CC 11-04-74 . . . CITY OF CUPERl'INO, STATE ,OF CALIFORNIA 10300 Torre Avenue, CUpertino, California 95014 Te1ephorae: 252-4505 ,-"c(\' , " , IWllUd Ò7~~~~AR MEETING orm'tm CXMIC:1J. "IIIUJ (J( JKlVEKBEI. ,{,.;;'í9i4:1u THE COll'lCrL dIAJasb. em JW.L ""'ito~\'.iítÀlUINO CALIFOllIA ' '}'iit't ,', " SALUTE to THE FLAG Mayor Sparks c:alled the -.ting to order at 7 :38 P .K. >lith the r,alute to the Flag. lOLL CALL CoUIIC. present: Counc. at-sent: Jackson, Mpyers, ~ellis, Mayor Sparks FroUch Staff I'r.',<'''t: City Manager Qu;nlan City Attnr!".:·y ,~';a"." Director (If /.d~fnLìt rat f,',u" Sen.-i.:('!: Ryder Director nf rl"l.d:.f .'I,d Devel"r:""1t Sisk Dlrt:clor f'f ~ I.. 't' ~ l" '¡";~~: Vi~:"".".'_> DJrector 0: ~·.:'l',: '..: .·'I,.,~r\.:.dÜ".- Butler Ml~U1 i::, (IF PR[VIG\TS XELTI~;G 1. Mi;n':;:~ (tf ë.JJourned re;'.cL.r t'(,>,,~ .IV 0f OctC'Þ(;r 2Q, ]974, n~: a,,¡ Uab!e at this (11"(', COHMli~¡C.n.¡I;)N:; 2. !\rit:en (3) Letter from the "l'plic.ml''< .;llorl"ey a4il1f, th"t JI-\'-74 (Agend., it..", 6 A) 1;( rl"'lil"'", d. Moved by Ccune. r;,,:oJlls. st."cl).H~hl :.~. Cl'I1:1~. J.:!d..:~c...n to continllP applicati"-'.i.1 IJ-V-74 to !:nVl;r!¡p-r JR, l"1}~. :·f(.;lil)~ carl,;"J, !t~0 CC-231 Pase 1 ,- , 1:,,' ',:r"', ,.-1'''' '" ~!;\~':;ï <~, "1. :,þ,!,~·.~ :,'i{ "~ 1l-\'-7l. ,,·,>t 'J to No'.'. ~=:'~1 .. .. KINUTES OF TP.E ¡;OVEHBEa 4, 1974 CITY COIJNCIL MEETING (b) Jt. petition, ~ by 40 nsidcnts. request1øI, permanent ". .' c:1olling of,~tiedel Place p..rk entrance. The Cit)' Clerk . .( ;¡(:1r:<~ said th~.'·~Jfl.¥ 1~,Tbed too late for inc:l~i!IA,"'~ tile Council 2'<."'ik. :~.j. packet, ~.'." ".I...I.,.~.~~ered ,of SUffic:ientiDt~.. ,to have it ....~ 1øc:ludect14:~.~, ê" ications for tbis .aUDI. '. . t¡a:;~ic' '..,<' øówd by Co>un~~J'.~ClÍtded bYCounc:. Jackson to r-!.é~ the ..bove- el. !:.'~, MDtioned petition, .... .'PlanniDl c-isaion for pybl1cbear1ø1 and It eAt. :ìi.ii'¡"· to the Pulr.s lIDdY' '''iOn eo-ission with request for th_ to ..ake t to 1!C & re_eaùtion totW''''~ill& Coaa1ssion. 6& ' Hot:ion carried. 4-0 3 . Or 2.) (ÄQl un i catioøs (a) Presentation of City flag d~signs pre¿ared by Homestead ë.:g~ School students. This "15 ;:.:>tp"n"d untU later on in the evening because they were not yet í'r-o¿:-it'::c. I '::,' !\.~'~Ut'st by COiU~c11æ¿n fer re~ov....l of itC::!I3 fr"~ Consent W ~ ¿;-:J.1r. Th,,"r~ "'-'. ¿ ~.: ~I.ch reC¡-.Jest'i. M.a>"or :=:;--,,:-'<s stated ~hat ag~nJa ite~ 11) would he discussed next J ~:;in('a thl! l'\....;::...:; r..'prchcntat.lv:? hild two aJliitional presentations to make that s~r:e r'....~~;.':':.~ in other cities. 16. Dis':~sj¡Jn ~f Housing ~nj Comauaity Dèvelopmettt Act of 1974 by 'II'. ~::t"r, Couttty Planning Depart",ent. (;¡) ~.,.<~lutl~tt :1::1. 3ï73: "A ReF"lutiott of the City Coundl of t:lO> City of Cupertir.o vf Joint Agre"r.Jent by [snd Between the City ~: ';"p<?rtino anJ C"":lty of S,nc:t Clara Regarding lI~using and ~'~u:llty Deve!QP~~nt Act oi 1974. Mr. Dick !!'U..r. 20144 II. "Und Square ,Cupertino, representing the Santa Ciar;) C--I..~:y l'l.mning .taft, s;a~e " sUd" pre~cntatlon explaining the "Act ". !:e a:1:~"'('n~d Cou.."'1c. J J,('kson that the County is reql.1 r tng that tht! fac1Llt¡e~ havl> to b" aðde .,,'ailable to the people in the "Sphere of lnflu<'n.:e". but not necess.u J Iy tlllit tilc fund.> be spent there. I I ... " , ., , ", " " ,', ' ,iJ-#">t.': ' :.....us or tBE IOVIHBER 4. 1914 an COUNCIL MEETING "'I-.~' ',' ,. >, ::-~ ',~ , -.: .',' ,%:~';~~ "\~~:',' ' , ," , ',' . ).~'·lW.ler _red Counc:. ~.thst the 235 and 236 proar_ ¡:;~':"').being r - lout and .u~"""~~provides a rent aubsidy. ~J;~ëìa::~illa:~.ho~!~~ij~~ :d~:s~~ b:k~O loø¡er . }1" ,,: "(~;:','¡f,~': "~~?{',,,- ' Ji - ", c. Meyers felt '-t was f:1Ït~rattVe tor the City of CupertiDo to _rer into ac. acrel!1llent vitia tbè Count"y of Sar.ta Clara on tU.s. ....' he also uationed that the ct.el:able was very short. CDanc:. Nellis expressed her appreciation that the County 1& taking d>e lead in this program. C-c. Jackson agreed. !loved by CO"".:. Jackson, sec:oaded by Counc. Xellls to adopt &esolutior. ~:, 3ì13. ~k>tion carried, 4-0 PI.TBLIC HE!.:::".~'; ". Appli,~:_::: ~-Z-14 of 3ruc~ E¿'.'ards: R:c,::::1f 4,80 ,,~res ÍH'" Rl-IO \?;.":":ential, sing1e-fa.