U-1988-33b � • Cia� mf�upt�t��� 1t17110 lont�Avrnur - P.O,Ooa S00 Cu��o�Unn.G�I�I��ini��9i074. Cupi•ttii�o.California 95015 TCli�pha�m�:(-0QIS)252•4;Oi 1)tl'�BIMMi Of 1'IANNINGAND p[VE1C3f'MCN� Maz�ll 2, 1989 Mike Glasson I�ep cliff Golf Caurse 10700 Clu6house Lane Glzpertino, California 9501�6 Dear N[r. Glassone ' Subjects ]�.pplication 33-U-88 m Deep Cliff Go2g aourse + � This letter oonfisms the decision of.the Gu�tino Plannir� Ccs�¢nission, qiven at its r�ular meeting of Februazy-27, 1989, to approve the subject application accozd� ' to ' the firrl.trrgs arxl cotxtitions specified in the ' encloseel ccspy of PlannitxJ Camnission Resolu�ion No. 4134. Please Y�e aware of Cor�ci3.tion 7 which requires a screen'far it first. �he scree» design must be appraved prior to issuance Qf a buiidir� �*�;t for the club hovse. 2� your project was conditionally approved, please review coriclitions carefully prior to s�i:ittal cif the builctitx� plans, final. subdivision �i�, 5md�! P�� arxi other mn.s�ruction relat� drawincjs and doc�mients. I� you have ar�y questions regar�dir�g the oor�clitions of appzoval , plea5e contact Public Works atxi/or the Planning.De�nen� s�iff m�rs for clarification. Failure to incorporate corgiitions into yaur,plan set will result in delays at : the plan rhecJcit�g stageo If devel.oFmient coixiiti:ons rc�,ire �ee preservation, do not clear the site until required tree protection devi.ces are 3:nstalled. ' CI'I`Y OF CYJPF�10 , l��v"'" �"'�Lt/LUl^ Rabert S. Ca,,tan Aa.rector of Car�um�nity I�evelo�anent misc\1�33u(1) , I _ . 33—U-80 C I T Y O F C U P E R T I N O 10300 �RR,E AVQIUE WPIIYPITIO, C�ILIFC3Iit�Tlt� 95014 RESOITYPION NO. 4134 OF 7i-IE PZd�NNII'JG OC�'RSSION QF THE CITY OF CUPII�'INO ' RE�StDING 11PPl�VAL OF A'U5E FF�LCr FT3R ', A CUJE4i�JSE BCJILDING Fb12 I�ff F.}QSTING ', GOI�' CJOIJFtSE ' SECTION Y: FINDINGS �! WHERF�S, the Planning C�►unission of the City of Cvpert3no rEceived an applica�ian for a Use Fermi.t, as described on Page 2 of this Fte.solution; ' � I y,��S, the applicant has met the I7uitten o� proaf required ta supp�rt said application; arul I 4�, the Plann3ng Camnission finds that the application �ets the following requis'c��nts: a) �fiat the use or uses are in conformance with fihe General Plan of � the City of`CVpertino, argi are not detrimerstaZ to existin� uses ar to u,es specifically permitted �.n tlie zone in which the pzropos� , ' use is Co be'loca�l. b) That the Froperty irnolve�l is adequate in size and shape to ' acr�mmdate the proposed use. cj That the proposed use will nat qenerate a level of traffic wer arn3 abave that of the capacity of the existing street system. d) �l1at the proposed use is othexwise no� detrimental ta the healt-h, safetY� Peace,. morals arid genera]. welfare of persans residing or worlcisig in the neighborhood of such pro� uses, nor injurious � to prope.rty anc3 ir�roveme»ts in �hhe neighborhood. T(pW, �RE, SE IT I2FSOLUED: � Thaic after care�ul cansideration af mzps, facts, exhibits, test�nany and , other evidence submitted in this matter, t,he applicatfon for Use Permit is i hexeby. reconmierx�ed for appraval, subjec� to the ooriclitions which are enwnF+_rated in this Resolution bc�inning an Page 2 thereoF, argl . That the subconclusions upon which t�ha firidings and corxLi.tions specified ' in this Resolution are bas� and�contained in fihe PubZic Hear.ir�g reooni concexnirig Application 33-LT-68 as set forth in:'tha Minutes oP the Planning Camnission Meeting of Feliruaiy 27, 1989, aixl arn.incorpoxated by reference , as though fully set forth herein. � ` ' � RE50IlTPION NO. 4134 (33 U-88) 2/27/49 PAGE - 2 - ' . SEGPI'ION II° PRf1TECP IIATA 11�plication No(s): 33-U-68. 44-FI�-88 Appl3cants . Deep Cliff Golf enux'se' pro�ert.y Owner: Clark Glasson 7r�c-,.ation: south side oP MeC1e11an Rd, at Clubhouse Ln, SEC'IiION IYI° CONDITIONS �1IS'I'k�2ED BY.THE AJBIiIC 4ARFt5 DEPAFfIYdF��FI` 1. S!'f2Eh'P 17�VB�PS'AND DEDICATION street wiaenit'u�, impravements and der3ications shall ba provided in acooYdance wi�th City Star,�ard� atul specifications ar�l as rc�uired bl' I the City En4ineere 2. UNDF.RGF�IIND tPI'ITIITIE'S, . The developer,shall be responsible for �lying with the requirements of the Unctergrovnd Utilities Oxdinance No. 331 and other related o�i.inances anci r�ttati:ons of. tho City of`�xtino� ar�d sha7.l make the necessary. arrar�cle�nts with the utility cx�mpanies far the installatioti' of ,said facilities. The applicant shall su}�n.it a detail«i plan shawing uti].ity:und� pmvisions. 