August 8th, 1973HC-88
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Thrif t
1. Application HC-51,284.1 of �d-Art, Inc. (Fireside Thrift) requesting
approval of a sign plan for a commercial building located on the
north side of Stevens Creek Boulevard west of Blaney Avenue.
Continued from H-Control meeting of. July 18, 1973.
Staff report: Mr. Cowan noted this application had been continued from the
previous meeting with the committee suggesting the use of one sign instead
of the two requested.
The applicant felt however that one sign would not be adequate and had
returned with a sign plan revised to fit in the panels on the sides of
the building as had been suggested as an alternative by the committee.
Slides were shown of the building and existing sign. Mr. Cowan reported
the proposed signs are technically correct.
Mr. James McLey, 1715 64th Street, Emoryville, said the two signs were
necessary and used a slide taken by the staff to substantiate his claim
that the existing sign, because of the tree, could not be seen from most
lines of vision. He said the two signs being asked for are of a lesser
size than the one existing sign. One sign does not identify the building.
Mr. McLey pointed out the signs would be cut down to fit panels as had
been suggested.
Chairman McLaren ascertained the sun screening would remain when the
existing sign was removed.
Member Koenitzer said the location on side of building as proposed was •
satisfactory. He referred to the d::scussion of previous meeting about
reversing colors to put red letters on a white background.
Mr. Robert Ramsey, 2957 May Road, Richmond, representing both Fireside
Thrift and Ad -Art Sign Company, said the location had been resurveyed
and it was felt the suggestion of narrowing the signs to fit in panels
had been a good one. He said Fireside Thrift would prefer keeping the
red background if possible. Mr. Ramsey pointed out that one objection
to flat sign in existing location was the possibility of it being a
traffic hazard because of turning lanes by people attempting to locate
building. The signs would be recessed between uprights.
Member Koenitzer said he felt the sign should be below the bottom of
canopy to break horizontal line. Mr. Ramsey agreed.
Member.Sallan said she was concerned about brightness of red and
would like to see colors reversed. She also questioned size of fy
signs and said it might be in order to consider more of a scaling ii
down, and in event the colors were not reversed, scaling down would.
be even more important.. Mr. Ramsey said the preference would be to
keep the red background, pointing out adjacent signs which were red
and yellow. 'He said if it were 'necessary to reverse colors to gain.
approval of application this would be considered.
Member Dressler said he favored reversal of colors also, and
suggested perhaps the background could be the color of the building
rather than white. Mr. Ramsey pointed out the sign colors would
have a lower -key feel after being exposed to the elements for a
time. He further explained sign detail and their reasons for these
particular signs.
Member Weinstein reiterated his. preference for one sign. He said
the sign could be moved ,to other end of canopy so it would not be
behind the tree. He told Mr, Ramsey his arguments that.the sign
flat on the front might be a traffic hazard could apply to signs
being requested or any type of sign.
- Mr. Ramsey said they could not entertain flat sign across the front �+
of the building. He explained in order for Fireside Thrift to
Obtain lease of building, part of the lease was that there would be
proper identification. He pointed,to other signs of close proximity
and said he did not feel Fireside Thrift should be jeopordized or
penalized by having identification withheld. He explained the
nature of theirbusiness, and said it was imperative that traffic
from both directions be able to locate their office.
Chairman McLaren said because of location of building and the. width
of Stevens Creek Boulevard, she did.not:,think it would hurt to have
a sign on both sides of the building -She pointed out that appli
cant was cooperating in reversing colors and changing the location
on building y
j Chairman McLaren announced this was a Public Hearing and open to �
comments from the audience. There we're none.
li Member Dressler moved, seconded by Member Koenitzer, to close
Public Hearings
Motion carried, 5-0
Member. Weinstein said -he was not convinced that one sign could` not.,�3
identify building.
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approved w/
Member Sallan said she thoughtnew signs should be more aesthetically
pleasing than Chat was being replaced, and she did not feel this was
true of this application.
Member Dressler suggested perhaps the building was now up fqr lease
because one sign had not been eno nc-1, identification.
