March 17, 1971r
CITY OF CUPERTINO, State of California
10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino, California
Telephone: 252-4505
The meeting was called to order by Chairman Adams at 7:32 p.m., after
which the assemblage was led in the flag salute.
Roll Call
Attending members: Marquez, Ryner, Small and Chairman Adams. Member
absent: McLaren. Also attending: City Attorney Adams, Public Works
Director Yarborough and Recording Secretary Dolores White.
Minutes of the Previous Meetin
1. Approval of Architectural and Site Approval Minutes
of meeting held March 3, 1971.
It was moved by Member Ryner, seconded by Member Small and passed
unanimously that the Minutes of the meeting held March 3, 1971 be
approved as submitted.
Written Communications
2. Letter from Eugene Barbour, Representative for Federal Signs
regarding Application HC-51,249.1, Bessie's Delite.
As requested, it was moved by Member Small, seconded by Member Ryner
.and passed unanimously that a continuance be granted on Application
HC-51,249.1 to the meeting of April 7, 1971.
3. Letter from Jerry Rizzuto regarding non -conforming pole sign,
Nite Kap Cocktail Lounge, 20030 Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Subsequent to recognition of communications received, it was moved by
Member Small, seconded by Member Marquez and passed unanimously that
the written communications be accepted for filing.
Oral Communications
4. None requested.
Public Hearings
5. Application HC"51,108.2 Richard Messina, applicant,
requesting approval of lighting of proposed conunercial
development at 10033--10097 Saich Way. (Loc. Map, Ex. 1)
.roll call
Page 2
HC-51,108. 2
and des-
Minutes of H--Control, March 17, 1971",,
Public Hearings (continued)
In that the applicant was not present for discussion, it was moved by
Member Ryner, seconded by Member Small and passed unanimously that
Application HC51,108.2 be continued for discussion at the end of.
the public hearings portion of the meeting or, should the applicant
not appear at that time, that the matter be continued to the next
regularly scheduled meeting. I,
6. Application HC--51,2.27 - Measurex Corporation,
applicant, requesting approval for site, archi-
tecture and landscaping for buildings located at
the northwest corner of McClellan Road and Bubb
Road projected extended (Loc. Map., Ex. 2)
Several slides were shown depicting the buildings involved in the
application, i.e., the office building and the manufacturing building.
Elevation plans were also shown and the location of the buildings was
pointed out for the Committee's information.
According to Mr. Yarborough the proposal had been to use concrete on. -the
face of both buildings, to utilize la mansard roof and to incorporate
wood treatment for trim. The concern of the staff was twofold,.whether
or not the landscaping should continue around the entire periphery of
the property or as proposed and, secondly, it was suggested that the
driveway be. of a 24-foot width insL,ead of 20 feeL as planned. The
location of the trash enclosure had been changed from along the
property line to near the buildinglwith an ornamental screen to be
placed around it. A suggestion had also been made by the Planning
Commission that a berm be used around the property separating the
industrial area from the -residential area.
The applicant, Henry Riggs, Vice President of Measurex, explained that an-
other site plan had been submittedlto the H-Control Committee approxi-
mately 9 months previous which had1been subsequently revised with the
facility relocated.
Mr. James Thorne, Cabak and Associates, Architects and Engineers,
180 O'Brien Drive, Menlo Park, in 'response to an inquiry made by
Member Marquez explained that the main building would have a concrete
facia with an overhang of tilt-upltype wooden panels, bronze glass
would be used on the entrance between the two buildings which would
also incorporate a lunch room andia rear courtyard. He then described
the manufacturing building as having the same concrete exterior with
ribbing between the panels and washed exposed aggregate as part of
this exterior. In continuing his description, he said the trash
enclosure would be located off the end of the building, would be
made of plywood as used on the building, would be between 7 and 8
feet in height and would be solidllexcept for a small"opening at the
bottom for air circulation. He said there were to be two enclosures,
one for the trash and one for theItransformer. In concluding his
comments, Mr. Thorne agreed to thie suggested change in the driveway
width. j
Minutes of H Control, March 17, 1971
• Public Hearings (continued)
it was moved by Member Ryner and seconded by Member Small that
approval be recommended to the City Council of Application HC-51,22.7,
Phase A, pertaining to the site plan and architecture, subject to the
revised exhibits provided showing the new trash enclosure area,
subject to the condition that the driveways be in accordance with
the Planning Departments suggestion at a minimum of 24 feet and
subject to the Standard Conditions of H-Control as well as all ex-
hibits and displays presented.
