August 23rd, 1972KINUTES OF THE REGULAR. NMEETING OF THE ARCHITECTURAL AND SITE APPROVAL COI,24ITT'EE -ON AUGUST 7,3fl 1972 IN THE COUNCIL CHAMBER CITY r1ALL P CUPE11TINO9 CALIFORNIA SALUTCE TO THE FLAG � Chairman Sargent called the meeting .9 order at 7034 PM with the Salute to the F1s,90 rr--55yy T T Members present* Dressler (7.45) , Koen tzer u Sa? a . and Chairman Sargent Members absent: McLaren Staff present e AssociatePlanner Robert Cogan Planning Direet6r" ,James Sisk Recording Secretary Ruth Cow �. .I�'UTFS OF PREVIOUSETINN G � r - pp :a.Ap.provR o:i ,Architectural .:and .,S,i-L,. �p roval 1_jl.nu��s o '9$ .August 19729 - i'1 :T LIe L�'Koenitzer..noted onp'�,c� 3S '-icy.grc`iph 48 �d:.v last line LA{?1.3.6.d 1- reasi would be the same color as the existing steel on the building'a l.} Page. 7� first paragraph,. ��iernber Koenitze felt. clarifieatio:a of 1 sit:;z posit ors should' be made by stating "technically, the restaurant Sign. if moved on Mary Avenue would be considered the 'Mary Avenue sign then shopping center could be oet.mitted a ground. sign on Stevens Creek Blvd," On page 152 first paragraphs Member Koenitzer noted the .rear parking sr.ecif'ied "LigInt standards will be 84 high". Member Koenitzer would like to include the aFp.l:icant ° s statement i that he would not rend, to anyone owning a camper or other tall vehicle 'to paragraph 7g page 19, Minutes of , Member Sa.11an moved to approve minutes as amended and :Member At+g,u s I; 9 � 197 Koenitzer seconded the motions approved as corrected Motion carriedA 4-0 1 HC-61 Page 2 HC-510202.3 Cu^.mings and l Company (Barclays Flank) to end of agar►da IiC-519058.3 Ad -Art, Inc. (Shoe Fair) Staff Report Slides :applicants, reasons for size and color Members opinions MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 1972 11-CO,,TR.OL MEETING WRITTEN CO.L"1UNICATIONS 2. None requested. ORAL COAt•SUNICATIONS 3. Mr. Cowan noted revised agenda showed matters on which individuals in audience would like to speak, and Chairman Sargent said these would be heard under New Business. PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Application 11C--51,202.3 - Cummings and Company (Barclays Bank) requesting approval of a sign plan to remove existing sign and install a new center identification sign located at the southwest corner of Finch Avenue and Stevens Creek Boulevard. Continued from August 9, 1972 meeting. Member Koenitzer, seconded by Member Sallan, recommended since applicant was not present, the application be moved to end of Public Hearincs on this Acenda. Motion carried, 4-0 5. Application EC-51,058.3 - Ad -Art, Inc. requesting approval of a sign plan for a. co,mmiercial buildin(^ lncn.t.n', ?t 7,01,71 Sot2th- Saratoga-Sunnyvale Road, for-ierly Town and Country Market. Staff :Member Cowan reported application does meet requirements of sign ordinance, ho,.,evar there were two a.-eas of. concern. One was the scale of the sign compared to existing si,,ns and the other was the color. Existing signs are white with dark lettering while proposed is orange and white. Mr. Cowan then showed slides of budding on which sign is to be placed with existing sign on it, and the other signs in the shopping center. One slide showed a pole sign cn front of parking area and Chairman Sargent wondered if it would be com.nn down since the market was no longer in business and there was no presentation on the pole sign. Mr. Cowan answered the pole sign wa:' a shopping center sign and both the building and shopping center sisn could be allowed as long as the shopping center sign did not go over 300 sq. ft. Mr. Gordon R. Nelson, 808 Saratoga 4,ve., San Jcse, representative for Ad -Art, Inc., reported the reason for go.in. to the 5' high sign was because of the wording; Shoe Fair being only 4 letters each. They felt this restricted them from making the sign loner and shorter. Ile also said Shoe Fair is the main tenant and r. in tenants usually get larger signs; this- also being the reason for the change in color. Member loenitzer said if existing "Vestern Market" sign is 3' high, lie felt 5' letters would cover a lo: of the sloping roof and that simple block letters in keeping with existing signs would be appropriate. He did not