U-1973-02bN ,U, (ICCS ?Q r- K_ io'.1m Tafre Avenue Cupergino'Calijornia 95014 IcItphon. (408) 252-4505 DUARTMENT OF AomINISTRATIVE SERVWES March 20, 1973 Vallco Park, Ltd. P. U. Drawer V Cupertino, California 95U14 APPLICATIONS 4-M-73, 2-U-73 and IIC-51,075.13 Tilis will uonfirtr the actions taken by the (JtY COuncil at . its Illecting of March 11", 1973 at which Y01'r APP"ca- tions 4 -TM -739 2-U-1 "3 an( --1 ,075.1. ' were aPpruved. These approvals were made subject tc1 t1le conditions imposed by the. Planning Commission and the Architectural There was one added pro- vision Site ApProvM ('01"Ll'ittee' vision 10 1pp11(..;Ition IIC-51,07`)'.13 that tii, applicant is to provide evidenc, tilat there will be 110 reflected glare of glass which would be detritnvatal Lo traffic. jurtj. y.. jtyDl-*jj - DIRKTOR ADMINISTRATIVE S"VICI'S pr encl. ccs Director of Planning & Developlic"t Director of Public Workk- r,'0. 1.14 8 OF Tiii: PLA',11-U. G C0;•L%lISSION OF THE CIT`I 01' CU'l'ERTTNO lc;,ECG:•':•tLNDING; THE APPROVAL OF a use perl:.tt. to con.;tr.uct a 135,000 :yc}. f t . light industri.a'.L Luil.cl in}; within a I' (p 1,11. Devcloptuj:r t tirith light indw;t:r. ial. use intent) zone. 2-U-73 APPI'c,~':T: Valk( Park, Ltd. ADDI.',SS: P. U. Drawer V, Cupc�:: -vino, C--aliiornia 95014 SUBMIMD: January 26, 1973 LOCATION: Adjacentt-, ,Jttnipero Serra rrevv.ay e.IsLe.rly of 41,�1f.e Road and nort,lc:rly of Cyc:c!k Buu:l e+vayd ZOPd'F � P (Planed Dev :'c) .pment Witt, l.i ,lit' incluc trial u :e intent) ACki ,V;i.: 15.5 acres -------------------------------------------------------------- - CONI?TTIONS %1ND FlIPTHF : F1:'_)1i GS . 1-14. Stan,;ard Conditions r 15. itpprovtil is };rai:reci 'aSeJ upon tlu: sits Ilan as dust-.. 15. by �)Exhibit B, 2-u-7:5. 16. Approval I s gi:ant:uli Sll1� "c.t t0 t.lic' F.:l) C(}Lit'ltt. c(tI•)U I_t 1C`C::3 of approval of ient,.t i••c r . ;J .lppl ic,itiu;l -------------------------------------- I'ASS},.}1 AND A0.)PTT'U this 13t:r 6.1,? of 't'eh):uar. 1973, ZL a re; filar mee.tinf; of the I'lanni-^ovnr,is�ietl c` t.'ic� city of. C.1ptrtillo, State' of California, i by the roll cal] N;fali.;, O'Y.ccfc, P;t,ti,f:tillt}1 NAY S ALSTAI tiL,:G: ;onc AI',SEN':: Conlili.ssionc.r Cat+c, AF1'12C1�'I:I): .!01111 i:. }'.Ut}1('iitlti), Ch"llrm-ill A' 11:1ST: }'1<1nr+i i1 Comn1 i .-Jon I'l.anni n); D i roc for