October 4th, 1972a� ,. CITY OF CUPERTINO STATE OF C.ALTFORNIA IIC-r64 � 10300 Torre .Avenue, CupeftinO Page 1 Telho�!es 252 -4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR h1 .._: i ,:ir. OF THE ARCHITECTURAL Eli^iD SITE APPROVAL COMMITTEE ON OC;:'I }B 4 l° 7 2 ' TIZ THE COUNCILL CHA`M"ER CITY IIALL, . iCUPER'll l '4,0 CALIFORNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG ha:irman SarcYrat called the ns-Feting to order at 7 4 M. w1.I- -t the i j Salute to the Flag,, ROLL CAIL Members iee: t , Dressler� Koeni.t�nern ;Ac•Laren. Sallan and t. Chairman Sa gen# � ilole.iiiars a s.enta Nome:: p Technician Sheppard Staff ii)-r .sent, Senior�.ann -ng Technician IIik.a PP Associate Planner Robert Cowaxa ' a Secretary Hu:h Cow 1I I _ A7,�t{-y� �-{� y 7 Y11, ��.t�.•E. S 'OF P. E�VICUS MEETIb:G. ljyTxJi" vet.,: of 3?, G�l' ectu�.`2.l and Site ttnvrov l "lin i tes of j p t 200 1972� Se- j '.t. .. „.r KJ-.,i.�.a 1.z x� noted on page 6, �.3ct$`agrarh 6. r-zv:3_ CT 4)�� chhare,^ of %c.`v. ht�uId. 111MInddiately of ter r. blic Hearin54s, nr, of , unde E <allaza wished Lo add the word "informal" .!al" *�3: �.c,r t^ dialogue I i o.n pa..e 5. para�raOh 2e i Moved b- M-mber Sc?lan> seconded by Ile.nber Ko-nitzer to approve the cnptembar. u�? ' raignil'i.�: s of Se pLzYmber 207 1972 as CC.?..tc+. ted; i_ ..tYtC..: E Motion carried SmO co rec.twu I i tSema r IwL Oren abstained � 77 C O{I 7N C TT rip S- WRITTEN 20 IN; cTna, requested, t .. ORAL 4ek1M1IItJiIICA.1 IONS 1 I s hone requeste.ds _ # iiC-E4 MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 49 1972 H-CONNT;:OL MEETING Page 2 PUBLIC HEARINGS HC-51,058.4� 4, Application HC-51,058.4 - Merit-�•LcBride Realtors requesting exception to ;Serit- the Sign Ordinance to allow an existing non -conforming sign for a commer- "icBride cial building 'Located at the northwest corner of Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road Realtors and Scofield Drive. Staff Report Staff. member Cowan reported this is a two -prong request: one for an existing sign on wall of building for which no pernit has been issued, and the excep- tion for an existing non -conforming pole sign. He showed slides of the wall sign which is in conformance. The pole sign however is non -conforming in that it overhangs the public -right-of-way and is in a 40-ft. corner triangle. The sign was in existence before the ordinance was established; however, the applicant had changed the sign which according to ordinance made it necessary to bring the sign into conformance. Request Chairman Sargent indicated an excepticn must be approached iti a specific separated outlined manner in which all exceptions had been approached to date, lie suggested applicant might like to separate the request into two parts since the wall sign was in confor-mance. The no le sign exception would then be considered according to the ordinance as outlined in the Rules and Procedure Book. i,all Sign "fir. tidilliar, Dean, 10111 So. Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road, Cupertino explained the sign was on the building -call when they occupied building and they had just chanocd the copy. In answer tc a question by 'Member Sall -an, ::r. Dean said he had not realized he should have gotten a permi for chance of cop,' until ter. Shepherd had so indicatad to him. The sign was noted to l.'e illuminated with a shielded flood lij�ht type bulr. . Pole Sign Trem a Item b Item c Chairman Sargent indicated sufficient information had been rained on the wall sign, but the role si.i-n Presented another situation. lie inquired of the applicant if he had Oe en infFormec. as to :chat was required for an exception to the si^n ordin• nca. Applicant said he had. :lr. Sargent then as.ked which items under iU. 2 annlicar.t c.*a:; filing for exception. :•ir, Dean said items a, b and c. iinwever before exnlaininn these items, Mr. Dean gave some background on Dole sign. 1.e e plained it had been there before they occupied the building. `:hen ti1El previous users had left, they had removed the top sivn leaving the lit .ts and the -resent realty sifi.z. It had been considered Lurni<<t; the sign .niround so that it would not extend over public right--of-wa,•, but than, c- in -,to hardware store being only 5' j from street, the sign would not been be seen. • Mr, Dean stated the hardware store's position and the severe setback of applicant's building rakes the pole <;iht: ;;,.z only bu^iness location indicator. The applicant stated there ,;as a def-_^ite necessity to enjoy use of property as real estate office whic it has been f.cr sore ti-.ie, and they are entitled to be identified. j Mr. Dean stated sign was there Ior.F :,efcz ordinance want into effect. Existing pole sign is not low, does got obstruct vision and does not obstruct foot traffic so trerefore d,es not create health or safety hazard. ° MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4u 1972 U-CONTROL MINUTES HC-64 } Page Mr. Dean added the exception would be a temporary measure as building i Temporary is due to be demolishedandnew build inm erected sometime early i.n exception 1973. His lease expired in Tana, 1972, and has. comnitted to 'landlord their intent to be prime tenant in re�q bui" ding. He also quoted Section 10.41 paragraph ba concerning -literal enforcement of the ' provisions restaltin in unnecessary hardshipq and paragraph ee feeling this exception would qualify to stated criteria. Discussion was held about the possibility of a six-month exception. 