U-1983-09b9-U-83 RaSOLL-1.10:; No. 2392 UP THE PLANNING COMUSSION OF THE CITY Of CUTI:RTINO .RECQMMI,W=C APPROVAL OF A USE PMIUT TO CONSTRUCT 413 RESIDP-TIAL DWELLING IMITS ON APPROXIMATELY 107 ACRES ZN A ? (PLAIMED DEV-MOP—MENT WITH 20!-,ING lasmm A-M-'CANT; 1nzzrl-d Development CD=PanY' (Seven Springs Ranch) iDDz'SS:_22 -BDre:L Avenue, Suite f)00. San `} teo, Calijarnia 94402 M-* �-- marrb 1983 L7)CA::7-DN: T4n=Le[j by Rainbow Drive T:o the north. Stell_4ng Road to the east, -Iros-pac- -M Road to the sow=:�I and Tremont Older Preserve/Upland d lik IJ v TO on ?age 1 and subcanc2uslons Ali _A.= fz_--h =he =a==&s mi =me j,"===nF r—, Lon —time ni April 11, 1983. = :do == =D=EI:i= W±=h the saerial ry wmm-- -a - . does ea- t, the =mx.-', ins an.�s.-..+c N-.;n= - -;p= M=ZL-�- _j� :.S-_ 3 Zs= Revision. C and mA§jg__ - --= -,-- 4e- b-v add3,=a=al tf _j as =wv to mcnm=- -1 =eV:jjW =he final Site Rantz=mma===&e sch.1 xm --v--m=mmmna=to =he jr!-- S--=& r-3— wall base —�= -34 s-i— 'PI —In s bed mar =7,r , 2= t tj e ,pol i- de =1 below:' mrpz =mm�- r mpzm= x=n=r Z"e=z=rnf a4j--,= to lbw Dr±vp- -iaZ--W = Mr 103=V =!= 15M =f =M=bp-T of twell-:M� izz=.-g-W 4m-% a=--ess- "ease z . zz zz= SY-Z3 zzz=3s t=,-- Z-*e=s fz- *-W=:46L U- ■ Planning Commission Resolution No. 2392 9-U-83 of the Committee and its decision shall be final. As is the case of all Architectural and Site approval Committee reviews, the Architectural and Site Control review and subsequent City Council approval shall be conducted as a non-public hearing agenda item. • 17. The timing of development shall be controlled by the below schedule and - the applicant shall fund his or her proportionate share of community -vide road improvements as identified in an ordinance or policy in effect =aea 1 building permits are issued. nE"W=aam r MASING SCd=r*_-= I vas: a ems: 3Z r ?d:aR :v :s"5-.SSA• u$3�- i ?hale - 'S+ --==3 __ Start of ,... t--a-tian of tas 3oU r =i a 30aW Je aaaa 3oU!svar3 i-arsectiaa Sa�t3 Tilt = _a=far t:.;iz Oa-! Mmzhs lazy ai 4" paa=t aparas . - Star-- of aLammm s a£ :82fi.;. 3-Iv Srsizn alaa.. '_. adapice 1. ' :zFr .esr _ ZDe-:.=nv area 3uhb. izallin ' Xad Ncrle3.l Aimads ", ar 13 SIL=ths avd.:daver -:3 sooner- 13. Mlee fallowing as -smote a ics:ar ate.+ >+ tx'-= =--=UAttz= mod: 1 s:oas saaY x t larerd and —or3orated .:to a plan 3,--:Zftd ...,. 34 __ac sra and Sa a ypDT3aa1 �aem3.itaa r' '-Lv. a,. hi rie pate (a pawed ;tat!l separare from r.-aduasi smal I De iz*a :44 an tea saucIt si3e of zhe 3a`:noow 7rzve rl-gat ai :car. b_ 'W$ Lair=y- oo: pedeszr'-aa cor'_dors shaL: "t c e 3a:nhar 3r-,rtyvritvaire sa and Ra tz the pr;±_ccts +„ z,ol..ettmr road- is corr'_.d.C`T sa' x ar_aarad tz tee Tenzer o tSG pro.-fict. �a pr ec .aa ln,tamioa of the ; o.:.:. c_�s wail hr eLa ts1�1 ar eerily bbl"e s'n safety cerat�s. t•.:ra-arxnd areas -..t3 a --lustors ray raqu, xe =0 accummodato =he _=ring its of fir* appasa :as- Th* :)irecz_r o= ?Tlx==:L=& And a'^_ar cIInsultati= *rL= the :.entral Fire '..list_.... . 3b.3 :? }same t autacritc t3 a+ac$ aodi::cstiaaa to the 3t_ :as3 fiats 3a�:r live. Stall=-; s a an ? �-prc= 3�ad 4r i taller _c=Q— t:aa u'it- zn* L5 . ;h;e .l mg -: t r=_st ?`case Devejo :.tnt. 17CTLi. a3{Y :3pr.T.22II2St3 3:_al.l 3Ie ::3z3z:.eIi fr ith ?'-zse �-ee IJenl;rye=t. _te�i_g aa.a: snail � C ae=.izat,-d as a onr i,a[rG :Q3.'rY2F. hweve_ —rz :gad as a rw,-?i22 rya. :37. iizL=g the ==b --lint of way shall be landscaped. - 3 - Planning Commission Resolution !.a. 2392 9-li-3� 19. The City Council shall approve a traffic control plan for Rainbow Drive between Bubb Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way prior to approval of a tentative subdivision map for the protect. The plan shall include design elements to reduce vehicular speeds and traffic volumes and discourage penetration into adjacent neighborhoods. The plan may eliminate left turn movements from the project bnco Rainbow Drive. The installation costs of improvements incorporated into the plan shall be borne by the applicant. The plan shall define the estimated maintenance costs and shall define the obligation of the developer (future project property owners), the City and adjoining non -project property owners for maintenance of the street plan. 'Me plan must be submitted to the directly affected property owners on Rainbow Drive for a vote before submittal of said plan to City Council and the results suoW+ttee- to City Counc:l with the plan, 20. The City Council satin!" investigate the provisica of water service to the site and tau suc mct`ohs as -.armed ap7rnpria=e as a an it-saa to this sse per7zir. 2-1. Me 40 t_. wide fira-stab site located adjacent :o the rain e=---y .