U-1986-14b0 a � a � Qnss Site.Area (Before Realignment) 22,307 sq. ft. ft. lan d area used for CCURCIAL activity = 16,056 sq. Applicable FAR .25 Allowable ODZRERC1'AL footage = 4,014 sq. ft:. land area used for OFFICE activity = 6,251 sq. ft. Applicable FAR = .33 ft. Allowable OFFICE footage = 2,063 sq. Commercial :.FAR Transfer. from McClellan Sq. 874 sq. .ft- TOTAL MUM AEM. 6,926 sq. ft .FIUL- .31 '!tle applirantprwerhz/owner Sba11 Semm:d the M'tra—f— 2fOI I Cove for .both the transfeerrmq and r ceiviti propextim in aocorzianoe with h the FAR Transfer Policy 7 mm, as adaptai by the Mty 16. FMIME IMMCAPIM The average depth of the lammed -setback cn the SfLe's De ]lrira Boulevard frontage shall rot be less tI twenty-six W) feet. The nmmnission firid s that the extensive area and align»st of xoadway axl I tati on mequirgj in thi cme: cmmdtutm and 1IIl-1 site ;problem within the wing of am dition 20(a) of the So. De Anza Hlvci.:Caoepbml "Plan, zenderinq tKXp7 iaasx vitts the otherwise xeqL=ed 35 .foot: setback depth inf mmsib 17. TIMBUM SICERUX AISCat�ffStr The proposed parkway midewalk an 7tbe-10ie 2=m Booleva:d P shall extend -Parallel to the CIS line the eatise dito the .rlf-,+h..Prcp rfy-lim. Atmgmrary t-ransitimal sidewalk SWUM shall -be included on the subject site to mennh fbe ex sting sidewalk ali'anument an the north. 'Mm transition segmeont S1371 be removed cmxm=xently with 'imolenentation of the Inng R1m _ Gidudalk _Dwign XeferenoW in Omditicn 20 (b) of the South _De Anza Ea17.evard Cmxmptllal IP-lan. 28. PAIMENG AIZOCATION Aminim= of -twenty-seven (27) spaces -shall be provided on site for the proposed offi e/amtme=ial devE7.dpnent, .in ac=mmlw oe with the distribution of space indicated in Ctmditian 15 above. I!, .:-4 ,� h q R � �e � ' �� d B IM RES LU ION No. 2946 (14-U-86) 08/18/86 Page - 2 SF'MON ON Applicatian No. 1447-86 Applic l : Mower and ?associates AT -A. 7s=c (Ron Cali) Property owner: 7dward 5.-J. Cali Trustee Iaration: Northwest corner of McClellan Ttoad and De Aft za Boulevard Parcel Area (AC) : 2� SECTION a=: ONS AEbMST�D -BY RJE I—U=C WdRiSS IWAnI W4T 1. STR= MVROVReNTS & MMICATTON Street y3dening, 2q=vvements, and dedicatIons shall be in accordance with City Statdazds and ispeWlicatiorm and as wired by the city - Mxjineer 2. cmM, GUTTER & SIL&�QAIR IIui:s, , sidewalks and .stn=bzces 7rha11 be JnStNi to - ' -ides aid to be n d in mcoamlance'with-tandanis , fi the City MIgineer. 3. 7S1QilIr1G Street l i� :shall he Jnstalled aid sha11-be as aW=M d Jnr the City 3:bW ear. tryst nest -lighting sha71 _be as xe!*LjXgd V the Frch3tacbaal and :site Aq=oval Committee and mrdinw=s end 33ig,l ati rr,a of the .:City. All mn and .bff-sl to lightJm shall :be designed to in mo way xAyr far e with adjacent anaas :and shall be 2w higher than the height ;'permitted by '-tbe mane in -which the is located- 1= shall be located as ,e_qui3 d by the City. 5. myom ootor7I, SIGNS ,Nwff-J, nad=l signs will be Tlaaed at loaaticns to fie specif+!I by the city. S. SIOCCL28s Street trees will -be in as d � with t No. 225 �a��bY city -7. cAIM Grading shall be as approved and mMWxed by the City MVineer 3n accordance with Ordinance No. 214(a). 41 RFSOIlTXION No. 2946: (14 U-86) 08/18/86 Page - 3 - • 8. OrainVe shall be -to the satisfaction of the City jh7 „ter. Slaw a=mw public si dowel k s may be allWad .in 21, Ta, and M zon2ng nnlese stC= drain.faailities are deemed necessary by the City Hlg2nees. All develop meats atber than -M, -M, and 10 aoeling mall he served by arr7site Stamm drainage larilities cmmeahedto the City ata= dra—aiinwje system. --If City, — drains arexx3twailahle, cra_ infirm-fanilities shall be installed to the satin i^^ of the City Zngiaeer. 9. UMIRMINDVTIT3TTIESS The ama scant shall be e,.O. usi»la I= dying idth ?het ltoWizmmobs of the undergrowd Utility 0zdinanoe No. MI and ntbes . rwlat wei crinaars and segniatims of She City of :QVM:tiao, and shall seine the necessary with Sbe utility co gmnies Immaved for -fte jnstallorHr., of .raid facilfties• The ajxlisaent .abdL1 shirt a detailed Play ai>ariaq . ("als plan mrst I p:icir aFpeml of 2'be tMIlity a Vwxbw cad She City Mplino= SECrM Zli- 1omm6 ADEXMMMM jff 2ff DE�B�Q' 10- S g ao as rAblill he as rtaees en E 1c 2M Herr Dyad aedcaegzng >aerlabed Zm azesgs�. colts=Eoa a[ filar aesT sees, =Ngn he I=ftzwmQ3yig Sec and Si!a ,bras% Cam_. ac p to fsaooe sf Pw=xlt- ll_ MM AIw it'""' at nil in x a J5= tho sfis as abmw am awed P2aG VIM wed aball 10 sii MbMd 7t* Msbw Into as agr>sate seta tbo Cyr CE zw Vefflowt at necessary :tees. b= not is and bumoctim fees, sS= drain tec• and MiN==22 ---IL r 5a. yeiat agsso ha11 be tomoutod P d= tot et Cf s 3isfYr g .VOCIft- 12. Electrical and taleFhcoe Shm'—It be s_-ssf 1m15;irg ar Ivesa3ed seat '**go- fey JIM aG public-st>7eet ate. 13. APPRIM the redaction at appcwal is based as Mddbits *-I, A art ]Par., G ast IZev. , a, 1}1, D-2, B 3, 8-8, C 1st Dev. , D 1st Day. , M aad InfcnoatJcmI of Jq*liaaticn 14-U-86 except as wW be mesaisd-by special =iditias s1d herein. �gg� gg9��ap tll iE a�gg a p gsaa�m�a� B PI��rypa IIMI���A d