U-1966-18b 80,000.6 18-U-66 RESOLUTION N0 390 OF THE PLANNING COMNlI�SION OF T�iE CI`i'Y� UF CUPERTIN� GRANTING A USE PERI�IIT to a11ow erection of' a 36-foot ligrited wood-frame cross, APPLICANT: Bethany B�,ptist Chur�:h o� Cupert;ino, Inc a ADDRESS: 2205�+ Homestead Roac�, �a�er��r�o, �alifornia SUBMITTED: December 28 zg66 LOCATION: Maxine Avenue, 230 feet scuta� or Homzstead Road ZONE: R1-10 �,REAo 2o�+ acres CONDITIONSe None PASSED AND ADOPTED thi.s 9th day cf �Tar�uary, 1967, at a regular meeting of the Planning Commissiori o� +_he City of Cupertino, State of Califor�nia, by the follow ro1.1 call vote a AYES: Commissioner� �rysorl, Frol�:h, Hcr°gan NAYS: Commissioners �ut:!�enuth, Hirshon ROVED o ' -�--- � / ,- = � �__ _ �Tack T, Hirshon � Chairman � Planr�ing Commissi.on ' ATTEST: � Q' � Adde Laurin � Director of Planning -2- C?'T�.' OF CUPERT7:i� City Hall, 10321 S�uth Saratoga-Sunn.yvale t�oad Cuper'c�n�, California 95014 melephone: (�08) 252-4505 P�ESOLUTIOPd 0£ THE PLANNING COMMISSION OF THE CITY �F CUPERT�NO G�RANTING A USE PERMIT. WHEREAS, the Planning Commission of the City of Cupertino received an application for a USE PERMI�, as stated on nage two; and �r)HEREAS, the applicant has met the bu.rdern of proof requirec� to sup�or't his saic� application; and. �n'IT�REAS, the Planning Commission .find� that the application meets tY��e following reguirements: a. �;ncou l''2gPS th� rr_ost appropr�_atz use of land, b. Con�erves and �tabi�.izes the v�lue of pro�erty, c. Pro���cles i'or ad�qua te or�e�� �paces for light and alr, d. Permits ad�quat� control of f'ires, e. Promot;es th� h�a1t�., safet�r and public welfare, f. Pr�vid�s for the orderly development o� th� City, and �. Is advantag�ous Lo �he prope.rty and irarrov�r�ents in the zoning clistrict alzd neighborrlood in which the property is located; r30ti�1, T�iEREFORE, BE IT RESOLVED : That after ca��cful considerat3.on of maps, facts, e�hibits and other evidence submitted in this matter, the applieation for.the US� PERMIT be, and �he same is hereby grantEd, sub to the conditions stated on page tv�zo; and BE IT FURTHER RESOLVED: That the afo?^�mentioned f�ndings be a��r.oved ana adopted ar_d that the Secretary be, and is hereby direc�ced to notify the parties affected by this �ecision. (con�inued on pag� 2} -1-