-.riot far Scelii= 3oad is i.adegaate- iam4tics 11 of :aka; airs Zi-C-W shall remain i= force- The City Council sn." Male a :=a! decsian rergardiza the necesai� of the sita, its size (after the Cc -__al .ire Z"triu) and the means far (-ding a aubsegueat hail:.iag rtt-Or =aaasrcvaZ of a subdivision map for the development. .r. r�ags located within Z50 ft. from center line of Stalli=4 Read 3ua11 utilize double glazed windows and window asstmblies :a acti.ave a =!=! - m sound traasnissian class rating of 2 d33 redluct-on is the',amsrior to intar%or noise level_ All resi=fictial snits,. in this area, shall ut!:L--* good quality canst-zaccIon practices and instali.aE'— including the Selina of doors, windows, had frames and casings to ensure bat the i=teriar average day night untse level does not exceed 45 dBA 14-. 'woe has:! facdng patio fences of said as is shall be constructed of air tiger mate _^als to attenuate noise. _'3_ 2lod3=icatian of the Aayrreved Deve_opment Flan or a Bui �2n¢ Per=: In the event that ^fie applicant or subsequent pranerty awner shall desire to make anv minor cN-go-s. alterat-aa ar amendment in the a?araved developee-zt plan or building permit. a writtan reT ast and revised drvelapaenr r buiIdin^g, p8I"....t Shall he Submitted :a the :"irecrar of the Director a: planning had Devaicpment 3a;z=s a 44a:n3 ^.x at Z'I�ss are xiror and do not affect the general a yes act a: the area ar the intarts of a�trf of property with+V zr ad;o-' +-4 -!-e deveLaxent area. the ✓=recta= of ?IaVbntag and Development aav ze^_-'v ta: r_9rxga = the r�r�,: 413.z_ such apprava2 is :-ithbsl.-., the applicant air appeal to rile ?Ia -i 3"'ama:ssS_ the Barges are mazer,-31, the ]irec_ar zf ?_ i=; Am Z*-re z==,e=t s .s:l submit the chxl3e :a t`.t 3,r is dezia: h-r the?laming _a= : e 771iz3--t mAv appeal __ t- Za=- as ?rovi=ed in v;dinarce _.o. c=- z-f the ' :v cf ._ the =`3=3e is ..sl bes approved, as appnay be -4e � Lm:er:e =Ar:-.� _=rt_her, =7 =he=aer .o be fade Within ten (10) .'.Sys frc= da:e a: as•:_:al - when the change has been approved by the 121azzing G.�ssian. ti Planning Commission Resolution No. 2392 9-U-83 PASSED AND ADOPTED this 23th day of April. 1983 at a regular meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roil call vote: AYES: CDaenissioncrs Hinaeyeg. 31aine. Claudy. Cnai...aa :,dams AYS: 'IkMe Aas-alx: "W=� XncaSt..er • APPBOVED� /s/ Victor 1_ Adams Victor J. Adams, Chairman ?Iann ng Cinm siDn - -_ tsf ZAmes I- Sisk a ' a :+s;. P::a=23.44 m r Cit% of Cupertino 103007cxre AKnu a r.a sm Cvpenino, califomia 95W Cuprrnino, Califo ia9505 Telephone: (408)252-45M OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK Augusi .19, 1982 int�rland -411 3orei Avenue, Snide 6DU sSan Mateo. CA 9:a: M CITY CDIMaCV- ALMON Mhis win r> m=i= he ac-t:L= bz the C-tr C,:,•, r at their Wiz= sg O 16. 29Ev as. ca lizh Z5-.-sD '»as appro with the -0 iia; imE w isms.= i 3-" _ St e Iin zti t _. c� lit . - ia�r2• m a 3 e is:-3 ulzb t'be Spezia: camewa,ams .a-,=Mer3`-ed !WreEi,^„_ lz the ere a c. =* iAm d err car.. Zbe A. A 3ev--Si a am.! A t> '>— 1-3 aster be akLd--t-ic-0 cz tmize cwv-1 �_= 2�.-�zas = :.fir M= a.:se s3ta• it 3ru "r:eta ' pmvVerry, _ �.mii3 detrrza:.� ire .:ter Cite, 1^ �LL �s ice- a.it?a s���*. c>se Permmas it 3b= mlseta33a1 a?3 r sea :.is e:ve,-zZz7e s z3ae sc.n..:^ a2 cr: .3. sent eases 3,r1n aii-uax tri^s. r_3x z�serats isrtars for ear-h '3img umlz tFps' _sr ::1 i,c X,se6 im the sn tatisn t+ attai33 =ae n �z 9r. 3.$t6z) ;,D- a lcur:*._ Mwe:Llinr; Unit ?ors DT Rarzor Desacbed 12.0 Send aezazbed (zero iat line) 9_3 Attached trnmbousi-.- {fami3zi 7_2 17. The applicant/property owner agrees to participate in his vrupor- tionate share of major off -site street improvements of a local or curmuunit_v- vide nature. Said agreement shall include, but not be limited to, agreement to participate in a local improvement district, or directly contribute to street improvement. If an assessment district is formed, the applicant/property owner's share would be determined by a cost benefit ratio as established by assessment district law_ Boundaries for any district would be determined at a later date per assessment district law. Vie agreements to install the above improvements shall be submitted and recorded prior to or ifl con- junction with the issuance of building permits. At the use permit stage. building permits shall be phased in conjunction with mitiga- tion of traffic consistent with an adopted General 3'1an. Titre use permit aay not be approved until tine Cr^.eral Plan presently under consideration in August. 