Member Weinstein repeated his feeling that signs should identify, not
The size of the signs was briefly discussed. Member Koenitzer noted
that if the sign were much smaller, it would be lost because of other
signs at adjacent buildings.
Member Koenitzer moved to recommend approval of HC-51,284.1 to the City
Council with the standard H-Control conditions, Exhibit F lst Revision
and following additional conditions:
(1) That the top of the sign v ould be at least four concrete
blocks from top of building.
(2) That the red and white colors on signs be reversed so back-
ground was white and letters were red.
Seconded by Member Dressler.
AYES: Members Dressler, Koenitzer, and Chairman McLaren
NOES: Members Sallan and Weinstein
Motion carried, 3-2
The applicant was informed this would be heard by the City Council on
August 20, 1973.
The applicant spoke briefly to aesthetics of sign size, graphics and
techniques for balance.
HC-51,299.2. 2• Application HC-51,299.2 or S.H.A.R.E., Inc. requesting approval
Bumbleberry of a sign plan for the Bumbleb-erry Pie Shop located at the north
Pie Shop side of Stevens Creek Boulevard, west of Saich Way.
Staff report: Mr. Cowan reported that the City Council had denied request
for change to purple shade of tile and applicant had agreed to place brick
material on front of building beneath window. .
Slides were shown of site, building and drawings of building and sign.
Mr' Cowan said the application was for two roof mounted signs
totaling 96 square feet.; allowable is 124 square feet. Sign
cabinet would be rimmed with light bulbs and illuminated. The
colors would be those used in all Bumbleberry estab.lisliments but
the sign.backgroun.d would be a natural wood. treatment compatible
to wood fascia of. building.
Member Koenitzer asked if the cabinet and sign had been on original
application. He expressed a preference for the clean mansard roof
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Mr. Cowan pointed out the professional buildings and.Bumbleberry i
are separate operations, but technically speaking, are on the same
! He reported that staff
lot so will only be allowed one ground signs; p
j is attempting to have all facets of an application presented at, the, r
same time, but this was not done to date
Member. Sallan.pointed out that possible sign revisions might be for
less than 3% of total square feet allowed now and in this case, the
96 square feet might be maximum rather than "well within limits".
A future meeting for further work on sign revision to be held after .'
General Plan'was finalized was briefly discussed. t
9 _ s
Member Weinstein asked how the square footage of these signs com-
pared with tlie.Marie Callendar signs. Mr. Gowan said he had no
idea. Member Weinstein said he thought'Bumbleberry should be of �
the same percentage of square footage.
Chairman McLaren said she did not think sign logos had to be
She pointed
changed, or compared with other restaurant signs.
out that the.signs were already "Less thanallowed>
Ms. Sophia ostoya, architect for Bumbleberry and designer of sign,
gave a very g presentation of her.credent al& and her think
in in regard to signs. She said signs are important for business
a advertising and important for environment. Signs should be a part
ofthe architecture. She pointed out these signs are of the same
slope and same stain as the building fascia°
ya if she as an architect felt the
Member Weinstein asked Ms. Ostof
j sign blended into building itself. Ms. Ostoya explained her choice ix
of colors .forsign and wall stains.
Member Weinstein asked why it was necessary to have the second .sign '°
Ms. Ostoya said there was the second entry and the sign created`
e the building is very plain. She felt
atmosphere for entry sinc
both signs would be an attractive asset to the building.
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Member Weinstein then asked if the sign could be scaled down proportionally
in all respects. Ms. Ostoya said she thought the two signs should be equal
and the sign above entry had to be that size to fit in with the door size.
She said if background of drawing were dark as it will be, the sign would
not stand out so. The sign is only 4'x 1.0'. Member Dressler ascertained
that front of building was 90--9W in length with an additional •10'-15'
In answer to Member Dressler's next question, Ms. Ostoya said the small
gold lights around the cabinet did not blink.
