23. Residential Hillside (RHS)
10300 Torre Avenue
Cupertino, CA 95014
(408) 777-3308
FAX (408) 777-3333
Community Development Department
Agenda Item No...l3
Agenda Date Decernber 6, 2005
Consider holding a hearing to amend the R1 ordinance regarding the Residential
Hillside (RHS) standards.
Staff recommends that the City Council approve holding a hearing to amend the
R1 ordinance regarding the Residential Hillside (RHS) standards.
On February 1, 2005, the City Council approved comprehensive changes to the
R1 ordinance. One of the modifications reduced the slope threshold for
application of the hillside standards to lots zoned Rl. Prior to the changes, the
Rl ordinance required that buildings proposed on a lot with slopes of thirty
percent or greater rnust adhere to standards in the Residential Hillside
ordinance, or the Rl zoning ordinance, whichever is more restrictive. With the
changes, the Rl ordinance applied this requirernent to buildings proposed on
properties with an average slope equal to or greater than fifteen percent (see
Exhibit A).
During the recent General Plan hearings, residents in the Lindy Lane area
expressed concerns about these changes (see Exhibit B). Sorne residents
supported the changes due to concerns about geological problems and sizes of
homes. Others opposed the changes and felt that property owners had not been
sufficiently notified.
Due to the concerns expressed about these changes, staff recommends that the
City Council approve holding hearings to consider amending the Rl ordinance.
The pros and cons of the potential amendments would be presented at that time.
The likely hearing date for the initial rneeting would be in February 2006. Staff
believes that this a significant project that wiIl require substantial staff time, and
Consider holding a hearing to amend the Rl ordinance regarding the Residential
Hillside (RHS) standards
December 6, 2005
Page 2
that projects currently in the work program, such as revising the sign ordinance
and the Heart of the City Specific Plan, may need to be deferred until its
cornpletion. The Council can take up the issue of which existing goals can be
deferred in conjunction with your review of goal for next year.
Exhibit A: Section from Ordinance 1954 regarding Developrnent Regulations
Exhibit B: Letters of concern from Lindy Lane neighbors
Prepared by: Ciddy Wordell, City Planner
Approved by:
Steve Pia ecki
Director of Community Development
David W. Knapp
City Manager
G:planning/ pdreportj ccjR1-RHS 12-06-05
Ordinance No. 1954
~~t¡'a+.€arç Caci+i-1y-t:1üt is not reqUJfcd to attain £\--\-\€-<C'R-s<.-"--B-y t~l: Stat~
ageH€-)-' or d:paFf'''€H-t--æ-1-à--B-a£-€<;VBf\--0P,,"-catcr fOcidenls, not inc1-HB·iHg·-the--\7f9-\ci~k'-!'
fa-mily or ctë.ff is" n-1-i-Rffi_n di5tnncc of ftvc-lw.ftEl+ed fe:t froÆ!-tt;ß--¡m'\pcrly b:'LtRBafy .
e+-aRøthcr residential carc :":.,eililY;
&.-4. Congregate residence with eleven or more residents, which is a minimum distance
of one thousand feet from the boundary of another congregate residence and has a
minimum of seventy-five square feet of usable rear yard area per occupant. (Ord.
1860, § I (part), 2000; Ord. 1834, (part), 1999; Ord. 1784, (part), 1998; Ord.
1688, §3 (part), 1995; Ord. 1657, (part), 1994; Ord. 1618, (part), 1993; Ord. 1601,
Exh. A (part), 1992)
19.28.050 Sire-Development Regulations (Site ).
A. Lot Area Zoning Designations.
1. Lot area shall correspond to the number (multiplied by one thousand square feet)
following the RlR-1- zoning symbol. Examples are as follows:
Lot Area
Zoning in Square
Symbol Number Feet
Rl i 5.000
R 1- R-1- 6 6,000
R 1 R-1- 7.5 7,500
R1R-1- 10 10,000
RlR-1- 20 20,000
+t1-ê-f!:inim,nn lot size in an R I zonois six thOLtSlll1€---s<~eeh
2. Lots, which contain less area than required by subsection A( 1) of this section.
SÜ6ÈiøH---1--9~-+J~4--A--1-,-but not less than five thousand square feet, may
nevertheless be used as building sites, provided that all other applicable
requirements of this title are fulfilled.
