U-1986-02bCity of Cope f"o 10100 Torre •A-riva Cupenmo. Caldoroia 95014 '��' Cupertino. Cal'turnla 95015 Telephone: t4061 25:-4505 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK March 12, 1985 John Vidovich DeAnza Properties 1307 S. Mazy AveM3e SUnMVale., CA 94087 CITY OOUNCIL AC=CN APPLICMICN 2-U-85 - JGEII:1 vmxwit'� M71S Will catfi**+ the act -on by the aty CM= a at their meEaLing cf rarch 3, 1986 at whirh your Application 2-C-85 %as approved per the faily drr, conditions: 1-15. _STAND;z2D CONDITIMIS Standard CotditicM to the erfgzt t!'A't UW-7 do t.-le special =ditizass em:=ated he -rein. in +!e ever-- a occf1it dnt— exist, the special asxiiticm as erz= _ ed b=a— . s han a _!y. 16. APPW- -3-I of Applica`. im g as ZAT ba amomad :fir arpoic»a ut 'it; CAM w4zgzrated batwL. 17. 2�DDIFTC:..*'CRT or A'e>yM :n the evict= tat the aM ice' Cr !A., .�- desire to zala asf oinxr ct--vp, ala watim Cr : 'dam apF loved desrelo_c la < cr ' M* —' a revised & veld-- piant €zr,bu ld m .t 'bar the Dire=W of Pla:stia3q wil D,,if t 4 : finding that :j.e appearance of tim area Cr .tom inteceSZ& c! 06var3i Ct or adjoining the develoime - L"83. t-& =--a== '9Swr oz —!X`r tt* duinge on the, revised plan. If ss2t a ."^ 3d,is applicant may appeal to ttA Pla.--.IM C=!sz=- Z." tZe ACO material, the Director shall s4mit said `.a der P% -1r Ccacmnissian for approval. if t`'..e,.,���"7 $a is d�ia Ccmnissicn, tilt applicant my appeal to `'tL"..tlj 31w, in Ordi mice 652 of the City ct i :'ta. :f , approved, an appeal my be >nade by W. i=exestad ;W : y. S 1 7) CUNT' D mmte_► of the City Council may request a bearing before the City Cocaril, said request to be made within ten (10) days fra the date of approval - when the change has been approved by the Plannirig Cmnissic n. 18) fU URE IINGMSS/MEWS FASEM=M The applicant shall sign an agreement to participate in a future reciprocal access easementwith the owners) of the adjoining properly to the Fast. said easement may be ig3lemente3 upon detArni nati m by the City of, the rBed for reciprocal access to said adjoiniry parcel. 19) / MWS E592 ENS A The applicant shall record an`appropriate deed restriction and ravenant n=iny with the land subject to review and appraval by the City Attaz'ney for all parcels -sick share a arc private drive or private z'oaclway with fine or mcm c ther parcels. :Said deed restriction shall provide for the zAcessarY reciprocal ingress/egress easements to and r the affected parcels, and for shared maintenance of said easement area. 20) Zi21P ODt7Sl4?AITIP A) 7be land use iatensity.shallShe limited to an intensity YhaL will tne:+m*A :ooze than 15 mro-way tt1s Per ,acre at t15$ peak traffic hour crSur31 other traffic constraints as my be imposed by the aza er.t General 71=L .3:ar the purpose of the 3.6 one -say trjj> Traffic Intensity Performanom Strria d, 2Yse following of tops is hereby inoorpor ted into the project a EY 21,550 S.P. @ (1/1000) - 11.6 te., c=nerc al: 29,720 s.f. $ (2/1090)-* 39.4 trips tASS=MMS m zestau rn,t per - 7CTAL - 51.0 trams � CLI+Il�IAL STIZr - - Ant 326-26-034: (.20 Ac x 26) = 3.3 trips - AM 315-26-M.- (.16 AC x 26) a 2-7 t C-25 AC a 16} 4-0 trips XIM 31f,25-J (.18 Ac x 16) 2_9 trips A;V s:5-2: (-XS AC x 26) 2_9 trams of C.ach site acquired by =bdi- risim (11-25 AC. x 15) 2 0. 0 tri TOTAL 35.8 t 1 N .. Stij 1 9 c� W t. 1.1n b tJ :iY aaaFata.,rx e � -.�„�+ ii _.. ..� _ :.t.( av��. d :."rh M` �`,it 9�e -_ e ti ,x'�'�"_: �`' k5` so- ,., wr'S r,• +,{,. �k'h;4 �.on. x„a` �='anr, v+. c4a.. ,�.4 �.a ... Ao. jr 11 al 4) tta� n m tP C! T m fa W .. - 'W ARM '� a ga+.irsd AupLat 8, 19JK CITY OF CLIMEtTIND £XHI,IT D fffiCti mmmom- so am MAWWA. CMMTTM 8tandrd cansitianm � #lesn•�oyvmi 1. This. building air ttaeture and color. landmcapi»g 'plans. an -sits lighting, masonry his, limns and irrigation systems arm appra ed as isdicntsd an ths-applAcatian swhibit- and as arissd herain. No building Parmits shall bs iswu d vr.w, aball any construction ction :tw. Ver mi -I I prior to the Appr m al of m iaty Coundl of ail alsssets con"tisnmd #r,rrin. 7- On -side l ghtingi 4*mtma signv 110ftUMq,AntwhK1tv. himight of stanniM and location era appra as tfdIcatsd an this app'glrislm andnifaitme mscapt or isnless aosi#isd fhsradp. [, 3. ftpw twummcam shall saot bm vislblm tea• any aft unt or ry AM able commonly ;Used by the piuln'itc.. fr*N*tur,, , all ' Amcft Appurta", all bs plated dlAian ids ragf. lio• of I ttm bmlldlnq an *#acb thmy are Installs TUiar ishall apply to iltass suein as +aster boss, fans sly, Canditianinrnq units, and the lifte. 4. T%4 land=== SW nkliar MV%teaa shall ba rsquirad 3n - atl m"tiple rasldantllal dewlm"manta of ,fIva fm ewdtu or soars. a. Thmt concrete barms shall s 1, nstallad mrm d ail, ryas ccpMlot ly anciasis4 ,hll 3andsea1sd arsirts +eucopt nnfn�sra tanmyabet at building. 6. wi 1 tress to be planed weal i br sfnas+imn an t1w appe44wvad lands e" plan and !Mall ba minimum of ' %I= M) faa& An hmigflet. tssarwd v=ticlaly an the framed to the top of this toss aftar p►lastl*m. Tram vamowtor shall tm As minimum of 23ne +thi ieeis esssuemd abw m the Wwxwad plate g liar. Holes sf►dl want am lass than of 11 t an 4182 Anctme In diamatar ash afe+all be +seem tll feat dsspar then the true snots to .allow #ar pease dirt nindur the roots. Support stalnas.mill' be prow1dad 7. Coapliarncs Mit!n the 13 City S ermlord bevolopwarnt f:tunn dit:1= s. as anmnded. annd any other cordlttinns lmposmd by thm City sf Cupertino shall be rmgnirmd. 8. Electrical and tadrpivanm trarncfvrnnmr% shall be scrawne i with fsnn vW and iandscapt"gv cnr . such that U my ra oat visible foss public streat arms.