Member Koenitzer said he would prefer to see signs on side of building
because he liked the clean line of the roof. He said he would like to
see smaller signs which lie felt would be more in keeping with the build-
ing and with the image that is desired for. the area. He said he could
not accept light bulbs around the signs since the signs are illuminated.
Member Sallan said her concerns were the same as Member Koenitzer's.
Ms. Ostoya then told the story of the tiny lights representing the tiny
people from Bumbleberry Valley.
,'Chairman McLaren pointed out that with programs at beAnza, people would
''i be looking for some place to go afterwards and she did not feel it would
be detrimental to have a sign on that side.
,Mr. Frank Sterba, Pettibone Sign Company, said the 4' x 10' was the
;;absolute perimeter of signs. Sign area was considerably less and because
,,of the number of letters and the style of the letters, if it were any
smaller it would be unreadable from any distance.
!Member Koenitzer pointed out Stevens Creek Boulevard slopes down and with
;'.parked cars at Key Chevrolet, building cannot be seen until almost at the
iicorner of Stelling Road.
`Member Weinstein asked if there was any rule that said there could not be
1:'a monument sign in front and none on the building. Mr. Cowan explained
the ordinance regarding one free standing sign. Member Koenitzer pointed
out there would have to be an agreement between Bumbleberry and professional
building owners.
Mr. Sterba noted letters on sign ranged in size from 11" on caps to 9"
on lower case.
Chairman McLaren noted this was a Public Hearing and asked for comments
from the audience. There were none.
Member Koenitzer moved, seconded by Member Sallan, to close Public Hearings.
Motion carried, 5-0
Member Weinstein said the sign on°°the westerly elevation would not
be seen and therefore was not needed. A. low monument type sign in
front would solve everyone's problem, Mrs Cowan reiterated that
owner of property would.. have to make a choice between the office
complex.and Bumbleberry'in that event.
Member Weinstein noted the committee had been: led to believe by
both the architect and sign maker that the size of the signs was
optimum. Member Dressler said he did not feel the committee shouldll
try to manage someone's business for them and should not compare
to others. This was the applicant's wishes, they should be listened?
to and a decision madee
Member Dressler moved to make a recommendation for approval to
City Council of Application HC-51,299.2,, EXhibits F, F-1,: F-2,
subject to standard H-Control conditions, feeling that the sign
as planned matches the aesthetics -of the buildings Seconded by
Chairman McLaren.
Member said the appearance of the sign is attractive. She
was concerned over size and the number of signs. Any sign can be
reduced in proportion.
Member Weinstein said he would like to hear alternatives in terms
of reducing size of signs. He suggested continuing application if
this was possible o �
Chairman McLaren ascertained that the opening is planned for °some-
time in Augusta 1
Member Dressler repeated his feelings that the owner had a right
to his own desires and the committee should'attempt to satisfy his
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needs as well as theirs
After more discussion, Member Dressler amended the motion to include Amendment
thatsizeof signs were to be reduced to 3/4 of existing size, 1
Seconded by Member Sa.11ann
Vote on Amendment:
AYES: Members Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan, Weinstein and Chairman
NOES: None , passed, 5-0
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approved w/
Bob's Big
Vote on Motion:
AYES: Members Dressler, Sallan, Weinstein and Chairman McLaren
NOES: Member Kornit-zer
Motion carried, 4-1
Member Koenitzer noted his negative vote was due to his objection of the
lights around the sign.
Chairman McLaren informed the appli(-al.Lt this would ,)e heard by the City
Council on August 20, 1973.
Since it was then 9:00 p.m.., a reces was talren with the meeting being
reconvened at 9:10 p.m.
3. Application HC-51,296.2 of B:)b's Big Boy Family Restaurant
represented by Robert E. Eakin requesting approval of a sign
plan for a restaurant -facility located at the southwest corner
of Alves Drive and Saratoga-S'uinyvale Road.
Staff report: Slides were shown. :,Ir. Cowan recalled the landscaping,
lighting and signing was continued in February of this year so that design
criteria could be established for the northwest quadrant of Saratoga -Sunny-
vale Road and Stevens Creek Boulevard.
