovesnents shall be irtq�l�ertked as ernmierated on the 1La'� below: 1) Siqnalizatiaa� at the irrtet�ection of Blue Jay �irt arxi Fiarestead Road to be fully paid by the cieveloper. 2) Northba.uYl riqht turn lana shall be installed at the intersection of DeAnza Boulevaxd and Hcmestead Road. ' 3) �e developer shall dedicate ric�t of way for three eastlx�uxi travel lanes for Hcmestead Raad arxi ooaLStn�ct two eastbou�'rd lanes. Siclewalks�shall be located back f� curb a sufficient distance to aoocIImbclate the third eastbotmd lane � Ha�stead gead subject to the review and apprwal of the Public Works pepartment. -4- � I 4) Zhe developer shall irutall medians and lat�dscapirg oat HatrP.stead Road, east of DeAnza Boulevard and cu1 DeAnza ffivd. swth ot Haro�stead Fioad to Hic�way 2eo, subjec� to the review ard approval � of the Public Works Deoarbmst. 5) 7he develaper shall install a westbo�ur.i riqht turn lane fran Haaestead I�d to mrt2�bo�nxl DpAnza Boulevani i! right of �ray pennits. • 6) A landsc-,aped median shail be installed an Blue Jay Drive. �e � median design shall be approved by the DireetAr of Public Wbrks. 7) 4he ffiue Jay Drive antxarre to the project shall be designed so as to pravent right turn movement9 wtus� exiting the project. aDNDITIONS AC2+�i�STERED SY 'Il� PLAI�Q�TBJG DEPA�T 23. AP�70Vf� E}Q�IIBI`I5 }'� Zhe z'ecamnixia�� oP appraval is based oa't Fsdzibits labeled eite plan dated bf23ye9 arrl all other plans and elevatio�s d�ar�ying Applicati� 10-U-89. 24. AOCLJSTICAL BARRIF.R Zhe project developer shall install a solid aooustical barriar (nascruy wall) at tha sarthe.rn perlmeter of tha site adjaoent to the �, Highway 280 ric�t-of-way. Said aowstical barrier sha.11 be ooatstructed in aacordarne with speciEications approved by the Direct.or of the Deparl3mirt of Plannirg and Develo(snertt to be oo�tsistent with the height of the so�u�wall plartneci alo�q ths boxder of the Northpoint develoFtnent arxi the freE.tiray right-of-waY eweept �ht-appbisarit-ma� ixtteg�.ate the--sotux�ll_eleme.rit-ittto-the strLwGtilreB_dloanq_*h� sc,�,tl� p�r_�-ir�e. Zhe scxtth so�dwall shall terminate at the surtYnrest oorner to mairttain visibility in to the corryer landscape are.a fnzn Pa��3 matorists on DeAnza Boulevard. 25. NOISE ATPFTJUATION 2he applicant shall irc�l�rent all of the noise attertivation measures detailed in the aooustical report prepared by Fdwazd L. Pack Associates, dat.ed May 2�, 19e9, to the ext.ent t2�at they agree with the a designs illustrated on the approved eadLibits. Zn instarirns where recrnunendations deviate from the design, the Director of Plannirig and Develc�nent shall review the deviatioai to determine if it is significant arid may approve the deviation or refer it back to +'� the Plannirig Oamnission for informal review arid approval. I All residential units sha11 ba subject to good quality construction practices and ingtallation of equip�nt, irticluding sealing of doors, windows ar�d frames and casings to ensure that the interior average day/night r�oise level does rwt exr_eed 45 d8A Ldn. 2G. �UDIF'ICATION OF APPRlJVID DEUEiAPt�NP PLAN � In the event that the applicant or si.�bsequent property owner shall desire to make a.ny minor c2�anges, alteratioa�s or a�oent oP tha approved develaps�errt plan, a written request or revised developnent plan shall be sulmitted to the Direc.