September 20th, 1972CITY OF CUPERTINO, STATE OF ;CALIFORNIA HC-63 10300 Torre Avenue, Cupertino i Page I Te 1 ep'llione 252-4505 MINUTES OF THE REGULAR ',,IEETI,\,'G OF THE ARC HITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL -/0 10 Y HALL CO�PMITTFTI' ON SEP'l'EMBER . � 7 1 71,1 T F. E c b t � 1 C, I - L C R,*, I BER� CITE' CUPERTINO, CALIFOICNIA SALUTE TO THE FLAG Chairman Sargent called the .meetlnv" to order at7:35 PM with the i Salute to the Flag ROLL CALL -it an Nembers presei Dressler (8:15), Koenitzer,.Sallan and Chaim sar-ent Members absent: McLaren Staff present: Associate P I ann r -Robert Cowan ReLording Secretary WSW. Cox b MINUTES OF THE PREVIOUS MEETING App-rava-1 -(5:f 'Architectu-rn7l and 13-J.- A- ()roval. ­blinutes .of August 23, 1972 'Miamber Koe-nitzer wished to add the f ollowi rig sentence to the first paragraph of page 9: "T 11-e planter in front of Strat�.- Hat Pizza would extend to the driveway on the west side of the pizza parldr'.'T On. Page 3, paragraph 6, 1 1,e m b e r S a "Ll -a -L wished to add the notation i,,iade by Planning Directior Sisk that ordinance permits no.mo'r_-: than 11W 25% of window area to have sians. On page 8, parag-raph 2 'Member Sallarl wished to finish the paragra-h with her particular preference of plantirig area desired in Straw Hat fro age extending to M'ike's THOro. parking area and along roast Mle MID er Sallan moved to aDnrove minutes as amended and Merfiber,Koenitzer 1?11 t e s 0- seconded:the motion. August 23,197� ape roped as Motion carried, 3-0 f amended Approval. of Minutes of Special Meeting of Architectural and Site Approval Coramittee,. September 13, 1972. 'P,age_' :6 paragraph 3, Member Sallan noted a Mot4on-had .died for lackqgrap of a secon.d.e She felt motion sho'uld be included in M4 nutes even t'dough :not brought to vote. The motion was as follows: Me -mber HC-63 111NUTES OF THE S.EP'fEl"IBER 201, 1972 H-Ci):�TROL I1f:ETING rage 2 Sallan moved that application 15-1'-72 as shown at that time be returned to the applicant for relocation o buildings as they relate to the property to the north and to be reworked." I :Minutes of Plember Roenitzer moved to approve minutes of special meeting of September 13 September 13, 1972 as mended, and'lember Sallan seconded the motion. 1972 approved as amended ! :Motion carried, 3-0 CO1'!'MUN I CATIONS 2. Written - None regtiested. I 3. Oral - lNone requested. PUBLIC HEARINGS ,:C-51,202.4 4. Application 11C-51,202.4 - Cu.-min;;s and Corpany (Barclay's 11 ,um ir.g,s and Bank) reru:FS:in c^proval of a sign plan to remove existing Coma"Y si5?n and install .a new cente J.1-ientific_,.rion sign located at (Barclay's the southwett coruc'r of : irc.i Avenue and Stevens Creek Ban::) Boulevard. Staff lReport Staff '•lember Co:aan noted this ite... ha-3 ;peen on agenda several times and had been continua::;, is For approval to change e-A rr "Les 1� v l 1 � n Center" " e "Barclay's t t` ♦• " •. st:�rf., .- afi_.,�o.. .,_�z.^ r s:•^n to read Barclay s Ban'?,-, Censer si��n size of 3`) `s(i. ft. lie noted .it was the St?ff's recom encation to maintain sizz of 2X1:;tiT' si^:ri., 1.:>t s,:p1alned the last sentence or. m .Ir.orand.um ..• s not >nt to -a) of :;ign, i.e t;«s only a sul'? e3tion as on:_ ::'< V to keep si-n size. Yap thou showed S i.ides of : x3.st'..i.4 i. ,nd 1-'.roTo ;Ld s:! ^n. The slides i, dicated Dra -eat ca .1.lI in-; of ;i tliral brie-'r, 1Cl :`i . Coi.-,un said applicant did propose to : cn tha : a -;.rat bric : .:+ hag t i -: the white brick as shown on draw'. r- ' of pro, o sed sigr.. Pres::nta- Hr. Lawrence Gon'Jlcy Ct1':'.;':i.zlcs and t;c': panv, P. 0. I3o% 699, Benicia narinn cc1r,,,i teatfirm 1.dt on apcic,,iznd for in a nT 1 i.te. ` the colu;:ns woulr. '.,e 7 e' t in the atur..l ?;rick stpte. le noted sign had i:fe n adopter: 1by every of the bank- as thair corpora",! An-,:11.~.ar.t felt t..^ sine Of ietiers and ea,, -,le were consist 2nl- and wcul c'. like tc h,.v� .t reau as sho;!n -is they feel the si,,n is CJYIi d^nc and in ,lood Z �7tz, Colors Member Sallan ouestion;ed the cha:. of si ;x ac tors frog•, natural colors to the Wiiite, ib)lue ar.d gol , ...'•)_L?:; t -,e natural oricc: colunms called for. ;Mori_ natural tan: •. ::r. ' )eble said applicant was sold on biuZ color .13 its is trademark and the bank be-'n, .ol-i)arariv= 1y ne;.