Slides of the proposed sign were exhibited as well as architectural ren-
dering showing proposed illuminated sign on side of building.
The proposed location of sign was pointed out on site plan and noted
that the sign should be moved to thy: southern edge of the driveway rather
than the north so sign would not hamper visibility of traffic turning out
of parking lot.
The sign is 14' in height with the sign, itself being 6' x 9'. It is
within the ordinance with regard to square footage. Mr. Cowan pointed
out however that guidelines, for the S,�ich property, of which this appli-
cation is a part, was for low profile monument type signing.
Member Koenitzer questioned original_ approval. Chairman McLaren read from
the minutes of January 17, 1973 thE, motion that was made and passed. She
also read guidelines suggested for signs in this quadrant.
Mr. Robert Eakin, 22270 Kendall Street, Cupertino, pointed out it was
stained glass above door with 2" square beige ceramic tile on right side
of door. The wall sign would be one cam saying S}1AKE, STEAKS AND PANCAKES,
done in scroll type white lettering, against the beige background.
Mr. Eakin said they felt the low profile sign would not be adequate
identity for what was needed.on sign face.. Would not be observed
above car level on busy street such as Highway 9.
In answer to Chairman McLaren, Mx. Eakin: said the illuminated.
brightness Mould be the same as on other Bob's Big Boy re9taurantso
Member Weinstein said he had two main objections. He obtected to
sign on face of building and felt it was unnecessary. He also felt
a lour prof:ilesign could give concept of the restaurant. He.
suggested sign could be down 2-1/2'-approximately by eliminating
all the words other than Bob's Big Boy, He suggested changing.
black finish on post to redwood to blend with buildings
Member Dressler said he felt strongly that postsign was too big
and asked Mr. Eakin if he had any alternatives.
Mr. Eakin said several designs had been considered before choosing
this one. The parent company of Bob's Big Boy Restaurants of
America felt very. strongly about what was on signing, He could not
make concession for removing word: without.first clearing with. them.
,One reason for the 14' height including planter box was to get
above level where it would experience vandalism.
Member Sa:l.lan noted application had been hassled all the ways She
pointed out the considerable amount of time spent on signing guide
lines' as this was first in design complex. This application does
not bear any those guidelines. She noted she was not
happy with sign presented,
Mr. Eakin noted ,they bad tried -to follow guidelines, but the guide-
lines had not been very specific.
Member Koenitzer`expressed his opinion that the sign was too much.
He felt the words Bob's Big Boy would be enough. He would like to
see something of monument idea not over 6'. He pointed out the J
committee's desire to recluse number and size of signs so there was Y
not this -visual impact.
Chairman McLaren asked to hear the committee's wishes regarding a
Mr Eakin saki he was confused Where rere other4 4 41 4 4-
signs Ln V k- y
which were larger, one proposed tonight that was bigger.,He p o'�-
out this sign was within the ordinance.'
Chairman McLaren ex-plained there was an intensive stu.dv Loin -a- n+o
?age 9
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Mr. Eakin commented they had been continued on.,almost every point. They were
under construction and still could not present a landscaping plan. He said
they had retained the same architect as city so it would be coordinated. If
application were denied tonight_, he felt it should be taken to Council.
Chairman McLaren noted this was a I'ubl.ic Hearing and opened the meeting to
comments from the audience. There were none.
Member Koenitzer moved, seconded by Sallan, to close Public Hearings.
Llotion carried, 5-0
HC-51,296.2 j Member Sallan recommended denial of A plication HC--51,296.2 to City Council.
denied Member Weinstein seconded the motica.
AYES Members Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan and Weinstein
NOES: Chairman LlcLaren
Motion carried, 4-1
Staff member Cowan asked for more cle.tail of denial for City Council's
consideration. It was noted sign v,a:, too large, should be scaled down
and have only the words Bob's Big Foy instead of proposed wording. The
sign on the front of the building ho-ld be eliminated.
Chairman McLar_en informed the appli:_,ant this would be heard before the
City Council on August 20, 1973.
Mr. Cowan advised the applicant to submit a letter to City Clerk saying
he had concerns regarding this deciaion.
