U-1985-18 (Mod)b CUSD 18-U-85 (MODIFICATION) CUPERTINO UNION SCHOOL DISTRICT 18-U-85(Maditied) CITY OF CUPERTIIdO I0300 Torre Avenue Ctipertino,Califomia 95014 RESOLUTION NO. 4137 OF TF�PLANNING COMMISSION OF TF�CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING A USE PERMIT TO I.EASE 6 CLASSROOMS TO ' TWO EDUCATIONAL INST[TU'I'IONS SECTION I: FINDINGS W[-�REAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Chpertino received an application Cor a Use Fernut, as dacribad on Page 1 of ihis Resoludon;and WFIEREAS,the applicant 6as met the burden of proof requind w support said application;and WHEREAS,Ux Planning Comm��rion finds that the applicatiou mats the foUowing requiremenu: a) That[Le use or uses are in cantormana with thc Gemral Plan of the City of Ctipertino, and aro not deuimental to cxistiag uses or to us�s apecificaUY Pormiued in the zone in which tLe proposed use is co be located b) That We property invotved is adequatc in size and shapc to axommodatc thc proposed use. c) That the proposed use will not generate a level of uaffic over and above that of the rapacity of 1he existing street system. d) That the proposed use is othecwise not detrimental w the health.safet3'.Peace,morals and general welfare of persons residing or worlcing in the neighbor600d of such proposed uses, nor injurious to property and improvemenis in the neighborhood. a) 7'hat►he Condidoas of Approval limit intensiry equivalent W operation of the sites as public schooLs. NOW,TF�REFORE,BE IT RESOLVED: 'Il�at aRer c�eful consideration of maps,facts,exLibits testimony and other evidence submitted in tlus mauer,the applicatioa for Use Permit is 6ereby reoommended for approval,subjoct to the conditions wluch are enumerated in this Raolution beginning on Page 2 thereoE,and ' Ttiat tl�e suboonclusious upon w6ich the findings and cooditioas apoci5od in this Resolution are based and conLVned in the Public Hearing rocard conoerning pppliwtion I&U-83(Modi6ed)as set forih in tLe Minutes of the Planning Commissiou Meaing of June 14,1993,and ace incorporatod by re[ererce as though fully set forth herein. SECTION II• PROJECC DESCRIP'CI�N Applipaon No.: 18-U-85(Modi�iqtion) Applicant; C�pertino Uaion School Disirict Property Owncr. Ctipertino Union School District L.ocation: Portal Elementary School Ruolution No. 4b57 (18-U-83(htodification) Junc 14,t993 Page-2- ��I70N ID: CONDITIONS ADMINISTERED BY THE COIvIIvfUNI1Y DEVELOPMENT DEpARTMENT i. APPROVED EXFIffiITS The rocommendation of approval is baud on Plaming Commistion Resolution No. 2616 and Portal School Lease Pro�art�s letter of May 17, 1993, exapt as may be ameaded by the Conditions contained in this Raolutioa 2. NOISEMAKING DEV[CES No public address rystem or paging rystem, powered megaphone or simi(ar noisemaking device shall be permitted outdoors at any dme. 3. pARKING Parking shall be ptovidod u ra�uirod in the Ctipertino Municipal Code. d. BICYCL.E PARKING T6e applicant shall insWll sxvred bicycle racks commeaauate with typical public u600ls. S. USE LIIv[TTAT[ONS The Condidoat of Ciry Council letter dated Febroary 17�1987 Sh311 rem�in jp jujl CII'e�t,App�oval i5 gran[ed for a master uu permit w caoduct private aduration including: dementary and junior high. Future pm�ate elementary and junior 6igh usecs,which moet the provisions of this Rcsolution,will not be required to apply for a use permit but may oavpy spaa subjoct W obtaining a business license. Fuhue non�educational uscrs will bc re�uirod to apply for a use permit 6. HOURS AND DAYS OF OPERATION The hours of operadon shall be limited W 7:00 am.w 7:00 p.m. Us�on Sahuday shall operate betwecn 9:00 a.m.and 3:00 p.m. The uses may not opecate on Sundays with the exception of those uus which are exempt Gom City review(Civic Ceater Act). 