~ily, 10,0..: ~,;. ft. pl.:T c".·e:i :C-,j; unit) ~-. .-.~ t.:- P (Plnnnë:d ~o~~i::lopr.1ent \..~: a q:.J.;....¡-;.tJ'>~jc./~:':".::- stor¡¡~.: _i-<:: i:1tendcd) zone. S::.id prOt~¿"~·: 1.S l'I\,.:1t('C; c.::. t.:.~ soutL ~ < '::~=-:1er of Mar,.' }.·¡e.:-....2 and Frt:.~','..~· :~.'~It.-. 2f::.C. Reco:'::::: -:--,~,,¿ for appro"al.. «(..~~tinuc~ ~r,u, -...~t'ti:lg of Octoh': :;, 1974) (a) L:~: re3ding of Ordir.=ce No. 6(·S: ":.:1 Onli.c..r.ce c! ::,L C:r:: :: Ccpcrtit.o Aiz:eI:..ding Sect 1(1:: ~ ...'.. Or~rll':ì!1te ~;c. ] t:- ;.c.=~ning 4.80 Acres from R1-1~) ',¡':~,~;,J(,t\tial. S1nll~- F,,-=,:y, 10,000 Sq. i't. Fer DwelJi",: L:ot) Z"n.· to P \?,:..:::,~~.j DeveloþaeJ:~ \:ith a Quasi- 1'".;:-1 :'.:/~!ini-Stc,tag~ tc;c ]r.!:r::¿~¿} Zone; L--.ca:é't:! 0:1 th( S\,.:...::··~'(.~~:' Ccrn...'r 0: ~a.TY A._,-:,~~ and Frf.eway Roo.;.te 220." (C''',~ ::1u"d fre," ceetir.g '" -~:cber 29, 191.\.) !loved by C-c'::. Nellis, Sec:c:l~4 b}' Coun.:, .:., ';"'00 to co,.:bine t"" ,l1sc:uasior., ~: Agend<1 iteas 4 and 5. t~tioD ~rried. 4-0 s. AppU<a: :ca 1o-U-14 of Bru<:e Edwards: Lo ¡'ernd t tc allow constr::~::o" of " mfnl-stor..ge facility ,':1 saiJ 4,£0 acres. Said p:....~r:~· is located or- tht= south....·c:·,t ~t.\rnf!r of ~.ary Avenue .,¡~..:. free....ay Route 2'SO. E.ecO~t·Il":;. ,: tor approval. (Conti,,~'t~ fro", meeting of October 29. 1914). CC-237 Pas- 3 Res. 3113 adopted i' ';. ~ ¡ ,~ l ;1 ~~ 't , . . ,.- , ~" fUJlWr:s OF 'ßE IIOVEHBEI,4;:U74 ern COUNCIL MEETII!G :,': r:}.', Jløved by Cotac:. NeUis. llearing. ' Ko~ carried, 4-0 '," Counc. Jac:kson to close the public: 4-Z-74 approved Baved by ~1r.". Meyers, I'''~~ by Counc. Jackson to approve applic:ation 4-Z-74 in ~,,,,,>=.j"nce with P~1ng ComMigsion Resolution~. 1309. Mo~1øo carried, 4-0 ~C-U-74 a~}.)Jo'I-ed. I !i)ved by S:~~:. Ucyers, ~ec~ed by COllnc. Jackson to h~ve Ord!.r.ance Jõo. 660 ="'~ ::. title od,. =4 the City rt¿rk' s read1r.g shall tI ..:cnstituttl! :'-:¿ :irgt Reã..di:::.g... i MDt:~ c~rried, 4-0 j:!oved by :.:-..::.:. H~yers, 5~::~¿ed by COl1n.~. ~~llts to ð?j)C'C....t: ¿;,;:lication ~ ~0-U-74 ,,::~ :::¿itions .>E ==erated in Pbnniag Co1".'Üssio:: ~e5"lution So. 1310 ¿,--:.:. .l~ indicate": :XI Site Pli1i1 A First R~vi5ior... Ord. 660 Fi r~ t Re,~ ~t!CÐ carri~d. 4-0 6. Plann:",:õ Cc=lssion ll-V-74 F"stjlOne4 ~ ~Ì)v. 1St.!> (3) .\;:,"icatJon 11-.-74 of Carl E. S~0rey !'OSTPONL:J :~, X·)VF.:IßER 18, 1974, per r<,qlll>5t of applicant's attorney. 7. Archi:e":~=al and Site ~val Com~ittee (8) ~F~ication HC-Sl,34S.1 of May Investmont Coopany requedting _r.=c\"31 of site. arcbitectllre, lanJscaping, grading, lighting ~¿ signlng for a .i~¡1e-f~~ily cluster develo~nt located a.:~~~<>nt to and _œrly of Finch A\'"nu(! 3ppcoxicately 150 ft, ~=:~~rly of th~ iaCersection of Calle de Barcelona and Finch !....,,~',)è. Rco:OCJf!>I!SÝ...e4 for appro,<,1. -. >. r__~·i, ~'~', '. I I ,KØU'1'ES OF THE NO1/''''''''''& 4. 1974 CITY comlCIL MEET DIG ia a temporary 8igD that ,directs " ".; pl,agning Directo,r .al:d;~~" .' J!Wdbit F shows tb.'JirOpo~~ilP,l8 .~.~ . " .)r~~'!,t~i0~9} nÍiegan'. Offic:e, said'~~,çtt~~wil1 .' 8; so they are signinl 1:bM'~"" it. ' <f-{ ".,''-''j<' ." I cc-237 Psg" .s ,J :i~ ¡j- ·:f~~ COU.,c. Meyers to approvlI' BC-Sl.34S~l' ' approved ' ."'" Kot1.on carried, 4-0 """, (~) Application BC-Sl.377,1 of Adobe Inn requesting appcoval of landscaping for a restaurant facility located on the south side of Stevens Creek Blvd, west of Blaney Avenue adjacent to ~he Custo~house Regtaurant. Rcco~ended for approval. Moved by Counc, Meyers, secondcd by Coune, JackSG'\ to approve appllcati~~ HC-5l,377.l. Motion cgrrled, 4-0 (c) Application HC-51 ,006,1 of Lotlig Romano requesting approval 0 f site, arch! tccture., l..mdscélpi....¡; and grading for a duplex located on the ca5t side of Stevens C3nY0l1 Road bet.een McClellan Road anù St, Andre"~ r~ad. Reco~~ended for approval, Mo...;.; DY Counc. Jad:;on, seecnded by COline. Nellis tc approve applicat ion HC-51 ,GO£> .1. Kotion cø.rricd, 4--0 Although ('oune. ~tc.y~=s vott:d in favor of this ;¡pi:licatjon, he vondcr(~ù .:~hout lte r.a::!onali: fur tIll" ~l<t.ff IS rec~1:."::1~ncicd chany,e of roof material fre."" tile to shake; the tilc has a tHlcr [in' c:l..ssiflcatlon. CCU:1C:. Sell!" agrceù. The I'lanl'!n;, Dir"~t('r said it \laS f(~lt the shaÍle roof was m,Jn,~ c;.)