6-Month being granted4 fir. Dean said this would be saeisfact'ory.i,f he could i Exception at that time come back for another exception hearing if the building changes had not been made. Members Koenitzer and McLaren felt one year or s',x months with the privilege of extending if the building plans were underway would be more realistic. Member. Sallan felt the applicant should be aware this is ,an illegal Illegal. use, use.'in the_City.of Cupertino and should coma? down at the earliest . possible time. Mr,, Dean said he was aware of this and explained his position. He Was in business and needed this identification; when the building went, so would the sign. . He stated an extended use of sign for six months with the committee entertaining exten- sion at the end of that tame would be agreeable. Chairman Sargent announced this Was. a Public Hearing and asked if. j there were any questions or comments fronn audience. � s Virg .Tim Small. 1 72 xlerri.tt Drive,, Cupe tino- said he Taal :the One year original former of this committee and since hardship cases do coma ' EXCeptien ups he felt certain items. should be looked upon with forebearance. In the past grievances had begiven fog ore year end the applicant then as'kad- to come: back for r-evi.e4a.. Tie felt this- partieula.r sign did not,,create safety or health hazard to any individual or group, it was necessary for the identity of the business and the applicant had. ? j us ti fi able: hardship wherebya one. year s s extension w th,, review at that ti l would- not be out of line® Moved by .Member Koen tzar, seconded by Member McLaren.0 to close the_ � Public Hear - Public Hearings, ing Closed { i Notion_ carried e 5-0 Chairman Sargent said he felt .this application should be handled Two motions .� l W1�:i1 two '12 Citioil5 Member Koan tzar moved tiaa building sign of application HC�51=905Sg�+. i Wall sign be approved with, 'the standard H-Control condi,tions'and exhibit B. j approved Member McLaren seconded, AYES: Dressler Koenitzer, McLaren Sallan and: Chairman::Sanzent NOES: D.lone dd ;. Motion carried Q 51 , IIC-64 Page 4 Motion denied Pole si,gn exception foz 6-month ,ranted 'C-51,209. 1 :�nv `lountain, Ltd. Staff Report Applicant's prey: r.tation MINUTES OF THE OCTOItUa 40 1972 II-CIONTROL MELTING Member 'McLaren mcv_d that due to ha,dship under items a, b and c of 10.2 and items a and a under 10.4 of ordinance 353, application IiC-51,058.4 be granted a one year exception to pole sif,,n now in existence. This exception would be reviewed at the end of the one year period. Member Koenitzer seconded. AYES: McLaren) Koenitzer NOES: Dressler, Sallan and Chairman Sargent `lotion failed, 2-3 Member Sallan moved that exception to si-n ordinance be granted as requested on application I:C-510053,4 for a period of six months at which time the application would be reviewed by this committee. At that time the sign would be removed or come into compliance with ordinance of the City of Cupertino. Member Dressler seconded. AYES: Dressler, Sallan and Chairmen Sargent NOES: Koenitzer, 'IcLare n 'lotion carried, 3-2 Applicant was notifi^d this request would be heard b•.- City Council_ on October 24, 1972. Member '.cLaren noted her reason for votinz no on second motion was because she felt the application, should have a one year extension rather. than the six months. 5, Application IIC-519209.1 - Ar_•r 'Icuntain, Ltd. requesting, approval of architecture ar.c sirnin7, for a commercialbui.ldi.ng located in the Rancho DEi Anza ` lhopnin,? :enter at 20603 Valley Green Drive. Staff member Cowan repor.teJ the application is `or approval of sinn program and secondly, a nodifi_cr,tion of the buii.din ; architecture in :allowing, a chimney flue to be �.'rectcc on roof so that a f re;:lacc car, be installed in the ,hop. He tfia�i show—i Glides of the buil'A !'P Sho,ain? applicant's place of business, proposec'. signs roc? f��scias were signs would be used. He also sho,.-ed a dra':link, of )roposc:i .himnev riz;L, lie noted the appli- cant iti' opening, a ski shoi and :aou`J a Fire;ilaze in Shop CO create atmosphere. Glass ,could surround t'-z flue a; it projected through the roof with the structure above glass to be of wood material. Mr. Eldon Iloffrnan, 20603 Valley Gre n Dr41.e, Cut ertino, explained he is opening; a ski shop in the rear of t 'a _,i;oppin^ centar, and needed this type of sign because of the shop's Locatlon. He will be the major tenant • MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4$ 1972 11-CONTROL NEETING I1C-64 Page 5 with a two-story setup, having a mezzanine areas He was requesting; signs of .a product nature because the n me "any Mountain, Ltd,." does riot' i ell what the business is, He, (le:sc'ribed t-he signs he is requesting as a 2° x 20° illuminated sigil of white background wit violet. letters on the side faring Saratoga-Sanr+yval:e Roads the other would .cover a rhrf;—Dana.l area and:';s'aow business nalture SKIING BACKPACKING TENNIS in u10 -6t letters on an orange background.' . In answer to a question by Member '-1 Lare-,i Mr, Hof f.man said he j Color change would-be willing to change his sign SKIING