May 3rd, 1972IN City of Cupertino AGENDA Regular Meeting of the.. Architectural and"SiteApproval Committee May 3, 1972 7.30 p.m. SALUTE TO THE FLAG ROLL CALL MINUTES OF PREVIOUS FETING 1. Approval of Architectural and Site Approval Minutes;of April 19, 1972 COMMUNICATIONS WRITTEN 20 None requested ORAL 3. None reque,8ted . PUBLIC HEARINGS 4. Application HC-51,285.1B - Family Homes ®, Lytle requesting exception, 9 . pole s,i n loced atat "the to the Sign ,Ordinance for a free-standingP g . southwesa corner of Saratoga-Sunnyvale.Road and Kiririn Laneo,:-Continued from March 22, 1972 meetingo,- 5o Application.HC-51,075026 - Vallco Park, Ltd. requesting approval of an enlargement to,an existing igxi located in the Vallco Village Shopping Center at the s.outhwe-s.t: corner of Wolfe Road and Homestead Road. 6e Application HC-51,29901 - S'aH,Aa .E. Inco requesting approval of site and architecture for a' restaurant; and pie' parlor. located ,at 'Stevens Creek Boulevard east of Key,.Chevro,, to 7. Application HC-5192980.l - Earl,,E. Pennington requesting_,approval,of. site, architecture., landscaping and undergroun:di.ng of utilities for.,. two duplexes located westerly ofi and adjacent to Randy. Lane,,,.;approxi- mately 500 feet north of Stevens; Creek.Boulevard'a . 8o Application HC-519088.e13 l-;Dennis Izobza requesting..approval of.site, architecture and landscaping for a light industrial building'l.ocated'.:, in the. West Valley Industrial Park, Parcel One of Lot Ffte'ena 9. Application HC-51,180.1 -Edwin J. Myers..requesting approval of sate,: architecture and landscaping for addition to commerclaT:bullding located' -at 10601 South "S,aratoga®Sunnyvale Road. ®1® PUBLIC HEARINGS (continued) 10. Application. HC-51,30001 - Angelo Cuva requesting approval of_site, architecture,. landscaping and undergrounding ' of . ut.lities . for -a triplex located at the southeast corner of the intersection of Lomita Avenue and Pasadena Avenue. UNFINISHED -BUSINESS NEW BUSINESS ADJOURNMENT