-, `,n i~'lw l'r._ e:i St.a,t2s. It ,.as noted there is a small 'Barcl.av's Bank c it :; on front of building in letter- ing of approximately 6". MINUTES OF TH.E SEPTE-11B R 209 1972 H-CONTROL 11EETING Hc--63 Page 3 Member- Koeni.tzer questionednae d for increasing sign size as he 1 Sign Size felt present sign showed up quite well from Stevens Creek. Boulevards Mr..- Goeble pointed out that t. e overall size of present sign j including air space In between was approximately:110 .sq, 1t, 1 i rather; than 88 sq. ft. ile proposed changinra style and size of s . the word "Center" to cut approximately 15.feet; from sign size Chairman Sargent noted there are several Barclay Banks in the Santa'. t Ident.i£ica- Clara valley and wondered if this was indeed to be the major bank Lion center or would the sign copy be misleading' as far as bank ,was concerned, fie noted this was ,a professional centers but, said he felt the sign came on pretty strong for the size of the branch. As far as architecture of sign, the building is French mansard.. texture with natural tones and colors of .white and b1uL,nat . objectionable to him® He felt the ,size.would not be enlarged to a great extent, The applicant stated the sign copy had 'been.an.proved by Barclay Bank. Member .;genii ter' said he had na obje:ction to size if. it meant, keep- IZe-V vxisinQ ing the . columns as they now exist and :filling the space, in between, " . columns Chairman Sargent asked for comments or guest on,s from the and ance..o There were none. Member Koanitzer moved, seconded by Member Sallan, that Public Public Hear- iea.rigs .b.e...clos;ids i ings Closed Motion carried_, 3-0 :iemb�r Sallan recommended approvali f application,IC-51$202e4 with HC-51,202e4 exh b-Tts A and B, standaj:d H-Control: con"ditions, `and the additional approved z• / condition" that the word "Center.'. . on the . s? gn be tiade s-maller so.,that condition the total size of size be reduced .by approximately 15 square feeta Chairman Sargent AYES: Members Koenitzer, Sallan and 140ES > mione 1 Motion passed, 3-0 j 5, Application HC-51,22982 - QRS Sign (7-11 Stores) requesting approval of a sign plan for a commercial building located at the northeast corner of Foothill Boulevard -and Cupertino Road. Staff Member Cowan reported that in February of this year,,7-11-Store, was given approval for building on the northeast earner,of Foothill Boulevard and Cupertino Road, This application is for'.approval.of one pole sign to be located in the planter area adjacent Co Foothill boulevard and the other for a proposed wall sign to be: mounted on the front,:elevation`of the building. The sign area meets with the ' HC-519229 2 7-11 Stores Staff 'Report HC-63 MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 11-CONTROL MEETING Page 4 ordinance requirements and the sama color sche;�e will be carried throughout both signs. In answer to a question by Member Sallan, Mr. Cowan said the building is set back approximately 60 feet from Cupertino Road and 32 from Foot:;il.l Boulevard property line. tie noted that according to Planning Dapart..ent interpretation the area does qualify for a role sign. Presenta- ' Mr. George Britt, QRS Si,_n Company, Redwood City, answered that tion the average height of 7-11 signs from ground level to top of the sign is normally 21 feet. That was the original proposal but when 7-11 were told a lower profile would be preferred, it was reduced to its present height of 12 feet. ?`formally, 7-11 signs are 40 square feet and this one will be 16 square feet. Chairman Sargent noted the sign conformed to the City of Cupertino's desire for smaller size, lower pro,:ile and no large sign on building itself and yet gave the identifica.ion needed to stay in business. Smaller Member Sallan said she felt this p--•onosed sign was an improvement Building over most 7-11 signs seer around t:),.n, but had a question about Sign the necessity of. thu 2x10 wall sig-.i. Sho sup ;bested one half as .Large saying; just 117-11" or. j;;st `ocd Store", rather than the 7-il Food Stor2 as shoe;,;. ::r, B ri.t said the stores were kno:,n national';• as 7-11 Fcod Stores and ind to be sho!an as such on identification. Since tl:e hole si-n, to co:;for i 4Jit► size dcs ired, had to lea,. e off "'Food Stc r. e" it was : ecessary to have it :included in. the `•Tal.l. si,;M. Chairman Sargent asked for comments or questions from the audience. There were none. ,rlublic .fear-- !Jie .;1 cr -oeni-zer mo-.