BACKPACK TENNIS from j the orange background to conform, with his other sign of white background 'Member McLaren then asked him what . type of fireplace would be- used. i Fireplace and 114r. Hoffman said this was still undecided until chimney. flue ,Ias chimney height approved® Fie .showed an artist'.s c,onception of the building with the skylight type flue he would gref-er � This showed a chimney ? about 4 or S feet in height, but 'irs .Koffman said he understood i if a fire resistor was us?d in the'f1�ie it:pelf the chimney height could be lessened to 3 or. 4 feet. The fireplace planned would by a tar„e circular structure approximately S or 9 feet in diameter of natural: ,rock p with the grate:area being a proximately 3 feet s 1 Mr. Hoffman indicated.if. the height :of the chimney was a deterring - facto. , a gas burning fireplace would allow a. chimney flue of only I l fret - in height: above roof,, j Member Sallan raised the question of emir -lance from firep.lace� 'Mr. � Chi mtey Hoffman said a lartre fire was not plachned, but would use mosf..ly em�t:.arzce Presto logs with a very small fire just for e"E eCti IQ also noted -the �I 'fire arrestor would prevent ashes or soot:. from escaping through chimneys t Member •Koenitzer.commented he preferred the clean. lines of .roof with out: - the chimney and indicatedthat since 20' sign would give so -.Linea of roof and sign of little more coverage than. the 16' signs ha would prefer the'161 sirrs sign Member Dressler suggested using a brick flue continuing t'lle same !Brick chimney brick was,used.on building. Mr. Hoffman said the copper or -aluminum F was much chea-per,. .In answer to question by,Memiber. Dressler, Hoffman.said the flue pipe on inside of the building would be approximately ` 10' in diameter,; 2' _ high with flat black metal .hood which Mould extendon outside of mezzanine and actual height above . roof. would depend on whether the fireplace was to be gas or wood` burning.. Chairman Sargent commented he felt the cencept.to be a good:0ne9 the. name was creatzveA and he felt the app.lican:t should be 'allotaed to identify as adequately as possible due to the location ;of the Il:C-64 pa€Q h 1 Pollution 17ublic Hearings closed 1 Clean roof line IS)ecific plans - -eded Sizes of signs Summary C-51,209.1 7ireplace portion to be continued MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, 1972 H-CONTROL MEETING shop. He did feel the color pattc .-n that had been established should be followed. lie expressed his preference for a chimney of 3 or 4 feet in heip,iit as opposed to tllc 1 foot. lie suggested that since there are no specific plans at this time for the fireplace, perhaps the idea could be approved ;.ith specific plans Dein�, brought before the committee when available. :lr. Koffman said lie had suomitted to the buildin;- department a dra;,rin g showing dimensions, size of flue and type of trimming material to be used which had been approved. He reiterated that nothing further could be done until outside structure was approved. Member Sallan expressed her opposition to wood bl,rning because of pollution and would prefer gas burning, and would request a definition of type of fire to be used. Cha_'_rman Sargent indicated he Thad no obiection to wood burnin(, as almost ev_:ry house has a fireplace that burns wood. Chairman Sargent noted this was a lublic Hearing and asked if there were y any questions or comments from aucience, There were none. f: Member Sallan roved and Member McLaran seconded that Public hearings be closed. 'lotion carried 5-0 Member Koanitzer indicated ha was opposed to chimney preferring clean roof lines. Mem:)er "cLaren noted it was difficult to render a decision on the fireplace witho;.1t specific plans };einr. shown. Sh; had no objection to chimney. .Iamber Dressler said h^ 'ic not ob ;cct to chimney if it ware clone aesthetically. n r er� :ha f N �; i N C :�, LTD. 5,.rn could As far as tihe si Yn�; `•�-�r: co ce n , _ 1C ANY �� r..I I,T) 1 possibly i;e 2 ', but =:!lt tic SKIT':(: BACKPACKING TENNIS sign should be brought bark. to 16" . Chairman Sargent noted the €:en: ral f e.i r.c of the committee was that the'! • would like to have more `;pecific ��.1ans reryardin-,, chimne,, before makin.v, a decision, Since the applicant ha,.: ho,,d a chance ta. hear the ideas of the indiviu'ual cnmmittec~,cn, he was r: ,; a;ted to desi�;u so-methinp, Specific and bring plans before they:; thhis port'-,rl of the application wo;�.ld be continued. It was noted the i ajority :lid not object. to fireplace, but :he_ded specific plans in the way of h--ight, n:ateri;.l an cl color rep:ierin ;, "ember Dressler l:,ovei tl,at the porci�-1: of the -arnl ication HC-51,209.1 covering arcl;itectural mod.ificaticll to ..11o;: a fire, lace be continued at this time, Membs:r Sallan secon, e;' . AYES: Dressler, McLaren, Sallan .7,<<, Chairman Sargent NOES: Kocnitzer Mot -'.on passed, 4-1 11-11N JTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, ,lei 2 H-CONTRIOL, ?''.iEETINC IIC-64 Page 7 Menbei Dressler uioved to re aormend for approval on application HC-51 s 209 91 'HC-512209.1 the signs. requested on eX1 i,bits A and B, with the signs :approved following limits: The portion sa,virv- SK I ;C BACKPACK TENNIS ,a/conditions be lir,;Lted to 16" in height with t'he ien f.,,th to be proportionate butnotto exce�}d the reruested 30 f F coYnformi-ng to blanket - approval 'that �.Z(�u, exists at '.Rancho.De4Anza- Shppp.x.np„Center, . - nax:,ely be np o:ne sign, "Ti.th, re-ard. to SKI ANY MQUN'TA.IN :sign wit,, shop loci it Baas recr;?