7. TRAFFIC GENERATION PERFORMANCE STANDARDS Projuled levels of vaffic shall not excud A�at geueratod by tLe use as a public school faciliry based on a maximum generation af 1.�one-way Uips per student or 14 trips pa 1,000 square fcet of building area.The following calculation waz iued to determine tl�e mauimum daily and pealc hour trips which may be generated: Acmitv Trio Rate Peak% Triv Generation Pcak Trio Elementary 1.4/student 5% &t0(1) qZ (1)Based upon school average of 600 students Resolulion No. �3-f57 (18-U-85(Modification) Iucto 14,1993 Page-3- 8. EXISTING USE PERMITS Conditioas of approval for tl�e priwate daycare applicatioas 18-U-85 and I8-U-SS Amendod remain in fWl forcc and efl'a�. 9. RENTALLEASE AGREEMENC Rental and lease agroement shall advise operators oC tLe oonditioas i�uposed by the City ttvough Planning Commission Raolution No.2616 and ihis resolution to enwro compliance with the conditions. 10. AFPFR SCHOOL CARE The aRer school care Cor the private elemeatary and junior high schoot shall remain incidental to the primary schooling activity. The c6ildcare facility shall be available only w those participants in the schaoi programs and nol to the generai public. 11. STATE LICENSING Due to the c4ild�are activities,state liansing is rcquic�d fiom the Department of Social Services. Provide proaf of licensing from this deparunent prior W oavpadoa PASSED AND ADOPTED this 14th day of June,1993 at a Regulaz Mceting of tlu Planning Commission of lhe City of Ctipertino by the following roll call vote: AYES: COMMISSIONERS: Bautista,Doyle,Robuts and Chaiiwoman Austin NOES: COhIlNISSIONERS: Nonc ABSTAIN: CObIIvLISS[ONERS: Nom ABSENT; COMIvIISSIONERS: Mahonry ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/ Robert Cowan 15LD�nna Austin Roberi Cowan Donna Austin,Chainvoman Director of Community Development G�ipertino Planning Commission g���.�is�,ss Citt�of Ctipertirw 10)00 Tone A�cnuc P.O.Uo�SBO Cupe��ino,C�950U-3255 Cuperlino,G 95015•0580 Tclephone:(408)252�4505 FA% (4081252-0753 COMMUNITY DEVEIOPMENT June 15, I997 Cupertino Union School District Attn:Sonja Shurr 10301 Vista Drive Cupertino,California 95014 Subjecl: Appiiption 18-U-85(Modifiption)-Cupertino Union Schooi District This letter coMmu the decision of the Cupertino Planning Commission,given at its reguiar meedng of June 14, 1993 to apprwe the subject appiicadon acoording to the findings and conditions spec�ed in the enclosed copy of Planning Commiuion ResoluUon No.445i.'1 Plcase note thesc wndiUons careCully. Subsequcnt subminal of materials for building pertnits or other enliUements will be checked for compliance with the condidons listed in tho Resoludon;discrepancia may result in praessing delays. Please wntact our o�ice if you hace any quesdons about this matter. As a reminder,please provide the offia square footages of all existing administrators as identified in your"Ponal Lcase Programs" letter of May 17, 1993. This will enable me to calculate the ercisting trip generaUon rate accuralely tor lhe City file. C OF CUPERTINO ����{.�--�I �.� M��n�i�e��� Communiry Developmcnt Department Enclosurc Rcsoludon No.4458 g:mm:itrs/I8u85M A�'Fii:��ED CItY .:".:::'iL �iqned Data PORTAL SCHOOL F'�':�'`��`' ` �-�-��� LEASE PROGRAMSS`9°�`�` � �at���1_L�1_� AfiCH. cc 5.:.; .