November 15, 1979ASAC - 249(A) SUMMARY MINUTES OF ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE POLICY STUDY SESSION OF NOVEMBER 15-, 1979. MEETING HELD IN ROOM 105 OF CITY HALL, CUPERTINO, CALIFORNIA. ROLL CALL: Members Present: Members Johnson, Morrison, Ripplinger and Chairman Bond Member Absent: Member Sallan Staff Present: Kathryn McKenna Scott,. Senior Planning Technician Note Items. referenced by asterisks (**) are subject to further ASAC discussion. A. General Plan Modifications ** 1. Heritage Resource Section: Provide ASAC direction to the future consultant who prepares an ordinance. 2. Policy 2-10 (Strategy 3): Describe bike facility requirements. 3. Policy 2-11 (Strategy 3): Change "resistant" to "tolerant". 4. Policy 2-13: Add "partially" concealed. 5. Policy 2-13: Add the encouragement of vehicle parking where feasible. ** 6. Policy 2-13 (Strategy 4): Discuss the virtues of general performance standards vs. a specified minimum percentage of planting in parking areas. 7. Include a section on lighting. a. Lighting subject to review after installation. b. No direction intrusion into residential areas. C. Encourage low scale fixtures, particularly in walkway. d. Provide building security lighting (under fascia, etc.). e. Encourage compatibility of lighting fixtures with adjacent properties. 8. Include reference to provision of tree preservation plans. 9. Include a note that internal landscaping is subject only to staff review. **10. Policy 2-21 (Strategy 2): Include a. reference that bedrooms should have at least one clear and operable window: (above eye -level if necessary). Refine this concept in further ASAC discussions. 11. Policy 2-23 (Strategy 2): Encourage indoor placement of trash enclosures and Is mechanical equipment, where feasible. -1- ASAC - 249(A) Summary Minutes of Study Session - November 15, 19-79. Ccontinued) B. Sign Ordinance Modifications ** 1. Priority items (as per City Counc a. Temporary signs - reduction i b. Service station - provide pri (invite dealers, Chamber of C ** 2. Possible reduction in street fron direction) size and frequency provisions. of at least one grade of gasoline merce (to discussion)'.., requirements for ground sign. - Provide ASAC with names of businesses granted ground sign exceptions - conduct - field review (Chili's ,I etc.) . ** 3. Height provisions - Satisfactory? ** 4. Size (Sq. Ft.) provisions - Satis ** 5. Staff approval of: 1. All signs or 2. Earthtone colored signs ** 6. Encouragement of earthtone colors worthwhile for inclusion in ordina tory? individual lettering signs - is this (carries no effective weight). C El -2-