�ezidad ap r ro�iai of this .sign` as requestad, 2° high and 20tonF; with pu;:p1e letters on white back!:,round. Member cLar'oen seconded the mnot7_o ne .:ember Sallan moved to amend the -motion to require the orange.'' r mend ne.nt background on the SKIING BACKPACKING TENNIS sign be changed to white with purple 'letters Amendment vote. AYES: Dressier, cLaren, Sallan and Chairman Sargent NOES: Koenitzer Amendment passed,, 4-1 a Vote on lotion AYES: Dressler , McLaren Sallan and Chairman Sargent TOES hoenitzer lotion passed, 4a1 t Apnlican.t..was informed nort:i:on o,f application dealing with .s1; gns had been recommended for approval and would come before City Council on Octobe---'24g Regarding_- continuance on architectuxre, applicant was rti•quested to bringspecific plans and drawinrs of f.i rp:�lace, 6. Application HC®51p305®1 m Baywest.Associates request ing approval of site, architecture, landscaping,_ granding and - underground ing of utilities fo-r. eleven duplex units located 4 westerly of and; adjacent to Foothill "Boulevard hate.een Voss Avenue and Alcade Roads Staff member reported .s T mb r Cowan r�port.,.d th�..� request was as fQr'architecturC;l ;staff report and site approval of an eleven lot duplex development on Foothill Boulevard® The property involved is adjacent to a convalescent home, county residential areas and single family house He t:zan, showed 'slides of situ landscaping con cept . of front -yards, back.. � yards tcs� be landscaped by ` individual" owners. Other_ slides showed adjacent convalescent hospital and elevations of property. ut_•-64 Page 8 Elevation & thru traffic possible hazard Back-up landscaping ^lace,-ent of houses on lots Traffic i•.•,,^,.story houses on lot,; S and 6 of concern :le-jation .and Drainage MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, 1972 11-CONTROL MEETING Member :`:cLaren pointed cut parkin- on both sides of street at convalescent hospital plus the rear of `.osnital and that there was a higher elevation of egress of convalescent hospital onto Foothill Blvd. causin,� a potential traffic hazard. She expressed concern about traffic Foing through the hospital from the project, and felt there should have been an int'ress and egress from Foothill Blvd. She also noted landscaping Would h,ava to be limited as visibility is af`ected by steep rise of elevation at exit. Mr. Cowan then showed elevations of proposed houses. Two-story houses backing on Foothill Blvd. p;ere discusFed, and landscaping on "oothill Blvd. As reportad it Staff memo of Sepu.,�%ber 29, 1972, the plantinc, area of these backup lots is outside of ti,e proparty own-ar's gene'_ and located in the City's right ni way. The Public i:orris Department has said the City cannot be resporsible for maint.nance of thr• ?:ants and since the duplex lots are separately owned and the units rentcci, it cannot be assumed the tenants will rainain the Foothill Blvd. fronta e. It was `hereforc sugsvested the sil- )last solution ,oulr1 to le ive street trees, and instead of shrubs alonti the five -foci planter aria, use some sort of decorative roc',: ex-iosed a,--grega":- or bricks, r' not iar �.lternativn would be to allow applica ':s to ins'. -all 1.1indsc:"nin2 f3I m—;n and hope property d•.;ellers Would or to instal' bu'.:; J Crs l an aut0::latic watexia device) t.'i th the w-;ncrs t:avii1i fC)Y Lh�' C:'.'3r_er used. .�r Ca l "±nsp, n, ,F• :,s.:�0Ciiitf' .r.l .,mow '. Ont}?O":E3rV Stre t San Francisco . . ~;;�aL..,t s,-n a .. and Chali rm n Sa- 'e:lt in._icated to 1:im that each nortio,., of the ap-,)IiC l` _,,a WCUld b2 C.ISCi_._z_.r:l be innii , :ith the site, i:c note,, the Strc'-_t an-`rovcd I,- ? 1 r..._ o: ? 11 L"iLV: L . _ .,} e locat_.,`. n an,, T�ry<._.... nt :lad [)C�1 d;'C4 .atl is t}i" COt� ShOtlid aiGr'�S 1�,I15e1Ve:i atale v to t.;l� on _ ...-,:2r;ent of thr-_- tict::;e:� moots. wo:ndi:;rcd i', Confl:.,_t L l,, tra' , 1c t,ith thy? Convaic5cent ilcs' Lt� 1 cc�_IiG Jo (:ontro 1.1`:_ ,iit(i aonp .:? = i ?n, hilt tC12 r: )T'll Cent did not _'E:l. :1ii8 '.` Ou?l.'I � lres-t: a^r0.) 1. '_ tn:ao.ral. means of e^rt'_;=G - e 1.nFrasS dill..+ b a o5`3 ."t.'-2-,., e I:; ans,,er to ^" ):r Dressler 5 conc_rn .`n • c1bo;�t V� .1Dif itt' ?. .�1;>> t:12 )1^ It ?r.i<i COI.1:1 doi_r0' re }idential are<., tl1L 3P7)11c.t'i1i S :id ti f'C .'n in'-', convale sL'.'aot lio:ice :'CliYS: to{.'a1 into C'....,1_:12ration La il't......_..m .ti, ul._. 1)Z such to illlow tv1.3ion. Col cCi,,- l `•(l lots 5 c a d v !)$c+:1',1C on :'eothill ill V,-'; ...=1 coy -,ern t'., lo ..L _ st r;t.ry tc:re:; plann:. c! for ales^ lots. Mr.:tlnsey, L.I: lllr plotllc; r 7m,:;Ad1nF is Set back Q' behind feCICC, A:lii another 16'rC.: t2 ;n:'vz^ ,2. is :lam, ;51.^ck'in;� till: iS fence and Lrnes taller Ll,-ian 52n e Kc ctft Cnl' .1(:-roof u') r:o?l.,_-' -.-.