�;;,,:i;�:L Ponal School is locared at 10300 Blaney Ave„Cupertino,CA. This facilit�n,sdoct'afed onTl'.T4-- acres with ingress and egress available from both Blaney and Portal�s. The school is comprised of 35.130.00 squaze feet of building space (see attached site plan). is square � footage.28,041.00 squarc feet is used as an extension of the district's administrative offices. The following district administradve programs are located a[the Portal site: Teacher Resource Center, Testing and Grants, Healthy Start Program. Book Depository, Music, Language Arts and Materials storage,CPR Trainmg and materials,First Aid Training and materials,Home Schooling Program,Computer Technology,GATE Program(Gifted and Talented Education),ESL(English as a Second Language)Program, and conference/meeting rooms. The following information describes the district programs mendoned above: TEACHER RESOURCE CENTER � A. 2 full-dme district employees. B. Lending library of educadonal materials for teachers,teacher aides,district office staff and classroom parent volunteers. C. Itinerant users-average of 20 per day between the hours of 7:30 A.M.to 5:30 P.M.(M, T,Th,F�and Wednesday,7:30 A.M,to 8:00 P.M. TESTING AND GRANTS A. 2 full-dme district employees. B. Storage of scholastic tesdng material. C. 2 full-dme district employees write grants for the district. HEALTHY START PROGRAM A.One half-time district consultant administers this program. B. A grant from the State of California that provides planning dollars to develop a school site based inter agency collaboradon-Health and Social Services for children and famiGes. C. Itinerant coordinator-visits the school sites. Is at Portal 1R day,5 days per week. TEXT BOOK DEPOSITORY(Storage of scholastic educational materials) A. One full-dme disa-ict employee. B.UPS delivery of materials and district warehouse deliveries from Portal to educadonal sites. Page 1 of 5 Pages '� � MUSIC PROGRAM The distric[stores the musical instruments at Portal. The music program,due to financial rescraints,has been eliminated in the elementary schools. LAIYGUAGE ARTS AND SCIENCE MATERIALS A. One full-ame and one half-time district employees. B. The district stores and prepares the language arts und science curriculum kits at the Portal site. The kits are delivered to the 18 elementary school sites by the warehouse staff. CPR TRAINING MATERIALS A. CPR training materials are stored at the Portal site. B. The district offers classes several times a year for staff to become certified in administering CPR. C. Classes are held in the conference/meeting rooms at the Portal sitc. D. Teachers are district scaff serving as consultan�nstructors. FIRST AID TRAIIYING MATERIALS A. First Aid training materials are stored at the Pottal site. B. The district offers classes several times a year for staff to become certified in first aid techniques in the event of an emergency. C. Classes are held in the meeting/conference room area. D. Teuchers are district staff serving as consultantslinsavctors. GIFTED AND TALENTED EDUCATION (GATE) PROGRAM , A. This program has one half-dme secretary located at the Portal site. The secretary prepares the necessary/required reports for communicadon with the parents. , HOME SCHOOLING A. The district's Home School Program averages about 150 students. B. A curriculum library is housed at Portal to provide parents with materials and books to assist them in providing the education of their children at home. C. Use is minimal due to the small amount of children registered in this program. COMPUTER TECHNOLOGY A. This is not staffed by employees. The use of this portion of the facility is solely determined by teacher need,desire,or creadvity. B. This area houses system equipment used for video duplicating. Page 2 of 5 Pages �:� � ESL (ENGLISH AS A SECOND LANGUAGE) PROGRAM A. One full-time person is employed at PoRal with [wo itinerant teachers vaveling to the schools to monitor the program. B. Portal is ESL's home base. All testing and reference materials are housed here. C. New students registered in the district chat do not speal:English are brough[to Portal by their parents for testing and placement a[one of our elementary sites that has a ESL Program. D. This prog-ani creates minima!traffic at the Portal site. MEETING AND CONFERENCE ROOMS A. The meeting and conference rooms is no different[han