IIC-51,075.3(l 4. Application IIC-51.,075.36 of Westfield Company requesting approval
Westfield of site, architecture, land ,-capiag and gr ailing for a two-story
Company I industrial./office building located at the southwest corner of
Pruneridge Avenue and Tantau Avenue.
Slides were shown of the site and proposed building. Mr. Cowan said the
site plan had been gone into thorot_,,hly. The setback on Tantau Avenue
is 28' and 25' on Pruneridge. He poiat.ed out the short stalls on site.
Member Koenitzer noted in some cases inter -miring short stalls with regular
stalls had not been successful_; perhaps should be separated. Mr. Cowan
said the Planning Commission felt there was enough parking on site without
the short stalls so they would not I)e any problem. He also pointed out
parking is designed so that bumperL;will overhang curb.
Slides were shown of adjacent building to the south and existing
landscaping, Mr. Cowan commented on existing landscaping which
has a flat area then mound with street trees planted at point of
transition. This application will be different in that mound
begins at curbs
Chairman McLaren asked if provision had been made for future
widening of streets; Mr. Cowan said no,"Pruneridge was at maximum.
Mr. Cowan noted grading and undergroundir_g have been reviewed and
there were no problems. sighting would be submitted at later dates
Mr. Terry Rose, 21311 Milford Drive, Cupertino, and Mr. Tom Masters;
1671 The Alameda, San .rose, signed in.
Member Koenitzer asked how far move roof line the mechanical shed
would project and was told it would project about
With regard to the trash enclosure, this was a 7' masonry enclosure'
with wood trellis; over top and two gates. Member Koenitzer said he}
vyould like to sae something on �a1l-area other than plain concrete
block. Mr. Thomas said there was not much landscaping in this
area because of heavy traffic, r
With regard to landscaping, Member Sallan suggested a tree of the.
same type as on westerly side could be inserted on, the easterly n'
elevation close to the building. Mr. Thomas said these were
Mayten trees and agreed to increase numbers
Member Sallan also suggested something taller than the ivy proposedF
in area behind trash enclosure, something of the pittosporum variety
The trash enclosure could be textured the same as the, building
Member Sallan suggested increasing redwoods on westerly boundary
of property using same spacing as to the south runt -in down to
L g fy
It was noted that cash has been submitted to ensure planting of
street trees.
The choice of Tulip gees and the possibility of- leaves being
dropped on parking lot was discussed, Member Koenitzer suggested
a Magnolia grandiflorao
Chairman McLaren noted this was'. Public Hearing and opened the
meeting to . comm.ents "fro? .the audience, There- were none.
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Rage 12
approved w/
De Anza Oaks
Member Sallan recor».m.ended approval of ItC-51,075..36 to City Council with the
standard II -Control conditions, Exhibits A, B, B-1, C and D and the following
additional conditions:
Architecture: (1) Trash enclos,tr�_i to be finished in the same manner
to be compatib:ie with buiiiding in color and design.
Landscaping: (1) At easterly elevation of bui-[ding, add two Mayten
trees similar ,in size to the westerly elevation.
(2) On the western perimeter of property add Sequoia
trees in similar proportion to ISS building to the
(3) Pittosporum Lype foliage to be planted as additional
screen around trash enclosure to the south.
Seconded by Member Koenitzer. .
AYES: Members Dressler, Kocnitzer, Sallan, Weinstein and Chairman MCT aren
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
The applicant was informed this would be heard by City Council on August 20,
5. Application IIC-51.,2.41.5 of Dc, Anza Oaks requesting modification
of site, architecture, landscaping and grading relative to the
recreation facility for the De Anza bales development located
.1600 feet t,rest of foothill r:.:pi.essway on Permanente Road.
Staff report: Slides of the original and the new site plans were shown. Thle
scope of the application is the formal recreation area. The pool is planned
for the ravine with stairs going up ,-o pool level and to recreation building.
Slides were shot.rn of the site.
Chairman McLaren questioned flow of :,rater from winter rains. Mr. Cowan said
the water flow had been engineered.