�tor oE Plannir�g arrl Dzvelc�nt. If the Direct.or makes a Eirrlirig that the changea are mimr and do riot rnsult in a material affect t�n the appearance or ftuicticm oE the project, said chartiqes may ba certified o� the z^evised plan. IP 1.1 approvai oE said chariges is withheld, the apQlicant may appeal to the � Planning Crnanission. If the Director firKLs that the requested changes are material, sucks c2�,�riqes shall be referred to the Planning Ca�anissiom for apprwal. If the changes are denied by the Planning oc�aission, the applicant may " appeal to the City Cauticil as prwided in City Oniinanoe No. 652. If said changes are appraved by the Planning o�nissio�, an appeal may be mad�e to the City oauticil by an1' ��� P�Y• �r, anY Member of the City Cauicil may zequest a hearing before the City Canticil regazdirr3 said approved changes. Said z�equest shall ba made within ten (10) days fnm tl�e date of appzwal of said cha�x3es by the Planning 0.nmiissioal. 2'7. PRISTATE CE2IVES�AY ODVfN�1NP Zhe applicant shall L�aconi an appropriate dced restrictioal ard covenartt nuviing with the land for all paroels which share a c�man drivec�ra,y or private roadway with one or more othes pam+ls as depicted on the Dchibits of this application. Said deed restriction shall provide for necessary reciprocal i�x�ress/egress easements to arxi frcan the affected pa�els. Said easa�rents shall be recorded at such time as interest in one or more of the affect.ed paszels is initially sold or transferred to anothet party. -6- �� � 2e. Rww rv�xrrr�ru,rrce n.r,�xr A reciprocal tnainten3noe aqrement shall be required for all paroela whi�h share a� private drive or private roadway with oz�e or more other paroels within the txact. Said ayreement shall be z�eoorded in conjtmction with x�eoozdatian of the final maP� arxl shall be subject to • prior approval as to fo� arci content by the City Attoxney. � 24. FTRE ACC�SS LANES F�nexye�c-Y fire doc�ss lanes shall ba reco�lecl as fire lane easements cm the firs3l map arxi sttiill meet Cerxtlal F1xe Disttict stark9ards. 30. ��I�IDdWNFTtS ASSOCIATION DOQ]t�NIS 1 I I 2he Haneowners A�s�ciatio� doa.uirsts, et�ablir�g declaration ard � �iniwa plan shall be approved by the Depar�t of Plannircf and Develog�ent arxi by the City Attorney prior to i�ecozdatio�. �1. SO�.A�; Zhe applicant shall install plwnbirig cl�ses to facilitate Rrture ir�etatlatiarl of roof araulted solar water heatir�g davioes. Installativn of said devioes is optia�l. ``- 32. IANDSCAF�E REVIEW Zhe applicant shall sut.mit a oc�ag�z�ehensive larKLscape planti� plan for informal review by the Architectural and 51ts Appraval o�ittee prior to issuanoe of building pennits. 33. HISTURICAI, INVES'PIGA'I'ION Zhe applicants sha.11 oc�lete an irnestigatio� oE the historical significarr_e of the subject site and ir�rove�ne.nts th,ereo�n, and shall prepare a visual iriventory throuqh phoko4raphic or vt2u�s means of the structures and trees now present. Said irnestigation shall ba presented in writter form to tha Depart�nent of Planning and Developnent prior to issvance of buildinq permits. -7- yi 34. All existing structures o¢� the site shall ba z+eznoved prior to or oa�c,vrz�tly with project construction. Zhe developer shall asstuna the responsibility tc obtair, all req�.itrea aen,�litia, permits in a000r�iaryoe with City Ozdinances. ` 35. }�IQiP RATIO Zhe applicant shall irx:rease the setback to height mtio to achieve a 1 1/2 to oa�e relatio�ship alarg ticmestead F1nad. 36. Tx)F�IH DFAN7.A HGtJLEVARD PAF2F�+U�Y �� Zhe applicar►t shall shift the sidewalk on North DeAnza Boulavard � inboazd at least l0 ft,, to prwide a landscape par3a�ray er�oc�assir�q lawn area and a double row ot trees to provide a canapy effect ccutsistent with the landscapa degign etardazd.s for North DeAnza Boulevarsi. Muuxlirg sha.11 be gerttly elc�ed and shall twt e�aceed 2 ft. in height. Zhe final design shall be subject to stafP approval. 