Approved Plans TR-2019-036Community Development Department Planning Division — Cupertino CUPERTINO APPROVED Case # TR-2019-036 Application Number(s) October 4, 2019 Approval Body: Director / Staff Approva I Date Den0j/Il ifl r uii ii m Go @ ai LELv Signature 61141f8`Ewt Clinton Way, Ste. 201 Fresno, �FlaZeger Subject: Forum - Additional tree removals Cupertino Dear Mr. Lindner: HORT SCIENCE BARTLETT CONSULTING Construction is in progress at the Forum in Cupertino. Recent activities around Villa #61 and the Memory Care facility require removal of three additional trees. Quiring has applied for the additional removal permits, but the City of Cupertino requires an update to the arborist report. HortScience, Inc. prepared an arborist report for the project in April 2017 and an addendum to the report in August 2017. You asked HortScience I Bartlett Consulting (HBC) to evaluate impacts and prepare an addendum to the 2017 arborist reports. Two trees near the Memory Care facility will experience significant root impacts due to construction of the retaining wall. The trees are Aleppo pine #87 (16" DBH) and red ironbark #89 (15" DBH). The trees have "moderate" and "low" suitability for preservation, respectively. Neither is a Specimen tree. The retaining wall will be 8' from trees; however, the back cut for soil stabilization requires excavation to within 6 inches of tree trunks (Fig. 1). Approximately 50% of the root zones of each tree will be impacted. Because root removal this close to trunks would compromise tree stability, and tree health would be negatively impacted, removal is recommended for both trees. Fig A third tree will be impacted by construction near Villa #61. Coast live oak #189 (10" DBH) is a Specimen tree in good condition. It is located downslope from the villa and is within the OSHA -required back cut for retention basin 6. Relocating the basin is not possible due to site constraints, therefore tree #189 cannot be preserved in place. Quiring and HIBC explored the possibility of transplanting the tree. To ensure successful relocation, a large volume of soil would need to be removed to capture enough roots around the tree. Engineers were concerned that, because Villa #61 foundation is located directly upslope from the tree, removing a large amount of soil would compromise foundation stability (foundation has already been prepared). The chance that the tree would survive relocation would be greatly reduced if the tree were removed with a smaller rootball. For these reasons, tree #189 is also recommended for removal. In summary, three trees are recommended for removal; one (#189) is a Specimen tree. Based on the 2017 reports, a total of 327 trees were tagged and evaluated for the project; 41 were HortScienceI Bartlett Consulting . 325 Ray St. Pleasanton, CA . 925.484.0211 . www.hortscience.com CUPERTINO Additional tree removal addendum — Forum October 4, 2019 Community Development Department HortScience I Bartlett Consulting Page 2 Ply,p;OgeQiVWPM fitl-(7tti,PQdtikl nal 3 trees identified for removal in this report, a total of 145 trees woA10A6r fed for project construction, 17 of which were Specimen trees. Case # PleasTeiAUYC�/ou have any questions about my observations or recommendations. Application Number(s) Sincerely, Approval Body: Director / Staff Approva I Date,, 01 /06/V , Signature Ellen Yau Deanne&qkk4ed,er Registered Consulting Arborist #647 HortScienceI Bartlett Consulting . 325 Ray St. Pleasanton, CA . 925.484.0211 . www.hortscience.com A-VILLAS61-62 2 B-VILLAS63 -1- 1-- up-msim--a THE FORUM SENIOR COMMUNITY UPDATE VILLAS SMMGROUP rhaa ( aft- 2 I NO 11W.1 1.1 PLANTING PLAN A VILLAS 61-62 VILLA 63 VILLAS 68-70 L4.01 MEMORY CARE PLANTING PLAN LEGEND FORUM IOR TE IEMORY CARE acerscrRii+o,cc�n sso R SMITRGROUP F ♦6t1iilRilFilli L5.01