Mr. Cowan said the applicant would speak to which trees would be kept.
Mr. Cowan reported the Engi:ieering Department was concerned about erosion
control on cut. The cut was exhibi+_ed by slides. Some sort of barrier
should be put on 12' cut at comLmuni.ty recreation area.
Member Weinstein asked if it was proposed to have users walk from
parking area to recreation area. He noted everyone would have to
pass the pool. It was ascertained mere is a 38' rise from cul-de-
sac to community center.
A ramp system for handicapped persons was discussed.
Chairman McLaren questioned Planning Commission should see this ap-
plication first because of the drastic changes, Mr. Cowan said
the Engineering Department said there were no substantial grading
changes from original application.
Member Ko.enitzer said he felt it was a drastic change when it went
from 6' to 12' cut in grading. He asked. to see the original plans
He axpressed his preference for minimum cute
Mr. Robert McBain, 2054 E1 Camino, Santa Clara, pointed out that
the vertical cut gets a �slumpstone retaining.wallo Amount of cut
is.over-excavated and dirt would be replaced. Amount of wall ex --
posed to view would be substantially less than shown on slide.
Planting had been.approved on area above retaining wall.
In answer to Member Weinstein, Mr. McBain said the season for the
` change was.the swimming pool had been enlarged and to retain the
large Oak tree. He said the buildings would be built on natural
terrain. Cuts would be only for pool. A deck would' be built
around Oak tree.
View from residents in back was discussed; as well as water pipe
for drainage down to creek area. Mr. McBain also explained how
pool area would be screened from other areas.
Mr. McBain said thehighest cut would be 8' at one point. Footing;
is 3' that holds retaining wall, then dirt filled in.
Member Koenitzer -noted base of Oak tree was 10' below level of
deck and questioned how many branches would have to be removed..
Mr. McBain did not know how many branches would have to be removed.
Mr. Cowan suggested applicant speak also to some other trees located
in the canyon.
Mr. Arthur Anderson, 405 N. Central, Campbell, said the important
trees were on left side of divide and they would fit buildings
around- these trees. There isa. heavy wooded area of canyon behind
buildings which was shown or, slide°
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Page 14
Member Weinstein ascertained the only way to get to recreation center was
by the pool.. Mr. MCBai.n explained the control point was the gate at the
bottom of the rise.
Tn answer to Member We:i_n�; Mr. P:cBai.n expla-ined this is a toinihouse type
of: developme.iit with 211. units. M:: bc'r. Weinstein said lie could not support a
situation tahere everyone hid to U-1) past pool to get to recreation area. Mr.
McBain sugg. st cd the possibility of putting :in a trail. around recreation
Member Weinstein also questioned ttutni>er. of steps having to be climbed.
Mr. McBain said this was explained to prospects and 3/4 of the ur_its had
been sold. Buyers are u-sually yot,.ng couples or couples whose children
are groom.
Member Weinstein suggested a ramp or trail for older or handicapped people.
Mr. :fcBain said there would be no object to this. A discussion then ensued
on where the trail would have to to accomodate the 38' rise in gradi
also how traffic could be gotten :,w<iy from the pool.
It was agreed the architecture wa.,, acceptable.
With regard to landscap:ix, , llembe;- Szllan noted the perimeters will have
little impact on comimuni.ty. She :>up,-,gested any walls on exterior should
be covered uith landscaping.
Chairman McLaren noted Algerian ivy was excellent for slopes.
Member Weinstein said ho :,rasn't r from plans about structures over
some walls, but he thought: it woui.d be desirable. to put some landscaping
to cover as best as po5:�ible.
Mr. Cowa 1 reminded the commit' ee about the Engineering Department's
concern about erosion control. 1.J'. McBain told the committee there
v,ould be an erosion control. plan. a
Member Sallan referred to protective barrier. Mr. McBain pointed out
there was a level space bahind r(-:-aini_ng wall of approximately 2-1/2.
Mr. Cowan noted there are some 8' drops and this should be checked with
City Attorney as to liability.