-en from Foctiiiil ..lvd. by m, isin- tC.?FfiC. .';i'. :c: . ,11 3lrim'r..'' a tr�ir:` .'erancy of gradin^ clan. -ir. .i. fi. Staenhlik as^i.r:c`P , 6kX 1 ou',1..A,. •_:;?., Juba in signed in to e,xplaii the elevation of t:i. lots. :ie S<:id tili�_ 4' slop: occurs only at the aort!1 corn-2r. Dra -na ,2 will (: Blvd. with a gradual Slope. O MINUTES OF THE OCTOTiLR -4 g 1972 H-CONTROL MEETING aiC-64 Page 9 Member Sal.lan wanted to know the difference in square footage of the �Ila.ghpr fence two story houses and the smallest one story plan, It was indicated proposed the two story is .2900 squa a, feet? and -he one story. 2500 2600 square � feet exclusive of the garage area She wondered if a one story could be substituted on Foothill lots _5 and 6, but T•ir$ Munsey said the plans. would not fit the cul-de-sac lots , .i,a . ai.d there was an alternative which would be to specify the fence at the north edge of the property be higher by the difference of ohe corer rwhat graduates down to a normal situation. ' IC2xity ;`Io�a_fil0ar.In answer to a question by ztt felt there was a definite , disadvv ntage to having more than 3 floor . Plans plans, '.sr® Mu,nsey suggested some fascia on the rear of the two story ho .ses to make then more attm ract.ive from the back ,. Member I oeni zer no ed that sa,ncc Merriman Road obviously is not S+a`::eet na,-,e n3^axx.ned For extension toconned; with t'_-ae rest of i°_er4in. an Road�. ;change perhaps the City could consider_ renaming,. this road to eliminate cox-►fusiona fj Merber 1,1cLaren said her concern was access to the street and she f^l.t ticcwss concernthere should be a minute order for Public t•Iork.s to review this site,, Mr, Cowan ind-i cat.ed a grading plan had been submitted late in the j afternoon so that it had not bean included in, the packet, but that the plan had been agreeable to Engineering Department. Chairmaxa Sargent said he was also :somewhat concerned about street ,Street access accessability recognizing>, that t ntatyve 'map rt haalread17 been problem; two anpr©vedbut noting several problems had peen brougl;i t out,' Ile two emits of saidsc.iebcdy had to take steps to correct tiesc� foreseeable problem;ir9 er n when V,avy became evident,, Ile realized delaya.ng an application could create hardships -:and this -was not the desire of ..his corninittea9 but i.t.was. felt to be mare important to correct problems in the planning..E stage rather than after it is completed, Ile was concerned also, abo.iat the two story units � and their appearance from Foo,thi:l.l. Blvd, He d:�d not feel the back of the units were,particularly. attractive, In his 4 f opinion these needed major redesigninge Regarding these site.pr'oblems'Alternaftiyes there were three alternatives .for the committee, (1) Con tinue.with k the plans , as; presented, do-ing nothing; about <'street layout and houses E (2) allow applicant a continuation in this particu3ar,phase of this application so he could come back with so-me.th` ng more agreeable, or (3) attempt to redesign his plans !. t Member TicLaran said she knew the area quite well andandthere was,- a market �I within walking distance., She wondered if the houses on lots 5 .and 6 ,7alkway betty rt, could„ be: swung;' around and a walkway put through to Foo? hi l.?,: Blvd A Io.tq 5 ,and 6 This would be a convenience to residents and also oreseat the, side of the.; -units to Foothill Blvd. which would _probab•ly be more pl.easings, . Mrs Muxasey saved he believed they wound root legal lots in square footage to do this, IIC-64 MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, 1972 H-CO.NTROL MEETING Wage 10 School Distric fir. Cowan said the Staff had thought about a walkway. In considering the opposed to school angle, they had talked to Dr. Enalehart of the school district and walkway he had said they would prefer not to have the walkway give the children an access to Foothill Blvd. I:alk;ay Members Sallan and Koenitzer said they felt the access would be advantageous advantages and have aesthetic inpact for the City of Cupertino. Chairman Sargent noted there would be several advantages. One would be to break up the wood fence that would be seen from Foothill Blvd. It would also give an alternative to landscaping and change the sight on the two story buildings. `,'alkway Mr. Munsey felt it would eliminate some privacy of the property owners. He disadvantages stated these lots had been difficult to design for because of their configuration. Ile ther, asked ASC for specific conditions of approval. Applicant Chairman Sargent said the committee did not feel it was their responsibility feels project to design the develonment for the applicant, but the applicant could take will upgrade a continuance to take into consideration ideas that had bear. presented to area hin. Applicant replied he pelt adequate information had been provided. Chairman Sargent said they could also recommend denial, but anplicant sai.i '-e :ished to cooperate ; ith the committee as he felt this was a good project, one that ;could upgrade the are:. Chairman Sargent then asked for Y the committee to pole their opinions on this application. Walkway asset � Member 'IcLaren said she felt that Fublic Forks had not taken into considera- k tion the nursing; ioma, traffic goir;� in and out, and the old people in wheel chairs. If a ,calkway could be =stablished it would be beneficial. Member .cenitzer said he felt a wa.C:way would provide pedestrian access without ­c-tting into traffic problcT-s. Study needed Member 5<,ilan reiterated her serious concerns about