~patibl(" \,11th the arl'3. Hr. J..ou1s ROtn.'11\O said the- price is bit~i':~l.lly tbe Sê:.<:1t:" for cither tile or shake. He c-f:eced to uz<" wh.:l{t:\'cr roof matí~rial the City wants here. HC-51 ,337,1 approvcd IIC-51 ,0::5. ~ ap?fl,-."é¿ .., ,'! .,. . . KDlIITES OF THE NOVOfBD. 4. 1974 CITY COUNCIL HEETIRG r,¡' . jj'rINISHED BlJSIN~S,., "., , ~.~.. Sttit"!.epoi~i " suGd1v1si~:Ñ'ses~;;~~~t., ;.~'.__ ",.?;-',",::,::{,;;ç . ,~. ' ~1 !,'~ r. '. ".~, , '~.,D~ree~( of, "~jSt l.'8YiMd ,~hî! Novpbé" ',.' 4 .tau ,. ," n:ciø~tW¡"'¡" ", taff'srs:ec:òDiaen·"'èi .j:[..·."~.·h.êCity .' . ·èv¡i£.H'"-"1. ,,','<, " din' . ~i~"'" .íJí~d ~sider P'rèventi.1~:3ø"~;· ....... '.' 'éai"onl':;~e~t'aêc' . .,'. dr aaintensnc:e 0Í1 a basis ofúcli~it1on rather than-.n'ðiefá11 fixed lIIûDclard.'FurtbW'¡-'U¡'fIiè eity CoIØlc:1l is vUÜriì to'{pi'nic:ipate in " , "'," ' ,', ';, ",', '"",' . ~1, ,,'..... tbè Fe ltoD LID. t'o . lreaer' extent than previously ·~tted. this project could be prosr_d in the Five Year Capital rr~rove.;:.onts Program and petitions could be circqlated for an assessment distri~t in that particular year. 'urtbar, Regnart Ruad should be c:onsidered for a 1.5" overlay since this road is still rural and traffic: volunes are at a minimum. If the overlay is accepted based on a Dew ~olicy, then this section of said road would be given c~n$ideration in our Annual Overlay Progra:t , Discusslor. followed. The City Attorney viII reviev and report ?ack to the n,·,:t meeting the ~.5ibi1 ity of keeping trucks off a road when ther~ is an alt~rn~te ro~ available. Moved by Coune. !-I"ye:-s, sccci1ded by Cour.c. Jacks":1 to approve the reco=.""iation a" ¡:>r"p'" cd by tbe I'ot.,if for the :r.ai nte:1ar:.:e of substaod,ud City "tr..ets a~d tbe pot.ootidl Improve",,,r:t of $[1'e"t" within the fclt.)n Subdivision. r".j..,thcc. th\! :Jcaff wag in5cructed to nùtify reb~de;'\[s cor the Felton 5.~bd~v1slon area of a pu!>l.!.c hear'!.n~ scheduled before tr.e Planning ~i"3ioa on Novc~bcr 25 relating to thi3 newly ado¡>t~d polic:y. Mo.ien carr led , 3-0-1 Counc. )Ie 11 i" "b3tai,'"d Mayo.. S,,"~ks called a r...::e~3 at 8:47 P.M, The ",,,etfng reconvened at 9:09 P.I{, 9. Staff repo..t on the !~asibillty of an adult 5c~ool cro~6ing gU3rd at ()~ange ^venue anë !'.cClellan R.,..,d. Several quest Ions were ra!::;e-d~ Mayor Sp.'lrks asked the staff to ~hcr.k to ~L!e about Sa'1 Jose's a::,j ~unnyvalc's pot icy t'Pgarding adult c'['()s~inß guard5. It was l~ar'led t.:,.t[ the cro:"ts5ng guard at Regnart Road and Bubb Road has been the.... for ~everal ycars, and this is funded 100% by the City of CupertL~. . . ___n_" OF TIlE Xo)\"D4BER 4, 1974 C1ft COUNCIL MEETllIC CC-237 Page 7 '>\" J, ~ ~1"l1is SUUested a 6~,~ll'f'.t fr01D the City"f,,' " ' ó':, "" 'to the Board ofS ,."',' ""for a crossinl''-~:âi:'pD ,r Îion. J""î,;.3' , " ,~~1;,,_;,:-1':('¡:k ~i;3¡1,'~,] c:tt~~:~ ~:~~;;I~{~~=tr~ .' , .,'t", :' ".,fib.School. and the":' '",', ',: )1~elopment8"~~~~~ea.' f")" ,:!t,þ'~i~~~ Sparks said he had Ob~j,~~~SBing on Nov~'3rd. ,,,_;,,,,~,,~~..£'" eel why the crossing puils', êiJúípll8llt was in such poor " '" . _ .. lis. lIarbara Dowdy, LiMa Yi.sta Drive t said there vas __ equipment. but some has heeD stolen by the high sc:hnol -....It.. She uid some of tbe ;>&rents are unwilling to allow ~lr c:hildren t" act as safety patrol any longer bec:ause of the ~ abuse tò~y receive froa h1&h school students and adults. " Br. J:oon Jens"" -aid he lives 111 tbe same neighborhood. He ~~ughly C0~:C~ô with the statements of the previous spea~ers. ~ 5aid thes~ ¿'. ,ittle kids s~ing out th"re with a 11::1e ~'t.Oï sign. 1.-,:.: h3\·C ch;ln;e:i. yr..e type of traffic has c~,-;.;.~~¿. c.:.c:.c. Jackscc, :o:ed th"t J::Oót srreers in Cupertino would ::0: :-,~,,: ~ 'I.-o:1rrant j:-.: ':':. even tllough cM!¿ren are in danger crog$::"'.~ C:--ffc ~..:ee:'s. He ".:,: -":..:r~d ,,·hct~er t~ere were extenuating circ1'::-"'::t.::.~~€!! I ~~. such aF ~:~::u~ted ViL~· 0: the corssin~ ~uard for S~=e ~~~~~ , :;.~ ,..,,,cial p,..:::<.-,s due to i'rox~t)· of the hiEh school. !: so, tld.E is the ti?' .. infom"" tIoD to take to the County Boar~ of 5Iç'L.-.