1982 is --tilted rr a -,reric;d n: sir m_UThS has elapsed. Whiche-rer is sa�rsz_ Ib. inc e~-sisg c yTss . • s ,� "ate s a -� >a _ t +e _ . �: _ l s= fag =he driTr � rig ^ __ism ac w rvc c sr 33:i= aTrc'j:zc� 3-+=3 - .3n.d ait sha..�i.�' SaI idated (b) The applicant shall, cons: rucr a d-irecr vehicular 3ccr3s ta. Stelli-ng Road as drseri:;srd an Exhl t A 'st R_�via.ipa.- _Alternative 3_ r-nless the rand av ri-nu;r+rment is dived at the rase pe:'mis stage Ti Jeve<uament r eviest_ the _ ^St r-action _ .-. -; ij r:: ddwav may require _r=ode at st 0 3 r,-eaarate narr.el. Th, Cir=• and developer %hall _*+operat^i e in araudring apprvai of 3.ra'road grade cressLng from the statte'Punli.c Utilities canimissicm_ (cl The qs& ;%e rmr:t plan shall. Inc S-r-por ate a drt ail ed trai 41C conrrol plan 3or the reach of :Ra- ::_haw Drive isetRee-n the intersection of Bubb Road to t2w Snut'W" ?ari.fic railroad crossing. The traific control plan shall include an ele-ment to reduce vehicular speed, and volumes of traffic and d s- courage penetration into adjacant ne ghbnrhot.ds. The tra#f-ir control n? n mac" elim nate left turn tw,v�-awnts i.rom r�M Seven S:zrz:2gsPLrich projert .site -ro icalnnou Drive.. The aa.-mcy 3d acent to i'T-'_and liaY std ?ta n.h'ov Dri-^r shall na _rr:ientad LaT those str Ls. (d) The use perm._ site plan ci:a l describr a circul:pt on plan to _iiniate ar reduce the "huienrial. for :ehi�/rs ..._secs±.^g _be's1tr .._c-m 'r.'qvrct iw ra _-'x _,Lr: , ;ag Vic,:+d "=p'_-::nd _ �;av prt�.ect 'n:rances_ The pl-m -.:hall orient trs to SielTyci iL-ad and Pr:-s-necr Road access poi its to tne=re3rrsL evzen. Pessible'.. 3 n S -'. z ze e 2 _-= s a= t e w st 0"- _' ;ii .. _ W±de rspa= e. >K-me^t ...., be erer. i b=a app .' izatr ;.-n _he c.t- _ _= dt- _<<»a�_ �.x3rca_ `- � -�-^�w. ._. a^•� Des-i.rr�..__ sidr Drd�=>ti& 1 lte as >a, pt-mr.r_p Ze, _w. 19. (Coutiitued) review a subsequestl-v submitted use pernd'!: Bile plan for the subject area of the project site_ A riparian zone delineated un Exhibits A and A 1st Revision shall he 100 ft_ from -either side of the creek as m<easurc.d fram the center line of said creak,. Grading for develop- meut in the riparian zone is prohibited except for narrow paths for passile sec:nvatiozal activities ruch as malting and jogging. 20. The dove-ItTme=T shall izicorpar:atY ',pas.iz°e and wciive Water and space heating des-#tm ;prinriplt-z -ard t-quipment t v provide appTvr3- matt-2?• 75ti of tha heating Ttytyyrrmen,s_ A precise platy Bha11 bme submixl4e3 :and a*TTDat:d by like r:ITy JAI sanjunctiem With the sse prza it place_ ;-J�M-j-de 2a: r? d d3csrSisxr. Muir . S _ r st a r `nd ?r z- - 1 amine ycuted r. be 'Ivrr'-W--st 'pladr.� ;.-f the int+rsrctjvn of+7rvs ivec_ Roadand 5re2 :Ln , Ra3d_ '_rd Pricr - 3 a_te iu _._3 .sr. _. e .:Ltn ..» e ?w if uw Jri to inzaed-iate :y, ESL of the ?acifi-c Railroad right of stay. the C-Iry vi1.1 select t:1r siS2 and means o acqul.-t4iz fzm im Call - junction -with the use permit and tentarive subdic isivn ;shag ©* the PSanntd :Wvelopmens app'irarian prucess_ Zf; such si't.at- .on is- deemed neceasar-v by the Cite or Cupertino... the appl3zant shall partiCipate !,a the ivndimg for tite cunstructiim of the 4:-e statIftm _mil,d-Ing based upon a subsequently devi-loped' and apprtsved financing mechanism. The Eire stari47n bru, dimg may be awned by the Ciz- of Cupertino. __. The.publTi park drlsi.c_ad rn the tplan e~.:.hi.b t is act accepted -as a pubidc parts_ The' je` e-!l prr >ii all pa} in lieu tees as required by CIry and zance. The three acre apace may be inriliad by dwel:ling units shtfted fram other araas _- the site plan_ The finall design w� bu aupriyved im -on unrtiun vtz a suhsegvenz'_-: .f__.zd use pe_r--Jr appicaLian_ 13_ The devel pmenz r ,nts to the common area shall se dedioared zZ the Cir-.• of C3perziao to :.a vazce at Oe -±C rd:a i -n _ t a Etna! su t- d1vz"!i-LJn. =a;: _z 3S_a.=e :SST- spju:e be r d'1ltJ fe:1�_ :.e,:._x•r=y-a:a�i�x' :-,i a yam.. �rcyse�t7LLn3 i s me�zsr� s5 p a = _ Mhe- zsrx i-L r ter— asnrrxi�> Council adopted Resolution No. 5870 certifying review and consideration of the EIR for Seven Springs Ranch Development. Application 3-CPA-81 was granted a Negative Declaration and Resolution No. 3859 amending the Environmental Resources Element of the General plan was adopted with the removal of Item I.B. Sincerely, , Z vaxal LM—rLIVS rM MIX9 Meg- Tom'++* -of 'FlistmixT zTtid Ilfv lrpmenx Marion Bllilis Dr-iVe. Czge---d=, swl=rri Ills--2-1tt rt Matv- sert -rie,-Trips 'EA F4'V3-L Sam 4—t. 5P-4-4enw Cz-,MA,. 511d:t� =:1D ct min mar .Iasd_ CA +5)i3M MMU 71=0Z TZ', xxr--L&=. CA 54M zz-tma 7-02-ne A-A!=Ue Im %m-t at= JEMO 11� 2VX MCILIMAWS.Z' S11UM.