37. GAF�E DOOR OPfNF7LS Each of the sirgle-family duets in Ffiases I arrl III shall have an •� autanatic door oparx+x to ensure use of garaqes for auto parkirg. 38. IANDSCAPIIJGlLICa-TPIlJG/FFNCING/SIDEWAIX PLAN Zhe applicant shall return to the Azrhitectural and Site Approval Caimiittee for formal appnoval of the fir�l landscaping, liqhting, ferycing, and sidewalk plan. 39. � A recipmcal parkirx,� aqreenw�t shall be prepared enabling residents/owners to jointly share and manage the row of pet�pendicular ' parki�x� stalls located o�n the r�est side of the ocaano� private road �I��4 the apart�nent/corydaniniwn project frcm the sirgle-family duet pnoject. 4he City Attorney shall approve the fozm and oo�tent of the agreemnt. -8 � 4 � -. ... .. :..:, . �... �..; .�' , . L. � � ao. p�txr �s�c Phasing sha11 t�e as per e�diibit pr�,tea to oour,ail at their meetirg oY August 7, with Ffiase III increaseri to include o�e additia�al roW oP hou.ses (appraximately JOt) of the wlits ard that Building Pexmits for F�hase III will mt be 13sued until the fwnlations are pa��ed Por E31a.Se II. '�: Zhe F�Se I landscapirrq strip on the Ftarestead and DeAnza Hwlevani fzc�tages shall be of sufficie�t width to sooamrodate a double row oE tre�es and eiclerralk plan approved by the Arrttitectural and site Apprwal orn�ittee arxi City Co�n�cil Please zeview oorditirnB careP�.ly. IP Y� ��Y 4�� � 1 I the aa�rittims o! apfawal pleasa oontact the Depar�oesit oE C1�umity , DevF'-lopmertt staPE meabere fa� clarificatirn. Failtue to inoo¢porcate ornclitione into yas glan eet r+iLl xesult in delays at the R�� �xJ etar]�e. IP dev�.lo�awstt ornditims require tree p�oservatims, do not clear the site tmtil z+equit�ed tree protecticn devit� aze irBtalled. Zha expiratioat date for tha use pezmit is August 7, 1991 (Section 6.4 of Oniinance No. 652 as revised by Ozdinance No. 1136). Sir�ce.rely, � ���� /�,� DOFM]'TfiY NF�IELIi7S, Q� � CITY CLF�ifC -9- , r� �13 �' CitH of CHpertino IUnw Imre A�enur Y.O. Oo■ SBO Qipriiino. Calilornia 750N CupciNno, Califarnla 95015 Ielephonc: (10U� 25:�4505 U[PAltll.IENI Of 1111 CIIY CIfRK July lA, 1989 John De7nlare Mariani DevelaFer�e��t carp. � Four Main Street IOS Altos, CA 94022 CIZ9l OGUNCIL ACTZON - AP'PIdCAZZOIJ 10-U-89 - SUl1HFAST �ORNII2 OF D�A1dZl1 BOiJI�RD AND �D �D This will confirm the action by the City Cwncil at their meeting oF July 5, 1989 at which consideration oE Application 10-U-89 was continued to the meetinq of Auyust 7, 1989. Cwneil expressed concern regarding int.egration of the developrvent, the double driveway ar�d internal ci.rc.vlation and r a totaL infrastructure site plan aM impx�we�ent schedule. Cotuicil stated that the density oould be reduced by 10�. sincerely, EU' �� �-� �2�, noxat�n oor��tus, a3c crTSt cr�tic ' oc: Departinent of carmainity DeveLoXanent Departme.nt of Public Works Bill MaBee GUpea. sanitary District 20065 Steve�ts Creek Boulevait3 GUpestino, CA 95014 Ms. Virginia 2hanas 20218 Nozthwest Square CvpertiM�, CA 95014 Art Pittock, Presiderit Northpoint HOA 10680 Northpoint Way G.Upeltino, CA 95014 - _.: .. -:: , :, . , .: n � _ . � ;-.w . . -,; 14. Any adclitional cxylor changes �t ba Sub�Ktted to the Architectural ,atnd Sita .Approva]. Coc�ittee for approval, Sincerely, .