-iEors. ~::::t... ~~cyc:- ~ -f. i:1 f éfVO r a:' a::! adul t. crossing gU3 rd on a !;: (;~ ?J.¡:,ry basis., ':~l a stop lilht is installed, ~ Director c: ,,,,,11c I~{.rks said the ;:!orntor traffic is c~,¡~fJy ~D~g in an c~~:¿~ly dirc~tiGn aué ~ould cross Orange AVCr.~ê befc~ . :-ea:-ldng th~ ~~;".:~11. c~=:. Nel11~ ::.'::~ that A"her(:·;e:- êi child is crossing lhe 5~~':-(:,,: , tÌ£i'!" is 1"(',3.::0,':: :i..~r concern. tt..ere has to be ~;L't~!e kind cf -.:r::.'::11' ==- j'.l5tifyL~~ ,,:x~'ènJi.turE.: fo:- ã::7. arlult crossing g1.l8rd. }. :.-::.~(;: ,;:-.". the sch:,': ?' indpa¡ sta:i"it "pecHic facts ..ould be [" l~;":. !tzy~T Sparks ",.,,,,:.2 like th".:' ?ri:Kip~ls of both ~'0nt3 Vist~ E1í;~: ~1 and I.::.,-:~:1. El("rnc'nt.a~y S::h::>:ll to gl't ror.l~ti1Cr \o!ith t?-.(: C:t.:: s:rif to db;..':":-:" this problc.-:3.. Be would also l.i~~c to kno·..z ."hy :.hi=: equiplUcat :-¡: ~oJ dct('ril1ra.t.ed s:!r:ce- it prl'\'inus]y W;i5 ir. o,er:, '£-OC..:! ~hapc. '.,- said thC'rc is a:: adul t cros!;j"g p.uard 4-5 h'::''.lr5 ¿% ?icdmont J: ",",,i ~i.:1d Rerryc>ssa: Road. He 8<;;kcd tlu.' staff t.o chê'c:k ~ details \::.. t"" City oi Sa:> Jt'sc. The ""yor further st'.ted ù:.z. the 1';1'.:' '::"'01 stuJ('nts s!>ouI:! be old <'I",ugh to police :"~elvesa . . £S OF IE SOVEtIBEIl 4, J.914 CITY COUl'CIL IŒETINC , , :. ,'J:;;~'~'-~" . ....~l'oBter said they hØ'l\:'¡;"'''~ together with the DuD of IIo7S and .. '.. ~ce DepartJaenti t., '~.' . ':fIf'i ry suggestion that.... ....... ,tð"be violat1nlr. ' '.' . ",. 4'¡~.;;' .' ,,:~',j~':'" :', ",'7,<;;'!~"~'" r'·' 'Y:?~'.~; . ~'1~'rete-rsoui"'C>'" ' Ii,~}~~ tbe pri11^ ~~ñât _ the cia. , ,~d tbe7 are being}' Sij),::(:."i?">'·":, ':::¡ '" 'iNellis asked the.C: . . . . to request the school priDcipal clown 1D writing all t...."· 'J;' " If why an adult cro..tøs pard is at this particullir;¡~tion. ,':, r Sparks vcuU like to ~ if it is true that the Honu Vista Sc:hool Principal does DOC.~e the responsibility of the students ~ they Ie..".. the campus. Mr. Don Jer.~~ 3$ked the City to keep in oind that a good :any ~arents are &ow dri.~c~ their childreo to school because of the bad ~!~uation. ]Ie is very c:"::~l'""d no", especially bccau$" of the cons;:r':c~i"n in the area. ,!{zyor Spark,; .-;Cod the Ci~:t !"~ger to c,,~à "hether 0[' ",,: it is true I"t.ë.at in or¿e~ ::-r the stud.e:.t.3 'to use the sch':vl parking let: :':--·f::Y have 't.O t.avc 3 \.a.~:'¿ \~r iving 1 iC:e:lse. and insuran~e. Cou.:1C. t!~yo:?r~ ·,;:;u!.d like t.f:..1! PIA to lo\,.'1k t..:' thè :-;ervice cl~=3. etc., for z:.d i'1 rep1.:.:~:~~~:: .of ~,"()SSL~ ~c.ard eCiu~;"""~':~t. Anothe!: ~-;..,:....~:-,t.. pcrh.'1ps ~~re arc :'€=::.:": '·Lcizens 0-:-- -a-t.....er pearl.; ·,~·:h." ~·:i.'uld be ...~_~ :-:g !:o voluntl;?t~r ø:..ø .::\ct .as 1. ..::-:'~slng guard. ""1 ~ Xing pa%è ,'~s~us,,1ot1S oc: ~. 18th ed by Co::::. ~;el.tls, se~ed by Coune. ~!~ycr::; to cor..c::':~ ::--.18 :U..cuss!"" :: ~.."h':n¡'cr 18th. a:><! the dtaff is instructed t:> cl'~ck on the ariou~ s~;;<>~;"ns as listed aëove. Mo~ ic~ carried. 4-0 10. Staff roO?,,:: on the ri!gu1=ity or hours for the crossi"g ;'~ards and als~ :~~ possibilicy of ~~aporary step slgns and ~ai~Åays at Oran;;e A"~cnuc and ~ellaQ Road. nis was h~;~:ej tn th~ disCDSsiDns abov~, u~d~r Item 9. . . JlDlUTES OF nŒ NOVEMBER 4. 1974 CITY COUNCIL MEETING . , ;"tlr Ð1lc:ussion on Pil.~k; (~~ti%~tttoa '<,,/"iiiiitJn& of Oc:tobéi~u " ,,~'" ~"'" t~':~~':~~(i::i~t;¿~ ,~!~' ' ,::" ":'~~'~;"" . . '<~ ,A~... ~':/, . ......,." :"., , " ",¡, !' '<:< ,,,,,,,.[!1j¡j.:,, , ':'.J).'..,Uêc.~'.'· tor.of.."". .;..~.'.;...,..~~n refer', :1:d!~à'~~er'1at ,:..''', ~mliD&.~~""." " .:' ure - Hee I,Stâl¡dåf~': Be said '¡¿~~;røtJn~:~~~tj~" ,)~lv~ent as .uc:~ ',~le. .....e:o;...~~ R~U1s ob~e~~¡:'iil'!'development ofth.·p¡J~&·1~ quite ~.costly. SIte _cÌer~ð;&a~;Wnot we are meetinÎr'thê-: needs of <:'the ~~ _it,.. terhap.''-''''á:lllpler approach is inorcì.er, suc:h as vas done in SoIIerset Park.···:·' . k Couuc:. Ja=ksoa DOted thu sacc:ess of the bond issues and success of the parks tne.selves are 41rec:tly related to c:ommunity inv~lve- 2eDt. In the future, he would like to see more c~unity input sought. Parks an~ ~.oreatlon Co=aission Chairman Al Fisher said there is a."