Member Koenitzer cuestio-acd extensive amount of grading. Mr. McBain
said the same amount_ of grading vould be necessary no matter where the
pool was placed.
A discussion was held regarding landscaping in front of .retaining walls.
Chairman McLaren noted this was a Public Hearing and opened the meeting
to comments from the audience. j'iiere were none.
Member.Sallan moved to close Public Hearings, seconded, by.Member
Motion carried, 5-0
Member Weinstein moved to recommend to the City Council approval of
Application EC-51,241.5, subjectto standard H-Control conditions,
- Exhibits A, A1, B,, B-1, B-2, - B-77,3,9 B-4 , 9 C, C-1, C-41, C-3 and D and
including the following additions and stipulations,
(1) Regarding land cuts, that there be imposed on these the
necessary landscaping and/or erosion control and safety
'conditions for any of the cuts associated with the project.
(2" That there be a set of specifications prepared by architect
delineating those existing trees to be saved and how this
will'be ,accomplished .
(3) Access be provided to the recreation structure that diverts
pedestrian traffic from pool area; i,e, an incline ramp or
trail that would also serve for handicapped people or -senior
citizens for access to the recreation area.
Seconded by Member Sallan.
AYES:' Members Dressler, Koenitzer, Sallan, Weinstein and Chairman
NOES: None
Motion carried, 5-0
Chairman McLaren notified the applicant this would be heard before
the City Council on August 20, 1973. 1
Member Dressler left the meeting at 11:05 p.m.
It was agreed to hear item 8 on agenda next as applicant had been
waiting for quite some time.-
8. Application BC-51,309.1 of Mackay Homes (Damico Property)'
requesting a tree replacement for the Ridgecrest Dvelopmentc
westerly of McClellan Road approxa.-ti
located adjacent to and
mately 250 feet westerly of the intersection of Byrne Avenue.
Chairman McLaren sai-
-1d 'because of her involvement she would abstain t,
from discussion of this application
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approved w/
Page 16 1 •
Staff report: fir. Cowan noted tl-A-s application was for approval to replace
a native specimen tree which could not: be saved because of root damage due
to grading., The builders had thovc;ht to be able to retain this tree. He
said thF-,y have agreed to deposit $1,000 with the City. The location of
the r.eplaceuo-�nt Lree should !Do d:I.scazs>cd at Lhi5 time. iir. Cowan said
there vras a Fig tr_!e on "I:e propErty which shoe-0-d be discussed to insure
steps ere taken to prese.rve. it.
Slides of site <'t-r.e sho,,n.
Member Koenitzer ;aid this applic it•ion pointed up the need for more
detailed grading plans.
Mr. Leonard Net` iia n, Mickay Homes, Palo Alto, notod this was really too
.large a tree to ba on a patio and t`:ley should have realized this. He
agreed final grading plans should b;2 available sooner, but this might
prove to be a nets(_,'Jess e::pense to developer in ca:ae application was
denied. He pointed out the number cif trees saved and additional trees
Mr. Parker Smith, 6801 Dublia h.l-,,I. Dublin, said they were proposing
as a replacement, a speciM_-In Holly Oak. Location would be near main
entrance to project.
Member Sallan ascertained there were 28 street trees along McClellan
Road and shrub plantings on outsi,la of wall. Mr. Smith said there
were some indentations in fence t,Iie.-e anproximatoly 10 Magnolia trees
were to be placed.
Member Weinstein (puestioned the similarity between Holly Oak and Live
Oak trees and discussed an alternate. He ascertained that by a specimen
tree, Mr. Smith referred to a 12' minimum boxed tree.
Member Sallan auustioned what the biggest tree was that could be gotten
in boxe3 and told it was probably lb' . The Pepper tree being replaced
was 30'. She ask�id if there was any input from staff as to type of tree
and 1,r . Cowan said this would be. _Left to this committee.
Member Sallan said this should not have happened and should not happen
in the future. Elie replace�,ient should be the _largest tree that could
be gotten.