-irT, TZQO Mexrj-pe 3L,21- zMd As�oria-r Cl -%-ln4 T- n- mom- RM I= Jr!ske, IAA 952,32 n- lZimli, lxujs CA 947ID 7573 Bollinger Road cmperr:ino. CA 93DI4 31, End r-Mj32g T- D- Sax .2!6430 Bob Childs Ban JD-.e, CA 952-ng 10152 Barbara Lame rupertj=, CA 93014 ZnT,o=1*, S- 3,yddcyn T- D. 14nT. -Hq7 Cupertino, CA 9501-4 - 4 - .SAC-3Z2) SU'i"IARY YJIT- TES OF REGULAR MXTING OF THE A.S.A.C. i:ARCR 14. 1983, a'M REFERRAL OF RECOMMEMED DECISIONS OF VARIOUS PUBLIC HEARI,+,GS TO THE CITY COUNCIL. -M=ING HE" IN CONTERENCE ROOD OF CITY HALL, CUPERTINO. C1L.IFOPNLA. .'Ieeting called to -vrder at T:DO p_m. by Chairperson Nobel. ROT. CA1. -Present. Higdon, Miller. Morrison, Rooker and Chairperson Nobel. Absent r None S=Af:f -Present= Steve -Piasetki. SissDsiate -Planner and Sonia Binne +dyk. Planner I o"?72ZLL-TA—' Cl : ="-auras of Marrh 7 1983 were approved as submitted. '" e's - Revlezo ni :design -,ldel nes'ivr =be lb=a Tis= Ta., = "s.,� small address arrbizertu al standards. Easdsrape simmda ds. streetsrape details, and sign standards - Me ;+e-= I=jta if 1vr:zzed m== and south of Stevens Creek -Boulevard :-aa Ai4MM-77 15 zm saMtj• e. sad ire++ Stevens Creek -BDnlevard to Granada -W* ue 3ez'iaea ' ramxw Iu� Amd t"e reil_road =racks adjacent to Imperial Avenue_ ?.assdscssrioss3 - A consistent Landac-ape ===nrc w-f-I be vital xn--tab]isbimy an identity ar Tanta 'nists. aarclisLas r.'r t,b-- .=ea"s small size and hapbazard 9u3:�iarri st?Ia. - There 3twul i aithor 'he a .:ee True ni ,a single - street trw s should -!)s at in '=em. xr_ They siwuld moz hide the IU1131nip- t rat wr =,Sow . ?Lanz st.e"t r ,rs now. T'.ois -mezia : ==r zbe area during the interim patina prior to aatrnsi;rs^vtirral� �- a'tontainort zed :11=zar's =a- .r =k----- -- --St,e„r Vith Manta Visra's .-a— actor -._.man at- r:ulo ? lmd zor'=._ ' I11,0--s w:ou.; =zt ''r_ should be of a loser arari3e 3^ at3 ate: t- s; ;rrr vine-s s sa- w .+e r{road P2 -wood_ s _ I 'Unutes of ?arch 14, 1983 A.S.A.C. (Continued) ASAC-322 Signage Signs on the rear of buildings should be reviewed per approximately the same standards as signs on the front. Rear signs should perhaps be smaller though. (Member Morrison left at approximately 8:45 p.m. due to a pain is his leg) I-N'i011MAL REVIEW OF USE PERMIT iP LICASION: 2- application 9-L'-83 - Interiand Development Company (Seven Springs lunch) - Use permit to construct 413 dwelling units consisting of single-family detached houses, semi-detached townhouses, and attached townhouses. The subject property is generally bound by Rainbow Drive to the north, StellinR 3oad to the east, Prospect Road to the south, and the Fremont Older Preserve/Vplaad Vav To the vest. Preseatatioa: Norman Meltzer, 33m Jackson. Clan de Stvlles and 3anis Ong representing interland Develo;mw= Company; Ray 3baaaaon (,1037 Torksaire Drive): Chuck Catania (7731 Squirehin Court); 3o'm 3.i-5, 4m (11335 %land ;ear): and Paull Suzze nbl i rh (11525 Ui=31and sawn) _ r_ East tr(3rraF-=3,g� t`;ea:.r-m�L) 1 b £aesr- fact f— to pLvT as t_ a rz--Yr=d!"=ak_ Cu+s..T.li t4+a fence be St nar ar :iaaT7--v p7' yc ipr ala=-& to ?saaaaz this- A member of the audio„-airwiztext t £s canes -MI& sew. 7r =Lrtl? =71izabla t:a c T 's play areas_ � Ls cther a — is w =t seem n,ecessary 3i=e :here are —, points of .as-rass tC'- t`:w t^ackc annuay. Cmw Caam<£ttae 'K- mber --Vuld prefer i the herm.=x had a sSaar of 3=I_ :5:1 is sbaum am t'se zzs' it3- ::a respanse to a ques.-lam regarding Wither =reel woulyd be located = the east si3a a t3a f azce. =he ua L" + :,.r � -..'. - tel-1 :bs= tl%f , or Ld depend as of t`va asisrizq "aorta Pig_ ntit5e nines' aj-aadv b* a-Z at '.he :apex_ 3upe�-:ill- _hev caz 5s eau asr:._ A per a the �ianee sah : tad; that eT 3eW.. re hemp -ate 'ice reachem, !-..e end of �'sc'� zitra- spaa SMdt me-e dy;�_ -A=at.4e.: re-s' TA- enn- :ed ccacers tar tees m14ght b?ac$ the Ttea ar the `-'Tsc'e-iag 34ae res;+emts_ CQUTA a $itx F ar r 5- =r« z-- tra»a zt WUZ aCz- Cr cQ= ne sh—rr ---.e `x zz �=ed: D yvie 3.rays enm=gt;ana fzr bars_ One per- %Ms aapnsea to tie lam p -aase3 _z 1>e 1zpatrtl at the=atersezt3,an Of ra;,,b�rw-. Drive With streets to ='3£ zlort-t. Be ie? t a is3 pads vma U J'e a suafets haZard. Be felt „ke3=de1-i=-, Rai.Mhrna Drive Was a goad idea th10=9�3. F L ! nute= of March 14, 2983 A-5_A_C. (Continued) ASAC-322 5 + - A member of The audience indicated meandering Rainbow Drive -would pose a safety hazard. A betier solution to the commute problem should be available. General fihe site plan is Thoughtful, innovative, and professional_ ?he Committee would 131ce to review The more detailed landscape •(inclua_i�e both ?ex-Lmeter and internal lands caning), architectural, and ligbTimg ml— when they are available_ 3- .A-Pplicativn lB-rr81 'mevisad) - Cupertino village (John Vldoricu) - 3sim=m&l review of landscaping between perimeter driveway and adjoi-,-g a.i=i-s--rrmgr un3xs- She subject prngerty'-is located in the southwest iqsssdrans us $omestead Road and North De aura $oulevard. The-G-mmiTtee approved !