other district elementary school sites B. District staff,PTA,outside organizations such as Girl Scouts,Boy Scouts,Garden Clubs, City Recreation Classes(square dancing),etc.,use district facilides for their weekly or monthly meerings. C. These meedngs may take place from 7:30 A.M.to 9:00 P.M.,Monday through Friday,and 7:30 A.M.to 5:00 P.M.on Saturdays. The district has 18 elementary school sites.District attendance for the month of April, 1993,at these 18 sites was 10,300 studena. Due to financial restraints,the district busing program has been drastically reduced. Of the 10,300 studenu attending district schools,only 914 of them are being bused. This leaves 9,386 studenu being driven,walking,or riding bikes to and from school , each day. A look at Collins, Faria,Garden Gate,Lincoln,Regnart,or Fremont Older Schools between the hours of 8:00-9:30 A.M., 2:10-3:30 P.M., and 5:00-6:00 P.M., will demonstrate aaffic panems. Each of these schools has a population of 500 to 600 students. � Portal School was constructed to house 600 students,20 classrooms with 30 studenu per each of these classrooms. If Portal School were to be reopened as a district educational site,it would generate the same traffic impaction as observed at the aforementioned sites. The district requests a Master Use Permit to lease 7,089.00 square feet of the Porcal site. This space is vacant and will not be needed for district administradve programs. The district would therefone like to locate two small schools in this space. The Chinese Achievement School would occupy 2,572 squaze feet(two classrooms which were foRnerly kindergarten rooms,chat include restrooms),and the French American School of Silicon Valley would lease two classrooms plus 2 restroonu for a total of 2,189.00 square feet. The remaining classrooms totaling 2,328 squaze feet have been left for future growth of the French American Schoot. CHINESE ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOL Chinese Achievement School administers classes in phonetic Mandarin Chinese,math,Chinese culture,arts and crafts,and brush painting to school-age children. The following packets have Page 3 of 5 Pages 1 p Z been provided for your review regarding the curriculum of this school: l. Chinese Achievement School Aftcr School Pro�am Parent Handbook. 2. Chinese Achievement School Schedule. 3. 1992-1993 Chinese Achievement School calendar and ttansportation routes. 4. I.ctter from a Cupertino Union School District principal thstnking Judy Yu for assisting in presenting curriculum material in the teaching of Chinese language awareness in the public school system. 5. Licensing report from the State of Califomia. 6. Advertisements. 7.Report Cards. I CHINESE ACHIEVEMENT SCHOOL Hours of operation: 1230 P.M.-6:00 P.M.,M through F 9:00 A.M.- 12:00 Noon,Sat. Registered Participants: 32 children(24 M-F,8 on SaG),anticipate 64 Pattem of attendance: Daily L.eased Faciliries: 2 classrooms Staff: 5 instructors Special Purpose Vehicles: 3 vans pick up all childien attending Chinese Achievement � School from district schools and transport them to Portal. Vans are parked at Portal. NUTE: Students bring their lunches. Parcnts pick up their children in the evening. FRENCH-AMERlCAN SCHOOL OF S!LlCON VALLEY The French American School of Silicon Va(ley combines the French system with thc American system of teaching to provide children with the best of two educadonal approaches. Their preschool program for 2 1!2 year olds is a total immersion in French. The Kindergarten through 6 Grade program gives priority to French reading and writing skills,with oral English,math,social studies and science forming the core of the English portion of the program. Before and after school child care will be provided for the French American students anly. A packet of information has been provided by Claude Nederovique,Director of the school, for your review. Page 4 of 5 Pages �� � FRENCH AMERICAN SCHOOL OF SILICON VALLEY Hours of operadon; 8:30 A.M.