Ayes: Members Marquez, Ryner, Small and Chairman Adams
Noes: None
Absent: Member McLaren
At this time Mr. Riggs described the proposed landscaping saying that
® it had been recommended by the staff that the berm proposed be of a
height of 4 feet instead of between 2-1/4 and 2-1/2 feet as proposed
and, secondly, that the landscaping and berming be continued to sur-
round the entire site rather than as planned. He requested relief from
these recommendations because to install a berm of the 4-foot height
requested would cause problems in the establishment of turf as well
as maintenance of same;_ and, secondly, inasmuch as there were three
frontages involved, the cost would be quite high to provide complete
landscaping. He commented that, should Measurex not expand as an-
ticipated, the money expended for the extra landscaping would be
irretrievable and mentioned that the landscaping would have more
uniformity if installed along with future development of the other
parcels. ,
Mr. Ken Artunian, Landscape Architect, Palo Alto, further described
the landscaping as follows; there would be a 2-1/2-foot high bank
incorporating turf, as previously mentioned; pine trees, flowering
fruit trees would be used in keeping with the surrounding residential
area; some ground cover would be used in a raised planter with groups
of small shrubs and plantings in the courtyard and Canary pines at
the entrance. He concluded by saying that.there would be ash trees
planted in the parking lot pockets, and indicated his feeling that
the use of pine trees placed close together and the street trees
would provide adequate screening of the cars in the lot.
in response to Member Ryner's inquiry, Mr. Artunian added that the
trunk diameters of the trees proposed would be between 1 and 1--1/2
inches and the entire landscaped area would be sprinkled.
Discussion followed wherein it was suggested by Member Marquez that
additional landscaping be provided to screen the parking area from
Bubb Road and the possibility was also suggested of placing additional
landscaping at the easterly portion of the building.
Chairman Adams mentioned that he felt the additional landscaping to
screen the parking lot was a good idea, however, he felt an extension
of the berming should not be required. He also indicated that he
felt the landscaping along the eastern portion of the building should
not be included because of potential growth and expansion.
Page 3
Phase A,
Page 4
Phase B,
Minutes of R-Control, March 17, 1971
Public Hearings (continued)
Responding to an inquiry made by Member Ryner as to landscaping and
care of an unused triangular portion of property, it was indicated by
Mr. Yarborough that.street trees would,be planted in the area with fees
being collected from the applicant atla rate of $15.00 per tree. In
continuing, Mr. Riggs mentioned that the grass would be kept down or
the entire field plowed under as required.
After some continued dialogue, it wasisuggested by Member Small that,
instead of having additional landscapling and berming included at this
time, increased requirements be provided for more mature landscaping
pending future development such as requiring 10 gallon trees instead
of 5 gallon trees. The applicant agreed to this recommendation.
It was moved by Member Ryner and seconded by Member Small that Applica-
tion HC-5.1,227, Phase B, pertaining to landscaping, be recommended to the
City Council for approval subject tollandscaping plan submitted and
subject to the following conditions:) 1) the landscaping screen or the
mound, as termed, be 3 feet in height instead of 2-1/2 to 2-1/4 feet
as shown on drawings; 2) that typical trees of the evergreen variety
be planted at the easterly portion of the parking lot in the area which
is to be the future building area, the purpose of which is to block the
view from Bubb Road of the parked cars in front of the Measurex building;
3) that the entire landscaping area be sprinkled as typical and as re-
quired for the variety of lar_dscapin,g to be planted; 4) that the undeveloped
area located on the easterly portionj,of the property be tilled to avoid un-
sightly weed development and fire hazards with this tilling to be done at
a frequency of three times per yearland, likewise, the existing property
on the northwesterly portion of the development to be tilled; 5) that,
at such time as the additional facility is built or as the case exists
that other operations take place, mounding is to be constructed around
the periphery of Bubb Road, McClellan Road and Imperial Avenue typical
of what is already in existence on this project and with the thought that
the tree sizes will be increased to�complement the existing landscaping.
Prior to the vote being taken it wap suggested by Member Marquez that
additional landscaping be provided within the parking lot also, but it
was mutually agreed among the otherl'members that this would not be
necessary in this instance.
The following vote was taken on the previously -entered motion.
Ayes: Members Marquez, Ryner, Small and Chairman Adams
Noes: None
Absent: Member McLaren
The applicant was informed by Chairman Adams that his application would
be heard by the City Council at their next meeting to be held on April 5th
and he was requested to be presentlat that time for discussion.
Minutes of H--Control, March 17, 1971
Public Hearings (continued)
® 7. Application HC-51,146.1 - Edwin J. Myers, Architect,
applicant, requesting approval for architecture and land-
scaping for pizza parlor located at 22350 Homestead Road.