object to the color. • 1 ­1 MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 1g72 H-CONTROL 14EETING HC--61 Vage 3 Member Sallan agreed 5' letters were too nigh and she would prefer to have colors conform with existing signs. Member Dressler felt 5' too high as it is only 11' from sidewalk grade to roof overhang. A 5' sign hung vertically would be almost half as much as the opening of the roof overhang and the front of buildings q Chairman Sargent said he felt the same. He noted that drawings submitted seemed to be out of proportion as on Exhibit .B it would appear Shoe Fairsign would stand no _higher than present 3' sign. Mr. . Nelson answered this by saying although.the cabinet size of their sign was 5', the actual size of letters is 4211, making only a difference of.6" in letter size. Mr. Nelson said the proposed sign-as.trying to establish Shoe .Sign to. Fair as the main tenant, and coordinate with its other.two stores coordinate in San Raphael and Daly City as this is the.advertising style letters and colors that had been chosen,. Chairman Sargent askedfor comments or questions from the audience. There were none, Member Sallen reiterated a concern from last week regarding the Sign reason for enlarging windows. Chairman Sargent ruled that Ordinance architecture could not be considered at this time. Planning Director Sisk stated that ordinance permits no more than'25% of �indotr area to have signs, After questioning about owner's intent as to advertising on public Hearing premises and Mr. Nelson's explaining he was representing the closed sign company and could not. answer,.'Member Sallan moved that the Public Hearings be closed and Member Dressler seconded it.. Motion passed, 4-0 Chairman Sargent summarized by noting it seemed to be a unanimous Summary decision that the sign was not satisfactory in its entirety. There were questions regarding the height of sign, mass, 'structure of sign itself, and color. Member Koenitzer dial not feel colors were too bright if they were the same as shown on the exhibit and felt the color, if not too extreme, might be a reasonable compromise with height. Member Koenitzer moved that application HC-51,05803 be recommended Recommendation approval to City Council subject to standard H-Control conditions, unseconded Exhibits A and B,.with additional condition that height of sign;be lowered to.31,, Motion died without a second, Chairman Sargent wondered if some mention should.be made regarding Proportion of proportion and Member.Koenitzer stated he had purposely left°the sign length the same so if they wished to change the letter style so as to slake more use of, length or to provide more space between the letters, they would have that option. HC-61 MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 1972 11C-C!-�1TROL MEETING Page 4 i j Member Sallan moved that application l!C-51,058.3 be recommended for approval to City Council with standard H-Control conditions with two additional conditions: (1) that si n height be lowered to 3' and (2) the color of the sign be a dark lettering on white background to correspond with existing signs. She then withdrew the motion. HC-519058.3 Member Sallan re••Torded motion to recommend approval for application approval w/ HC-51,058.3 subject to H-Control standard conditions with following conditions additional conditions: (1) that the height of the sign be the same as currently exists in shopping center in the letter of "Western :Market" and (2) the color condition to be dark lettering on white background. `Iember Koenitzer seconded notion. Amendment '1ember Dressler a -mended the Notion to reduce length of sign propor- tionately, ?.tmber Sallan seconded the motion. Amendment Passed 1lot:ion Carried t:C--.51,230.5 Federal Sign ;hill. Dean cocdyet.r) Staff Report Vote on amendment: AYES: Members Dressler, Koenitzer and Sallan NOES: Chairman Sargent Vote on motion: AYLS: :Members Dressler, Koenitzer ead Sallan NOES: Chairman Sargent i'_otion carrie:i, 3-1 Applicant c•;as notified application i:ad been approved and could be considered at City Council -meeting on Septemaber 5. G. Application 1?C-51,230.5 - Federal Sign and Signal Corporation U1.11 Dean Coodyear) req::estin; approval of a sign ;:Ian for a ,,_:7.c rcial 'ouildinc- lor:,ated at the north­.est corner of Homestead Road and Saratoga -Sunnyvale F:oad. Staff :'er:,ber Cos:an t ave a brief bac:ground to khis In 1970 a tentative map di,,idin Goodyear pro*:�erty from the o'.'