-ed, secondad b_, Ve-.mber Sallem, that Public zags Closad '`Hearings be dosed. :totion parsed, 3-0 C-519 229.2 Alember Kcenitz-::r moved, that ar?1 i c >t roe HCa-51, 229. 2 be reco-.-amended approved for approval With exIA b its A and B, subject to `;tardard In -Control conditions. AYES: ;iembers Koenitzer, Sallan an. ! C11.airman Sar;;ent NOES: :done :iotio,; carried, 3-0 Applicant was inform_=d his had bey_=.t: approved and would appear before City C o,"Incil oi. oc .obey 2. UN WISHED BUSINESS In -Put Chairman Sarpant noted savF_ral met'-o is of inc-?rporating the Architectural and Site Control_ ir,),,..t into Plann- Development applications had been the srcc:iai nectin;; held ' MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 200 1972 H-CONTROL FETING HC-63 Pate 5 I last week and the appearance of acceptance of information given } to Council 9 he felt H-Control as a committee should send a - minute order to the City Council_ expressing; their appreciation ,Minute Order for the opportunity of providing input on Planned Development applications and the hope that in the future H-Control would be able to make use of this procedure to correct along$ frustrating.problem® Member Sa lan'so moved, -and -'Member Koenitzer ' seconded the motion. !lotion was passed unanimously. Member Sallan stated she had had, an informal dialogue .with Mr. John. Gatto after the joint meeting relative to this situation. he had felt the general consensus of the Steering;Cominittra was to take site review .totally away from H-Control. `Ire Gatto then made the following suggestion for dumber Sallan to present to H-Control and he would present it to.t:he Planning Commissiono A Planned Development application would come before the Planning } Suggestion Commission. After Planning Commission had heard and.discussed it for procedure they would neitherapproveor reject, but would continue the application for a period of perhaps two woeks; during which time ` the.application would come to H-Control for site 'review and discussion. The application would then be returned to Planning Commission with ,H-Control°s recommendations as Lnput.. Planning s Commission would then either .approve or deny application and send it on to Council. General discussion was held relative to the committee members' feelings regarding.this suggestion. i Chairman ;Sargent repeated his feeling that the Planning Commission ' Land Use aiid should concern itself mainly with land use and zoning. and allow Zonin H=Control to serve as it was originally intended. When an applim cation comes before Planning; Commission it should be approvedas,; " a good land use or denied as a bad land use, instead of stipula- ting as to how they -would approve it.. 1 ;I Member Sallan commented she felt part of the :problem was that 1 t o to.'submit e sued the applicant had before the use permit could b issued, PP - i a specific site plan and she felt the application should be . 'plan. considered by H-Control before it was locked in by:the site detailed'l Member Koenitzer felt perhaps Planning Commission was too on land use, and should consider ghat buildings will be -used for, the maximum 'size andhow much parking area will,be required and in some.cases, how far from property lines the buildings, should.. be.because.of noiseand other objectionable conditions. Then s H-Control would consider the application recommending where i buildings. would be placed, that plantings should be used. and where they would serve the best purpose.. lefelt the first consideration Trust :be `the land use,, because if the use for the, , band isn't right, it wont matter where the buildings are placed. 1 . ~Chairman Sargent summarized by sayinghe felt the concensus of E . the members present -would be that they, have no objections to 0 the method of approach used by Planning Commission on all appli. 