U-1971-17b CI•1'Y OF CUP�RTINO C�.ty llall, 10300 Tor.re Avenue Cuper.tin�� Cali£ornia 95U14 . Telephone : (�i0$) 25?.-��SOS �SOI,UTIO:J OF Tt:E F'Lt1"::+I\G CO:L'�IISSIOV OP TtiE CITY OF CUPERTI:�O GIL�1NTIt�:G A USE YS:I::�:IT • Wt1E�'.�:AS the Planni��; Cor�missi�n of tl:e City of: Cupertino received an application fcr a l;Sc PE'h:•SIT, as stated on Page 2; and . WHEP,EAS the uppii;.ant has met the burden of proof required to support said application; 4nd . k'tiEP.EAS the Pl�n:ii:,g Ccr.�mission finds that the application meets the . following reauir.e�ents: - • a. Encourages the most appropriate usz of land, , ' •. b. Conserv�s and srabilizes the cal�e of property, c. Provides ior adequate open spaces for li�ht a:�d air, d. Percnits adequate conLrol of iizes, e. . Promotes the tieal.th, safety ar.d public welfare, . f. Provides for the orderiy cievelop:�ent of the Cit}�, and . � g. Is advantageovs to Lhe property and improve:r.ents in the zoning district and neighborho;,d in whic�. tne propert} is located; , fiOW, THEPEFORE, BE IT RESOLVED: � That after carefui consideration of maps, facts, exhibits and ott�,�r evidence subMicted in this r��atter, the a�plication for the US� PE�.�IZT be, and the sa�«e is hereby granted, subject to the condi.tions staLed on Page 2; and BE YT FURTEiER RESOLVED : That the aforementioned findings be approved and adopted, and that �• the Secretary be, and is hereby dirECted to notify the parties ' affected by this decision. ' (Continued - ' . on Fage 2) : ,, • �l