September 12, 1988wgs0 AGENDA ITEM: AGENDA DATE: SEPT. 6.1988 SUBJECT: APPLICATION NO: ASAC 51 8101 APPLICANT: SOBRATO DEVELOPMENT PROPERTY OWNER: SOBRATO DEVELOPMENT LOCATION: WEST SIDE OF BUBB ROAD APPROXIMATELY 1000 FEET NORTH OF MCCLELLAN ROAD 10341 BUBB ROAD PARCEL AREA: 1.38 ACRES Applicant is requesting approval of architectural and landscaping modifications to an existing office/industrial building. h7 11 I DISCUSSION: A.' Applicant proposes the following modificatib.9t 1. New windows on north and south-,elev tions 'r • 2. New landscape planters 3. New patio area at southwest corner of building. 4. Rebuild the existing trash enclosure 5. Restripe parking area. I B. ASAC approved the application on consent calendar. RECOMMENDATION: Architectural and Site Approval Committee recommends approval of Application ASAC 51,810.1 per the findings and conditions specified within ASAC Resolution No. 1409. ENCLOSURES: 1. ASAC Resolution No. 1409 1 2. Drawings T-1 and L-1 for Sobrato Development;; Corporation PREPARED BY: SUBMITTED BY: 1. Randal R. Ts a 'Robert S. Cowan Planner II Director of Planning cc518101(rd5) 0 CITY OF CUPERTINO CITY HALL 10300 TORRE AVENUE CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA 95014 (408) 252-4642 TO: ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE FROM: RANDY TSUDA, ASAC COORDINATOR PAM EGGEN, ASAC STAFF ASSISTANT MARK CAUGHEY, ASSOCIATE PLANNER CHRIS COCKER, PLANNING INTERN DATE: SEPTEMBER 8, 1988 SUBJECT: STAFF COMMENTS FOR THE REGULAR MEETING OF SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 NOTE: NO MODEL RESOLUTIONS HAVE BEEN ENCLOSED WITH THIS PACKET. ALL RESOLUTIONS WILL BE SUBMITTED AT THE MEETING. CONSENT CALENDAR: ITEM 1) APPLICATION ASAC 51 812.1 -- 7-ELEVEN (AD -ART. INC): Requesting approval of a new ground sign for an existing retail building located at 21220 Homestead Road. ENCLOSURES: is 1. Sheet 1of 1 by Ad -Art dated 5/6/88 2. Model Resolution COMMENTS: A. Applicant proposes an approximately 25 square foot ground sign. The total height of the sign including base is just over seven feet. Sign complies with Sign Ordinance standards. B. Proposal will replace an existing eighteen foot high pole sign. C. A colored exhibit will be available at the meeting. RECOMMENDATION: A. Staff recommends approval of Application ASAC 51,812.1 per the findings and conditions specified within the enclosed model resolution. B. The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee is final unless appealed within five working days to City Council. ITEM2) APPLICATION ASAC 51,814.1 -- TANDEM COMPUTERS (SIGN CLASSICS): Requesting approval of a sign program for an existing industrial/office building located at the northeast corner of Tantau Avenue and Highway 280. 10300 N. Tantau Avenue. 0 ASAC SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 PAGE -2- , ENCLOSURES: 1. Drawings titled "Identification/Address Sign" and "Directional/Regulatory Sign" 2. Staff Exhibit 3. Model Resolution COMMENTS: A. Applicant proposes one ground sign and one directional sign. Signs are consistent with the overall Tandem campus sign scheme. RECOMMENDATION: A. Staff recommends approval of Application ASAC 51,814.1 per the findings and conditions specified within the enclosed model resolution. B. The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee is final unless appealed within five working days to City Council. ITEM3) APPLICATION ASAC 51,815.1 -- SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA SAVINGS AND LOAN WALL PARK, LTD): Requesting approval of a revised sign program for an existing savings and loan institution within the Vallco Park Financial Center. Site located at the northeast comer of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Wolfe Road. 10050 Wolfe Road. ENCLOSURES: 1. Drawings by Federal Sign for Southern California Savings • 2. Model Resolution COMMENTS: A. Applicant proposes to install two directional signs and two refaced two wall signs, one of which will be relocated. Number, location and size of these signs meets with the existing sign program guidelines. The existing directional signs will be removed. RECOMMENDATION: A. Staff recommends approval of Application ASAC 51,815.1 per the findings and conditions specified within the enclosed model resolution. B. The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee is final unless appealed within five working days to City Council. INFORMAL REVIEW: ITEM 4) APPLICATION ASAC 12-U-88 -- PIZZERIA UNO (ARTHUR GUNTHUR): Requesting approval of landscaping and lighting plans for restaurant located on the south side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, approximately 250 feet east of Blaney Avenue. 