=rs of Payless Centcr was approved with the stipulation there could be no pole sign Q:, the new parC I. This was overlooi-, .'1 when Federal Sign fii: t contacted City Hall and teased o:z infor-mation <?ivan then., sub- mitted an application denoting a po'_e sign, `;o only the "Lill Dean" si,n to be placed on the building i:. Co be c.onsicl<erea in this applica- tion. Tile sign is in subst' nti.al can `t L; anc .lz ordinance, There are directional sins on top of ser•;icc builc in_: , but three.: are con- sidered more directional than adverr.=_se;-:ent so should not be considered as sin surface. • MINUTES OF THEAUGUST2,3 � - §72 ,ri--�CONTRCL MEETING Mr.. Robert Austin, 1343 Dry, !"reek lzoad -, San Jose, as representa- t'iV2 of sign company said he felt. sign.. self-explanatory, The;; withdrew that part of app1.%_cati.on relevant to .pole sign, but.are most anxious to have the "Bil.l, Dean" sign installed as the business is now operating without any identification whatsoever, He said, the sign was in conformance with ordinance and archit e,.cturally proper on building, colortw.�se and la.youtwi;se. In answer to a question by Chairman, Sargent'. 14r, Austin said that if :,the pole sign,were to be di."sapproved they would wart .a sign on the side .` wall trim facing Saratoga -Sunny -,ale Road reading dust "Goodyear`°A Staff concurred this would be pe.rmi.ssable, Member Dressler asked and was answered that sign unier consideration tonight :would be.., placed in front window facing north and would. read ""BillDean," Staff Member Cowan then showed slides of property, where sign would be placed and di:rectional signs .he had pointed out in his stuff report, In answer to Member Sallabn, he stated there are 8000 sq� , ft in building whichwould allow 240 sq. ft:, of.signs and the current application cads for approximately 45 sq., ft ,, The 240 sq, ft. would incl-ude all signs; pole sign also if Council were to allow its use. �TYmber Koenit zer inquir.— if sign would be on face of b�xzl.dinf or hanging from beams of projecting mansard roof, Applicant said it I'! would he hanging _rom the faring of beam as there is a better location for mounting, andalso also it �,ouid, be better to leave, space l .tfl wash ax:-nclow6a etei:® behind the sigt°,s in answer to a concern of Member Koe.nitszer, g Chairman Sargent said the .bad* signs were informational ;signs placed to assist people fired proper service areas, C;ha.irman Sargent then asked for comments or questions from and ence. There, were none Member Dressler moved, seconded by Member . Sal.l.an$ that Public Hear ins, be closed. Ilot:i.on carried, 4;0 Member Dressler moved; that application HC®51,- 230,5 be approved subject to standard ;H.�Cor;trol coi�ditbons as this application .deals with the "Bill 1?ean11 sign only,, This was seconded by Member Sa3.lan, AYES.. Members Dresslerg,Sallan and Chairman Sargent ' rdOES o _ Member I:oenbtzer Motion passed, 4-0. 1. Applicant was informed his application had been approved and would appear before City Council on September 5. HC-bI Page 5 Applicant presentation Slides show Sign foot -age Sign position I j i f I I IBay signs Public, ° Ee ring closed HC-51.923O,; 5 approved IIC-61 Pape 6 :IC.-51, 283.2 Coast Sign (Stoneson Development) Application continued IIC-51,202.3 taken off calendar Cupertino Crassroa s Shopping Center Staf f report! Slides Sho�m MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 230 1972 li-CC:ITI:UL MEETING 7.