1 HC-63 ! MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 I: -CONTROL HEETING Page 6 cations other than Punned Development applications. In regard to PD applications, they would recommend the Planning Commission concern themselves primarily with land use, use and size of buildings, giving and indication of the size of parking area necessary to conform to ordinance and any other such stipulation. At that point, the application would be referred to Architectural and Site Control for review and recommendations. Then it would return to the Planning Commission for approval or denial of the application recognizing; that Architecture and Site Committee would still have right to see application, after City Council has issued a use permit, for final plans. Ordinance Member Sallan said she understood there is currently an ordinance Change which would preclude this from happening, and Chairman Sargent then noted that if it would be necessary to review City ordinance to im,glement this recomjrZndation, Architecture and Site Committee would recommend that Staff consider it. 6. Ad -Art (Fabrific Fabric CentE:r) requestin— change of copy of an existing_ sign located at the north;•*est corner of Blaney :%venue and Bollinger Toad, formerly Cupertino Sport Shop. Staff Report Staff. member Cowan explained this is a request for change of face + sign and passed exhibit to committee members. He showed slides of existing sign. The application involves using the same cabinet and the only change would be the copy. Staff feels this sign to be in keeping with 'Lha other signs in tie cen.er. Minute Orderl Chairman Sar^ant recommended a minute order to approve the change j of copy as submitted v Fabrific F':)ric Center. 'iember i:cenitzer i j seconded the motion, _ud the mctior. was passed unanimously. Chans;e of j It was su}_,gested that review for c'.:ange of copy should come after Agenda i f Public Bearings, prior to Unfinished Business. • Standard i Member Sallan had scv2ral matters to bring to the attend of the Station '_and- coT.mittee. One was t,i2 Standard Station at Portal and Stevens soaping; Creek. When the station chan,ad its sign a condition was attached that the landscapin,; up,,radiai: that had been approved some time i previously would be done at the sag.': time. Srie noticed this was not being; done. :iember Cower. said he had noticed just that day some construction being done on east side o* building. Staff will check into this matter. City Trees Planting The second was a question as to who was respcnsible for watering city trees. She spoke particularly to a tro•a :t the Standard Station at Blaney and Homestead, wf;ere a tree ;:ad been recently planted and is now d,; inF for lack of ,7ater. :.r. Cogan said he wcuid contact the station about watering th, city tree. '.ember Sallan questioned what procedure is used by the City to get trees planted in the little square blocks she had noticed around the community. Mr. Cowan will check on this. HC-63 Page 7 Staff report I Realtors Presentation Acceptable S MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 19742 H-CONT'ROL MEETING Member Sallan had also, noted jatree in fr'ontl- of Home Savings in front of a low scale sign bad been pruned so severely it was withering. ,Ir. Cowan. said he would check on this. NEW BUSINESS 7. Discussion regarding the Sign Ordinance revision. s. Staf f Member Cowan explained that -,,That would be done tonight on the rope sed reed siern of si n ordinance would be. 'to have H-Control discuss sign ordinance in broad terms and one particular section, Sec. 6,18. It was being brought to H-Control first for its input then would go to Planning Commission mission which has the authority to. initiate ordinance changes, The Council had made no formal statement as to th-eir feelings on this matter. Mr. Jerry Fitzgerald Realtor, 10191 N. Blaney, Cupertino,, said 1 a group of realtors had been at the Council Meeting last 14onda night regarding open house signs. He said that Council had agreed to advertise it for public hearing, The signs being discussed were the little A-frames.to direct prospective buyers to houses which were for sale. They are used mostly on Saturdays and Sundays from 10:00 am. to 6:00 p.m, The realtors feel they are most necessary to business and would create a hardship if they could.not De used, < He azreed they are a violation, but noted in the past this prdi 'narcp had not