\ inCH;>; ,~;; "",ount of citizen input. This is healthy and the v>=iss¡,c :5 responsive to it. Coune. ~:..':::~ brC'ught up the issue that, ~t the League c! Cali [orn a I Citi~s (: ·:~:-¿n.:e in I.G,; ...;ngel~st she met a \-.'Oman fro!i1 F~esno \-111(; ! 1s ",,-or:":,;: .':'(h ti·~~f!3bt"'!":::. She: ...-ondered if there is a ne.ed for l this in:, ~ .-,-=unity. The City HanagPr s:Jid there ;:ill be" r:.~etln~ l ~,..~·:~n~)l"r 7th ...;;E:.r1 it is hoped a qucstionnaire \1111 be develor.....; ~ ,'..'\: ,,"iI1 ¿¡~k these qUCfit1ons. April 1st is the dCè1dlinl' tAunc. :;,:,,; suggest cd g:>ing through the Goals Report fC'r ide",; en kinè~ .;_ ~.1tions tr-; ask. Community Schools and Rc.::rcation hhould ~,; to¡èther to avoid duplication. The Patk_' .."ö Recreaticn 1:>1rector stated that the McClellan Ranch Park 1'1"" 0: 1972 has changed .."",ewhat folluwing the reco~..nend"t 1o.,. of the c:t ,:':15' co;rJ1littee ""d subsequent approval of the Parks and Recl"": ;"n COIIIIIIissio:o. The Cft}" ::~=ag"r questioned "'''eth"r or not "''' should T,o';e ahead at :h1s t:,-o Io'ith the architect or if '''' should walt until Cü¡;¡pl,,- tion of te" ,;urvey. It "ill be needed by February 1st. After tu:t:~~'r dlscus510rtlt it ....as moved by Coune. Nellis, see"~1ddl by eo...,c. J,1o;'son to authorize the staff to start int"rview111~_ consulL""t- :;>r the seienti!ic developm"nt and implementation or qucstio:ö~ .i;:": SurVå!Yfi of re-side:nts on parks and recreation anò othpr r{"! _,:; .,~~ ..1tl~rs. Kotio~ carried, 4-0 CC-237 Page 9 -¡ I .~ ,~ InU>ryj t,".: :,;: consul t ,'. t.., " ,lit ~;u ~'\'C Y authl.·f j z ,'1 :1?.:!JI?SJl!6:--~). '''\t.tlc cl.æ~ ef~rre¿ '':'3 ::..; ¡" . endize :6 Flags ropriat 1.7"-5 ~ , 'Þ . . HDI\ITES OF mE NOVEMBEIl 4. 1974 CITY COUNClL MEETING . ' ,," " , , ,__ ' .- '. ' ': '~ I, ',¡ , :' 't.' '.":" ,-., . ,~,~¡, :::;~c:fo;t r;{~è!a1\ iiIp~~~~~:n:f providing a:c:retadal ';:' ~:clby Counc. He ,~,JbY Co~ê. .Ja,*i.c;!,'~~~ove tbe ..~. .!I'~frec~datio '. . cretadal .,,~!~~'f~,! '.th;e 1'ub~1c: ·.".i..ty c.-tssion. :\". ",.' ""'", ¡':~l éL.~~;, ··..;f:.! f~~~riêd, 4-0 "~'[)\ . '/ i!I)f"~" ~," '_!', ,.~",~,.' "'II,,',,'.', -:::~<'ZÚ,;}, :~> .> 13. Discussion I)f appo1D~tsto LAFCO Boundary Study Coaoaittee. Ms. Joan Celio and Louisjll Otevalt were appointed to the LAFCO Boundary Study Co",,,,itte, and the' staff was instructed to notify all c:oncerned. "" 14. R~r~rr31 of claim subaitted on behalf of Charles Barrios Gonzales, 5ac :'i!sl~y Berry and Henry Lee Battle, M.Jve.c.l b~· (:'~~~.;:. }tc)'ers, seconded by Counc, Xcllts to refer the claltt1 suhrnitte";' ::~ b~h<\lf of Messrs. Conz.:llcs, lh~rry and Batt.le to the City Attorney. Mot iO:1 carried, 4-0 15. 01" .,,;,':1 cn possibility of City ~ron'or5hlp of l6 Fl"í> OVl'r C.1) :':~":-:1:a project of !i~£:stc¿\J lUSh S,'1\û01 Studc:l.ts. }~s. }tlry :~"':':' Lyon, 879 Lily Avenue, CU;'i'rt.ino, tC:Jcher, and ~5. Cha:.-:,·:~.:! :!,'!yncr, 1660 Kennewick, St:r....y\·alc, stcdC':lt, pre:-;(~T1tcd to the COU:1dl the flag shoa designed. 'rhe d"ss would ilk" to pro c"cd to make all 1" flags for the City of Cupcrt i"0 in tIme for the ¡¡icc·ntcnnlal. In the ~~~-;e:"l.ce of Counc. Frolich, Counc. ~fcYêrs accepted tr:e flags prescnt~J x1d thanked th.... Moved by (ounc. He)'ers. seconded by Com,,:, ~Iellls to autho:rize the Hay"" to 1ssu¿ an appropriate procla:nation ant! to instruct the stair L") agendi?è chi! ..atter of appropriat ions tl' bplement the City sp~n::or"hip of the 16 Ftag~ Over California Project. llotion carried, 4-0 , i" " .\. ,;«:'~. ,i/ , ., . .. KINUTES Of THE NOVEMBER 4. 1974 CITY CQl;:\CIL MEETING f, 16. Resolution No. 3773. , , ,'-:';1"" ,'Ibis.vas acted upoø~Jø. ,tbe meeting. ";"',~' ' ,:,.'>, ,",~ .,:;2~'~:~~,~\ ' ~~~;;:r' ;:.;~ ;QIIß1WICIIS " i)-),¡' i~:,...\~" . " ,<,',~: X,:fi\:;~"::".-:~~~"~ ' ~'" SecuD' '_U.n&"o",¡r..'í.~:. 110. 66l: "An Ordinance of the' "1'1',City of Cupertf~'4,""'fn* Section 1 of Ordinanc:e No.2 by lIe_iog 0.80 Acr.,frw. CG (General Commercial) to R2-4.25 (lesic1entia1. »vpla,4.250 Sq. Ft. Per D'.relUng Unit) Zone; Locatec1 on the East Side of St~ens Canyon Road Between 1Ic:C1ellan Road and St. AndrlNs Road.n - read by City Ch.!'k. Moftd by ,"uno:. Jackson, seconded by Coone. ~ellis to have Ordinan:< ::",. 