B. Lot Width. The minimum lot width shall be sixty feet measured at the front-yard
setback line,--,xcel1l in ¡hc Rl-5 district where the minimum lot width is fin" feel.
C. Development on Froperlies ·with Hillside Characteristics. ·qE!j'>Øs-e-¡:"'1+1~-4y-l'''HK'-H·H,}F
&()-Fttft-1:1r--t"R-b3Fv,a,1s- -jh::¡H~;')-'{;:+~-E.'-f';e-f.4-0Fl-r2<2-t:-;--A-F€-H.-5-Vi'::¡1.{.:.l.t~--;:~,k·fJ-t-~·-a·F¿'----t~~ì4+tY:..f',21:e,2+H..-eF
glee,!, er~¡'H±i-1--"e--i<+2H-14*o¡J.--eR-i-Rü--,-~+&-4e-\'€-I~)-pH·1t'-f1-1--r}1-a1'¡.,
;hI. Buildings proposed on. Pfc)IJerties with an average slopc "'(lugl to or QTeater tl1an
lÏilc(;n percent etHt-p8Ht811-ei'3 Jot ':.-¡th S!epCl' of1¡';,-tY-p<:-ff-&1C'1:1r grcat-ff-shall be
developed in accordance with the site development and design standards specified
in Sections 19.40.050 through 19.40.140 of the Residential Hillside ordinance,
Chapter 19.40, or the EJR-+ zoning ordinance, Chapter 19.28, whichever specific
regulation is more restrictive.
Dear Mr. Mayor, Patrick Kwok and Cupertino City Council,
Sandra James, Richard Lowenthal, Dolly Sandorval, Kris Wang
and Director of Community Development, Steve Piasecki
Sept. 8, 2005
My name is John James. I reside at 21852 Lindy Lane. This
week north side Lindy Lane residences, John Knopp, Frank Sun
and Mark Santora were walking up and down Lindy Lane
collecting signatures on a petition requesting that the City
change the R-I zoning laws removing the 15% slope formula
added to protect hillsides that are zoned R-l. I saw about 10 to
12 signatures already on their petition sign up sheet.
These gentlemen told my wife and I the reason we should be for
the petition was that "the 15% slope formula would reduce our
home values $100,000.00." We could not add on to our homes
or do any extensive remodeling. Not passing this petition would
hurt us financially. My wife and I felt coerced. I later checked
with some of my other neighbors and essitentually got the same
story. Some signed.
My interpretation of the direction of this petition, if passed, will
allow the petitioners to build multiple monster homes on their
relatively small-subdivided lots. This sounds like preferential
spot zoning to a small group of landowners on Lindy Lane and
may be illegal. In my opinion, changing this part of the law
would be of great economic benefit for the petitioners. It will
allow them to build a monster house on a lot that has a slope
GREATER then 15%.
This could be a huge SAFETY issue. Our Lindy Lane home
was completely destroyed during the 1982-1983 heavy rains
because of a mudslide.
The Lindy Lane hillsides should be zoned correctly to RHS in
the general plan is currently considering. In this area no monster
homes should be allowed or excessive building coverage could
cause mudslides.
I will fax to any of you a copy of this petition if you request
one. Please send me your fax number.
Please respond,
John E. James
21852 Lindy Lane
Cupertino CA 95014
E-mail: tahoejej@comcast.net
Page I on
Ciddy Wordell
From: Mohammed Hossain [sharminsalim@sbcglobaLnet]
Monday, September 12, 2005 11:42 PM
Ciddy Wordell; Steve Piasecki; Patrick Kwok2
City Council; glef@sbcglobaLnet; Bob Rodert; tahoejej@comcast.net; taysi3@aoLcom; Mohammed
Subject: RE: Lindy Lane Petition - Possibly signed based on mis-information - No response from City
Dear Members of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Mr. Kilian-
My name is Mohammed Hossain. I reside at 21882 Lindy lane. I like to point out
that I completely agree with Sara Arzeno, John E. James and other concern citizen
at Lindy Lane regarding the Hillside development.