- Application HC-511233.2 - Coast Signs --representing Stoneson 'Developmert requesting apprcvaL of a sir-,n plan for a restaurant located at the northwest corner of Stevens Cree/c Boulevard and Mary Avenue. Continued by staff to allow the applicant time to confer with Stoneson Developrent Corporation regarding an overall siSn program for the shopping center. Mr. Cowan noted that applicant was still conferring with Stoneson Development and not ready at this tine to present another application. Since the applicant was tot present, Kember Koenitzer moved, Member Sallan seconded, that application be continued until nett meeting. :'otion passed, 4-0 4. Application HC-512202.3 - Cti=ings and Company (Barclays Bank) Since the applicant was still not presant and inasmuch as the application has been continued for five times, :1eirber Sallan moved that the applica- tion be taken off calenear to oe h_— rd again at such time as applicant applies. :,.enber Dressler seconded the Notion. :Motion passed, 4-0 8. Landscaping requirement for ,,esta:•n section of Cupertino, Crossr; vd S'^,rppin+7 Center, Staff Cowa:, ryave'a brief re-u-me on backgrounC, of this property. Original approval of h.,d "been withheld perdin�T plans for additional lan.':sc^pin�- ..t',:ac. the _'re.,s-r :ads Center. The renresenta- tive for 111rossroa,-1s Ce-atcr has sub' A.tted a scloatZatic plait tv landscape th:._ Sti�:v n5 Cree � ror. �_ �1 + trya the .. .rie Callende.r's building westerly to the Straw hat :':,zza stiuct.ure, as well as additional la � i t; r ' „ V' Sot :asterl,� of the Stra,c '-at Pizza c_ :L u�c ct�i :1� wit' 1i.i .~-ire . t�l�. _ 1 . The prc??o'.' 1 is to lLsscn %i:e .....t.1 Mf the pi:t::l' silo-,-: lk to -five feet 4.:. to incorperate fives- fect :t private property within the lardscn :. frontage, sir;::: _=r to tha landsca;)in,- adjacent to the Payless Develo •r:ent on i:c'mesteaa :cud. ,'. e pu.pose of pres=ant discussion -•;ould be to ez',': the Cupertino Crossroad Shopping Center's owner some directicr as to the extent of t ,e future lanusca pin ; for the center -rest of :`:.r e Callend2rs in qualititative terr'.^a. Vr' Cowan than Shoved, Slides 0-1we,;t.E rr. sec'n::'i'. of .:enter, frontage of center, easterly frontage: sha.,,in- is b yin,; considered Closed a ,--! :3I'e3 4'; ich applicc:.n :. is - ?ropos.i.r?<.; to 13^.dsca'L 2. In answer to a question by 1ember Sallan it noted tt)z3t to incorporate 5 ft. of sidewalk with 5 ft. of private -,>roperty �.�ir'iin a tandsc::pe frontage, iLt would be necessary to re:,,io e city trees .. , G'?11,; and move into a common landscape area which would ?:e hart city's and part applicant's. n L MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 1972 H�CONTROL MEETING �iC�61 Page;7 Mr. Edwin Ja' Myers, architecto 10601. So® Highway 99 Cupertino, said Trees must be he t�cauld._pxefer_ to anssrer__.questions- of the c4mmi2tee,since applicant 6° was actually ask.ng direction. -.Chairman Sargent reminded applicant that plan called for naw_.trees to be 5-gallon in sizes and the standard H®Control Condition-F required trees to be 6' in height.. rSember :Kaeni tzer stated. he was opposed `to narrowing of sidewalks Narrowing sitce . thes.e are .the_ most:, used in downtown area, even by bakes • Sidewalks because of traffic hazards', He stated"he would be in favor of Unsatisfactory 10, wide planter -but not by narrowing sidewalk, He stated,he would have no object to moving trees from t•:ells if trees were iioved into landscaping, Plannin Director Sisk told i-Cotztrol members that most shoppJing �Io4t traffic centers adopt the position that most traffic- is contained- in the within center shopping center itself,a either moving from store t,o store ;or in automobiles going to the -store.,- With this in mind, sidewalks could be reduced to, 5 ft. and.all ordinary facilities that might be.•`fo,�nd' , in t,he:. sidewalks i such as electroliers s trees e etc s requir':ed ,to by placed in the pa landscaped area or behind the sidewalk® Discussion' held as to: whether at was planned to,:extend this 'Extended " _. frontage on down to the existing service station on corned s:f ttonta.ge Stevens Creek and highway '9® Councilhad for a time considered rt.,o.f �th�.s ,ap.p?;:scat,-i n .since :a - -is ..,the ..same;,.ty.pe :of i mpro' Vpn at a Regard:ang the .parking situations thebe .is an assessment' diet:.ict " 7etr thLrc�;�:� hfax= underway that provides for a' public thoroughfare that extends in " a gad tk erly direction$ b.asical;ley adjacent to 'the Ho es Savings and ,1 0 r Lean bu�.