beAn enforced. , Mr. Fitzgelrla.11d noted sub- divisions, n-eW homes and new apartments are allowed to have signs direct .1,tc, public to them and the realtors feel thp same opportunity shoi.,ld be given to home oz-rners He further noted that although Los Altos allows no "for sale" signs, it does allo=.r directional signs on weekends. He hoped the ordinance would be amended. In answer;.to a suggestion by Chairman Sargent, 1,41r. Fitzg-erald said he thought realtors would be willing to design an acceptable s1gn, which would be in Good taste and be used by all board members, The sign would show only "open house" and direction.'al arrow. The Realty Board would,govern this and police their. own peoplQo Member Dressler , wanted to know how many signs would therealtors expect to use in showina each house, '-Ir,, Fitzgerald said four directional signs would be. the ma-ximum and they are always placed on ;j private.property with the consent of the owner. lie Said one -sign woulQ not be sufficient, Member Dressler said he would be opposed i:.o expanding.nunber of signs, He said he realized realty is a business A and in,o rder to market houses people must be brought to them, but the vision of U L he community is equally important. He felt that putting up numerous signs especially on days when public will be out HC-63 MINUTES OF THE SEPTE�5ER 20, 1972 11-CONTROL 111EETING P a g a 8 Legitimate Member Koenitzer questioned how the realtors planned to control sign signs use by non -board members. Mr. Fitzreralri answered this would have to be enforced by code. It was brought out this could present another problem, picking out "lagitimate" signs and "non -legitimate" signs. Open house It was noted if every realtor who has 4 or 5 homes for sale put up not always 4 or 5 directional signs, there would be an inordinate number of used signs around. 'Ir. Fitzgerald said not all realtors used open house and he didn't think there would be any more signs than there are at the present time. Image of :Member Dressler stressed the image of the community we live in should Community be protected and we should try to establish some higher plane of communicating houses are for sale. The outward visible appearance of the community must be elevated. Mr. Fitzgerald said he agreed and the realtors wouldn't be requestin.- a change in ordinance if they didn't feel the signs were an absolute necessity to their business. :Argument for Mr.William Dean, .lulll Hi^hway 9, Cupertino then spoke about the si*ns definite need of people t:-cy represent, they must be able to merchandise these people's houses. Some st-.aeL:.s are very difficult to locate without directional signs, he felt signs are rleasant in apr:zarance, not there for extends., periods of time and are there to do a specific job. i e pointed out that an r. Lment n.: I rs, to;:nhouses and cevTopers are by ordinance perTMitte; directional signs and, they are askin- ror the same consideration. ordinance in ling ".7! other cities Against Ordinance i Change Chairman Sargent stctcu that accor'ina to a report given them by Staff of other cities it irea, the maior4_t1 of the co�:-:�un.ities are .a ainst off -site si^ns. 71-.e cn orc^-_,,-..it o` -his was an ;2nh.nC,7n factor. The report indieatcd to hi.,, that s :oul,,` this ordinance change be allowed Cupertino would pronabl•.- ba one of t'1: z::ost liberal in their apnro_-ch to this proble:.., Accordj.: i, to tni.i � '.Crt, Cupertino doesn't seem to be in the minorzty but ;aoule apnea_- L ,F.t the ordinance is in line with the town and coT:r unity in we live. One of the' things that made the Cityof Cuncrtino attractive was the steps taken to control and up�,,raa co .-.:c:it. and :_hc realtors ben; fited frog., this. He recommended applicant c, r.:> in v it'1: a positiva attitude, bring a. specific sign with no identi::icati n or, real cstotc firM and recognize this com.-A.ttea tryir., to upgrade cc--auniLy in which they were doln�,, business. 11�t n r0q ts Lc 4 members to come up with specific Si:.fi^ SCiOI1S _or t ;e applicants. Miamber Sallan said F3he und'`rstoo'd :.pr"11Crrit's corc;:rns but agreed with :Member Dressler on several point.,--:_ Vi .ion is con.;unity is paramount. Four diia(-Lia:aal ;iii;ns :'o "_aye o use !)cnef its only home owner, ,r <a .t r and 6,.Jycr; ar_z :i:, •:c, s , ll ;7. rcertagv of people af£ectcd khan yk)-.; arc conce:::.