U-1971-12b CI•1'Y OF CUI'I:RTINO Ci.ty llal.l, 10300 T'or.rc Avenue Cuperti.na� California 95U14 . Teleptione : (GO£3) 252-�►505 RESOI.UTIO:J 0�' T!!E PLA::�II�;G CO:L'•IISSI0�1 OP T11�; CITY OF CL'PERTI:�O GRANTII�;G A USE I'EF�:IT • WFIEP.�:AS the Plannir.; Cor�rnission of tre City o£ Cupertino received an application fcr a l:Sc PE"c::•fIT, as stated on Page 2; and . WHEP.EAS the uppiicanC has met the burden of proof required to support said application; 4nd . kTHEP.EAS the Pl�nning Ccr.;mission finds that the application meeLS the . following reouir.e:�ents: - • a. Encourages the most appropriate use of land, ,. . ., - b. Conserves and stabiliz�s the val�e of property, c. Provides for adequate open spaces for li�ht d^d air, d. Permits adequate cont:ol of iires, e. . Promotes the health, safety ar.d public �.�elfare, . f. Provides for the arderiy cievelop,;,ent of the Cit}�, . and . � g. Is advantageous to che property and improve^ents in the zoning distr�ct �nd neighborho�d in �,�hicr. thz propert� is located; . rOW, THEP�EFORE, BE IT P.ESOLVED: � That after careful consideration of maps, facts, exhibits and oth�r evidence subr�ittrd in this r. the spplication for the L'SE PE:�'�1ZT be, and the same is hereby granted, subject to the conditions scared on Page 2; and BE IT FURTEiER RESOLVED : That Che aforementioned findings be approved and adopted, and that �• the Secre[ary be, and is hereby directed to notify the parties ' affected by this decision. ' (Continued ' . on Fage 2) • • � • �.lw