�d'a.x� that will 'sooner . or later, extend all the way: to I#i : Hr. � Sisk said �th these .t z gs in min A ,th re .Gree 1ea£.. -��e, �t are m �di i,cations of the • circulatin? putt: rns �a thiiz exist:bng shopping c'e- nter , There would be a °modJ:ficat on at the entrance to- the shot) center- in alignment with the future road which r g f e ' �_iaal. zed °n a attempt alleviate ome , Z the -)6b �m S a,1,� -b 53.�, 1 3 E'1 c�.t. �� to c"i V S that presently exist around the unsignaleized.intersection 'between Gemco and.Mer-vynss In, answer, :to a _query fr m Chairman Sargent,, 21Y. Sisk said he thought ? Pu pose . of the 5'" sidewalk was 'a .suggestion fromFolic Works and Planning Discussion Department as they had been discassing.this'frontage along Stevens Creek -needing additional landscaping with th a:pp"licant for several months - :Chairman Sargent questioned if. this articular 1a out thin S 4 P -v wast an effort by the planning elements, oaf. the city to: -etz some landscaping between Stevens Creek and the parking lot situation that nowexists,rro Sisi; noted it was this type of discussion .that :R was wanted. p HC-51 Page 8 Direction asked Parking 10' side- walks more proportion- ate " instead of 5' Mounding MINUTES OF THE AUGUST 23, 1972 H-COYrROL MEETING Mr. Myers stated he, his client and Public Works had been working on what could and should be done regarding this situation. After many discussions and listening to tapes of Council meetings, he had sub- mitted what he felt could be an answer, i.e. they could put in a 5' planter and still have parking space; or what had seemed an even better solution, if they used 5' of private property and the City gave them an easement of 5', they could put in a 10' planter. They are now asking for direction from H-Control. Member Sallan felt there is a significant need to have a planting strip along Stevens Creek so parked cars are not directly in front. In answer to her query as to possibility of keeping 10' sidewalk and adding 10' planting strip, the applicant noted they are required by ordinance to have a minimum number of parking stalls. Some park- ing space will be eliminated with the new entrance coming in across from ice cream store, and if more spaces were sacrificed for plant- ing strip, they could fall below City's minimum. Mr. Sisk stated a detailed study of entire parking layout and possible number of parking stalls with planned entrances and exits had not been made, but at present any more than a 5' strip in addition to 10' sidewalk would cause loss of parking space. Member Sallen stated her particular preference is planting area desired in Straw Hat parking area and along frontage extending to Mike's Hero. In answer to Member Dressler, Mr. Sisk said it was the general direction being discussed nc;7 to narrow the sidewalks on the opposite side c:: t;,e-LI:cet iii f �ro::t .:f C.. act: and ;?_deg*aIks to be developed do;�;a toward Key Chevrolet, but if it is possible to provide a buffer area and still maintain 10' sidewalks, this will be dcne. ,ember Dressler expres^e3 the orinion that since Stevens Creek Blvd. is a vide, expansive bled, and is a feeder to the new Stevens Creek freeway, 10' ,sidewalks would be more proportionate to the width of the boulevard. Chairman Sargent indicated this was an interesting idea and he felt the Planning Commission had been sensitive to feeling of this c:omriission and other members of community T,�ho have expressed a need for more landscaping. However to set this type of precedent from post office or church to Standard Service Station could involve so many o-wners and situations it might literally be years before a planting strip such as this could be accommlished. Having a mi:.ture of 10' and 5' side- walks and planters could give either an impression of lack of planning or extreme creativity. Landscaping is IP.uch neaded, 'out if sidewalk is narrowed there cculd develop a safety hazard. Since this vas not a final application, perhaps 7' planting; could he instituted rather than 5'. He felt a ccntinucus landscape giving a i-,eage effect could become unattractive, whereas a cluster effect: using plants that would provide a height of 3-4' in conjunction with trees could be pleasing. Member S,^llan suggested mounding of various heights could be used to create an interesting effect and counteract the solid concrete with bumpers to sidewalk which she finds most objectionable. •