-3:15 P.M.,M through F(basic) 8:30 A.M.-12 Noon,M though F(preschool) 7:00-8:30 A.M.&330-6:00 P.M.(before&after school .- studenc caz+e) Registered Participants 7 childien,anticipate 22 (Maximum of 120 students) Patum of attendance: Daily Leased Facilides: 2 classrooms Staff: 3-6 instructors NOTE: Children are brought to and from school by their parents. Chlldren bring their lunches to school. Property Office 5/17/93 Page 5 of 5 Pages '�r � � ..I . ArY�-�UV�ll Ilarch ��, 198�q•Z �UU.��;;L , RE5OLUTION NO. �616 (hiinute Order) Siqned ' OF THE PLANhi1NG COt9MI55I0�J OF TIIE CI7Y OF r_UPERTINQ RECOMhIENDIMG GUIDELINE5 TO THE CITY COUNCIL FOR Date � REVlEW OF NEW USES WITHIhI F'UBLIC SCHOOL 5ITE5 P Nl '' l;v:�l>•:iJ"'iCN �JHlCH ARE NO LOMGER FULLY UTILIZED FOR PUBLIC `1��(.�� �, SCH[]OL FURPOSES. S[gne �.�:_ � �INDINGS• Date�1.! `� �' ARCH. & 5Ttc CC::�ROL Open space located on publi� school sites is a valuab��i68mmunity resour�e. • �� � School buildings and facilities on public school sites are �lso a valuable community resource and should continue to be avaiLable for public usage. Traffi� generation char�cteristics of new uses sliould generrlly reflect that of previous public ed��cation facilities at the site. rarking shuuld be reason�bly adequate to ensure there is minimal spill-ov=r into adjoining residential areas. Hours of operation should be restrieted to qenerally reflect r_h�racteristics of public sct-iool utilization. Ful.l priv�te utilization of the school sites is unlikelv as the level oF activity 140L11� lik.ely e::ceed that normally expected from a publi� school utilization of a similar site. r'ublic school sites were developed to a��ommodate activities d=voted to the education of children wl�ich operated prim�rily during daytime hours, generated relatively low levels of traffic. and served commur�ity needs. Said sltes typically do not provide �.deq�_iat=_ parking, lighting, security. etc. characteristic of ommercial, industrial, or office facilities generally fvund in che community. Fldditionally, said sites are generally located ��ithin neiqhborhoods and the pohential for si�nificant off-site impa�ts is much greater than is normally found on commercial. effice, industrial facilities lo�ated in other areas of the community. r�rmitted Uses and Ar-chitectural and Site Standards --------------------------------------------------- The General Flan land use designation for school sites is quite restrictiv_. 5�hool sites are d�signated -for p��blit and quasi-public/lnstitutional activities. A quasi-public/institutionai activity is a "designation applied to a privately o��ned property wtii�h involves activities such as a private Utility, a profit or non-profit facility that provides continuoue c�re for people, an educational facility, or a religious facility". . (�IOTE): Tlie Flanning Commissinn is of the epinion thet the allowed range of uses slio�_�id be e::p�nded. The Commission has �sl�ed City Council for authorization to cenduct he�rings to consider an amendm=nt to tl�e Gener�I Flan to „� allow qrn�ter land us� Fle::ibility for s�hoal sites. �. "-' I F'lanning Commission Resolutivn No. 2616 lcontinued) Ar�hite[t�iral �hanges to a leased portion of a school site should • be in character with the balance oF the site. If a schbol site • is completely revamped, the building form and materials shall be in harmony with the surrounding residential co�nmunity. TNe use of iron bar grill works and barb wire, or the boarding up of �-iindows with temporary materiats are generally not approved in areas which are e:�posed to public view. Approval of a use shall not render