elevations ` and 6. She felt c"_Ian,:ing t'hc buildings 90` v,.4s a good Idea, but felt the application should be contir.;;ed for re,,orking> and further study. t'cshape lots - Mem ar Dressler wonderer' if reshaninr lots 4, 5 and 6 would permit one • savors walkway story dovalopment. He ,,as in favor of 'cot traffic to Foothill Blvd. ..o right to Nr. Cowan noteca that if map had been recorded, committee might not have require walkway the ri ::t to require Easement betweei Chairman Sargent noted that applicant has the right and the responsibility to 5 and 6 provide easement between lots 5 anc 6. I1-Control could control that particular point. He said if lots cannot be c';angeu it would appear to be the unanimous, agraement of. committ :e that the application be granted a continuation. Ile explained tl:e co:.-:Attee was as'.:ing for reconsideration of the presentation tak-inp into consioer.ation their suggestions and the concern expressed about nears for pedestrian traf*ic to be provided between Foothill Blvd. and 'Ierriman Court thrc.:r; lots 5 and 6. Stalemate Since Mr. Munsey indicated he wish::*' to continue with the application reached - hear hearing, Chairman Sar^ent ruled that a scalai-area had been reached on this other aspects point and said the committee would hear other aspects of the application. m M` TUTTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, 1972 U -CONTI OL MEET DNG H:O- 64 Page 11 Member Koenitzer said he felt the roof line on plans I B and D were � Architecture unacceptable, Ile felt the triangle looked like something thrown in as an afterthought:. ?sir. 1,1Lunsey agreed it might be better to eliminate this triangle and make roof line continuous. Mrs Koenitzer also stated he favored turning the houses on lots 5 and G around so that sides faced Foothill Blvd. rather than backso Member Sallan said she would prefer something more aesthetic from Color rendering Foothill Blvd. and would like to see some color renderings of what was proposed. Mr. Munsey answered Member McLaren that the .outside of houses would Two story units'. be stucco with shake roof. Member McLaren then said her only concern need redesign was the two story units backing on Foothill Blvd. which ;3he felt needed to be completely redesignedo She felt other buildings were attractive. Chairman Sargent noted that as limited as the blueprints were, he Development felt the development. showed a lot of thou ght' the houses were.shctws thought appealing and he felt they would be an asset to the city ° He also noted the two-story units Vere attractive from the front, but not from rear as seen from Foothill Blvd, zlr= liaz�sey ua�.d he felt the Elevation of1. fence going alon,:Foo;thill L•andscap�ixzg Blvd, Vo old . c-ai:._0 f v.iew of ?ost of 'the .houses i.n questioxa� Ise suggested putting in trees of specified height and instead of shrubs, install either decorative brick or exposed aggregate, Bricks could be cemented in, Maintenance of. the treea would be minimal since their _ � would be native trees dep'erding on. the rainfall.. _He also suggested a two-year maintenance bond to make sure that, trees got a good starts Mr. Park Smith, landscapearchitectt, said he felt the tree suggested Eucalyptus by Staff (crepe myrtle) was a good tree but too small; Native tree � tree favored a eucalyptus tus variety which rows to 30--40 with a ? S spread of e P yP 5 g would, be more sa tisfac to'ry g Mr. Smith was asked about the walkway with a break in the fence with � < ® y ' ght ro ortic P� P P the idea of maybe a tree. on each side of . the break. tie said if there n1_arit�ixxs� m-i.nim was a break in the fence, planting would have to be changed to compen-'' _ have shu difficult to ha re s�hirbber between` sate. He felt,_t would be :very y He felt 1L important to keewalkwaT and fence between of upkeep. P the right proportions with planting minimal. I - Member Sallan suggested city trees inaddition to low-lying shrubs Bu]:��lJler type with 15' between plantings. She favored a bubbler type sprinkler as sprinklers she questioned any. tree being able to survive on natural rainfall. Her preference was for greenery or shrubbery with score mechan- sm to � ' service vega:ation along fence; a I _ -64 P se 1.2 Opinions of t.OI aitt0-C Maintenance real problem Sprinkler system to cover both sides of fence Grading and Utilities satisfactory 1 Unit 4 Parking Problem Safety }Lazard Public Hearing Closed `J MINUTYS 0 ' 1-HE OC1'OL 1a: 4. 1972 Ii. C(",'MOL MEETING Mcral?E'.I' t;0e11it C'.r s _:1(I?er - watered their yards, EOltle water would k',ot th1'ot- 11 f ence, b'l'_t T)Ot enour-Ai to insure good growth Of greencry. I, :iembcr Drc'.5 :Te i c:1_t the turned 90 wJ_th front yards coining i Oif w?lr.?v'L-; ?':)t.ttd 'u:J :ittrt'iCtj'✓( 1.ii ins-.7-rto his (ji.,estion, it was determined eLical}ptus trelf-�s do not :lou;;il oi- Z,hed bark. Member Sallan said she felt that treat::i:C'itt Of property UI7 FUOthill. Irlvd. >fiOU_{d be given SpG'Cla7. attention. Cf:a rlil�il"t ��`;1"`�c?nt riGt(]C? IIld7.1StE11;�I1C2 �:d.S a rE'.c1 rOb-L IFi. realized <. p Ile rep_. ized in this rar Opart, but some. type of i)e consi(:C'-red ..'i., h -:ppl.icant preslcating real solid suggc,;t--1.071s in this area,. UFO fell-. ?::Lth th,,-i v,alkway there Would be a great chance of Up' f.ep. IIe has: ro object. -ion to 1.ai:c13caping. Mr. i-funsc_y agrce.0 the question of upkeep was a real problem, but felt it unfair to as'-. private property c,-aer to violater and care for street land scap:i.n g applicant thou --it th^ L% : it snlutlGil G- as to use..1 1I1<^:.inte.":-<Ilcu i11 1I'_i: that are nati,'2 Find nc:-c1 1_ ss c'.re and attention a -id are ::till. Kic the.., s ;ryes ed p�:.t it s eucalyptus t u trc-cs on the J_r.:ic':e of t -' fence �.nc a , is pL:�t_n�, z a s; r -JI.zZh.i_.e: system Lo watcar the �,,ith 1/3 on i.Ilside of Eci:ce ;d 2./3 on Gut:sicle. I)c felt the fan sprinkler 1-,eLd bctr.er. ';'axis rood solve s^v L.l CO:ic c31':1 ;. In aa`irtw.'r tU '_ i:ii: C:l:' '..C1. ,. 