U-1986-01bCites of Cupertino 10J110 lot Avenue - P.U. &a SW f Col -ill California 95014 Cupertino, California 9501S Telephone: 14014 252.4505 March 27, 1986 Cupertino union School District Attention: Sonia Shurr 10301 Vista ,rive ' Cup#-rtino,, California 95014 Subject: Application'1-U-86 (Master Use Permit) Dear Ms. Shurr: This letter will confirm the decision of the Cupertino Planning - Commission, given at its meeting of March 24, 1986'to,approve the Fub;ect application according to the findings and conditions containee in Resolution No, 2784, a copy of which is enclosed. Please note that the Commission's action on this.matter is . final unless eppee?ea in writing to the City Clerk within, five (S) working days_ I Sincerely, CITY OF CUALET1110 Assist at Pl eie�q Directcar Sig:pr 1 tur4r .I March 25, 19B5 J RESOLUTION NO. 1`616 (Minute Order) OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO •RECOMMENDING GUTDELINES TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR REVIEW OF NEW USES WITHIN PMLIC SCHOOL SITES WHICH ARE NO LONGER FULLY UTILIZED FCO PUBLIC SCHOOL PURPOSES. Y' .,FINDINGS' Open space located on public school sites is a valuable C"unity resource_ Sc:-sool buildings and facilities on public school sites are also a valuable community resource and should continue to be available for public usage i Traffic generation characteristics of new uses should generally r reflect that of previous public education facilities at t,he-site.. Parking should be reasonably adequate to ensure there is minimal spill -over into adjoining residential .areas. Hours of operation should be restricted to generally reflect characteristics of public school utilization. Ful 1 pri vate utilization of the school sites is e;xnl i kei v as the level of activity would likely exceed that normally expected from a public school utilization of a sinular site_ 'Public school sites were developed to accommodate activities devoted 'to the education of children which operated 'primarily during daytime flours, generated relatively low levels of traffic, and served rommunity needs_ Said sites typically do not provide ; adequate parking, lighting, security,"etc_ characteristic of -aaamercial, industrial;or office facilities generally found .in a --she community_ Additionally, said sites are generally located within neighborhoods and the potential -for significant off -site impacts is much greater than is normally found on commercial, of -fire, industrial facilities located in other areas of the community - Permitted -Uses and Architectural and Site Standards The General Plan land use designation for school sites is quite restricti%e. P=hocl sites are designated for Public and j quasi-public/institutional activities_ A quasi -publiclinstitutional activity is a "designation applied t�� a privately owi-ted property which involves acts vi ties such as a: i private utility, a profit or non-profit facility that provides" n continuous care for people, an educational facility, or a J� religious facility". N? (NOTE)_ The Planning Commission is of the opinion that the allowed range of uses should he expanded_ The Commission has asked City Council for authorization to conduct hearings to =nsider :an amendment to the General Plan to allow greater land use flexibility for school sites. Planning Commission Resolution No. 2616 (continued) Architectural changes to a leased portion of a school site should be zvn character with the balance of the site. If -a school site is completely revamped, the buildin� form and materials shall be in harmony with the surrounding residential community. The use of iron bar grill works and barb wire,,or the boarding up of windows with temporary materials are generally not approved in areas which are exposed to public anew. Approval of^a use shall not render historical'iy used turfed areas unusable_ Hours-sf DQerati 4xt Hours of operation should generally be limited to the daytime hours from 7230 a.m. to 7:00 p.m_ Limited evening activity from 7.04 p.m. to 9:00 p.m., may be permitted when at is found that the activity will not generate significant amounts of tr-affic or armoyance to the surrounding neighborhood. NgiNe Noise from such facilities should not be audible beyond property lines. Traffic A , In general, the traffic generation characteristics of non-public ,. school activities should be"consistent with traffic cEaaracteristics associated with a typical school use. For the purpose of this policy. the traffic profile for a typical school site will be based upon the historical use of the site._incltsding non -school activities such as recreation uses and,public service activities. i he traffic assessment for proposed non -school use of a school site shall contain the following elements: 1. Hourly traffic generation rate for the existing or former school operation and the proposed uses(s). , 2. ADT tAverage Daily Traffic) and peak hour traffic generation from the site. 7. ADT and 24-hour counts of neighboring streets. f. Trip assignments of existing and proposed uses. When traffic levels equel or exceed trip generation bevels o<. a typical put?lic school use, use permit requests will be evaluated based upon the following: 1. Degree (to) which traffic levels a:eceed public school generation. 2. Characteristics of existing and proposed traffic. 3. Hours of operation. P1 anni ng Commission Resolution No. 2�\y6 (aianti need ) 4. Community benefit from ex i sr inp arjil ffe posed uses. 5. Composition of uses. 6. 1.�,►►5ensitivity of neighborhood to ���!lieic impacts. A sch al site with access to an collector., or minor collector street will have the 4U j1jt-Y to accommodate a greater intensity of use than a site local neighborhood streetts. PASSED AND ADOPTED this 25th diV of 14f35, at a regular mteeting of -the Planning Commission of thr,e=ity of Cupertino, State of California. by the following fell = call vote: YES: Commissioners Adams* tlackenz,A 67wraras r, Vice Chairman Szabo NAYS:, Not ABSTAIiN: None ABSENT: Chairman Cloudy ATTEST: APFF�(IVl�O; _/s/Jawes H_ Sisk /.iJaC6c0145� Szabo __ ___ __`__ James H. Sisk Nich,019�iarho., `Vice Chairman Planning Director Pl,arylnM9G'a'omgnissi-in 1 n 3 f � NT1i:AY 5Gt1DL1L