March 23, 1965• ®G� O O O. 8
c; I T .'Y
10321 So. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road
Cupertino, Calif., 95014
ph: 252-4505
March 23, 1965
TIME: 8:00 P.M.
PLACE: Building Department, City Hall
Committeemen present: Fitch,. Horgan, Nvzum, Rampy, Small
Committeemen absent: None
Staff present: Chief Bldg. Inspector, Dill Benevich
Recording Secretary, Lois Inwards
A. Written -- None
B. Verbal --- None
Moved by Mr. Rampy, seco;.lded by Mr. Nuzum, to approve as
read, the Minutes of March 9 and 12, 1965,
Motion carried, 5-0
A.'. Application 172-HC-65, Hu-mble Oil, 1330 Broadway, Oakland,
resubmitting for Architectural & Site approval to construct
a service station to be located on the NW corner of
Saratoga.-Sunnyvale.Road and McClellan Road.
ChaAMAn Smal" ."azecapped the proceedings of the last City
Council meeting where it was voted to retur.ri this application
to H-Control for further evaluation after a tied vote to deny
it altogether.
The chief reason this application w�s'sent back to the H-
• Cont.r. of 'seemed to be: that. two .of .t.he COWcilmen :relieved
precedent- had been set on the Mobil a.upZica.:tion.
Chairt�an Small said the H-Control a-prcva.l. �.[ this design has
no bearing whatsoever or.). the or ig�.."a�a�ulicaton :chat was
submitted for a Use Permit.
i w
The original u^,-, e-�rrit: wa.� f_ or a '_�'; the second
was for an Associated slat . n.; and H• .mbie u."J.. made applica-
tion befo--le the A,isoc l.ated 'C-ue ,Perw,it ran out. Humble made
no presentation before Planni-Zlg The original
application, from Texaco, was 11 for a r!ietal building with rock
trim and a rock rcof.
Mr. Horgan felt that bef ore t•hP Co-Lrnn;_t-i,ae should look at
the new renderings the H1I.mblo ! p�eoplc have to offer at this
meeting, they should fir.•st ui'll c�wass
the re;:;u.-!,ts of the last
Council meeting.'
Mr. Roger,, of Humble Oil, said. he goy theJ.f;"iprE,;,sici1
Council was against the metal' building,Fie then went out
and took some pictures of sartri'ce stations, in the area and
presented them to the H-CcntrollCommittee at this meeting.
Some had metal buildings and some were frame; some had
canopies and come did not.
Mr. Rogers showed the Committee.
an award Humble Oil has
received from the Napa Chamber of Co:lrmez-ce . He said they
are quite proud of the staticnslthey build. He is prepared
tonight to offer a block buildinng and 11T Lights over the
pumps instead of the metal building and canopy, Roof
materials are open for discussion. He said he can offer a
crushed rock roof, any c.o]or, al thi3k-•bUtt az;phalt shingle,
or the . metal shakes. The Fire; Marshall_ will. not OK wood
shakes Mere, and he has not as yet put an OK on size metal
shake materials.
Chairman Small wondered whether any H-Control Committee has
the right to dictate the type
of materials, as long as they
pass on aesthetics, meet the Building
Code, and obtain the
approval of the Building Inspector. If it is compatible to
the area, who are we to say we don't care for the choice of
Mr. Horgan requested a verbal opinion from each of the
Committeemen, whether or not they are willing to pass on
any new rendering, or prefer the
Mr-: Fitch felt that due consicl,eration should be given to
Mr . Horgan Is statements; howe Jer, the Cii;y Council has asked
for some very strong consideration of something'else.
Mr. Rampy agreed that the Committee does not know specifi-
cally what the Council wants,.except through an interpretation
of those Committeemen who:were present a•'.; the last Council
meeting. He is in favor of seeing what the applicant has to
offer this evening.
.Mr. Nuzum said he was satisfiediwith the decisions made at
the special meeting on the 12th-�', . He felt 'i.� was compatible
with. the area and would certainly upgrade it�
Chairman Small said the recordshows that 5 H-Cwntrcl
Committeemen and 2 Councilmenwere sativ:f.ed with try decisions
made at the special ..meeting o'! the 12 ':;.. t =., 'ten rea"d the
last Council minutes r�ertainins:• ;to the Hixiiible app-Jcation.
Chairman Small s(-::•. _d he is ready to go before the Council at
their next regular. meeting and explain the difference be"-ween
this application .•and: the Mob:; l ap- lication. In this parti-
cular: case., there was not any rendering submitted when this
Use..Permit was obtained. The rendering presented a year ago
had absolutely no influence in obtaining the Use Permit for
a service station at this corner.
Moved -by Mr. Horgan, seconded by Mr. Nuzum, to approve
application 172-C-65, subject to all the conditions and
® remarks that are recorded in the H-Control Minutes of
March 12, 1965; except that the roof material shall now be
thick -butt, asphalt composition brown shingle.
AYES : Messrs . F :tch., Horgan; Nuzum, Ramp. ; Small
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Moved by Mr. Horgan that the above motion recognized that
there has been no precedent set (with respect to the Mobil
station at Stelling and.Stevens Creek Blvd.) in this city
at this time and that the Committee had no concrete sugges-
tions or recommendations from the Council other than the
fact that "they will know what we mean," and I am not'
clairvoyant, and I don't know whether or not anybody else
on the Committee is.
This motion died for lack 'of a Second.
• B. Application 174=HG-65,, 45er Bottle Shoppe, 205•7.0
Stevens Creek Blvd';, requesting Architectural &
Site approval'to erect a single -faced plastic 4'
x 18,' sign, internally illuminated, at tree Ager Bottle
Shoppe, 20570 Stevens Creek Blvd.