7:cn, L}._ , Y.f c'.It tliut ;aJ_d e if al 1, tlh, G?Jner h:,(l to do 1-;,as tc tetra a li :rid le, the o%--no-1: ?•'Guld be willil:" . Grad.i.n; and undergrounding of utilities wore acceptable. to Staff and the cor•_::;i.ttee. Member. Dressler que:;tioned whethc r unit 4 could be nude more attractive from tho resthome's view. Chairman Sargent then asked if there.were- any convents or questions fro,n the audience. Mr. Jacque ?Ic';g, 12?2 PrirlrosC V, Sai: Jo; e, said he felt .� a valkL:ay were put throubh to Foothill i,:t_vc . a parki.nE� situation jsould be created. People vi: iting th(-L cup -(axes would park on Foothill Blvd. and walls through to the duplexes. It was noted the City could put up a No Parking sign and eliminate this problem. Brother Hobert of the Marianists who will- be occupying as i. ce1:t area said he had worked with sir. Munsey and f c:lt the house piUns tie. c fine. 1. felt the walkway would create a safety hazard. Member Dressier moved with Member Sallan secondin- that the Public Fearing be closed. Motion carried 5-0 ` !JIN'UTFS OF Tip}: OC'rOSEi_" 40 1972 li-CONITPOi, 14FETING Member Sallan, then mova-d that application 1?C-51g305;1 be continued t0 t Ic it': t� 5C}12Cltlltc ;P.t e% in-, or the '',rc:�,_Lectural and Site Approval Committee on October. 25, Member Koenitze.r Seconded, AYES,, 'L`r JJ wY Q Koe itter NcLaron® Sall,an and Chairman Sar^ent NOES: tione Motion carr4 f 5µ0 Chairnan Sargent called a recess at 11:10 p,m, The meeting reconvened. at 11 : iJ p z m, }1C--64 P 2 13 HC-51:, 305,1 continued Recess f ;FIVTSl1Eil_JNT .;LSZ_ESS } 7, Discussion re=;ardinp the S Lgn Ord-Laance revision It was noted that two re-)resentativES from local real estate � Off site board hcad m t with Al C at the SeptP ill- 2r 23rd mzetin and Were r d re ctional.: to fibrin- ;to this :?ieet.inp', tonic tit a taros,osal for- cl;an'?e of thc- si.giis ordinance and standard sign to be uscd by all the re,altoxss � c off site di sectional s5 -.Zs ara allowed, but Ordijianc-1 states no o _ f le .,or r +,, G.QiS`;T•)1 1:T14 L:.$S �:�?C+..-n SOI".22 �.: vi'1_.O rC .....'!,. lluS begin Only „rleT•1 e2 deter-,-ina�'''�ou needed On tolis par 'Ic'lai section of the O�d1 .�i�C2a Me7kber :icLaren said ;rat since_ she is a realtor she Would abstain in the discussion r^..a�cin, s+ons<: x Chairrian Sargent than stated tt: s wras a u ype " of rr l�l_1 C is c� �I4? cl C? � t..>l:! c: s_ r. t. t; } , e 4 i r d'_�;cussion should he restri c��.L o _,�..c __, i.csa t•.�,nrt.d the ral.tQrs andofhr scr., forstaJr. late to prtici-. < sign ardr,an +9 at t,c iYi t,:i `� di iGUSSiC: ;2 E �i)i eSS�t} l llti COL[l:P,j i t2c 4 S concern opened t ' about the City of Cupertino and its +.,Elfare and that it is out of a s-rse of responsibility to the City of Cupertino that the dic-hate their services to this committee. ile, t-hen onene-d t .t_ i �_, _.1 S3.o I1 for. a)'.:�-�11C hear llT t;g 3Si: inn each speaker to be brief t and to stick to facts, Representative realtors then spoke to seveial points they washedlte«ItQr:s the committeeiCtee Co considerq (1} Tha realCc�rs fe..-o1 the oruznaiace Arguments_ restricts them from doing their job and ask that they be treated as wall �s subdividers.. m -11 (2) There are some streets arci cul-da-sacs that are. Very difficult` to 'find without directional sicn5o (3) Tha . re sponsibility sell t h � i. r4altors reel a r�s onsiblity to the house o;n..r to se _ I p t n e creates ;�Ia�-dsh �, ossible and limited .si. n asap cr house as quickly ,5 � P � Y p � $ (4) Rea�.tvrs feel they are serving all :people in Cupertino' because € they se11 their homes .arid brie- new people into Cuperdinoa I initing signs does rd-strict them ;-n conducting their business and thus does _, Signs a � used on a li:�itz u �T�.s1S 1 � i r t �12 people. G' s ... t o t7 0 �' UI.0 ll a i.`aS r / J t ti!e ? 1,'711'lES OF TITHE CC'rOj'))ia: 4` 1972 MEETING 14 ,ave begin :ousllt in _ ns do not ., feel .. 1 �.:ce'� 7i•� namely Satur(la}' and :)tlndav between 10:00 a.: ;.nd 6:00 p,m. ;.bile subdivider puts tip a large sitii t•:h ch stays for months, sonetime,; even after the � is S010 otit. (6) $i,ns are always, -)laced on oriv.ate property %.Ath 1)ermi.Sslon of U:.'ncr. , Chairman �•.?rn '^t tii is rf el 'tj t0 rc:V].OL1S I:'.£'`1.115? \;Moil tllli SU11�CCt �-I been (liSCI:SSCd, i E i::1. 1 1C: rcaltors tliat ryt that tide tliey liCid c,o.ttcn. into specific CF.tZlls nn: t a I Ci uJCtlt a�i� .:1rancc's Uf Sig,,;', eiscuss ed f'lct tllav Were pllt Oil Clt}' S i_C'.; ;It::i ,;n(l in ....:n: casa3 ,:f C?:".L ` Safety lhaz;irds in that they bloCN:cd si.!