So, I strongly disagree with the planning Commission's recommendation to keep the Lindy Lane area
zoned as residential. Because, it is Hillside, and there is history of mudslides in the area. The Lindy
Lane hillsides should be zoned correctly to RHS
in the general plan is currently considering. In this area, no monster homes should be allowed or
excessive building coverage could cause mudslides.
Mohammed Hossain
21882 Lindy Lane
Cupertino, CA 95014
E-mail: sharminsalim@sbcolobaLnet
Phone: 408-725-1448
Ciddy Wordell <CynthiaW@Cupertino.org>wrote:
Hello Sara. I received your email today, and will respond to as many of the points as I am able.
1. Why has this piece of hillside escaped the appropriate hillside zoning?
My understanding is that a couple of decades ago the City Council considered this area for the hillside
designation in the General Plan, but did not take action to change it. In the 1993 General Plan, it was not
brought up. In the current General Plan review, it was brought up, but the Planning Commission is
recommending that there not be any change. They added wording to an existing policy on Hillside
Development Standards (Policy 2-45, Strategy 2) that now states: Actual lot sizes and development
areas will be determined through zoning ordinances, clustering, identification of significant natural
features and oeolooical constraints.
2. Can the City clarify the information... is accurate or not?
I think it's too difficult to respond to information Mr. Knopp said or might have said. Perhaps the best
thing is for people to read the R-1 ordinance as it relates to slopes and let us know if you have any
specific questions about the effect of the ordinance on your properties.
3. Oak tree removai - I responded to that earlier today.
4. City Council agendas - the City Council probably has three General Plan meetings left: September
14, 20.and October 4. At this writing, the hillside issue has not been specifically scheduled for a
discussion item. However, September 20 is the best date for you to make any request you have related
to General Plan hillside policies or land use designations.
Page 2 of3
Ciddy Wordell
-----Original Message-----
From: Arzeno, Sara [mailto:Sara.Arzeno@cvt.comj
sent: Monday, September 12, 2005 9:23 AM
To: Bob Rodert¡ tahoejej@comcast.net; taysi3@aol.com; sharminsalim@sbcglobal.net;
Cc: gief@sbcglobal.net; Ciddy Wordell; Patrick Kwok2; Charles Kilian; Steve Piasecki
Subject: Lindy Lane Petition - Possibly signed based on mis-information - No response from City
Importance: High
Dear Members of the City Council, Planning Commission, and Mr. Kilian -
The situation on Lindy Lane continues to be difficult - once again - after silence from our city
planning department and council members, I am writing to request some answers.
Last Monday evening at dinner time, Mr. Knopp and Mr. Sun rang our doorbell to suggest that we
sign a petition regarding a zoning change on Lindy Lane (I believe Mr. James has provided you
with a copy of this petition.)
I let Mr. Knopp and Mr. Sun know that we do not approve such a petition and that we want Hillside
zoning to be put in effect - as it should have been all along.
After discussing our views with these gentlemen - Mr. Knopp told me that if hillside zoning were
approved, no one on our side of the street would be allowed to remodel/add on to our homes - and
that if some sort of damage occurred in the future, structures such as swimming pools, etc. could
not be rebuilt because the Hillside zoning would forbid such activities. He went on say that our
properties would be de-valued if hillside zoning were to be approved. At this part of the
conversation, I must say - I simply stared at Mr. Knopp because I did not believe any of these
statements were true - in fact, I checked with a Planning Commissioner to confirm that Mr. Knopp
had been most definitely mis-representing the facts. A number of us are now extremely concerned
because _ after talking to several neighbors - apparently these gentlemen had told everyone the
same mis-information - and more importantly - a number of people signed the petition based on
this mis-information.
Can the City please clarify why this small piece of hillside - unlike other areas similar to it's
topography/geography - has escaped the appropriate hillside zoning?