��� ���� po��r aot�xvs, a�c cizx c�x oca bepartrnent of Planning'ard Developinent Departrnent oP PubTic Yxorks '; - ie• x '.�:i ... : �. � . .:tiHByY �e• n � z�;.[.-.:� sr .:.:_ . . �. �.�_..:.�. . . .. ...�.. . . ... - .... ��. .. . . � .. . . . . . 10-tT-89 C I T Y O F C U P E R T Z N O 10300 ZbL�'e Avenite Qmertino, Ca1lPomia 95014 RF50LUi'IQN No. 4171 OF 'I� PIANNING �SSIaN OF Z}� CCI'Y OF Q7PFF�i� TBJO L�JYING A USE PFTd�II.T 'PD 0.�[JSifdJCP 356 ± OWE[�ING UNI'I5 WI'L}@I A PLAMQID O�.UECDPMF?� ZUNING DISiRZCT S�'.C�'ION I • FINDIIIG�S Fff�RFAS, the Planniry �ission oP the City of 0.ipertir�o has received an appllcaCion Por a Use Persnit, as d�escribad rn Page 2 of this Resolution; and Wf�'AS, the neoe�sary notioes have baeaz given in acoozsiarne with the procedural Oxdit�anoe oE the City oE Npartino, and the Plannirg c�mission . has held �e or moze Public Hearirgs on this matter: and Y��F1�S, the applicant Y�as failed to meat the burden o! pznoP requined to s�u�ort this application, and has rwt satislied the Pollowing �ents o 1) Rhat the use does not ptwide adec��ate der�sity related to Ge,neral Plan Policy ar�d Jobs/F�cu.sing coale !or the City. 2) ZS�at there is inadequats parlcing to serve the needs oP both guest and residence. 9) ZS�at the buildirx� caverage oP ths site (FAR) is exi�esaive when related to the lew density beim� achieved. N(7W, 'lif�E� SE IT RF�OL�7F9: , Zhat after carePul considaration oE maps, facts, e�ibits, testimoa�y arri other evideme sutmitted in this matter, the application Por Use Faermit is herel� reo�oe�ided por denial by the City Cxxu�cil of the City of Q�tino: and BE IT FLJR��3t RFSOL�7ID: ' 'It�at the � � which the 2lrriirx�s speclfled in this ' R�solutiw, are basea are ca,ra.inea in ttle Public xearirg s�eoora oor�oerning Applicatian 10-tT-89 as set forth in the Minutes oP the Adjairned Reqular Planniig O�oissian meetirr� oE Jtu�e 15, 1989 arYl are imozpomted by reEE.'erce as thouc}t► ll�lly set forth herein. i , ..;:_ , � Rasolution No. 4171 (10-U-89) 06/15/89 Page -2- SEC'PION II • APPLSC�TION DFSCRIPPIQN AppllCatlotl No(s) 10-U-89 and 18-FA-89 Applicant: M�t�iani Develorment o�rnoration _- ptpperty OWI1er: Same Iocationc Sautheast cotnar De Anza Boulevard ar�d Haneste��l Ftoad Pa�oa.l Area (Ac): 16.1 ± PPSSID AND ADOPPID this 15th day oP June, 1989, at 8 z�egular meetir�g oP the Planing C+amnission oP the City o! Gvpertirlo, State of California, by tha follawirq roll call vote: � AYFS: OQgQSSIGI�IF�S: Claudy, Mackenzie, Szabo NAYS: OQtMffSSIRNFRS: Sore�tsexl, CY�aix�na[1 Adams � A85TA�1: OOtMBSSIOiNF�iS: Nona ABSFNr: QOtM�IISSIOtJERS: Nane A7'I'FSr: APPF�IID: /s/ Robert Cowan /s/ Victor Adame Rcbert Cc�ran Victor Adams, CY�aixpp.xsan Planning Director Plannirr� �nnissia¢i PQtF506`RES lOUDental � . w Citti af Cs�pertino 10)00 Turtv Aornue P.O. Box SUO Cupcnlno, Calilo�nia 950N Cupertino, Cali(omia 95015 Tcirphone: (40tl) 25:•4505 UtV�RfMCNT OF IIIE CIiY QCRK � ' June 22, 1989 Jahn D. De1maYB Mariani Develo�anent Coz'p. Falr Main Street T1�3 A1tAS� CA 94022 � CITSC OWNQL ACTION - APPLICATI�i 10-U-89 - USE PF�IIT � OOTIST1iUGT AND OCGLTPY A 176 IRJIT, 4 STQRY APA�Np S'Pla7ClUgE pND 182 ZII7Q LAT LINE 'ICxit�KY+fES WIIH RFTATF'n Sl'PE �VII�IS - SWI�i�AST OOFaIII2 OF L�ANZA BOUI.E'�IARD AND }iC�SI�'AD R�D 'Ihis will confirm the action by the City Caincil at their meeting oP June 19, 1989 at which the subject application c�ras continued to the Council meeting tn be held on July 5, 1989. Sincerely, ���'Gtic."L'' � � �� �� f-' `-- ��� cc: nepartm�s►t ot c,cmuiwnity nevelopoent