(4-D) the landscapin plans_ TYvQ--gels— M&6m=m=S ,are Arneptable- No resa3ut±on was neeessary- z- :Lq �. ra= $4113 Swim and Racquet r1i - ,7nfnxma1 review ni r inrreece The of the fence along the west property '!1'u• Deep !m oll rxmrse). The subject property is located 7l-bin T 3Z quadrant of Rae 'I n and I inch 'Vista Frmive. 'The rr,=i=ae approved (A-D) the proposal_ No resolut3Qa was me-&s=-^•.. AM -Om!mmra=ONS Slime IMMERCOMMlSSIM 3MM �e 11T lT r ammme=som 3Inbel adjr4n=pd the m I=ga 7_o the nest regular mee.Tlm* Mf ".lamb 28, 1933_ III* T�TD Ri_ Ii=neTiyIL, P1 vniti'OT 1 - 3 - I 4 1 LL4Rfi @Z `P—Z*!Ci '4 -tTa kz—a a4, - I—ftaF{ z —VaTs trLaSC TS '-rrt-dn.I aaBT R_aqXEIff cSLaL sRLF�2 qne 2LL-qfi Y 'gzr —S amzoE a a —zer--T P— aztaK aff=-I trLaSE rz •a z—fra Pea& jagmT tof-r EI:SL sT�*at LL'FE LLLtr6 VI '^^' t="-� —S neT = 9 3ZFAWt 2 aT�Azv RLCiSE TS '=FZ-drM sot P—n G!S4L 3f3tt trro;i trLaSE M Rs --=z 59haL meaw-larr L L UT& M ' F ATZTST=Wa SZE "am/leexaas MMfi M 's3Zt9' ssL sec-qr Mea•4 PAS E66 tff MaF=k a�Lsfi �S --or um 6GL* -t=Ar rc4qdwga aZLs asnaims an 13 saatn.sag tEF�F� �F��61 MIS nsr-H t7ta96 8Z '=FS.� L99 x-IS 'CT CE W;ppx r -S Kqx-- C .0. 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 9W4 Telephone: (4081 252-4505 ICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 1-2, 1985 Cites of Cuperti»o P.O. 00. SW Cujwrun0. California 95015 Jim Joseph Interland Development Company 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 600 San Mateo, CA 94402 CITY COUNCIL ACTION i This will confirm the action by the City Council at their meeting of Hay 6, 1985 at which your Applications 25-Z-BO and 9-U-83 Were approved per Planning Commission Resolutions 2625 and 2626, respectively. First reading of Ordinance No. 1305 amending the zoning application and amending Condition 16 was held. Second reading and Nnactment were held at the meeting of May 20, 1985. The bs•dinance becomes effective thirty days following enactment. Lmr Application 3-TM-85 was approved per the following aanditSms: T-1g. Standard Conditions to the extent that they do not conflict with the special conditions enumerated herein. 1 In the event a conflict does exist, the special conditions as enumerated herein shall apply. !6_ That the recommendation of approval is based on Exhibits t amid 8 of Application 3-TH-85 except as faay be -Wended bt acpecial conditions enumerated berein. TT. Tbre roars improvements for Rainbow Drive, Stelling Road aoG Frospeet Road shall be installed in conjunction with taw fiat phase of the development. Upland Way Litpmvements shall be installed in conjunction with the peak adjaeent to Upland Way. Stelling Road shall be 4-11cated as a TO ft. right of way_ Direct access five tkw eject to the residential area directly to the east Steal: be p--vhibited. Appropriate medians shall be ccnatr=tAed to provide right and left turns and to Vrvftfctt 1trrt access easterly across Stelling Road; — =4L;,� :,. 1: be installed as part of the first pCasw of the development. The surplus right of way wail be law-slaped. 18. The City Council shall approve a traffic control plan for Rainbow Drive between Bubb Road and the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way and a plan for impro,ements to the intersection of Rainbow Drive and Stelling Road prior to approval of a tentative subdivision map for the project. The plan shall include design elements to reduce vehicular speeds and traffic volumes and discourage penetration into adjacent neighborhoods. The plan may eliminate left turn movements from the project onto Raic:bow Drive. The installation costa of improvements incorporated into the plan shall be borne by the applicant. The plan shall define the estimated maintenance costs and shall define the obligation of the developer (future project property owners), the City and adjoining non -project property owners for maintenance of the street plan. ;he plan must be submitted to the diredtly affected property owners on Rainbow Drive for a vote before submittal of said plan to City Council and the results submitted to City Cow IIcil with the plan. 19. The development atsal2 Y served by the City of Cupertino water utility. 