U-1972-05b 5-U-72 RESJLUTION N0. 1052 OF THE PLANPdING COMMISSION OF THE CITY OF CUPERTINO GRANTING A use pe�mit to allow the construction of a ten-person residential care home as an element o� the . 2.88 acre Marianis� Proviitce of the Pacific administrative headquarCers. APl'LICA.NT : Marianis t Pr�virice of the Pacif ic . ADDRESS: P. 0. Box 937, Cupertino, California 95014 SJBMITTED: March 17, 1972 LOCATION: Westerly terminus of San Juan Road ZONE: Rl-1Q ------------------------------------------------------------------------- CONDITIONS AND FURTHER FIi�'DINGS: 1-14. Standard Conditions to the extent that they do not ccnflict wir_h the special cor.ditians enumerated herein� In the event a con- f lict does exis�, the special conditions as enumerated herein �rall apply. 1S. If in_ the fi:ture parking problems become evident due to the � inadequac.y oi on-site parking, as determined b} the Planning Conimissicn, the Commissioii after public hearin.g may require the nroper.ryo uwner �o provide additional facili�ies. 16. The use permit is grantEd for the land as described in the a�plicatior. and any attachments thereto, and as shown on the plat plan submitL labeled E�hibit A an.d I3, 5-U-72. 17. At sucn time as the tenCati.ve map is considered, provision � shall. be �a�e for tha dedication of the <:.pprop rigl�t of way to provi_de ior a travelled way in a manner as app by the City Er.gineer and in accordance with the hi�lside standards aiong the norfiherly property ?ine adj�cent to i�iadera Road . 18. The maxzmum number of residents (excluding staff) shall be li.mited to ten (10). �.9. Approval is granted based oa the un.lerstandir�g t.ha.t the site ' plar. 1:���e1ed Exhibi.*_ A, 5-U-72, r:�presents th� ultimat� develop:<<ent plan For the pruperty in ter.jns o� land use • . inter.sity. i�linor revision,> of building Io��atzons and con- fi�uraL are pe�mitted subject to Architec�ural and Site :lpproval C�rnmittee approva]_. -?_-