791i.s plan must have prior approval aF the utiTity ccu�anies arr.i the City F�gfneere � � SECTION� No � NNDITIONS�����AIY�SINIS'PERED� BY ���THE� ('�9MUN.iTY DEVELtJPF�YP � DEP1117IYdII�FP _ 1, APPROVED EJffiIBITS >'The reco�m�r�lation of ;appraval is based on F�chibits Pls3 through PA6 dated 12/28/88 of Application'33-U-88, except,as may be'att�rxied by the �' ' conditions contained:herein. , , , 2. APFF�VED USES �,' The sub�ect vse permi.t authorizes o�tation ot a ci.ulahousa buildiix�{ � enclosims approximately: .4,400 sq. ft. -ar�d including a cafeteria/snack bar which shall be;function'as 'an adjunct service to the principal use o£ tYie site as go].f course.. The food service apexation shall not be advertised for availability to the!,' genaral public, "arx3 sha]1 not • , provide banquet or meeting services 'apart frcdn golfing activities on the premises. _ 3. PARI�IG RI�VIE.W r, , . i �,At least 10 additional Yx�9s3r�7 stalls sha1.1 be p�7vid�i raising �he total to 121 �spaces. Follpwirg �construction of the clubhause � strueture, the P1atvLiru,�iCcumRission shall retain the option to r�+�ire review of the parkirsg. 'lot for adequacy 'of the nwnb�x of spaces pravided therein 3f �laints,are received by the City fron► adjacent residents r�az�ting werflow parking within their neighborhhod streets fresn golf couzse, patxnns, Said xeview ' shail be conducted'in the conte�ct ;of a noticed public hearing, in accordance with Proc�lural 01Ylinance 652. � � � . . R@50IITPIOII NO. A134 (�3-U-88) 2/27/89 PAGE - 3 - 4. ��DIFTCA`I`ION OF 7lPPC�f7VED DEi/EIA�YT PIAN In the event that the 'agplicant or'subseg�ent pnoperty �wner shal.l desire to �mals� any mirsor chatx�es, alt�.rations or amer�nt oP the appraved develo�rten� plan, a writ�en request or rovisec't dave].a�nt plan shall be sulnnitted to the'Direet.or og Cc�arnxnity �velo��t. If tho _Director m�-s}ces'a finding :tha� the ch�nges. arn minor atul 'do not - rest�l,t in a material affect ,:upon the appearar� or �unction of the �I pro j�, said chancjes may be c�ified on"the revised plan. If I approval of said ct�anges is withhel.d, the applicant may ap�Z to the � Plannir�g Cacmnission. �i If thp Director firx3s that the r�qu�st�ed charx�es are 'material, such �� �ha11 ba referr�l to the Planning Cc�¢nission for approv-al. 2� I �he cl�anges are denied by the,Planning Co�nission, t�he applicant �y appeal ta tha City Council as prwid�d in City Oidinanca No. b52. I� If said charqes are-aPPmved bY the Planniru3 c�wm�ission, an appeal may '' be made to the City Council by any intsrnsted'part.y. Fttrther, any Mersnber af the City Cauncil may reques� a hearing bePoz� the City council z'ega�g, sai@ apprwed cl�es. Said"request shal.l ba made within ten {10) days f�n the date of'appz�wal of saiii changes by the plaru�irg Ccmmdssion. ; i 1 5. ('AFERTRSA/SNACK HAFt HO[JRS� The hours of the food service shall no� exce� the hours the golf cottrse is open. 6. FLf�OD ZONE Prior to issuance of building pexmits, the develop�r sha1Z verify through the Santa Clara Valley Water;Dfstrict that the structure will not be locatecl within the 1QO Year Flood l�ea. If the`Wa�er Distric� , - • determ.ines that 'the stxucture is within the lOQ Xear Flood Zone, the plans sha11 be mo3ified. to cxunply with applicable`fload proofiru� constsuction z'equi.reii�nts. I� there are substantial clkvxJes to the approved develo�nent p].ans as ' a result `of SCVWD construction � require�_nts, said char�ges may be subject to Planning �mtission review. 7. GOLF BALL SCREEN : I The a�+plican� shall iris�all a �sh screen adjac2nt to the first tee to reduce the potentia]. for miselix'ect�i golf ba�.ls frc�n entaxir� the residential .ya�rls adjacent to Cluta�wsa Iane. Zhe Director o£ C�¢mu�.i;ty_ pevelo�nent has the authority to apprwe the location arxi design af tha .screen follawing input'frcmt the golf caurse manage.�nt and affeck�l residenbial prop�xty ownexs. The tes may be shift.e�l to Yhe west to help resolve the prablem. .�ny party may appe.al. the directar's. clecision to the Planning � Cammission within five days upon notification af said decision. i , ,� � • �sourrzox taae 413� (33-U-88) � 2/27/89 PAGE - 4 - PASSID AND ADOPTID this 27th day of Fek�ruaryo ].989, at a regular in��istt� of the .Planninc) Ccmmtissiora oP the Ci�y of'Cupertir�o, Stat� of California, by the follawing,rall call votes AYEss �ffsslo21IIt5: Claudy, N&zckenzie, sorerLsen, Szabo arid C9�airman Araams PIOES S Co2�SSI02�iER,S e �asr�rs c�aru�sszot�s: ABSII�IT o �.4STON�tS S ATPESTe 1�PP�VF�B /s/ (tobert Cowan /s/ vi��or :naa�,� �er� cx�ar� v�ctox� �a�a,'ci�ai�an C�a�nity �velo�ane,nt Director Planni� C�m�tssiort resas\res33u88(1j �I j F