(Loc. Map, Ex. 5)
It was reported by Mr. Yarborough that the applicant had intentions of
modifying a portion of the existing shopping center, adding. that, because
the applicant was a tenant, approval had been obtained from the property
owner for the proposed changes. It had been planned, he.said, to join
the Safeway area at a later time and because of this the request had been
somewhat limited.
Mr. Ed Myers, Architect, cane forward representing the applicant and
informed the Committee that the space in question had been previously
• occupied by the 7/11 store who had voided their lease. The area was
then subleased to the owner of the pizza parlor who was desirous of
upgrading the facility.
He said the applicant was trying to bring character to the existing
structure to match the Safeway store which was almost completed but he
did not wish to upgrade the parking lot at this time because the traffic
pattern had not yet been established. He went on to say that the pro-
posed changes would be as follows: the building would incorporate a
wooden portion at the roof lire of sandblasted cedar to give a rustic
character, columns would be added of slumpstone as used on the Safeway
structure and the building, itself, would be painted dark brown. The
landscaping planned was for the front of the building only and would
include junipers of three varieties which would grow at three levels
and in three different colors as well as deodora planting.
At this time, Chairman Adams complimented the owner and the architect
for their efforts to upgrade the structure. Mr. Myers responded that
the signs were also to be upgraded in the very rear future in this
In response to a question posed by Chairman Adams relative to a complete-
ly revised sign plan as done in the Crossroads Shopping Center, City
Attorney Adams indicated his feeling that, in order to be fair and
consistent, the applicant should be approached on this with the rules of
reason, ableness and fairness being applied. It was his opinion that
all problems should be solved on an individual basis rather than a
blanket basis.
Mr. Myers informed the Committee that the owner was also desirous of
upgrading the signing of the building and he offered the following
three alternatives: 1) that the signs be taken down and re -installed,
2) that the signs be made to be uniform in color or 3) that they be
taken down completely and new signs be installed based on a plan as
done in the Crossroads Shopping Center.
Member Ryner inquired as to screening of air-conditioning equipment
located on the roof, to which Mr. flyers replied that tie would stipulate
Page 5
Page 6
for approval
Minutes of H-Control, March 17, 19711 HC-29
Public Hearings (continued)
to a condition requiring screening of this gear to match the remainder
of the architecture. j
It was suggested by Member Marquez and agreed to by Member Ryner that.trees
should beplaced in the unlandscaped portion of the property to the side
of the building.
After a brief discussion, it was moved. by Member Marquez and seconded by
Member Small that Application HC-51,1146.1 be recommended to the City
Council for approval subject to the plans submitted and to the following
conditions: 1) that trees be added Ito landscaping area as shown on the
plan submitted, 2) that the air-condlitioning be screened on the roof of
the building so that it would be visible from the street; subject to
the H-Control Standard.Conditions and also that the trees be properly
identified prior to submission to the City Council. r
Ayes: Members Marquez, Ryner, Small and Chairman Adams
Noes: None
Absent: Member McLaren
The applicant was informed that his application would be heard by the
City Council on April 5th and he was asked to appear at that time with
his revised plan. j
A recess was called by Chairman Adams at 9:13 p.m. and -the meeting was
reconvened at 9:23 p.m.
The discussion reverted back at this time to Application HC-51,108.2
requesting approval
In that the applicant had arrived, Mr. Yarborough began his report by
relaying the applicant's desires tq install roof lighting and requested
that the applicant further describe the lighting proposed.
Mr. Dale Ellers, Architect, came forward representing the applicant,
Mr. Messina, owner of the property' He said the buildings in question
were of the same architecture as that of the Burger Chef restaurant but
were not visible on evenings when Gemco was not open because they did
not have adequate illumination to be recognizable. It was planned,
he continued, to have roof lighting similar to that in existence on
the Burger Chef restaurant with two small lights, pedestal --mounted, to
be placed on each of the three building roofs for a total of six lights.
It had also been proposed to add soffit lighting across the front of
the first building to be placed atldistances of 8 feet and to be con-
cealed beneath the overhang. j
At this time, Member Ryner strongliv indicated his opposition to any
type of roof lighting but also pointed out that he would be in favor
of the addition of soffit lightingl.
Minutes of R-Control, March.17t 1971
• Public Hearings (continued)
In answer to Chairman Adams! request for an alternative to the roof
lighting, Mr. Rllers said he could offer none and hastened to add
that Payless Drug Store had roof lighting. He went on to say that
this lighting was necessary to provide uniformity in this development
and, further, that the store keepers had complained about the lack
of adequate lighting. He stressed the point that the center would
look more professional and indicated that the lights were to go on
at dusk to automatically turn off at 2:00 a.m.