20. The applicant is colisated to dedicate a fire station site to the City as de-lineated era Zrhihit G of 3-TM-B5. Sincerely, DOROTHY CORKEEL11* T CITY CLERK rw encls. co: Department of Planning and Dere:_ t Bill McBee Cupertino Sanitary District 20065 Stevens Creek Boulevard Cupertino, CA 95014 Norman Meltzer Interland Development Company 411 Borel Avenue, Suite 600 San Mateo, CA 94402 Hector Chow 7909 Rainbow Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 cc: (continued) ti George Szabo Barry Berkus, Inc. 223E, De La Guerra Street Santa Barbara, CA 93101 Mike Sheehey Ruth and Going P. O. Box 26430 San Jose, Ca 95129 Raymond Shannoci 1154IYorkshire Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 Paul Sonnenblick 11525 Upland Way Cupertino, CA 95014 Donald & Pat Snuta 1249 Weymouth Drive Cupertino, CA 95014 James Jackson 10455 Torre 'Avenue Cupertino, CA 95014 y 25-Z-80 RESOLUTION NO. 2625 OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO RECOMMENDING A REVISION OF PLANNED DEVELOPMENT ZONING APPLICATION'25-Z-80. APPLICANT: Interland Development Company (Seven Springs Ranch ADDRESS: 411 Borel Avenue, #600, San Mateo, California 94402 SUBMITTED: March 1, 1985 LWATION: Southerly of Rainbow Drive, northerly of Prospect Road and westerly of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way Rewording of Condition 16 of Application 25-Z-80 per City Clerk's Letter dated August 19, 1982. Condition 16: The approval permits construction of a 'maximum of 419 dwellings consisting of six (6) to eleven (11) (including existing dwelling) dwellings located on the 40+ acre site designated "retained property" and 408-413 dwellings located on the balance of the property. The final dwelling unit yield and mix of dwelling unit types shall be determined by the City in conjunction with a subsequent use permit review_ The determination will be based upon a finding that the total all -day traffic generated by the development will not exceed 3,860 all -day trips. The total trip generation for the development is controlled by establishing the maximum number of bedrooms for the project. The total bedroom count for the project (excluding the 40+ acres outside of the Interland Development project) shall not exceed 1,360_ PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth day of April, 1985, at a regular adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll -call vote: AYES: Commissioners Adams, Mackenzie, Sorensen, Szabo, Chairperson Claudy NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: Not ATTEST: APPROVED: J /s/Ja=es U. Sisk /s/John Claude James H. Sisk John Claudy, Chairperson Planning Director Planning Commission 9--U-S3 RESOLUTION NO. 2626 CF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIND RECOMMENDING APPROVAL_ OF A REVISION OF CONDITIONS OF APPROVAL OF APPLICATION 9-U-63 OF INTERLAND DEVELOPMENT COMPANY (SEVEN SPRINGS RANCH). APPLICANT: Interland Development Company (Seven Springs Ranch) ADDRESS: 411 Sorel Avenue, 4600, San Mateo, California 94402 SUBMITTED: March 1, 1985 LOCATION: Southerly of Rainbow Drive, northerly of Prospect Road and,westerly of the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way The !Conditions of Approval enumerated in the City Clerk's letter of April 24, 1964 shall remain in effect except for the revisions described herein. Condition 15. The approval is based upon Exhibits A 2md. Revision, B 2nd Revision, C let Revision. D, and E of Application 9-0-83 as may be,modified by additional conditions contained herein. Condition 16 (d). A landscaping and fencing plan for the eastern boundary of the project. The plan shall balance the need for safety fencing adjoining the railroad right of may with the desirability of natural appearing landscaping and fencing as viewed from the residential community an the east boundary of the project. Condition 18 (b). The pedestrian corridors linking the Rainbow Drive/Yorkshire Drive and Rainbow Drive/Weymoth Drive intersections with the projects main collector road and central pedestrian and :bicycle path shall be at least 40 ft. wide. PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth day of April. 