66l read by tItle only. an: th" Clerk '5 reading shall ,cc':~tute the Sec:ood Reading. Motion carried, 4_r ~lovt'"¿ 1-:' ,-.~. ":.!.1,,... J3ckson. seco;1df'd by c...."....,.. :~,.d] i:-> t t, {. ¡. 'Ict Orc1fn,,-,. ':'. 661. Mction c.Jrrini. --~ 18. $(', :.'.':ldh1h of Ordin.a~ce :~0. ~~-:.: 1'.\:\ (ìr..!i:"" ..... c': t1w Ci:- .. C~¡""l'rtj¡¡'1 .\!'.:Ie-:.¿inr; :;(·~~ti..""'. ", l~rJh:[;'(";:' ::r.. 2 by R('~ .~S Acre frC!'1 Ej-:!.2 O~~'~', .'. 11, :O!t11t.:~:..:. 2,200 S~.... :,,,.,. Dvelling tr.it) Zl'!H' t. ;,'-:...25 (R(',:ití"!1tial, D:I;,lc., ",~,: ;;. ft. Pcr INell:i:le Ur.it) :.""..: L¡catcd &1t th..· SO\lth- ve~~ (.....:-7"1(..r of the Ic:er~(I'ct fen o~ :\ ¡>!;-,(' Driví' &i.!1J f..:ot:dJJ IIh¿," - r..ad by the Cft)' ClHk. Moved è:' - '..::1C. Meyers" secor:ècd hy C-:":'':'. J:l.,Kson tc :I:-i\'(' Ordfn""" "'. 662 rt'ad by tItle only .1'" tL,' CI,'rl,'~ ",ading shall cc':-:itute the Seccnd Rcad¡n~. HDtlon ca~ri~~, ~-o Moved by C('\.:.~c. Meyers, seconded hy COI.I:1.. :~l'llls t(1 ('uact Ordlna~:¿ '0, 662. Hation ~arrl~d. ~-J : CC-237 Page 11 ad. £,61 cnacted Ord, 662 cnact('J 1 " ~ "~ft;i~I' :",,,,,,~ .': '~;,~,t~\~~\ "',>'·:"·:\:~;~:~1. "¡;t;;:::;~~;:, ',<, "Ì!¥j " :",~1\:';,~ ';" . ~ ""!', - - œ-237 Pace 12 MINUTES ~~ ,HE NOVEKBEI 4, 1974 CITY C';L~CIL MEETING ,~;,,- 1!J. First I2ad~ of Ordf- Bo. 663: "An Ordinaace~..,'ÇJIe City of Cupertino Alaenllill& Sections S.3(a), 6.2(a) _1~~(â) of Ordiunc:e Bo~ 6SZ~1 to Procedures ia·~. "- of ."-i1ag the~n... Mending the Zonina:~,., AaeDdiag the Of.(i~"-f... !lap, Procedures i~,\ ' of Cooc!itiaaalUse Peài1t. .... Varianc:es." - reàll' 'i', 9' Clerk. , "',: " ',', ~,~~:~"--",:¢,,':' Jfoved by Counc:. Jack_.'. c .dell by Counc. HeUis~~~~...i1~liu.nC:Q 1Co. 663 reacl by title 0BI7. alii! the Clerk's Nadia¡ shal:$..CÍØdStitute the F1.-s~ Rudinl. ~ ",:;!,~ ~':'.. . ',:¡'ÜJ ·"~w,·;<.·'~ ;"'" /;;'~<' .,::;;~ ',':¡t~i~~~~, ,'~~r . d. 663'{j~:1f~, irst Rea"' )', ",:~',' '--": ~ Hotioa carried. 4-0 RESOLUT¡',:S 20. No. :'03: "A Reso:"Jtlcn of the City Council of the City of Ct!:,<;: " ~ Allo\.¡ing C:~=t.a.i:1 Cla:r.1So ..ì.::d D~=:.~md~ Pay;¡bIe in the ~\:'h _ :_::1 from tr..¿ rr..=.'¿s as Hí"re-:'~,;JI::t~r o..'~erlbed for Salaries 1;·...:. ..'3 !,','r thf:?: ?.::.-r.,~: Pcr.i.(·ù ~>,J.i:':g O..:tabcr 15. 1971e." \':.::-:- ..: ·~___.:.~14 i:;:,:'-,~:--. :'::'':>52 ....:r"-:, ~1 ~~'~:ll of $29,(1)2.31. .\\:.'.~ . '1:".. J. _.. ~:')'''l'd '-. dOF::C,j :,,·:!sa1t: : ...,,:. X..~11i." -=€..::::-.:t;l1 ~J:; C":...:. ,:.:,...·,~~"11 to a¿.:>?t :, 376), ¿··:~·!:s : :;0£5 : ..,,-. J~lcksc:-., :~~:J!;::-s, ~;el1 is, :'L\:;,,~r Sp.\rks ':.: AJ'?St·:~~~r : Frolic:, :--:C:':'=!1 c.arrli'J, ~-O 21. No. ~-'~":: IIA Rescl'.J,::io~ of the Ci::. Counc~l of the Cit.y of Ca::-- : .':<'" Allowing ':¡:;:'ta::1 Clair.~s ~\~lJ D·,':-,a¡~¡f<i Pay.a.blp. i:1 the ¡\:!X"'. ,~:~d from t:-.e ;u::¿S as U··r.....:;:~ii:.;i..r D':'scrihed foe s~ü:::- _.~ ,1a.:1 \~3SCS fer ~:-.t= !"ayr... ~ ~·,..'ri.,).i E:1ding Oc:tc~'e:r 29,1974." '''ar-:':'_:.j ~;.!.!3S3 th:-.Jugh 12611 Wit:l a tot~d. of $31,508..98.. 'tes. 3769 ,¡dop t cd ~Io"ed c', :.,,,:~. Jackscn, .e,:c-:-,ded by C,'~".:. ~,'llis to ado¡>t Resolut~,c: :;~. )769. AYES: ....'...:~c. Jackson. Meyers. Sl.!ll is, ~ay,'r Sparks NOES : :h'~" ABSENT: c:uac. Frolicb ~.:>tion c.arrit'J, :'-0 . . aulhES OF -;..: ..- JC·."E~ER 4, 1914 ern COUNCIL 'Œ::rING ","')10. 3761: ~ Resolution of#oeCi',y Council of the City af ,}{'f' Cupertì'O<' ~llovin¡; Certata:<t.- . .. and Ðeoo:.ads Pay..~le t.n tile ;t· ~~":.AiIounu £1 frora die F~'.<"'inafter Described 'or 'General _ !l.iscen"ne_.~~~''':ítuns for the Seven Day ,,) Period fM=~ Oc to. ¡'er 11. ;1914'~. ;¡,.Varrants f4.5Z3 th...:~h 4645,.ìtIa, a total of $282,3l3.ll. , .'~ see: J I' . t.y Counc. ~Y"rs to adopt ,'.aES: Co,,::~. :.1eksoo. Meyers,. .11is, Ha~": Sparks r\C':,,! C"..~:. ::'011 eh JaES: &aSENI : Hot ion carr led, 4-0 23. 1\0. 3ïc. .. K.'ooolution of ~ City C,'c"', ",: of the City of Cupcrt:·: ._~:,..in¡; Certai" CJains and 1",.",<; Payable 111 the Amount~ '-: 0":-_" l}¡fI. Fun¿s .øSo 11ereinrf::<:' >~:riÞC"cl fer G~~·::!? éL"'\d :·1::_.. __- :._:~. E:-~pe;Hii:.,=re-; fC't' tlw :-~'.,':'. IJ.?y Period E:;,-d.:.r...;.: Octo!).:': _: ...." \:arrii:-;::: ;.:_: ::~ro\lr.h 473; '..