In answer to Member Weinstein, Mr. Smith said the Fig tree would be
boxed and drained.
Member Koenitzer moved approval of: !fC-51,309.1 with standard H-Control
conditions to replace specimen tree t;ith at Least a 12' high Ilolly Oak
to be installed at south side of ma:i_z± entrance to the project. Seconded
by Member Weinstein.
Page 17
AYES, Members Koenitzer, Sallan and Weinstein
NOES. None
ABSTAIN tChairman McLaren
ABSENT. Member Dressler
Motion carried,
6. Sandy's of Lodi Inc. (Red Barn) requesting change of copy
of an existing sign located at the northwest corner of
Stevens Cre 'ek Boulevard and Saich Way.
Staff report: Slides -were shown of existing pole sign and
locatio'h, The sign had been for Burger Chef and would now
be Red Earn, 'Both the same type of business establishments.
Ms. Kramer said the -jign 'would be a white background with red
letters. Future modification-- were a possibility.
In looking at the slide;,,,, Chairman McLaren noted the Storage
containers which were to be hidden behind brick,partition were
still sitting in front.
Mr. Cowan said he had talked to City Attorney regarding change of
copy on pole signs and under present ordinance, these signs are
sacrosant; there is no abatement period. He did not believe an
effort to attach conditions to change of copy request would be
After further discussion, Member Sallan moved to continue this,
application. Seconded by Member
Motion carried 4-0
7. Golden. 'West Sign .Company (Lambert's Photo) requesting
change of copy of an existing sign located at 10325
Saratoga -Sunnyvale Road.,
It Tda8 staff's recommendation that 'this application be continued.
The sign is a pole sign advertising U-Save Liquors The low er
section on ;that pole should not be has sbe -on there and no permit.
shown e.
found for it so -needs further researching. Slides werof
the sign Linder discussion.
The committee.unanimou.sly agreed to continue this applic ation.
page 18
i Member Sallan �,a id she i;as still Ser.tirF; calls f.roa Barbara Rogers about
holes in par lit; lut Plaza. i• s. Kramer caid since resurfacing
was done, it is private poerty ad City 1s o :_1ctica until
the City is cont.acted. :Further will be cicne anti committee given
a written report.
Chairman YcLaren asked to :Iavc phot,,s taken at 76 Service Station at
Bubb Road and :_eClel.lan. She noted tite bit, ,' trcc. are d"_, gincr` , there are
trUCICS and 5taCi'-S Of L11:C'_S in back ird visual evidence of %:ajor overhaul
L•Iorl- bf:ing done. S ;e I:o*-u: aiSo SO:' barrier should be Crectnd as Cars
are knocking over trees. SI.e reque.;tcd a shot be taken fro::,, Bubb Road.
Chairl;an 'McLa ren also pointcd out an <? :ea needing :;ai.ntenance by State
Highway Depar trucnt_ .
Member 1•1einstein Lisked ,•hozl change or sign Ordinance could be considered.
IIv vas given a brief: rundct.-n oil taha,: li'id been done t•:ith a first draft
}iaV1n;- bE'eIl SubIlll.ttEd. 1L ?•:c nUtEiL tllerF? SiloUl_dU`C' 'S0I1iG' clarification
of intensity incl.Llded in study. i;'r Sallan suggested further meetings
when General Plan is completed r.elai..L to standard conditions.
Member Koeni.tzer referred to newspaper racks. Mr. Cowan said the
staff �,as makin— a study. .ost0+ fic:e and newspaper representatives
here t0 meet :i'i 1 zI i? CO-.'dLCee reg<i dlii- a sol-ution. Me_l:bE'_r Koenitzer
said his main objection t;as putting the racks on public sidewalks.
NEW L"" SI;`IESS : None
Member Sallan Iaoved, seconded by .ie:.ber Koenitzer, to adjourn to the
nett regular m«�eting on August 2.2, 1973 at 7:30 p.m. The meeting
adjourned at 11:48 p.m.
Motion carried, 4-0
s/ Juanita Mc Laren
/s/ Goa. E. Ryder _
City Clerk �T