Can the City please clarify whether or not the information that Mr. Knopp and Mr. Sun have
been telling people is accurate - or not?
The City Council and Planning Commission need to consider our rights on this issue. We have
been trying to get the Planning Commission to hear & respond to our concerns since May- and we
were told to put our concerns in writing. Our first Lindy Lane Neighborhood Group emaii went out
to Ciddy W. on June 1 sl. Our first meeting with the City wasn't until the beginning of July at which
point Ciddy was in Italy for a month and Mr. Piasecki was only able to attend our meeting for 10
minutes because he had a previous engagement (this was shocking since a number of us had ieft
work early and driven back to Cupertino specifically for this meeting). In the meantime, we have
kept letters and concerns coming in - but no one in the Planning Department has even bothered to
respond. We still have not received an answer about who/why have oak trees been
removed and what has or - what will the City do about it? We still have no response
concerning our very real worries about hillside stability (pis refer to city records to see mud
slide history and building problems over the years) will the City please respond? Now - we
have a petition that may have been signed under false pretenses - to further deveiop this area.
For those of us uninitiated into City Government - when we see "The General Plan" on the City
Page 3 of3
Council Agenda· many of us do not realize that "Hillside Development" is part of this.
I request that you please itemize the City Agendas so that Citizens will know what is really
being discussed - so that we will be prepared to attend meetings that impact us and not let the
hidden agenda unfold in our absence.
A final note - many of us in this neighborhood voted for the current city administration the
basis of it's purported "Hillside Protection" stance - this was apparently a mis·
representation as well
Although this does not represent the complete emaillist of the Lindy Lane Neighborhood Group.
pis reply to all so we can forward to others in our group.
Thank you.
Sara Arzeno
Manager, Medical Writing
CV Therapeutics, Inc.
(650) 384-8816
- '...,lJ S[P 1 2 2D05
June 4, 2005
Dear Cupertino City Council, Planning Commission, and Planning Staff,
We the residents of Lindy Lane and Mt Crest object to the recent change in building
requirements in our area. Specifically, we object to the change in the R 1 ordinance
section 19.28.050 paragraph C whereby both the Rl and RSH rules are applied to
buildings in our area with slope densities greater that 15%. According to the planning
office, there are 27 homes affected by this change. We object to the change for two
reasons, lack of proper notification, and lack of evidence that the proposed change is
reasonable or required.
In a Cupertino Planning Commission meeting held on January 26, 2005 there were II
members from the affected group attending a meeting to discuss a proposed rezoning of
our area from Rl to RSH. During that meeting the 15% slope change was mentioned by
Peter Gilli from planning. None of the residents in that meeting had heard of the slope
change, which had already been passed. We feel this change amounts to a rezoning
under another name. Because the change is effectively a rezoning, and because the
residents were not properly notified we feel it should be repealed. In addition, we have
seen no credible evidence that such a change is warranted in our area. There are already
rules in effect to ensure that structures built on slopped lots are safe.
The January 26 meeting was called by the city planners to discuss a possible rezoning of
the area around Lindy Lane and Mt Crest. We were told that the proposed changes would
have "no negative effects". This is simply NOT true. Both the 15% slope change and the
proposed rezoning have tremendous adverse effects on our property values. We the
residents of those areas are strongly against this proposed rezoning. Such a rezoning was
proposed by the city 10 years ago. During that time the city decided NOT to rezone the
area. The city had reasons for the decision back then, and we see NO reason to change
the zoning now.
In summary, we the owners of the properties around Lindy Lane and Mt Crest strongly
object to the change in the building rules requiring both Rl and RSH restrictions on lots
with 15% slope densities. We are also against the proposed rezoning. We request that
the city council repeal the change in the Rl ordinance section 19.28.050 paragraph
C whereby both the Rl and RSH rules are applied to buildings with slope densities
greater than 15% and reinstate the previous rule. We also request that the
proposed rezoning of our area from Rl to RSH be dropped from the general plan.
Thank you for your attention in this matter.
;lJ -1
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