19930 Stevens Creek Boulevard. ENCLOSURES: 1. Drawings A-1, A-1, L-1, L-2, L-3, L-4, L-5, E-1 and Photometrics for Pizzeria Uno 0 ASAC SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 PAGE -3- COMMENTS: Staff will present its comments verbally at the meeting. FORMAL REVIEW: ITEM 5) APPLICATION ASAC 51 806.1 -- WELLS FARGO BANK (MINA -TREE SIGNS. INC.): Requesting approval of a new sign program for an existing bank/office building located at the southeast corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Finch Avenue. 19300 Stevens Creek Boulevard. ENCLOSURES: 1. Sheets 1 and 2 of drawings by Mina -Tree Signs Incorporated, Revised 8/30/88 2. Model Resolution COMMENTS: A. This item was continued from the meeting of August 22, 1088. ASAC directed the applicant to make the following modifications to the proposal: 1. The ground sign shall be six to eight feet in height with a maximum size of 50 square feet 2. The ground sign post material shall match the bank building 3. The building -mounted sign shall use ten -inch gold letters to match the • existing sign program. B. Applicant revised application complies with ASAC's direction. Staff identifies three remaining issues: 1. Applicant proposes two building mounted Wells Fargo signs. Sign Ordinance allows one sign. This issue was discussed at the last meeting but no consensus was reached. 2. If the west -facing building -mounted sign is allowed, staff suggests that the typeface be changed to be consistent with the existing sign program. 3. The ground sign height is eight feet. Staff believes that the 2'-8" tall base is unnecessary given the sign's highly visible location. Staff suggests that the sign base be reduced to one foot high. RECOMMENDATION A. Staff recommends that one building -mounted sign be allowed and the ground sign base height be reduced as discussed -above. Staff recommends approval of Application ASAC 51,806.1 per the findings and conditions contained within the, enclosed model resolution. B. The decision of ASAC is final unless appealed. ITEM 6) APPLICATION ASAC 9-U-83 (AMENDED) -- GREGORY GROUP: Requesting approval of a design for eastern property line landscaping and fencing and of a plan for decorative entry walls and monuments for the Sevens Springs Ranch • development. Project site is generally bounded by Rainbow Drive, Upland Way, Prospect Road, and the Southern Pacific Railroad right-of-way. ASAC SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 PAGE -4- ENCLOSURES: 1. Drawings L-1, L-A, L-B and L-C of Application 9-U-83 (Amended) 2. Model Resolution COMMENTS: Staff will present its comments verbally at the meeting. ITEM 7) APPLICATION ASAC 7-U-87 -- WILLIAM H. AVERY: Requesting approval of architectural plans for four single-family homes within a Planned Development zone. Site is located on the west side of McClellan Road, approximately 200 feet south of Mira Vista Road. ENCLOSURE: 1. City Clerk's Letter -- 10/20/87 2. Application Exhibits - 08/22/88 3. Exhibit B 1 st Rev. of 7-U-87 COMMENTS: 1. ASAC review of structural forms and materials required under project zoning and use permit conditions (See Clerk's Letter, Condition 19) 2. Condition 19(D) requires approval of a comprehensive landscape plan, and treatment of the downslope retaining wall -- materials will be presented verbally at ® the meeting. 3. Committee must determine if use of hard textured surface materials exceed the intent of Condition 19 (A) (1). Designer indicates that surface detailing of individual elevation sketches is incomplete vis-a-vis materials specifications; See comprehensive W. elevation drawing for typical proportioning of wood/stucco treatments. 4. Building mass and height may appear too great from McClellan Road. While the stepped building configurations are roughly similar to the concept presented at the Use Permit stage (Exhibit B 1st Rev.), the visual impact of the buildings and retaining wall may overwhelm the streetscape. RECOMMENDATION Continue Application 7-U-87 for further refinement of project architecture consistent with ASAC direction to be given at 09/12/88. ITEM 8) APPLICATION 14-EXC-88 -- JAMES C. AND JENAY HOFFMAN: Requesting approval of an exception from the second story setback provisions of Ordinance 1438/Urgency Ordinance. Property is located on the east side of Tula Lane, approximately 175 feet north of Sola Street. 