Sobr�-t-o D ev, C-,,o -
Bob Cowan
City of Cupertino
10430 So. De Anza Blvd.
Cupertino, CA 95014
Dear Bob:
10600 N. De Anza Boulevard, Suite 200
Cupertino, CA 95014.2031
(408) 446-0700
April 17, 1987
This letter will confirm our recent discussion to cancel
Application 17-U-87.
I expect to substantially change the application within the next
90 days and will re -apply under a new application at that time.
Tha you for your assistance in this matter.
er truly yours,
h Sobrato
AS nlw
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10430 S. DE ANZA BLVD., aJPERTnM, CALIFCRNIA 95014 (408) 252-4505
TO: Eavirc mlent'al Review Committee
FROM: Robert Conran, Planning Director
SUWECr: Envirormental Assessment for Application 17-U-87 (Sobrato
Development Cmpany)
The attached worksheet and cover letter E John Scbrato was filed in
conjunction with a use permit request to redevelop (demolish and r el iid)
the "Four Phase" site from a 564,000 sq. ft. light industrial facility
into a 760,000 sq. ft. office facility.
Mr. Sobrato has not prepared definitive plans for the project. The
primary purpose for initiating the review at this time is to discuss
traffic implementation involving the change in use from light industrial
to office.
The objective of the April 8th meeting is to develop a Scope of Work for
16 an initial study of the develcpnent.
John Sobrato letter Dated March 16, 1987 with attached
Initial Study Worksheet
10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 (408) 252-4505
TO: Robert Cowan, Director of Community Development
FROM: Steve Piasecki, City Planner
DATE: December 26, 1988
I. Subiect: City-wide Traffic Study Meeting of DeoeImber 22, 1988
Bert Viskovich, Acting City Manager/Public Works Director
Glenn Grigg, City Traffic Engineer
Steve Piasecki, City Planner
John Scbrato, Sr.
John Scbrato, Jr.
Mike Waller, Barton-Aschman Associates
Abdul Raschid, Barton-Asciunan Associates
100 Park Center Plaza, Suite 450, San Jose, California
95113, Phone Number 280-6600, FAX No. 280-7533
II. BacJalrOund:
Meeting to discuss preparation of a city-wide traffic model to project
the impact of State Route 85 improvements planned along the Highway 85
III.Discussion centered on the followinct points:
1. The computer model must be based on an existing sub -regional model
to evaluate the influence of the West Valley/South Bay sub -region.
2. Establish traffic assignment zones (TAZ's). Set up a perimeter
along Homestead Road, Lawrence Expressway, and Prospect Road which
shall be identified as a traffic impact area.
3. The model should be based on the City of San Jose transportation
model which assesses PM peak hour traffic movements.
4. The model should be calibrated against the work done by T2000
assessing AM peak hour movement, the Cal -Trans Model for Highway 85
improvements, and the Golden Triangle Traffic Studies to ensure a
reasonable level of consistency in assumptions and results.
5. Evaluate the attraction, generation and through traffic movements
within the Cupertino traffic impact area assessing existing
develcpnent plus new growth.
6. Evaluate impact of additional improvements including possibly
widening of the 280 bridge to accommodate 6 lanes, additional lanes
in front of the Peppermill Restaurant, widening of the former
Texaco site at Stevens Creek Boulevard and DeAnza Boulevard.
Additionally, evaluate a loop intercbange option at DeAnza
Boulevard and Highway 280. Evaluate the impact of an expanding or
contracting peak hour as a result of the 85 improvements.
7. Kook into the effect of TM (Traffic Demand Management on peak hour
flows). Evaluate volume to capacity ratios and thresholds and
survey or origin destination of traffic movement during the peak
It was agreed that the computer model would be adaptable for use by the
city after the study and would be utilized potentially for an update of
the City's circulation element.
scope of work utilized for a similar model within the City of Walmmt creek
would be evaluated in terms of establishing individual tasks and
It was agreed that there would be another meeting scheduled for nu sday,
January 12, 1988 at 10:00 AM to check progress on evaluating the San Jose
model and assessing alternatives for evaluating lam use assumptions on
either a site specific or city-wide basis.
MU1000F W (L11)
.17-U-87 (16-EA-87)
EXPANDED INITIAL STUDY — Preliminary Topics for Scope of Work
An Environmental Impact Report (EIR) was certified for the present
560,000 sq. ft. development under City Council Resolution 4260 dated
September 7, 1976. The EIR was prepared as an addendum to the City's
EIR for the General Plan Core Area Plan which was certified in 1973.
The expanded initial study ocntemplated for the present case should
refer to the impact assessment and mitigation strategies contained in
the Addendum EIR.
Under Section 15153 of the CEQA Guidelines, The City, acting as Lead
Agency, may rely On the EIR for the existing development provided that
an initial study is conducted to determine the degree to which the
project setting and scope of impacts have changed as a consequence of
the proposed Use Permit action. If the Initial Study confirms the
appropriateness of reliance upon the prior EIR, notice and publication
of the ETR and Initial Study's updated impact assessment must be made
in accordance with Guidelines Section 15090.
A) Traffic and Circulation:
1) Verify the type of employment and numbers of employees on site
during the period of 1979 - 1984. (Time period relates to
traffic survey for General Plan Amendment 1-WA-80.)
2) Determine traffic generation difference, if any, between 1979 -
1981 base (index) employment and proposed employment.
Determine trip generation based upon 16 Trip End Per Acre
3) Analyze IAS for all De Anza Boulevard intersections between
Homestead Road and Bollinger Read based upon present traffic,
future traffic with project, and 1990 build -out.
4) Identify mitigation measure which may be required to maintain
level of service D following completion of the project.
B) JOSS HOUSING BALANCE (Soolo-Econcmic Duets)
i) Onnfirm employment levels projected with full occupancy of
project, and assess impact of employment increases over levels
identified in previous EIR.
2) Breakdown employment projection by income groups relative to
county Median; assess impact on present Housing Element's
identified production goals.
1) Describe general design approach envisioned by developer and
compare to height -bulk standards of the General Plan and the
North De Anza Boulevard specific plan. Specifically assess
ocupliance with "sandpile° setbacks iron streetscape.
2) Describe design relationship to oammunity gateway and statement
buildings concepts of the Cmmmziity Character Element
1) Determine impact to visual privacy of adjoining residential
1) Determine if changes have occurred in ambient conditions for
the adjoining residential use area, and describe the extent to
which the new development will improve or degrade the existing
localized noise environment.