-:':.:'1 a toL' $53,00-'.20. .!1·.r.'ed by r. j..~~,:lut.iC:l . _ ~ i:~ I !;éCC::'.':~:: ,-.- -: Counc. : ,_ .: :-:1 to ~(k pt: , .. .1:.:1:.5: J.;~':'5 : ('- , .~~:1, ~cye:s. ~l]1is. v ~ :-,,'r~ s " .!35ESr : C' ~ id1 ttotior. cz:-:i",;!. 4-,0 24. No. 37l'-: Cupert' At!'KH!I:~ Gencr~~ Per It~~~ ~'-_ Wan",,:, _~ ht·f;olut ion ,=,i th~ City (' ~.. 'il~g Certai::. C!ains nnd t',_ ,:~·.l the Fu:-¡-is 2S Eerejn.:ut- ,...~t·ll¡lneous !.r~d i t urt.'s :. ,·,..·l';.1!WT 1. ;:;';4. It -_~ througia ~j'~~...-ith a l~)L< "1 0; the City d ".~~ 1);lVß~l~ in !~~ ~.... ~..~ribl·J !.Jr .:: : !:c ~~("!t'n Da.~: -: $j:'9.30'..{-O. !lolled by L, ~osluti"r. ' . l~':-SlJn, sccQO;':-ed bj' Count'. : : I i~ to adept AYES : C, , JIO£S : ~ .. ßS£:>'T : C, :i..:t;.~,\)I\, HeYt:!"s. ]¡ell is. ~!..:'''' ,': ';r·1rks :;~"'l Ü-h H,.t ior. = rried. 4-0 CC-237 Page 13 .... 3761 adopted 1:(.:;. )7t, ~! ..h'F ~ ('.J. R.'". 37(,: ad('pt t'lI CC-237 Page 14 8. 3770 dopted I: r , I I' I " " .. ~ , ..". ,.. ." .i ~5 :¡:..: ·d ~. 3656.17 ~,'ptf:d '. . . MINUTES OF TIW NOVEKBEIl 4, 1974 Cl1'ï COUNCIL MEETING 25. No. 3170: "A ~lution or the City Counc:il of the City of Cupertino AlloviJlcCartain CJ ai1llS an.! DemIlT\Qa Payable in the '->unts and fro. ~,i'undø liS lIereinafter Described for General and K1øceU.a-us :~ttures for the ,Seven DII)' Perioù Endi,,¡ Koveaber l,1974."~ '., J ..", . Warrants "'791 throv&h.S447 with a total of $125,924.98. ". Koved by Counc. Meyers, seconded by Counc.Jac:kaOß to adopt Resolution No. 3770. AYES: NOES: ABSE!.'T : Counc. Ja.cltsoa, Meyers. Nellis. Mayor Sparks None Counc. Frolicb ~Iotion carri.od. 4-0 26, :;0. 3774: "A Re,>oh:tIcn of tht! City CouncIl of the CIty of C..;rert Ino Authoríz i:1g Execut il~:1 of Agrecrr.ent Bet\.icPo the City of C\lp~rtin() and t~.c "::upertino l:nicn School District of Santa C);¡ra C",'cnty for Acquisition of Sit.·~ for P.:td(s <:1nd SchooL;." C~tlilC. J'1"::~S1Jn que.'5t i.:."ed \.öhêtÌl~'r F."':.ri.a S("h-;:Jl ~hou1 d he (-'lh~ of t~c 1f'\:;1irr...ls'~1I het"c. :t ",.."as d~cl.h-:\: .\:..·ticle \111 shoJld b~ re·:if:,.'.:.'tl by I' ',~ Cty .\ttorney =d possibly a~_,-,.jcd. ':l\'t J t,y Cl.~ut'\c. ~lE:¡li~ ~e<:cnd~d h)' Counc. .J.,~kson to :'hl'Jpt !~ ',-;,'lllt i on ~o. 37ì!. :3.;; ó!~e:1ded ° ~·bt ion car r 1..:-d, 4-0 27.:;" 3ó56.l7: "... r.e~olutIon of the City Council of the Cily of Cupt~rllH"; Appr'-:-·o'ing Contraf.~t Ch.1I\ßC Ordcr ~¡J. i !J(; ;\n..;.1 Ca::lrU', Off-Slr~t'!t Pa:.-id,:;.g .1ud Tra\.itc Fdcilitics ASsc5s!":l.:nl Di~lrict." ~ft,)v~J. bjO (June. Jac'j.,;,son. second(!J hy Counco ~,tC}'crs to adr)pt Reso1utio" ~o. 3&5&.17. MotIon carri.d. 4-0 CONSENT CAr.~:NDAR 28. RCSl',lution No. 37ìl: itA Ri.~~;,,)llition "f the City CO!Jncll of the City of Cupertino :..cce¡»tlng CL":mt of Eascrnent Îor goad~~ay Purpose$, froí:J ~I. & T.. Ino:.. a Ncvad.î Ct..~rpOr<1lioa Consisttn¡; of Apµn)xl- mat\'ly 0.084 Acre~, Locateù nn E;Jst Siùp of Saratog;¡-Suonj'valc Road S~ulh of Silverd.do Avenu,--," , . f, ~ " " f v ~.:.-~ .. ., MI!iL'TES OF TilE NOVÐmER 4, 1974 CITY COUNCIL ~1E1:."TING 29. Resolution !Co. 3772: itA Resolution of the City COW1cil of the City of CUpertino Ac:c:elting Quitcla1œ Deed and Authoriza- tion for UnderarOlllld lIater I111ìûts f rOIl M. . T.. Inc:. , a Nevada Corporation; East Side of Sarat"sa-Sunnyvale Rosd South of Silverado AvWaae.- 30. Acceptanc:e of City project perforn~d under c:ontract: De Anz~ College Tenn18 Court Ughting - Contractor, Pel.n Electric. 31. Proclamation that the week of ~ovcmber 11 through 17,1974, be "Youth Apprec:iation \leek". Kov~d by Counc. ¡¡eUis. seC'onded by Coune. Ml'>,ers to adopt the Con~ent Calendar. Motion carried, ~-O Rf,,·l~.; f!!l':! C·~ë:.::~ R[l'f:[5¡';~TAn\'ES 3~. ~:. :_':" ~rar~~.',,: Inr~r-City COUII!:ll .. \-TiJl mei~t ~~1V. 7th in C ",,~{J! l.~.J;r.u~ "f C:ll i:",-"noia Cil ic' ..RC'c....n:. (,:~~~:·t'(;:·ncc \0.'111 i< ¡~'it:(¡:~dj ;.t B I'.H. at :',,:<ì..s and R("'f' ~~ ;":1 Ü ì,;(':-,,:l..'C R!'om .3l ~~Ç\!\.: t:J;1 ~'1li~:. L: ':.. Bcglnnii1t: ¡,t 7 P.~I.. t¡~l'("'" \..-:11 Lc' ir::cr- vl(·,,':' (.f ¡¡...., ì(:;¡:1t~ !nr \,¿c.'!)(,,:ï ll:J Parts .'nd t':c..°rcat l"!\ C()nnd:-,:-o i (:"t. Fl o~'d C(Jntrt\ t AJ\!; 50ry Corr.;,i l t f.t,~ - :~.