It was moved by Member Marquez and seconded.. by Member Small that
Application HC-51,108.2 be recommended to the City Council for
approval subject to the plan submitted and subject to the Standard
Conditions of H-Control.
• Ayes: Members Marquez, Small and Chairman Adams .
Noes: Member Ryner
Absent: Member McLaren
Member Ryner explained his nay vote as representing disagreement with
roof lighting and his desire not to have it incorporated into this
The applicant wa.s.requested to be present at the April 5th City Counci:
meeting for discussion of his application.
Unfinished Business
8. Review of inquiries and request directed to City staff
relative to reported violations of H-Control regula-
9. Report from City Attorney regarding extension of H-
Control authority to impose conditions.
In response to an inquiry made by Member Ryner as to legal opinions
previously indicated in Mr. Yarborough's memorandum, City Attorney
Adams confirmed the opinions as written.
Member Ryner then asked in what way unsightliness could be eliminated
on a site and how changes could be initiated, to which City Attorney
Adams responded that enforcement should come as under Ordinance,
administratively or Civil suit, but an application should not be
disapproved because of other conditions. It was his opinion that
people could be encouraged to make desired improvements without the
necessity of enforcement.
Discussion continued, wherein advertising of public hearings was
explored and City Attorney Adams, in referring to Page 6 of the
H-Control Rules and Regulations, made mention of the fact -that
public hearings had been provided for.
Page 7
for approval
Page 8
Minute Order
for Ad Hoc
Minutes of R-Control, March 17, 1971
Unfinished Business (continued)
It was suggested by Chairman Adams that a 'tentative listing of public
hearings be advertised with notification being made at the beginning
of H-Control meetings of all matters continued subsequent to publica-
tion, to which Attorney Adams informd him_ that the Rules and Regula-
tions should be so revised.
Dialogue continued relative to publiic hearings and in answer to a request
for clarification of a legal opinionias to members previewing sites prior
to discussion, City Attorney Adams explained that a public hearing is
similar to a trial. He said whatever evidence a final decision is based
upon should be submitted at the hearing only and not influenced by
specifically viewing the site before' that hearing.
After discussion continued briefly, Chairman Adams offered the Committee's
appreciation to City Attorney Adamslfor taking the time to clarify the
items of concern.
Member Ryner inquired as to whetherior not a listing of old business
had been completed, to which Chairman Adams responded that Mr. Yarborough
would be given this list for revising.
The status report was given a shortreview at this time, after which
inquiry was made by Member Ryner asi'to the "free earring" sign in
existence in the center behind the Burger Chef restaurant. Mr.
Yarborough said he would investigate this situation.
It was suggest-ed by Member Ryner that the Committee finance a tree for
the library and this subject was discussed tersely, after which it
was requested by Chairman Adams that discussion be differed for the
presence of the full Committee.
New Business
10. Street beautification fund policy.
At this time Chairman Adams presentled a draft of guidelines and imple-
mentation plan for the street beautification program, in response to
a request made'by'the City Counciliat one of their recent meetings.
It was requested by Chairman Adamslthat the Committee elaborate on
the items presented so that a planlcould be presented, in final form,
at the next City Council meeting.
In continuing, Mr. Yarborough mentioned that this plan was being pro-
vided to allow the opportunity for I residents, who might wish to do so,
to contribute financial support asl'an aid in providing for trees within
the City where needed. I
It was recommended by Member Marquez that Member Ryner be given the
authority to work with Mr. Yarborough as an Ad Hoc Committee to
finalize the proposed plan as discussed previously for presentation
to the City Council.
Minutes of H-Control., March 17, 1971
New Business (continued)
40 Chairman Adams referred to a recent communication received relative
to the Underground Committee proposed to include representatives of
the Telephone Company, P G & E and the H-Control Committee. He
suggested that no action be taken at this time as there would be
replacements made on the Committee in the near future and he felt
this item should be temporarily differed.
He then referred to another communication which had been received
from Mr. Yarborough relative to a meeting scheduled for April 13th, and
indicated he would be able to attend this meeting if a new Chairman was
not available.
It was moved by Member Ryner, seconded by Member Small and passed
unanimously that the meeting be adjourned.
The meeting was declared adjourned by Chairman Adams at 10:30 p.m.
/s/Wm. E. Ryder
City Clerk
s/ V.J. Adams, Jr.
Page 9