historically used turfed areae unusable. Hlours_of_OQer�ti on Hours of operation shouid ge�erally be limited to the daytime fioi�rs from 7:30 a.m. to 7:�?U p.m. Llmited evening activity from 7:i14 p.m. to 9:00 p.m. m�y be permitted when it is found that the activity aill not generate significant amouhts of traffic or �nnoyance to the surrounding neighborhood. Noise Noise from such facilities should not be audible beyond property lines. Traffi� In gener�l, ths traffic generation ch�racteristics of non-p�ablic school activities sliould be consistent with traffic ch�racteristics associated with a typical school use. For the purpose of tliis policy. tfie traffi� profile for a typical school site will b� based Lt�1011 the historical �ise of the site. incl��ding nen-s�liooL a�tivities such as recreat(on uses and publi� service a�tivities. iie traffic assessment for a proposed nan-school u=_e nf a schovl site shall contain the following elements: 1. Haurly tra4fic qeneration rate for the e::isting or form=r schoal operation and the proposed uses(s). 2. AUT (Average Daily 7raffic) and peak hour traffic generation from ttie �ite. _. ADT and �4-hour counts of neighborinq streets. 4. Trip assig�ments of er,isting and propnsed uses. When traffi� levels equal or exceed trip qeneration levels of a typical public school use. use permit requests will be evaluated based upon the followinq: i. Degree (to) wliich tr�ffic levels e:�ceed public schoal qencration. , Z. Characteristics oF e:;isting and proposed treffic. :�. Hours of operation. �� �= Planning Commission Resolution �lo. 2616 (continued) 4. Cammunity benefit f�om exisCinn and ��roposed uRes. 5. Composition o4 uses. b. Sensitivity of �eighborhood to tr•affic impacts. f� sctiool site with access to an r.rter-ial, ma.�or collector� or ' minor collector streek wlll have the ability tu accommndate a greater intensity of use than a site s�trved 6y lo�al neighborhood streets. PAS5ED AND ADOPTED this LJfFI day of Plarch, 1985, at a regular meeting af the Flanning Commission of lhe Citv of Cupertino. State of California, by the following roll call vote: ' YE5: Commissioners Adams, Macken�ie. Sorensen, Vice Chairman Szabo NAYS: None ABSTAIM: None ABSENT: Chairman Claudy ATTEST: AI%Ff;OVEU: /s/James il. Slsk /s/:�icholas Szabo James H. Sisk Nicholas Szabo.�Vice�Chairman Planning Uire�tor Planning Commission 1 � ` n �� � citr�of cHpc�-tirw 103W�orre Avcouc P.O.Oor 580 Cup��itino,CA 75014-3255 Cupe�tino,CA 95015-0560 Tclephonc(4W�2i2-4505 FA%:(4W)252-W9 COM�IUNITY DEVEIOPMENT Junc 21,1993 Cupertino Union School District Attn:Sonja Shurr • 10301 Visla Dri��c Cupertino,Califomia 95014 Subjat: Applicalion 18-U-85(Modifiption)-Cupertino Union Schooi District This Ieltcr is to inform you that wc arc making cluv�gcs to RcsoluUOn No.4458. The only wrrections that are bcing made include changing thc numbcr from No.4�158 to No.4457. Again,U�c Rcsolulion ilself rcmains the samc. A rcviscd copy is cnclosccl for your rccords. If yoa havc�ny qucstions,plcase qll the Community Dcvclopment Depariment at(408)252-4505. Sincc�ly, � �� ��`— , � Pa�Lggcn� ��✓�� Communily Dcvclopmcnt Dcpanment Enclosurc: Rcsolution No.4457 g:`mmUdtm\18u School Potendal 600 students�l�x 1.4 =840 maximum one-way trips SchoolPro�osed Existing Daycare =352 one-way uips maximum�Z� Existing Administrators(7.5) = 9 one-way trips�3� Proposed Elementary Students(184) =258 one-way uips�4� Total =619 one-way trips(221 trips remaining) � (1)The historical student maximum is 655 studenLs with modular on the parcel. Staff has applied the building occupant maximum of 600 students. (2)Maximum as required by 18-U-85 (3) 1 ono-way trip per 1,000 square fcet of building area (4) 1.4 one-way trip per child Includes teachers,pac�ents and miscellaneous other trips(detiveries). cJtrips