1985, at a regular Adjourned a+eeting of the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino, State of California, by the following roll -call vote: AYES: Comat"ioners Adams. Mackenzie, Sorensen, Szabo, Chairperson Cloudy MAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ATTEST: /s/James R. Sisk James H. Sisk Planning Director /s/John Claudy John Claudy, Chairperson_ Planning Commission 9-U-83 RESOLUTION No. 2b2S tMinute Order) OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO APPROVING AN ON -SITE PHASING PLAN FOR THE SEVEN SPRINGS RANCH DEVELOPMENT (CONDITION No. 18 OF APPLICATION 9-U-83•DESCRIBES THE PHASING OF STREET IMPROVEMENTS). First Phase: The construction of the central open space and recreation facilities and models near the Stalling Road access. Second Phase: The construction of planting and fencing adjacent to the Southern Pacific Railroad right of way. Third Phase: The construction of dwelling units will proceed from the intersection of Upland Way and Rainbow Drive and proceed in a southeasterly direction. All dwellings fronting Upland Way and Rainbow Drive shall be constructed at the starting of the Third Phase. PASSED AND ADOPTED this loth day of April, 1985, at a regular adjourned seating of the Planning Commission of the .City df the City of Cupertino,, by the following roll call vote: AYES+ Comuissioemrs Aden, Mackenzie, Sorsnsan, Szabo. Chairman Cloudy NAYS: None ABSTAIN: None ABSENT: None ATTEST: APPROVED: /a/James H. Sisk /.s/John Claudy Janes *L Sisk John Claudy, Chairman Planning Director Planning Commission 9-U-S3 RESOLUTION NO. 2629 (Minute Order) OF THE PLANNING C"ISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO URGING THE CITY COUNCIL TO APPROVE A STREET PLAN FOR RAIN813W DRIVE THAT MEETS THE DESIRE OF RESIDENTS LIVING ADJACENT TO SAID DRIVE. PASSED AND 'ADOPTED this loth day of April. 1965, at a regular V adjourned meeting of the Planning Commission of the laity of the Ci;y of Cupertino, by the following, roll call vote: AYES: Cnemissioners Adams, Mackenzie, Sorensen, Szabo, Chairaan Cloudy NAYS: Done ABSTAIN: !lone ABSENT: None ATTEST: #'PROVED; /s/James H. Sisk /s/John Claude dames H. Sisk John Claudy, Chairmen Planning Director Planning Commission 9-U-93 RESOLUTION ND. 2634 (Minute Order) OF THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO DIRECTING STAFF TO OBTAIN CURRENT TRAFFIC COUNTS FOR cTELLING ROAD AND TO SUBMIT SAID DATA TO THE CITY COUNCIL IN CONJUNCTION VITH THE SCHEDULED MAY 6, 1985 MEETING REGARDING THE SEV04 SPRINGS RANCH DEVELOPMENT PROPOSAL. PASSED AM ADOFT6'D this loth day of April, 19859 at a regular adjourned sewtIng of the Planning Commission of the City of the City of Cupertino, by the :char ng roll call vote: AYES: Coeadssionmrs Adams, Mackenzie, Sorensen, gea6no Chairman Cloudy NAYS: None ABSTAIM ft ABSEMIT: 9,one. ATTEST: APPROVED: /s/Jmes B. Sisk /s/Jo)m Clmdy James H. Sisk Jc*vn Cloudy, Chairomn Planning Diractor Planning Commission City of Grperthm 10300 Torre Avenue P.P. Boy SE0 Cupertino. California 9SM4 we.riww. California 9WIS I Telephone: (400( 2524SOS MPARIME NI Of PLANNING AND DE VELOPW NI Aueu= t Zo. I-37i Jim Joseuh ' Interland �tevel.onment Comnan_v 411 Borel San Mateo, CA 94402 PI -MI M CO MMTSSTON ACTION This -!Ill confirm the action t-v Lire vlarmiee- at tEr it meetinS of Aueust 2F, 1995 at which tlmu x=usr ,t�pZ icati, s. `1--7-43 was approved for a 2A month eztensitm r%wr *Ta,-=t 4 l:mtmsaslor Resolution Wo. 2679. This Use Permit tnxa Er— .*n —av + . C T_ i C ipa ez e Ts , CIT4 C- C;..,,�..... f.»., Rr-hert Plarnlrt RC.sh Enclosure cc_ James E. Jackson ` 9-U-63 f y RES13LUTIDN NO. 2679 OF THE PLANNING CDMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTIND INTERPRETING THE EXPIRATION DATE 13F USE PERMIT 9-U--83 AS REINS 'T,WD YEARS FROM THE DATE OF ITS MOST RECENT AMENDMENT DN MAY 6, 1985. Tt*e sxpiratian mate -for the subject use permit is lUy 6, 19E7- J- t*a% -'-!btb dAy -f 4kNO--to 192% art a rePaiar MOWCA Q ,ate teoe PIAWMZ=lg C==M9L%Ml na =f the 3 "ty Clrf rA4'a"r:a,e3* 426 C&jZ#C.-aM3, ZWs tl%ft 4=da2WA=�Ala�a �tW-' czo.msmacoar-J. ��. nft=&� Sze. CaAnm, WAY = AasrAmo= ate= APPLICATICi 9-U-83 (REV=) CITY OF CUPERTINO RFSOWITON NO. 2790 (MIIQCT= OROM) OF WE PIANKM COMMISSION OF 7HE C=Y OF C[1PE= 0 REC 992=1S APPFCM OF A REVISED ON-S= PHASIW PFAN IM ME SEVEN SP mas RANCH .MTELOPIOU (CONOITICK NO 18 OF APPISCATION 9-U-83 DESCRIBES ME PBASM Cr e.eeee�e�ees Ste' , �.® ri-rMe►n=tim of a nwdnm Of 39 dwlling units fluting an tpinnd tidy and RairA w Dive- A cowaaarst sha11 be zec trded On the 2 single-family bcsesiten lombed cn Rainbow Drive adjacent to the Soatbexa pb=f= FJOt--cf-side reStri tIng transfer of ammmahip or ccnat=:t;m u=1 clearance is obtained frm SCuthern Pacific Rai?