} rcp\)rl )3. C':'UI':('. rrûl rcL: He w~s not r~i·~;(:~t at ll)i~ ~f·ct1ng. 3~. C('tU:lc. Jac~·,sc.:1: Asso~lat ion ('f iidY An'êi Gr,\-(>rl1n£nt~ ..Collne. Jac.k;~pn ~~nù Pldf'¡J1¡:':,~ Ce;;;i!d$sjÙi) Chairman O'Kc'('fe wert:! al lhe Octoiwr 30th Cl~l1~ral l\S~;d~1h1y C'lcctil.g,. Counc. Jacksvn chan&"d th" rount! table d,h.cussioll". i:rb.1n Dev. & OpPl1 Space Subcør.-..~itt(:c of pre ..lIas not I!1t!Í' floc SCJr.1e lime. CC-l37 Page 15 Consent Caler.dar adopted ",: f . . . MINun:s OF THE KOVEM8EIl 4. 1974 GITY COC/,CIL KEETl!IG Airport Land Use Sub~ittee ..No lIICeeings. lIater Coma1ssion ..This sbould be put bsc:k CID the agenda. Unless "oaethlng hapPeats. there will be a substantial vater ~rcaae In the future. ~', (1: 35. Collnc. Meyers: Planning Polic:y eo-Ittee ..The minutes of the meet[ag reflec:t what took pla~e at this meeting. ..There is the 1uestfon of 'Jh~ther the house numbering plan is really vorth It. ..The r,,"ccor.h:ndatic<:'i cf t~e Solid Waste Subcor.~lttee ~cre ~~~~?~e¿. ..... i :-port T.:":lJ Use. C..:-..- ~~ ,,!;:;~ . .Tht;> '.'dri.1n'..:e cri~..;=- ;.: :.,r ?/--:._,,;-:':ill·Jiè~-l a i rp0t"t ',,"~re adu~!..t:d. 36. C,'IttIC. ¡;elll~: :-~;:vir~m:-:c..,Lal Re·lir.·-.,: f:>::-:-:-':-=':~&? ..:\ lot in Old :tJn~,'! .:~_;~¡ '..-,:.:; [L,,::..::t·..ed. ~~..1ny l..Jts in that ,.1rcl:-:: :1':"1: ;.c~t the min i;lU:l requ irB!'T.:.t;:1t. ..i'he Sign Cot:l.r.titt1!~ is =.c::~l:l.g. at least twice a ~ont!l ~1:~~~ ~~ys~ ~~d ~r~ no~ g~ttin3 do~n to sprc:~iC$. Coune. :t'~Yènj ob~er·.¡('d in the- !j':tol.:t~r 2,~th N¡nlltc~'Jt t'·:::- ;',r :l:t'lctural and Sitt; Apprev.Jl CCcc.:"ttce t:I.lt en p:1ge 15, the !'n': ~:-,¿ :la..:~ 'c·tt~rs on a white sign sailed r:'g:lt through, hut on pag~ ~. ~:-:-:: :-ed l,.:;ttcrs. on white!:õ1d con~id~r~hle discu<;'3iún and tilt! recl 'Wa:s c;-.a;:;·,·d [') r,_·--;t. Mr. frank ~!ull(crn h"-,d brOt.:ght up the ilh:0n~isten::::.- i:: ~~e ~3~(;!..::L,':~~ of th~ Cut.:mittee. It t..:as not(::d that both \...ere "char,;c of c.c.çy" ty~>~ sign~i. REPOID'S FROH OFF lCERS 37. Chy Staf f A. The City Hanager rp~inded the Counr.il of the S:;vL-nhcr 7th tour ot thc tr:1!1$it. co-ntrol c~ntt~r. It was d.'!Li¿~~ th¿a neon ~as the best ti~c for the t0ur. ";;~,:~,,:;,':' ,,~!;;.;1;' ~i:ilçk: ~ ~i.;. ¥>J '~'.^. , ,,~.." (;~"!i~'~,J: '" ~,... ,;~:!'!~: '~'f$f, /U:;un:s 0;: 1'JJ!~ r:¡)\'I.':¡,rJ\ 4, 197't Cllï COu~;C1l. m;!:rIr'jf; CC-23i 1'- ^ ,. "':;"" .1 " .1<; B. The Clty H<ÞIa"r.révif.:"~d the l'IIblic Safety c:osts., ;~:i,:~:':~ :i;, ':1t:~ ,y \'~,~:~:, ;~,:" '~,)~ " ," ;~~,i~;'¡~~ ',~'- C. .,Ttic Þ!5~~9,~¡~ii . '.,. and Reercl\tion called ~ttentio¿ t'ø . tw..h~£~..;t..,...ti./.'.'!.".U.t~.....5¡nP~~:ø~· o~h:~:i.~I1.L~.p~t::lS. I iè,íiéìl!ir~"i. F!I··('1J~. should b,~ held iri'alarg"r ~ . \"'. '\rIf.#'¡"'i.~~ . ,,'..., .·~.tJ!causo of concp.~.!of.. pr~rvatfo.p of. t~&i~;~~.;fi:';;' 'ø~ the pro l(Orty..' ' ."" D. The Ch~r~C)f, CtJÅb ~ rco 1o:as schN:ulcd to sharc: the Sealor Citizell.~·:'~ter,iît:h the II ~I' :><:"001 Key CJub. Nov. 9tb. t. The Parks .r.nd iteë:1"I!:rticn C~'J:1ml<;~jor. ~;{ll h~vc ß wcrk&hcp on t:ov/!..,I>c-r 2(¡lb Cor th~ P'U;'>",,(' of G('~l inr, .'ith sl'ird,- In& cosero. fa The- C5l}' !¡,::~~,.;:"'t:-:' z.n":'~';~í.'¡(f:r; t::I.!";. \:lll t." n èj¡'~:ì'~~l" j¡,)I'(,riI; Vc>t'n ChI' i ~.l ::-''1 o:~ l;'~ \", ;,1'('T íl Sì . 1:~:~;~<.:. :'1, ~r,; ('I' :,~":-:_"",_ ',t)!~ r. ,....., ':"1' ~.'¡"·i:',;~ 3:;. C,' L(~'¡" ;\ì/~;:o.'''; --:..;(:' t~ - '0..::-1' \.: .h,l.t. 39. .' 'i\'~' ":' t·" :.!.-: l,1':: C,_:,.:.;_, j.,.. ... C:'U'1C.. J:"'~.+~.-;' p,~~ '.- ~~_'-: .) rt""~'_',: cf Ih~ ~. f¡,)lií.';.lO:':I: Or,- i1:: '-;...".. i-:"::-', in,' i:.. C"un.:. :-f"'"'.Y;'-r~; r:~1:1 !;;,Ç ~:: t;!:~;1'. ,;~·",~..I :;;_!",:n~ ~.:;.'"': ~~\.:;.::. Ht:" \·"ul~ 1 i¿.,,· t ~ $i·{- t i.: ;:. ¡·:~~'t"~;~ -c·., :"l 1-:..':. The l¡lann;'~. ¡;;,-r~ct~'f' ~·i11 l'1it !'~,;.' r.:;~·Lri.·1 t~:::et;v~-,· :"\:1 1.115 Sl~i~'.L~ n; ;, . 1·.U.JC:·!:"~~'~r.:\1' ' }.k'\'('.:-t by C!..tUitC. °Nel11~:'J S:!'~C()fe'l..-1 L) C....·.1.!~.:. .1:;c~.!;r.n lu :~d.i~}':."r1~ '~h¡;; ~l'r~L.jR~~ at 11:ZO,'J',:H,~ t" 7 r-..n.. C'ìrll:1IH·~.>Y, ;\r)\'c;.h;;:r l/~, 19i'l... Kt.titr- c,.:trJ'lNi, ), (: APPROVED: A'ITEST: ,., Reed Sparks Mayor, City of Cupertino '9' '·Im. E. City Clerk Ryder'