Mr. C. F. Uldrich, Sales Representative for Federal Sign•and
Signal Corporation, 1521 Terminal Avenue, San Jose, Calif.,
presented,the rendering of :the proposed sign. He said these
same people have the Sugar and Spice Restaurant in Los Altos.
Sign will be orange and black, with black strap iron trim.
The size of the sign is within.the limits of the'Sign
Moved by Mr. Fitch, seconded by Mr. Rampy, that application
174-HC-65 be approved .per. the rendering submitted with the
stipulation that it be placed on the marquee, similar to the
others in .that .shopp•ing ,center
Motion carried, 5-0.
C. Application 175-HC-65, Terri's Dog Salon &.Shoppe,
1.0020 N. Blaney Av.e . , Cupertino, requesting :Archi-'
tectural & Site approval to erect a 3' x 8' plywood
sign at the Terri. 's Dog Salon & Shoppe, 10200 N.. '
Blaney Avenue, BoulF yard :.S.ho•pp3_r�g C2n"ce:r .
Mr. C.a.r-�-- :,�e.r. , .0020 N . .. lar_ey , Cu:Pertino, e.
rendering of the proposed sign, He Baia i, !n.i1i b.e made
of 3/4" pl:;,-wood It wa.l1- b- _.. `conformance with the other
signs i:n tYiat ,szonpin cer tern. .
The rendering .showed red background with black letters, but
the applicant; has�d he Trro;uld rather have red background
with white lettering.
Moved by Mr. Nuz jm,. sec-onded by' Mr Fit'G .y to app_oove appli-
cation 175-4C--65, per submittS�d rendering `with the: stipula-
tion that the letter•irig will be white on a red background
and not black lettering, as shown on the rendering.
Motion_ carx,ied, 5-0
D. Applicati.on. .114-,HC-63, A. I,. ' Chadwick, 20100 Stevens
Creek Blvd., requesting, Arc;hitectural & :Site approval
to place an office tr-ail:er,'at the back of the used car
Chairman Small read the letter i%rhich Mr. Chadwick had
written, explaining th situaTi"r He has received a
franchise for a Japanese -made' automobile (Toyota) agency
and would like; as a temporary measure., to put h.s office
trailer, which is 10' high, airect'ly under the sign, which
starts at 111, at the rear oflthe used car .lot. The trailer
will hardly be noticeable and looks like it might be for sale
there on his lot.
Moved by Mr. Rampy, seconded by;P!3?. Fitch, to approve
application 114-HC-63, with the stipulation that this is a
temporary office, to. be used for one year, and to be loca'ced
as per the rendering submitted.!
Motion. cari'jied, 5-0
E. Architectural & Site Contrlol Ordinance No. 36o.
Mr. Horgan said he would like to see an architect -on the
Committee . Chairman. Small said a year or two ago .they tried
very hard to get one, but it seems that architect13 do not
want to be placed in theosit,ion whare they must pans on
The City Attorney has advised that H-Control should be a
it " rather than a "Comiml-6sion. it
Moved by Mr. Rampy, seconded by Mr. Fitch, that H-Control
Ordinance No. 306 be recommend,ed� to .the City Council for
approval, to besdisper'sed to the proper channels for Hearings
and adoption.
AYES: Messrs. Fitch, Horgan, Nul;zum, Rampy, Small
NOES: None
Motion -carried- 5-0
There was none.
A. Election of officers for the coming year,
Chairman Small said he has been Chairman of H-Control and of
the Planning°Commission for several years and feels someone
else should have the opportunity this coming year. It is
the duty of the Chairman of H-Control to attend the City
Council meetings and report the findings of the H-Control.
is Moved by Mr. Rampy, seconded by Mr. Fitch, to nominate Jim
Horgan as Chairman of H-Control.
Chairman Small asked if there were any other nominations.
There were not.
Moved by Mr. Rampy, seconded by Mr, Nuzum, that the nominations
be closed.
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman Small asked if all were in favor of having Jim Horgan
as Chairman for the year 1965-66.
Motion carried, 14-0
Horgan abstained
Moved by Mr. Fitch to nominate Mr. Rampy for Vice -Chairman,
Mr. Rampy declined, saying the reason he took the Vice -
Chairmanship last year was because he and Jim Small were the
only "veterans" on the Committee.
Moved by Mr. Nuzum, seconded by Mr. Rampy, to nominate Guy
® Fitch as Vice -Chairman.
Chairman Small asked for any other nominations. There were
Moved by Mr. Rampy, seconded by Mr. Nuzum, that -the nomination
be closed,
Chairman Small asked if all were in favor of "Mr. Fitch as
Vice -Chairman of the H-Control Committee.
Motion carried, 4-0
Mr. Fitch abstained.
Chairman Small advised the -new Chairman not to argue about
principles with Council to the point where it might hurt
the applicant. Mr. Horgan thanked him for the advice.
Messrs. Small and Rampy said they had been happy to be the
Chairman and Vice -Chairman this past year and feel they have
learned a lot, as they hope they have been able to convey
some insight they have gained through their previous
B., Service Stat _on at Bubb
u b an
d d McClellan
Mr. Fitch drives bar this. station .a lot, and- he has noticed
more and more tine racks a_,d paraphernalia avery day,
The Building Inspector will have someone- i-n his department
check this out.
Mr. Fitch said he wanted to.& on record as saying what an
excellent job Chairman Smalland Vice -Chairman Rampy have
done'in thEir decisions and inguidingthe new "rookie"
members. •
V I'
Moved by Mr. Pitch, seconded Iby •Mr a Horgan, to adjourn the
meeting at 9:45 P,M�
E. James Small
Cha irman
Chief Buildir� Inspector