=ad mWcr the Psilaic Utilities Quan—Jan for the grade crossing for the Stelling Rciad access drive - As pert of mom 1. staff is 2:nst^�a to taim apiao to S3.'ianCial as it dales necessary, 'to elfmze of the rinetor bossing anise sad site layout as Criginally m 9-V640 Bowlaed) . samm the ovnstzactim cf the Oentral epm area, recreaticin facility, sadrls and the Steliiag Bond access. Y =)e eonst —i-m of the pl.aaYdng and ferkni4 adjacaat to the Sov2b= pacifie- Riqft-cd%NW, prior to or mnsmmvntly with the ranmird ds+ell —nts untdn the project- Ma x�in mg &e113,:ng soots shall be bm2t-om posmadi.l' its Bnimbow Drive in a smxtberly direr_Ha _ R%SSED MO Ate this 14th day Of April, 2986, at a zagular Meting o: the Flacedig Ca.mindm of the City of Cupertino, State o2 �_ i round' - by the zoll-call voile: AY95: :Adams, Claax2y, Scxensen, Mackenzie, Chr. Sao 3.wm: : Noae ABSTAnz: CMEMSSIXNEFS: Itme AN Node ATl�- APIEVV 31: ?s/ iobert Cowan /s/ Nicholas Szabo Robe!rt OMMn Nid aw Szabo, Qvairmi F3aassing Direct= Inaging Cmmdssim (B-3)lvm Cnil of Cupertino 10300 Torre Avenue Cupertino, California 95014 Telephone: (400) 2524505 P.O. Boa sw Cupertino, California 95015 OFFICE OF THE CITY CLERK May 5, 1986 Dorothy Lyddan Seven Springs Ranch P. 0. Box 687 Cppertim, CA 95014 CITY COUNCIL AcrioN M17s Win confirm the action by the City C=x:il at their metiM Of April 21, 1986 at which Applicati m 941-83 (Revised) tress Mlro Pe+ Planning Ca=ission Resolution No. 2790. Sincerely, DaRmw�(�.... wOm f= rw encl. cc: Department of Plaraiinq and DeveloFw"-1 Hill rlo8ee 04*_rtino Sanitary DistzCt 20065 Stevens Creek Boaleva--d ojp-,tino, CA 95014 Ruth & Going -c/o Gregary Gra:P P. O. BaK 26430 San Jose, CA 95159-"30 CONCEPTUAL RDPIVENTPLAN 44. Abe �-• �.� ..... .... t'&#aln—'^ .sx -- w;.. � G urn. � .secormAar ENrnruom�ort�taN TIGN No._ Ai.liill.)IAlLylAlNL� �++ acccsrnuN ww war io FvniaE utN ate: �N RINGS UA+pE�,,�% � PLANNINGi UNT I CUPEIM 04 C 3p!rYNUJ3 h3q S70 g,S30lS� a p3�lSjt3 341 pYrYy ND Nay �itY�p Y1i(Jr J�rd ft 1 3 N pYr � lt.All Nt 537313Q �NYkt !N3 ��u ru �roitY�� � r7 b 1druSpNr R pH Sr 1N3.7k� �� �!i pdpa o rMF(�J s ! ! u 3!qd �Ni s (u3,3rY' .i/1rd �ays!!1py ��A' .sr oh1lrJxa 71 T1( �rar7 J';+RS !r,rsrtay r nS axi r>f P NYigr zry., Jr/rr�Jrw lnlr rJ4 !`Ja ?/ r (� Y/yr k�(fY Y;Y* 44v grrr i n++J"=`Jfr F it+n,H Sri J FpltfT +.._. .... 7rrf 0 r j nir�td trXd/ 533 4p tyres a1 NA!(n err+IrgJM l I 11Nt GtnVE Vol Ito OW 4r10 DRIER f1lCIMINt flit ES WII'll N DPLN BRACE {]AYE p 1014+]till 1%' MtII1Tt I1LM PI hIM,IYe TAINinu T;' a1"' 0 ill ipti4 U.t't1t 1'3 � � ++ 1 1 full At NIIO H1 t A11 11 ..,t� �• pi ANf AM ACtNINt,((+ T 1 thollf YANG 1.111, (Ap 1P' l SAVt' FAIGiltlp S R4 .� ••i�f - 24' COAS1AL PEHWq?U'�' .r..r-•i•r.w MI .',L •� ::A 1, SAVE EXISTING TREE TRIM EXISTING 22' AND POW ALONG PROPERTY LINE 26' ELMS TO PROPERTY LINE tjyt SAVE 3 EXISTING 'N' PNESERVE AND MAINTAIN NATIVE fi MONTEREY PINES CLANt SPCCIE'S AtONO RIPARIAN 112', 14' AND 1811 COIR IUGII -- •-- •- --,.,_ (I ' r 1 PRESERVE NAtUIiE MAL1111f S/ ••t�,t •� PE 1 AVE EAIJTINDppf O' MO1RJlEY PINE NLMOYE f.F ISIING PINE DIFFER (EXCEPT AS NOTED] ALONG RXINOOW' IVE NES1 OF SOUIHERN PACIFIC TRANSPORTATION CO. DUE t0 • �1 ESfATION AND GRADING. PLANT REPLACEMENT TREES IN ONJUNC1 i ON MI1H "ONT YARD LANDSCAPING BY DEVELOPER. ]SEE CDNCEPIUAL LANDSCAPE DEVELOPMENT PLAN). CI MA NS AS 61 AO NO A.1 OW - .I • ;� -, F - :11 till iU '111V ItIPrINIl1i AL iPhA RW'Aci INNNNI 1141 4EYIN BIN11Na11 ' INUfEI' flitPkPLO of A=tout ItRE EXlylllR. INN pllirtmihM IMTP,4C11Y1; AND MAINTAIN Malmo TIICE B:W1ER ALONG (I' bd' PW IjUI! 1'(x1t1i11iMi tw N1F. IIt At TH yF fXip 11NG R4.pp two INKIBPW ROAD, II OM IMES AD REOUIRLD FOR nA11P_rtW I,uId Pd) NPt41%I Ct%ISIIMiC110N DO MEW IMIMIUIEMERTB StIlLET CRON".ihOS DV CREEW AM'. 111004 DRAIN LINE. �'/ L50VE AND MAINTAIN PINE DIFFER R ANtING AT UTHEIIN PACIFIC IRANSPORTATION Co. tROM RAINOGW Itk 10 PROSPECT ROAD. PRUNE AND MEMOVE, AD MATERIAL PLANT NEW COMPATIBLE SCREEN ANIING AS tatUM r�1 ,EMOVt EXISTING PINE Ina$ AT td M tNTRANCE AO AB RE. R'd IMED FOR 51 GNT DISTANCE. 1 r 1 TREE PRESERVATION PLAN SEVEN SPRINGS DEVELOPMENT NPEghW0. GALPONMA �IA'p"Ruth and Goinp, Inc. zi M FRONT ELEVATION milt: ;,�rrarr :�sc�ci=reslnc E 4l810 ended) ASAP _ r S V SP' NHS N1 :�.... �� hI'iLLIIMPN/�hl' �h/�WLNC�S -SIINCrLL 1=nMll'Ll' I�L�I'nC ILD- ._- O�S ,. &OM14 IMM MM M"l i tip W= AMi dl ar owaaaa �q4 wooNa�la II I�" ONIIRIN IMAW .... .......... .....__... .-.�., _.._...! ..fir pa w►ea mq I MAURO a 9 WIWI IIC ill NNll. �Vf l Cc',III x_ - 4,q � 1 i9�4 uutt +I � F _.� � .- ....... .%.: zi.. .ov+�urs�.u...u.x!. ....,........gin--- w..rv. _....- .,. .. ..__. I ,.,.....-.--. ► Lj),til�ItIG coMMISSION rji-y r)r. CUPERTIN,�L CO- MHINWt I Ilk %i lVil kuj� UNIC&I PLANNING COMMISSION CITY OF CUPERTINO APPLICATION t40.C-kJ-J--l2L- PIC . PLANNING COMMISS1014 CII'Y OF, CUPF-.R'Vlt 4FA 117, IsilisOf CITY 0 17 DPTF: ... _ ){ o "onoowi am zzae so. Fr, Am 1t If � �l/Af 1 .. Ir N.I - G* 2 l4"VA-MIN.1 8�)IPHIIINQS PLM (40=000mlin" 2443 80. Pt. PM"MM DROMM 1- MM" PAM MMMW- - WWS A I, fill.. I ids I t ............... .'° , e.,rkrwe �.+;rt ar:..:�+.µ�x t Wc�xsxh. rra�zt.:h*�'d�9:..Mi%�in47.t�x r ;•