-11..CS fr..i Oec-,ati:rian .,n(I l.i.cycIa tr:lfflc. :il" nu':,bnr of siF!ns nC _. i for <:n'. ).?en f:Q l' C sit'-"-I%1Cn C;<ls discussed. At tilat meatln^ ;N5i I:,`� 1D r� Lri-" 'at_ hart to tin o ::' s A li 1C i:Cl1Cr'tP SOI:1tiOnS t0 Lilac :'i_ ._:11 _ i•..1. i:i` 01 L'.-. 'i:ii n: LiG:•., t',11'..:) ,.< ;i tCl%at i`Ci'I1i:?S i^ o".e:. ..✓us? S) ":1 c%'.1L(1 :) (:'Csl 'i,_ L.`.__t W ;;, .:ore atLractivo *---,n so. -2 USat� 1:01.'6 lna t....t cot..c i;2 'S]-.iCCcl o?I tlt 7_.Cic..3ii_ .>0 t!,.a ti:c ^roJic., GI: IOoS an(: spit tv irOL."'. 4 ciu CCut. notC-tl til�.t n L at t11..CZ'c O ):..lio:15 3nor ,7s i is to trios :ii)r0:;:-:.ta,: fives ti, :t `.;ere t0 11«-, E' :)F'_c,. i a5S 'd on %o o,' 2r CC)nc£_t_i"1--aU' rca1.tor.3. C :.I Co%CrCt:e U �S,C ti011S "la ti E.'_'_1 ..:ade so tilt ienitcrs could C^^.:' in with sc=c ^osltl.Ve preset tation .,:,1C;1 Wd is no c1on.2 1'.e th-Et-,ask—c(I CC-Mnittae :E 1J^rS to a c:resS to wh t h. a,,! n s :1::..;'+:tr •.O'i,lt1,?r .4pr,Clr=, d i f an C) -n hou--;e s i„ 1 t 1s dircc"ional or adv r t-s- in It c d �1c:IlL :7 cla ?'...,... `..h: ..ot;.! - a^r of Si^:ls t0 --C? a110'.; it nn �.,:tc t ! the11L1::;L`?r Of S1ZnS. CC' •.;Cre oClo: 3tiic)C1S Of Cttinc' "2o-pla to tl:e rcint of :ic.•.; by re.l.i ,ors f ^uL h-_.r ov rri: in^ Cc 1C. . n ;;a:a -t,i•t: if the or lnan.ce C 11._ o .7 C'_ .. L" , C ... .. st... t..a .., nn sarve % o D-n�` t vel-i ti^•'-. She sa-j.d she not be in t�.=: >-c cr- , . _ the _ .- . „_ t,F, for _._Jutt:,L .., r co:...`..; oi" tile:'. Lo be spacific in Laeir C0 '.22:1t5. Sevar;11 comments ;aer'-a he r .,altors a ;revel a sLandarc! i-. n could be used t e r r 1. ; 10 22 i .C:i t ri1`' .;lt:l four that t`1 nu:::.):. of si_: 1� .1.:�._ _ n n c': ar�itra. t)C). tl:^ 1:.::... th :1.:1 (.. ? 1-tOr netcll o..nn hour: was a �'ca:. fo� n_.wca to re:u _..':...tc: Lo c!_..alo1\ contacts, anc t:1-it most Seller (1-�:=�il.�i fe:i ovan house to be r1c? �:e r felt that ti1:nu.:'.b er of sign:; c:as never excessive. e 1 MINUTES OF THE OCTOBER 4, 1.972 11-CONTROL MEETING 1 Chairman Sargent noted he had a very high re'gard to the realty board feeling it was effort by professional people to Improve themselves, their profession® At the last meeting it had beerr, suggested the board would draw up a prograri and _ police it themselves but at this meeting, the r ealtor were coming as individuals and asking to be allowed to do as they. had been with no creatlive. thoughts for hepatiat-ng,, One of the realto s said he felt this particular issue was right here in Cupertino and. should be solved here rather than going tothe raa? ty board. In answer to the realtors concern about subdivision advertisinsg .Tr. Cowan pointed out that each house had had this same opportunity when .it was news Mr, Sheppard .referr .d to survey made for City Council r carding cities in the surrounding- area and their sign ordinances,, The only city allowing open house signs, for lease or for sale signs is Los Altos, They control this by charging a perm t fee of $2,00 and the real.tor can take, out as manv as hewaits to purchase, These can be used on *private property only and a real.tor has to be on the ore.mi:ses Chairman Sargent said he fell. adequate public hearing had been given on this subject and the committee was asked to make a resolution., MR nb.er S.al l an a �' sa.l ut,ion thamendmsx&t .to Sa,gm Ordinance 3534 Sections 16.181 and 6,1.82. "Open House" signs as prevented to this committ_-e be denied,. Member Koenitzer seconded j AYES; Dressler, Hoenitrerg Sallan and Sargent NOES: None 7 ABSTAINIPkGao :`-tEikareTc HG-64 Pare 15 Nothing] pre- sented for negotiation Sign per.11it fee Sign .'rdinanc amendment delaie6 Ask Resolution passed, 4®0--I Chairman Sargent informed applicants this matter will go to Planning Commission who will in turn either recommend either atpproval or denial to City Council. `bra Shepherd said he had contact several sign companies and they were Sign ,co,r: alla.O. willing to, discuss basis,for concerns on signs, It would be helpful to � contal-t ed committee to know what type of signs are needed. NEW BUSINESS 88Member MLLaren cited the box -like framework on top of Donvs ;. Do�ip Burgers Burgers^on Portal Avenue. Mr® Sheppard said the equipment lzad; � to be on the roof..in accordance with fire prevention law and. Mr. Sisk had, informed owner it would have to be screened Member 1icLaren said it looked like a big boy and; if. equipment .had to be there,owner should have to come before the ASC® : t1 trees j ournr: ant :,I'.UTES OF THE OCTO"Mt 4 1972 }i—C ':;TRt1I. :IL'ETIriG !i In answt�r to a quo<;Lion by '•Ia ber Fallan, :,r. Sheppard said PUb14C I:orks maintained street trees cn co:=unit,� industrial and professional'•property, but '-,ecausa of m n:;a�.er shorta�--r the property owner in the residential ar2a. �.1- r�sj)o::�ib1�. T` a trca �?1?`:tom:! on privately owned property', were to diet the o.-,nor nust par_ city to replace tha tree. Thera are no funds available for putting, in trees. Chairman Sargent thanked :-Ir. Co7.an and Mr. Sheppard for their good presentations an Food tco-l- M�!mber McLaren roved t:.zt neetinp, be adjourned to the next meeting, on October 2.5, 1972, ADJ0U1"N IEN"T Chairman Sargent adjourned t: a nectin3 at 12:35 a.:t7. ATTEST: /s/ Wm. E. Ryder _ City Clerk APPROVED: /s/ L. Don Sargent Chairman �J