<::? _ith visual impact on city. Second pciat i--' 1'1,_icrtino __. an attractive place to live and houses are boat Tat and sold in rest nu:-ntrs. She could see no • n 4 MINUTES OF THE SEPTEMBER 20, 1972 H-CONTROL MEETING. HC-w63 . i Page 9 hardship in not raving this kind of sign .approved and ordinance remaining the same with all. the methods available for advertising, She stated she. felt it is a good ordinance and one that upgrades the citya Member Koenitzer stated he. was of two minds. He could.see the 'point Enforce, of needing directional signs when some-straets are out of.the, cagy Ordinance and hardtofind;. On the other hand, he had serious reservations about the number of sins than would likely be seen with ordinance._ changes: He felt there are very difficult questions and presumed the app?icant would `be making some presertation,.at public hearing at next meeting and would like to hear applicant address some of the, points -that were brought out tonight. Ile staved if the -ordinance was t16 be kept as it is now, he would like to see 'it enforced. Mr. Cowan stated the Planning ,Director had advised of. the desir.abiiit s Agenda of of having a recommendation tonight if at all possible,, The City October 9 Counsi-1 dial 'appear to be concerned about this issue and wanted to get it i o, a Public Hearing as soon as possible, preferably on the Benda ;for the Planning. Commission meeting of October 9 if some , decision could be reached tonight on this particular section, .. i Ckh4irman Sargent l-asked applicant if he would like to continue Continuation this..applications The applicant said-he.didn't feel a.strong Requested en;qugh -case. had been presented,. and they would need to bring in j a sign tc show committee. He agreed the sign must by acceptable, but believed. strongly that the signs were imperatives In answer --to a question of :Member Dressler, Mr. Fitzgerald said the-. Discrepancy did 'feel:.disadvantaged by the subdivider and apartment owners. � :n ordinance ,there was a discrepancy in the ordinance which allowed i subdlvidprs -:t:o erect 32 square feet,signs and as long as tYe_t were } 210';apart,there was no .limits Mr.. Fitzgerald reiterated that. he had .known of no- complaints regarding the signs and he didn't, believe $ the number would increased Member Sallan said her basic opposition was not.to the aethvstics of the sign,. It was a matter of the number of signs, traffiring people' through the community and a continuance as far as she was con�egnad would make no.:,:differences. She was opposed to changing the ordinance. Chairman Sargent indicated the application had been continuede Application continued Staff Member Cowan suggested going a little deeper, into. the,,:matter. of sign ordinance and having the=committee,discuss.their feelings on any particular item in the ordinance which deserved attentiono- HC-63 11I\UTES OF TiiE S::PTr""--. ER 3U, 1972 H--CO:,TKOL N7EFTING i'ii e 10 . i Written Chairman Sargent said !ic kn__,,1 revic,.?ing of ot'..er are -as was in process Coin:lunicatioh and he sus- =: t-ed that. tiiu, co..:^ittec sho,-Id, a^ individual neinbers rear: the s_•�n or;iinance Shai parf:. If theta was -e ,-c --cvft -a:i t•. s anv ar_a t :c �•:o ...,. li.. :.a ni?. .. �. a:i3 discL:»:c' in detail after studt in, - t.i 'Sr: ...'ttors in till anal•::._gal !:av, t3ay should t u these concerns in a ic..,.. ,—icatiCn to Nike Sh_.)pard as soca } as possible. di:... ` r reel t;:erc ad _e:: ^ ccd input and .tl.ara had a . 1. z . s ,�- -,� not �; ri t1:. ti, cri:i:. ,.. ...:iC ,:h01. �i C� C�. .. a or sLriCi-e .. .2 added he ho-ed th2 as =7:-7 issioners in the s.:a-.0 nazirar 'v.-' ;^:3 with? Yrejud'-iIl^- Ila sugc ested ;{r• She oard should cc:lt:_ct ati,er c�Li�s as to t::e;_ fii�-1s. Ordl.nz-x.ce ::r. l`::di -cld said :; 1 , cllscov ?rzcl thara wits a `5C.00 d�^CsiL UGilSsi-Il renu _ _. "i cr C. `iC ri 5 3 not: il:. or'inanc act :,ai: t':c rc.;ert; _ ._.=r '��? to e pars:_. ,1c.. .'or base _ i—,ns to ba )1 CC:. or. t,.:._r prc-inrty. Ad rn-.e nt The ..-.eet-*_ .as adjc_...ed ..t c.33 ^..m. APY O TED : /s/ L. Don Sargent Chairman ATTEST: js/ Wm. E. Ryder City Cleric