B-2019-0242 Structural Clarification letterS TRUCTURAL FIELD REVISION
Date: September 25, 2019
Project: New Residences
21164 Lauretta Ave.
Cupertino, CA
To whom it may concern,
This letter is to clarify the revision of foundation detail (2/SD-1). Please refer to attached
original (2/SD-1) and new detail showing the as-built condition. Instead of using full
width sill plate above concrete stem wall and top-flange hanger, the contractor use a 3x10
P.T. ledger attached to the side of concrete stem wall with 5/8" dia. anchor bolts spaced at
12" c enter-to-center. The floor joists are connected to the ledger with LU26 hanger. This
condition occurs along line 2 of foundation plan, sheet S-2. I checked the strength of this
connection and found it acceptable.
Each bolt carries a floor load of 52 psf x 1' x 4' = 208 pounds and the single shear cross-
grain bearing capacity of 3x10 hem-fir is 350 pounds.
Please contact me at (510) 996-2704, if you have any question regarding this report.
Yu-Jar Chen, SE 2762
Arnold Hom