10310 and 10320 Tula Lane. ENCLOSURES: 1. Drawings Al, A2, A3, and A4 for DeAnza Manor, 10310 Tula Lane 2. Drawings Al, A2, A3, and A4 for DeAnza Manor, 10320 Tula Lane 3. Model Resolution ASAC SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 PAGE -5- • COMMENTS: A. The roof element over the garage area exceeds 15 feet in height and is classified as a second story under the provisions of the Urgency Ordinance. Applicant requests an exception from the 15 foot high, first story limitation. B. This application is identical to the exception granted a month ago under Application 14-EXC-88. C. Staff believes the hipped roof configuration is preferable to.contructing a flat, hot mop roof in terms of aesthetics and maintenance. RECOMMENDATION: A. Staff recommends approval of Application 14-EXC-88 per the findings and conditions contained within the enclosed model resolution. B. The decision of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee is final unless appealed within five working days to City Council. ITEM 9) APPLICATION ASAC 51 813.1 -- JOHN AND PATRICIA MURPHY: Requesting approval of a 185 square foot addition and deck to an existing single- family home located on the east side of Krista Court, approximately 80 feet south of Voss Avenue. 10388 Krista Court. ENCLOSURES: 1. Site Plan, Sheets 1 of 2 and 2 of 2 for Mr. and Mr. J. Taylor 2. Model Resolutions • COMMENTS: Staff will present its comments verbally at the meeting. ITEM .10) APPLICATION ASAC 51,817.1 -- MOTIVATIONAL SYSTEMS. INC (GREGORY GROUP): Requesting approval of an exception from the Sign Ordinance to allow a temporary off -site directional sign for the Seven Springs Ranch development. Sign to be located at the southwest corner of Stelling Road and Seven Springs Parkway. ENCLOSURES: 1. Seven Springs Ranch site plan and copy of photograph 2. Model Resolution COMMENTS: A. Sign Ordinance prohibits temporary, off -site directional signs in residential zones. Applicant proposes a 48 square foot directional sign as shown on the enclosed photograph copy. B. Request is consistent with the intent of the subdivision directional sign provision of the Sign Ordinance to direct customers along the most direct route to the site. RECOMMENDATION: A. Staff recommends approval of Application ASAC 51,817.1 per the findings and is conditions continued within the enclosed model resolution. B. This application will be forward to the City Council for final review. ASAC SUMMARY REPORT FOR SEPTEMBER 12, 1988 PAGE -6- INFORMAL REVIEW ITEM 11) APPLICATION ASAC 3-U-87 -- SRI SERVICES: Requesting approval of a final landscape plan for a service station located at 1325 South Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road (between Wildflower Way and Rainbow Drive). ENCLOSURES 1. Sheet L-2 for 1325 S. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road COMMENTS: A. Staff recommends the following modifications: 1. Berming and turf treatment in the frontage areas along the road, similar to other major thoroughfares within the City. 2. Denser and larger shrub species to replace the proposed Heavenly Bamboo 3. The four trees along the frontage shall be a Public Works Department approved street tree 4. Shrubs shall be 5 gallon container size as required by the General Plan. 5. Addition shrubs should be planted in the northeast corner landscape area. ® OLD BUSINESS: ITEM 12) APPLICATION 51.811.1 -- STONESON DEVELOPMENT CO (THE OAKS CENTER): Requesting an interpretation of a condition of approval for banner signs at an existing shopping center. Site located at the northwest corner of Stevens Creek Boulevard and Mary Avenue. ENCLOSURES: 1. Letter from Bruce Detweiler dated August 30, 1988 COMMENTS: Staff will present its comments at the meeting. APPROVAL OF MINUTES: ITEM 13) MINUTES OF THE REGULAR MEETING OF AUGUST 22, 1988: ADJOURNMENT Adjournment to the next regular meeting of the Architectural and Site Approval Committee to be held September 26, 1988 at 7:30PM in Conference Room A of City Hall. 10300 Torre Avenue. sum09-1288(rd5)